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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku AO-8 Long-Term Schedule: 2013 Apr-Jun

27 March 2013

Following is the latest long-term schedule of observations for the Suzaku AO8. We will endeavor as best we can to meet the observation schedule as listed here. The schedule is, however, subject to change for a number of reasons. In particular, the AO8 phase has a number of proposed Target Of Opportunity (TOO) observations which may need to be inserted into the schedule. The need for additional calibration observations may also arise, necessitating changes to this schedule.

Week of April 8

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 407015010 CYG X-1 83 299.591 35.189 YAMADA 708006010 NGC 3516 50 166.698 72.569 NODA 508072010 0509-67.5 175 77.393 -67.525 YAMAGUCHI

Week of April 15

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 108007010 RXJ1856.5-375 40 284.146 -37.908 TSUJIMOTO 708037010 H1821+643 400 275.489 64.343 REYNOLDS

Week of April 22

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 508009010 SE_SRC 20 287.398 -27.250 TAHARA 508010010 SE_BGD 20 288.748 -25.775 TAHARA 108010010 PKS2155-304 60 329.717 -30.226 ISHIDA 108008010 N132D 25 81.259 -69.644 TSUJIMOTO 708006020 NGC 3516 50 166.698 72.569 NODA 108002010 E0102-72 30 16.008 -72.031 TSUJIMOTO 108003010 E0102-72_1_4_ 30 16.008 -72.031 TSUJIMOTO 708004010 ESO 119-G008 100 72.236 -57.659 GANDHI

Week of April 29

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 808101010 PLCK G214.6-3 120 137.206 14.642 LOVISARI 808055010 BULLET-OFFSET 100 104.748 -55.848 KAWAHARADA

Week of May 6

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 108001010 LOCKMAN HOLE 40 162.938 57.267 TSUJIMOTO 808056010 BULLET-OFFSET 100 104.414 -55.885 KAWAHARADA 808057010 BULLET-BKG 50 105.488 -55.930 KAWAHARADA 708006030 NGC 3516 50 166.698 72.569 NODA

Week of May 13

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 708038010 IRAS F11119+3 250 168.662 32.693 TOMBESI 707045010 CTA102 10 338.152 11.731 JORSTAD 707044010 BL LAC 10 330.680 42.278 JORSTAD 708005010 IRAS 00521-70 99 13.484 -70.635 RICCI

Week of May 20

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 708034010 3C 390.3 100 280.537 79.771 OGLE 508042010 VELA PWN W1 15 128.340 -45.200 MORI 508043010 VELA PWN W2 15 127.340 -45.200 MORI 508044010 VELA PWN W3 15 126.910 -45.200 MORI 508045010 VELA PWN W4 15 126.480 -45.200 MORI 508046010 VELA PWN W5 15 126.050 -45.200 MORI

Week of May 27

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 508047010 VELA PWN W6 15 125.620 -45.200 MORI 708002010 NGC 3997 80 179.451 25.271 UEDA 708006040 NGC 3516 50 166.698 72.569 NODA 708044010 B2 1023+25 100 156.598 25.716 BRAITO 708021010 MCG-5-23-16 300 146.917 -30.949 ZOGHBI

Week of June 3

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 108004010 CYGNUS_LOOP_P 10 313.996 31.475 TSUJIMOTO 808018010 COMA SUBHALO1 30 195.403 29.038 OKABE 808019010 COMA SUBHALO1 20 195.256 28.770 OKABE 808020010 COMA SUBHALO2 20 194.512 27.375 OKABE

Week of June 10

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 808021010 COMA SUBHALO3 20 193.987 27.764 OKABE 808022010 COMA SUBHALO4 20 193.874 27.525 OKABE 508071010 N63A 80 83.934 -66.036 YAMAGUCHI 408018010 ETA CARINAE 180 161.265 -59.685 YUASA

Week of June 17

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 808092010 CIZASOUTHPE 99 340.830 52.939 VAN WEEREN 808093010 CIZASOUTHPW 99 340.555 53.005 VAN WEEREN 808068010 ABELL 3112 200 49.487 -44.456 BULBUL

Week of June 24

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Target Exp Ra Dec Pi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 708001010 NGC 5273 80 205.535 35.654 UEDA 808090010 COMA W SHOCK1 15 194.209 28.278 SIMIONESCU 808091010 COMA W SHOCK2 15 194.063 28.346 SIMIONESCU 708045010 PG 1404+226 100 211.591 22.396 KARA

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This file was last modified on Thursday, 28-Mar-2013 11:17:24 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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