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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Revised Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2006 Sep 23 - Oct 1

Current as of 2006 Sep 22

Following is the revised short-term schedule of observations for the period 2006 Sep 23 - Oct 1. Please note that scheduling changes are still possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time
900000000J164710.2-455216TOO-TEAM251.793875-45.8706392006 09 23 06 52 00
501040010GC_SGR_B_NORTH-RemainderKOYAMA266.6944-28.38032006 09 24 04 56 00
900000000IGR_J17497-2821-5TOO-Team267.404167-28.3552006 09 25 07 00 00
501008010GC_SOUTHKOYAMA266.5-29.16752006 09 26 14 14 00
501009010GC_SOUTH_BGDKOYAMA266.1875-28.906392006 09 29 21 25 00
801056010ABELL_2199_CENTERKAWAHARADA247.1604239.551672006 10 01 06 55 00
801057010ABELL_2199_OFFSET_1KAWAHARADA246.9937539.718332006 10 01 21 31 00

If you have any questions concerning Suzaku, visit the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Thursday, 28-Sep-2006 18:25:43 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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