XSPEC Internal Functions Guide For XSPEC Version 12.14.1
Keith A. Arnaud
Code 662 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA August 2024
Contents1 Introduction2 General Utility Routines 2.1 Numerics 2.1.1 AdaptiveIntegrate 2.1.2 AstroFunctions 2.1.3 Special functions 2.1.4 Random number generators 2.1.5 BinarySearch 2.1.6 Convolution 2.1.7 CosmologyFunction 2.1.8 EigensystemWrapper 2.1.9 Histogram 2.1.10 Integrate 2.1.11 LinearInterp 2.1.12 MathOperator 2.1.13 ModularCounter 2.1.14 SVDwrapper 2.1.15 Useful constants 3 Model Function Utility Routines 3.1 FunctionUtility 3.2 xsFortran and xsCFortran 4 Model Function C++ Classes 4.1 Aped 4.1.1 ApedIonRecord class 4.1.2 ApedElementRecord class 4.1.3 ApedTemperatureRecord 4.1.4 Aped class 4.1.5 Examples 4.2 IonBalNei 4.2.1 IonBalElementRecord 4.2.2 IonBalTemperatureRecord 4.2.3 IonBalNei 4.2.4 Examples 4.3 NeutralOpacity 4.3.1 Examples 4.4 IonizedOpacity 4.4.1 Examples 4.5 MZCompRefl 4.5.1 Examples
Chapter 1
This document describes XSPEC internal functions and C++ classes
available for writers of models.
These fall under three broad classes
betaI | Incomplete beta function (in Beta.h) |
E1::operator() | Exponential integral (in ExpInt.h) |
Faddeeva | exp(-z2) erfc(-iz) (in Faddeeva.h) |
GammaLN | ln of the Gamma function (in Gamma.h) |
GammaP | Incomplete Gamma function (in Gamma.h) |
GammaQ | Complement of GammaP (in Gamma.h) |
Erf | Error function (in Gamma.h) |
Erfc | Complement of Erf (in Gamma.h) |
IncGamma::operator() | Incomplete Gamma function (in IncGamma.h) |
LnBang::operator() | ln n! (in LnBang.h) |
2.1.4 Random number generators
XSPEC uses the Luxury Pseudorandom Number generator proposed by Marsaglia and Zaman then implemented by James and Luescher in Fortran 77. It was translated to C++ for XSPEC. On start-up XSPEC generates an initial seed based on clock time. This can then be used to make pseudorandom numbers drawn from the following distributions. All these routines take a RealArray& argument which contains the random numbers on output. For PoissonRand the array should contain the Poisson means on input. All the generators are defined in RandomGenerator.h.GaussRand | Random numbers on G(0,1) |
PoissonRand | Poisson random numbers based on the input means |
UniformRand | Random numbers on U[0,1] |
CauchyRand | Random numbers on Cauchy(0,1) |
2.1.5 BinarySearch
The BinarySearch routines return the index to an array (x) of the element immediately before the input test value (y). They assume that the array is in ascending order. The version with multiple test values also assumes that the test values are in ascending order. If the y value is less than the minimum of the x array then -1 is returned while if the y value is greater than the maximum of the x array then -2 is returned.int BinarySearch(const RealArray& x, const Real& y) IntegerVector BinarySearch(const RealArray& x, const RealArray& y)If y is less than the first values of x then -1 is returned. If y is greater than the last value of x then -2 is returned.
2.1.6 Convolution
The routines Convolution and ConvolutionInLnSpace use the fftw Fast Fourier Transform codes to convolve with a constant linear space kernel or a constant log space kernel, respectively.template<void KernelFunction(const RealArray& kernelEnergyArray, const RealArray& kernelParams, int spectrumNumber, RealArray& kernelFlux, RealArray& kernelFluxErr, const string& kernelInitString)> void Convolution(const RealArray& energyArray, const RealArray& kernelParams, const int kernelFiducialEnergyIndex, const int spectrumNumber, const string& kernelInitString, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray) template<void KernelFunction(const RealArray& kernelEnergyArray, const RealArray& kernelParams, int spectrumNumber, RealArray& kernelFlux, RealArray& kernelFluxErr, const string& kernelInitString)> void ConvolutionInLnSpace(const RealArray& energyArray, const RealArray& kernelParams, const int kernelFiducialEnergyIndex, const int spectrumNumber, const string& kernelInitString, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray)An example of the use of ConvolutionInLnSpace can be found in rdblur.cxx in the XSFunctions directory.
2.1.7 CosmologyFunction
The routine FZSQ takes as input Real variables specifying the redshift, q0 and λ0. Multiplying the output by c/H0 gives the luminosity distance using the approximation in Pen (ApJS 1990, 120, 49).2.1.8 EigensystemWrapper
This is a wrapper for the gsl routines to calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a symmetric matrix.int calcEigensystem(double* matrix, const int N, double* eigenvals, double* eigenvects)where matrix is the NxN matrix to be factored and which is destroyed on output, eigenvals is the eigenvalues vector, which must be allocated as size N, and eigenvects are the eigenvectors stored as columns in an array which must be allocated as NxN.
2.1.9 Histogram
Classes used to generate histograms from MCMC chains.2.1.10 Integrate
The integrationKernel routine integrates a model flux array over a specified energy range and returns the photon and energy flux. Note that the energy array defines the ranges for each bin on which the input flux is given and hence has one more element.pair<Real,Real> integrationKernel (const RealArray& energy, const RealArray& fluxArray, const Real& eMin, const Real& eMax);
2.1.11 LinearInterp
The routines included in the Rebin namespace can be used to map XSPEC model flux arrays onto different energy bins. The first step is always to run the findFirstBins and initializeBins routines to set up the mapping between the current and target energy arrays.bool findFirstBins(const RealArray& currentBins, const RealArray& targetBins, const Real FUZZY, size_t& currentStart, size_t& targetStart) void initializeBins(const RealArray& currentBins, const RealArray& targetBins, const Real FUZZY, size_t& currentStart, size_t& targetStart, IntegerVector& startBin, IntegerVector& endBin, RealArray& startWeight, RealArray& endWeight)FUZZY is a fractional fuzziness for deciding whether bin boundaries are equal. The output arrays from initializeBins define the mapping between the current and target energies. For additive models the rebin function should be used and for multiplicative models the interpolate function should be used. Examples can be found in zashift.cxx and zmshift.cxx in the XSFunctions directory. The lowValue and highValue arguments can be used to define output values below and above the energies available from the input. If left out they default to 0.
void rebin(const RealArray& inputArray, const IntegerVector& startBin, const IntegerVector& endBin, const RealArray& startWeight, const RealArray& endWeight, RealArray& outputArray, const Real lowValue=0.0, const Real highValue=0.0); void interpolate(const RealArray& inputArray, const IntegerVector& startBin, const IntegerVector& endBin, const RealArray& startWeight, const RealArray& endWeight, RealArray& outputArray, bool exponential, const Real lowValue=0.0, const Real highValue=0.0)The gainRebin function is a special case used within the gain command and linInterpInteg assumes that the input is in photons/cm2/s/keV at specific energy points and is integrated over the target bin sizes.
void gainRebin(const RealArray& inputArray, const IntegerVector &startBin, const IntegerVector& endBin, const RealArray& startWeight, const RealArray& endWeight, RealArray& outputArray) void linInterpInteg(const RealArray& currentPoints, const RealArray& inputdValues, const RealArray& targetBins, RealArray& outputValues, const Real lowValue=0.0, const Real highValue=0.0)
2.1.12 MathOperator
MathOperator is used to evaluate models defined using the mdefine command. The following classes are all defined in MathOperator.hPlusOp | add two variables |
MinusOp | subtract two variables |
MultOp | multiply two variables |
DivideOp | divide two variables |
PowOp | take power of variable |
MaxOp | maximum of two variables |
MinOp | minimum of two variables |
Atan2Op | arctan using two variables |
UnaryMinusOp | multiply variable by minus one |
ExpOp | exponential of variable |
SinOp | sine of variable |
SinDOp | sine of variable in degrees |
CosOp | cosine of variable |
CosDOp | cosine of variable in degrees |
TanOp | tan of variable |
TanDOp | tan of variable in degrees |
SinhOp | sinh of variable |
SinhDOp | sinh of variable in degrees |
CoshOp | cosh of variable |
CoshDOp | cosh of variable in degrees |
TanhOp | tanh of variable |
TanhDOp | tanh of variable in degrees |
LogOp | log base 10 of variable |
LnOp | natural log of variable |
SqrtOp | sqrt of variable |
AbsOp | absolute value of variable |
IntOp | integer part of variable |
SignOp | -1 if negative, +1 if positive |
HOp | 0 if negative, +1 if positive |
BoxcarOp | +1 between 0 and 1, 0 otherwise |
ASinOp | inverse sine of variable |
ACosOp | inverse cosine of variable |
ATanOp | inverse tan of variable |
ASinhOp | inverse sinh of variable |
ACoshOp | inverse cosh of variable |
ATanhOp | inverse tanh of variable |
ErfOp | error function |
ErfcOp | complementary error function |
GammaOp | gamma function |
Legendre2Op | 2nd-order Legendre polynomial |
Legendre3Op | 3rd-order Legendre polynomial |
Legendre4Op | 4th-order Legendre polynomial |
Legendre5Op | 5th-order Legendre polynomial |
MeanOp | mean of a vector |
DimOp | length of a vector |
SMinOp | minimum value of a vector |
SMaxOp | maximum value of a vector |
2.1.13 ModularCounter
The ModularCounter class is used to support the step and margin commands.2.1.14 SVDwrapper
This is a wrapper for the gsl singular value decomposition code.int callSVD_square(double* matrix, double *eigenvals, double *eigenvects, const int N)where matrix in input is the square matrix of size NxN to be factored into USVdT and on output is the matrix U. eigenvals is an array allocated to size N which on output contain S, the variances on the principal axes. eigenvects is an array allocated as NxN which on output contains V, the principal axes (not transposed).
2.1.15 Useful constants
The Numerics namespace defines a number of useful constants defined as static Real in Numerics.h.KEVTOA | 12.39841974 | from CODATA 2014 |
KEVTOHZ | 2.4179884076620228e17 | |
KEVTOERG | 1.60217733e-9 | |
KEVTOJY | 1.60217733e14 | |
DEGTORAD | 0.01745329252 | |
LIGHTSPEED | 299792.458 | defined in km/s |
AMU | 1.660539040e-24 | unified atomic mass unit in g |
EMASSINKEV | 510.998950 | electron mass in keV from CODATA 2018 |
THOMSON | 6.6524587321E-25 | Thomson x-section in cm−2 from CODATA 2018 |
FINESTRUCT | 7.2973525693E-3 | Fine structure constant from CODATA 2018 |
Chapter 3
Model Function Utility Routines
ComponentInfo, XSCCall, XSF77, and XSModelFunction are part of the internal
XSPEC model interface and are not documented here since they should
not be of general interest. FunctionUtility is the C++ class
containing methods likely to be of use to people writing models or
using the XSPEC model library. xsFortran contains C/Fortran wrappers
for many FunctionUtility methods.
3.1 FunctionUtility
The FunctionUtility class stores information used by XSPEC models. There is a single instantiation. The private elements of FunctionUtility are all static and are as follows:string | s_XSECT | Photoelectric cross-sections used |
string | s_ABUND | Relative abundances used |
const string | CROSSSECTFILE | File read for cross-sections |
string | s_abundanceFile | File read for relative abundances |
vector < string > | s_elements | Names of elements |
string | s_managerPath | Directory path for model.dat |
const size_t | s_NELEMS | Number of elements |
string | s_modelDataPath | Directory path for files required by models |
string | s_NOT_A_KEY | String returned if an xset variable is not set |
FunctionUtility::Cosmology | s_COSMO | Cosmology used |
string | s_abundPath | Directory path for the abundance file |
string | s_atomdbVersion | version of AtomDB used |
string | s_neiVersion | version of NEI code used |
bool | s_abundChanged | Relative abundance choice has been changed |
int | s_xwriteChatter | Chatter value |
vector < double > | s_tempsDEM | Last CIE model temperatures calculated |
vector < double > | s_DEM | Last CIE model DEMs calculated |
map < int, map < string, string > > | s_XFLT | XLT#### keyword values |
map < string,double > | s_valueDataBase | Database of values calculated in model functions |
map < string,vector < float > > | s_abundanceVectors | Stores sets of abundances |
map < string,string > | s_crossSections | descriptions of cross-sections available |
map < string,string > | s_abundDoc | descriptions of relative abundance sets |
abundance sets | ||
map < string,string > | s_modelStringDataBase | Keywords and values defined by the xset command |
FNINIT | FNINIT | standard initialization |
managerPath | FGDATD | get s_managerPath |
managerPath | FPDATD | set s_managerPath |
modelDataPath | FGMODF | get s_modelDataPath |
modelDataPath | set s_modelDataPath | |
NOT_A_KEY | get s_NOT_A_KEY |
checkXsect | check for valid cross-section table | |
crossSections | get description of cross-section table | |
getAbundance | FGABND | get relative abundance for an element |
getAbundance | FGABNZ | get relative abundance for an atomic number |
getAbundance | FGTABN | get relative abundance for an element from a table |
getAbundance | FGTABZ | get relative abundance for an atomic number from a table |
readNewAbundances | RFLABD | read relative abundances from a file |
checkAbund | check for valid relative abundance table | |
abundanceVectors | FPSLFL | set the values of the file relative abundance table |
abundDoc | get description of relative abundance table | |
abundanceFile | FGABFL | get the name of the file used for abundances |
abundanceFile | FPABFL | set the name of the file used for abundances |
abundPath | FGAPTH | get the directory path for the file used for abundances |
abundPath | FPAPTH | set the directory path for the file used for abundances |
abundChanged | get value of s_abundChanged flag | |
abundChanged | set value of s_abundChanged flag | |
readInitializers | set up cross-sections and relative abundances | |
elements | FGELTI | get name of element |
NELEMS() | FGNELT | get number of elements |
atomdbVersion | FGATDV | get AtomDB version in use |
atomdbVersion | FPATDV | set AtomDB version in use |
neiVersion | get NEI version in use | |
neiVersion | set NEI version in use |
getModelString | FGMSTR | get entry from the model string database |
setModelString | FPMSTR | set entry in the model string database |
modelStringDataBase | get database as a map<string,string> | |
eraseModelStringDataBase | clear the model string database |
setFunctionCosmoParams | CSMPALL | set the cosmology H0, q0, and λ0 |
getq0 | csmgq0 | get cosmology q0 |
setq0 | csmpq0 | set cosmology q0 |
getH0 | csmgh0 | get cosmology H0 |
setH0 | csmph0 | set cosmology H0 |
getlambda0 | csmgl0 | get cosmology λ0 |
setlambda0 | csmpl0 | set cosmology λ0 |
getNumberXFLT | DGNFLT | get number of XFLT#### keywords for spectrum |
getXFLT | DGFILT | get value of XFLT#### keyword for spectrum |
getXFLTstr | get string value of XFLT#### keyword for spectrum | |
inXFLT | DGQFLT | check whether XFLT#### keyword exists for spectrum |
loadXFLT | DPFILT | set XFLT value(s) for spectrum |
clearXFLT | DCLFLT | clear all XFLT values |
getAllXFLT | get all XFLT values for spectrum | |
getAllXFLTstr | get all XFLT string values for spectrum |
tempsDEM | get the vector of temperatures | |
tempsDEM | set from a vector of temperatures | |
tempsDEM | set from a RealArray of temperatures | |
DEM | get the vector of DEMs | |
DEM | set from a vector of DEMs | |
DEM | set from a RealArray of DEMs |
getDbValue | GDBVAL | get value for given keyword in internal database |
loadDbValue | PDBVAL | set (keyword,value) pair in internal database |
clearDb | CDBASE | clear all (keyword,value) pairs in internal database |
getDbKeywords | get all keywords in internal database as a string | |
getAllDbValues | get all keywords in internal database as a map |
xwriteChatter | FGCHAT | get current chatter level |
xwriteChatter | FPCHAT | set current chatter level |
xsWrite | XWRITE | write an output string |
tableInterpolate | TABINT | get tabulated value |
tableInfo | return information about the table |
3.2 xsFortran and xsCFortran
xsFortran and xsCFortran include the C and Fortran interfaces listed in the FunctionUtility section above as well as the following routines. xs_write should be used for all output.xs_getChat | XTGTCHT | get terminal and log chatter levels |
xs_getVersion | XGVERS | get XSPEC version |
xs_write | XWRITE | writes to terminal and/or log file |
xs_read | XREAD | interactive read from terminal |
xs_erf | ERF | wrapper for Numerics::Erf to get Error Function value |
xs_erfc | ERFC | wrapper for Numerics::Erfc to get complementary Error Function value |
gammap | GAMMAP | wrapper for Numerics::GammaP |
gammaq | GAMMQ | wrapper for Numerics::GammaQ |
fzsq | FZSQ | wrapper for Numerics::FZSQ to get luminosity distance is (c/H0)fzsq |
findFirstBins | FFBINS | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::findFirstBins |
dfindFirstBins | DFFBINS | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::findFirstBins |
initBins | INIBINS | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::initializeBins |
dinitBins | DINIBINS | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::initializeBins |
rebinBins | RBNBINS | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::rebin |
drebinBins | DRBNBINS | wrapperm for Numerics::Rebin::rebin |
interpBins | INTBINS | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::interpolate |
dinterpBins | DINTBINS | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::interpolate |
gainRebin | GNREBIN | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::gainRebin |
dgainRebin | DGNREBIN | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::gainRebin |
linInterpInteg | LININTINTEG | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::linInterpInteg |
dlinInterpInteg | DLININTINTEG | wrapper for Numerics::Rebin::linInterpInteg |
getkeVtoA | KEVTOA | The keV to Angstrom conversion factor |
getkeVtoHz | KEVTOHZ | The keV to Hz conversion factor |
getkeVtoErg | KEVTOERG | The keV to erg conversion factor |
getkeVtoJy | KEVTOJY | The keV to Jy conversion factor |
getdegtorad | DEGTORAD | The degrees to radians conversion factor |
getlightspeed | LIGHTSPEED | The speed of light in km/s |
getamu | AMU | The unified atomic mass unit in gm |
Chapter 4
Model Function C++ Classes
The classes are
- Aped - generates CIE and NEI spectra using AtomDB input files.
- IonBalNei - calculates NEI ionization balances.
- NeutralOpacity - calculates opacities for neutral material.
- IonizedOpacity - calculates opacities for photo-ionized material.
- MZCompRefl - calculates Compton reflection using the Magzdiarz and Zdziarski code.
4.1 Aped
The Aped classes store and use the data stored in the AtomDB files. The top-level class, Aped, comprises a vector of ApedTemperatureRecord objects, each of which comprises a vector of ApedElementRecord objects, each of which comprises a vector of ApedIonRecord objects. Thus, there is one ApedIonRecord for each temperature, element, and ion in the AtomDB files. The top-level Aped class provides the methods to load and use the atomic data.4.1.1 ApedIonRecord class
class ApedIonRecord{ public: int m_Ion; RealArray m_ContinuumEnergy; RealArray m_ContinuumFlux; RealArray m_ContinuumFluxError; RealArray m_PseudoContinuumEnergy; RealArray m_PseudoContinuumFlux; RealArray m_PseudoContinuumFluxError; RealArray m_LineEnergy; RealArray m_LineEnergyError; RealArray m_LineEmissivity; RealArray m_LineEmissivityError; IntegerVector m_ElementDriver; IntegerVector m_IonDriver; IntegerVector m_UpperLevel; IntegerVector m_LowerLevel; ApedIonRecord(); // default constructor ~ApedIonRecord(); // destructor ApedIonRecord& operator=(const ApedIonRecord&); // deep copy };The class includes entries to store error estimates on the fluxes and emissivities although these are not used at the time of writing. Note that the same classes are used for NEI and CIE although for the latter the ElementDriver and IonDriver arrays are not required.
4.1.2 ApedElementRecord class
class ApedElementRecord{ public: int m_AtomicNumber; vector<ApedIonRecord> m_IonRecord; ApedElementRecord(); // default constructor ~ApedElementRecord(); // destructor void LoadIonRecord(ApedIonRecord input); ApedElementRecord& operator=(const ApedElementRecord&); // deep copy };Each ApedElementRecord object stores the atomic number of the element and the records for each of its ions.
4.1.3 ApedTemperatureRecord
class ApedTemperatureRecord{ public: Real m_Temperature; vector<ApedElementRecord> m_ElementRecord; ApedTemperatureRecord(); //default constructor ~ApedTemperatureRecord(); //destructor void LoadElementRecord(ApedElementRecord input); ApedTemperatureRecord& operator=(const ApedTemperatureRecord&); // deep copy };Each ApedTemperatureRecord object stores the temperature and the records for each element.
4.1.4 Aped class
class Aped{ public: vector<ApedTemperatureRecord> m_TemperatureRecord; // These store the information in the initial PARAMETERS extension RealArray m_Temperatures; IntegerVector m_NelementsLine; IntegerVector m_NelementsCoco; IntegerVector m_Nline; IntegerVector m_Ncont; string m_coconame; string m_linename; bool m_noLines; bool m_noResonanceLines; bool m_thermalBroadening; Real m_velocityBroadening; Real m_minimumLineFluxForBroadening; bool m_broadenPseudoContinuum; bool m_logTempInterpolation; bool m_multiThread; bool m_useEEbremss; Aped(); //default constructor ~Aped(); //destructor Aped& operator=(const Aped&); // deep copyThe class provides methods to load the data from the AtomDB continuum and line files. The Read method just gets the information from the PARAMETERS extension, stores the filenames used and sizes the subsidiary objects correctly. To actually load the data use ReadTemperature.
// Reads the continuum and line files and stores the names and // temperatures. Does not read the actual continuum and line data. int Read(string cocofilename, string linefilename); int ReadTemperature(const int TemperatureIndex); int ReadTemperature(const vector<int>& TemperatureIndex);The following methods set the switches which determine which options are used during the calculation. Each of these methods also checks for the corresponding xset variables. When type is set to APEC these are APECNOLINES, APECNORES, APECTHERMAL, APECVELOCITY, APECMINFLUX, APECBROADPSEUDO, APECLOGINTERP, APECMULTITHREAD, APECEEBREMSS respectively. When type is set to SPEX these are SPEXNOLINES, SPEXNORES, SPEXTHERMAL, SPEXVELOCITY, SPEXMINFLUX, SPEXBROADPSEUDO, SPEXLOGINTERP, SPEXMULTITHREAD, SPEXEEBREMSS respectively For SetVelocityBroadening a warning will be issued if the input value is non-zero and differs from APECVELOCITY/SPEXVELOCITY. If m_noLines is set then the spectrum will only be continuum. At the moment m_noResonanceLines has no effect but is there for a possible approach to resonance scattering. If m_thermalBroadening is set then any lines will be thermally broadened while if m_velocityBroadening is set then any lines will be broadened by the appropriate velocity. The line shape is assumed Gaussian and thermal and velocity broadening are added in quadrature. If m_minimumLinefluxForBroadening is set then all lines below that flux will not be broadened. If m_broadenPseudoContinuum is set then the pseudo-continuum will also be broadened. Note that line broadened spectra take longer to calculate. If m_multiThread is set then the calculation of the line spectrum is multi-threaded over temperatures.
void SetNoLines(const bool qno, const string type); void SetNoResonanceLines(const bool qnores, const string type); void SetThermalBroadening(const bool qtherm, const string type); void SetVelocityBroadening(const Real velocity, const string type); void SetMinimumLinefluxForBroadening(const Real flux, const string type); void SetBroadenPseudoContinuum(const bool qpbroad, const string type); void SetLogTempInterpolation(const bool qltemp, const string type); void SetMultiThread(const bool qmulti, const string type); void SetUseEEbremss(const bool qeebremss, const string type); void SetLineSpecs(const bool qno, const bool qnores, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, const Real flux, const bool qpbroad, const bool qltinterp, const bool qmulti, const bool qeebremss, const string type);The following provide methods to extract some useful numbers.
int NumberTemperatures(); // return number of tabulated temperatures int NumberElements(); // return number of tabulated elements int NumberIons(int Z); // return number of ions across all temperatures // for element Z.Whether the data for a given temperature index has been loaded can be checked using IsTemperatureLoaded.
bool IsTemperatureLoaded(const int TemperatureIndex);The method to generate spectra for CIE plasmas is SumEqSpectra. This comes in several overloaded options depending on whether a single temperature of distribution of temperatures are required. It is also possible to use a different temperature for thermal broadening of lines than that used for the ionization balance. The energy bins on which the spectrum is to be calculated are specified by standard XSPEC energyArray. The elements required and their abundances are given by Zinput and abundance. Tinput and Dem give the temperature(s) and emission measure(s) required.
void SumEqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Dem, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); void SumEqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Dem, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); // case where the temperature used for the thermal broadening differs from that // for the ionization void SumEqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Tbinput, const Real& Dem, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); void SumEqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Tbinput, const RealArray& Dem, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray);For NEI plasmas, the method to calculate the spectrum is SumNeqSpectra. The inputs differ from SumEqSpectra only in including IonFrac, which specifies the ionization fractions required for each element, for each temperature.
void SumNeqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); void SumNeqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const vector<vector<RealArray> >& IonFrac, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); // case where the temperature used for the thermal broadening differs from that // for the ionization void SumNeqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Tbinput, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); void SumNeqSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Tbinput, const vector<vector<RealArray> >& IonFrac, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray);All versions of SumEqSpectra and SumNeqSpectra operate through
void SumSpectra(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Tbinput, const vector<vector<RealArray> >& IonFrac, const bool isCIE, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray);Underneath this there are routines to evaluate the continuum and line spectra for a given temperature
int calcContinuumSpectrumForTemperature(const size_t TRecordIndex, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abunZ, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac, const RealArray& sourceFrameEnergy, const bool isCIE, RealArray& fluxArray); int calcLineSpectrumForTemperature(const size_t TRecordIndex, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abunZ, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac, const RealArray& sourceFrameEnergy, const bool isCIE, const Real minLineflux, RealArray& fluxArray, Real& maxLineflux);Outside the class there are wrap-up routines which create an internal, static Aped object then call SumSpectra to calculate the output spectrum. There are overloaded versions corresponding to the options for SumEqSpectra and SumNeqSpectra. The int returned will be non-zero in the event of an error on reading the AtomDB files. For the CIE case these routines check the APECROOT variable to find the files to read. For the NEI case they check the NEIVERS and NEIAPECROOT variables. The calcRSSpectrum routines are for the old Raymond-Smith model and read the RS files in the AtomDB format.
int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Tbinput, const Real& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Tbinput, const RealArray& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, const bool noLines, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, const bool noLines, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Tbinput, const Real& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, const bool noLines, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcCIESpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Tbinput, const RealArray& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, const bool noLines, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcRSSpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcRSSpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcRSSpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Tbinput, const Real& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcRSSpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Tbinput, const RealArray& Dem, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcNEISpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcNEISpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const vector<vector<RealArray> >& IonFrac, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcNEISpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const Real& Tinput, const Real& Tbinput, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray); int calcNEISpectrum(const RealArray& energyArray, const IntegerVector& Zinput, const RealArray& abundance, const Real Redshift, const RealArray& Tinput, const RealArray& Tbinput, const vector<vector<RealArray> >& IonFrac, const bool qtherm, const Real velocity, RealArray& fluxArray, RealArray& fluxErrArray);A few other useful routines also live in Aped.h. getAtomicMass returns the atomic mass for the given atomic number. getCocoAndLineFileNames returns the version number string, and the continuum and line filenames for CIE models. getNEIApedFileNames returns the AtomDB version number string, the NEI eigenvectors version number string, and the continuum and line filenames. apedInterpFlux is used to interpolate the continuum and pseudo-continuum arrays.
Real getAtomicMass(const int& AtomicNumber); bool getCocoAndLineFileNames(string& version, string& continuumFile, string& lineFile, const string type); bool getNEIApedFileNames(string& version, string& eigenVersion, string& continuumFile, string& lineFile); void apedInterpFlux(const RealArray& inputEnergy, const RealArray& inputFlux, const Real& z15, const Real& coeff, const RealArray& energyArray, RealArray& fluxArray);
4.1.5 Examples
An example use of the Aped class to calculate a CIE spectrum can be found in the file calcMultiTempPlasma.cxx in Xspec/src/XSFunctions. An example use to calculate an NEI spectrum can be found in vvgnei.cxx in the same directory.4.2 IonBalNei
The IonBalNei classes store the eigenvector data and calculate ionization fractions for an NEI collisional plasma. The top-level class IonBalNei comprises a vector of IonBalTemperatureRecord classes, each of which comprises a vector of IonBalElementRecord classes. Thus there is one IonBalElementRecord for each temperature and element in the eigevector data files. The top-level IonBalNei class provides methods to load and use the eigenvector data.4.2.1 IonBalElementRecord
class IonBalElementRecord{ public: int AtomicNumber; RealArray EquilibriumPopulation; RealArray Eigenvalues; vector<RealArray> LeftEigenvectors; vector<RealArray> RightEigenvectors; IonBalElementRecord(); // default constructor ~IonBalElementRecord(); // destructor void Clear(); // clear out the contents IonBalElementRecord& operator=(const IonBalElementRecord&); // deep copy };This class stores the eigenvector data for the element with specified AtomicNumber. EquilibriumPopulation stores the CIE ion fractions.
4.2.2 IonBalTemperatureRecord
class IonBalTemperatureRecord{ public: Real Temperature; vector<IonBalElementRecord> ElementRecord; IonBalTemperatureRecord(); // default constructor ~IonBalTemperatureRecord(); // destructor void LoadElementRecord(IonBalElementRecord input); void Clear(); // clear out the contents IonBalTemperatureRecord& operator=(const IonBalTemperatureRecord&); };Each IonBalTemperatureRecord object stores the temperature and the eigenvector data for each element.
4.2.3 IonBalNei
class IonBalNei{ public: vector<IonBalTemperatureRecord> TemperatureRecord; RealArray Temperature; string Version; IonBalNei(); // default constructor ~IonBalNei(); // destructor IonBalNei& operator=(const IonBalNei&); // deep copy void Clear(); // clear out the contentsThe Version string is used to control which version of the eigenvector data files are to be used. If the version is changed then the object is reset using Clear and setVersion returns true. The setVersion method with no input checks NEIVERS and uses that if it has been set.
string getVersion(); bool setVersion(); bool setVersion(string version);This class provides a Read method to load data from the eigenvector files. This can either be done using a vector of atomic numbers and the directory name and version string, so that the relevant filenames can be constructed, or using a single atomic number and filename.
// Read loads eigenvector data for a set of elements int Read(vector<int> Z, string dirname, string versionname); // ReadElement loads eigenvector data for that element int ReadElement(int Z, string filename); void LoadTemperatureRecord(IonBalTemperatureRecord input);The following provide methods to extract some useful numbers.
RealArray Temperatures(); // return tabulated temperatures int NumberTemperatures(); // return number of tabulated temperatures int NumberElements(); // return number of tabulated elements bool ContainsElement(const int& Z); // returns true if data for ZThe CIE method returns the ionization fractions for the specified element for a collisional ionization equilibrium plasma with the given electron temperature.
RealArray CIE(const Real& Te, const int& Z);The method to calculate ion fractions is Calc. It is overloaded to give a number of different options. If the initIonFrac array is used then this gives the initial ion fractions for the element Z, if not the element is assumed to start un-ionized.
// calculate the NEI ion fractions for electron temperature Te, ionization // parameter tau and element Z. RealArray Calc(const Real& Te, const Real& tau, const int& Z); RealArray Calc(const Real& Te, const Real& tau, const int& Z, const RealArray& initIonFrac); // Calculates ionization fractions at electron temperatures // Te and a set of ionization parameters tau(i), i=1,..,n, // where each tau is given weight(i). Electron temperature is // assumed to be linear function of tau. // Based on the old noneq.f. RealArray Calc(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const RealArray& weight, const int& Z); RealArray Calc(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const RealArray& weight, const int& Z, const RealArray& initIonFrac); // Calculates ionization fractions at electron temperature // Te(n) and ionization parameter tau(n), for electron // temperatures Te given in a tabular form as a function of // ionization parameter tau. // Based on the old noneqr.f. // Does initIonFrac make sense in this case. RealArray Calc(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const int& Z); RealArray Calc(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const int& Z, const RealArray& initIonFrac); };Outside the class there are wrap-up functions to read (if necessary) the eigenvector files and calculate ion fractions. They use the NEISPEC xset variable to choose which version of the files to use. The various overloaded versions match to the Calc methods.
void calcNEIfractions(const Real& Te, const Real& tau, const int& Z, RealArray& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const Real& Te, const Real& tau, const IntegerVector& Z, vector<RealArray>& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const Real& Te, const Real& tau, const int& Z, const RealArray& initIonFrac, RealArray& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const Real& Te, const Real& tau, const IntegerVector& Z, const vector<RealArray>& initIonFrac, vector<RealArray>& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const RealArray& weight, const int& Z, RealArray& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const RealArray& weight, const IntegerVector& Z, vector<RealArray>& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const RealArray& weight, const int& Z, const RealArray& initIonFrac, RealArray& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const RealArray& weight, const IntegerVector& Z, const vector<RealArray>& initIonFrac, vector<RealArray>& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const int& Z, RealArray& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const IntegerVector& Z, vector<RealArray>& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const int& Z, const RealArray& initIonFrac, RealArray& IonFrac); void calcNEIfractions(const RealArray& Te, const RealArray& tau, const IntegerVector& Z, const RealArray& initIonFrac, vector<RealArray>& IonFrac);The wrapper routine to return the collisional ionization equilibrium fractions is
void calcCIEfractions(const Real Te, const IntegerVector& Z, vector<RealArray>& IonFrac);There are also handy routines to return and index into the temperatures and the number of temperatures
int getNEItempIndex(const Real& tkeV); int getNEInumbTemp();to providing debugging information
string writeIonFrac(const IntegerVector& Zarray, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac); string writeIonFrac(const int& Z, const IntegerVector& Zarray, const vector<RealArray>& IonFrac);to do a binary search on a RealArray and return the index of the element immediately less than the input target
int locateIndex(const RealArray& xx, const Real x);and to check whether arrays are identical (note that the C++11 standard includes this as part of the valarray class but this is not yet implemented in all compilers.
bool identicalArrays(const vector<RealArray>& a, const vector<RealArray>& b); bool identicalArrays(const RealArray& a, const RealArray& b); bool identicalArrays(const IntegerVector& a, const IntegerVector& b);
4.2.4 Examples
A calcNEIfractions use can be found in the file vvgnei.cxx in the directory Xspec/src/XSFunctions.4.3 NeutralOpacity
This class serves as a limited C++ interface to the Fortran gphoto and photo routines to parallel the IonizedOpacity class. It will use the cross-sections set using the xsect command. The method Setup should be used to initialize the object then GetValue or Get to return opacities for a single or multiple energies, respectively. IronAbundance is used to set the iron abundance (relative to the defined Solar) and Abundance the abundances of all other elements. IncludeHHe specifies whether to include the contributions of hydrogen and helium in the total opacity.class NeutralOpacity{ public: IntegerVector AtomicNumber; vector<string> ElementName; string CrossSectionSource; NeutralOpacity(); // default constructor ~NeutralOpacity(); // destructor void Setup(); // set up opacities void Get(RealArray inputEnergy, Real Abundance, Real IronAbundance, bool IncludeHHe, RealArray& Opacity); // return opacities void GetValue(Real inputEnergy, Real Abundance, Real IronAbundance, bool IncludeHHe, Real& Opacity); // return single opacity };
4.3.1 Examples
An example use of NeutralOpacity can be found in the routine calcCompReflTotalFlux in the file MZCompRefl.cxx in the directory Xspec/src/XSFunctions.4.4 IonizedOpacity
This class calculates opacity of a photo-ionized material. At present it uses the Reilman & Manson (1979) opacities although this could be generalized in future. The Setup method reads the input files if necessary and calculate ion fractions for the requested ionization parameter, temperature and spectrum. GetValue or Get then return opacities for a single or multiple energies, respectively. IronAbundance is used to set the iron abundance (relative to the defined Solar) and Abundance the abundances of all other elements. IncludeHHe specifies whether to include the contributions of hydrogen and helium in the total opacity.class IonizedOpacity{ public: IntegerVector AtomicNumber; vector<string> ElementName; RealArray Energy; RealArray **ion; RealArray **sigma; RealArray *num; IonizedOpacity(); // default constructor ~IonizedOpacity(); // destructor void LoadFiles(); // internal routine to load model data files void Setup(Real Xi, Real Temp, RealArray inputEnergy, RealArray inputSpectrum); // set up opacities void Get(RealArray inputEnergy, Real Abundance, Real IronAbundance, bool IncludeHHe, RealArray& Opacity); // return opacities void GetValue(Real inputEnergy, Real Abundance, Real IronAbundance, bool IncludeHHe, Real& Opacity); // return single opacity };
4.4.1 Examples
An example use of IonizedOpacity can be found in the routine calcCompReflTotalFlux in the file MZCompRefl.cxx in the directory Xspec/src/XSFunctions.4.5 MZCompRefl
This class calculates Compton reflection using the Magzdiarz and Zdziarski code.class MZCompRefl{ public: MZCompRefl(); // default constructor ~MZCompRefl(); // default destructor void CalcReflection(string RootName, Real cosIncl, Real xnor, Real Xmax, RealArray& InputX, RealArray& InputSpec, RealArray& Spref);The easiest way to use the MZCompRefl class is through the associated function calcCompReflTotalFlux.
void calcCompReflTotalFlux(string ModelName, Real Scale, Real cosIncl, Real Abund, Real FeAbund, Real Xi, Real Temp, Real inXmax, RealArray& X, RealArray& Spinc, RealArray& Sptot);ModelName is the name of model and is used to check the ModelName_PRECISION xset variable to determine the precision to which internal integrals should be calculated. Scale is the fraction of reflected emission to include. If Scale is zero then no reflection component is included, a value of one corresponds to an isotropic source above an infinite disk. The special case of minus one will return only the reflected component. cosIncl is the cosine of the inclination angle of the disk to the line of sight. The iron abundance is specified by FeAbund and the abundances of all other elements by Abund. For an ionized disk Xi and Temp give the ionization parameter and temperature for the IonizedOpacity class. If Xi is zero then the NeutralOpacity class is used instead. In both these cases the boolean IncludeHHe is set to false. The input energies and spectrum are given by the X and Spinc arrays. The energies are in units of me c2 and the input spectrum is E FE. The output spectrum Sptot is also E FE. The input variable inXmax is the maximum value of X for which the reflected spectrum is calculated. This is useful because X and Spinc should be specified to a higher energy than required in the output because the energy downscattering in Compton reflection. Setting inXmax to the highest output energy required will save computation time.
4.5.1 Examples
An example use of calcCompReflTotalFlux can be found in the routine doreflect in the file ireflct.cxx in the directory Xspec/src/XSFunctions.File translated from TEX by TTH, version 4.16.
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