If spectral analysis is the goal for the processing, this is the end of ESAS, and you can use your favorite spectral analysis program with the P-fovt.pi, P-bkg.pi, P.rmf, and P.arf files. (For the pn, you can use the P-fovtootsub.pi file with the P-bkg.pi file.)
If imaging analysis is the goal of the processing, you will now need to do a spectral analysis to determine 1.) the strength and spectral shape of the residual SP emission, and 2.) the strength of the SWCX emission. Using the results from the spectral fitting described below, one then proceeds with the ESAS tasks proton, swcx, and combimage, which are described in §7.
If only spectral analysis is to be done, RMFs and ARFs, and background spectra are desired (and if so the “withimages=no” should be set for the tasks above), mosback and pnback are as far through the processing as one needs to go for a single exposure and region selection. The processing must be repeated for all instruments individually, as well as for any selections for different regions on the sky and for different exposures of the same instrument. Before rerunning mosspectra and pnspectra for a different region on a given instrument (MOS1, MOS2, or pn), mosback or pnback should also be run and the important output files should be either renamed or moved so they are not overwritten. This includes the source and background spectra as well as the RMF and ARF files. For example, the process of completing one spectral set is as follows:
mosspectra eventfile=mos1S001-allevc.fits
withsrcrem=yes maskdet=mos1S001-bkregtdet.fits
withregion=yes regionfile=regmos1.txt
keepinterfiles=yes pattern=12
elow=350 ehigh=1100 ccds="T T T F F F T"
mosback inspecfile=mos1S001-fovt.pi
withimages=yes elow=350 ehigh=1100
ccds="T T T F F F T" withqdp=yes
mv mos1S001-fovt.pi mos1S001-fovt-reg1.pi
mv mos1S001-bkg.pi mos1S001-bkg-reg1.pi
mv mos1S001.rmf mos1S001-reg1.rmf
mv mos1S001.arf mos1S001-reg1.arf
mv mos1S001-fovimspdet.fits
mosspectra eventfile=mos2S002-allevc.fits
withsrcrem=yes maskdet=mos2S002-bkregtdet.fits
withregion=yes regionfile=regmos1.txt
keepinterfiles=yes pattern=12
elow=350 ehigh=1100 ccds="T T T F F F T"
mosback inspecfile=mos2S002-fovt.pi
withimages=yes elow=350 ehigh=1100
ccds="T T T F F F T" withqdp=yes
mv mos2S002-fovt.pi mos2S002-fovt-reg1.pi
mv mos2S002-bkg.pi mos2S002-bkg-reg1.pi
mv mos2S002.rmf mos2S002-reg1.rmf
mv mos2S002.arf mos2S002-reg1.arf
mv mos2S002-fovimspdet.fits
pnspectra eventfile=pnS003-allevc.fits
withsrcrem=yes maskdet=pnS003-bkregtdet.fits
withregion=yes regionfile=regpn.txt
keepinterfiles=yes pattern=0
elow=350 ehigh=1100 quads="T T T T"
pnback inspecfile=pnS003-fovt.pi
withimages=yes elow=350 ehigh=1100
quads="T T T T" withqdp=yes
mv pnS003-fovt.pi pnS003-fovt-reg1.pi
mv pnS003-fovt-oot.pi pnS003-fovt-oot-reg1.pi
mv pnS003-bkg.pi pnS003-bkg-reg1.pi
mv pnS003.rmf pnS003-reg1.rmf
mv pnS003.arf pnS003-reg1.arf
mv pnS003-fovimspdet.fits
mv pnS003-fovt-os.pi pnS003-fovt-os-reg1.pi
One author likes to do the above "mv-ing". The other author of this cookbook prefers to create directories for each instrument region combination. This procedure is demonstrated in the appendix.
Note that the task pnback produces an OOT subtracted spectrum with the file name prefix-fovt-os.pi which should be used for spectral analysis. The spectra, however, are therefore count rates rather than counts which makes the use of cstat statistics problematic.
In most cases for chi-squared statistics the data are going to be too
sparse, particularly at higher energies, to be usefully fit without
binning. Binning can be done conveniently by using the Ftool
grppha. In the binning
process with grppha the background spectrum, RMF, and ARF files
can also be associated with the source spectrum simplifying data entry
into the spectral fitting program. The following commands will
group the data with a minimum of 50 counts per channel and place the
output spectrum in a file with the -grp qualifier added
to the file name.
chkey BACKFILE mos1S001-bkg.pi
chkey RESPFILE mos1S001.rmf
chkey ANCRFILE mos1S001.arf
group min 50
chkey BACKFILE pnS005-bkg.pi
chkey RESPFILE pnS005.rmf
chkey ANCRFILE pnS005.arf
group min 50
Of course, you will probably want to add more qualifiers to some of these file names, particularly if you are going to be fitting more than one observation of the same source. However, this is just a minimal example.
Figure 16 shows the fitted MOS1, MOS2, and
pn spectra from the entire field of view of the Abell 1795
observation. The difference between the two panels shows the
effect of subtracting the model QPB. At lower
energies the source clearly dominates over the background but at
keV the falling flux and falling instrumental effective
area coupled with the relatively flat QPB allows
the latter to dominate. Note, however, that Abell 1795 is a
relatively bright object and thus the QPB will be
relatively more significant at lower energies for many other
observations. The particle background even in this observation
will also be much more important when the outer annuli of the
cluster are considered in § 6.
Figure 17 shows the contributions of the various spectral components to the observed spectrum of Abell 1795 (demonstrated for the MOS1 detector). For a source as bright and extended as Abell 1795, the object spectrum dominates all other components except at the highest energies. However, it is clear that observations of fainter sources such as the cosmic background will be very significantly affected by the particle background and possible residual SP contamination over the entire energy band.