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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2012 Feb 13-Mar 14

Current as of 2012 Feb 7

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2012 Feb 13-Mar 14. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
906008010_4U_1630-47SUZAKU TEAM248.50671-47.3932012 02 13 21 00 00
706042020_3C120REYNOLDS68.296255.354442012 02 14 17 39 00
806010010AWM7_45_SOUTHMATSUSHITA43.6377140.983172012 02 17 21 10 00
806009010AWM7_27_SOUTHMATSUSHITA43.6377541.285282012 02 18 15 56 00
706036010B3_0309+411PANESSA48.27341.3432012 02 19 12 10 00
706010010_2MASX_J15115979-2119TERASHIMA227.99917-21.317142012 02 22 00 59 00
406078010IGRJ16479-4514SIDOLI-BODAGHEE252.0275-45.202222012 02 23 22 30 00
506063010KES_27KOYAMA237.08333-53.82252012 02 26 12 52 00
106013010CRABFUKAZAWA83.6332122.01452012 02 28 11 07 00
406033010RS_OPHTAKEI267.555-6.707922012 02 29 13 24 00
506052010G352.7-0.1BORKOWSKI261.925-35.117222012 03 02 20 31 00
406034020_1RXSJ013106.4+612035TAKAHASHI22.7804261.342612012 03 07 13 17 00
406019010_1RXSJ175911.0-344921MORI269.79583-34.82252012 03 07 21 21 00
506051010G18.8+0.3REYNOLDS275.99167-12.383332012 03 08 21 54 00
506031010S147_NHANABATA87.0455827.524082012 03 10 03 50 00
506030010S147_NEHANABATA85.747528.347062012 03 11 11 05 00
506053010MONOGEM_RING_W1PLUCINSKY100.5108315.556782012 03 12 13 20 00

If you have any questions concerning Suzaku, visit the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 07-Feb-2012 11:27:03 EST

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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