Next: 3. Mission Description
Up: Suzaku Technical Description
Previous: 1. Introduction
2. Changes Since AO-9
This chapter summarizes the main changes to the Suzaku Technical
Description since the last AO and re-emphasizes several
important issues to consider for the preparation of proposals.
- Over the past several years, we have seen a decline in the
electric power supply from the Solar Array Paddle as well as the
capacity of the on-board batteries. All new AO-10 proposals should
stand on their own merits, in the sense of not requiring future
(AO-11) Suzaku observations.
- The period of AO-10 observations will be 6 months from 2015 May
1 to October 31. The total time nominally available for observations
to the community is 6,051ks in AO-10. 2,975ks are assigned to
Japanese observations, this includes 476ks for proposals submitted
to ESA as joint Japan-ESA observations, and 2,332ks go to US
observations. The remaining 744ks are foreseen for joint Japan-US
- No proposals that require the use of HXD to achieve their core
scientific objectives will be accepted. However, proposals that can
be enhanced if HXD is also operated are acceptable.
- Should the power situation further degrade, the number of XIS
units in operation may be reduced from 3 to 1. If this is done, the
exposure times of accepted observations will be increased by a
factor of 3. Proposers should evaluate the effect on achieving their
scientific objectives. For example, a time critical observation of a
short-lived event may suffer if the total exposure time is tripled
but with only 1 XIS in operation. In addition, proposers who whish
to obtain P-sum/timing mode data would also obtain normal imaging
mode data with 3 XIS units in use but should address their
preference for the case that only 1 XIS unit is available.
- This opportunity is for regular proposals only; no Key Project
proposals are being solicited or will be accepted.
- Since some time between 2014-05-15 and 2014-06-02 the charge
leakage area on XIS0 expanded. The area discrmination region has
therefore been increased from ACTX=70-110 to ACTX=0-210 since
- It is conceivable that the amount of time available for
target-of-opportunity and time critical observations will have to be
- Before AO-8, targets with Sun angles in a range of 65 to 110
degrees were accessible for Suzaku
observations. Considering the power situation, the Sun angle range
has been restricted to 70-110 degrees since AO-8.
- Since the current version of the roll angle tool Maki,
which can determine the orientation of the XIS CCDs on the sky as a
function of the observation epoch within the visibility window of a
target, does not work on 64-bit machines, we provide a simpler,
text-only, perl script, RollRange, as an alternative to
Maki. See section 5.7.
- The category of ``Long Program'' for proposals with a total
exposure time 300ks, available in (only) the US from AO-3 to
AO-6 has not been offered since AO-7 anymore.
- As before all projects with a total exposure time request equal
to or more than 300ks are open to the public immediately.
- Regular US proposals may request no more than 1Ms of observing
time for practical reason. Note that for TOO proposals this 1Ms
limit applies to the actually requested observing time. It is
therefore possible to request 400ks per target for up to 2
triggers among 5 potential targets, for example.
- Since AO-5, individual raster scan observations have to have the
same minimum exposure time of 10ks per pointing as other
- XIS1 suffered a micro-meteorite hit in December 2009. Following
diagnostic measurements showed that the scientific impact is
minimal. See section 7.3.6 for more information about other
putative micrometeorite hits and their effects.
- The use of the HXD nominal aim point is discouraged. To this end
the HXD team will no longer provide response matrices for simulation
for observations at the HXD nominal aim point. The XIS team will no
longer support observations at the HXD nominal aim point that use
the P-sum mode, the Window option or the Burst option.
- Two Suzaku memos provide information about the jitter of the
pointing direction that can affect observations since the end of
that the first one describes an effect - the observed light curves
being modulated due to telescope vignetting - that is mitigated by
not using the HXD aim point. On June 25, 2012, another change has
been made leading to the attitude control being good to 1arcmin or
better and the attitude determination being good to 20arcsec or
better, i.e., back to the original situation. However, the actual
behavior differs from observation to observation and the effects
discussed above might still occur.
- Proposals using the P-sum/Timing mode of the XIS are
encouraged. There is no longer a limit on the amount of P-sum/Timing
mode observations that can be accepted. Proposers should be aware of
the properties of the P-sum/Timing mode. Photon pile-up scarcely
occurs in this mode, and a time resolution as fast as 7.8ms can be
achieved, but only a 1-dimensional image can be obtained. Note that
the P-sum/Timing mode can be adopted only for the XIS3, and neither
the Spaced-row Charge Injection nor a CTI correction can be
applied. The energy resolution is therefore significantly worse than
in the normal imaging mode. The calibration accuracy is not as good
as that for the normal imaging mode, either.
- XIS recipes for P-sum data reduction and pile-up detection have
been released which are useful for planning observations requiring
high time resolution and pile-up mitigation. Please see
- For feasibility studies of HXD data analyses proposers should
simulate observations with the responses and background files
provided for the XIS aim point, then analyze them by varying the
background by typically % for the PIN and % for the
GSO. This procedure mimics the level of systematic uncertainties in
the current HXD background models (see sections 5.5.2
and 8.5). The background files were generated
based on the Lockman hole observation performed on 2009-06-12. The
PIN threshold of Epoch 9 has been applied. Channels below 15keV
should be ignored due to uncertainties in the response and
background. As long as this is done, simulations based on these
files are suitable for simulating AO-10 observations. Keep in mind,
however, that no proposals that require the use of HXD to achieve
their core scientific objectives will be accepted in AO-10.
- Note that the Suzaku project has an agreement with the
Fermi project as well as with the NuSTAR project
to make a modest amount of Suzaku time available for allocation
through their proposal review processes for investigations that take
advantage of joint observations. See Chandra and
Fermi calls for proposals for further details.
- Real-time TOO proposals (outside the AO process, through
for gamma-ray bursts can be submitted by all investigators,
including those who are not part of the Suzaku science working group.
Next: 3. Mission Description
Up: Suzaku Technical Description
Previous: 1. Introduction
Katja Pottschmidt