MKPHLIST (March 2009) ftools.mkphlist MKPHLIST (March 2009) NAME mkphlist -- photon list generator for xissim USAGE [spec_mode=0:QDP, image_mode=0:FITS, limit_mode=0:NPHOTON] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode qdp_spec_file image_mode fits_image_file time_mode limit_mode nphoton outfile [spec_mode=0:QDP, image_mode=0:FITS, limit_mode=1:EXPOSURE] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode qdp_spec_file image_mode fits_image_file time_mode limit_mode exposure outfile [spec_mode=0:QDP, image_mode=1:POINT, limit_mode=0:NPHOTON] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode qdp_spec_file image_mode ra dec time_mode limit_mode nphoton outfile [spec_mode=0:QDP, image_mode=1:POINT, limit_mode=1:EXPOSURE] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode qdp_spec_file image_mode ra dec time_mode limit_mode exposure outfile [spec_mode=0:QDP, image_mode=2:UNIFORM, limit_mode=0:NPHOTON] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode qdp_spec_file image_mode ra dec sky_r_min sky_r_max time_mode limit_mode nphoton outfile [spec_mode=0:QDP, image_mode=2:UNIFORM, limit_mode=1:EXPOSURE] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode qdp_spec_file image_mode ra dec sky_r_min sky_r_max time_mode limit_mode exposure outfile [spec_mode=1:MONOCHROME, image_mode=0:FITS, limit_mode=0:NPHOTON] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode energy image_mode fits_image_file time_mode limit_mode nphoton outfile [spec_mode=1:MONOCHROME, image_mode=0:FITS, limit_mode=1:EXPOSURE] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode energy image_mode fits_image_file time_mode limit_mode exposure outfile [spec_mode=1:MONOCHROME, image_mode=1:POINT, limit_mode=0:NPHOTON] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode energy image_mode ra dec time_mode limit_mode nphoton outfile [spec_mode=1:MONOCHROME, image_mode=1:POINT, limit_mode=1:EXPOSURE] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode energy image_mode ra dec time_mode limit_mode exposure outfile [spec_mode=1:MONOCHROME, image_mode=2:UNIFORM, limit_mode=0:NPHOTON] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode energy image_mode ra dec sky_r_min sky_r_max time_mode limit_mode nphoton outfile [spec_mode=1:MONOCHROME, image_mode=2:UNIFORM, limit_mode=1:EXPOSURE] mkphlist photon_flux flux_emin flux_emax spec_mode energy image_mode ra dec sky_r_min sky_r_max time_mode limit_mode exposure outfile DESCRIPTION This task generates a photon-list in FITS format that can be used as an input for an instrument simulator, such as 'xissim'. Users can specify a flux of the source, a spectrum (or a monochromatic energy), and a sky image (or location of a point source). The output photon list has the following 4 columns in the table extension: PHOTON_TIME (Suzaku Time in unit of second), PHOTON_ENERGY (keV), RA (degree), and DEC (degree). Number of total photons generated is determined either by explicitly specifying the number of photons or by setting a flux and exposure time. Only one spectrum is assumed for a given sky image. Hence if you want a photon list from multiple sources with different spectra (like a non-thermal point source embedded in an extended thermal emission), you should run this program separately for each sky and spectral distribution, and then add all the several photon lists into one. Users are suggested NOT to change any hidden parameters, unless they fully understand their meanings and consequences. PARAMETERS (rand_seed = 7 ) [integer] The random number seed. (rand_skip = 0 ) [integer] The random number skip number. (simulation_mode = 0 ) [integer] Simulation mode. 0=>discard, 1=>weight. (teldef = none) [file name] The name of the teldef file. (leapfile = none) [file name] Location of leap-seconds file. photon_flux [real] The photon flux (NOT energy flux) of the source in units of photons/s/cm2. If 'image_mode' is 0 (FITS-IMAGE), the photon flux integrated over the whole image should be given. If it is 2 (UNIFORM-SKY), the photon flux from an annulus region with radii defined by 'sky_r_min' and 'sky_r_max' should be given. flux_emin [real] The minimum of the energy range where 'photon_flux' is integrated. Neglected if 'spec_mode' = 1 (MONOCHROME). flux_emax [real] The maximum of the energy range where 'photon_flux' is integrated. Neglected if 'spec_mode' = 1 (MONOCHROME). (geometrical_area = 1152.41 ) [real] The geometrical area of the telescope opening aperture in cm2. This value is used to calculate the number of photons put into the simulator per unit time. This value must be consistent with the down stream instrument simulator, xissim and xrssim, defined by the maxangle (mm) and minradius (mm), as geometrical_area = 100 * pi * (maxangle**2 - minradius**2). (scale_factor = 1.0 ) [real] The fudge scale factor to correct 'photon_flux'. (start_time = 0 ) [real] The initial photon arrival time in the output photon list (in astetime, whose origin is the beginning of year 2000). spec_mode [integer] Method to define the photon spectrum and energy range (0:QDP-SPEC, 1:MONOCHROME). If '0', a QDP format photon spectral file (which can be created in XSPEC with 'iplot model' command) is used to define the model spectrum and energy range of the output photon list. Normalization in the QDP file is ignored (flux should be specified by 'photon_flux'). If '1', all photons are assumed to have a monochromatic energy. image_mode [integer] Method to define the sky image (0:FITS-IMAGE, 1:POINT-LIKE, 2:UNIFORM-SKY). If '0', a standard FITS image is used as the image template. If '1', a point-like source is assumed. If '2', a uniform sky is assumed. time_mode [integer] The way to assign the photon arrival time (0:CONSTANT, 1:POISSON). If '0', photons are generated with a constant time interval. If '1', the time is randomized assuming Poisson statistics. limit_mode [integer] How to set the total number of photons generated (0:NPHOTON, 1:EXPOSURE). If '0', users can specify the number explicitly. If '1', the exposure time can be specified. In the latter case, the total number of photons is determined by the photon flux. qdp_spec_file [file name] The name of the input QDP file for a model spectrum. Required when 'spec_mode' = 0 (QDP-SPEC). energy [real] The photon energy when 'spec_mode' = 1 (MONOCHROME). ra [real] Right Ascension (deg) of the point source when 'image_mode' = 1 (POINT-LIKE) and of the annulus center when 'image_mode' = 2 (UNIFORM-SKY). This opion is not requred when 'image_mode' = 0 (FITS-IMAGE). dec [real] Declination (deg) of the point source when 'image_mode' = 1 (POINT-LIKE) and of the annulus center when 'image_mode' = 2 (UNIFORM-SKY). This opion is not requred when 'image_mode' = 0 (FITS-IMAGE). sky_r_min [real] Mininum radius (arcmin), required when 'image_mode' = 2 (UNIFORM-SKY). sky_r_max [real] Maxinum radius (arcmin), required when 'image_mode' = 2 (UNIFORM-SKY). fits_image_file [file name] The name of the input FITS image file. Required when 'image_mode' = 0 (FITS-IMAGE). The FITS image file should have standard WCS keywords. nphoton [integer] Number of the total photons to be generated. Required when 'limit_mode' = 0 (NPHOTON). exposure [real] Total exposure time (sec). Required when 'limit_mode' = 1 (EXPOSURE). outfile [file name] Name of the output photon list (FITS). (clobber = yes ) [boolean] If true and there is a file with the same name as the output, the existing file will be overwritten. OUTPUT FORMAT OF A PHOTON LIST EXTNAME='PHOTON_LIST' TNAME TTYPE TUNIT 1: PHOTON_TIME 1D s : arrival time of the incident photon 2: PHOTON_ENERGY 1E keV : energy (keV) of the incident photon 3: RA 1E deg : right ascension of the incident photon 4: DEC 1E deg : declination of the incident photon EXAMPLES 1. Generate a photon-list file 'crab.photons' for 20 sec exposure assuming a point source at RA=83.5 and DEC=22.0, with the flux 3.325 photons/s/cm2 in 2-10 keV and spectrum and energy range taken from a QDP spectral file 'crab.qdp'. The photon arrival time follows the Poisson distribution. % mkphlist photon flux in photons/s/cm2 [3.325] Emin (keV) for photon flux [2.0] Emax (keV) for photon flux [10.0] SPEC-MODE 0:QDP-SPEC, 1:MONOCHROME [0] qdp spectral file [crab.qdp] IMAGE-MODE 0:FITS-IMAGE, 1:POINT-LIKE, 2:UNIFORM-SKY [1] R.A. (deg) for point source [83.5] DEC (deg) for point source [22.0] TIME-MODE 0:CONSTANT, 1:POISSON [1] LIMIT-MODE 0:NPHOTON, 1:EXPOSURE [1] exposure time in sec [20] output photon FITS file [crab.photons] SEE ALSO xissim AUTHOR This program was developed primarily in the ASTRO-E ANL environment by Yoshitaka Ishisaki and Yoshihiro Ueda. Questions and comments should be submitted at LAST MODIFIED March 2009