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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2007 Jan 17 - Feb 4

Current as of 2007 Jan 11

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2007 Jan 17 - Feb 4. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time
701011010PKS_0558-504-1HABA89.9475-50.447782007 01 17 10 58 00
801003010A2104EHATTORI235.14792-3.302282007 01 18 02 42 00
701011020PKS_0558-504-2HABA89.9475-50.447782007 01 18 16 26 00
801002010A2104NHATTORI235.03125-3.185642007 01 19 06 22 00
701011030PKS_0558-504-3HABA89.9475-50.447782007 01 19 18 03 00
801004010A2104SHATTORI235.03125-3.418972007 01 20 07 41 00
701011040PKS_0558-504-4HABA89.9475-50.447782007 01 20 19 50 00
801001010A2104WHATTORI234.91417-3.302282007 01 21 07 52 00
701011050PKS_0558-504-5HABA89.9475-50.447782007 01 21 21 30 00
701084010MKN_841PETRUCCI226.00510.437832007 01 22 08 28 00
701013010SWIFT_J0255.2-0011UEDA43.79583-0.180752007 01 23 14 33 00
701003010IRAS13224-3809TANAKA201.33042-38.414722007 01 26 05 30 00
701030030NGC_5506TURNER213.34458-3.20752007 01 31 02 02 00
401037010_1RX_J154814.5-452845MUKAI237.06042-45.479172007 02 01 15 04 00
701028010BO_375KONG11.4399641.661672007 02 04 08 30 00

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This file was last modified on Friday, 02-Feb-2007 18:36:07 EST

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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