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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2010 May 6-29

Current as of 2010 May 6

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2010 May 6-29. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
805065020RXCJ0605MILLER91.252254-35.3195932010 05 06 05 19 00
805065030RXCJ0605MILLER91.697443-35.2829022010 05 07 00 44 00
805065040RXCJ0605MILLER91.458583-35.1197852010 05 07 20 31 00
705007010PBC_J0839.7-1214UEDA129.96092-12.242752010 05 08 16 22 00
805076010ESO3060170_OFFSETSU85.02792-41.236392010 05 10 11 45 00
805075010ESO3060170SU85.02792-40.953062010 05 11 17 17 00
505018010CYGNUS_LOOP_10TSUNEMI314.12330.7332010 05 12 06 25 00
505019010CYGNUS_LOOP_11TSUNEMI313.87530.5432010 05 12 16 45 00
505020010CYGNUS_LOOP_12TSUNEMI313.61330.3392010 05 13 03 00 00
505021010CYGNUS_LOOP_13TSUNEMI313.32430.1422010 05 13 20 08 00
705001010MRK_18TERASHIMA135.4916760.151672010 05 14 11 49 00
705023010LEDA_84274OYABU220.6454266.101112010 05 15 09 03 00
505054010L106_B3TAKEI337.3261.2252010 05 16 01 18 00
405057020_4U_1957+11NOWAK299.8495811.708332010 05 17 12 11 00
505022010CYGNUS_LOOP_14TSUNEMI313.05229.952010 05 18 11 13 00
705063010FAIRALL_9REYNOLDS20.94083-58.805562010 05 19 02 45 00
705062010MRK_205PORQUET185.4333375.310562010 05 22 17 58 00
705054010NGC_3147MATT154.2237573.400752010 05 24 19 41 00
505023010CYGNUS_LOOP_15TSUNEMI313.22529.6742010 05 27 07 01 00
505024010CYGNUS_LOOP_16TSUNEMI312.90729.5172010 05 27 16 47 00
405060010_10_LACOSKINOVA339.8157139.050282010 05 28 11 50 00

If you have any questions concerning Suzaku, visit the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Wednesday, 30-Jun-2010 11:49:34 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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