rsladrgti - Calculate ADR GTI and construct ADR GTI file


rsladrgti infile outfile


The rsladrgti task calculates the time intervals for a particular XRISM observing sequence, over which the Resolve ADR is recycling or settling following a recycle. These are derived from housekeeping data stored in the file and extension specified by the 'infile' and 'coolext' parameters, respectively. The recycling intervals, and their inverse constructed using the gtiinvert task, are stored in separate extensions of an output file specified by the 'outfile' parameter - the former in the ADRON extension and the latter in the ADROFF extension. The ADROFF intervals are used to define clean Resolve events, the ADRON extension to define the ADR trend event file.

The ADR recycling intervals are identified from the values of the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller setting stored in the column specified by the 'pidselcol' parameter in 'infile'. These intervals are extended to account for post-recycling settling based on fluctuations stored in the column or columns specified by the 'fluctcol' parameter read from the 'infile' extension specified by the 'tempext' parameter. The recycling interval is closed once all specified fluctuations fall below the individually defined threshold or thresholds defined by the 'fluctthr' parameter. The 'adrgtimin' may be set to impose a minimum ADRON interval. Its default value is set based on estimates of the duration for the gain drift to settle down.


infile [filename]
Input Resolve HK file.

outfile = rsladr.gti [filename]
Output Resolve ADR GTI file.

(tempext = HK_SXS_TEMP) [string]
Input file temperatures extension name.

(coolext = HK_SXS_COOLERS) [string]
Input file coolers extension name.

(pidselcol = ADRC_CAMC_PID_SENSOR_SEL) [string]
Input file PID sensor selection column used to calculate fluctuations.

(fluctcol = ADRC_CT_MON_FLUC) [string]
Input file temperature fluctuation column or columns. May be a single value or comma-delimited list.

(fluctthr = 1.1) [string]
Fluctuation threshold or thresholds [microKrms]. May be a single value or comma-delimited list with the same number of elements as fluctcol.

leapsecfile [string]
Input leap second file (or CALDB, REFDATA).

(adrmode = HELIUM) [string HELIUM|CRYOFREE]
ADRMODE of instrument during observation (HELIUM or CRYOFREE).

(adrgtimin = 4300.0) [double]
Minimum length of output ADRON interval [s]. If the fluctuation-based interval is less than 'adrgtimin' it will be extended accordingly. For 'adrgtimin' less than or equal to 0, no minimum is imposed.

(margingti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for gtiinvert. If 'margingti=yes', the earliest and latest times in the output GTI are specified by the parameters 'tstart' and 'tstop' respectively.

(tstart = DEFAULT) [string]
Parameter for gtiinvert. Value to use for the keyword TSTART [s]. If set to DEFAULT, the value is taken from the first TIME column value in the relevant 'infile' extension. Ignore if 'margingti=no'.

(tstop = DEFAULT) [string]
Parameter for gtiinvert. Value to use for the keyword TSTOP [s]. If set to DEFAULT, the value is taken from the last TIME column value in the relevant 'infile' extension. Ignore if 'margingti=no'.

(dt = 0) [double]
Parameter for gtiinvert. Delta time [s] added to all GTI start times and subtracted from all GTI stop times in the output GTI.

(buffer = -1) [integer -1|0|N]
Rows to buffer (-1=auto, 0=none, N>0=number of rows).

(clobber = no) [boolean yes|no]
Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes.

(chatter = 1) [integer 0|1|2|3]
Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output, or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.

(logfile = !DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|NONE|file name]
Log file name. If set to DEFAULT, uses the name of the task and, if preceded by "!", overwrites the file if it exists. If set to NONE, no log file is created.

(debug = no) [boolean yes|no]
Diagnostic output is printed to the screen if set to yes.

(history = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Records task parameters in HISTORY.


  1. Calculate the ADR GTI for the Resolve HK file rslin.hk1, and store the values in rsladr.gti. The recycling interval is extended until the value of the temperature fluctuations in the ADRC_CT_MON_FLUC column of the HK_SXS_TEMP extension of rslin.hk1 drops below 1.1 microKrms.
  2.  rsladrgti rslin.hk1 rsladr.gti
  1. Calculate the ADR GTI for the Resolve HK file rslin.hk1, and store the values in rsladr.gti. The recycling interval is extended until the value of the temperature fluctuations in the ADRC_CT_MON_FLUC column of the HK_SXS_TEMP extension of rslin.hk1 drops below 1.1 microKrms, and that of the temperature fluctuations in the ADRC_CT_CTL_FLUC columng of the HK_SXS_TEMP extension of rslin.hk1 drops below 2.5 microKrms.
  2.  rsladrgti rslin.hk1 rsladr.gti fluctcol= ADRC_CT_MON_FLUC,ADRC_CT_CTL_FLUC fluctthr=1.1,2.5




February 16, 2024