ixpeexpmap -- Creates an exposure map in J2000 tangent-plane coordinates from the aspect solution data in the Level 1 housekeeping data.
USAGE infile gti outfile [graypix] [teldef] [badpix] [pntmap] [pntname] [clobber]
ixpeexpmap selects the J2000 tangent-plane positions of the pointing direction from a Level 1 Attitude file (infile) for all the valid rows within Good Time Intervals read from a GTI file (gti) to create a pointing map (pntmap; default=false, if pntmap=true then the pointing map will be placed in an output file given by the parameter pntname).
The pointing map contains standard sky tangent-plane X, Y coordinates with the value at each coordinate given by the exposure time in seconds. ixpeexpmap then calculates a valid pixel map to be convolved with the pointing map to create the final exposure map. The valid pixel map flags bad pixels and "gray" pixels (if graypix=true) from a bad pixel map (badpix). ixpeexpmap then convolves these two maps to build the final exposure map (outfile) using the appropriate rotations, offsets, and pixel-to-sky scalings (as given in the file teldef) necessary to convert raw pixels to sky coordinates. Exposure maps for multiple detectors can be co-added as differences in orientation and offset due to relative telescope pointing have already been accounted for.
- infile* (str)
- Input FITS Attitude file.
- gti* (str)
- Good Time Interval FITS file .
- outfile* (str)
- Output exposure map file name.
- exc_graypix
- Exclude gray pixels from exposure? (default: no)
- teldef
- Path to the teldef CALDB file (default: -)
- badpix
- Path to the badpix CALDB file (default: -)
- pntmap
- Output a skymap of the detector centers? (default: no)
- pntname
- Output exposure map file name (default: -)
- clobber
- Overwrite existing output file? (default: no)
- use_corr
- Use TXYDZ_CORR column for detector pointing centers? (default: no)
Feb 2022