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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2009 Sep 4-Oct 1

Current as of 2009 Sep 2

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2009 Sep 4-Oct 1. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
504083010_330.2+1.0ALLEN240.23-51.592009 09 04 03 15 00
904002020V2672_OPHSUZAKU TEAM264.582-26.737222009 09 06 19 30 00
504083020_330.2+1.0ALLEN240.23-51.592009 09 07 11 30 00
504049010ASO0376KAWAI263.138093-31.5365352009 09 08 03 29 00
404069010_4U_1820-30LINARES275.91854-30.361142009 09 08 13 50 00
504077010HESS_J1809-193AKARGALTSEV273.0-19.02009 09 09 04 50 00
504078010HESS_J1809-193BKARGALTSEV272.67823-19.15282009 09 10 11 35 00
504079010HESS_J1809-193EKARGALTSEV272.0-19.52009 09 11 17 58 00
504101010KEPLER_BG_GEPARK263.534333-20.2598062009 09 13 03 45 00
404069020_4U_1820-30LINARES275.91854-30.361142009 09 14 08 39 00
504091010GALACTIC_BULGE8KOYAMA267.08708-31.048172009 09 14 19 32 00
504092010GALACTIC_BULGE9KOYAMA267.48792-31.253812009 09 16 07 18 00
504093010GALACTIC_BULGE10KOYAMA268.295-31.661312009 09 17 13 49 00
504094010GALACTIC_BULGE11KOYAMA269.31375-32.163442009 09 19 03 37 00
104007010E0102-72MATSUMOTO16.00833-72.031312009 09 20 11 56 00
104011010E0102-72_1_4_WINMATSUMOTO16.00833-72.031312009 09 21 03 49 00
404069030_4U_1820-30LINARES275.91854-30.361142009 09 21 14 33 00
504004010SGR_B2NOBUKAWA266.87521-28.440892009 09 22 09 13 00
404069040_4U_1820-30LINARES275.91854-30.361142009 09 28 10 59 00
804047010NGC_4125HUMPHREY182.0250865.174142009 09 29 06 51 00

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This file was last modified on Thursday, 08-Apr-2010 10:53:07 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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