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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Soft X-ray Emission from the Cygnus Loop

XIS1 Spectrum of Cygnus Loop

XIS False-Color Image of Cygnus Loop

Credit: Miyata et al. / ISAS/JAXA / Suzaku GOF

The middle-aged supernova remnant Cygnus Loop is a well known, and often-observed, soft X-ray source. Nevertheless, Suzaku XIS1, with its new generation backside-illuminated CCD chip, has been able to reveal never-seen-before datils. Specifically, Miyata et al. (2007) have detected the CVI and NVI emission lines from the NE region of Cygnus Loop for the first time (top). Also note that the OVII and OVIII lines are clearly resolved. The bottom image is constructed from the C-band emission (220-320 eV; encoded as red), OVII line (510-620 eV, green) and OVIII line (620-700 eV, blue). There appears to be a low temperature component at the outer shell (appearing as reddish) as well as the tendency for the ionization to increase toward the inner regions.

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This file was last modified on Monday, 02-Jul-2007 15:09:53 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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