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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku AO-6 Long-Term Schedule: 2011 Nov-Dec

1 November 2011

Following is the latest long-term schedule of observations for the Suzaku AO6. We will endeavor as best we can to meet the observation schedule as listed here. The schedule is, however, subject to change for a number of reasons. In particular, the AO6 phase has a number of proposed Target Of Opportunity (TOO) observations which may need to be inserted into the schedule. The need for additional calibration observations may also arise, necessitating changes to this schedule.

Week of October 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 506020010 HESSJ1857-B 40 284.542 2.764 MATSUMOTO 706032010 NGC 6814 40 295.669 -10.324 HAYASHIDA 706014010 PKS0625-354 100 96.778 -35.488 FUKAZAWA 806007010 SNR B0532-675 80 83.100 -67.530 SOMEYA

Week of November 7

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 406041010 4 DRA 40 187.528 69.201 MUKAI 706030080 SMC X-1 18 19.271 -73.443 NEILSEN 706007010 HESS J1943+21 40 295.983 21.311 STAWARZ 706017010 PG 1626+554 60 246.983 55.376 SAMESHIMA 506060020 G272.2-3.2 25 136.708 -52.121 KOYAMA 806013010 XMMU 2235.3-2 100 338.836 -25.962 KAWAHARA

Week of November 14

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 406012010 PSR J0726-261 99 111.534 -26.211 SHIBATA 706038010 IRAS 09104+41 80 138.440 40.941 CHIANG 806015010 NGC 6251 100 247.229 82.629 SETA

Week of November 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 406014010 RXJ2056.6+494 40 314.178 49.669 ISO 706028010 4C+74.26 100 310.655 75.134 NODA 806018010 NGC3628 80 170.071 13.590 MITSUISHI 706018010 PG 1322+659 80 200.954 65.697 SAMESHIMA

Week of November 28

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 506044010 VELA PWN E1 15 129.144 -45.275 KATSUDA 506041010 VELA PWN NE1 15 129.375 -44.980 KATSUDA 506042010 VELA PWN NE2 15 130.629 -44.283 KATSUDA 506043010 VELA PWN NE3 15 131.047 -44.085 KATSUDA 806052010 30 DORADUS 100 84.677 -69.101 WANG 806077010 LOCK-365 150 161.906 57.694 HICKS 806020010 COMA OUTSKIRT 50 196.480 28.890 SATO

Week of December 5

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 806021010 COMA OUTSKIRT 20 195.850 28.500 SATO 806022010 COMA OUTSKIRT 30 196.165 28.696 SATO 806023010 COMA OUTSKIRT 50 193.340 28.889 SATO 806024010 COMA OUTSKIRT 30 193.659 28.697 SATO 806025010 COMA OUTSKIRT 20 193.969 28.492 SATO 806060010 BEYOND VIRGO 20 187.710 16.084 WERNER 806061010 BEYOND VIRGO 20 187.710 16.350 WERNER 806062010 BEYOND VIRGO 30 187.710 16.617 WERNER 806076010 ES1-230 40 9.188 -44.181 HICKS

Week of December 12

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 706030090 SMC X-1 18 19.271 -73.443 NEILSEN 506037010 CTB109 NOTHWE 40 345.250 59.050 NAKANO 506038010 CTB109 SOUTHW 40 345.083 58.767 NAKANO 506039010 CTB109 NORTHE 30 345.750 59.017 NAKANO 506040010 CTB109 SOUTHE 30 345.750 58.717 NAKANO 506027010 NGC 7618 100 349.831 42.931 HAYASHI 806063010 BEYOND VIRGO 30 187.710 16.884 WERNER 806064010 BEYOND VIRGO 40 187.710 17.150 WERNER

Week of December 19

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 806065010 BEYOND VIRGO 40 187.710 17.417 WERNER 806066010 BEYOND VIRGO 50 187.710 17.684 WERNER 406023010 24M2791 30 335.031 63.359 OHNO 806014010 A2319NORTH 100 290.153 44.038 TAKIZAWA 806098020 A1750R 13 202.849 -2.075 KAWAHARADA 806075010 EN2-109 100 248.648 40.364 HICKS

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 01-Nov-2011 13:40:58 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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