rslctsfluct - Calculate CTS Control and Monitor thermometer temperature fluctuations


rslctsfluct infile outfile


The rslctsfluct task calculates the temperature read-out fluctuations of the calorimeter thermal sink (CTS) ADR control and monitor thermometers from a Resolve housekeeping input file, and populates columns in a Resolve housekeeping output file with the results.

There are four CTS thermometers, with two operating - one as the control, and one as the monitor thermometer, at any one time. These are identified for each row according to the the values in the four temperature columns (these are set to -1 for the redundant thermometers) specified by the 'st1ctl1col', 'st1ctl2col', 'st1ctl3col', 'st1ctl4col' parameters; and, by the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller setting stored in the column specified by the 'pidselcol' parameter. Rows where the PID control is not operating are identified by the value of the column specified by the 'pidselcol' parameter. For these rows, both control and monitor fluctuation columns are set to the value specified by the 'nullnoctrl' parameter.

The fluctuations are calculated for each row by calculating the standard deviation of the control and monitor temperatures described above over a sliding window of nominal size specified by the 'winsize' parameter. If all values in the window are identical, the fluctuations columns are set to the value specified by the 'nullstatic' parameter. The window is centered on the time of each row stored in the column specified by the 'timecol' parameter. At the beginning and end of the file, the fluctuation calculation proceeds over a window reduced in size accordingly, provided it is larger than the value given by the product of 'winsize' and 'filfacmin'. Otherwise, both control and monitor fluctuations columns are set to the value specified by the 'nullfilfac' parameter.


infile [filename]
Input Resolve HK file.

outfile = rslout.hk1 [filename]
Output Resolve HK file.

(tempext = HK_SXS_TEMP) [string]
Input file temperatures extension name.

(coolext = HK_SXS_COOLERS) [string]
Input file coolers extension name.

(timecol = TIME) [string]
Input file TIME column used to calculate fluctuations.

(st1ctl1col = ST1_CTL1) [string]
Input file Stage1 Control #1 column used to calculate fluctuations.

(st1ctl2col = ST1_CTL2) [string]
Input file Stage1 Control #2 column used to calculate fluctuations.

(st1ctl3col = ST1_CTL3) [string]
Input file Stage1 Control #3 column used to calculate fluctuations.

(st1ctl4col = ST1_CTL4) [string]
Input file Stage1 Control #4 column used to calculate fluctuations.

(pidctlcol = ADRC_CAMC_PID_CTRL) [string]
Input file PID control column used to calculate fluctuations.

(pidselcol = ADRC_CAMC_PID_SENSOR_SEL) [string]
Input file PID sensor selection column used to calculate fluctuations.

(ctlfluctcol = ADRC_CT_CTL_FLUC) [string]
Output column used to store CTL fluctuations.

(monfluctcol = ADRC_CT_MON_FLUC) [string]
Output column used to store MON fluctuations.

(winsize = 120.0) [double]
Window size used to calculate fluctuations [s].

(filfacmin = 0.5) [double]
Minimum filling factor used to calculate fluctuations.

(nullstatic = -120.0) [double]
Null value used if HK temperature readings not updating [microKrms].

(nullfilfac = -110.0) [double]
Null value used if window smaller than filfacmin [microKrms].

(nullnoctrl = -100.0) [double]
Null value used if PID control not operating [microKrms].

(buffer = -1) [integer -1|0|N]
Rows to buffer (-1=auto, 0=none, N>0=number of rows).

(clobber = no) [boolean yes|no]
Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes.

(chatter = 1) [integer 0|1|2|3]
Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output, or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.

(logfile = !DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|NONE|file name]
Log file name. If set to DEFAULT, uses the name of the task and, if preceded by "!", overwrites the file if it exists. If set to NONE, no log file is created.

(debug = no) [boolean yes|no]
Diagnostic output is printed to the screen if set to yes.

(history = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Records task parameters in HISTORY.


  1. Calculate the temperature fluctuations in the Resolve HK file rslin.hk1, and store the values in rslout.hk1.
  2.    rslctsfluct rslin.hk1 rslout.hk1



September 20, 2021