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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Processing Version

Last Updated on 2007 October 15

Released 2007-10-15
Mk1stfitsver mk1stfits20070514
Softver Hea_27Jul2007_V6.3.1_Suzaku_24Jul2007_V6.0
CALDBVER hxd20070914_xis20070807_xrt20070622_xrs20060410
Changes changes

Notes on V2.1.6.14

This is a minor update on V2.0.6.13.

The new HXD calibration files include an adjustment of the low energy threshold for the PIN, following the onset of the PIN flare events on 2007 July 28.

Major changes in v2.0 are as follows:

Current calibration uncertainties are described at:

This version is processed with Suzaku FTOOLS Version 6, released as a part of HEAsoft 6.3.1. It is possible for users to perform their own "version 2 reprocessing of v1.x data" before the officialy processed data become available.

If you have any questions concerning Suzaku, visit the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Friday, 29-May-2009 16:59:19 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

    Privacy Policy and Important Notices.