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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2010 Oct 18-Nov 30

Current as of 2010 Oct 14

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2010 Oct 18-Nov 30. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
705042010CBS_126TSURUTA153.2633335.856532010 10 18 07 14 00
505026010G23.5+0.1YAMAUCHI278.48283-8.363312010 10 20 13 16 00
505007010_3C_391KOYAMA282.375-0.933332010 10 22 01 45 00
505008010_3C_397KOYAMA286.895837.133332010 10 24 19 44 00
105004040E0102-72TSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312010 10 26 19 28 00
105008010RXJ1856.5-3754TSUJIMOTO284.14629-37.90852010 10 27 07 43 00
705028010EMS1388TANAKA309.88-56.3122010 10 28 10 49 00
405015010PSR_J2055+2539KAWAI313.9533325.666362010 10 29 03 19 00
405014010PSR_J0614-33KAWAI93.55308-33.481812010 10 29 22 59 00
505057010VICINITY_4U1957+11TAKEI300.5912.142010 10 30 14 44 00
405057030_4U_1957+11NOWAK299.8495811.708332010 11 01 19 19 00
405073010_4U_1909+07FUERST287.700877.597672010 11 02 16 48 00
405036010V2491_CYGORIO295.7581732.32052010 11 03 10 24 00
705049010SWIFTJ2344.6-424322BAUMGARTNER356.10029-42.762612010 11 05 06 30 00
705050010_3C_433BAUMGARTNER320.9355825.0672010 11 06 13 22 00
805007010HYDRA_A-1MATSUSHITA139.37229-11.947192010 11 08 02 17 00
805008010HYDRA_A-2MATSUSHITA139.67492-11.947192010 11 09 04 19 00
705036010_1RXS_J111706.3+20141MASSARO169.2762520.236082010 11 10 07 13 00
705051010NGC_4258NOWAK184.7395847.303892010 11 11 03 42 00
705003010_1150+497SETA178.3516749.519172010 11 12 17 04 00
805083010PKS_0745-191GEORGE117.09558-18.801312010 11 14 02 30 00
805087010PKS_0745-191GEORGE116.65633-19.783252010 11 15 02 39 00
705008010ESO_428-G014HABA109.13-29.324722010 11 16 03 12 00
805028010NGC2841MITSUISHI140.5108350.976392010 11 18 13 13 00
505058010L168_B53SEKIYA153.73548.0612010 11 19 19 17 00
705025010MRK_509NODA311.04071-10.72352010 11 21 13 59 00
805088010RCS2343-3517HICKS355.99125-35.290252010 11 23 19 34 00
805089010RCS2318-0024HICKS349.62667-0.411332010 11 25 10 33 00
705027010EMS1341TANAKA301.13170.0652010 11 27 07 03 00
705029010EMS0873TANAKA200.79529.7082010 11 27 18 17 00
805081010MKW_4-OFFSET1GASTALDELLO181.127042.218062010 11 28 06 43 00

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This file was last modified on Thursday, 14-Oct-2010 11:49:34 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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