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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2011 Apr 4-May 6

Current as of 2011 Mar 30

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2011 Apr 4-May 6. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
506004010BD+43_3654TERADA308.4166744.052011 04 04 01 32 00
406013010CYG_X-1YAMADA299.5907135.189192011 04 06 02 13 00
506057010VELAFRAGG_TAILBOCCHINO125.0425-47.70252011 04 07 00 32 00
706030010SMC_X-1NEILSEN19.27146-73.443332011 04 07 20 33 00
506021010HESSJ1832MATSUMOTO278.15833-8.432011 04 08 05 52 00
506005010HB21_SOUTHBAMBA311.2550.583332011 04 09 08 17 00
106002010E0102-72TSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312011 04 11 19 34 00
106003010E0102-72_1_4_WINTSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312011 04 12 15 58 00
506017010GAMMACYGNI_NWSHELL1TANAKA304.9448340.852532011 04 13 10 12 00
506018010GAMMACYGNI_NWSHELL2TANAKA304.6791240.664562011 04 14 06 54 00
706003010NGC6251_LOBEKATAOKA245.0083382.698892011 04 15 06 27 00
706004010NGC6251_LOBE_BGD1KATAOKA248.38782.928392011 04 16 00 37 00
706005010NGC6251_LOBE_BGD2KATAOKA245.8522982.281812011 04 16 10 23 00
706006010_1ES_1927+654GALLO291.8312565.5652011 04 16 19 45 00
706030020SMC_X-1NEILSEN19.27146-73.443332011 04 18 05 49 00
806067010ABELL_3364WONG86.90708-31.873222011 04 18 16 56 00
806067020ABELL_3364WONG86.90708-31.873222011 04 19 08 36 00
806067030ABELL_3364WONG86.90708-31.873222011 04 19 22 13 00
806067040ABELL_3364WONG86.90708-31.873222011 04 20 14 15 00
806005010FILAMENT_JUNCTION_3KAWAHARA151.41839.752312011 04 21 06 51 00
706030030SMC_X-1NEILSEN19.27146-73.443332011 04 22 15 16 00
806073010SPT-CL_J2337-5942MILLER354.35375-59.705032011 04 23 02 57 00
506059010KES_79KOYAMA283.20.686112011 04 23 22 25 00
106010010N132DTSUJIMOTO81.25917-69.644172011 04 25 11 19 00
106011010PKS2155-304ISHIDA329.71696-30.225582011 04 26 01 58 00
706037010MRK_231PICONCELLI194.0591756.873612011 04 27 14 13 00
806027010ABELL_773MILLER139.4718851.728062011 05 01 08 30 00
806027020ABELL_773MILLER139.4718851.728062011 05 02 05 03 00
806027030ABELL_773MILLER139.4718851.728062011 05 03 01 45 00
806027040ABELL_773MILLER139.4718851.728062011 05 03 21 49 00
106001010LOCKMAN_HOLETSUJIMOTO162.937557.266672011 05 04 18 12 00
706030040SMC_X-1NEILSEN19.27146-73.443332011 05 05 18 16 00

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This file was last modified on Wednesday, 30-Mar-2011 13:56:06 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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