rfxconv: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk.NOTE: This model is now in the Xspec release and this page is superceded by the Xspec manualThis convolution model from Chris Done combines the ionized disk table model from Ross and Fabian with the Magdziarz & Zdziarski Compton reflection code. It is described in Kolehmainen, Done & Diaz Trigo (2011) and is a modification of the model first described in Done & Gierlinski (2006).The algorithm used is as follows.
The model parameters are as follows.
When using this model it is essential to extend the energy range over which the model is calculated because photons at higher energies are Compton down-scattered into the target energy range. The energy range can be extended using the extend command. The upper limit on the energies should be set above that for which the input spectrum has significant flux. To speed up the model, calculation of the output spectrum can be limited to energies below a given value by using xset to define RFXCONV_MAX_E (in units of keV). For instance, suppose that the original data extends up to 100 keV. To accurately determine the reflection it may be necessary to extend the energy range up to 500 keV. Now to avoid calculating the output spectrum between 100 and 500 keV use the command xset RFXCONV_MAX_E 100.0. The core of this model is a Greens' function integration with one numerical integral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision is reached. The precision can be changed by setting RFXCONV_PRECISION eg xset RFXCONV_PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%). The directory searched for the ionized disk table model files can be set using xset RFXCONV_DIR. The default is to use the standard xspec model file location ($HEADAS/../spectral/modelData). To use this model download rfxconv.cxx, reflionx.mod.gz and rfxconv_lmodel.dat. Build using initpackage and load using lmod. reflionx.mod.gz should be ungzipped and placed in the appropriate directory (preferably $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData). Keith Arnaud, Astrophysics Science Division, Goddard Space Flight Center HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public Last modified: Tuesday, 14-Feb-2023 16:41:53 EST |