rslpipeline - XRISM Resolve reprocessing tool
rslpipeline indir outdir steminputs stemoutputs entry_stage attitude orbit obsgti housekeeping timfile
The rslpipeline task duplicates most of the processing pipeline for
the XRISM Resolve instrument, creating the same output files excepting
trend data files. It allows the user to run all, or some, of the
pipeline processing stages, and to vary the calibration files and
filtering (screening) criteria used. A number of other pipeline
processing parameters may also be changed.
Resolve Pipeline Stages
The rslpipeline is divided into 3 stages:
- Calibration
- Data screening
- Product generation
Each stage may be run singly, or in combination with the preceding
stage. This is controlled by the 'entry_stage' and 'exit_stage'
Resolve Stage 1 consists of the following steps:
- (optional) Calculate GTIFOUNDALL (gtiinvert on GTILOST)
- (optional) Run rslctsfluct
- (optional) Run rsladrgti
- Run rslmxsgti if the MXS is on and 'calc_mxsgti=yes'
- Run rslanticopi
- For each event file:
- Run coordevt
- Run rslflagpix
- Run rslplsclip
- Run rslsecid
- Merge GTI
- Obtain the following GTI if they exist: GTIOBS, GTITEL, GTIADROFF (or CRYOFREEGOOD)
- If the calpixel is being used ('linetocorrect=MnKa'; 'calmethod=Cal-pix'), the above GTI are merged
- If MXS is on, the parameter 'linetocorrect' is checked to determine
if MXS direct GTI (GTIMXSFNON13)
or indirect GTI (GTIMXSFNON24) is additionally merged with the above GTI
- If the Fe55 filter wheel source is being used ('linetocorrect= MnKa'; 'calmethod=Fe55'), the above GTI are merged along with the Fe55 event file GTI, GTIMXSFNOFF13 and GTI GTIMXSFNOFF24 (if the MXS is operating in continuous mode) or GTIMXSCSOFF13 and GTI GTIMXSCSOFF24 (if the MXS is operating in intermittent mode), GTIMKF, and GTI for when the satellite is not in the SAA
- This merged GTI is used later as an input to rslgain
- Calculate GHF (gain history file)
- Merge pointing and slew event files
- Filter the merged event file
- If 'calmethod=Cal-pix' the merged event file is filtered by selecting
(ftselect) on PIXEL==12
- If 'calmethod=MXS' the merged event file is filtered by selecting
(ftselect) on PIXEL!=12
- If 'calmethod=Fe55' no pixel filtering is applied to the merged event file
- Run ftsort on filtered merged file
- Run rslgain on filtered, sorted merged file using the appropriately merged GTI
For each event file:
- Run rslpha2pi (GHF input)
- Run rslflagpix
- Run rslsecid
- Run rslseccor
- Run rslpha2pi (GHF input)
By default, 'linetocorrect=MnKa', which causes the GHF to be calculated using the Fe55 (the default) or the ("calibration pixel ("Cal-pix") method.
The other possible options for the calibration method are:
MXS direct mode (LED 1 and LED 3). For this case one of the following should be selected:
- Set 'linetocorrect=CrKa'
- Set 'linetocorrect=CrKb'
- Set 'linetocorrect=CuKa'
- Set 'linetocorrect=CuKb'
MXS indirect mode (LED 2 and LED 4). For this case one of the following should be selected:
- Set 'linetocorrect=MgKa'
- Set 'linetocorrect=MgKb'
- Set 'linetocorrect=AlKa'
- Set 'linetocorrect=AlKb'
The data screening (Stage 2) is identical to that in the production pipeline, when default parameters are used. For details on the default screening applied to the Resolve events, see:
- ahgtigen - Create the GTI from the EHK and MKF parameters based on CalDB selection file
- ahscreen - Screen the data based on GTI and CalDB selection file
Default GTI used for screening data are:
In place of GTIMXSFNOFF13 and GTIMXSFNOFF24, GTIMXSCSOFF13 and GTIMXSCSOFF24 are used if the MXS is in intermittent mode.
The product creation (Stage 3) creates quick look preview products in an identical fashion as the production pipeline.
Resolve Stage 3 consists of the following steps:
- Run extractor
- Create ximage plot command file
- Run ximage
- Create lcurve plot command file
- Run lcurve
- Run rslmkrmf
- Create xspec command file
- Run xspec
The input to rslpipeline is specified using (at minimum) the 'indir' parameter. This should be specified as the Resolve event_uf level sequence directory, e.g.:
rslpipeline indir=/path/to/100050020/resolve/event_uf
Specific Resolve housekeeping and satellite data files can be specified using the 'attitude', 'housekeeping', 'extended_housekeeping', 'makefilter', 'orbit', and 'obsgti' parameters. The attitude, orbit, Resolve housekeeping, obsgti, and timfile files are required for Stage 1 calibration.
File names, etc.
The number of output files depends on both the pipeline processing stage(s) and the options selected. All output files are written to the directory specified by the 'outdir' parameter. The archive directory structure is NOT reproduced (i.e. all output files are in a single directory).
The names of files produced are the same as those found in the HEASARC archive. However, the usual xaXXXXXXXXX prefix, where "XXXXXXXXX" is the sequence number, can be replaced by a character string set by the 'stemoutputs' parameter. This defaults to the value set by the 'steminputs' parameter.
- indir = indir/ [string]
- Directory containing the input data. This should be the path to the event_uf:
- outdir = outdir/ [string]
- Output directory used for all output data, as well as the report file.
CAUTION: If 'clobber=yes', and this directory already exists, this task overwrites files as needed in this directory.
- steminputs [string]
- Base (stem) for FITS input files (e.g., xa100050020). This string is used as the base file name for finding input files. For example, if 'steminputs=xa100050020', then to find the event file, rslpipeline matches the regular expression /xa100050020rsl_[ps][\d][0-9]{4}_uf\.evt(\..+)?$/ against all files found in the 'indir' directory.
- stemoutputs = DEFAULT [string]
- Base (stem) output name used for creating output files. If set to DEFAULT, 'steminputs' is used.
- entry_stage = 1 [integer 1|2|3]
- Entry stage, 1, 2, or 3.
Stage 1: Re-calibrate unfiltered event files.
Stage 2: Start from existing unfiltered event files.
Stage 3: Create quick preview look products.
- (exit_stage = 2) [integer 1|2|3]
- Exit stage, 1, 2, or 3.
Stage 1: Produces calibrated unfiltered event files.
Stage 2: Produces screened event files.
Stage 3: Produce quick look preview products.
- attitude [string]
- Attitude file.
- (extended_housekeeping) [string]
- Extended housekeeping file.
- (makefilter) [string]
- Makefilter file.
- orbit [string]
- Orbit file.
- obsgti [string]
- Observation GTI file.
- housekeeping [string]
- Resolve housekeeping file.
- timfile [string]
- Input TIM file.
- (regionfile = NONE) [string]
- Input region file.
- (ra = -999.99999) [double]
- Right ascension [degrees] of the point to appear in
the center of SKY coordinate images. If 'ra' is within the range 0
<= 'ra' <= 360, the value of the parameter is used
and is written to the keyword RA_NOM in output files. If
'ra' is outside this range, the 'ra' value is read from the
event header of the input file, by searching first for the RA_NOM
keyword and if found using its value, or if not found,
by searching for the RA_PNT keyword and using its value. If neither
keyword is found, the called task coordevt exits with an error.
- (dec = -999.99999) [double]
- Declination [degrees] of the point to appear in
the center of SKY coordinate images. If 'dec' is within the range -90
<= 'dec' <= +90, the value of the parameter is used
and is written to the keyword DEC_NOM in output files.
If 'dec' is outside this range, the 'dec' value is read from the
event header of the input file, by searching first for the DEC_NOM
keyword and if found using its value, or if not found,
by searching for the DEC_PNT keyword and using its value. If neither
keyword is found, the called task coordevt exits with an error.
- (roll = 0.0) [double]
- The roll angle [degrees] about the center of
the SKY coordinate system. The roll angle is the angle measured
counterclockwise from Celestial North to the positive SKY Y
- (optdetx = -999.99999) [double]
- Resolve optical axis DETX coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTDETX header keyword.
- (optdety = -999.99999) [double]
- Resolve optical axis DETY coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTDETY header keyword.
- (optfocx = -999.99999) [double]
- Resolve optical axis FOCX coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTFOCX header keyword.
- (optfocy = -999.99999) [double]
- Resolve optical axis FOCY coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTFOCY header keyword.
- (optskyx = -999.99999) [double]
- Resolve optical axis SKYX coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTSKYX header keyword.
- (optskyy = -999.99999) [double]
- Resolve optical axis SKYY coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTSKYY header keyword.
- (ra_pnt = -999.99999) [double]
- RA of Resolve pointing [deg]. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the RA_PNT header keyword.
- (dec_pnt = -999.99999) [double]
- DEC of Resolve pointing [deg]. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the DEC_PNT header keyword.
- (calc_gtilost = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Perform calculations on Resolve lost GTI: (1) If no lost GTI file is found as part of the
observation sequence, create one. (2) Compute the inverse of the lost GTI.
- (screenlost = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Screen events using the inverse of the lost GTI.
- (calc_fluct = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Run rslctsfluct to calculate the CTS Control and Monitor thermometer temperature fluctuations.
- (calc_adrgti = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Run rsladrgti to calculate ADR GTI based on ADR recycling intervals.
- (calc_mxsgti = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Run rslmxsgti to calculate the MXS GTI.
- (teldeffile = CALDB) [string CALDB|file name]
- Input teldef file.
- (leapsecfile = REFDATA) [string CALDB|REFDATA|file name]
- Name of the leap second file. If set to CALDB or REFDATA, the file in the calibration
database or in the REFDATA area, respectively, is used.
- (selectfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- The file containing selection expressions. If 'selectfile' is set to CALDB, the file is
read from the calibration database.
- (selectfilemioa = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- The file containing selection expressions for the MIOA failure mode (PSP contingency). If 'selectfilemioa' is set to CALDB, the file is
read from the calibration database.
- (selectfilemiob = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- The file containing selection expressions for the MIOB failure mode (PSP contingency). If 'selectfilemiob' is set to CALDB, the file is
read from the calibration database.
- (gainantfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for rslanticopi: Input antico gain file for Resolve.
- (pixdeffile = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Input Resolve electrical pixel map file.
- (pulsefile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for rslseccor: Input file with pulse amplitudes.
- (gainfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslpha2pi: Input Resolve gain coefficients file.
- (linefitfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for rslgain: Input calibration line file for Resolve.
- (delayfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Input instrument time delay file for Resolve.
- (mxsledfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: MXS time offset and afterglow characteristics file, or CALDB.
- plsclipfile = CALDB [filename]
- Input clipped pulse threshold file (or CALDB).
- (rmfparamfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for rslmkrmf: RMF param file.
- (rsl_mkflabel = PIXELALL) [string]
- Label to use for Resolve MKF GTI creation.
- (rsl_ehklabel = PIXELALL) [string]
- Label to use for Resolve EHK GTI creation.
- (rsl_evtlabel = PIXELALL) [string]
- Label to use for Resolve event screening.
- (stimecol = S_TIME) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Name of S_TIME column.
- (tioncol = FWE_TI_LED#_ON) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Input TI columns with LED on (#=1-4).
- (tioffcol = FWE_TI_LED#_OFF) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Input TI columns with LED off (#=1-4).
- (plslencol = FWE_LED#_PLS_LEN) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Input pulse length columns (#=1-4).
- (plsspccol = FWE_LED#_PLS_SPC) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Input pulse spacing columns (#=1-4).
- (iledcol = FWE_I_LED#_CAL) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Input current columns (#=1-4).
- (iledsetcol = FWE_I_LED#_SET_CAL) [string]
Parameter for rslmxsgti: Input LED SET current columns ("#" takes values 1 to 4, inclusive).
- (timeoncol = TIME_LED#_ON) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Output LED-on time columns (#=1-4).
- (timeoffcol = TIME_LED#_OFF) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Output LED-off time columns (#=1-4).
- (decaythresh = 0.001) [double]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Threshold fraction of maximum amplitude defining afterglow.
- (calctime = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Perform time assignment.
- (calcgti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Produce GTI files.
- (afterglow = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Add afterglow to fine GTI STOP times.
- (dtafterglow = FILE) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Afterglow or offset [ms] applied to GTI stop times, or
else use 'mxsledfile'.
- (agmethod = table) [string [TABLE]|CALC]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Lookup table in 'mxsledfile' used to
estimate afterglow, or coefficients in 'mxsledfile' used for direct
calculation of afterglow.
- (itmax = 1000) [integer]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Maximum number of iterations allowed to
reach convergence in determining the afterglow decay time using the
functional form of the afterglow.
- (reltol = 1.0e-6) [double]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Tolerance relative to the threshold
defining convergence in determining the afterglow decay time using
the functional form of the afterglow.
- (mxsoffset = FILE) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Shift [ms] applied to MXS GTI start times (or use file).
- (interp = TWOPOINT) [string NEAREST|TWOPOINT]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Interpolation method.
- (margingti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Create GTI between 'tstart' and the first input GTI
and between 'tstop' and the last input GTI.
- (tstart = DEFAULT) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Value to use for 'tstart' [s], or if 'tstart=DEFAULT', take from the input HK file ('infilehk' in rslmxsgti).
- (tstop = DEFAULT) [string]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Value to use for 'tstop' in seconds, or if 'tstop=DEFAULT', take from the input HK file ('infilehk' in rslmxsgti).
- (dt = 0.) [double]
- Parameter for rslmxsgti: Time gap [s] between input GTI times and corresponding inverted
output GTI times. Output start times begin later than the input stop
times by 'dt', and output stop times begin earlier than input start
times by 'dt'.
- (coordevt_startsys = LOWEST) [string LOWEST|RAW|ACT|DET|FOC|SKY|HIGHEST]
- Parameter for coordevt: Name of the intitial coordinate system for coordinate conversions.
- Parameter for coordevt: Name of the final coordinate system for coordinate conversions.
- (annaber = no) [string yes|no|invert]
- Parameter for coordevt: Apply annual aberration correction.
- (followsun = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Recalculate the Sun position for each event.
- (orbaber = no) [string yes|no|invert]
- Parameter for coordevt: Apply satellite orbital aberration correction.
- (attinterp = LINEAR) [string LINEAR|CONSTANT]
- Parameter for coordevt: Spacecraft attitude interpolation method.
- (attdt = 32.) [double]
- Parameter for coordevt:
Allowed time [s] to extrapolate the spacecraft attitude
before the first or after the last row in the attitude file.
Events beyond this time margin have their coordinates set
to a null value.
- (chkattgap = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Limit attitude interpolation if gaps are present.
- (attext = ATTITUDE) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt:
Name of the FITS attitude file extension containing
satellite attitude data.
- (attcol = QPARAM) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt:
Name of the FITS column containing attitude values as a
vector in the 'attext' extension of the attitude table.
- (attform = QUAT) [string QUAT|EULER]
- Parameter for coordevt: Attitude format.
- (orbext = ORBIT) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt:
Name of the FITS orbit file extension containing satellite
orbit data.
- (orbcol = VELOCITY) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Orbital velocity column name.
- Parameter for coordevt: Orbital velocity format.
- (coordevt_randomize = TELDEF) [string yes|no|teldef]
- Parameter for coordevt: Randomize coordinates when rebinning.
- (randsys = TELDEF) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Starting from coordinate system specified by 'randsys'
(default specified in RANCOORD keyword in teldef file), coordinate conversions are
randomized, up to the highest coordinate system.
- (randscalesys = TELDEF) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Name of the coordinate system to determine the scaling factor for the randomization interval,
+/- 0.5 of a pixel in that coordinate system. The default is to get the name from the RAN_SCL keyword in the teldef file.
- (infileext = EVENTS) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Event extension name.
- (timecol = TIME) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt and rslctsfluct:
Name of the FITS column in the event table containing time values.
- (inclfloatcol = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Write non-rounded coordinate columns.
- (inclfloatskycol = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Write non-rounded SKY coordinate columns.
- (floatcolsuffix = _FLOAT) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Suffix for non-rounded coordinate columns.
- (startwithfloat = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Start with non-rounded 'startsys' coordinates.
- (blankcol = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Assign null values to columns not calculated.
- (btnull = 255) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for byte (B) columns.
- (itnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for short (I) columns.
- (jtnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for long (J) columns.
- (ktnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for long (K) columns.
- (sbtnull = 255) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for signed byte columns.
- (uitnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for unsigned short columns.
- (ujtnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for unsigned long columns.
- (antpsp = A) [string A|B]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Antico PSP to use for coincidence (A = PSP-A, B = PSP-B).
- (checkpsp = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: If 'checkpsp=yes', the contingency mode PSPCTGCY keyword is queried.
The PSP side checked for antico coincidence is switched from A to B if
'antpsp=A' and PSPCTGCY=MIOAFAIL, and from B to A if 'antpsp=B' and
- (antshift = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Time offset [s] between event time and central time for
defining the window used for antico flagging.
- (calcant = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Flag antico events. This is applied during the first run of rslflagpix.
- (antdtpre = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Delta time [s] preceding an antico event.
- (antdtfol = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Delta time [s] following an antico event.
- (antphathr = 71) [integer]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: PHA threshold for antico events.
- (antdurthr = 2) [integer]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Duration threshold for antico events in units of
80 microseconds.
- (calcctrec = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: If 'calcctrec=yes', events are checked for recoil crosstalk
flagging; if 'calcctrec=no', this is skipped. This is only applied during the second run of rslflagpix, following the first run of energy assignment with rslpha2pi.
- (ctrecdt = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Delta time [s] for flagging recoil crosstalk.
- (calcprox = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: If 'calcprox=yes', events are checked for basic temporal proximity
with any other event. This is only applied during the second run of rslflagpix, following the first run of energy assignment with rslpha2pi.
- (proxdt = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Time interval [s] between events required for proximity
crosstalk to be flagged.
- (calcctel = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: If 'calcctel=yes', events are checked for electrical crosstalk
flagging using the 'cteldt' time interval. This is only applied during the first run of rslflagpix.
- (cteldt = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Delta time [s] for flagging electrical crosstalk.
- (ctelnear = 1) [integer]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Number of nearby pixels to be checked for electrical crosstalk,
where proximity is defined by 'pixdeffile' and restricted to quadrants
of the Resolve detector.
- (calcctel2 = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: If 'calcctel2=yes', events are checked for electrical crosstalk
flagging using the 'cteldt2' time interval. This is only applied during the first run of rslflagpix.
- (cteldt2 = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Delta time [s] for flagging electrical crosstalk 2.
- (ctelnear2 = 1) [integer]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Number of nearby pixels to be checked for electrical crosstalk 2,
where proximity is defined by 'pixdeffile' and restricted to quadrants
of the Resolve detector.
- (pxpithr = "600 600 600 600") [string]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Events with PI values below one of the appropriate thresholds in the list 'pxpithr'
are excluded from the flagging types that are specified by the 'usepxpithr' parameter. The four threshold
values correspond to the four different pixel event-to-event flagging types, in
the following order: proximity, electrical crosstalk 1, electrical crosstalk 2, and
recoil crosstalk. Note that if only a single value is specified for 'pxpithr', rslflagpix assumes that the
single value applies to all four flagging types.
- (usepxpithr = ALL) [string ALL|NONE|PROX|CTEL|CTEL2|CTREC]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Comma-delimited list specifying the types of flagging for which
events with PI values below a threshold set in the list 'pxpithr' are
excluded from consideration for flagging. The options for 'usepxpithr' include
ALL, NONE, PROX (proximity), CTEL
(electrical crosstalk 1), CTEL2 (electrical crosstalk 2), and CTREC
(recoil crosstalk). This is only applied during the second run of rslflagpix, following the first run of energy assignment with rslpha2pi.
- (pharatiothr = 50.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: In a time-interval group CTEL flagging is only considered if the PHA of one event is at least a factor 'pharatiothr' larger than every other PHA.
- (calcmxs = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: If 'calcmxs=yes', events are checked for coincidence with MXS
- (kalow = 5860.) [double]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Lower energy limit [eV] of Mn K-alpha for recoil PHA test.
- (kahigh = 5930.) [double]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Upper energy limit [eV] of Mn K-alpha for recoil PHA test.
- (kblow = 6450.) [double]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Lower energy limit [eV] of Mn K-beta for recoil PHA test.
- (kbhigh = 6520.) [double]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Upper energy limit [eV] of Mn K-beta for recoil PHA test.
- (dtflag = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: Add additional columns to the output containing actual delta time
values for crosstalk and antico.
- (resetflags = ALL) [string ALL|NONE|PROX|CTEL|CTEL2|CTREC|ANT|GTI|MXS]
- Parameter for rslflagpix: A comma-delimited list specifying which flagging types should have
their STATUS bits reset at the start of the task. The options included
ALL, NONE, PROX (proximity), CTEL (electrical
crosstalk), CTEL2 (electrical crosstalk 2), CTREC (recoil crosstalk),
ANT (antico), GTI (GTI file), and MXS (MXS GTI). This is only applied during the first run of rslflagpix, and fixed at NONE during the second run.
- (dtprimary = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslsecid: Time interval [ms] that distinguishes between primary and secondary
events, used if 'regrade=yes'.
- (dtlowmid = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslsecid: Time interval [ms] that distinguishes between low- and mid-resolution
events, used if 'regrade=yes'.
- (dtmidhigh = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for rslsecid: Time interval [ms] that distinguishes high- and mid-resolution
events, used if 'regrade=yes'.
- (tol = 2.) [double]
- Parameter for rslsecid: Allowed tolerance [ns] for associating secondaries and primaries.
- (grpxpithr = 600) [integer]
- Parameter for rslsecid: If 'usegrpxpithr=ALL' events with PI below this value are labeled
as orphans, and skipped during regrading if 'regrade=yes'.
- (usegrpxpithr = ALL) [string ALL|NONE]
- Parameter for rslsecid: If 'usegrpxpithr=ALL', events with PI < grpxpithr are defined as
orphans, and skipped during regrading if 'regrade=yes'. If
'usegrpxpithr=NONE', PI is not considered in associating and regrading
events. This is only applied during the second run of rslsecid, following the first run of energy assignment with rslpha2pi.
- (regrade = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslsecid: If 'regrade=yes', the events are regraded based on their assigned
times and the 'dtprimary', 'dtlowmid', and 'dtmidhigh' parameters. A newly
calculated grade is written into the column specified by the 'itypecol' parameter.
- (phaout = PHA2) [string]
- Parameter for rslseccor: Name of output PHA column.
- (skipthre = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslseccor: If set to yes, ignore trigger threshold in CALDB query.
- (gaincoeff = H) [string H|M|L]
- Parameter for rslgain: Type of gain coefficients to use.
- (linetocorrect = Mnka) [string MnKa|MnKb|CuKa|CuKb|CrKa|CrKb|AlKa|AlKb|MgKa|MgKb]
- Parameter for rslgain: Line to fit (HDU name in 'linefitfile').
- (calmethod = Fe55) [string Cal-pix|MXS|Fe55]
- Parameter for rslgain: If 'calmethod' is set to Cal-pix, the energy correction is calculated for
the calibration pixel (pixel 12) only. If 'calmethod' is set to MXS, the
energy correction is calculated for all pixels, but using only events detected
during MXS operation as specified by the 'gtifile' parameter. If 'calmethod'
is set to Fe55, all pixels and all relevant events are used.
- (numevent = 1000) [integer]
- Parameter for rslgain: Maximum number of events collected for each spectrum used to calculate a
single gain correction.
- (minevent = 200) [integer]
- Parameter for rslgain: Minimum number of events collected for each spectrum used to calculate a
single gain correction.
- (grpoverlap = 50.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Percentage of overlap between adjacent groups.
- (startenergy = -1.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Lower limit of energy range [eV] over which the spectra are
collected (-1 = automatic).
- (stopenergy = -1.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Upper limit of energy range [eV] over which the spectra are collected (-1 = automatic).
- (extraspread = 40.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Energy [eV] by which the energy range is extended on either side,
beyond the lowest and highest energies in 'linefitfile', for the
selected calibration feature.
- (broadening = 1.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: FWHM [eV] initial Gaussian broadening of calibration line profile.
If 'fitwidth' is set to no, the profile width is fixed at this value.
- (gridprofile = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain: If 'gridprofile' is set to yes, only output he theoretical profile,
including any convolution due to the broadening parameter; no fitting
is conducted.
- (fitwidth = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain: Fit spectral line width.
- (background = CONST) [string NONE|CONST|SLOPE]
- Parameter for rslgain: Fitted background type.
- (spangti = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain: If 'spangti' is set to yes, events in different time intervals in the input GTI file ('gtifile' in rslgain)
may be collected in the same spectrum to be fitted.
- (usemp = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain: If 'usemp=no', only high-resolution primaries are included in the
fitted spectra. If 'usemp=yes', mid-resolution primaries are also
- (ckclip = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- If 'ckclip' is set to yes, events with FLAG_CLIPPING set to true are not used in
- (calcerr = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain: Compute uncertainties on line shift and width.
- (writeerrfunc = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain: Output uncertainty functions.
- (avgwinrad = 30) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Radius of interval (in units of 'binwidth') used only to update
the initial shift estimate prior to fitting, not used in calculating the average results.
- (minwidth0 = 8.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Smallest width (in units of 'binwidth') allowed as the initial value
in width fitting.
- (maxitcycle = 5) [integer]
- Parameter for rslgain: Maximum number of fitting iterations.
- (r2tol = .001) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Convergence criterion for R-squared.
- (searchstepshift = 2.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Step size ['binwidth'] when fitting shift.
- (maxdshift = 10.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Largest allowed deviation ['binwidth'] from initial guess of shift.
- (bisectolshift = .001) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: When the bisection method determines the energy shift to within
this amount (in units of 'binwidth'), the fitting procedure is
- (searchstepwidth = 5.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Step size ['binwidth'] when fitting line width.
- (maxdwidth = 10.) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Largest allowed deviation ['binwidth'] during fitting,
from initial guess of line width.
- (bisectolwidth = .001) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: When the bisection method determines the convolution width to within
this amount (in units of 'binwidth'), the fitting procedure is completed.
- (minwidth = .5) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Smallest width ['binwidth'] to allow in width fitting.
- (nerrshift = 100) [integer]
- Parameter for rslgain: Number of shift values in uncertainty calculations.
- (nerrwidth = 100) [integer]
- Parameter for rslgain: Number of width values in uncertainty calculations.
- (shifterrfac = 3.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Factor for determining the range of shift uncertainty arrays.
- (widtherrfac = 4.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain: Factor for determining the range of width uncertainty arrays.
- (calcupi = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: If 'calcupi=yes', the UPI column is calculated.
- (calcpi = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: Calculate PI column.
- (secphacol = PHA2) [string]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: Input PHA column to use for secondary correction.
- (addepicol = EPI2) [string]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: Output energy column with secondary correction.
- (method = FIT) [string FIT|AVERAGE]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: Correction method. If 'method=FIT', the TEMP_FIT column in the input drift correction file ('driftfile' in rslpha2pi)
file made by rslgain is used. If 'method=AVERAGE', the TEMP_AVG column is used.
- (binwidth = 0.5) [double]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: PI bin width [eV].
- (offset = 0.5) [double]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: Offset [eV] for first PI.
- (tlmax = 59999) [integer]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: Maximum PI channel (default corresponds to 30 keV).
- (writetemp = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslpha2pi: Output the temperature that was used in the gain determination for each event.
- (st1ctl1col = ST1_CTL1) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Name of Stage1 Control #1 column.
- (st1ctl2col = ST1_CTL2) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Name of Stage1 Control #2 column.
- (st1ctl3col = ST1_CTL3) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Name of Stage1 Control #3 column.
- (st1ctl4col = ST1_CTL4) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Name of Stage1 Control #4 column.
- (pidctlcol = ADRC_CAMC_PID_CTRL) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Name of PID control column.
- (ctlfluctcol = ADRC_CT_CTL_FLUC) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Name of column used to store CTL fluctuations.
- (monfluctcol = ADRC_CT_MON_FLUC) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Name of column used to store MON fluctuations.
- (winsize = 120.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Window size [s] used to calculate fluctuations.
- (filfacmin = 0.5) [double]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Minimum filling factor used to calculate fluctuations.
- (nullstatic = -120.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Null value [microKrms] used if HK temperature readings not updating.
- (nullfilfac = -110.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Null value [microKrms] used if window smaller than filfacmin.
- (nullnoctrl = -100.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct: Null value [microKrms] used if PID control not operating.
- (fluctcol = ADRC_CT_MON_FLUC) [string]
- Parameter for rsladrgti: Input file temperature fluctuation column or columns
- (fluctthr = 1.1) [double]
- Parameter for rsladrgti: Fluctuation threshold or thresholds [microKms]
- (adrgtimin = 4300.0) [double]
- Parameter for rsladrgti: Minimum length of output ADRON interval [s].
- (pxphaoffset = 0.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslgain and rslpha2pi: Average offset added to PHA values before applying the gain. A random
offset is added to each PHA between -0.5+pxphaoffset and +0.5+pxphaoffset.
Therefore, when 'pxphaoffset=0.5', the random offset is between 0 and 1.
- (acphaoffset = 0.0) [double]
- Parameter for rslanticopi: Average offset added to PHA values before applying the gain. A random
offset is added to each PHA between -0.5+acphaoffset and +0.5+acphaoffset.
Therefore, when 'acphaoffset=0.5', the random offset is between 0 and 1.
- (itypecol = ITYPE) [string]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslpha2pi, rslsecid, rslseccor: Name of ITYPE column.
- (pidselcol = ADRC_CAMC_PID_ SENSOR_SEL) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct and rsladrgti: Name of PID sensor selection column.
- (tempext = HK_SXS_TEMP) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct and rsladrgti: Name of HK temperature extension.
- (coolext = HK_SXS_COOLERS) [string]
- Parameter for rslctsfluct and rsladrgti: Name of HK coolers extension.
- (ckctrec = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslsecid: Exclude events with recoil crosstalk. Applies only to rslgain (set to no for rslsecid).
- (ckctel = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslsecid: Exclude events with electrical crosstalk 1. Applies only to rslgain (set to no for rslsecid).
- (ckctel2 = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslsecid: Exclude events with electrical crosstalk 2. Applies only to rslgain (set to no for rslsecid).
- (ckant = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslsecid: Exclude events with antico coincidence Applies only to rslgain (set to no for rslsecid).
- (ckrisetime = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslsecid, rslflagpix: Do not use events with RISE_TIME > 127.
- (tempidx = NOM) [string]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslpha2pi: Input temperature index for selecting gain function to convert
energy to PHA profiles during fitting. If set to NOM, the gain
function corresponding to the middle (nominal) temperature will be
- (ntemp = 3) [integer]
- Parameter for rslgain, rslpha2pi: Number of temperatures from gain file to use in interpolation.
- (gapdt = -1.) [double]
- Parameter for gain-fitting tasks (e.g. ahgainfit), rslpha2pi: Time [s] between events to define a gap (or < 0).
- (extrap = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for gain-fitting tasks (e.g. ahgainfit), rslpha2pi: Allow extrapolation when determining drift temperature.
- (randomize = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for rslanticopi, rslpha2pi: Allow randomization in calculating PI from integer PHA.
- (seed = 2) [integer]
- Parameter for multiple tasks: Random number generator seed. If 'seed=0' the system time is used.
- (stemreport = ) [string]
- File stem for log and temporary files. If the parameter is not set, the script automatically sets the stem to "rslpipeline_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS_" and appends log file and temp file names as needed.
- (numerrs = 0) [integer]
- Number of errors from rslpipeline (output only).
- (cleanup = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Delete temporary files if 'cleanup=yes'.
- (clobber = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes.
- (chatter = 2) [integer 0|1|2|3]
- Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output,
or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.
- (logfile = !DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|NONE|file name]
- Log filename. If set to DEFAULT, uses the name of the task and, if
preceded by "!", overwrites the file if it exists. If set to NONE, no
log file is created.
- (debug = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Diagnostic output is printed to the screen if set to yes.
- (history = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Records tool parameters in HISTORY.
- The following command recalibrates (Stage 1) and re-screens (Stage 2) all Resolve data for sequence 100050020 that currently
resides in the directory /data/100050020/resolve/event_uf, and the output is stored in a directory called /data/100050020_reproc/,
as well as recalculating the inverses of the Resolve pixel and antico lost GTI:
rslpipeline indir=/data/100050020/resolve/event_uf outdir=/data/100050020_reproc entry_stage=1 exit_stage=2 \
steminputs=xa100050020 stemoutputs=DEFAULT attitude=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.att \
orbit=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.orb obsgti=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020_gen.gti \
housekeeping=/data/100050020/resolve/hk/xa100050020rsl_a0.hk1 makefilter=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.mkf \
exended_housekeeping=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.ehk \
timfile=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.tim calc_gtilost=yes
- The following command re-screens (Stage 2 only) Resolve data for the same data set as in the previous example:
rslpipeline indir=/data/100050020/resolve/event_uf outdir=/data/100050020_reproc entry_stage=2 exit_stage=2 \
steminputs=xa100050020 stemoutputs=DEFAULT obsgti=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020_gen.gti \
makefilter=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.mkf \
exended_housekeeping=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.ehk \
attitude=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.att \
orbit=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.orb housekeeping=/data/100050020/resolve/hk/xa100050020rsl_a0.hk1 \
June 20, 2024