proton uses the spectral fitting results from Xspec and model soft proton detector maps to create model soft proton contamination maps for a given observation.
20ptThe current location should be the working directory.
20ptmosspectra and mosback or pnspectra and pnback must have been successfully run for the exposure to be used. The spectra produced by these tasks must be fit to determine the spectral parameters of the soft proton contamination. Currently the spectrummust be modeled as a power law or a broken power law not folded through the instrumental effective areas. In Xspec V11 this is accomplished by including pow/b or bknpow/b in the fitted model. For Xspec V12 this requires adding an additional model and response where the response is a diagonal matrix which is included in the XMM-ESAS calibration files.
20ptThe input spectral parameters are simply the fitted values from Xspec (assuming that no additional normalization has been applied to the component).
Calling Parameters:
20ptimagefile – Input object image file in detector coordinates.
20ptspecfile – File name of spectrum file used in the spectral fit to determine the residual SP contamination.
20ptwithsky – Parameter that does not currently work. If set to `yes', is supposed to rotate the image from detector to sky coordinates.
20ptspmapdet - File name for the output SPF map in detector coordinates.
20ptccds – These are flags to include or exclude individual CCDs for the MOS detectors (e.g., “T T T T T T T”), or to include or exclude the quadrants of the pn (e.g., “T T T T”).
20ptelow – The low energy limit for the energy band in eV (e.g., elow=400).
20ptehigh – The high energy limit for the energy band in eV (e.g., ehigh=1250).
20ptspeccontrol – 1 for a power law model, 2 for a broken power law.
20ptpindex – The fitted power law index.
20ptpnorm – The fitted scale factor for the power law.
20ptbindl – The fitted lower power law index.
20ptbbreak – The break energy, typically fixed to the default value of 3.0.
20ptbindh – The fitted upper power law index.
20ptbnorm – The fitted scale factor for the power law.
20ptprefix-protimdet-elow-ehigh.fits – The model soft proton background image count image in detector coordinates.
20ptproton imagefile=mos1S001-fovimdet-350-1100.fits specfile=mos1S001-fovt.pi elow=350 ehigh=1100 ccds="T T T F F F T" speccontrol=1 pindex=0.1 pnorm=2.208e-2
20ptproton imagefile=mos1S001-fovimdet-350-1100.fits specfile=mos1S001-fovt.pi elow=350 ehigh=1100 ccds="T T T F F F T" speccontrol=2 bindl=0.85 bbreak=2.0 bindh=1.42 bnorm=0.025