pnspectra processes the cleaned event file output from espfilt to produce intermediate files for the creation of model particle background spectra and images by pnback. The user can select specific regions of the detector and specific energy bands to create spectra and images. With no additional region specification, pnspectra will create spectra and images for the entire FOV.
20ptespfilt must have been successfully run. The light curve plot file should be examined to check whether there are any useful data for an individual exposure.
20ptcheese must have been successfully run for point source exclusion.
20ptThe observation image should be checked to determine if all quadrants were operating in imaging mode. If not, they should be selected against using the quads parameter.
Calling Parameters:
20pteventfile – Name of the input cleaned event file (e.g., pnS003-allevc.fits). This file should contain both the FOV and the corners.
20ptootevtfile – Name of the input cleaned OOT event file (e.g., pnS003-allevcoot.fits). This file should contain both the FOV and the corners.
20ptcornerfile – Name of the input cleaned corner event file. If this is unspecified, the program will look for P-corevc.fits file. If that file does not exist, it will create it de novo. We strongly recommend allowing the program to form the corner event file de novo.
20ptootcornfile - Name of the input cleaned OOT corner event file. If this is unspecified, the program will look for P-corevc.fits file. If that file does not exist, it will create it de novo. We strongly recommend allowing the program to form the corner event file de novo.
20ptimagefile – Name of the output image file. If this is unspecified, the program will use the file P-fovimt.fits.
20ptootimagefile – Name of the output OOT image file. If this is unspecified, the program will use the file P-fovimtoot.fits.
20ptexpmap – Name of the input exposure map file. If this is unspecified, the program will use the file P-expimt.fits created by cheese.
20ptspmask – Name of the output soft proton flare map file. If this is unspecified, the program will construct the file P-fovimspdet.fits.
20ptmask – If true, uses the contents of maskdet and masksky to apply masks.
20ptspecfile – Name of the output spectrum file. If this is unspecified, the program will construct the file P-fovt.pi
20ptootspecfile – Name of the output spectrum file. If this is unspecified, the program will construct the file P-fovtoot.pi
20ptrmffile – Name of the output redistribution matrix file. If this is unspecified, the program will construct the file P.rmf.
20ptarffile – Name of the output redistribution matrix file. If this is unspecified, the program will construct the file P.arf.
20ptkeepinterfiles – If true, several intermediate results files are kept. (Not currently active!)
20ptwithregion – If true, expects a user specified region file to be applied in addition to any other regions (such as the source removal mask, or the chip mask created from the ccds parameter.) The name of the file is specified in regionfile
20ptregionfile – The name of the user specified region file to applied if withregion is true.
20ptpattern – The greatest value of PATTERN to be accepted. For MOS, this should be 12. For the pn this should be either 4 or 0.
20ptwithsrcrem – If true, expects a source region file to be applied to remove regions containing sources. The name of the file is specified in maskdet.
20ptmaskdet – Name of the input source removal region file (e.g., mos1S001-bkgregtdet.fits).
20ptmasksky – Name of the input source removal region file (e.g., mos1S001-bkgregtdet.fits).
20ptelow – The low energy limit for the energy band in eV (e.g., 350).
20ptehigh – The high energy limit for the energy band in eV (e.g., 1100). If elow and ehigh are set to 0, the image processing will be eliminated and only spectral files will be produced.
20ptpattern – The maximum pattern to be accepted. Should be 0 or 4.
20ptquads – The quadrants to be included, (e.g., "T T T T").
20ptbadpixelresolution – The bad pixel resolution parameter to pass to backscale. The default is 16. The smaller the number, the greater the accuracy, but the slower the execution.
20ptatthk.fits – Attitude history file (if not already created by cheese).
20ptP-corqQ.pi and P-corootqQ.pi– The corner spectrum from the observation data from the individual CCDs. The quadrant number, “Q” in the file name, runs from 1 to 4.
20ptP-corfwcqQ.pi and P-corfwcootqQ.pi– The corner spectrum from the filter-wheel-closed data from the individual quadrantss. The quadrant number, “Q” in the file name, runs from 1 to 4.
20ptP-fovqQ.pi and P-fovootqQ.pi – The observation data spectrum from the selected region from the individual quadrants. The quadrant number, “Q” in the file name, runs from 1 to 4 including only the selected quadrants.
20ptP-fovfwcqQ.pi and P-fovfwcootqQ.pi – The filter-wheel-closed data spectrum from the selected region from the individual quaddrants. The quadrant number, “Q” in the file name, runs from 1 to 4.
20pt-fovt.pi and -fovtoot.pi – The observation data spectrum from the selected region.
20ptP.arf – The ARF file for the P-fovt.pi spectrum.
20ptP.rmf – The RMF file for the P-fovt.pi spectrum.
20ptP-expimsky-elow-ehigh.fits – The exposure image for the observation data from the selected region for all selected CCDs for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits. This file will be used by combimage.
20ptP-exp-imt.fits – The exposure image for the observation data in sky coordinates from the field-of-view for all selected CCDs for the full energy band. This is primarily a diagnostic file.
20ptP-fwcimqQdet-elow-ehigh.fits and P-fwcimootqQdet-elow-ehigh.fits– The image of the filter-wheel-closed data from the selected region from the individual quadrants for the selected band. The quadrant number, “Q” in the file name, runs from 1 to 4 and the band limits, elow and ehigh indicate the energy band. This is in detector coordinates.
20ptP-maskimsky-elow-ehigh.fits – The mask image for the observation data from the selected region for all selected quadrants for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits. This image will be used by combimage.
20ptP-maskimt.fits – The mask image for the observation data from the field-of-view for all selected quadrants for the full energy band. This is a diagnostic image.
20ptP-fovimdet-elow-ehigh.fits and P-fovimdetoot-elow-ehigh.fits – The image of the observation data in detector coordinates from the selected region for all selected quadrants for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits.
20ptP-fovimsky-elow-ehigh.fits and P-fovimskyoot-elow-ehigh.fits – The image of the observation data in sky coordinates from the selected region for all selected quadrants for the selected band. elow and ehigh indicate the band limits. This file will be used by combimage.
20ptP-fovimspdet.fits – Image of the selected region in detector coordinates. This image is used in the task proton_scale.
20ptP-fovimt.fits – Image of the selected region in sky coordinates in the total band. This image is diagnostic.
20ptP-corevc.fits and P-corevcoot.fits – Event file for the corner regions.
20ptpnspectra eventfile=pnS003-allevc.fits ootevtfile=pnS003-allevcoot.fits keepinterfiles=yes withregion=yes regionfile="regpn.txt" pattern=4 withsrcrem=yes maskdet=pnS003-bkgregtdet.fits withimages=yes elow=350 ehigh=1100 quads="T T T T" (to create both the spectrum and the band image)
20ptpnspectra eventfile=pnS003-allevc.fits ootevtfile=pnS003-allevcoot.fits keepinterfiles=yes withregion=yes regionfile="regpn.txt" pattern=4 withsrcrem=yes maskdet=pnS003-bkgregtdet.fits withimages=no elow=0 ehigh=0 quads="T T T T" (to create the spectrum but not the band image)