If selected by setting withimages=yes and entering non-zero values for elow and ehigh,
mosback and pnback also produce particle background
images in detector coordinates for the specified energy band.
Figure 25 (upper panel) shows the MOS1
particle background image for the Abell-1795 observation for
the keV band in detector coordinates. The
distribution is relatively flat although there is one
noticeable feature: the CCDs tend to have different apparent
brightnesses. This is primarily due to the differences in total FWC
exposure for each CCD and therefore the total number of counts for
a given CCD (the counts are normalized by exposure). MOS1 CCD 6 is
brightest because of its loss earlier in the mission. MOS1 CCD 4 and
MOS1 CCD 5 are also slightly brighter than the rest due to having lost
exposure due to time spent in the anomalous state.
In general, images in detector coordinates are not particularly useful; one needs them in sky coordinates. Transformation of the detector coordinate images into sky coordinate images is done simply with rotdet2sky. Here is an example where we transform a QPB background image:
rotdet2sky intemplate=mos1S001-fovimsky-350-1100.fits
withdetxy=false withskyxy=false
The output images, x-bkgimsky, are in sky coordinates with the same projection and pixel size as the source images x-fovimsky-350-1100.fits produced by mosspectra andpnspectra.
The parameters for rotdet2sky are the name of the image whose coordinate system is to be matched, intemplate, the name of the input image, inimage, the name of the output image outimage. The withdetxy=false and withskyxy=false are probably not necessary. Figure 25 (lower panel) shows the MOS1 image after casting into sky coordinates which requires a reflection, an offset, and a rotation. As will be seen below, the proton and swcx routines produce output images in detector coordinates; rotdet2sky can be used to rotate these images as well.