Tcl ScriptingTcl is a scripting language which provides new capabilities to the ximage command line beyond the program-specific commands, allowing for example if-branching and looping which was previously unavailable to ximage scripts.This page is a primer for Tcl scripting in ximage and contains only basic Tcl commands. For a full reference of all Tcl commands, see the Tcl manual (Use command "puts $tcl_patchLevel" in ximage to determine version).
Script Execution Special Script Commands Global Tcl Variables Result-returning Commands Command Variables Startup Scripts Simple SyntaxBelow is a simple example which illustrates the most basic functionality of the Tcl command line.Assign 42 to variable x with the set command. In interactive mode (i.e. not running a script), the result of a command is always printed, 42 in this case.
[XIMAGE> set x 42 42 The expr command must be used to evaluate math expressions, otherwise it will be interpretted as a string.
[XIMAGE> expr 6*9 54 [XIMAGE> set y 6*9 6*9 Anything in square brackets [] is evaluated as a command and is substituted with its result.
[XIMAGE> set y [expr 6*9] 54 The puts command prints to the screen. Anything of the form $variable will be substituted with the variable value.
[XIMAGE> puts "Value of x: $x \nValue of y: $y" Value of x: 42 Value of y: 54 [XIMAGE> puts "Difference (y-x): [expr $y - $x]" Difference (y-x): 12 If, however, a string must be quoted such that no substitutions occur, use curly-braces {}.
[XIMAGE> puts {To access the value of x, use $x} To access the value of x, use $x Script ExecutionBelow is an example which illustrates branching and looping syntax which may be useful in the context of a script file.
# # Test script # set x 42 set y [expr 6*9] ! if statement if { $x == $y } { puts "It's true" } else { puts "It's false" } ! for statement # Note: "incr i" is a shortcut for "set i [expr $i+1]" for { set i 1 } { $i <= 2 } { incr i } { puts "Count $i" } ! while statement set i 0 while { $i != 2 } { incr i } puts "Final value: $i" Such a file containing ximage commands may be executed by preceding the script file name with @, which will echo the commands as they are executed. Note: # and ! both indicate a comment, however, # comments are silent, while ! comments are echoed. For example,
[XIMAGE> @test.xco ![XIMAGE> set x 42 ![XIMAGE> expr 6*9 ![XIMAGE> set y [expr 6*9] ![XIMAGE> ! if statement ![XIMAGE> if { $x == $y } { ![XIMAGE> puts "It's false" It's false ![XIMAGE> ! for statement ![XIMAGE> for { set i 1 } { $i <= 2 } { incr i } { ![XIMAGE> set i 1 ![XIMAGE> puts "Count $i" Count 1 ![XIMAGE> incr i ![XIMAGE> puts "Count $i" Count 2 ![XIMAGE> incr i ![XIMAGE> ! while statement ![XIMAGE> set i 0 ![XIMAGE> while { $i != 2 } { ![XIMAGE> incr i ![XIMAGE> incr i ![XIMAGE> puts "Final value: $i" Final value: 2 The Tcl source command, however, runs the script commands without echoing them to the screen.
[XIMAGE> source test.xco It's false Count 1 Count 2 Final value: 2 In particular, source is useful if you are defining new commands with the proc command. In the following example, after the proc is defined, the command qdisp image.fits will read and display image.fits, annotating it with a grid and scale. proc qdisp {file} { read $file disp scale grid } For further details on creating a new ximage command, including the capability to use "command qualifier=value" syntax, see Implementing New Commands Special Script Commandstxwrite message chat_levelThe txwrite command prints the message only when the defined chat_level is less than or equal to the current chat level defined with the ximage chat command. By default the terminal and log chat levels are set to 10. txread prompt The txread command queries the user for a value giving the prompt as the question, returning the user's answer. Common usage: set answer [txread "question> "] listclean $var The listclean command provides a simple way to support the standard Tcl list syntax as well as a commonly used comma-delimited format in ximage. If the string has spaces, it will be interpretted as a standard Tcl list, otherwise the results will be split by the ',' character. Common usage: set x [listclean $x] There are a number of standard ximage commands which are most useful in a scripting context: coord, draw, select, prarray and rdarray. See the ximage manual or use the help command at the ximage prompt for documentation. Global Tcl VariablesDuring an ximage session, there are global variables that are updated, reflecting information about current settings as well as global variables that may be redefined to change the way ximage behaves.
As of ximage 4.4, values saved between ximage sessions are no longer stored in the ~/defaults.def file, but rather in a standard parameter file called ximage.par. This parameter file may be manipulated or inspected using the standard pset and plist tools (e.g. plist ximage). The values in the parameter file are read into the global array default. This array may be set directly or through associated ximage commands. Upon exiting ximage, the values in the default array are stored in the parameter file.
Result-returning CommandsThe internal header associated with each map and the mission database contain key values which may be useful when scripting. If the key qualifier is specified, and the value qualifier is not, the chheader and chmdb commands return the value of the key as the result of the command. For example,
[XIMAGE> set telescop [chh map=cur key=telescop] ROSAT [XIMAGE> set ecol [chmdb tel=rosat ins=pspc key=ecol] PIOther commands that set a Tcl result:
Command VariablesCertain ximage commands create arrays with the same name as the command executed which contain values from the command, such as the results of calculations performed.In Tcl, an array is indexed by strings and its value is substituted when preceded by a $, for example: puts "Counts: $counts(value)". A useful command for viewing arrays is array. For example, array names counts will list all the element names in the counts array, and array get counts lists all the element names in the counts array immediately followed by its value. Other ways of viewing the contents of an array include the Tcl command, parray (e.g. parray counts), and the Ximage-specific command, prarray (e.g. prarray counts). Listed below are the commands that create an array and the contents of the array. The array's scope is either global, which means only one copy of the array exists for all contexts, or local, which means the array is only available in the current context. BACKGROUND command (global)
background(mapid) = Map used in background calculation background(imgpix) = Background in counts/image-pixel background(detpix) = Background in counts/det-pixel background(arcmin) = Background in counts/sq-arcmin background(detpixsec) = Background in counts/det-pixel/sec background(arcminsec) = Background in counts/sq-arcmin/sec CCT command (local)
cct(current) = Current color table cct(bright) = Current brightness cct(contrast) = Current contrast cct(default) = Default color table cct(defbri) = Default brightness cct(defcon) = Default contrast CENTROID command (local)
centroid(ra) = Right ascension of centroid centroid(dec) = Declination of centroid centroid(equinox) = Equinox of RA/Dec centroid(lii) = Galactic longitude of centroid centroid(bii) = Galactic latitude of centroid centroid(xpix) = Detector x coordinate of centroid centroid(ypix) = Detector y coordinate of centroid centroid(ximg) = Image x coordinate of centroid centroid(yimg) = Image y coordinate of centroid COORD command (local)
coord(system) = Name of coordinate system for x/ysky coord(xsky) = Sky x position coord(ysky) = Sky y position coord(xsfmt) = Sky x position in printable format coord(ysfmt) = Sky y position in printable format coord(ra) = Right ascension of position coord(dec) = Declination of position coord(equinox) = Equinox of RA/Dec coord(lii) = Galactic longitude of position coord(bii) = Galactic latitude of position coord(xpix) = Detector x coordinate of position coord(ypix) = Detector y coordinate of position coord(ximg) = Image x coordinate of position coord(yimg) = Image y coordinate of position coord(value) = Pixel value at position COUNTS command (local)
counts(total) = Sum of values in selected area counts(unit) = Unit of sum (usually 'count') counts(areaimg) = Area counted (image-pixels) counts(areadet) = Area counted (det-pixels) counts(avgimg) = Average counts per image-pixel counts(avgdet) = Average counts per det-pixel LEVELS command (global)
levels(list) = Current levels OFFSET command (local)
offset(deg) = Offset between two positions in degrees Not defined if non-sky coordinates offset(value) = Offset between two positions offset(unit) = Unit of offset PSF command (local)
psf(cnt) = Raw counts psf(cntbg) = Background corrected counts psf(cntpsf) = PSF corrected counts RDARRAY command (local)
rdarray(varname) = The name of the array that the file is read into rdarray(headers) = List of column header names read in SOSTA command (local) Note: If the SOSTA/DETECT option is used, all variables will contain Tcl lists with length corresponding to the number of detected sources.
sosta(rawcnt) = Raw counts for selected source sosta(srcarea) = Area of selected source (det-pixels) sosta(background) = Background (cnts/det-pixel) sosta(bgerr) = Background error (cnts/det-pixel) sosta(bgrate) = Background rate (cnts/det-pixel/sec) sosta(bgrateerr) = Background rate error (cnts/det-pixel/sec) sosta(srccnt) = Source counts sosta(srccnterr) = Source error sosta(srccntpsf) = PSF-corrected source counts sosta(srccntpsferr) = PSF-corrected source error sosta(srccntpdv) = PSF, deadtime, & vignetting corrected source counts sosta(srccntpdverr) = PSF, deadtime, & vignetting corrected source error sosta(srcint) = Source intensity sosta(srcinterr) = Source intensity error sosta(srcintpsf) = PSF-corrected source intensity sosta(srcintpsferr) = PSF-corrected source intensity error sosta(srcintpdv) = PSF, deadtime, & vignetting corrected source intensity sosta(srcintpdverr) = PSF, deadtime, & vignetting corrected intensity error sosta(snr) = Signal to noise ratio sosta(probpois) = Background fluctuation probability - Poissonian sosta(probgauss) = Background fluctuation probability - Gaussian sosta(exposure) = Exposure (seconds) sosta(psfcor) = PSF correction sosta(dtimecor) = Deadtime correction sosta(vigncor) = Vignetting correction sosta(uplim) = Three sigma upper limit (cnts/sec) sosta(optboxhalf) = Optimum half box size (det-pixels) sosta(errrad) = Error radius (arcsec) UPLIMIT command (local)
uplimit(value) = Upper limit (Classical Method) uplimit(ulrate) = Rate corresponding to upper limit (Classical Method) uplimit(ulpri) = Upper limit (Bayesian Method with prior prob func) uplimit(ulprirate) = Rate corresponding to above method uplimit(ullike) = Upper limit (Bayesian Method, Physc Rev D 54 166) uplimit(ullikerate) = Rate corresponding to above (hidden) method uplimit(rawcnt) = Raw counts for selected area uplimit(rawrate) = Raw count rate for selected area uplimit(bgcnt) = Counts in selected area corresponding to background uplimit(areadet) = Area of selection (det-pixels) uplimit(areaimg) = Area of selection (img-pixels) VIEWPORT command (local)
viewport(file) = Current viewport configuration file viewport(next) = Next viewport number viewport(cur) = Current viewport number viewport(max) = Maximum viewport number in config file viewport(list) = Current viewport values, {v1 v2 v3 v4} WCS command (local)
wcs(wcsid) = WCSID for current map wcs(system) = System of current frame (e.g. Cartesian, FK5) wcs(projection) = Projection of current frame (e.g. gnomonic) wcs(unit) = Unit of current frame (e.g. deg, mm, pixel) wcs(xlab) = Label of x axis for current frame (e.g. RA, X) wcs(ylab) = Label of y axis for current frame (e.g. Dec, Y) wcs(frame) = Index of current frame Startup ScriptsThe ximage environment can be customized to a great degree. The script ~/.ximagerc is sourced at startup. Some examples of possible uses:alias ls "syscall ls" ;# Enable directory listing directly in Tcl cpd /xtk ;# Use /xtk device, default is last device # from prior run cey 2000 ;# Use 2000 equinox, default is to use value # from prior run chat 15 ;# Run with higher chat level by default levels num=64 ;# Always run with higher color resolution cct set bb ;# Use bb color table by defaultAlso, if a directory ~/.ximage exists, all files in that directory ending in .tcl are sourced at startup. This is the suggested location for all user-defined procs (i.e. commands). The location of this directory may be changed by setting an XIMAGE_HOME environmental variable.
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