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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2010 Nov 30-Dec 23

Current as of 2010 Nov 24

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2010 Nov 30-Dec 23. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
805082010MKW_4-OFFSET2GASTALDELLO181.427041.897192010 11 30 06 00 00
705039010NGC_6251EVANS248.1327582.537832010 12 02 05 29 00
705045010IRAS_12072-0444RISALITI182.43792-5.020562010 12 04 00 49 00
805054010VIRGOHI_21IIZUKA184.4666714.752010 12 05 12 24 00
105006020E0102-72_PSUMTSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312010 12 07 18 59 00
105004050E0102-72TSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312010 12 09 00 36 00
105005020E0102-72_1_4_WINTSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312010 12 09 11 42 00
805015010A2744_SWOTA3.50579-30.551692010 12 10 06 00 00
405013010PSR_J1044-5737KAWAI161.13667-57.621922010 12 12 06 55 00
505075010CARINA_SWHAMAGUCHI160.25775-60.1052010 12 12 17 30 00
405016010PSR_J1957+5036KAWAI299.3845450.608692010 12 13 10 39 00
805018010NGC_253YAMASAKI11.88875-25.288332010 12 14 02 01 00
805074010NGC5129_BACKGROUNDDAI201.587513.461672010 12 16 22 42 00
805072010NGC5129_OFF-CENTER1DAI201.3083314.023062010 12 17 05 31 00
805073010NGC5129_OFF-CENTER2DAI201.1208313.723612010 12 18 00 28 00
805071010NGC3402_BACKGROUNDDAI161.66667-13.456112010 12 18 19 13 00
805070010NGC3402_OFF-CENTERDAI162.2625-13.016942010 12 19 01 35 00
705048010ESP_39607BAUMGARTNER11.586-40.0972010 12 19 21 19 00
505042010DEM_L_199NAKAJIMA81.66667-68.841672010 12 21 10 48 00
105007020CYGNUS_LOOP_NE2TSUJIMOTO313.95531.9612010 12 22 06 52 00
505041010DEM_L_86NAKAJIMA77.5-68.92010 12 22 15 21 00

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This file was last modified on Wednesday, 24-Nov-2010 11:35:10 EST

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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