mosaicmerge combines the images produced for individual observations (ObsIDs) into larger field mosaics. This includes the event and exposure images (output from mosspectra/pnspectra), QPB background images (output from mosback/pnback processed by rotdet2sky), the SP images (output from proton also processed by rotdet2sky) and the SWCX images (output from swcx also processed by rotdet2sky). Data type to be mosaicked, image size, pixel size, coordinate system, and central coordinates are all user selected.
mosaicmerge, when mosaicking the exposure images compensates for the inclusion of observations with different instruments and filters. It uses the results of PIMMS with the assumption of a power-law spectrum with photon indices (alpha) of 2.4, 1.7, and 1.0, and absorption of
H I cm
. The user enters a value for alpha between 1.0 and 2.4 where 1.0 will select the hard spectrum, 1.7 selects the medium spectrum, and 2.4 selects the soft spectrum. Intermediate values will produce a linear scaling between the two nearest spectra. The exposure image is then scaled by the ratio of the model count rates for the MOS2 medium filter versus the thin or thick, making the resultant image appropriate for the MOS2 medium filter.
20ptWith no surprise, the component to be mosaicked must already have been produced for all ObsIDS to be included.
Calling Parameters:
20ptdirfile – File containing the list of exposures, including the directory string aand the prefixes (i.e. mos1S001), for the data to be merged.
20pttype – Type of file/component to mosaic: 1: count image, 2: exposure, 3: QPB counts, 4: SP counts, 5: SWCX counts, 6: cheese image, or 7: msl cheese image.
20ptcheesemosaictype – If one is mosaicking the cheese maps themselves, what type of cheese map to use (s (soft), h (hard), t (total), smsl, hmsl, tmsl (merged)).
20ptcoordsys – Selects which coordinate system should be used, 1: ecliptic, 2: equatorial, 3: galactic.
20ptcrvaln1 – Central longitude of the projection.
20ptcrvaln2 – Central latitude of the projection.
20ptpixelsize – Pixel size of the projection in arc minutes.
20ptalpha – Assumed power law spectral index (
for scaling the exposure maps to account for different filters.
20ptxdim – Out image size in X dimension.
20ptydim – Out image size in X dimension.
20ptwithmask – If true apply a non-cheese mask. (withmask and withcheese are mutually exclusive.)
20ptmaskfile – Name of mask file if withmask is true.
20ptwithcheese – If true apply a cheese mask to the mosaic. (withmask and withcheese are mutually exclusive.)
20ptcheesemasktype – Type of cheese mask to be used if withcheese is true: s: cheeses, h: cheeseh, t: cheeset, smsl: soft merged mask, hmsl: hard merged mask, tmsl: total merged mask created by makemaskmerge.
comb-bkgimsky-350-1100.fits comb-expimsky-350-1100.fits comb-fovimsky-350-1100.fits comb-protimsky-350-1100.fits comb-radfilt-350-1100.qdp comb-rateimsky-350-1100.fits comb-sigimsky-350-1100.fits comb-swcximsky-350-1100.fits
For the different values of comp, the output files are:
20ptcomponent=1: mosaic-fovim-ehigh-ehigh.fits – The count image
20ptcomponent=2: mosaic-expim-ehigh-ehigh.fits – The exposure image
20ptcomponent=3: mosaic-bkgims-ehigh-ehigh.fits – The QPB count image
20ptcomponent=4: mosaic-protim-ehigh-ehigh.fits – The SP count image
20ptcomponent=5: mosaic-swcxims-ehigh-ehigh.fits – The SWCX count image
20ptcomponent=6: mosaic-cheeseN-ehigh-ehigh.fits – The source mask image. Example:
20ptmosaicmerge dirfile=mosaic.list type=1 coordsys=2 crval1=$RAPNT crval2=$DECPNT
pixelsize=4.163999e-2 alpha=1.7 elow=350 ehigh=1100 withcheese=yes cheesemasktype='t'