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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

HESS J1804-216: A Mysterious gamma-ray Source

XIS Image of HESS J1804-216

Credit: Bamba et al. / ISAS/JAXA / Suzaku GOF

HESS J1804-216 is one of the brightest unidentifed TeV gamma-ray source discovered with High Energy Spectroscopic System (H.E.S.S.). It is also one of the most extended and softest HESS sources. Bamba et al. (2007) have observed this region of the sky using Suzaku XIS and discovered two X-ray sources, as shown above. One or both may be the X-ray counterpart of the HESS source, possibly a highly absorbed supernova remnant. The observed absorbing column for one of the sources indicates that it is deeply embedded in dense gas. Although the Suzaku observation has provided several valuable clues, the true nature of this TeV gamma-ray source remains a mystery.

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This file was last modified on Monday, 02-Jul-2007 15:09:53 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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