- OOT events occur when a pn data frame is being clocked out. This takes a small but finite amount of time during which new events can also be recorded by the detector, however, they will not be associated with the correct sky location.
- 0108060701
- That is, XMM-ESAS was built to handle observations of objects that are sufficiently large that there is essentially no “background region”. XMM-ESAS can be used for smaller regions, but then one should carefully check the statistics.
- The “corners” are essentially regions behind a field stop, an aluminum mask. Thus, although this region is protected from X-rays being focussed by the mirrors, it is not protected from X-rays and secondary electrons created in the space around the detector. However, the field stop would appear not to be close to the surface of the pn, and there appears to be a contribution from the FOV to the corners.
- This determination needs to be updated, but is very time consuming, and thus is a low priority for ESAS development.
- Trend files contain XMM-Newton geometric (e.g., position and pointing) information, EPIC detector (e.g., operation mode and count rate) information, as well as relevant solar wind parameters. Trend data can be found at:
- The exceptions are the plethora of files that are produced by mosspectra or pnspectra and that are immediately used by mosback or pnback.
- For a complete description of the file name structure, see
10.1. For a complete description of the contents of the files see the data files handbook at
- Given the time variability of the spectral shape in the anomalous state, it will be difficult to produce a reliable background even for the anomalous states that have become quite common. However, data above 2 keV are unaffected so images and spectra of higher energy sources can be useful.
- The instrument ID set by edetect_chain and used in the emllist.fits file is 0 for the summary, 1 for the PN, 2 for MOS1, and 3 for MOS2.
- This is a more complicated issue for the pn, but that will be addressed later or elsewhere.
- Our understanding has changed since 2008, and while we would maintain that the QPB is time-variable, our understanding of what we were seeing in 2008, and our understanding of the source of the variation, has changed substantially. These changes will be reflected in the next ESAS release.
- The use of detector coordinates, DETX and DETY, is required for the selection expression. While inconvenient, it is forced by the usage of certain SAS tasks. In practice the use of detector coordinates rather than sky coordinates is not a problem because of the very good pointing stability and the lack of a programmed wobble.
- Instances of chips that are active but producing no valid events are rare, but do occur on occasion. We cite as an example 0690751601 where all MOS1-4 and MOS1-7 events are marked as being derived from bad frames.
- To do this one has to work in detector coordinates. For the MOS detectors, you need to know the location and size of each chip that is on, as well as the location of the mask. For the pn you need to know the center and size of the detector, as well as the location of the mask. For each detector, that information has to be converted to sky coordinates for some arbitrary observation. Then, the sky coordinates can be converted into the detector coordinate system for each of the detectors in turn; that is, you need to determine how the MOS1 detector coordinates map to the MOS2 and pn detector coordinates. Then, for each detector, you have to specify the intersection of the active regions of all the active CCDs. Thus the selection expression is very long! Note that there are rotations involved as well. However, once this is done for all chips, you never have to do it again, you just discard whatever set of chips are not on. I've done this, but am not convinced that the rotations are all correct. This information may get posted on a website.
- https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xmm/xmmhp_xmmesas.html
- You thought I miscounted? The extra one comes from the fact that the XMM-Newton data and the ROSAT data have different point source detection limits, and thus may need a different normalization for the extragalactic power law.
- Although edetect_chain can handle multiple pointings within a single event file, unless there is overlap between pointings, it is far more efficient to run edetect_chain on each separate pointing.
- The complete description can be found in http://xmm-tools.cosmos.esa.int/external/xmm_user_support/documentation/dfhb/pps.html.
- There are other possibilities, but they are not pertinent here.