uvotevgrism - filter a UVOT grism event list and determine wavelength


uvotevgrism infile=<filename> outfile=<filename>


This tool operates on grism UVOT level 2 event files. The output file matches the input except for the EVENT extension which is updated to include only those events which fall in the dispersion region.

The dispersion region is a rectangle defined in terms of the source position (0th order right ascension and declination), the angle of the dispersion axis (measured clockwise from the +X axis), pixel width, and wavelength bounds for position on the dispersion axis.


infile [filename]
UVOT level 2 events file (see SSC UVOT Data Handbook).

outfile [filename]
UVOT level 2 events file (see SSC UVOT Data Handbook).

wavefile [filename]
Pixel to wavelength conversion calibration file.

teldeffile [filename]
Telescope definition file.

attfile [filename]
Attitude history file.

(attlim = 32) [real]
Attitude extrapolation limit [s]

ra [real]
0th order right ascension [degrees]

dec [real]
0th order declination [degrees]

(uvang = 207) [real]
Angle from +X axis to UV dispersion axis [degrees]

(uvwid = 30) [real]
Width of UV 1st order dispersion region [pixels]

(uvmin = 300) [A]
Wavelength corresponding to lower end of UV extraction region.

(uvmax = 2000) [A]
Wavelength corresponding to upper end of UV extraction region.

(vang = 207) [real]
Angle from +X axis to V dispersion axis [degrees]

(vwid = 30) [real]
Width of V 1st order dispersion region [pixels]

(vmin = 2000) [A]
Wavelength corresponding to lower end of V extraction region.

(vmax = 6000) [A]
Wavelength corresponding to upper end of V extraction region.

(chatter = 1) [enumerated integer]
Standard HEAdas chatter parameter. A range of 0 to 5 is enforced by the min and max fields in the parameter file.

(clobber = no) [boolean]
Standard HEAdas clobber parameter.

(history = yes) [boolean]
Standard HEAdas history parameter.


The following example illustrates running uvotevgrism

1. run uvotevgrism specifying input and output event files, attitude file, and source position (ra and dec) on the command line

      uvotevgrism infile=sw00070911011ugvb1.unf.fits outfile=evgrism.fits \
		ra=286.16 dec=08.17 attfile=sw00070911011snone.att.fits



May 2004