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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2010 Aug 16-Sep 2

Current as of 2010 Aug 12

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2010 Aug 16-Sep 2. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
505073010SNR_G106.3+2.7_P3ALIU336.5416760.767782010 08 16 00 30 00
805096010ABELL_426_S1ALLEN49.8716741.246942010 08 16 23 37 00
805097010ABELL_426_S2ALLEN49.8054240.971392010 08 17 07 11 00
805098010ABELL_426_S3ALLEN49.7391740.695832010 08 17 14 16 00
805099010ABELL_426_S4ALLEN49.6737540.420562010 08 17 19 18 00
805110010ABELL_426_S4.5ALLEN49.6412240.282822010 08 18 01 45 00
805100010ABELL_426_S5ALLEN49.6087540.1452010 08 18 09 41 00
805111010ABELL_426_S5.5ALLEN49.5764940.007272010 08 18 15 32 00
805101010ABELL_426_S6ALLEN49.5441739.869722010 08 18 20 36 00
805112010ABELL_426_S6.5ALLEN49.5121839.732012010 08 19 07 58 00
805102010ABELL_426_S7ALLEN49.4804239.594172010 08 19 17 02 00
805113010ABELL_426_S7.5ALLEN49.4486939.456492010 08 20 01 45 00
805103010ABELL_426_W1ALLEN49.5958341.536392010 08 20 12 46 00
805104010ABELL_426_W2ALLEN49.222541.553892010 08 20 17 45 00
805105010ABELL_426_W3ALLEN48.8491741.572010 08 20 23 19 00
805106010ABELL_426_W4ALLEN48.4754241.585282010 08 21 07 15 00
805114010ABELL_426_W4.5ALLEN48.2885741.592222010 08 21 13 40 00
805107010ABELL_426_W5ALLEN48.1016741.598892010 08 21 18 43 00
805115010ABELL_426_W5.5ALLEN47.9147941.6054512010 08 21 23 52 00
805108010ABELL_426_W6ALLEN47.7279241.611672010 08 22 08 42 00
805116010ABELL_426_W6.5ALLEN47.54095641.617462010 08 22 16 43 00
805109010ABELL_426_W7ALLEN47.3541741.623062010 08 23 01 01 00
805117010ABELL_426_W7.5ALLEN47.1670941.628262010 08 23 12 11 00
705040010_3C111SAMBRUNA64.58865538.02661112010 08 23 19 48 00
805056010A2204_FIELD_1MILLER248.282965.488562010 08 25 18 25 00
805057010A2204_FIELD_2MILLER248.108375.488532010 08 26 20 40 00
805058010A2204_FIELD_3MILLER248.282965.662332010 08 28 00 11 00
105006030E0102-72_PSUMTSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312010 08 29 02 04 00
705040020_3C111SAMBRUNA64.5887538.026612010 08 30 05 10 00
705047040NGC_4945RISALITI196.36458-49.468332010 08 31 23 44 00

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This file was last modified on Thursday, 12-Aug-2010 10:47:56 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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