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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2011 Oct 24-Dec 2

Current as of 2011 Oct 19

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2011 Oct 18-Nov 29. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
406010030AQL_X-1YAMAOKA287.816870.584942011 10 24 17 17 00
906005010T_PYXSUZAKU TEAM136.17292-32.379862011 10 25 13 53 00
406068010GRS_1915+105LEE288.7983310.945562011 10 26 16 37 00
706026010_1FGL_J1946.7-5404MAEDA296.6017-54.046222011 10 28 21 34 00
506020010HESSJ1857-BMATSUMOTO284.541672.763942011 10 29 18 29 00
706032010NGC_6814HAYASHIDA295.66908-10.323752011 10 30 15 26 00
706014010PKS0625-354FUKAZAWA96.778-35.487612011 10 31 13 30 00
806028010ABELL_1068MILLER160.1654840.129852011 11 03 12 54 00
806028020ABELL_1068MILLER160.4174439.9676952011 11 04 18 09 00
806028030ABELL_1068MILLER160.2057539.7756882011 11 05 22 48 00
806028040ABELL_1068MILLER159.9547139.9373862011 11 07 05 00 00
806007010SNR_B0532-675SOMEYA83.0-67.312011 11 08 11 13 00
706030080SMC_X-1NEILSEN19.27146-73.443332011 11 10 21 55 00
706007010HESS_J1943+213STAWARZ295.9833321.311112011 11 11 11 46 00
706017010PG_1626+554SAMESHIMA246.9833355.375562011 11 12 11 33 00
506060020G272.2-3.2KOYAMA136.70833-52.120832011 11 13 18 50 00
806015010NGC_6251SETA247.2292982.629112011 11 14 12 31 00
406012010PSR_J0726-2612SHIBATA111.53383-26.210582011 11 16 13 51 00
406041010_4_DRAMUKAI187.5277569.201112011 11 18 23 50 00
706038010IRAS_09104+4109CHIANG138.4395440.941172011 11 19 21 33 00
406014010RXJ2056.6+4940ISO314.17849.668582011 11 21 17 00 00
706028010_4C+74.26NODA310.6553775.1342011 11 22 10 42 00
806013010XMMU_2235.3-2557KAWAHARA338.83583-25.961672011 11 24 10 54 00
806018010NGC3628MITSUISHI170.0708813.589692011 11 27 07 35 00
706018010PG_1322+659SAMESHIMA200.9541765.696672011 11 29 04 47 00
506044010VELA_PWN_E1KATSUDA129.14354-45.274942011 11 30 19 37 00
506041010VELA_PWN_NE1KATSUDA129.37546-44.980332011 12 01 03 50 00
506042010VELA_PWN_NE2KATSUDA130.62946-44.282892011 12 01 15 00 00
506043010VELA_PWN_NE3KATSUDA131.04729-44.085332011 12 01 23 27 00

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 18-Oct-2011 10:10:42 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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