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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Short-Term Schedule: 2012 Mar 19-Apr 26

Current as of 2012 Mar 14

Following is the short-term schedule of observations for the period 2012 Mar 19-Apr 26. Please note that scheduling changes are possible.

Sequence NoTarget NamePIRADecManeuver Start Time (UT)
706030100SMC_X-1NEILSEN19.27146-73.443332012 03 19 05 55 00
406038010HD162020PILLITTERI267.6583-40.318332012 03 19 20 17 00
806091010UGC03957_NORTHMIRANDA OCEJO114.9205855.8203792012 03 20 01 30 00
806092010UGC03957_SOUTHMIRANDA OCEJO115.5338955.0354672012 03 21 01 42 00
806094010UGC03957_EASTMIRANDA OCEJO115.9824355.5121332012 03 22 03 11 00
406042010V1082_SGRMUKAI286.84083-20.780692012 03 23 04 07 00
406069010SGR_1806-20ENOTO272.16388-20.411082012 03 24 10 42 00
106015010CRABFUKAZAWA83.6332122.01452012 03 26 12 45 00
506009010HESSJ1858-ASAKAI284.583332.092012 03 27 12 26 00
506010010HESSJ1858-BSAKAI284.429172.20752012 03 28 21 18 00
806083010RCS051838-4324.9HICKS79.65833-43.4152012 03 30 10 09 00
407019010AX_J1846.8-0240MAKISHIMA281.72083-2.674172012 04 01 00 00 00
107007010RXJ1856.5-3754TSUJIMOTO284.14629-37.90852012 04 02 02 22 00
707038010WISE_J1819+4532STERN274.9229245.536082012 04 03 07 46 00
807008010N23_DEML71UCHIDA76.44742-67.9582012 04 04 01 13 00
707040010PKS_0548-322TAVECCHIO87.66958-32.271582012 04 06 14 20 00
807072010ABELL_665MILLER127.7466765.841032012 04 09 07 53 00
807072020ABELL_665MILLER127.7466765.841032012 04 10 01 36 00
807072030ABELL_665MILLER127.7466765.841032012 04 10 18 19 00
807072040ABELL_665MILLER127.7466765.841032012 04 11 13 25 00
707019010HOLMBERG_IX_X-1MILLER149.47569.062782012 04 12 09 41 00
507009010FERMI_BUBBLE_S1KATAOKA329.08042-46.623612012 04 17 16 43 00
507010010FERMI_BUBBLE_S2KATAOKA330.27771-46.491812012 04 18 04 58 00
507011010FERMI_BUBBLE_S3KATAOKA327.88208-46.743312012 04 18 16 10 00
507012010FERMI_BUBBLE_S4KATAOKA331.4735-46.347892012 04 19 03 12 00
507013010FERMI_BUBBLE_S5KATAOKA332.6675-46.191692012 04 19 14 10 00
507014010FERMI_BUBBLE_S6KATAOKA326.68321-46.850892012 04 20 02 44 00
507035010G32.8-0.1_NORTHBAMBA282.84-0.062012 04 20 14 45 00
507036010G32.8-0.1_SOUTHBAMBA282.82-0.262012 04 21 18 57 00
107002010E0102-72TSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312012 04 22 21 59 00
107003010E0102-72_1_4_WINTSUJIMOTO16.00833-72.031312012 04 23 17 53 00
807063010SDSS_J0854+3524MILLER133.7396235.414392012 04 24 13 06 00
807059010SDSS_J0906+0301MILLER136.659583.027562012 04 25 04 07 00
807090010HYDRA_A_SWECKERT139.25567-12.249472012 04 25 17 40 00

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This file was last modified on Wednesday, 14-Mar-2012 10:39:41 EDT

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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