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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2009 Dec 17-2010 Jan 16

Current as of 2009 Dec 14

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2009 Dec 17-2010 Jan 16. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
504017010FESI1TSUNEMI313.42630.6162009 12 17 13 13 00
804087010A76_EASTBOEHRINGER10.158336.844442009 12 18 08 00 00
804088010A76_WESTBOEHRINGER9.58756.844442009 12 18 21 00 00
504062010VICINITY_OF_NGC_4051HAGIHARA180.4630444.095862009 12 19 08 00 00
404062010LMC_X-3MCCLINTOCK84.73417-64.082222009 12 21 12 20 00
104009010E0102-72MATSUMOTO16.00833-72.031312009 12 25 21 51 00
804001010RXCJ0243.6-4834OTA40.90329-48.569812009 12 26 12 59 00
504075010SEP_#4SNOWDEN90.0-66.572009 12 27 00 00 00
504076010NEP_#4SNOWDEN270.066.572009 12 28 09 35 00
804039010N103BTAMAGAWA77.22629-68.738312009 12 29 10 59 00
704019010_3C_35ISOBE18.0091749.476392010 01 04 14 52 00
704025010MRK_352WINTER14.97231.826922010 01 06 11 12 00
804081010RCS1620+3046HICKS245.0329230.778222010 01 07 14 30 00
404011010RXJ0007.0+7302TAKATA1.7591773.051942010 01 08 14 31 00
704016010M33_X8ISOBE23.4620830.660332010 01 11 01 37 00
504034010HESS_J1427-608MORI216.96667-60.852010 01 13 13 30 00
804003010RXCJ0234.5-5830OTA38.64942-58.513812010 01 16 04 32 00
704064010_1H_0419-577TURNER66.50333-57.200562010 01 16 11 30 00

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This file was last modified on Thursday, 08-Apr-2010 10:53:07 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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