nicaldbver - Report NICER Calibration Database (CALDB) version




The nicaldbver task simply reports the NICER Calibration Database (CALDB) version.

A prerequisite to running this software is to have a running version of NICER's CALDB installed and properly set up.

The output of the task is of the form,
where YYYYMMDD is the NICER calibration release date. This is printed to the console if chatter=1 or greater.

If the NICER calibration index file is not found, or an unknown version of the index file is encountered, the reported CALDB version is "INDEF".

In addition, the parameter 'caldbver' is set to the reported CALDB version, which can be used by downstream tasks.


(mission = "NICER") [string]
The name of the mission for which the Caldb Configuration file is to be searched. This should remain "NICER".
(instrument = "xti") [string]
The name of the instrument for which the Caldb Configuration file is to be searched. This should remain "xti".
(caldbver = "INDEF") [string]
Upon return, this parameter contains the reported CALDB version number, or "INDEF" if no version was located.
(chatter = 1) [integer, 0 - 5]
Amount of verbosity of the task. For chatter=0, no output is printed. For chatter=1, the version is reported. For chatter=5, debugging output is printed.

(history = YES) [boolean]
If history = YES, then a set of HISTORY keywords will be written to the header of the specified HDU in the output file to record the value of all the task parameters that were used to produce the output file.


1. Report NICER CALDB version.
