absori: ionized absorber
An ionized absorber based on that of Done et al. (1992,
ApJ 395, 275)
and developed by Magdziarz & Zdziarski (1995, MNRAS 273,
837). See
also Zdziarski et al. (1995, ApJ 438,
L63). Photoionization
rates are from Reilman & Manson (1979, ApJS 40, 815), who
employ the Hartree-Slater approximation (accurate to about 5%), and
recombination rates are from Shull & van Steenberg (1982, ApJS
48, 95). The cross sections are extrapolated with above 5
keV. The abundances are set up by the command abund. Send questions or
comments to aaz@camk.edu.pl
par1 |
power-law photon index. |
par2 |
Hydrogen column in units of
par3 |
Absorber temperature in K. |
par4 |
Absorber ionization state (L/nR2), see Done et al. (1992) |
par5=z |
redshift. |
par6 |
Iron abundance relative to that defined by the command abund |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 14:07:30 EDT