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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2006 Nov 27 - Dec 23

Current as of 2006 Nov 22

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2006 Nov 27 - Dec 23. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time
701093040MARKARIAN_509PONTI311.04042-10.723612006 11 27 03 42 00
801019010NGC_4631YAMASAKI190.5333332.54152006 11 28 03 05 00
801038010M87_CENTERMATSUMOTO187.7058312.391112006 11 29 21 55 00
801039010M87_50'_SEMATSUMOTO188.2679211.832192006 12 02 03 02 00
701037010NGC_4552STEFFEN188.9158312.556332006 12 03 07 29 00
801064010NGC_4472LOEWENSTEIN187.444588.000562006 12 03 20 10 00
801016010PKS_2356-61HONG359.76792-60.916392006 12 06 16 50 00
801076010A2665SCHARF357.712926.1382006 12 09 05 11 00
701021010TON_S180HAYASHIDA14.33292-22.383062006 12 09 13 29 00
801031010_3EGJ1234_1318_1TOTANI187.99917-13.39252006 12 12 08 28 00
801032010_3EGJ1234_1318_2TOTANI187.99917-13.14252006 12 12 22 08 00
101005090E0102.2-7219MATSUMOTO16.00833-72.031312006 12 13 18 45 00
701017020SWIFT_J0350.1-5019UEDA57.591667-50.3013892006 12 14 02 36 00
701060010_3C_390.3SAMBRUNA280.537579.771392006 12 14 16 31 00
801062010A1674HAYASHIDA195.8829267.498612006 12 16 16 33 00
501035010CYGNUS_LOOP_P18TSUNEMI312.04729.7182006 12 18 11 51 00
501036010CYGNUS_LOOP_P19TSUNEMI311.7630.042006 12 18 18 58 00
801041010A85SHIBATA10.45-9.3752006 12 19 01 20 00
401013010IGR_J07563-4137EBISAWA119.08167-41.628362006 12 21 05 03 00
801015010FORNAX_A_HOST_GALAXYTASHIRO50.67375-37.208332006 12 22 08 21 00

If you have any questions concerning Suzaku, visit the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 19-Dec-2006 16:17:27 EST

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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