ixpechrgcorr -- Appy the charging correction for IXPE event files


ixpechrgcorr infile outfile initmapfile [parameter = < value >]


'ixpechrgcorr' apply the charging correction to the PHA values of IXPE event files. The charging effect is due to the fact that, when the GPD is irradiated, part of the charge from the avalanche in the GEM can be temporarily deposited onto specific regions of the dielectric substrate, which in turns tend to modify the configuration of the electric field in the holes, potentially causing measurable changes in the gain.

The rate-dependent gain variations due to the charging have been extensively characterized and calibrated and 'ixpechrgcorr' minimizes these effects. A key input of the 'ixpechrgcorr' is the initial charging map file in each spatial bin which describes the charge status of the detector at the beginning of the observation.

For more details on the charging effect see Baldini et al. (2022), Astroparticle Physics, Volume 133.


infile [file name]
Name of the input FITS Event File.

outfile [file name]
Name of the output FITS Event File.

(paramsfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the charging parameters calibration file. If set to CALDB (default), use the file in the Calibration Database.

initmapfile [file name]
Name of the initial charging map file.

(outmapfile=NONE) [file name]
Name of the optional output charging map file. Set to NONE (default) for none.

(timebinsize=30.0) [real]
Size of temporal bin (seconds).

(phamin=0.0) [real]
Minimum PHA for the flux cube.

(phamax=30000.0) [real]
Maximum PHA for the flux cube.

(phacol=PHA_T) [string]
Name of the input PHA column.

(poscol=ABS) [string]
Base name of the input position columns.

(clobber=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, overwrite the output file.


  1. Apply the charging correction to the input event file 'ixpe00000000_det1_evt1_v01.fits'. The results are written in the output event file 'ixpe00000000_det1_evt1_v01_out.fits'. The initial charging map file is 'ixpe00000000_det1_init_chrgmap.fits'.

     > ixpechrgcorr infile=ixpe00000000_det1_evt1_v01.fits outfile=ixpe00000000_det1_evt1_v01_out.fits




February 2022