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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2010 Sep 10-Oct 10

Current as of 2010 Sep 10

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2010 Sep 10-Oct 10. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
505049010WESTERLUND1_1MATSUMOTO251.8348-46.60092010 09 10 18 12 00
505050010WESTERLUND1_2MATSUMOTO252.8044-46.13952010 09 12 04 50 00
105012010CRAB_80OFF_0DEGTAKEI83.6332122.01452010 09 13 14 35 00
105013010CRAB_80OFF_22.5DEGTAKEI83.6332122.01452010 09 14 01 07 00
105014010CRAB_80OFF_45DEGTAKEI83.6332122.01452010 09 14 11 48 00
705040030_3C111SAMBRUNA64.58865538.02661112010 09 14 22 55 00
405059010MU_COLOSKINOVA86.49954-32.306392010 09 16 17 50 00
505001010IC443_NORTHWESTOZAWA94.022.752010 09 17 07 28 00
805042010A2199_EAST_OFFSETAKAMATSU246.7540.252010 09 19 06 47 00
405075010SGR_0501+4516MAKISHIMA75.27845.276192010 09 20 17 10 00
405058030HER_X-1STAUBERT254.457535.342392010 09 21 23 45 00
805024010RXCJ0411.2-4819OTA62.822-48.320812010 09 22 10 37 00
405058040HER_X-1STAUBERT254.457535.342392010 09 22 18 42 00
505051010WESTERLUND1_3MATSUMOTO252.09175-46.187782010 09 23 05 55 00
505052010WESTERLUND1_4MATSUMOTO253.5495-45.29472010 09 24 09 28 00
505031010SGR_CNOBUKAWA266.24171-29.380942010 09 25 12 29 00
405076010_1RXS_J1708-4009MAKISHIMA257.19529-40.147892010 09 27 14 36 00
405058010HER_X-1STAUBERT254.457535.342392010 09 28 18 34 00
405032010XSS_J16537-1905EBISAWA253.8875-18.151672010 09 29 05 23 00
405058020HER_X-1STAUBERT254.457535.342392010 09 29 16 37 00
505092010THE_KEPLER_SNRPARK262.67221-21.491862010 09 30 03 40 00
405077010GX_1+4MAKISHIMA263.00917-24.745562010 10 02 05 32 00
505092020THE_KEPLER_SNRPARK262.67221-21.491862010 10 04 12 20 00
405021010V2487_OPHTERADA262.99917-19.232222010 10 09 06 52 00

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This file was last modified on Friday, 10-Sep-2010 11:14:42 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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