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Category: AGN
1 |
Observational Evidence of Active Galactic Nuclei Feedback |
A.C. Fabian |
09-2012 |
2012, ARA&A, 50, 455 |
2012ARA&A..50..455F |
4 |
2 |
Search for neutrino emission from cores of active galactic nuclei |
Abbasi, R.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Alameddine, J. M.;Alispach, C.;Alves, A. A.;Amin, N. M.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Ashida, Y.;Axani, S.;Bai, X.;Balagopal V., A.;Barbano, A.;Barwick, S. W.;Bastian, B.;Basu, V.;Baur, S.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Becker, K. -H.;Becker Tjus, J.;Bellenghi, C.;BenZvi, S.;Berley, D.;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Boddenberg, M.;Bontempo, F.;Borowka, J.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Böttcher, J.;Bourbeau, E.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Brinson, B.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Browne, S.;Burgman, A.;Burley, R. T.;Busse, R. S.;Campana, M. A.;Carnie-Bronca, E. G.;Chen, C.;Chen, Z.;Chirkin, D.;Choi, K.;Clark, B. A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coleman, A.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Coppin, P.;Correa, P.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Dappen, C.;Dave, P.;De Clercq, C.;DeLaunay, J. J.;Delgado López, D.;Dembinski, H.;Deoskar, K.;Desai, A.;Desiati, P.;de Vries, K. D.;de Wasseige, G.;de With, M.;DeYoung, T.;Diaz, A.;DÃaz-Vélez, J. C.;Dittmer, M.;Dujmovic, H.;Dunkman, M.;DuVernois, M. A.;Dvorak, E.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eller, P.;Engel, R.;Erpenbeck, H.;Evans, J.;Evenson, P. A.;Fan, K. L.;Fazely, A. R.;Fedynitch, A.;Feigl, N.;Fiedlschuster, S.;Fienberg, A. T.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Fischer, L.;Fox, D.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fritz, A.;Fürst, P.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Ganster, E.;Garcia, A.;Garrappa, S.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghadimi, A.;Glaser, C.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Goswami, S.;Grant, D.;Grégoire, T.;Griswold, S.;Günther, C.;Gutjahr, P.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halliday, R.;Halve, L.;Halzen, F.;Ha Minh, M.;Hanson, K.;Hardin, J.;Harnisch, A. A.;Haungs, A.;Hebecker, D.;Helbing, K.;Henningsen, F.;Hettinger, E. C.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, C.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hokanson-Fasig, B.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Huber, T.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;Hussain, R.;Hymon, K.;In, S.;Iovine, N.;Ishihara, A.;Jansson, M.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jin, M.;Jones, B. J. P.;Kang, D.;Kang, W.;Kang, X.;Kappes, A.;Kappesser, D.;Kardum, L.;Karg, T.;Karl, M.;Karle, A.;Katz, U.;Kauer, M.;Kellermann, M.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kin, K.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Klein, S. R.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Kontrimas, T.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koskinen, D. J.;Koundal, P.;Kovacevich, M.;Kowalski, M.;Kozynets, T.;Kun, E.;Kurahashi, N.;Lad, N.;Lagunas Gualda, C.;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lazar, J. P.;Lee, J. W.;Leonard, K.;LeszczyÅska, A.;Li, Y.;Lincetto, M.;Liu, Q. R.;Liubarska, M.;Lohfink, E.;Lozano Mariscal, C. J.;Lu, L.;Lucarelli, F.;Ludwig, A.;Luszczak, W.;Lyu, Y.;Ma, W. Y.;Madsen, J.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Makino, Y.;Mancina, S.;MariÅ, I. C.;Martinez-Soler, I.;Maruyama, R.;Mase, K.;McElroy, T.;McNally, F.;Mead, J. V.;Meagher, K.;Mechbal, S.;Medina, A.;Meier, M.;Meighen-Berger, S.;Micallef, J.;Mockler, D.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Morse, R.;Moulai, M.;Naab, R.;Nagai, R.;Naumann, U.;Necker, J.;Nguyën, L. V.;Niederhausen, H.;Nisa, M. U.;Nowicki, S. C.;Obertacke Pollmann, A.;Oehler, M.;Oeyen, B.;Olivas, A.;O'Sullivan, E.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Park, N.;Parker, G. K.;Paudel, E. N.;Paul, L.;Pérez de los Heros, C.;Peters, L.;Peterson, J.;Philippen, S.;Pieper, S.;Pittermann, M.;Pizzuto, A.;Plum, M.;Popovych, Y.;Porcelli, A.;Prado Rodriguez, M.;Price, P. B.;Pries, B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Raissi, A.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Rehman, A.;Reichherzer, P.;Reimann, R.;Renzi, G.;Resconi, E.;Reusch, S.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Riedel, B.;Roberts, E. J.;Robertson, S.;Roellinghoff, G.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Rysewyk Cantu, D.;Safa, I.;Saffer, J.;Sanchez Herrera, S. E.;Sandrock, A.;Sandroos, J.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Schaufel, M.;Schieler, H.;Schindler, S.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schneider, J.;Schröder, F. G.;Schumacher, L.;Schwefer, G.;Sclafani, S.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Sharma, A.;Shefali, S.;Silva, M.;Skrzypek, B.;Smithers, B.;Snihur, R.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Spannfellner, C.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stein, R.;Stettner, J.;Steuer, A.;Stezelberger, T.;Stürwald, T.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Taboada, I.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Tilav, S.;Tischbein, F.;Tollefson, K.;Tönnis, C.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Trettin, A.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turcotte, R.;Turley, C. F.;Twagirayezu, J. P.;Ty, B.;Unland Elorrieta, M. A.;Valtonen-Mattila, N.;Vandenbroucke, J.;van Eijndhoven, N.;Vannerom, D.;van Santen, J.;Verpoest, S.;Walck, C.;Watson, T. B.;Weaver, C.;Weigel, P.;Weindl, A.;Weiss, M. J.;Weldert, J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Weyrauch, M.;Whitehorn, N.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Williams, D. R.;Wolf, M.;Woschnagg, K.;Wrede, G.;Wulff, J.;Xu, X. W.;Yanez, J. P.;Yoshida, S.;Yu, S.;Yuan, T.;Zhang, Z.;Zhelnin, P.;IceCube Collaboration |
07-2022 |
2022, PhRvD, 106, 2005 |
2022PhRvD.106b2005A |
4 |
3 |
Constraining the Konoplya-Rezzolla-Zhidenko deformation parameters: Limits from supermassive black hole x-ray data |
Abdikamalov, Askar B.;Ayzenberg, Dimitry;Bambi, Cosimo;Nampalliwar, Sourabh;Tripathi, Ashutosh |
07-2021 |
2021, PhRvD, 104, 4058 |
2021PhRvD.104b4058A |
4 |
0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
4 |
PKS 1502+106: A New and Distant Gamma-ray Blazar in Outburst Discovered by the Fermi Large Area Telescope |
Abdo, A. A. et al. |
02-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 710, 810 |
2010ApJ...710..810A |
4 |
0070740101, 0070740301, 0112910201, 0205340401 |
5 |
First characterization of the emission behavior of Mrk 421 from radio to very high-energy gamma rays with simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements |
Abe, S.;Abhir, J.;Acciari, V. A.;Agudo, I.;Aniello, T.;Ansoldi, S.;Antonelli, L. A.;Arbet-Engels, A.;Arcaro, C.;Artero, M.;Asano, K.;BabiÄ, A.;Baquero, A.;Barres de Almeida, U.;Barrio, J. A.;BatkoviÄ, I.;Baxter, J.;Becerra González, J.;Bednarek, W.;Bernardini, E.;Bernete, J.;Berti, A.;Besenrieder, J.;Bigongiari, C.;Biland, A.;Blanch, O.;Bonnoli, G.;BoÅ¡njak, Ž.;Burelli, I.;Busetto, G.;Campoy-Ordaz, A.;Carosi, A.;Carosi, R.;Carretero-Castrillo, M.;Castro-Tirado, A. J.;Ceribella, G.;Chai, Y.;Cifuentes, A.;Cikota, S.;Colombo, E.;Contreras, J. L.;Cortina, J.;Covino, S.;D'Ammando, F.;D'Amico, G.;D'Elia, V.;Da Vela, P.;Dazzi, F.;De Angelis, A.;De Lotto, B.;de Menezes, R.;Del Popolo, A.;Delgado, J.;Delgado Mendez, C.;Di Pierro, F.;Di Venere, L.;Dominis Prester, D.;Donini, A.;Dorner, D.;Doro, M.;Elsaesser, D.;Emery, G.;Escudero, J.;Fariña, L.;Fattorini, A.;Foffano, L.;Font, L.;Fröse, S.;Fukami, S.;Fukazawa, Y.;GarcÃa López, R. J.;Garczarczyk, M.;Gasparyan, S.;Gaug, M.;Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G.;Giglietto, N.;Giordano, F.;Gliwny, P.;GodinoviÄ, N.;Gradetzke, T.;Grau, R.;Green, D.;Green, J. G.;Günther, P.;Hadasch, D.;Hahn, A.;Hassan, T.;Heckmann, L.;Herrera, J.;Hrupec, D.;Hütten, M.;Imazawa, R.;Inada, T.;Ishio, K.;Jiménez MartÃnez, I.;Jormanainen, J.;Kerszberg, D.;Kluge, G. W.;Kobayashi, Y.;Kouch, P. M.;Kubo, H.;Kushida, J.;Láinez Lezáun, M.;Lamastra, A.;Leone, F.;Lindfors, E.;Linhoff, L.;Lombardi, S.;Longo, F.;López-Coto, R.;López-Moya, M.;López-Oramas, A.;Loporchio, S.;Lorini, A.;Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.;Majumdar, P.;Makariev, M.;Maneva, G.;Mang, N.;Manganaro, M.;Mangano, S.;Mannheim, K.;Mariotti, M.;MartÃnez, M.;MartÃnez-Chicharro, M.;Mas-Aguilar, A.;Mazin, D.;Menchiari, S.;Mender, S.;Miceli, D.;Miener, T.;Miranda, J. M.;Mirzoyan, R.;Molero González, M.;Molina, E.;Mondal, H. A.;Moralejo, A.;Morcuende, D.;Nakamori, T.;Nanci, C.;Nava, L.;Neustroev, V.;Nickel, L.;Nievas Rosillo, M.;Nigro, C.;NikoliÄ, L.;Nilsson, K.;Nishijima, K.;Njoh Ekoume, T.;Noda, K.;Nozaki, S.;Ohtani, Y.;Okumura, A.;Otero-Santos, J.;Paiano, S.;Palatiello, M.;Paneque, D.;Paoletti, R.;Paredes, J. M.;PavloviÄ, D.;Peresano, M.;Persic, M.;Pihet, M.;Pirola, G.;Podobnik, F.;Prada Moroni, P. G.;Prandini, E.;Principe, G.;Priyadarshi, C.;Rhode, W.;Ribó, M.;Rico, J.;Righi, C.;Sahakyan, N.;Saito, T.;Satalecka, K.;Saturni, F. G.;Schleicher, B.;Schmidt, K.;Schmuckermaier, F.;Schubert, J. L.;Schweizer, T.;Sciaccaluga, A.;Sitarek, J.;Sliusar, V.;Sobczynska, D.;Stamerra, A.;StriÅ¡koviÄ, J.;Strom, D.;Strzys, M.;Suda, Y.;Suutarinen, S.;Tajima, H.;Takahashi, M.;Takeishi, R.;Tavecchio, F.;Temnikov, P.;Terauchi, K.;TerziÄ, T.;Teshima, M.;Tosti, L.;Truzzi, S.;Tutone, A.;Ubach, S.;van Scherpenberg, J.;Vazquez Acosta, M.;Ventura, S.;Viale, I.;Vigorito, C. F.;Vitale, V.;Vovk, I.;Walter, R.;Will, M.;Wunderlich, C.;Yamamoto, T.;Liodakis, I.;Jorstad, S. G.;Di Gesu, L.;Donnarumma, I.;Kim, D. E.;Marscher, A. P.;Middei, R.;Perri, M.;Puccetti, S.;Verrecchia, F.;Leto, C.;De La Calle Pérez, I.;Jiménez-Bailón, E.;Blinov, D.;Bourbah, I. G.;Kiehlmann, S.;Kontopodis, E.;Mandarakas, N.;Skalidis, R.;Vervelaki, A.;Aceituno, F. J.;AgÃs-González, B.;Sota, A.;Sasada, M.;Fukazawa, Y.;Kawabata, K. S.;Uemura, M.;Mizuno, T.;Akitaya, H.;Casadio, C.;Myserlis, I.;Sievers, A.;Lähteenmäki, A.;Syrjärinne, I.;Tornikoski, M.;Salomé, Q.;Gurwell, M.;Keating, G. K.;Rao, R. |
04-2024 |
2024, A&A, 684, 127 |
2024A&A...684A.127A |
4 |
6 |
A Search for Spectral Hysteresis and Energy-dependent Time Lags from X-Ray and TeV Gamma-Ray Observations of Mrk 421 |
Abeysekara, A. U.; Archambault, S.; Archer, A.; Benbow, W.; Bird, R.; Buchovecky, M.; Buckley, J. H.; Bugaev, V.; Cardenzana, J. V.; Cerruti, M.; Chen, X.; Ciupik, L.; Connolly, M. P.; Cui, W.; Eisch, J. D.; Falcone, A.; Feng, Q.; Finley, J. P.; Fleischhack, H.; Flinders, A.; Fortson, L.; Furniss, A.; Griffin, S.; Håkansson, M. HN.; Hanna, D.; Hervet, O.; Holder, J.; Humensky, T. B.; Kaaret, P.; Kar, P.; Kertzman, M.; Kieda, D.; Krause, M.; Kumar, S.; Lang, M. J.; Maier, G.; McArthur, S.; McCann, A.; Meagher, K.; Moriarty, P.; Mukherjee, R.; Nieto, D.; Ong, S. OR. A.; Otte, A. N.; Park, N.; Pelassa, V.; Pohl, M.; Popkow, A.; Pueschel, E.; Ragan, K.; Reynolds, P. T.; Richards, G. T.; Roache, E.; Sadeh, I.; Santander, M.; Sembroski, G. H.; Shahinyan, K.; Staszak, D.; Telezhinsky, I.; Tucci, J. V.; Tyler, J.; Wakely, S. P.; Weinstein, A.; Wilhelm, A.; Williams, D. A.; the VERITAS Collaboration; Ahnen, M. L.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; Antoranz, P.; Arcaro, C.; Babic, A.; Banerjee, B.; Bangale, P.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Becerra González, J.; Bednarek, W.; Bernardini, E.; Berti, A.; Biasuzzi, B.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bonnefoy, S.; Bonnoli, G.; Borracci, F.; Bretz, T.; Carosi, R.; Carosi, A.; Chatterjee, A.; Colin, P.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Covino, S.; Cumani, P.; Da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Lotto, B.; de Oña Wilhelmi, E.; Di Pierro, F.; Doert, M.; Domínguez, A.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Einecke, S.; Eisenacher Glawion, D.; Elsaesser, D.; Engelkemeier, M.; Fallah Ramazani, V.; Fernández-Barral, A.; Fidalgo, D.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Fruck, C.; Galindo, D.; García López, R. J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Gaug, M.; Giammaria, P.; Godinovic, N.; Gora, D.; Guberman, D.; Hadasch, D.; Hahn, A.; Hassan, T.; Hayashida, M.; Herrera, J.; Hose, J.; Hrupec, D.; Hughes, G.; Idec, W.; Kodani, K.; Konno, Y.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; Lelas, D.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López, M.; López-Coto, R.; Majumdar, P.; Makariev, M.; Mallot, K.; Maneva, G.; Manganaro, M.; Mannheim, K.; Maraschi, L.; Marcote, B.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Mazin, D.; Menzel, U.; Mirzoyan, R.; Moralejo, A.; Moretti, E.; Nakajima, D.; Neustroev, V.; Niedzwiecki, A.; Nievas Rosillo, M.; Nilsson, K.; Nishijima, K.; Noda, K.; Nogués, L.; Nöthe, M.; Paiano, S.; Palacio, J.; Palatiello, M.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Paredes-Fortuny, X.; Pedaletti, G.; Peresano, M.; Perri, L.; Persic, M.; Poutanen, J.; Prada Moroni, P. G.; Prandini, E.; Puljak, I.; Garcia, J. R.; Reichardt, I.; Rhode, W.; Ribó, M.; Rico, J.; Saito, T.; Satalecka, K.; Schroeder, S.; Schweizer, T.; Shore, S. N.; Sillanpää, A.; Sitarek, J.; Snidaric, I.; Sobczynska, D.; Stamerra, A.; Strzys, M.; Suric, T.; Takalo, L.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terzic, T.; Tescaro, D.; Teshima, M.; Torres, D. F.; Torres-Albà, N.; Toyama, T.; Treves, A.; Vanzo, G.; Vazquez Acosta, M.; Vovk, I.; Ward, J. E.; Will, M.; Wu, M. H.; Zanin, R.; the MAGIC Collaboration; Hovatta, T.; de la Calle Perez, I.; Smith, P. S.; Racero, E.; Balokovic, M. |
01-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 834, 2 |
2017ApJ...834....2A |
4 |
0670920301, 0670920401, 0670920501 |
7 |
Multiwavelength Observations of a TeV-Flare from W Comae |
Acciari, V. A. et al. |
12-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 707, 612 |
2009ApJ...707..612A |
4 |
0502211301, 0502211201, 0502211401 |
8 |
Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of Markarian 421 During Outburst |
Acciari, V. A. et al. |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 703, 169 |
2009ApJ...703..169A |
4 |
0302180101, 0502030101 |
9 |
First detection of VHE gamma-ray emission from TXS 1515-273, study of its X-ray variability and spectral energy distribution |
Acciari, V. A.;Ansoldi, S.;Antonelli, L. A.;Arbet Engels, A.;Artero, M.;Asano, K.;Baack, D.;BabiÄ, A.;Baquero, A.;Barres de Almeida, U.;Barrio, J. A.;BatkoviÄ, I.;Becerra González, J.;Bednarek, W.;Bellizzi, L.;Bernardini, E.;Bernardos, M.;Berti, A.;Besenrieder, J.;Bhattacharyya, W.;Bigongiari, C.;Biland, A.;Blanch, O.;BoÅ¡njak, Ž.;Busetto, G.;Carosi, R.;Ceribella, G.;Cerruti, M.;Chai, Y.;Chilingarian, A.;Cikota, S.;Colak, S. M.;Colombo, E.;Contreras, J. L.;Cortina, J.;Covino, S.;D'Amico, G.;D'Elia, V.;da Vela, P.;Dazzi, F.;de Angelis, A.;de Lotto, B.;Delfino, M.;Delgado, J.;Delgado Mendez, C.;Depaoli, D.;Pierro, F. Di;Venere, L. Di;Do Souto Espiñeira, E.;Dominis Prester, D.;Donini, A.;Dorner, D.;Doro, M.;Elsaesser, D.;Fallah Ramazani, V.;Fattorini, A.;Ferrara, G.;Fonseca, M. V.;Font, L.;Fruck, C.;Fukami, S.;GarcÃa López, R. J.;Garczarczyk, M.;Gasparyan, S.;Gaug, M.;Giglietto, N.;Giordano, F.;Gliwny, P.;GodinoviÄ, N.;Green, J. G.;Green, D.;Hadasch, D.;Hahn, A.;Heckmann, L.;Herrera, J.;Hoang, J.;Hrupec, D.;Hütten, M.;Inada, T.;Inoue, S.;Ishio, K.;Iwamura, Y.;Jiménez, I.;Jormanainen, J.;Jouvin, L.;Kajiwara, Y.;Karjalainen, M.;Kerszberg, D.;Kobayashi, Y.;Kubo, H.;Kushida, J.;Lamastra, A.;Lelas, D.;Leone, F.;Lindfors, E.;Lombardi, S.;Longo, F.;López-Coto, R.;López-Moya, M.;López-Oramas, A.;Loporchio, S.;Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.;Maggio, C.;Majumdar, P.;Makariev, M.;Mallamaci, M.;Maneva, G.;Manganaro, M.;Mannheim, K.;Maraschi, L.;Mariotti, M.;MartÃnez, M.;Mazin, D.;Menchiari, S.;Mender, S.;MiÄanoviÄ, S.;Miceli, D.;Miener, T.;Minev, M.;Miranda, J. M.;Mirzoyan, R.;Molina, E.;Moralejo, A.;Morcuende, D.;Moreno, V.;Moretti, E.;Neustroev, V.;Nigro, C.;Nilsson, K.;Nishijima, K.;Noda, K.;Nozaki, S.;Ohtani, Y.;Oka, T.;Otero-Santos, J.;Paiano, S.;Palatiello, M.;Paneque, D.;Paoletti, R.;Paredes, J. M.;PavletiÄ, L.;Peñil, P.;Perennes, C.;Persic, M.;Prada Moroni, P. G.;Prandini, E.;Priyadarshi, C.;Puljak, I.;Rhode, W.;Ribó, M.;Rico, J.;Righi, C.;Rugliancich, A.;Saha, L.;Sahakyan, N.;Saito, T.;Sakurai, S.;Satalecka, K.;Saturni, F. G.;Schleicher, B.;Schmidt, K.;Schweizer, T.;Sitarek, J.;Å nidariÄ, I.;Sobczynska, D.;Spolon, A.;Stamerra, A.;Strom, D.;Strzys, M.;Suda, Y.;SuriÄ, T.;Takahashi, M.;Tavecchio, F.;Temnikov, P.;TerziÄ, T.;Teshima, M.;Tosti, L.;Truzzi, S.;Tutone, A.;Ubach, S.;van Scherpenberg, J.;Vanzo, G.;Vazquez Acosta, M.;Ventura, S.;Verguilov, V.;Vigorito, C. F.;Vitale, V.;Vovk, I.;Will, M.;Wunderlich, C.;ZariÄ, D.;Bissaldi, E.;Bonnoli, G.;Cutini, S.;D'Ammando, F.;Nabizadeh, A.;Marchini, A.;Orienti, M.;MAGIC Collaboration |
10-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 507, 1528 |
2021MNRAS.507.1528A |
4 |
10 |
Multiwavelength study of the gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+357 between 2016 and 2020 |
Acciari, V. A.;Ansoldi, S.;Antonelli, L. A.;Arbet Engels, A.;Artero, M.;Asano, K.;Baack, D.;BabiÄ, A.;Baquero, A.;Barres de Almeida, U.;Barrio, J. A.;BatkoviÄ, I.;Becerra González, J.;Bednarek, W.;Bellizzi, L.;Bernardini, E.;Bernardos, M.;Berti, A.;Besenrieder, J.;Bhattacharyya, W.;Bigongiari, C.;Biland, A.;Blanch, O.;Bonnoli, G.;BoÅ¡njak, Ž.;Busetto, G.;Carosi, R.;Ceribella, G.;Cerruti, M.;Chai, Y.;Chilingarian, A.;Cikota, S.;Colak, S. M.;Colombo, E.;Contreras, J. L.;Cortina, J.;Covino, S.;D'Amico, G.;D'Elia, V.;Da Vela, P.;Dazzi, F.;De Angelis, A.;De Lotto, B.;Delfino, M.;Delgado, J.;Delgado Mendez, C.;Depaoli, D.;Di Pierro, F.;Di Venere, L.;Do Souto Espiñeira, E.;Dominis Prester, D.;Donini, A.;Dorner, D.;Doro, M.;Elsaesser, D.;Fallah Ramazani, V.;Fattorini, A.;Ferrara, G.;Fonseca, M. V.;Font, L.;Fruck, C.;Fukami, S.;GarcÃa López, R. J.;Garczarczyk, M.;Gasparyan, S.;Gaug, M.;Giglietto, N.;Giordano, F.;Gliwny, P.;GodinoviÄ, N.;Green, J. G.;Green, D.;Hadasch, D.;Hahn, A.;Heckmann, L.;Herrera, J.;Hoang, J.;Hrupec, D.;Hütten, M.;Inada, T.;Inoue, S.;Ishio, K.;Iwamura, Y.;Jiménez, I.;Jormanainen, J.;Jouvin, L.;Kajiwara, Y.;Karjalainen, M.;Kerszberg, D.;Kobayashi, Y.;Kubo, H.;Kushida, J.;Lamastra, A.;Lelas, D.;Leone, F.;Lindfors, E.;Lombardi, S.;Longo, F.;López-Coto, R.;López-Moya, M.;López-Oramas, A.;Loporchio, S.;Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.;Maggio, C.;Majumdar, P.;Makariev, M.;Mallamaci, M.;Maneva, G.;Manganaro, M.;Mannheim, K.;Maraschi, L.;Mariotti, M.;MartÃnez, M.;Mazin, D.;Menchiari, S.;Mender, S.;MiÄanoviÄ, S.;Miceli, D.;Miener, T.;Minev, M.;Miranda, J. M.;Mirzoyan, R.;Molina, E.;Moralejo, A.;Morcuende, D.;Moreno, V.;Moretti, E.;Neustroev, V.;Nigro, C.;Nilsson, K.;Nishijima, K.;Noda, K.;Nozaki, S.;Ohtani, Y.;Oka, T.;Otero-Santos, J.;Paiano, S.;Palatiello, M.;Paneque, D.;Paoletti, R.;Paredes, J. M.;PavletiÄ, L.;Peñil, P.;Perennes, C.;Persic, M.;Prada Moroni, P. G.;Prandini, E.;Priyadarshi, C.;Puljak, I.;Rhode, W.;Ribó, M.;Rico, J.;Righi, C.;Rugliancich, A.;Saha, L.;Sahakyan, N.;Saito, T.;Sakurai, S.;Satalecka, K.;Saturni, F. G.;Schleicher, B.;Schmidt, K.;Schweizer, T.;Sitarek, J.;Å nidariÄ, I.;Sobczynska, D.;Spolon, A.;Stamerra, A.;Strom, D.;Strzys, M.;Suda, Y.;SuriÄ, T.;Takahashi, M.;Tavecchio, F.;Temnikov, P.;TerziÄ, T.;Teshima, M.;Tosti, L.;Truzzi, S.;Tutone, A.;Ubach, S.;van Scherpenberg, J.;Vanzo, G.;Vazquez Acosta, M.;Ventura, S.;Verguilov, V.;Vigorito, C. F.;Vitale, V.;Vovk, I.;Will, M.;Wunderlich, C.;ZariÄ, D.;de Palma, F.;D'Ammando, F.;Barnacka, A.;Sahu, D. K.;Hodges, M.;Hovatta, T.;Kiehlmann, S.;Max-Moerbeck, W.;Readhead, A. C. S.;Reeves, R.;Pearson, T. J.;Lähteenmäki, A.;Björklund, I.;Tornikoski, M.;Tammi, J.;Suutarinen, S.;Hada, K.;Niinuma, K. |
02-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 510, 2344 |
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The miniJPAS Survey: The radial distribution of star formation rates in faint X-ray active galactic nuclei |
Acharya, Nischal;Bonoli, Silvia;Salvato, Mara;Cortesi, Ariana;González Delgado, Rosa M.;Lopez, Ivan Ezequiel;Marquez, Isabel;MartÃnez-Solaeche, Ginés;Abdurro'uf;Alexander, David;Brusa, Marcella;Chaves-Montero, Jonás;Fernández Ontiveros, Juan Antonio;Laloux, Brivael;Lapi, Andrea;Mountrichas, George;Ramos Almeida, Cristina;Esteban RodrÃguez MartÃn, Julio;Shankar, Francesco;Soria, Roberto;Vilchez, José M.;Abramo, Raul;Alcaniz, Jailson;Benitez, Narciso;Carneiro, Saulo;Cenarro, Javier;Cristóbal-Hornillos, David;Dupke, Renato;Ederoclite, Alessandro;Hernán-Caballero, A.;López-Sanjuan, Carlos;MarÃn-Franch, Antonio;Mendes de Oliveira, Claudia;Moles, Mariano;Sodré, Laerte;Taylor, Keith;Varela, Jesús;Vázquez Ramió, Héctor |
07-2024 |
2024, A&A, 687, 285 |
2024A&A...687A.285A |
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Contemporaneous Broadband Observations of Three High-redshift BL LAC Objects |
Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; An, H.; Baldini, L.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bellazzini, R.; Bissaldi, E.; Blandford, R. D.; Bonino, R.; Bregeon, J.; Britto, R. J.; Bruel, P.; Buehler, R.; Caliandro, G. A.; Cameron, R. A.; Caragiulo, M.; Caraveo, P. A.; Cavazzuti, E.; Cecchi, C.; Charles, E.; Chekhtman, A.; Chiaro, G.; Ciprini, S.; Cohen-Tanugi, J.; Costanza, F.; Cutini, S.; D'Ammando, F.; de Angelis, A.; de Palma, F.; Desiante, R.; Di Mauro, M.; Di Venere, L.; Domínguez, A.; Drell, P. S.; Favuzzi, C.; Fegan, S. J.; Ferrara, E. C.; Finke, J.; Fusco, P.; Gargano, F.; Gasparrini, D.; Giglietto, N.; Giordano, F.; Giroletti, M.; Green, D.; Grenier, I. A.; Guiriec, S.; Horan, D.; Jóhannesson, G.; Katsuragawa, M.; Kuss, M.; Larsson, S.; Latronico, L.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Longo, F.; Loparco, F.; Lovellette, M. N.; Lubrano, P.; Magill, J.; Maldera, S.; Manfreda, A.; Mayer, M.; Mazziotta, M. N.; Michelson, P. F.; Mirabal, N.; Mitthumsiri, W.; Mizuno, T.; Monzani, M. E.; Morselli, A.; Moskalenko, I. V.; Negro, M.; Nuss, E.; Ohsugi, T.; Okada, C.; Orlando, E.; Paneque, D.; Pesce-Rollins, M.; Piron, F.; Pivato, G.; Porter, T. A.; Rainò, S.; Rando, R.; Razzano, M.; Reimer, O.; Rau, A.; Romani, R. W.; Schady, P.; Sgrò, C.; Simone, D.; Siskind, E. J.; Spada, F.; Spandre, G.; Spinelli, P.; Stern, D.; Takahashi, H.; Thayer, J. B.; Torres, D. F.; Tosti, G.; Troja, E.; Vianello, G.; Wood, K. S.; Wood, M. |
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XMM-Newton and Swift observations of the Seyfert 1 AGN NGC 5940 |
Adegoke, Oluwashina K. |
05-2022 |
2022, Ap&SS, 367, 51 |
2022Ap&SS.367...51A |
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0670040601 |
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UV to X-Ray Comptonization Delay in Mrk 493 |
Adegoke, Oluwashina; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Pawar, Pramod; Pal, Main |
01-2019 |
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Spectral and time series analyses of the Seyfert 1 AGN: Zw 229.015 |
Adegoke, Oluwashina; Rakshit, Suvendu; Mukhopadhyay, Banibrata |
04-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 466, 3951 |
2017MNRAS.466.3951A |
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Absorption Measure Distribution in Mrk 509 |
Adhikari, T. P.; Rózanska, A.; Sobolewska, M.; Czerny, B. |
12-2015 |
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Black hole spin and size of the X-ray-emitting region(s) in the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy ESO 362-G18 |
Agís-González, B.; Miniutti, G.; Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Sanfrutos, M.; Risaliti, G.; Bianchi, S.; Strotjohann, N. L.; Saxton, R. D.; Parker, M. L. |
10-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 443, 2862 |
2014MNRAS.443.2862A |
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A Changing-Look AGN to Be Probed by X-ray Polarimetry |
Agís-González, Beatriz; Hutsemékers, Damien; Miniutti, Giovanni |
04-2018 |
2018, Galax, 6, 52 |
2018Galax...6...52A |
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Crossing the Line: Active Galactic Nuclei in the Star-forming Region of the BPT Diagram |
Agostino, Christopher J.; Salim, Samir |
05-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 876, 12 |
2019ApJ...876...12A |
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VLT-MUSE spectroscopy of AGNs misclassified by BPT diagnostic or with weak emission lines |
Agostino, Christopher J.;Salim, Samir;Boquien, Médéric;Janowiecki, Steven;Salas, Héctor;Couto, Guillherme S. |
12-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 526, 4455 |
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A New Physical Picture for Active Galactic Nuclei Lacking Optical Emission Lines |
Agostino, Christopher J.;Salim, Samir;Ellison, Sara L.;Bickley, Robert W.;Faber, S. M. |
02-2023 |
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Detection of VHE gamma-ray emission from the distant blazar 1ES 1101-232 with HESS and broadband characterisation |
Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Bazer-Bachi, A. R.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Berge, D.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bolz, O.; Borrel, V.; Braun, I.; Brion, E.; Brown, A. M.; Bühler, R.; Büsching, I.; Boutelier, T.; Carrigan, S.; Chadwick, P. M.; Chounet, L.-M.; Coignet, G.; Cornils, R.; Costamante, L.; Degrange, B.; Dickinson, H. J.; Djannati-Ataï, A.; O'C. Drury, L.; Dubus, G.; Egberts, K.; Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Espigat, P.; Farnier, C.; Feinstein, F.; Ferrero, E.; Fiasson, A.; Fontaine, G.; Funk, Seb.; Funk, S.; Füßling, M.; Gallant, Y. A.; Giebels, B.; Glicenstein, J. F.; Glück, B.; Goret, P.; Hadjichristidis, C.; Hauser, D.; Hauser, M.; Heinzelmann, G.; Henri, G.; Hermann, G.; Hinton, J. A.; Hoffmann, A.; Hofmann, W.; Holleran, M.; Hoppe, S.; Horns, D.; Jacholkowska, A.; de Jager, O. C.; Kendziorra, E.; Kerschhaggl, M.; Khélifi, B.; Komin, Nu.; Kosack, K.; Lamanna, G.; Latham, I. J.; Le Gallou, R.; Lemière, A.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Lohse, T.; Martin, J. M.; Martineau-Huynh, O.; Marcowith, A.; Masterson, C.; Maurin, G.; McComb, T. J. L.; Moulin, E.; de Naurois, M.; Nedbal, D.; Nolan, S. J.; Noutsos, A.; Olive, J.-P.; Orford, K. J.; Osborne, J. L.; Panter, M.; Pelletier, G.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Pita, S.; Pühlhofer, G.; Punch, M.; Ranchon, S.; Raubenheimer, B. C.; Raue, M.; Rayner, S. M.; Ripken, J.; Rob, L.; Rolland, L.; Rosier-Lees, S.; Rowell, G.; Sahakian, V.; Santangelo, A.; Saugé, L.; Schlenker, S.; Schlickeiser, R.; Schröder, R.; Schwanke, U.; Schwarzburg, S.; Schwemmer, S.; Shalchi, A.; Sol, H.; Spangler, D.; Spanier, F.; Steenkamp, R.; Stegmann, C.; Superina, G.; Tam, P. H.; Tavernet, J.-P.; Terrier, R.; Tluczykont, M.; van Eldik, C.; Vasileiadis, G.; Venter, C.; Vialle, J. P.; Vincent, P.; Völk, H. J.; Wagner, S. J.; Ward, M. |
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Discovery of a multiphase O VI and O VII absorber in the circumgalactic/intergalactic transition region |
Ahoranta, Jussi;Finoguenov, Alexis;Bonamente, Massimiliano;Tilton, Evan;Wijers, Nastasha;Muzahid, Sowgat;Schaye, Joop |
12-2021 |
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Hot WHIM counterparts of FUV O VI absorbers: Evidence in the line-of-sight towards quasar 3C 273 |
Ahoranta, Jussi;Nevalainen, Jukka;Wijers, Nastasha;Finoguenov, Alexis;Bonamente, Massimiliano;Tempel, Elmo;Tilton, Evan;Schaye, Joop;Kaastra, Jelle;Gozaliasl, Ghassem |
02-2020 |
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X-ray Properties of Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies with Very Small Broadline Widths |
Ai, Y. L.; Yuan, W.; Zhou, H. Y.; Wang, T. G.; Zhang, S. H. |
01-2011 |
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XMM-Newton observation of the ultraluminous quasar SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 at redshift 6.326 |
Ai, Yanli; Fabian, A. C.; Fan, Xiaohui; Walker, S. A.; Ghisellini, G.; Sbarrato, T.; Dou, Liming; Wang, Feige; Wu, Xue-Bing; Feng, Longlong |
09-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 470, 1587 |
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X-ray observations of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy SDSS J160508.87+323921.4 with XMM-Newton |
Ai, Yanli; Yuan, Weimin; Zhou, Hongyan; Wang, Jianguo |
01-2010 |
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The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: First Direct Measurements of the ≳10 KeV X-Ray Luminosity Function for Active Galactic Nuclei at z>0.1 |
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PRIMUS: The Dependence of AGN Accretion on Host Stellar Mass and Color |
Aird, James; Coil, Alison L.; Moustakas, John; Blanton, Michael R.; Burles, Scott M.; Cool, Richard J.; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Smith, M. Stephen M.; Wong, Kenneth C.; Zhu, Guangtun |
02-2012 |
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The Swift BAT X-Ray Survey. III. X-Ray Spectra and Statistical Properties |
Ajello, M.; Rau, A.; Greiner, J.; Kanbach, G.; Salvato, M.; Strong, A. W.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Gehrels, N.; Markwardt, C. B.; Tueller, J. |
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Long Term X-Ray Spectral Variations of the Seyfert-1 Galaxy Mrk 279 |
Akhila, K.;Misra, Ranjeev;Ezhikode, Savithri H.;Jeena, K. |
06-2024 |
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The Subaru-XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). VIII. Multi-wavelength identification, optical/NIR spectroscopic properties, and photometric redshifts of X-ray sourcesâ |
Akiyama, Masayuki; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Watson, Mike G.; Furusawa, Hisanori; Takata, Tadafumi; Simpson, Chris; Morokuma, Tomoki; Yamada, Toru; Ohta, Kouji; Iwamuro, Fumihide; Yabe, Kiyoto; Tamura, Naoyuki; Moritani, Yuuki; Takato, Naruhisa; Kimura, Masahiko; Maihara, Toshinori; Dalton, Gavin; Lewis, Ian; Lee, Hanshin; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Macaulay, Edward; Clarke, Frazer; Silverman, John D.; Croom, Scott; Ouchi, Masami; Hanami, Hitoshi; Díaz Tello, Jorge; Yoshikawa, Tomohiro; Fujishiro, Naofumi; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro |
10-2015 |
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On the XMM-Newton spectra of soft X-ray selected QSOs |
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06-2003 |
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XMM-Newton and Chandra measurements of the AGN intrinsic absorption: dependence on luminosity and redshift |
Akylas, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Georgakakis, A.; Kitsionas, S.; Hatziminaoglou, E. |
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XMM-Newton monitoring observations of Mrk 3 |
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Compton-thick AGN in the 70-month Swift-BAT All-Sky Hard X-ray Survey: A Bayesian approach |
Akylas, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Ranalli, P.; Gkiokas, E.; Corral, A.; Lanzuisi, G. |
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37 |
Discovery of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the blazar 1ES 0033+595 by the MAGIC telescopes |
Aleksic, J.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; Antoranz, P.; Babic, A.; Bangale, P.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Becerra González, J.; Bednarek, W.; Berger, K.; Bernardini, E.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bonnefoy, S.; Bonnoli, G.; Borracci, F.; Bretz, T.; Carmona, E.; Carosi, A.; Carreto Fidalgo, D.; Colin, P.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Covino, S.; da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; de Angelis, A.; de Caneva, G.; de Lotto, B.; Delgado Mendez, C.; Doert, M.; Domínguez, A.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Einecke, S.; Eisenacher, D.; Elsaesser, D.; Farina, E.; Ferenc, D.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Frantzen, K.; Fruck, C.; García López, R. J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Garrido Terrats, D.; Gaug, M.; Godinovic, N.; González Muñoz, A.; Gozzini, S. R.; Hadasch, D.; Hayashida, M.; Herrera, J.; Herrero, A.; Hildebrand, D.; Hose, J.; Hrupec, D.; Idec, W.; Kadenius, V.; Kellermann, H.; Kodani, K.; Konno, Y.; Krause, J.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; La Barbera, A.; Lelas, D.; Lewandowska, N.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; López, M.; López-Coto, R.; López-Oramas, A.; Lorenz, E.; Lozano, I.; Makariev, M.; Mallot, K.; Maneva, G.; Mankuzhiyil, N.; Mannheim, K.; Maraschi, L.; Marcote, B.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Mazin, D.; Menzel, U.; Meucci, M.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Moralejo, A.; Munar-Adrover, P.; Nakajima, D.; Niedzwiecki, A.; Nilsson, K.; Nishijima, K.; Noda, K.; Nowak, N.; Orito, R.; Overkemping, A.; Paiano, S.; Palatiello, M.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Paredes-Fortuny, X.; Partini, S.; Persic, M.; Prada, F.; Moroni, P. G. Prada; Prandini, E.; Preziuso, S.; Puljak, I.; Reinthal, R.; Rhode, W.; Ribó, M.; Rico, J.; Rodriguez Garcia, J.; Rügamer, S.; Saggion, A.; Saito, T.; Saito, K.; Satalecka, K.; Scalzotto, V.; Scapin, V.; Schultz, C.; Schweizer, T.; Shore, S. N.; Sillanpää, A.; Sitarek, J.; Snidaric, I.; Sobczynska, D.; Spanier, F.; Stamatescu, V.; Stamerra, A.; Steinbring, T.; Storz, J.; Sun, S.; Suric, T.; Takalo, L.; Takami, H.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terzic, T.; Tescaro, D.; Teshima, M.; Thaele, J.; Tibolla, O.; Torres, D. F.; Toyama, T.; Treves, A.; Uellenbeck, M.; Vogler, P.; Wagner, R. M.; Zandanel, F.; Zanin, R.; MAGIC Collaboration; Tronconi, V.; Buson, S.; Borghese, A. |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 217 |
2015MNRAS.446..217A |
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38 |
Rapid and multiband variability of the TeV bright active nucleus of the galaxy IC 310 |
Aleksic, J.; Antonelli, L. A.; Antoranz, P.; Babic, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Becerra González, J.; Bednarek, W.; Berger, K.; Bernardini, E.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bock, R. K.; Boller, A.; Bonnefoy, S.; Bonnoli, G.; Borla Tridon, D.; Borracci, F.; Bretz, T.; Carmona, E.; Carosi, A.; Carreto Fidalgo, D.; Colin, P.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Cossio, L.; Covino, S.; Da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Caneva, G.; Delgado Mendez, C.; De Lotto, B.; Doert, M.; Domínguez, A.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Eisenacher, D.; Elsaesser, D.; Farina, E.; Ferenc, D.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Fruck, C.; García López, R. J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Garrido Terrats, D.; Gaug, M.; Giavitto, G.; Godinovic, N.; González Muñoz, A.; Gozzini, S. R.; Hadamek, A.; Hadasch, D.; Häfner, D.; Herrero, A.; Hose, J.; Hrupec, D.; Idec, W.; Kadenius, V.; Knoetig, M. L.; Krähenbühl, T.; Krause, J.; Kushida, J.; La Barbera, A.; Lelas, D.; Lewandowska, N.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; López-Coto, R.; López, M.; López-Oramas, A.; Lorenz, E.; Lozano, I.; Makariev, M.; Mallot, K.; Maneva, G.; Mankuzhiyil, N.; Mannheim, K.; Maraschi, L.; Marcote, B.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Masbou, J.; Mazin, D.; Meucci, M.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Moldón, J.; Moralejo, A.; Munar-Adrover, P.; Nakajima, D.; Niedzwiecki, A.; Nilsson, K.; Nowak, N.; Orito, R.; Overkemping, A.; Paiano, S.; Palatiello, M.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Partini, S.; Persic, M.; Prada, F.; Prada Moroni, P. G.; Prandini, E.; Preziuso, S.; Puljak, I.; Reichardt, I.; Reinthal, R.; Rhode, W.; Ribó, M.; Rico, J.; Rügamer, S.; Saggion, A.; Saito, K.; Saito, T. Y.; Salvati, M.; Satalecka, K.; Scalzotto, V.; Scapin, V.; Schultz, C.; Schweizer, T.; Shore, S. N.; Sillanpää, A.; Sitarek, J.; Snidaric, I.; Sobczynska, D.; Spanier, F.; Spiro, S.; Stamatescu, V.; Stamerra, A.; Steinke, B.; Storz, J.; Sun, S.; Suric, T.; Takalo, L.; Takami, H.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terzic, T.; Tescaro, D.; Teshima, M.; Thaele, J.; Tibolla, O.; Torres, D. F.; Toyama, T.; Treves, A.; Uellenbeck, M.; Vogler, P.; Wagner, R. M.; Weitzel, Q.; Zandanel, F.; Zanin, R.; MAGIC Collaboration |
03-2014 |
2014, A&A, 563, 91 |
2014A&A...563A..91A |
4 |
0151560101 |
39 |
The X-ray-infrared/submillimetre connection and the legacy era of cosmology |
Alexander, D. M. |
02-2008 |
2008, AN, 329, 127 |
2008AN....329..127A |
2,4 |
40 |
Weighing the Black Holes in z ≈ 2 Submillimeter-Emitting Galaxies Hosting Active Galactic Nuclei |
Alexander, D. M.; Brandt, W. N.; Smail, I.; Swinbank, A. M.; Bauer, F. E.; Blain, A. W.; Chapman, S. C.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Ivison, R. J.; Menéndez-Delmestre, K. |
05-2008 |
2008, AJ, 135, 1968 |
2008AJ....135.1968A |
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0081340301, 0081340401, 0081340501, 0081340601, 0081340801, 0081340901, 0081341001, 0081341101, 0081341401, 0081340201 |
41 |
The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: A First Sensitive Look at the High-energy Cosmic X-Ray Background Population |
Alexander, D. M.; Stern, D.; Del Moro, A.; Lansbury, G. B.; Assef, R. J.; Aird, J.; Ajello, M.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Christensen, F. E.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Elvis, M.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Luo, B.; Madsen, K. K.; Mullaney, J. R.; Perri, M.; Puccetti, S.; Saez, C.; Treister, E.; Urry, C. M.; Zhang, W. W.; Bridge, C. R.; Eisenhardt, P. R. M.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Miller, S. H.; Tsai, C. W. |
08-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 773, 125 |
2013ApJ...773..125A |
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0144900101, 0693750101, 0111180201 |
42 |
A search for active galactic nuclei in the most extreme UV-selected starbursts using the European VLBI Network |
Alexandroff, R.; Overzier, R. A.; Paragi, Zsolt; Basu-Zych, Antara; Heckman, Tim; Kauffmann, Guinevere; Bourke, Stephen; Lobanov, Andrei; Ptak, Andy; Schiminovich, David |
06-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 423, 1325 |
2012MNRAS.423.1325A |
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43 |
Candidate type II quasars at 2 < z < 4.3 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III |
Alexandroff, Rachael; Strauss, Michael A.; Greene, Jenny E.; Zakamska, Nadia L.; Ross, Nicholas P.; Brandt, W. N.; Liu, Guilin; Smith, Paul S.; Ge, Jian; Hamann, Fred; Myers, Adam D.; Petitjean, Patrick; Schneider, Donald P.; Yesuf, Hassen; York, Donald G. |
11-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 3306 |
2013MNRAS.435.3306A |
4 |
0112551501, 0103260601, 0302353301 |
44 |
The Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey: Clustering of X-Ray-selected AGNs at 2.9 <= z <= 5.5 Using Photometric Redshift Probability Distribution Functions |
Allevato, V.; Civano, F.; Finoguenov, A.; Marchesi, S.; Shankar, F.; Zamorani, G.; Hasinger, G.; Salvato, M.; Miyaji, T.; Gilli, R.; Cappelluti, N.; Brusa, M.; Suh, H.; Lanzuisi, G.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Griffiths, R.; Vignali, C.; Schawinski, K.; Karim, A. |
11-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 832, 70 |
2016ApJ...832...70A |
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0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
45 |
The XMM-Newton Wide Field Survey in the COSMOS Field: Redshift Evolution of AGN Bias and Subdominant Role of Mergers in Triggering Moderate-luminosity AGNs at Redshifts up to 2.2 |
Allevato, V.; Finoguenov, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Miyaji, T.; Hasinger, G.; Salvato, M.; Brusa, M.; Gilli, R.; Zamorani, G.; Shankar, F.; James, J. B.; McCracken, H. J.; Bongiorno, A.; Merloni, A.; Peacock, J. A.; Silverman, J.; Comastri, A. |
08-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 736, 99 |
2011ApJ...736...99A |
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46 |
Clustering of Moderate Luminosity X-Ray-selected Type 1 and Type 2 AGNS at Z ~ 3 |
Allevato, V.; Finoguenov, A.; Civano, F.; Cappelluti, N.; Shankar, F.; Miyaji, T.; Hasinger, G.; Gilli, R.; Zamorani, G.; Lanzuisi, G.; Salvato, M.; Elvis, M.; Comastri, A.; Silverman, J. |
11-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 796, 4 |
2014ApJ...796....4A |
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0203360101, 0302350101, 0203360201, 0302350201, 0203360301, 0302350301, 0302353101, 0203360401, 0302350401, 0203360501, 0302350501, 0203360601, 0302350601, 0203360701, 0302350701, 0203360801, 0302350801, 0203360901, 0302350901, 0302353001, 0203361001, 0302351001, 0203361101, 0302351101, 0203361201, 0302351201, 0203361301, 0302351301, 0203361401, 0302351401, 0203361501, 0302351501, 0203361601, 0302351601, 0203361701, 0302351701, 0203361801, 0302351801, 0203361901, 0302351901, 0203362001, 0302352001, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0302352201, 0203362301, 0302352301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0302352401, 0302353201, 0203362501, 0302352501, 0302353301 |
47 |
Occupation of X-Ray-selected Galaxy Groups by X-Ray Active Galactic Nuclei |
Allevato, V.; Finoguenov, A.; Hasinger, G.; Miyaji, T.; Cappelluti, N.; Salvato, M.; Zamorani, G.; Gilli, R.; George, M. R.; Tanaka, M.; Brusa, M.; Silverman, J.; Civano, F.; Elvis, M.; Shankar, F. |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 758, 47 |
2012ApJ...758...47A |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501, 0302350101, 0302350201, 0302350301, 0302350401, 0302350501, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302351001, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302351401, 0302351501, 0302351601, 0302351701, 0302351801, 0302351901, 0302352001, 0302352201, 0302352301, 0302352401, 0302352501, 0302353001, 0302353101, 0302353201, 0302353301, 0302353401, 0501170101, 0501170201 |
48 |
Measuring X-Ray Variability in Faint/Sparsely Sampled Active Galactic Nuclei |
Allevato, V.; Paolillo, M.; Papadakis, I.; Pinto, C. |
07-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 771, 9 |
2013ApJ...771....9A |
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Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey: Clustering dependence of Type 2 active galactic nuclei on host galaxy properties |
Allevato, V.;Viitanen, A.;Finoguenov, A.;Civano, F.;Suh, H.;Shankar, F.;Bongiorno, A.;Ferrara, A.;Gilli, R.;Miyaji, T.;Marchesi, S.;Cappelluti, N.;Salvato, M. |
12-2019 |
2019, A&A, 632, 88 |
2019A&A...632A..88A |
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50 |
Discovery of H I gas in a young radio galaxy at z = 0.44 using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder |
Allison, J. R.; Sadler, E. M.; Moss, V. A.; Whiting, M. T.; Hunstead, R. W.; Pracy, M. B.; Curran, S. J.; Croom, S. M.; Glowacki, M.; Morganti, R.; Shabala, S. S.; Zwaan, M. A.; Allen, G.; Amy, S. W.; Axtens, P.; Ball, L.; Bannister, K. W.; Barker, S.; Bell, M. E.; Bock, D. C.-J.; Bolton, R.; Bowen, M.; Boyle, B.; Braun, R.; Broadhurst, S.; Brodrick, D.; Brothers, M.; Brown, A.; Bunton, J. D.; Cantrall, C.; Chapman, J.; Cheng, W.; Chippendale, A. P.; Chung, Y.; Cooray, F.; Cornwell, T.; DeBoer, D.; Diamond, P.; Edwards, P. G.; Ekers, R.; Feain, I.; Ferris, R. H.; Forsyth, R.; Gough, R.; Grancea, A.; Gupta, N.; Guzman, J. C.; Hampson, G.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Haskins, C.; Hay, S.; Hayman, D. B.; Heywood, I.; Hotan, A. W.; Hoyle, S.; Humphreys, B.; Indermuehle, B. T.; Jacka, C.; Jackson, C.; Jackson, S.; Jeganathan, K.; Johnston, S.; Joseph, J.; Kendall, R.; Kesteven, M.; Kiraly, D.; Koribalski, B. S.; Leach, M.; Lenc, E.; Lensson, E.; Mackay, S.; Macleod, A.; Marquarding, M.; Marvil, J.; McClure-Griffiths, N.; McConnell, D.; Mirtschin, P.; Norris, R. P.; Neuhold, S.; Ng, A.; O'Sullivan, J.; Pathikulangara, J.; Pearce, S.; Phillips, C.; Popping, A.; Qiao, R. Y.; Reynolds, J. E.; Roberts, P.; Sault, R. J.; Schinckel, A.; Serra, P.; Shaw, R.; Shields, M.; Shimwell, T.; Storey, M.; Sweetnam, T.; Troup, E.; Turner, B.; Tuthill, J.; Tzioumis, A.; Voronkov, M. A.; Westmeier, T.; Wilson, C. D. |
10-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 1249 |
2015MNRAS.453.1249A |
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0551021001, 0551023101 |
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A new method to determine X-ray luminosity functions of AGN and their evolution with redshift |
Alqasim, Ahlam;Page, Mat J. |
04-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 520, 3827 |
2023MNRAS.520.3827A |
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0012440301, 0081340901, 0092850201, 0100240801, 0100440101, 0102040201, 0102040301, 0103060101, 0106460101, 0109910101, 0111000101, 0111220201, 0112260201, 0112370301, 0112371001, 0112620101, 0112650401, 0112650501, 0112880301, 0124110101, 0124900101, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0100240101, 0100240201, 0106660101, 0106660601 |
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X-ray time delays in the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy PG 1244+026 |
Alston, W. N.; Done, C.; Vaughan, S. |
04-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 439, 1548 |
2014MNRAS.439.1548A |
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0675320101 |
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The remarkable X-ray variability of IRAS 13224-3809 - I. The variability process |
Alston, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Buisson, D. J. K.; Kara, E.; Parker, M. L.; Lohfink, A. M.; Uttley, P.; Wilkins, D. R.; Pinto, C.; De Marco, B.; Cackett, E. M.; Middleton, M. J.; Walton, D. J.; Reynolds, C. S.; Jiang, J.; Gallo, L. C.; Zogbhi, A.; Miniutti, G.; Dovciak, M.; Young, A. J. |
01-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 482, 2088 |
2019MNRAS.482.2088A |
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0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0110890101, 0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601 |
54 |
Detection of a QPO in five XMM-Newton observations of RE J1034+396 |
Alston, W. N.; Markeviciute, J.; Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Middleton, M. |
11-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 445, L16 |
2014MNRAS.445L..16A |
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0109070101, 0506440101, 0561580201, 0655310101, 0655310201, 0675440101, 06754 40201, 0675440301 |
55 |
Discovery of an Ë2-h high-frequency X-ray QPO and iron Kalpha reverberation in the active galaxy MS 2254.9-3712 |
Alston, W. N.; Parker, M. L.; Markeviciute, J.; Fabian, A. C.; Middleton, M.; Lohfink, A.; Kara, E.; Pinto, C. |
05-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 449, 467 |
2015MNRAS.449..467A |
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0205390101 |
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The flux-dependent X-ray time lags in NGC 4051 |
Alston, W. N.; Vaughan, S.; Uttley, P. |
10-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 1511 |
2013MNRAS.435.1511A |
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0606321301, 0606321601, 0606320201, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321501, 0606321701, 0606322301, 0606322201, 0606321401, 0606322101, 0606321801, 0606320101 |
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Ultraviolet and X-ray variability of NGC 4051 over 45 days with XMM-Newton and Swift |
Alston, W. N.; Vaughan, S.; Uttley, P. |
02-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 429, 75 |
2013MNRAS.429...75A |
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0606321301, 0606321601, 0606320201, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321501, 0606321701, 0606322301, 0606322201, 0606321401, 0606322101, 0606321801, 0606320101 |
58 |
Quasi periodic oscillations in active galactic nuclei |
Alston, W.; Fabian, A.; Markeviciute, J.; Parker, M.; Middleton, M.; Kara, E. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 417 |
2016AN....337..417A |
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0109070101, 0675440101, 0675440201, 0675440301, 0561580201, 0655310101, 0655310201, 0506440101 |
59 |
A dynamic black hole corona in an active galaxy through X-ray reverberation mapping |
Alston, William N.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Kara, Erin; Parker, Michael L.; Dovciak, Michal; Pinto, Ciro; Jiang, Jiachen; Middleton, Matthew J.; Miniutti, Giovanni; Walton, Dominic J.; Wilkins, Dan R.; Buisson, Douglas J. K.; Caballero-Garcia, Maria D.; Cackett, Edward M.; DeMarco, Barbara; Gallo, Luigi C.; Lohfink, Anne M.; Reynolds, Chris S.; Uttley, Phil; Young, Andrew J. Zogbhi, Abderahmen |
01-2020 |
2020, NatAs, 4, 597 |
2020NatAs...4..597A |
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X-Ray Constraints on the Spectral Energy Distribution of the z = 5.18 Blazar SDSS J013127.34-032100.1 |
An, Hongjun;Romani, Roger W. |
11-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 904, 27 |
2020ApJ...904...27A |
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0852190101 |
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The Accretion History of AGNs. I. Supermassive Black Hole Population Synthesis Model |
Ananna, Tonima Tasnim; Treister, Ezequiel; Urry, C. Megan; Ricci, C.; Kirkpatrick, Allison; LaMassa, Stephanie; Buchner, Johannes; Civano, Francesca; Tremmel, Michael; Marchesi, Stefano |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 871, 240 |
2019ApJ...871..240A |
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Accretion History of AGNs. II. Constraints on AGN Spectral Parameters Using the Cosmic X-Ray Background |
Ananna, Tonima Tasnim;Treister, Ezequiel;Urry, C. Megan;Ricci, C.;Hickox, Ryan C.;Padmanabhan, Nikhil;Marchesi, Stefano;Kirkpatrick, Allison |
01-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 889, 17 |
2020ApJ...889...17A |
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63 |
AGN Populations in Large-volume X-Ray Surveys: Photometric Redshifts and Population Types Found in the Stripe 82X Survey |
Ananna, Tonima Tasnin; Salvato, Mara; LaMassa, Stephanie; Urry, C. Megan; Cappelluti, Nico; Cardamone, Carolin; Civano, Francesca; Farrah, Duncan; Gilfanov, Marat; Glikman, Eilat; Hamilton, Mark; Kirkpatrick, Allison; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Marchesi, Stefano; Merloni, Andrea; Nandra, Kirpal; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Richards, Gordon T.; Timlin, John |
11-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 850, 66 |
2017ApJ...850...66A |
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64 |
Localizing narrow Fe Kα emission within bright AGN |
Andonie, Carolina;Bauer, Franz E.;Carraro, Rosamaria;Arévalo, Patricia;Alexander, David M.;Brandt, William N.;Buchner, Johannes;He, Adam;Koss, Michael J.;Ricci, Claudio;Salinas, Vicente;Solimano, Manuel;Tortosa, Alessia;Treister, Ezequiel |
08-2022 |
2022, A&A, 664, 46 |
2022A&A...664A..46A |
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65 |
NuSTAR Observations of the Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus and Ultraluminous X-Ray Source Candidate in NGC 5643 |
Annuar, A.; Gandhi, P.; Alexander, D. M.; Lansbury, G. B.; Arévalo, P.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Del Moro, A.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Matt, G.; Puccetti, S.; Ricci, C.; Rigby, J. R.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zappacosta, L.; Zhang, W. |
12-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 815, 36 |
2015ApJ...815...36A |
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0601420101 |
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NuSTAR Observations of a Heavily X-Ray-obscured AGN in the Dwarf Galaxy J144013+024744 |
Ansh, Shrey;Chen, Chien-Ting J.;Brandt, W. N.;Hood, Carol E.;Kammoun, E. S.;Lansbury, G.;Paltani, Stéphane;Reines, Amy E.;Ricci, C.;Swartz, Douglas A.;Trump, Jonathan R.;Vito, F.;Hickox, Ryan C. |
01-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 942, 82 |
2023ApJ...942...82A |
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0400570101 |
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The XMM Deep Survey in the CDF-S. VII. UV catalogue of the Optical Monitor observations |
Antonucci, M.; Talavera, A.; Vagnetti, F.; Trevese, D.; Comastri, A.; Paolillo, M.; Ranalli, P.; Vignali, C. |
02-2015 |
2015, A&A, 574, 49 |
2015A&A...574A..49A |
2,4 |
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0108060401, 0108060501, 0108060601, 0108060701, 0108061801, 0108061901, 0108062101, 0108062301, 0555780101, 0555780201, 0555780301, 0555780401, 0555780501, 0555780601, 0555780701, 0555780801, 0555780901, 0555781001, 0555782301, 0604960301, 0604960201, 0604960101, 0604960401, 0604961101, 0604961201, 0604960701, 0604960501, 0604961301, 0604960601, 0604960801, 0604960901, 0604961001, 0604961801 |
68 |
Fourier-resolved energy spectra of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Mkn 766 |
Arévalo, P.; McHardy, I. M.; Markowitz, A.; Papadakis, I. E.; Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Reeves, J. |
06-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 387, 279 |
2008MNRAS.387..279A |
4 |
0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701 |
69 |
X-ray variability of the Seyfert 1 Markarian 335: power spectrum and time lags |
Arévalo, P.; McHardy, I. M.; Summons, D. P. |
07-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 388, 211 |
2008MNRAS.388..211A |
4 |
0306870101 |
70 |
A newborn active galactic nucleus in a star-forming galaxy |
Arévalo, P.;López-Navas, E.;MartÃnez-Aldama, M. L.;Lira, P.;Bernal, S.;Sánchez-Sáez, P.;Salvato, M.;Hernández-GarcÃa, L.;Ricci, C.;Merloni, A.;Krumpe, M. |
03-2024 |
2024, A&A, 683, L8 |
2024A&A...683L...8A |
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71 |
The 2-79 keV X-Ray Spectrum of the Circinus Galaxy with NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, and Chandra: A Fully Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus |
Arévalo, P.; Bauer, F. E.; Puccetti, S.; Walton, D. J.; Koss, M.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Fuerst, F.; Gandhi, P.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Luo, B.; Madejski, G.; Madsen, K. K.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Saez, C.; Stern, D.; Stuhlinger, M.; Treister, E.; Urry, C. M.; Zhang, W. W. |
08-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 791, 81 |
2014ApJ...791...81A |
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0111240101, 0701981001 |
72 |
Deconvolving X-Ray Spectral Variability Components in the Seyfert 1.5 NGC 3227 |
Arévalo, P.; Markowitz, A. |
03-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 783, 82 |
2014ApJ...783...82A |
4 |
0400270101 |
73 |
Spectral-timing evidence for a very high state in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Ark 564 |
Arévalo, P.; Papadakis, I. E.; Uttley, P.; McHardy, I. M.; Brinkmann, W. |
10-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 372, 401 |
2006MNRAS.372..401A |
4 |
0206400101 |
74 |
X-ray to UV variability correlation in MCG-6-30-15 |
Arévalo, P.; Papadakis, I.; Kuhlbrodt, B.; Brinkmann, W. |
02-2005 |
2005, A&A, 430, 435 |
2005A&A...430..435A |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
75 |
Multi-wavelength campaign on NGC 7469. V. Analysis of the HST/COS observations: Super solar metallicity, distance, and trough variation models |
Arav, N.;Xu, X.;Kriss, G. A.;Chamberlain, C.;Miller, T.;Behar, E.;Kaastra, J. S.;Ely, J. C.;Peretz, U.;Mehdipour, M.;Branduardi-Raymont, G.;Bianchi, S.;Cappi, M.;Costantini, E.;De Marco, B.;di Gesu, L.;Ebrero, J.;Kaspi, S.;Middei, R.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Ponti, G. |
01-2020 |
2020, A&A, 633, 61 |
2020A&A...633A..61A |
4 |
0760350201, 0760350301, 0760350401, 0760350501, 0760350601, 0760350701, 0760350801 |
76 |
Discovery of an Active Supermassive Black Hole in the Bulgeless Galaxy NGC 4561 |
Araya Salvo, C.; Mathur, S.; Ghosh, H.; Fiore, F.; Ferrarese, L. |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 757, 179 |
2012ApJ...757..179A |
4 |
0602920101 |
77 |
X-ray absorption towards high-redshift sources: probing the intergalactic medium with blazars |
Arcodia, R.; Campana, S.; Salvaterra, R.; Ghisellini, G. |
08-2018 |
2018, A&A, 616, 170 |
2018A&A...616A.170A |
4 |
78 |
Testing the disk-corona interplay in radiatively-efficient broad-line AGN |
Arcodia, R.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Ponti, G. |
08-2019 |
2019, A&A, 628, 135 |
2019A&A...628A.135A |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
79 |
The more the merrier: SRG/eROSITA discovers two further galaxies showing X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions |
Arcodia, R.;Liu, Z.;Merloni, A.;Malyali, A.;Rau, A.;Chakraborty, J.;Goodwin, A.;Buckley, D.;Brink, J.;Gromadzki, M.;Arzoumanian, Z.;Buchner, J.;Kara, E.;Nandra, K.;Ponti, G.;Salvato, M.;Anderson, G.;Baldini, P.;Grotova, I.;Krumpe, M.;Maitra, C.;Miller-Jones, J. C. A.;Ramos-Ceja, M. E. |
04-2024 |
2024, A&A, 684, 64 |
2024A&A...684A..64A |
4 |
0883770101, 0883770701, 0883770401 |
80 |
O Corona, where art thou? eROSITA's view of UV-optical-IR variability-selected massive black holes in low-mass galaxies |
Arcodia, R.;Merloni, A.;Comparat, J.;Dwelly, T.;Seppi, R.;Zhang, Y.;Buchner, J.;Georgakakis, A.;Haberl, F.;Igo, Z.;Kyritsis, E.;Liu, T.;Nandra, K.;Ni, Q.;Ponti, G.;Salvato, M.;Ward, C.;Wolf, J.;Zezas, A. |
01-2024 |
2024, A&A, 681, 97 |
2024A&A...681A..97A |
4 |
81 |
X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from two previously quiescent galaxies |
Arcodia, R.;Merloni, A.;Nandra, K.;Buchner, J.;Salvato, M.;Pasham, D.;Remillard, R.;Comparat, J.;Lamer, G.;Ponti, G.;Malyali, A.;Wolf, J.;Arzoumanian, Z.;Bogensberger, D.;Buckley, D. A. H.;Gendreau, K.;Gromadzki, M.;Kara, E.;Krumpe, M.;Markwardt, C.;Ramos-Ceja, M. E.;Rau, A.;Schramm, M.;Schwope, A. |
06-2021 |
2021, Natur, 592, 704 |
2021Natur.592..704A |
4 |
0842590801, 0861910301, 0872390101 |
82 |
Do stellar-mass and super-massive black holes have similar dining habits? |
Arcodia, R.;Ponti, G.;Merloni, A.;Nandra, K. |
06-2020 |
2020, A&A, 638, 100 |
2020A&A...638A.100A |
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83 |
A Photoionization Model for the Soft X-Ray Spectrum of NGC 4151 |
Armentrout, B. K.; Kraemer, S. B.; Turner, T. J. |
08-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 665, 237 |
2007ApJ...665..237A |
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0112310501, 0112310101, 0112830501, 0112830201, 0112830601 |
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Broad-line region clouds orbiting an AGN sample |
Armijos-Abendaño, J.;López, E.;Llerena, M.;Logan, C. H. A. |
07-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 514, 1535 |
2022MNRAS.514.1535A |
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0780860901, 0780861001, 0302480401, 0302480501, 0302480601, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0782520201, 0782520301, 0782520401, 0782520501, 0725200101, 0725200301, 0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001 |
85 |
Active Galactic Nuclei in Groups and Clusters of Galaxies: Detection and Host Morphology |
Arnold, Timothy J.; Martini, Paul; Mulchaey, John S.; Berti, Angela; Jeltema, Tesla E. |
12-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 707, 1691 |
2009ApJ...707.1691A |
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86 |
Searching for gamma-ray signature in WHSP blazars. Fermi-LAT detection of 150 excess signal in the 0.3-500 GeV band |
Arsioli, B.; Chang, Y.-L. |
02-2017 |
2017, A&A, 598, 134 |
2017A&A...598A.134A |
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87 |
1WHSP: An IR-based sample of ~1000 VHE gamma-ray blazar candidates |
Arsioli, B.; Fraga, B.; Giommi, P.; Padovani, P.; Marrese, P. M. |
07-2015 |
2015, A&A, 579, 34 |
2015A&A...579A..34A |
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88 |
XMM-Newton observations of warm absorbers in PG quasars |
Ashton, C. E.; Page, M. J.; Blustin, A. J.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Mason, K. O.; Córdova, F. A.; Priedhorsky, W. C. |
11-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 355, 73 |
2004MNRAS.355...73A |
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0109080801, 0109080201 |
89 |
XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 AGN H0557-385 |
Ashton, C. E.; Page, M. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Blustin, A. J. |
02-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 366, 521 |
2006MNRAS.366..521A |
4 |
0109131001, 0109130501 |
90 |
Searching for energy-resolved quasi-periodic oscillations in AGN |
Ashton, Dominic I.;Middleton, Matthew J. |
03-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 501, 5478 |
2021MNRAS.501.5478A |
4 |
91 |
Constraining energy-dependent emissivity profiles of AGN inflows |
Ashton, Dominic I.;Middleton, Matthew J. |
07-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 5245 |
2022MNRAS.513.5245A |
4 |
92 |
Kinematics of ionized gas in the barred Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 |
Asif, M. W.; Mundell, C. G.; Pedlar, A. |
05-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 359, 408 |
2005MNRAS.359..408A |
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0112310501, 0112830201 |
93 |
The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei - II. The mid-infrared-X-ray correlation |
Asmus, D.; Gandhi, P.; Hönig, S. F.; Smette, A.; Duschl, W. J. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 454, 766 |
2015MNRAS.454..766A |
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94 |
Mid-infrared properties of nearby low-luminosity AGN at high angular resolution |
Asmus, D.; Gandhi, P.; Smette, A.; Hönig, S. F.; Duschl, W. J. |
12-2011 |
2011, A&A, 536, 36 |
2011A&A...536A..36A |
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95 |
Photometric Selection of QSO Candidates from GALEX Sources |
Atlee, David W.; Gould, Andrew |
07-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 664, 53 |
2007ApJ...664...53A |
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96 |
A Comparison of the X-Ray Emission from Tidal Disruption Events with those of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Auchettl, Katie; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico; Guillochon, James |
01-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 852, 37 |
2018ApJ...852...37A |
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97 |
The evolving X-ray spectrum of active galactic nuclei: Evidence for an increasing reflection fraction with redshift |
Avirett-Mackenzie, M. S.; Ballantyne, D. R. |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 486, 3488 |
2019MNRAS.486.3488A |
4 |
98 |
Discovery of Short-Timescale Variability of Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 6300 with XMM-Newton |
Awaki, H.; Murakami, H.; Leighly, K. M.; Matsumoto, C.; Hayashida, K.; Grupe, D. |
01-2004 |
2004, PThPS, 155, 311 |
2004PThPS.155..311A |
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99 |
Detection of Hard X-Rays from the Compton-Thick Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 2273 with Suzaku |
Awaki, H.; Terashima, Y.; Higaki, Y.; Fukazawa, Y. |
01-2009 |
2009, PASJ, 61, 317 |
2009PASJ...61S.317A |
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100 |
A Variability Study of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 6300 with XMM-Newton |
Awaki, Hisamitsu; Murakami, Hirokatsu; Leighly, Karen M.; Matsumoto, Chiho; Hayashida, Kiyoshi; Grupe, Dirk |
10-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 632, 793 |
2005ApJ...632..793A |
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101 |
Variability Study of Seyfert 2 Galaxies with XMM-Newton |
Awaki, Hisamitsu; Murakami, Hirokatsu; Ogawa, Yuu; Leighly, Karen M. |
07-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 645, 928 |
2006ApJ...645..928A |
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0064600301, 0085640101, 0112830401, 0009220601, 0067540201, 0094401201, 0093630101, 0006220201, 0059770101, 0147920601, 0112310201, 0146340601, 0002940701 |
102 |
Exploring the Fundamental Mechanism in Driving Highest-Velocity Ionized Outflows in Radio AGNs |
Ayubinia, Ashraf;Xue, Yongquan;Woo, Jong-Hak;Le, Huynh Anh Nguyen;He, Zhicheng;Miraghaei, Halime;Lin, Xiaozhi |
10-2022 |
2022, Univ, 8, 559 |
2022Univ....8..559A |
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103 |
PRIMUS: The Relationship between Star Formation and AGN Accretion |
Azadi, Mojegan; Aird, James; Coil, Alison L.; Moustakas, John; Mendez, Alexander J.; Blanton, Michael R.; Cool, Richard J.; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Wong, Kenneth C.; Zhu, Guangtun |
06-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 806, 187 |
2015ApJ...806..187A |
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104 |
Repeated X-Ray Flaring Activity in Sagittarius A* |
Bélanger, G.; Goldwurm, A.; Melia, F.; Ferrando, P.; Grosso, N.; Porquet, D.; Warwick, R.; Yusef-Zadeh, F. |
12-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 635, 1095 |
2005ApJ...635.1095B |
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0202670501, 0202670601, 0202670701, 0202670801 |
105 |
A Persistent High-Energy Flux from the Heart of the Milky Way: INTEGRAL's View of the Galactic Center |
Bélanger, G.; Goldwurm, A.; Renaud, M.; Terrier, R.; Melia, F.; Lund, N.; Paul, J.; Skinner, G.; Yusef-Zadeh, F. |
01-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 636, 275 |
2006ApJ...636..275B |
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0202670801, 0202670701, 0202670601, 0202670501 |
106 |
The Near-infrared CO Absorption Band as a Probe to the Innermost Part of an AGN-obscuring Material |
Baba, Shunsuke; Nakagawa, Takao; Isobe, Naoki; Shirahata, Mai |
01-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 852, 83 |
2018ApJ...852...83B |
4 |
107 |
Studying X-ray reprocessing and continuum variability in quasars: PG 1211+143 |
Bachev, R.; Grupe, D.; Boeva, S.; Ovcharov, E.; Valcheva, A.; Semkov, E.; Georgiev, Ts.; Gallo, L. C. |
10-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 399, 750 |
2009MNRAS.399..750B |
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0112610101, 0208020101 |
108 |
Winds of change: The nuclear and galaxy-scale outflows and the X-ray variability of 2MASS 0918+2117 |
Baldini, P.;Lanzuisi, G.;Brusa, M.;Merloni, A.;Gkimisi, K.;Perna, M.;López, I. E.;Bertola, E.;Igo, Z.;Waddell, S.;Musiimenta, B.;Aydar, C.;Arcodia, R.;Matzeu, G. A.;Luminari, A.;Buchner, J.;Vignali, C.;Dadina, M.;Comastri, A.;Cresci, G.;Marchesi, S.;Gilli, R.;Tombesi, F.;Serafinelli, R. |
06-2024 |
2024, A&A, 686, 217 |
2024A&A...686A.217B |
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0149170501, 0303360101, 0870820101 |
109 |
The reprocessing features in the X-ray spectrum of the NELG MCG -5-23-16 |
Balestra, I.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G. |
02-2004 |
2004, A&A, 415, 437 |
2004A&A...415..437B |
4 |
0112830301, 0112830401 |
110 |
XMM-Newton spectral properties of the ultraluminous IRAS galaxy Mrk 273 |
Balestra, I.; Boller, Th.; Gallo, L.; Lutz, D.; Hess, S. |
11-2005 |
2005, A&A, 442, 469 |
2005A&A...442..469B |
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111 |
A complete view of the broad-line radio galaxy 4C +74.26 with XMM-Newton |
Ballantyne, D. R. |
10-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 362, 1183 |
2005MNRAS.362.1183B |
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112 |
The average 0.5-200 keV spectrum of local active galactic nuclei and a new determination of the 2-10 keV luminosity function at z ≈ 0 |
Ballantyne, D. R. |
01-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 2845 |
2014MNRAS.437.2845B |
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113 |
The Contribution of Active Galactic Nuclei to the Microjansky Radio Population |
Ballantyne, D. R. |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 698, 1033 |
2009ApJ...698.1033B |
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114 |
Lifting the Veil on Obscured Accretion: Active Galactic Nuclei Number Counts and Survey Strategies for Imaging Hard X-Ray Missions |
Ballantyne, D. R.; Draper, A. R.; Madsen, K. K.; Rigby, J. R.; Treister, E. |
07-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 736, 56 |
2011ApJ...736...56B |
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115 |
Evidence of an Untruncated Accretion Disk in the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 4C 74.26 |
Ballantyne, D. R.; Fabian, A. C. |
04-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 622, L97 |
2005ApJ...622L..97B |
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0200910201 |
116 |
The XMM-Newton view of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 120 |
Ballantyne, D. R.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K. |
11-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 354, 839 |
2004MNRAS.354..839B |
4 |
117 |
A Correlation between the Ionization State of the Inner Accretion Disk and the Eddington Ratio of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Ballantyne, D. R.; McDuffie, J. R.; Rusin, J. S. |
06-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 734, 112 |
2011ApJ...734..112B |
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118 |
Soft X-ray emission lines from photoionized accretion discs: constraints on their strength and width |
Ballantyne, D. R.; Ross, R. R.; Fabian, A. C. |
11-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 336, 867 |
2002MNRAS.336..867B |
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0029740801, 0029740701, 0029740101, 0111570201, 0111570101, 0029741001, 0029740901, 0111570501, 0111570401 |
119 |
A two-component ionized reflection model of MCG-6-30-15 |
Ballantyne, D. R.; Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A. C. |
06-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 342, 239 |
2003MNRAS.342..239B |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
120 |
Unveiling energy pathways in AGN accretion flows with the warm corona model for the soft excess |
Ballantyne, D. R.;Sudhakar, V.;Fairfax, D.;Bianchi, S.;Czerny, B.;De Rosa, A.;De Marco, B.;Middei, R.;Palit, B.;Petrucci, P. -O.;RóżaÅska, A.;Ursini, F. |
05-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 530, 1603 |
2024MNRAS.530.1603B |
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0604720301, 0604720401, 0305370101, 0067190101, 0203770101, 0202180201, 0302480401, 0302480501, 0302480601, 0600540501, 0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101, 0201020201, 0109970101, 0059830101, 0605110101, 0201940101, 0554380101, 0554380201, 0554380301, 0205680101, 0675440301, 0400070201, 0400070301, 0400070401 |
121 |
Arp 299: a second merging system with two active nuclei? |
Ballo, L.; Braito, V.; della Ceca, R.; Maraschi, L.; Tavecchio, F.; Dadina, M. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 141 |
2004NuPhS.132..141B |
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122 |
Arp 299: A Second Merging System with Two Active Nuclei? |
Ballo, L.; Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Maraschi, L.; Tavecchio, F.; Dadina, M. |
01-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 600, 634 |
2004ApJ...600..634B |
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123 |
The high-energy view of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111 |
Ballo, L.; Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Sambruna, R. M.; Tombesi, F. |
12-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 418, 2367 |
2011MNRAS.418.2367B |
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0552180101, 0065940101 |
124 |
X-ray spectral variability in PG 1535+547: the changing look of a ``soft X-ray weak'' AGN |
Ballo, L.; Giustini, M.; Schartel, N.; Cappi, M.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Piconcelli, E.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Vignali, C. |
05-2008 |
2008, A&A, 483, 137 |
2008A&A...483..137B |
4 |
0300310501, 0300310401, 0300310301, 0150610301 |
125 |
Exploring X-ray and radio emission of type 1 AGN up to z ~ 2.3 |
Ballo, L.; Heras, F. J. H.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J. |
09-2012 |
2012, A&A, 545, 66 |
2012A&A...545A..66B |
4 |
126 |
XMM-Newton first X-ray detection of the low-ionization broad absorption line quasar PG 1700+518 |
Ballo, L.; Piconcelli, E.; Vignali, C.; Schartel, N. |
08-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 2600 |
2011MNRAS.415.2600B |
4 |
0601870101, 0601870201, 0601870301 |
127 |
XMM-Newton and NuSTAR joint observations of Mrk 915: a deep look into the X-ray properties |
Ballo, L.; Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R.; Braito, V.; Campana, S.; Moretti, A.; Vignali, C.; Zaino, A. |
10-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 470, 3924 |
2017MNRAS.470.3924B |
4 |
0744490401, 0744490501, 0744490601 |
128 |
The XMM-Newton Bright Survey sample of absorbed quasars: X-ray and accretion properties |
Ballo, L.; Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R.; Caccianiga, A.; Vignali, C.; Carrera, F. J.; Corral, A.; Mateos, S. |
11-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 444, 2580 |
2014MNRAS.444.2580B |
4 |
0094400101, 0094400301, 0550960101, 0550960301, 0550960601 |
129 |
Properties of the Obscuring Torus in NGC 1052 from Multiepoch Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy |
BalokoviÄ, M.;Cabral, S. E.;Brenneman, L.;Urry, C. M. |
08-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 916, 90 |
2021ApJ...916...90B |
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0790980101 |
130 |
The NuSTAR View of Nearby Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei: The Cases of NGC 424, NGC 1320, and IC 2560 |
Balokovic, M.; Comastri, A.; Harrison, F. A.; Alexander, D. M.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Del Moro, A.; Gandhi, P.; Hailey, C. J.; Koss, M.; Lansbury, G. B.; Luo, B.; Madejski, G. M.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Markwardt, C. B.; Puccetti, S.; Reynolds, C. S.; Risaliti, G.; Rivers, E.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
10-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 794, 111 |
2014ApJ...794..111B |
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0405240201, 0550950101, 0203890101 |
131 |
Resolving accretion flows in nearby active galactic nuclei with the Event Horizon Telescope |
Bandyopadhyay, Bidisha; Xie, Fu-Guo; Nagar, Neil M.; Schleicher, Dominik R. G.; Ramakrishnan, Venkatessh; Arevalo, Patricia; Lopez, Elena; Diaz, Yaherlyn |
12-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 490, 4606 |
2019MNRAS.490.4606B |
4 |
0673310101, 0084030101, 0205010101, 0790840101, 0724060601 |
132 |
ULASJ1234+0907: the reddest type 1 quasar at z = 2.5 revealed in the X-ray and far-infrared |
Banerji, Manda; Fabian, A. C.; McMahon, R. G. |
03-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 439, L51 |
2014MNRAS.439L..51B |
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133 |
Cold dust emission from X-ray AGN in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: dependence on luminosity, obscuration and AGN activity |
Banerji, Manda; McMahon, R. G.; Willott, C. J.; Geach, J. E.; Harrison, C. M.; Alaghband-Zadeh, S.; Alexander, D. M.; Bourne, N.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Dunlop, J. S.; Farrah, D.; Jarvis, M.; Michalowski, M. J.; Page, M.; Smith, D. J. B.; Swinbank, A. M.; Symeonidis, M.; van der Werf, P. P. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 454, 419 |
2015MNRAS.454..419B |
4 |
134 |
Heavily reddened quasars at z ~ 2 in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey: a transitional phase in AGN evolution |
Banerji, Manda; McMahon, Richard G.; Hewett, Paul C.; Alaghband-Zadeh, Susannah; Gonzalez-Solares, Eduardo; Venemans, Bram P.; Hawthorn, Melanie J. |
12-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 427, 2275 |
2012MNRAS.427.2275B |
4 |
135 |
Radio Galaxy Zoo: discovery of a poor cluster through a giant wide-angle tail radio galaxy |
Banfield, J. K.; Andernach, H.; Kapinska, A. D.; Rudnick, L.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Cotter, G.; Vaughan, S.; Jones, T. W.; Heywood, I.; Wing, J. D.; Wong, O. I.; Matorny, T.; Terentev, I. A.; López-Sánchez, Á. R.; Norris, R. P.; Seymour, N.; Shabala, S. S.; Willett, K. W. |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 2376 |
2016MNRAS.460.2376B |
4 |
0721900101 |
136 |
The Dependence of General Relativistic Accretion on Black Hole Spin |
Barai, Paramita; Das, Tapas K.; Wiita, Paul J. |
09-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 613, L49 |
2004ApJ...613L..49B |
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137 |
Searching for the missing baryons in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium |
Barcons, X. |
02-2008 |
2008, AN, 329, 118 |
2008AN....329..118B |
4 |
138 |
On the origin of the X-ray emission from a narrow-line radio quasar at z > 1 |
Barcons, X.; Carballo, R.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; González-Serrano, J. I.; Paredes, J. M.; Ribó, M.; Warwick, R. S. |
07-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 343, 137 |
2003MNRAS.343..137B |
4 |
0085170101 |
139 |
H1320+551: a type 1.8/1.9 Seyfert galaxy with an unabsorbed X-ray spectrum |
Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T. |
03-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 339, 757 |
2003MNRAS.339..757B |
4 |
0094740101 |
140 |
The warm absorber of the type 1 Seyfert galaxy H1419+480 |
Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T. |
12-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 346, 897 |
2003MNRAS.346..897B |
4 |
0094740201 |
141 |
The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey. IV. Optical identification of the XMM-Newton medium sensitivity survey (XMS) |
Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Page, M. J.; Bussons-Gordo, J.; Corral, A.; Ebrero, J.; Mateos, S.; Tedds, J. A.; Watson, M. G.; Baskill, D.; Birkinshaw, M.; Boller, T.; Borisov, N.; Bremer, M.; Bromage, G. E.; Brunner, H.; Caccianiga, A.; Crawford, C. S.; Cropper, M. S.; Della Ceca, R.; Derry, P.; Fabian, A. C.; Guillout, P.; Hashimoto, Y.; Hasinger, G.; Hassall, B. J. M.; Lamer, G.; Loaring, N. S.; Maccacaro, T.; Mason, K. O.; McMahon, R. G.; Mirioni, L.; Mittaz, J. P. D.; Motch, C.; Negueruela, I.; Osborne, J. P.; Panessa, F.; P?rez-Fournon, I.; Pye, J. P.; Roberts, T. P.; Rosen, S.; Schartel, N.; Schurch, N.; Schwope, A.; Severgnini, P.; Sharp, R.; Stewart, G. C.; Szokoly, G.; Ull?n, A.; Ward, M. J.; Warwick, R. S.; Wheatley, P. J.; Webb, N. A.; Worrall, D.; Yuan, W.; Ziaeepour, H. |
12-2007 |
2007, A&A, 476, 1191 |
2007A&A...476.1191B |
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0008830101, 0012440301, 0081340901, 0092850201, 0100240101, 0100240201, 0100240801, 0100241001, 0100440101, 0102040201, 0102040301, 0103060101, 0106460101, 0106660101, 0106660401, 0106660501, 0106660601, 0109910101, 0111000101, 0111220201, 0112260201, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371001, 0112371501, 0112620101, 0112650401, 0112650501, 0112880301, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0124110101, 0124900101 |
142 |
Tentative detection of warm intervening gas towards PKS 0548-322 with XMM-Newton |
Barcons, X.; Paerels, F. B. S.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Sako, M. |
06-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 359, 1549 |
2005MNRAS.359.1549B |
4,7 |
143 |
The Fundamental Planes of black hole activity for radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars |
Bariuan, Luis Gabriel C.;Snios, Bradford;Sobolewska, MaÅgosia;Siemiginowska, Aneta;Schwartz, Daniel A. |
07-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 4673 |
2022MNRAS.513.4673B |
4 |
144 |
The spectral energy distribution of the redshift 7.1 quasar ULAS J1120+0641 |
Barnett, R.; Warren, S. J.; Banerji, M.; McMahon, R. G.; Hewett, P. C.; Mortlock, D. J.; Simpson, C.; Venemans, B. P.; Ota, K.; Shibuya, T. |
03-2015 |
2015, A&A, 575, 31 |
2015A&A...575A..31B |
4 |
145 |
Multiphase outflows in post-starburst E+A galaxies - II. A direct connection between the neutral and ionized outflow phases |
Baron, Dalya; Netzer, Hagai; Davies, Ric I.; Xavier Prochaska, J. |
04-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 494, 5396 |
2020MNRAS.494.5396B |
4 |
0820080501 |
146 |
Inferring Compton-thick AGN candidates at z > 2 with Chandra using the >8 keV rest-frame spectral curvature |
Baronchelli, L.; Koss, M.; Schawinski, K.; Cardamone, C.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Elvis, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Marchesi, S.; Ricci, C.; Salvato, M.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Treister, E. |
10-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 364 |
2017MNRAS.471..364B |
4 |
147 |
Extinction and AGN over host galaxy contrast effects on the optical spectroscopic classification of AGN |
BarquÃn-González, L.;Mateos, S.;Carrera, F. J.;Ordovás-Pascual, I.;Alonso-Herrero, A.;Caccianiga, A.;Cardiel, N.;Corral, A.;DomÃnguez, R. M.;GarcÃa-Bernete, I.;Mountrichas, G.;Severgnini, P. |
07-2024 |
2024, A&A, 687, 159 |
2024A&A...687A.159B |
4 |
148 |
A Catalog of Hyper-luminous X-Ray Sources and Intermediate-mass Black Hole Candidates out to High Redshifts |
Barrows, R. Scott; Mezcua, Mar; Comerford, Julia M. |
09-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 882, 181 |
2019ApJ...882..181B |
4 |
149 |
A Search for X-Ray/UV Correlation in the Reflection-dominated Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 1044 |
Barua, Samuzal;Adegoke, Oluwashina K.;Misra, Ranjeev;Pawar, Pramod;Jithesh, V.;Medhi, Biman J. |
11-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 958, 46 |
2023ApJ...958...46B |
4 |
0695290101, 0824080301, 0841820201 |
150 |
Correlated variability of the reflection fraction with the X-ray flux and spectral index for Mrk 478 |
Barua, Samuzal;Jithesh, V.;Misra, Ranjeev;Medhi, Biman J.;Adegoke, Oluwashina |
11-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 517, 801 |
2022MNRAS.517..801B |
4 |
0107660201, 0005010101, 0005010301, 0801510101 |
151 |
Cosmological constraints from X-ray AGN clustering and Type Ia supernova data |
Basilakos, S.; Plionis, M. |
06-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 360, L35 |
2005MNRAS.360L..35B |
2,4,9 |
152 |
Breaking the Ï8-Ω m Degeneracy Using the Clustering of High-z X-ray Active Galactic Nuclei |
Basilakos, Spyros; Plionis, Manolis |
05-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 714, L185 |
2010ApJ...714L.185B |
3,4 |
153 |
Precision cosmology from X-ray AGN clustering |
Basilakos, Spyros; Plionis, Manolis |
11-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 400, L57 |
2009MNRAS.400L..57B |
3,4 |
154 |
The nature of the ASCA/INTEGRAL source AX J183039-1002: a new Compton-thick AGN? |
Bassani, L.; Landi, R.; Campana, R.; McBride, V. A.; Dean, A. J.; Bird, A. J.; Green, D. A.; Ubertini, P.; de Rosa, A. |
05-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 395, L1 |
2009MNRAS.395L...1B |
4 |
155 |
On the identification of the Fermi/LAT source 0FGL J2001.0+4352 with a BL Lac |
Bassani, L.; Landi, R.; Masetti, N.; Parisi, P.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P. |
07-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 397, L55 |
2009MNRAS.397L..55B |
4 |
156 |
Faint gamma-ray sources at low redshift: the radio galaxy IC 1531 |
Bassi, T.; Migliori, G.; Grandi, P.; Vignali, C.; Pérez-Torres, M. A.; Baldi, R. D.; Torresi, E.; Siemiginowska, A.; Stanghellini, C. |
12-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 481, 5236 |
2018MNRAS.481.5236B |
4 |
0202190301 |
157 |
Highly Variable Objects in the Palomar-QUEST Survey: A Blazar Search Using Optical Variability |
Bauer, Anne; Baltay, Charles; Coppi, Paolo; Donalek, Ciro; Drake, Andrew; Djorgovski, S. G.; Ellman, Nancy; Glikman, Eilat; Graham, Matthew; Jerke, Jonathan; Mahabal, Ashish; Rabinowitz, David; Scalzo, Richard; Williams, Roy |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 705, 46 |
2009ApJ...705...46B |
4 |
158 |
NuSTAR Spectroscopy of Multi-component X-Ray Reflection from NGC 1068 |
Bauer, Franz E.; Arévalo, Patricia; Walton, Dominic J.; Koss, Michael J.; Puccetti, Simonetta; Gandhi, Poshak; Stern, Daniel; Alexander, David M.; Balokovic, Mislav; Boggs, Steve E.; Brandt, William N.; Brightman, Murray; Christensen, Finn E.; Comastri, Andrea; Craig, William W.; Del Moro, Agnese; Hailey, Charles J.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Hickox, Ryan; Luo, Bin; Markwardt, Craig B.; Marinucci, Andrea; Matt, Giorgio; Rigby, Jane R.; Rivers, Elizabeth; Saez, Cristian; Treister, Ezequiel; Urry, C. Megan; Zhang, William W. |
10-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 812, 116 |
2015ApJ...812..116B |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201 |
159 |
High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and imaging of the nuclear outflow of the starburst galaxy NGC 253 |
Bauer, M.; Pietsch, W.; Trinchieri, G.; Breitschwerdt, D.; Ehle, M.; Read, A. |
06-2007 |
2007, A&A, 467, 979 |
2007A&A...467..979B |
4,5 |
0125960101, 0125960201, 0152020101 |
160 |
Time-scale-dependent X-ray to UV time lags of NGC 4593 using high-intensity XMM-Newton observations with Swift and AstroSat |
Beard, Max W. J.;McHardy, Ian M.;Kumari, Kavita;Dewangan, Gulab C.;Papadakis, Iossif;Bhattacharya, Dipankar;Singh, Kulinder Pal;Kynoch, Daniel;Pahari, Mayukh |
02-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 519, 91 |
2023MNRAS.519...91B |
4 |
0784740101 |
161 |
The efficient low-mass Seyfert MCG-05-23-016 |
Beckmann, V.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Gehrels, N.; LubiÅski, P.; Malzac, J.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Shrader, C. R.; Soldi, S. |
12-2008 |
2008, A&A, 492, 93 |
2008A&A...492...93B |
4 |
162 |
INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Spectral Studies of NGC 4388 |
Beckmann, V.; Gehrels, N.; Favre, P.; Walter, R.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Malzac, J. |
10-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 614, 641 |
2004ApJ...614..641B |
4 |
0110930701, 0110930301 |
163 |
The First INTEGRAL AGN Catalog |
Beckmann, V.; Gehrels, N.; Shrader, C. R.; Soldi, S. |
02-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 638, 642 |
2006ApJ...638..642B |
2,4 |
0092140101 |
164 |
The second INTEGRAL AGN catalogue |
Beckmann, V.; Soldi, S.; Ricci, C.; Alfonso-Garzón, J.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Domingo, A.; Gehrels, N.; LubiÅski, P.; Mas-Hesse, J. M.; Zdziarski, A. A. |
10-2009 |
2009, A&A, 505, 417 |
2009A&A...505..417B |
4 |
165 |
Can the Soft X-Ray Opacity Toward High-redshift Sources Probe the Missing Baryons? |
Behar, Ehud; Dado, Shlomo; Dar, Arnon; Laor, Ari |
06-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 734, 26 |
2011ApJ...734...26B |
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0111260101, 0111260701, 0212480701, 0050150101, 0050150301, 0149500601, 0149500701, 0149500801, 0149500901, 0149501001, 0149501101, 0093160701, 0153290101, 0112620201, 0103060101, 0104860201, 0150180101, 0203240201, 0204580201, 0204580301, 0204580401, 0300630101, 0103060401, 0300630301, 0112620101, 0103060301, 0200730101, 0302380401, 0402070301 |
166 |
Remarkable Spectral Variability of PDS 456 |
Behar, Ehud; Kaspi, Shai; Reeves, James; Turner, T. J.; Mushotzky, Richard; O'Brien, Paul T. |
03-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 712, 26 |
2010ApJ...712...26B |
4 |
0501580101, 0501580201, 0041160101 |
167 |
Multi-wavelength campaign on NGC 7469. I. The rich 640 ks RGS spectrum |
Behar, Ehud; Peretz, Uria; Kriss, Gerard A.; Kaastra, Jelle; Arav, Nahum; Bianchi, Stefano; Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella; Cappi, Massimo; Costantini, Elisa; De Marco, Barbara; Di Gesu, Laura; Ebrero, Jacobo; Kaspi, Shai; Mehdipour, Missagh; Paltani, Stéphane; Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier; Ponti, Gabriele; Ursini, Francesco |
05-2017 |
2017, A&A, 601, 17 |
2017A&A...601A..17B |
4 |
0760350201, 0760350301, 0760350401, 0760350501, 0760350601, 0760350701, 0760350801 |
168 |
A Long Look at NGC 3783 with the XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer |
Behar, Ehud; Rasmussen, Andrew P.; Blustin, Alexander J.; Sako, Masao; Kahn, Steven M.; Kaastra, Jelle S.; Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella; Steenbrugge, Katrien C. |
11-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 598, 232 |
2003ApJ...598..232B |
4 |
0112210201, 0112210501 |
169 |
Soft X-Ray Absorption by Fe0+ to Fe15+ in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Behar, Ehud; Sako, Masao; Kahn, Steven M. |
12-2001 |
2001, ApJ, 563, 497 |
2001ApJ...563..497B |
4 |
0096010101 |
170 |
Simultaneous Millimetre-wave and X-ray monitoring of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469 |
Behar, Ehud;Kaspi, Shai;Paubert, Gabriel;Billot, Nicolas;Peretz, Uria;Baldi, Ranieri D.;Laor, Ari;Kaastra, Jelle;Mehdipour, Missagh |
01-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 491, 3523 |
2020MNRAS.491.3523B |
4 |
OM |
0760350201, 0760350301, 0760350401, 0760350501, 0760350601, 0760350701, 0760350801 |
171 |
X-ray and radio variability in the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 7213 |
Bell, M. E.; Tzioumis, T.; Uttley, P.; Fender, R. P.; Arévalo, P.; Breedt, E.; McHardy, I.; Calvelo, D. E.; Jamil, O.; Körding, E. |
02-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 411, 402 |
2011MNRAS.411..402B |
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172 |
An extremely X-ray weak blazar at z = 5 |
Belladitta, S.; Moretti, A.; Caccianiga, A.; Ghisellini, G.; Cicone, C.; Sbarrato, T.; Ighina, L.; Pedani, M. |
09-2019 |
2019, A&A, 629, 68 |
2019A&A...629A..68B |
4 |
0305060101 |
173 |
High-redshift Faranoff-Riley type II radio galaxies: X-ray properties of the cores |
Belsole, E.; Worrall, D. M.; Hardcastle, M. J. |
02-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 366, 339 |
2006MNRAS.366..339B |
4 |
0028540201, 0028540601, 0147540101 |
174 |
XMM-Newton observations of three high-redshift radio galaxies |
Belsole, E.; Worrall, D. M.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Lawrence, C. R. |
08-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 352, 924 |
2004MNRAS.352..924B |
4 |
0028540601, 0028540201, 0028540801, 0028540701, 0147540101, 0028540301 |
175 |
High-redshift Fanaroff-Riley type II radio sources: large-scale X-ray environment |
Belsole, E.; Worrall, D. M.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H. |
11-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 381, 1109 |
2007MNRAS.381.1109B |
3,4 |
0028540201, 0028540601, 0147540101 |
176 |
X-Ray Spectrum of RBS 315: Absorption or Intrinsic Curvature |
Ben Haim, Sivan; Behar, Ehud; Mushotzky, Richard F. |
09-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 882, 130 |
2019ApJ...882..130B |
4 |
0690900101, 0690900201 |
177 |
Multiwavelength observations of the triple-peaked AGN Mrk 622 |
BenÃtez, E.;Cruz-González, I.;RodrÃguez-Espinosa, J. M.;González-MartÃn, O.;Negrete, C. A.;Gutiérrez, L.;Jiménez-Bailón, E.;Ruschel-Dutra, D.;RodrÃguez, L. F.;Loinard, L.;Binette, L. |
12-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 490, 5521 |
2019MNRAS.490.5521B |
4 |
178 |
Unravelling the nature of the dual AGN in the galaxy pair system IRAS 05589+2828 and 2MASX J06021107 + 2828382 |
BenÃtez, E.;Jiménez-Bailón, E.;Negrete, C. A.;Ruschel-Dutra, D.;RodrÃguez-Espinosa, J. M.;Cruz-González, I.;RodrÃguez, L. F.;Chavushyan, V. H.;Marziani, P.;Gutiérrez, L.;González-Martin, O.;Jiang, B. W.;D'Onofrio, M. |
11-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 516, 5270 |
2022MNRAS.516.5270B |
4 |
179 |
Quasi-periodic Oscillation in Seyfert Galaxies: Significance Levels. The Case of Markarian 766 |
Benlloch, Sara; Wilms, Jörn; Edelson, Rick; Yaqoob, Tahir; Staubert, Rüdiger |
12-2001 |
2001, ApJ, 562, L121 |
2001ApJ...562L.121B |
4 |
0096020101 |
180 |
X-raying winds in distant quasars: The first high-redshift wind duty cycle |
Bertola, E.;Dadina, M.;Cappi, M.;Vignali, C.;Chartas, G.;De Marco, B.;Lanzuisi, G.;Giustini, M.;Torresi, E. |
06-2020 |
2020, A&A, 638, 136 |
2020A&A...638A.136B |
4 |
0110960101, 0781210201, 0823730101 |
181 |
The properties of the X-ray corona in the distant (z = 3.91) quasar APM 08279+5255 |
Bertola, E.;Vignali, C.;Lanzuisi, G.;Dadina, M.;Cappi, M.;Gilli, R.;Matzeu, G. A.;Chartas, G.;Piconcelli, E.;Comastri, A. |
06-2022 |
2022, A&A, 662, 98 |
2022A&A...662A..98B |
4 |
0830480101, 0830480301 |
182 |
Broadband X-ray observations of four gamma-ray narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Berton, M.;Braito, V.;Mathur, S.;Foschini, L.;Piconcelli, E.;Chen, S.;Pogge, R. W. |
12-2019 |
2019, A&A, 632, 120 |
2019A&A...632A.120B |
4 |
183 |
A Suzaku, NuSTAR, and XMM-Newton view on variable absorption and relativistic reflection in NGC 4151 |
Beuchert, T.; Markowitz, A. G.; Dauser, T.; García, J. A.; Keck, M. L.; Wilms, J.; Kadler, M.; Brenneman, L. W.; Zdziarski, A. A. |
07-2017 |
2017, A&A, 603, 50 |
2017A&A...603A..50B |
4 |
0657840101, 0657840201, 0657840301, 0657840401, 0679780101, 0679780201, 0679780301, 0679780401, 0679780501 |
184 |
A variable-density absorption event in NGC 3227 mapped with Suzaku and Swift |
Beuchert, T.; Markowitz, A. G.; Krauß, F.; Miniutti, G.; Longinotti, A. L.; Guainazzi, M.; de La Calle Pérez, I.; Malkan, M.; Elvis, M.; Miyaji, T.; Hiriart, D.; López, J. M.; Agudo, I.; Dauser, T.; Garcia, J.; Kreikenbohm, A.; Kadler, M.; Wilms, J. |
12-2015 |
2015, A&A, 584, 82 |
2015A&A...584A..82B |
4 |
0101040301, 0400270101 |
185 |
Extended X-ray emission in PKS 1718-649 |
Beuchert, T.; Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Moss, V. A.; Schulz, R.; Kadler, M.; Wilms, J.; Angioni, R.; Callingham, J. R.; Gräfe, C.; Krauß, F.; Kreikenbohm, A.; Langejahn, M.; Leiter, K.; Maccagni, F. M.; Müller, C.; Ojha, R.; Ros, E.; Tingay, S. J. |
04-2018 |
2018, A&A, 612, L4 |
2018A&A...612L...4B |
4 |
0784530201 |
186 |
Flux and spectral variability of the blazar PKS 2155 -304 with XMM-Newton: Evidence of particle acceleration and synchrotron cooling |
Bhagwan, Jai; Gupta, A. C.; Papadakis, I. E.; Wiita, Paul J. |
04-2016 |
2016, NewA, 44, 21 |
2016NewA...44...21B |
4 |
0124930501 |
187 |
Spectral energy distributions of the BL Lac PKS 2155 - 304 from XMM-Newton |
Bhagwan, Jai; Gupta, Alok C.; Papadakis, I. E.; Wiita, Paul J. |
11-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 444, 3647 |
2014MNRAS.444.3647B |
4 |
0124930101, 0124930201, 0080940101, 0080940301, 0124930301, 0124930501, 0124930601, 0158960101, 0158960901, 0158961001, 0158961101, 0158961301, 0158961401, 0411780101, 0411780201, 0411780301, 0411780401, 0411780501, 0411780601, 0411780701 |
188 |
The uncorrelated long-term gamma-ray and X-ray variability of blazars and its implications on disc-jet coupling |
Bhattacharya, Debbijoy; Misra, Ranjeev; Rao, A. R.; Sreekumar, P. |
05-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 431, 1618 |
2013MNRAS.431.1618B |
4 |
189 |
Blazar Variability: A Study of Nonstationarity and the Flux-Rms Relation |
Bhattacharyya, Souradip;Ghosh, Ritesh;Chatterjee, Ritaban;Das, Nabanita |
07-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 897, 25 |
2020ApJ...897...25B |
4 |
190 |
The XMM-Newton view of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PMN J0948+0022 |
Bhattacharyya, Subir; Bhatt, Himali; Bhatt, Nilay; Singh, Krishna Kumar |
05-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 440, 106 |
2014MNRAS.440..106B |
4 |
0502061001, 0673730101 |
191 |
Science with the AstroSat Soft X-ray telescope: An overview |
Bhattacharyya, Sudip;Singh, Kulinder Pal;Stewart, Gordon;Chandra, Sunil;Dewangan, Gulab C.;Kamble, Nilima S.;Vishwakarma, Sandeep;Koyande, Jayprakash G.;Chitnis, Varsha |
10-2021 |
2021, JApA, 42, 17 |
2021JApA...42...17B |
4 |
192 |
On the apparent absence of broad iron lines in Seyfert galaxies |
Bhayani, S.; Nandra, K. |
09-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 416, 629 |
2011MNRAS.416..629B |
4 |
193 |
Root mean square variability properties of iron lines in Seyferts |
Bhayani, Shyam; Nandra, Kirpal |
10-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 408, 1020 |
2010MNRAS.408.1020B |
4 |
0304030101, 0013140101, 0013140201, 0029740101, 0059830101, 0089960301, 0096020101, 0101040401, 0107460601, 0107460701, 0109141301, 0109141401, 0109960101, 0111570101, 0111790101, 0111810101, 0112170101, 0112210101, 0112210201, 0112310101, 0112830301, 0112830401, 0112830501, 0130720101, 0142830101, 0143500101, 0144230101, 0145670101, 0147190101, 0147440101, 0147920301, 0150940101, 0201020201, 0201130201, 0201130501, 0201930201, 0206400101, 0207090101, 0304030301, 0304030501 |
194 |
The recent X-ray history of NGC 5506 |
Bianchi, S.; Balestra, I.; Matt, G.; Guainazzi, M.; Perola, G. C. |
04-2003 |
2003, A&A, 402, 141 |
2003A&A...402..141B |
4 |
0013140101, 0013140201 |
195 |
CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive. II. Multiwavelength correlations |
Bianchi, S.; Bonilla, N. F.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Ponti, G. |
07-2009 |
2009, A&A, 501, 915 |
2009A&A...501..915B |
4 |
196 |
The broad-band X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy, MCG+8-11-11 |
Bianchi, S.; de Angelis, I.; Matt, G.; La Parola, V.; de Rosa, A.; Grandi, P.; Jiménez Bailón, E.; Piconcelli, E. |
11-2010 |
2010, A&A, 522, 64 |
2010A&A...522A..64B |
4 |
197 |
The soft X-ray/NLR connection: a single photoionized medium? |
Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Chiaberge, M. |
03-2006 |
2006, A&A, 448, 499 |
2006A&A...448..499B |
4 |
0009221401, 0111220101, 0111220201, 0009220601, 0009220401, 0009220301, 0009221301, 0009221601, 0009220701, 0009220901, 0009220501, 0009220801, 0009221001, 0009221501 |
198 |
A search for changing-look AGN in the Grossan catalog |
Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Chiaberge, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Fiore, F.; Maiolino, R. |
10-2005 |
2005, A&A, 442, 185 |
2005A&A...442..185B |
4 |
199 |
On the Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect of radio-quiet AGN |
Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Fonseca Bonilla, N. |
05-2007 |
2007, A&A, 467, L19 |
2007A&A...467L..19B |
4 |
200 |
On the Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect of radio-quiet AGN |
Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Fonseca Bonilla, N. |
04-2008 |
2008, RMxAC, 32, 74 |
2008RMxAC..32...74B |
4 |
201 |
CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive I. Spectral analysis |
Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Fonseca Bonilla, N.; Ponti, G. |
02-2009 |
2009, A&A, 495, 421 |
2009A&A...495..421B |
4 |
202 |
Ionized iron Kalpha lines in AGN X-ray spectra |
Bianchi, S.; Matt, G. |
05-2002 |
2002, A&A, 387, 76 |
2002A&A...387...76B |
4 |
0013140101 |
203 |
X-ray reprocessing in Seyfert galaxies: Simultaneous XMM-Newton/BeppoSAX observations |
Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Balestra, I.; Guainazzi, M.; Perola, G. C. |
07-2004 |
2004, A&A, 422, 65 |
2004A&A...422...65B |
4 |
0013140101, 0067190101, 0070740101, 0070740301, 0089960301, 0101040401, 0107460601, 0109130701, 0111810101, 0112910201 |
204 |
The origin of the iron lines in NGC 7213 |
Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Balestra, I.; Perola, G. C. |
08-2003 |
2003, A&A, 407, L21 |
2003A&A...407L..21B |
4 |
0111810101 |
205 |
High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and imaging of Mrk 573 |
Bianchi, Stefano; Chiaberge, Marco; Evans, Daniel A.; Guainazzi, Matteo; Baldi, Ranieri D.; Matt, Giorgio; Piconcelli, Enrico |
06-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 405, 553 |
2010MNRAS.405..553B |
4 |
0200430701 |
206 |
Chandra unveils a binary active galactic nucleus in Mrk 463 |
Bianchi, Stefano; Chiaberge, Marco; Piconcelli, Enrico; Guainazzi, Matteo; Matt, Giorgio |
05-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 386, 105 |
2008MNRAS.386..105B |
4 |
0094401201 |
207 |
A broad-line region origin for the iron Kα line in NGC 7213 |
Bianchi, Stefano; La Franca, Fabio; Matt, Giorgio; Guainazzi, Matteo; Jimenez Bailón, Elena; Longinotti, Anna Lia; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Pentericci, Laura |
09-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 389, L52 |
2008MNRAS.389L..52B |
4 |
208 |
The NuSTAR view of the true type 2 Seyfert NGC 3147 |
Bianchi, Stefano; Marinucci, Andrea; Matt, Giorgio; Middei, Riccardo; Barcons, Xavier; Bassani, Loredana; Carrera, Francisco J.; La Franca, Fabio; Panessa, Francesca |
07-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 468, 2740 |
2017MNRAS.468.2740B |
4 |
209 |
FeXXV and FeXXVI lines from low-velocity, photoionized gas in the X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei |
Bianchi, Stefano; Matt, Giorgio; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Porquet, Delphine; Dubau, Jacques |
02-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 357, 599 |
2005MNRAS.357..599B |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201, 0111240101, 0111220201, 0013140201, 0013140101, 0111810101, 0111790101, 0101040401, 0059830101, 0109130701, 0124110101, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0067190101, 0112910101, 0006220201, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740701 |
210 |
The XMM-Newton view of Mrk 3 and IXO 30 |
Bianchi, Stefano; Miniutti, Giovanni; Fabian, Andrew C.; Iwasawa, Kazushi |
06-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 360, 380 |
2005MNRAS.360..380B |
4 |
211 |
Simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of true type 2 Seyfert galaxies |
Bianchi, Stefano; Panessa, Francesca; Barcons, Xavier; Carrera, Francisco J.; La Franca, Fabio; Matt, Giorgio; Onori, Francesca; Wolter, Anna; Corral, Amalia; Monaco, Lorenzo; Ruiz, Ãngel; Brightman, Murray |
11-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 426, 3225 |
2012MNRAS.426.3225B |
4 |
0405020801, 0550940201, 0651360301, 0651360501, 0651360601, 0651360701, 0405020601, 0601560201, 0651360401, 0402460201, 0402460401 |
212 |
How Complex is the Obscuration in Active Galactic Nuclei? New Clues from the Suzaku Monitoring of the X-Ray Absorbers in NGC 7582 |
Bianchi, Stefano; Piconcelli, Enrico; Chiaberge, Marco; Bailón, Elena Jiménez; Matt, Giorgio; Fiore, Fabrizio |
04-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 695, 781 |
2009ApJ...695..781B |
4 |
0405380701 |
213 |
The changing look of PKS 2149-306 |
Bianchin, V.; Foschini, L.; Ghisellini, G.; Tagliaferri, G.; Tavecchio, F.; Treves, A.; di Cocco, G.; Gliozzi, M.; Pian, E.; Sambruna, R. M.; Wolter, A. |
03-2009 |
2009, A&A, 496, 423 |
2009A&A...496..423B |
4 |
0103060401 |
214 |
A New XMM-Newton Long Look of the Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 3226 |
Binder, B.; Markowitz, A.; Rothschild, R. E. |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 691, 431 |
2009ApJ...691..431B |
4 |
0400270101 |
215 |
X-ray detected AGN in SDSS dwarf galaxies |
Birchall, Keir L.;Watson, M. G.;Aird, J. |
02-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 492, 2268 |
2020MNRAS.492.2268B |
4 |
216 |
The relationship between the incidence of X-ray selected AGN in nearby galaxies & star-formation rate |
Birchall, Keir L.;Watson, M. G.;Aird, J.;Starling, R. L. C. |
08-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 523, 4756 |
2023MNRAS.523.4756B |
4 |
217 |
The incidence of X-ray selected AGN in nearby galaxies |
Birchall, Keir L.;Watson, M. G.;Aird, J.;Starling, R. L. C. |
03-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 510, 4556 |
2022MNRAS.510.4556B |
4 |
218 |
The Chandra view of the relation between X-ray and UV emission in quasars |
Bisogni, S.;Lusso, E.;Civano, F.;Nardini, E.;Risaliti, G.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G. |
11-2021 |
2021, A&A, 655, 109 |
2021A&A...655A.109B |
4 |
219 |
PS16dtm: A Tidal Disruption Event in a Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy |
Blanchard, P. K.; Nicholl, M.; Berger, E.; Guillochon, J.; Margutti, R.; Chornock, R.; Alexander, K. D.; Leja, J.; Drout, M. R. |
07-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 843, 106 |
2017ApJ...843..106B |
4 |
220 |
Multi-wavelength study of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 with XMM-Newton |
Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kahn, S. M.; Page, M. J.; Sako, M.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
09-2002 |
2002, A&A, 392, 453 |
2002A&A...392..453B |
4 |
0112210101 |
221 |
Multiwavelength studies of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 II. X-ray and UV observations with XMM-Newton |
Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Page, M. J.; Kahn, S. M.; Sako, M.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
05-2003 |
2003, A&A, 403, 481 |
2003A&A...403..481B |
4 |
0112170101, 0112170301 |
222 |
High resolution spectroscopy of Seyfert warm absorbers with XMM-Newton |
Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Kaastra, J. S.; Page, M. J.; Kahn, S. M.; Sako, M.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
01-2004 |
2004, AdSpR, 34, 2561 |
2004AdSpR..34.2561B |
4 |
223 |
Ultraviolet images of galaxies from the Optical Monitor on XMM-Newton |
Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Crawford, M. L.; Breeveld, A. A.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kahn, S. M. |
01-2004 |
2004, AdSpR, 34, 2540 |
2004AdSpR..34.2540B |
4,5 |
224 |
Properties of X-ray-selected broad absorption-line quasars |
Blustin, A. J.; Dwelly, T.; Page, M. J.; McHardy, I. M.; Seymour, N.; Kennea, J. A.; Loaring, N. S.; Mason, K. O.; Sekiguchi, K. |
11-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 390, 1229 |
2008MNRAS.390.1229B |
4 |
0109661101, 0109661201, 0109661401, 0108060401, 0108060501, 0108060601, 0108060701, 0108061801, 0108061901, 0108062101, 0108062301 |
225 |
An accretion disc origin for the `X-ray broad-line region' in 1H0707-49 |
Blustin, A. J.; Fabian, A. C. |
10-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 399, L169 |
2009MNRAS.399L.169B |
4 |
0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401 |
226 |
The mass-energy budget of the ionised outflow in NGC 7469 |
Blustin, A. J.; Kriss, G. A.; Holczer, T.; Behar, E.; Kaastra, J. S.; Page, M. J.; Kaspi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
04-2007 |
2007, A&A, 466, 107 |
2007A&A...466..107B |
4 |
0207090101, 0207090201 |
227 |
Intrinsic absorbers in BL Lac objects: The XMM-Newton view |
Blustin, A. J.; Page, M. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G. |
04-2004 |
2004, A&A, 417, 61 |
2004A&A...417...61B |
4 |
0111840101, 0111850201, 0113060201, 0113060401, 0111830201 |
228 |
The TeV-emitting radio galaxy 3C 264. VLBI kinematics and SED modeling |
Boccardi, B.; Migliori, G.; Grandi, P.; Torresi, E.; Mertens, F.; Karamanavis, V.; Angioni, R.; Vignali, C. |
07-2019 |
2019, A&A, 627, 89 |
2019A&A...627A..89B |
4 |
0602200301, 0061740101 |
229 |
XMM-Newton study of hard X-ray sources in IC 443 |
Bocchino, F.; Bykov, A. M. |
03-2003 |
2003, A&A, 400, 203 |
2003A&A...400..203B |
4 |
0114100101, 0114100201, 0114100301, 0114100401, 0114100501, 0114100601 |
230 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. XIII. Testing ionized-reflection models on Mrk 509 |
Boissay, R.; Paltani, S.; Ponti, G.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Arav, N.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Pinto, C.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
07-2014 |
2014, A&A, 567, 44 |
2014A&A...567A..44B |
4 |
0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101 |
231 |
A hard X-ray view of the soft excess in AGN |
Boissay, Rozenn; Ricci, Claudio; Paltani, Stéphane |
04-2016 |
2016, A&A, 588, 70 |
2016A&A...588A..70B |
4 |
0604720301, 0012940101, 0555321001, 0203770101, 0550451601, 0510380101, 0552180101, 0506120101, 0203720201, 0200910201, 0502090501, 0201130301, 0147190101, 0672530301, 0300240401, 0503750101, 0305370101, 0401790301, 0300240501, 0201130101, 0312190601, 0404260301, 0301450301, 0401790401, 0605800401, 0109080101, 0550451501, 0301450401, 0110950201, 0503690101, 0504101201, 0601780201, 0147440101, 0601740101, 0303230101, 0201130201, 0204650201, 0312192001, 0550450901, 0550451101, 0550451201, 0305831001, 0306171201, 0303230501, 0405390101, 0303230601, 0650591501, 0550451701, 0655450101, 0301450101, 0300240201, 0601780501, 0401790201, 0550640101, 0109130701, 0029740801, 0201930201, 0554990101, 0695290101, 0201130501, 0147920101, 0302480501, 0400360801, 0306870101, 0312190101, 0655590201, 0650590401, 0306090401, 0201020201, 0061540101, 0300910101, 0502091601, 0601780401, 0109141301, 0301450201, 0502091001, 0601781401, 0400270101, 0107460701, 0112210501, 0157560101, 0112830201, 0109970101, 0089960301, 0550451801, 0207090101, 0305600601, 0150470601, 0605110101, 0205340201, 0555170401, 0092850201, 0094740201, 0506210101, 0502090201, 0650591701, 0610180101, 0312190801, 0550452601, 0650591101, 0552170301, 0401790101 |
232 |
Relativistic Components of the Ultra-fast Outflow in the Quasar PDS 456 from Chandra/HETGS, NuSTAR, and XMM-Newton Observations |
Boissay-Malaquin, Rozenn; Danehkar, Ashkbiz; Marshall, Herman L.; Nowak, Michael A. |
03-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 873, 29 |
2019ApJ...873...29B |
4 |
0721010201, 0721010301, 0721010401, 0721010501, 0721010601 |
233 |
XMM-Newton observation of Mrk 110 |
Boller, Th.; Balestra, I.; Kollatschny, W. |
04-2007 |
2007, A&A, 465, 87 |
2007A&A...465...87B |
4 |
0201130501 |
234 |
XMM-Newton discovery of a sharp spectral feature at ~ 7 keV in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707 - 49 |
Boller, TH.; Fabian, A. C.; Sunyaev, R.; Trümper, J.; Vaughan, S.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Brandt, W. N.; Keil, R.; Iwasawa, K. |
01-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 329, L1 |
2002MNRAS.329L...1B |
4 |
0110890201 |
235 |
Mrk 1014: an AGN-dominated ultraluminous infrared galaxy |
Boller, Th.; Gallo, L. C.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E. |
11-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 336, 1143 |
2002MNRAS.336.1143B |
4 |
0101640201 |
236 |
XMM-Newton observations of the BL Lac MS 0737+7441 |
Boller, Th.; Gliozzi, M.; Griffiths, G.; Sembay, S.; Keil, R.; Schwentker, O.; Brinkmann, W.; Vercellone, S. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L158 |
2001A&A...365L.158B |
4 |
0123100201, 0123100101 |
237 |
XMM-Newton observation of the ULIRG NGC 6240. The physical nature of the complex Fe K line emission |
Boller, Th.; Keil, R.; Hasinger, G.; Costantini, E.; Fujimoto, R.; Anabuki, N.; Lehmann, I.; Gallo, L. |
11-2003 |
2003, A&A, 411, 63 |
2003A&A...411...63B |
4 |
0101640101, 0101640601 |
238 |
Detection of an X-ray periodicity in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 766 with XMM-Newton |
Boller, Th.; Keil, R.; Trümper, J.; O'Brien, P. T.; Reeves, J.; Page, M. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L146 |
2001A&A...365L.146B |
4 |
0096020101 |
239 |
The Unusual Spectral Energy Distribution of LBQS 0102-2713 |
Boller, Th.; Linguri, K.; Heftrich, T.; Weigand, M. |
07-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 699, 732 |
2009ApJ...699..732B |
4 |
240 |
XMM-Newton, Swift, and ROSAT Observations of LBQS 0102-2713 |
Boller, Th.; Schady, P.; Heftrich, T. |
04-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 731, L16 |
2011ApJ...731L..16B |
4 |
0600710101 |
241 |
XMM-Newton spectral properties of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224 - 3809 |
Boller, Th.; Tanaka, Y.; Fabian, A.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallo, L.; Anabuki, N.; Haba, Y.; Vaughan, S. |
08-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 343, L89 |
2003MNRAS.343L..89B |
4 |
0110890101 |
242 |
Extreme ultra-soft X-ray variability in an eROSITA observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495 |
Boller, Th.;Liu, T.;Weber, P.;Arcodia, R.;Dauser, T.;Wilms, J.;Nandra, K.;Buchner, J.;Merloni, A.;Freyberg, M. J.;Krumpe, M.;Waddell, S. G. H. |
03-2021 |
2021, A&A, 647, 6 |
2021A&A...647A...6B |
4 |
0853000101 |
243 |
Characterization of the warm-hot intergalactic medium near the Coma cluster through high-resolution spectroscopy of X Comae |
Bonamente, M.; Ahoranta, J.; Tilton, E.; Tempel, E.; Morandi, A. |
08-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 469, 3984 |
2017MNRAS.469.3984B |
4 |
0204040101, 0204040201, 0204040301, 0304320201, 0304320301, 0304320801 |
244 |
A possible Chandra and Hubble Space Telescope detection of extragalactic WHIM towards PG 1116+215 |
Bonamente, M.; Nevalainen, J.; Tilton, E.; Liivamägi, J.; Tempel, E.; Heinämäki, P.; Fang, T. |
04-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 4236 |
2016MNRAS.457.4236B |
4 |
0201940101, 0554380101, 0554380201, 0554380301 |
245 |
Another X-ray UFO without a momentum-boosted molecular outflow. ALMA CO(1-0) observations of the galaxy pair IRAS 05054+1718 |
Bonanomi, Francesca;Cicone, Claudia;Severgnini, Paola;Braito, Valentina;Vignali, Cristian;Reeves, James N.;Sirressi, Mattia;Montoya Arroyave, Isabel;Della Ceca, Roberto;Ballo, Lucia;Dotti, Massimo |
05-2023 |
2023, A&A, 673, 46 |
2023A&A...673A..46B |
4 |
0890680101 |
246 |
The [O iii] emission line luminosity function of optically selected type-2 AGN from zCOSMOS |
Bongiorno, A. et al. |
02-2010 |
2010, A&A, 510, 56 |
2010A&A...510A..56B |
2,4 |
247 |
The MBH-M* relation for X-ray-obscured, red QSOs at 1.2 < z < 2.6 |
Bongiorno, A.; Maiolino, R.; Brusa, M.; Marconi, A.; Piconcelli, E.; Lamastra, A.; Cano-Díaz, M.; Schulze, A.; Magnelli, B.; Vignali, C.; Fiore, F.; Menci, N.; Cresci, G.; La Franca, F.; Merloni, A. |
09-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 443, 2077 |
2014MNRAS.443.2077B |
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248 |
AGN host galaxy mass function in COSMOS. Is AGN feedback responsible for the mass-quenching of galaxies? |
Bongiorno, A.; Schulze, A.; Merloni, A.; Zamorani, G.; Ilbert, O.; La Franca, F.; Peng, Y.; Piconcelli, E.; Mainieri, V.; Silverman, J. D.; Brusa, M.; Fiore, F.; Salvato, M.; Scoville, N. |
04-2016 |
2016, A&A, 588, 78 |
2016A&A...588A..78B |
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0203360101, 0302350101, 0203360201, 0302350201, 0203360301, 0302350301, 0302353101, 0203360401, 0302350401, 0203360501, 0302350501, 0203360601, 0302350601, 0203360701, 0302350701, 0203360801, 0302350801, 0203360901, 0302350901, 0302353001, 0203361001, 0302351001, 0203361101, 0302351101, 0203361201, 0302351201, 0203361301, 0302351301, 0203361401, 0302351401, 0203361501, 0302351501, 0203361601, 0302351601, 0203361701, 0302351701, 0203361801, 0302351801, 0203361901, 0302351901, 0203362001, 0302352001, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0302352201, 0203362301, 0302352301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0302352401, 0302353201, 0203362501, 0302352501, 0302353301 |
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How well can we measure supermassive black hole spin? |
Bonson, K.; Gallo, L. C. |
05-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 1927 |
2016MNRAS.458.1927B |
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250 |
Measuring key X-ray parameters from simulated spectra of Seyfert galaxies |
Bonson, K.; Gallo, L. C. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 423 |
2016AN....337..423B |
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Is HE 0436-4717 Anemic? A deep look at a bare Seyfert 1 galaxy |
Bonson, K.; Gallo, L. C.; Vasudevan, R. |
06-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 450, 857 |
2015MNRAS.450..857B |
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0112320201, 0603460101 |
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Variable blurred reflection in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 493 |
Bonson, K.; Gallo, L. C.; Wilkins, D. R.; Fabian, A. C. |
07-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 477, 3247 |
2018MNRAS.477.3247B |
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0112600801, 0744290201, 0744290101 |
253 |
An Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect for Compton-thick active galactic nuclei |
Boorman, Peter G.; Gandhi, Poshak; Balokovic, Mislav; Brightman, Murray; Harrison, Fiona; Ricci, Claudio; Stern, Daniel |
07-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 477, 3775 |
2018MNRAS.477.3775B |
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254 |
The multiphase environment in the centre of Centaurus A |
Borkar, A.;Adhikari, T. P.;RóżaÅska, A.;Markowitz, A. G.;Boorman, P.;Czerny, B.;Migliori, G.;De Marco, B.;Karas, V. |
01-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 500, 3536 |
2021MNRAS.500.3536B |
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255 |
An XMM-Newton View of the Radio Galaxy 3C 411 |
Bostrom, Allison; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Tombesi, Francesco |
08-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 791, 119 |
2014ApJ...791..119B |
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0670880701 |
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PKS 0537-286, carrying the information of the environment of SMBHs in the early Universe |
Bottacini, E.; Ajello, M.; Greiner, J.; Pian, E.; Rau, A.; Palazzi, E.; Covino, S.; Ghisellini, G.; Krühler, T.; Küpcü YoldaÅ, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Afonso, P. |
01-2010 |
2010, A&A, 509, 69 |
2010A&A...509A..69B |
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0206350201, 0114090101, 0206350101 |
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Hard X-Ray broadband spectroscopy of Mrk 876: characterizing its spectrum |
Bottacini, Eugenio |
09-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 515, 3174 |
2022MNRAS.515.3174B |
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258 |
The Deep Look at the Hard X-Ray Sky: The Swift-INTEGRAL X-Ray (SIX) Survey |
Bottacini, Eugenio; Ajello, Marco; Greiner, Jochen |
08-2012 |
2012, ApJS, 201, 34 |
2012ApJS..201...34B |
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259 |
An Extreme Gravitationally Redshifted Iron Line at 4.8 keV in Mrk 876 |
Bottacini, Eugenio; Orlando, Elena; Greiner, Jochen; Ajello, Marco; Moskalenko, Igor; Persic, Massimo |
01-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 798, L14 |
2015ApJ...798L..14B |
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0102040601, 0102041301 |
260 |
Late-time Radio Emission from X-Ray-selected Tidal Disruption Events |
Bower, Geoffrey C.; Metzger, Brian D.; Cenko, S. Bradley; Silverman, Jeffrey M.; Bloom, Joshua S. |
02-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 763, 84 |
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261 |
A Radio Transient 0.1 Parsecs from Sagittarius A* |
Bower, Geoffrey C.; Roberts, Doug A.; Yusef-Zadeh, Farhad; Backer, Donald C.; Cotton, W. D.; Goss, W. M.; Lang, Cornelia C.; Lithwick, Yoram |
11-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 633, 218 |
2005ApJ...633..218B |
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Self-regulation of active galactic nuclei in galaxy clusters |
Brüggen, Marcus; Scannapieco, Evan |
09-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 398, 548 |
2009MNRAS.398..548B |
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Evolution of X-ray cavities |
Brüggen, Marcus; Scannapieco, Evan; Heinz, Sebastian |
06-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 395, 2210 |
2009MNRAS.395.2210B |
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264 |
Environments of active galactic nuclei at z < 1.5 in the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey |
Bradshaw, E. J.; Almaini, O.; Hartley, W. G.; Chuter, R. W.; Simpson, C.; Conselice, C. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; McLure, R. J.; Cirasuolo, M. |
08-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 2626 |
2011MNRAS.415.2626B |
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265 |
Decoupling absorption and continuum variability in the Seyfert 2 NGC 4507 |
Braito, V.; Ballo, L.; Reeves, J. N.; Risaliti, G.; Ptak, A.; Turner, T. J. |
01-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 2516 |
2013MNRAS.428.2516B |
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0006220201 |
266 |
The XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX view of the Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy MKN 231 |
Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Piconcelli, E.; Severgnini, P.; Bassani, L.; Cappi, M.; Franceschini, A.; Iwasawa, K.; Malaguti, G.; Marziani, P.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Persic, M.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M. |
06-2004 |
2004, A&A, 420, 79 |
2004A&A...420...79B |
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0081340201 |
267 |
The Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy Mrk 231: new clues from BeppoSAX and XMM-Newton |
Braito, V.; della Ceca, R.; Piconcelli, E.; Severgnini, P.; Bassani, L.; Cappi, M.; Franceschini, A.; Iwasawa, K.; Malaguti, G.; Marziani, P.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Persic, M.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 153 |
2004NuPhS.132..153B |
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268 |
XMM-Newton observations of ULIRGs: A Compton-thick AGN in IRAS 19254-7245 |
Braito, V.; Franceschini, A.; Della Ceca, R.; Severgnini, P.; Bassani, L.; Cappi, M.; Malaguti, G.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Persic, M.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M. |
01-2003 |
2003, A&A, 398, 107 |
2003A&A...398..107B |
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0081341001 |
269 |
The First Optical Validation of an X-Ray Line-emitting Object: A Detection in the XMM-Newton Observation of the Chandra Deep Field-South |
Braito, V.; Maccacaro, T.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R. |
03-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 621, L97 |
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0108060401, 0108060501, 0108060601, 0108060701, 0108061801, 0108061901, 0108062101, 0108062301 |
270 |
A Suzaku observation of the ULIRG IRAS19254-7245: discerning the AGN component |
Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Della Ceca, R.; Ptak, A.; Risaliti, G.; Yaqoob, T. |
09-2009 |
2009, A&A, 504, 53 |
2009A&A...504...53B |
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271 |
Relativistic Iron K Emission and Absorption in the Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy MCG -5-23-16 |
Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Dewangan, G. C.; George, I.; Griffiths, R. E.; Markowitz, A.; Nandra, K.; Porquet, D.; Ptak, A.; Turner, T. J.; Yaqoob, T.; Weaver, K. |
12-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 670, 978 |
2007ApJ...670..978B |
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0302850201 |
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The iron emission line complex of MCG-5-23-16: the long XMM-Newton look |
Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Dewangan, G.; George, I.; Griffiths, R.; Markowitz, A.; Nandra, K.; Porquet, D.; Ptak, A.; Turner, T. J.; Yaqoob, T.; Weaver, K. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1067 |
2006AN....327.1067B |
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0302850201 |
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NGC 1365: A Low Column Density State Unveiling a Low Ionization Disk Wind |
Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Gofford, J.; Nardini, E.; Porquet, D.; Risaliti, G. |
11-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 795, 87 |
2014ApJ...795...87B |
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0692840401 |
274 |
A new powerful and highly variable disc wind in an AGN-star-forming galaxy, the case of MCG-03-58-007 |
Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Matzeu, G. A.; Severgnini, P.; Ballo, L.; Caccianiga, A.; Campana, S.; Cicone, C.; Della Ceca, R.; Turner, T. J. |
09-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 479, 3592 |
2018MNRAS.479.3592B |
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0764010101 |
275 |
Evidence for a circumnuclear and ionized absorber in the X-ray obscured broad-line radio galaxy 3C 445 |
Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Sambruna, R. M.; Gofford, J. |
07-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 414, 2739 |
2011MNRAS.414.2739B |
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276 |
Dramatic Changes in the Observed Velocity of the Accretion Disk Wind in MCG-03-58-007 Are Revealed by XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Braito, V.;Reeves, J. N.;Matzeu, G.;Severgnini, P.;Ballo, L.;Cicone, C.;Ceca, R. Della;Giustini, M.;Sirressi, M. |
02-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 926, 219 |
2022ApJ...926..219B |
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0840230201, 0840230301, 0840230401, 0840230501 |
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The stratified disc wind of MCG-03-58-007 |
Braito, V.;Reeves, J. N.;Severgnini, P.;Della Ceca, R.;Ballo, L.;Cicone, C.;Matzeu, G. A.;Serafinelli, R.;Sirressi, M. |
01-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 500, 291 |
2021MNRAS.500..291B |
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0764010101 |
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Cosmic X-ray surveys of distant active galaxies. The demographics, physics, and ecology of growing supermassive black holes |
Brandt, W. N.; Alexander, D. M. |
01-2015 |
2015, A&ARv, 23, 1 |
2015A&ARv..23....1B |
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279 |
An XMM-Newton Detection of the Z=5.80 X-Ray-Weak Quasar SDSSP J104433.04-012502.2 |
Brandt, W. N.; Guainazzi, M.; Kaspi, S.; Fan, X.; Schneider, D. P.; Strauss, Michael A.; Clavel, J.; Gunn, J. E. |
02-2001 |
2001, AJ, 121, 591 |
2001AJ....121..591B |
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Soft X-ray emission lines from a relativistic accretion disk in MCG -6-30-15 and Mrk 766 |
Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Sako, M.; Kahn, S. M.; Brinkman, A. C.; Kaastra, J. S.; Page, M. J. |
01-2001 |
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The Spin of the Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 3783 |
Brenneman, L. W.; Reynolds, C. S.; Nowak, M. A.; Reis, R. C.; Trippe, M.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Lee, J. C.; Miller, J. M.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Nandra, K.; Volonteri, M. |
08-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 736, 103 |
2011ApJ...736..103B |
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Constraining Black Hole Spin via X-Ray Spectroscopy |
Brenneman, Laura W.; Reynolds, Christopher S. |
12-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 652, 1028 |
2006ApJ...652.1028B |
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0029740801, 0029740701, 0029740101 |
283 |
Relativistic Broadening of Iron Emission Lines in a Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Brenneman, Laura W.; Reynolds, Christopher S. |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 702, 1367 |
2009ApJ...702.1367B |
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0302850201, 0109141301, 0112210501, 0109141401, 0101040201, 0147190101, 0147920301, 0136550801 |
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An X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the Central Regions of NGC 4593 |
Brenneman, Laura W.; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Wilms, Jörn; Kaiser, Mary Elizabeth |
09-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 666, 817 |
2007ApJ...666..817B |
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285 |
Photometric redshifts for X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei in the eROSITA era |
Brescia, M.;Salvato, M.;Cavuoti, S.;Ananna, T. T.;Riccio, G.;LaMassa, S. M.;Urry, C. M.;Longo, G. |
10-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 489, 663 |
2019MNRAS.489..663B |
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286 |
The galaxy group NGC 507: Newly detected AGN remnant plasma transported by sloshing |
Brienza, M.;Lovisari, L.;Rajpurohit, K.;Bonafede, A.;Gastaldello, F.;Murgia, M.;Vazza, F.;Bonnassieux, E.;Botteon, A.;Brunetti, G.;Drabent, A.;Hardcastle, M. J.;Pasini, T.;Riseley, C. J.;Röttgering, H. J. A.;Shimwell, T.;Simionescu, A.;van Weeren, R. J. |
05-2022 |
2022, A&A, 661, 92 |
2022A&A...661A..92B |
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0080540101, 0723800301 |
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Stopping Cooling Flows with Jets |
Brighenti, Fabrizio; Mathews, William G. |
05-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 643, 120 |
2006ApJ...643..120B |
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288 |
A Long Hard-X-Ray Look at the Dual Active Galactic Nuclei of M51 with NuSTAR |
Brightman, M.; Balokovic, M.; Koss, M.; Alexander, D. M.; Annuar, A.; Earnshaw, H.; Gandhi, P.; Harrison, F. A.; Hornschemeier, A. E.; Lehmer, B.; Powell, M. C.; Ptak, A.; Rangelov, B.; Roberts, T. P.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zezas, A. |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 867, 110 |
2018ApJ...867..110B |
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289 |
Determining the Covering Factor of Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei with NuSTAR |
Brightman, M.; Balokovic, M.; Stern, D.; Arévalo, P.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Craig, W. W.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Fuerst, F.; Gandhi, P.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Koss, M.; LaMassa, S.; Puccetti, S.; Rivers, E.; Vasudevan, R.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
05-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 805, 41 |
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0002942301, 0405240201, 0140950201, 0110930201, 0203890101, 0306050701 |
290 |
A statistical relation between the X-ray spectral index and Eddington ratio of active galactic nuclei in deep surveys |
Brightman, M.; Silverman, J. D.; Mainieri, V.; Ueda, Y.; Schramm, M.; Matsuoka, K.; Nagao, T.; Steinhardt, C.; Kartaltepe, J.; Sanders, D. B.; Treister, E.; Shemmer, O.; Brandt, W. N.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Ho, L. C.; Lanzuisi, G.; Lusso, E.; Nandra, K.; Salvato, M.; Zamorani, G.; Akiyama, M.; Alexander, D. M.; Bongiorno, A.; Capak, P.; Civano, F.; Del Moro, A.; Doi, A.; Elvis, M.; Hasinger, G.; Laird, E. S.; Masters, D.; Mignoli, M.; Ohta, K.; Schawinski, K.; Taniguchi, Y. |
08-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 433, 2485 |
2013MNRAS.433.2485B |
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291 |
X-ray colour-colour selection for heavily absorbed active galactic nuclei |
Brightman, Murray; Nandra, Kirpal |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 1166 |
2012MNRAS.422.1166B |
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292 |
On the nature of unabsorbed Seyfert 2 galaxies |
Brightman, Murray; Nandra, Kirpal |
11-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 390, 1241 |
2008MNRAS.390.1241B |
4 |
0200431101, 0405020601, 0112550101, 0301651801, 0112550801 |
293 |
An XMM-Newton spectral survey of 12 μm selected galaxies - II. Implications for AGN selection and unification |
Brightman, Murray; Nandra, Kirpal |
07-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 414, 3084 |
2011MNRAS.414.3084B |
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294 |
An XMM-Newton spectral survey of 12 μm selected galaxies - I. X-ray data |
Brightman, Murray; Nandra, Kirpal |
05-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, 1206 |
2011MNRAS.413.1206B |
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0306870101, 0150480501, 0044350101, 0153030101, 0067540201, 0300470101, 0002942301, 0150940101, 0301150401, 0025541601, 0093641001, 0200431101, 0204410101, 0306230101, 0111200101, 0312190401, 0301150201, 0307000701, 0201690201, 0405090101, 0302780101, 0405240201, 0205590301, 0140950201, 0150910101, 0152840101, 0150480201, 0307001301, 0203880101, 0200660401, 0110980801, 0312190701, 0085640101, 0109131001, 0061540101, 0103862101, 0094400301, 0301651101, 0301650301, 0303562101, 0300240101, 0201440101, 0085640201, 0147920301, 0111800101, 0206080101, 0110930201, 0405020601, 0101040301, 0112810301, 0112550101, 0107460701, 0093641101, 0112810101, 0301650501, 0301651801, 0204651201, 0306060201, 0085220201, 0157560101, 0112830201, 0035940201, 0109141301, 0147610101, 0106860201, 0110930701, 0402830101, 0112521601, 0136550101, 0112280201, 0112550801, 0152170501, 0200650101, 0112840101, 0109970101, 0084030101, 0110900201, 0110980201, 0112550401, 0081340201, 0200660201, 0110930501, 0405080301, 0206580101, 0112840201, 0029740801, 0110910201, 0096010101, 0055990501, 0035940301, 0101640401, 0147440101, 0094401201, 0201830201, 0089960301, 0150350101, 0300240201, 0203390601, 0307002401, 0138951501, 0101640101, 0203390701, 0112310801, 0081341001, 0205220101, 0301151001, 0306090201, 0081340401, 0200230101, 0202860101, 0111810101, 0307002001, 0049340201, 0090050601, 0111790101, 0301150301, 0207090101, 0025541001, 0081340301, 0093640701, 0204610101, 0200660101, 0112521301, 0093190301, 0203390801, 0206300101 |
295 |
Swift Monitoring of M51: A 38 day Superorbital Period for the Pulsar ULX7 and a New Transient Ultraluminous X-Ray Source |
Brightman, Murray;Earnshaw, Hannah;Fürst, Felix;Harrison, Fiona A.;Heida, Marianne;Israel, Gianluca;Pike, Sean;Stern, Daniel;Walton, Dominic J. |
06-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 895, 127 |
2020ApJ...895..127B |
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0852030101 |
296 |
X-ray variability of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy PKS 0558-504 |
Brinkmann, W.; Arévalo, P.; Gliozzi, M.; Ferrero, E. |
03-2004 |
2004, A&A, 415, 959 |
2004A&A...415..959B |
4 |
0116700301, 0117500201, 0117710601, 0117710701, 0119100301, 0120300801, 0125110101, 0129360201, 0137550201, 0137550601 |
297 |
XMM-Newton observation of the BAL Quasar PHL 5200:. The big surprise |
Brinkmann, W.; Ferrero, E.; Gliozzi, M. |
04-2002 |
2002, A&A, 385, L31 |
2002A&A...385L..31B |
4 |
0100440101 |
298 |
XMM-Newton observation of PG 0844+349 |
Brinkmann, W.; Grupe, D.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Ferrero, E. |
01-2003 |
2003, A&A, 398, 81 |
2003A&A...398...81B |
4 |
0103660201 |
299 |
Temporal variability of Mrk 421 from XMM-Newton observations |
Brinkmann, W.; Papadakis, I. E.; den Herder, J. W. A.; Haberl, F. |
05-2003 |
2003, A&A, 402, 929 |
2003A&A...402..929B |
4 |
0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0136540101, 0153950601, 0153950701 |
300 |
XMM-Newton observations of the two X-ray weak quasars PG 1411+442 and Mrk 304 |
Brinkmann, W.; Papadakis, I. E.; Ferrero, E. |
01-2004 |
2004, A&A, 414, 107 |
2004A&A...414..107B |
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301 |
Spectral variability analysis of an XMM-Newton observation of Ark 564 |
Brinkmann, W.; Papadakis, I. E.; Raeth, C. |
04-2007 |
2007, A&A, 465, 107 |
2007A&A...465..107B |
4 |
0206400101 |
302 |
XMM-Newton timing mode observations of Mrk 421 |
Brinkmann, W.; Papadakis, I. E.; Raeth, C.; Mimica, P.; Haberl, F. |
11-2005 |
2005, A&A, 443, 397 |
2005A&A...443..397B |
4 |
0099280101, 0136541001, 0158971201 |
303 |
Temporal variability of Mrk 421 from XMM-Newton observations |
Brinkmann, W.; Papadakis, I.; den Herder, J. W.; Haberl, F. |
10-2003 |
2003, NewAR, 47, 673 |
2003NewAR..47..673B |
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0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0136540101, 0153950601, 0153950701 |
304 |
XMM-Newton observations of Markarian 421 |
Brinkmann, W.; Sembay, S.; Griffiths, R. G.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Gliozzi, M.; Boller, Th.; Tiengo, A.; Molendi, S.; Zane, S. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L162 |
2001A&A...365L.162B |
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305 |
PG 0844+349 revisited - is there any outflow? |
Brinkmann, W.; Wang, T.; Grupe, D.; Raeth, C. |
05-2006 |
2006, A&A, 450, 925 |
2006A&A...450..925B |
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0103660201, 0107860501 |
306 |
The IACOB project. VIII. Searching for empirical signatures of binarity in fast-rotating O-type stars |
Britavskiy, N.;Simón-Díaz, S.;Holgado, G.;Burssens, S.;Maíz Apellániz, J.;Eldridge, J. J.;Nazé, Y.;Pantaleoni González, M.;Herrero, A. |
04-2023 |
2023, A&A, 672, 22 |
2023A&A...672A..22B |
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307 |
XMM-Newton spectroscopy of high-redshift quasars |
Brocksopp, C.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Mason, K. O.; Córdova, F. A.; Priedhorsky, W. C. |
04-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 349, 687 |
2004MNRAS.349..687B |
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0104860201, 0104860601, 0104861001, 0104860501 |
308 |
Multiwavelength XMM-Newton observations of the Laor et al. sample of PG quasars |
Brocksopp, C.; Starling, R. L. C.; Schady, P.; Mason, K. O.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Puchnarewicz, E. M. |
03-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 366, 953 |
2006MNRAS.366..953B |
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309 |
Still alive and kicking: A significant outburst in changing-look AGN Mrk 1018 |
Brogan, R.;Krumpe, M.;Homan, D.;Urrutia, T.;Granzer, T.;Husemann, B.;Neumann, J.;Gaspari, M.;Vaughan, S. P.;Croom, S. M.;Combes, F.;Pérez Torres, M.;Coil, A.;McElroy, R.;Winkel, N.;Singha, M. |
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0864350101, 0821240301 |
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Investigating X-ray emission in the GeV-emitting compact symmetric objects PKS 1718-649 and TXS 1146+596 |
Bronzini, E.;Migliori, G.;Vignali, C.;Sobolewska, M.;Stawarz, Å.;Siemiginowska, A.;Orienti, M.;D'Ammando, F.;Giroletti, M.;Principe, G.;Balasubramaniam, K. |
04-2024 |
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2024A&A...684A..65B |
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The spectral energy distributions of active galactic nuclei |
Brown, M. J. I.;Duncan, K. J.;Landt, H.;Kirk, M.;Ricci, C.;Kamraj, N.;Salvato, M.;Ananna, T. |
11-2019 |
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IGR J18249-3243: a new GeV-emitting FR II and the emerging population of high-energy radio galaxies |
Bruni, G.;Bassani, L.;Persic, M.;Rephaeli, Y.;Malizia, A.;Molina, M.;Fiocchi, M.;Ricci, R.;Wieringa, M. H.;Giroletti, M.;Panessa, F.;Bazzano, A.;Ubertini, P. |
06-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 886 |
2022MNRAS.513..886B |
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0550450901 |
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XMM-Newton observations of the Lockman Hole: X-ray source catalogue and number counts |
Brunner, H.; Cappelluti, N.; Hasinger, G.; Barcons, X.; Fabian, A. C.; Mainieri, V.; Szokoly, G. |
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314 |
Hard X-ray observations of Extremely Red Objects |
Brusa, M. |
00-2003 |
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The XMM-Newton Wide-field Survey in the Cosmos Field (XMM-COSMOS): Demography and Multiwavelength Properties of Obscured and Unobscured Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei |
Brusa, M. et al. |
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316 |
X-shooter reveals powerful outflows in z Ë 1.5 X-ray selected obscured quasi-stellar objects |
Brusa, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Cresci, G.; Perna, M.; Marconi, A.; Mainieri, V.; Maiolino, R.; Salvato, M.; Lusso, E.; Santini, P.; Comastri, A.; Fiore, F.; Gilli, R.; La Franca, F.; Lanzuisi, G.; Lutz, D.; Merloni, A.; Mignoli, M.; Onori, F.; Piconcelli, E.; Rosario, D.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G. |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 2394 |
2015MNRAS.446.2394B |
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0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
317 |
XMM-Newton observations of Extremely Red Objects and the link with luminous, X-ray obscured quasars |
Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Daddi, E.; Pozzetti, L.; Zamorani, G.; Vignali, C.; Cimatti, A.; Fiore, F.; Mignoli, M.; Ciliegi, P.; Röttgering, H. J. A. |
03-2005 |
2005, A&A, 432, 69 |
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0057560301, 0148520101, 0148520301 |
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High-Redshift Quasars in the COSMOS Survey: The Space Density of z > 3 X-Ray Selected QSOs |
Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Hasinger, G.; Iwasawa, K.; Mainieri, V.; Mignoli, M.; Salvato, M.; Zamorani, G.; Bongiorno, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Civano, F.; Fiore, F.; Merloni, A.; Silverman, J.; Trump, J.; Vignali, C.; Capak, P.; Elvis, M.; Ilbert, O.; Impey, C.; Lilly, S. |
03-2009 |
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319 |
A fast ionised wind in a star-forming quasar system at z ~ 1.5 resolved through adaptive optics assisted near-infrared data |
Brusa, M.; Perna, M.; Cresci, G.; Schramm, M.; Delvecchio, I.; Lanzuisi, G.; Mainieri, V.; Mignoli, M.; Zamorani, G.; Berta, S.; Bongiorno, A.; Comastri, A.; Fiore, F.; Kakkad, D.; Marconi, A.; Rosario, D.; Contini, T.; Lamareille, F. |
04-2016 |
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320 |
Polar dust obscuration in broad-line active galaxies from the XMM-XXL field |
Buat, V.;Mountrichas, G.;Yang, G.;Boquien, M.;Roehlly, Y.;Burgarella, D.;Stalevski, M.;Ciesla, L.;Theulé, P. |
10-2021 |
2021, A&A, 654, 93 |
2021A&A...654A..93B |
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321 |
Obscuration-dependent Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Buchner, Johannes; Georgakakis, Antonis; Nandra, Kirpal; Brightman, Murray; Menzel, Marie-Luise; Liu, Zhu; Hsu, Li-Ting; Salvato, Mara; Rangel, Cyprian; Aird, James; Merloni, Andrea; Ross, Nicholas |
04-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 802, 89 |
2015ApJ...802...89B |
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322 |
A Hot Mess: The Rich and Complex Soft Emitting Regions Surrounding the Reflection Dominated Flaring Central Engine of Mrk 1239 |
Buhariwalla, M. Z.;Gallo, L. C.;Mao, J.;Jiang, J.;Pothier-Bogoslowski, L. K.;Järvelä, E.;Komossa, S.;Grupe, D. |
08-2024 |
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The collisional and photoionized plasma in the polarized NLS1 galaxy Mrk 1239 |
Buhariwalla, Margaret Z.;Gallo, Luigi C.;Mao, J.;Komossa, S.;Jiang, J.;Gonzalez, A.;Grupe, D. |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 2378 |
2023MNRAS.521.2378B |
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Uncovering the Primary X-Ray Emission and Possible Starburst Component in the Polarized NLS1 Mrk 1239 |
Buhariwalla, Margaret Z.;Waddell, Sophia G. H.;Gallo, Luigi C.;Grupe, Dirk;Komossa, S. |
10-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 901, 118 |
2020ApJ...901..118B |
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0065790101 |
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Is there a UV/X-ray connection in IRAS 13224-3809? |
Buisson, D. J. K.; Lohfink, A. M.; Alston, W. N.; Cackett, E. M.; Chiang, C.-Y.; Dauser, T.; De Marco, B.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L. C.; García, J. A.; Jiang, J.; Kara, E.; Middleton, M. J.; Miniutti, G.; Parker, M. L.; Pinto, C.; Uttley, P.; Walton, D. J.; Wilkins, D. R. |
04-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 475, 2306 |
2018MNRAS.475.2306B |
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326 |
NuSTAR observations of Mrk 766: distinguishing reflection from absorption |
Buisson, D. J. K.; Parker, M. L.; Kara, E.; Vasudevan, R. V.; Lohfink, A. M.; Pinto, C.; Fabian, A. C.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Farrah, D.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 3689 |
2018MNRAS.480.3689B |
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0763790401, 0304030101, 0304030301 |
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Dwarf AGNs from Optical Variability for the Origins of Seeds (DAVOS): insights from the dark energy survey deep fields |
Burke, Colin J.;Liu, Xin;Shen, Yue;Phadke, Kedar A.;Yang, Qian;Hartley, Will G.;Harrison, Ian;Palmese, Antonella;Guo, Hengxiao;Zhang, Kaiwen;Kron, Richard;Turner, David J.;Giles, Paul A.;Lidman, Christopher;Chen, Yu-Ching;Gruendl, Robert A.;Choi, Ami;Amon, Alexandra;Sheldon, Erin;Aguena, M.;Allam, S.;Andrade-Oliveira, F.;Bacon, D.;Bertin, E.;Brooks, D.;Rosell, A. Carnero;Kind, M. Carrasco;Carretero, J.;Conselice, C.;Costanzi, M.;da Costa, L. N.;Pereira, M. E. S.;Davis, T. M.;De Vicente, J.;Desai, S.;Diehl, H. T.;Everett, S.;Ferrero, I.;Flaugher, B.;GarcÃa-Bellido, J.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gruen, D.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Hinton, S. R.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;Hoyle, B.;James, D. J.;Kuehn, K.;Maia, M. A. G.;Marshall, J. L.;Menanteau, F.;Miquel, R.;Morgan, R.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Pieres, A.;Malagón, A. A. Plazas;Reil, K.;Romer, A. K.;Sanchez, E.;Schubnell, M.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Smith, M.;Suchyta, E.;Tarle, G.;Thomas, D.;To, C.;Varga, T. N.;Wilkinson, R. D.;DES Collaboration |
10-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 516, 2736 |
2022MNRAS.516.2736B |
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328 |
Three-year Swift-BAT Survey of Active Galactic Nuclei: Reconciling Theory and Observations? |
Burlon, D.; Ajello, M.; Greiner, J.; Comastri, A.; Merloni, A.; Gehrels, N. |
02-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 728, 58 |
2011ApJ...728...58B |
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329 |
The XXL Survey. XXXI. Classification and host galaxy properties of 2.1 GHz ATCA XXL-S radio sources |
Butler, Andrew; Huynh, Minh; Delvecchio, Ivan; Kapinska, Anna; Ciliegi, Paolo; Jurlin, Nika; Delhaize, Jacinta; Smolcic, Vernesa; Desai, Shantanu; Fotopoulou, Sotiria; Lidman, Chris; Pierre, Marguerite; Plionis, Manolis |
11-2018 |
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330 |
The XXL Survey. XXXVI. Evolution and black hole feedback of high-excitation and low-excitation radio galaxies in XXL-S |
Butler, Andrew; Huynh, Minh; Kapinska, Anna; Delvecchio, Ivan; Smolcic, Vernesa; Chiappetti, Lucio; Koulouridis, Elias; Pierre, Marguerite |
05-2019 |
2019, A&A, 625, 111 |
2019A&A...625A.111B |
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331 |
Identifications of Five INTEGRAL Sources via Optical Spectroscopy |
Butler, Suzanne C.; Tomsick, John A.; Chaty, Sylvain; Heras, Juan A. Zurita; Rodriguez, Jerome; Walter, Roland; Kaaret, Philip; Kalemci, Emrah; Ãzbey, Mehtap |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 698, 502 |
2009ApJ...698..502B |
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Growing supermassive black holes in the late stages of galaxy mergers are heavily obscured |
C. Ricci., F. E. Bauer, E. Treister, K. Schawinski, G. C. Privon, L. Blecha, P. Arevalo, L. Armus, F. Harrison, L. C. Ho, K. Iwasawa, D. B. Sanders, D. Stern |
06-2017 |
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2017MNRAS.468.1273R |
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Testing the X-ray reverberation model KYNREFREV in a sample of Seyfert 1 Active Galactic Nuclei |
Caballero-García, M. D.; Papadakis, I. E.; Dovciak, M.; Bursa, M.; Epitropakis, A.; Karas, V.; Svoboda, J. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 2650 |
2018MNRAS.480.2650C |
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334 |
A combined timing/spectral study of IRAS 13224-3809 using XMM-Newton data |
Caballero-Garcia, M. D.;Papadakis, I. E.;Dovciak, M.;Bursa, M.;Svoboda, J.;Karas, V. |
08-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, 3184 |
2020MNRAS.498.3184C |
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The relationship between [O III]λ5007 Ã
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Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P. |
08-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 1928 |
2011MNRAS.415.1928C |
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336 |
The XMM-Newton HBS28 sample: Studying the obscuration in hard X-ray selected AGNs |
Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Maccacaro, T.; Wolter, A.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Lehmann, I.; Page, M. J.; Saxton, R.; Webb, N. A. |
03-2004 |
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337 |
Elusive AGN in the XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey |
Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R.; Maccacaro, T.; Carrera, F. J.; Page, M. J. |
08-2007 |
2007, A&A, 470, 557 |
2007A&A...470..557C |
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A Soft X-Ray Reverberation Lag in the AGN ESO 113--G010 |
Cackett, E. M.; Fabian, A. C.; Zogbhi, A.; Kara, E.; Reynolds, C.; Uttley, P. |
02-2013 |
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2013ApJ...764L...9C |
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0301890101 |
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A View of PKS 2155-304 with XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometers |
Cagnoni, I.; Nicastro, F.; Maraschi, L.; Treves, A.; Tavecchio, F. |
03-2004 |
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0080940101, 0080940301, 0080940401 |
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XMM-Newton observations of absorption features towards PKS 2155-304 |
Cagnoni, I.; Nicastro, F.; Maraschi, L.; Treves, A.; Tavecchio, F. |
10-2003 |
2003, NewAR, 47, 561 |
2003NewAR..47..561C |
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0080940101, 0080940401, 0080940301, 0080940501 |
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AGNfitter: A Bayesian MCMC Approach to Fitting Spectral Energy Distributions of AGNs |
Calistro Rivera, Gabriela; Lusso, Elisabeta; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Hogg, David W. |
12-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 833, 98 |
2016ApJ...833...98C |
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Missing cosmic metals revealed by X-ray absorption towards distant sources |
Campana, Sergio; Salvaterra, Ruben; Ferrara, Andrea; Pallottini, Andrea |
03-2015 |
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2015A&A...575A..43C |
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0143150301, 0143150601, 0112250201, 0555020201, 0123100101, 0123100201 |
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On the nature of red galaxies: the Chandra perspective |
Campisi, M. A.; Vignali, C.; Brusa, M.; Daddi, E.; Comastri, A.; Pozzetti, L.; Alexander, D. M.; Renzini, A.; Arimoto, N.; Kong, X. |
07-2009 |
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0057560301, 0148520101, 0148520301 |
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Relativistic blue- and red-shifted absorption lines in AGNs |
Cappi, M. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1012 |
2006AN....327.1012C |
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345 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VIII. XMM-Newton's EPIC detailed view of an unexpected variable multilayer absorber |
Cappi, M.; De Marco, B.; Ponti, G.; Ursini, F.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Bianchi, S.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Whewell, M.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Boissay, R.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Di Gesu, L.; Harrison, F. A.; Kaspi, S.; Matt, G.; Paltani, S.; Peterson, B. M.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Walton, D. J. |
07-2016 |
2016, A&A, 592, 27 |
2016A&A...592A..27C |
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0109960101, 0089960301, 0089960401, 0720110301, 0720110401, 0720110501, 0720110601, 0720110701, 0720110801, 0720110901, 0720111001, 0720111101, 0720111201, 0720111301, 0720111401, 0720111501, 0720111601 |
346 |
X-ray spectral survey with XMM-Newton of a complete sample of nearby Seyfert galaxies |
Cappi, M.; Panessa, F.; Bassani, L.; Dadina, M.; Dicocco, G.; Comastri, A.; della Ceca, R.; Filippenko, A. V.; Gianotti, F.; Ho, L. C.; Malaguti, G.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Piconcelli, E.; Sargent, W. L. W.; Stephen, J.; Trifoglio, M.; Weaver, K. A. |
02-2006 |
2006, A&A, 446, 459 |
2006A&A...446..459C |
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0112551501, 0112550201, 0111200101, 0085030101, 0111800101, 0110930201, 0112552001, 0101040301, 0112550101, 0112551401, 0157560101, 0112551201, 0112310101, 0112550501, 0110920101, 0110930301, 0112521901, 0112550601, 0112552101, 0112550801, 0112550301, 0112840101, 0112551001, 0112551101, 0112550401, 0112551301, 0112840201, 0112551701 |
347 |
X-ray evidence for a mildly relativistic and variable outflow in the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509 |
Cappi, M.; Tombesi, F.; Bianchi, S.; Dadina, M.; Giustini, M.; Malaguti, G.; Maraschi, L.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Petrucci, P. O.; Ponti, G.; Vignali, C.; Yaqoob, T. |
09-2009 |
2009, A&A, 504, 401 |
2009A&A...504..401C |
4 |
0130720101, 0130720201, 0306090101, 0306090201, 0306090301, 0306090401 |
348 |
A comprehensive approach to analyzing the XMM-Newton data of Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Cardaci, M. V.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Hägele, G. F.; Krongold, Y.; DÃaz, A. I.; RodrÃguez-Pascual, P. |
06-2011 |
2011, A&A, 530, 125 |
2011A&A...530A.125C |
4 |
0201130101, 0201130201, 0201130301, 0201130501 |
349 |
Characterization of the emitting and absorbing media around the nucleus of the active galaxy UGC 11763 using XMM-Newton data |
Cardaci, M. V.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Krongold, Y.; Hägele, G. F.; DÃaz, A. I.; RodrÃguez-Pascual, P. |
10-2009 |
2009, A&A, 505, 541 |
2009A&A...505..541C |
4 |
0150470701 |
350 |
A search for spectral features in the XMM-Newton observation of UGC 11763 |
Cardaci, M. V.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Krongold, Y.; RodrÃguez-Pascual, P.; Hägele, G. F.; DÃaz, A. I. |
04-2008 |
2008, RMxAC, 32, 135 |
2008RMxAC..32..135C |
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0150470701 |
351 |
A gas density drop in the inner 6 AU of the transition disk around the Herbig Ae star HD 139614 . Further evidence for a giant planet inside the disk? |
Carmona, A.; Thi, W. F.; Kamp, I.; Baruteau, C.; Matter, A.; van den Ancker, M.; Pinte, C.; Kóspál, A.; Audard, M.; Liebhart, A.; Sicilia-Aguilar, A.; Pinilla, P.; Regály, Zs.; Güdel, M.; Henning, Th.; Cieza, L. A.; Baldovin-Saavedra, C.; Meeus, G.; Eiroa, C. |
02-2017 |
2017, A&A, 598, 118 |
2017A&A...598A.118C |
4 |
0673540701 |
352 |
XMMU J134736.6+173403: an eclipsing LMXB in quiescence or a peculiar AGN? |
Carpano, S.; Altieri, B.; King, A. R.; Nucita, A.; Leisy, P. |
03-2008 |
2008, A&A, 480, 807 |
2008A&A...480..807C |
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0144570101 |
353 |
Discovery of a 23.8 h QPO in the Swift light curve of XMMU J134736.6+173403 |
Carpano, S.; Jin, C. |
07-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 477, 3178 |
2018MNRAS.477.3178C |
4 |
0144570101, 0651140201, 0651140301, 0651140401, 0651140501, 0671150501, 0671150601, 0671150701, 0671150801 |
354 |
XMM-Newton spectra of hard spectrum Rosat AGN: X-ray absorption and optical reddening |
Carrera, F. J.; Page, M. J.; Mittaz, J. P. D. |
06-2004 |
2004, A&A, 420, 163 |
2004A&A...420..163C |
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0061940101, 0061940201, 0061940301, 0061940901 |
355 |
A Large Population of Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei Lacking X-Ray Detections: Evidence for Heavy Obscuration? |
Carroll, Christopher M.;Hickox, Ryan C.;Masini, Alberto;Lanz, Lauranne;Assef, Roberto J.;Stern, Daniel;Chen, Chien-Ting J.;Ananna, Tonima T. |
02-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 908, 185 |
2021ApJ...908..185C |
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356 |
The QUEST--La Silla AGN Variability Survey |
Cartier, Régis; Lira, Paulina; Coppi, Paolo; Sánchez, Paula; Arévalo, Patricia; Bauer, Franz E.; Rabinowitz, David; Zinn, Robert; Muñoz, Ricardo R.; Meza, Nicolás |
09-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 810, 164 |
2015ApJ...810..164C |
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357 |
Exploring New Redshift Indicators for Radio-Powerful AGN |
Carvajal, Rodrigo;Matute, Israel;Afonso, José;Amarantidis, Stergios;Barbosa, Davi;Cunha, Pedro;Humphrey, Andrew |
10-2021 |
2021, Galax, 9, 86 |
2021Galax...9...86C |
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358 |
New Compton-thick AGN in the circumnuclear H2O maser hosts UGC 3789 and NGC 6264 |
Castangia, P.; Panessa, F.; Henkel, C.; Kadler, M.; Tarchi, A. |
12-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 436, 3388 |
2013MNRAS.436.3388C |
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0654800501, 0654800101, 0671900101, 0654800201, 0654800401 |
359 |
Water masers in Compton-thick AGN. II. The high detection rate and EVN observations of IRAS 15480-0344 |
Castangia, P.; Surcis, G.; Tarchi, A.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R. |
09-2019 |
2019, A&A, 629, 25 |
2019A&A...629A..25C |
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360 |
The X-ray luminous galaxies optically classified as star forming are mostly narrow line Seyfert 1 s |
Castelló-Mor, N.; Barcons, X.; Ballo, L.; Carrera, F. J.; Ward, M. J.; Jin, C. |
08-2012 |
2012, A&A, 544, 48 |
2012A&A...544A..48C |
4 |
361 |
Unveiling slim accretion disc in AGN through X-ray and Infrared observations |
Castelló-Mor, Núria; Kaspi, Shai; Netzer, Hagai; Du, Pu; Hu, Chen; Ho, Luis C.; Bai, Jin-Ming; Bian, Wei-Hao; Yuan, Ye-Fei; Wang, Jian-Min |
05-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 467, 1209 |
2017MNRAS.467.1209C |
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0761510101, 0761510201, 0761510301, 0761510401 |
362 |
The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. VI. Obscured AGN selected as infrared power-law galaxies |
Castelló-Mor, N.; Carrera, F. J.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Mateos, S.; Barcons, X.; Ranalli, P.; Pérez-González, P. G.; Comastri, A.; Vignali, C.; Georgantopoulos, I. |
08-2013 |
2013, A&A, 556, 114 |
2013A&A...556A.114C |
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363 |
The XXL Survey. XLIII. The quasar radio loudness dichotomy exposed via radio luminosity functions obtained by combining results from COSMOS and XXL-S X-ray selected quasars |
Ceraj, L.;SmolÄiÄ, V.;Delvecchio, I.;Butler, A.;TisaniÄ, K.;Delhaize, J.;Horellou, C.;Kartaltepe, J.;Kolokythas, K.;Leslie, S.;Marchesi, S.;Novak, M.;Pierre, M.;Plionis, M.;Vardoulaki, E.;Zamorani, G. |
10-2020 |
2020, A&A, 642, 125 |
2020A&A...642A.125C |
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364 |
Suzaku broad-band observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxies Mrk 509 and Mrk 841 |
Cerruti, M.; Ponti, G.; Boisson, C.; Costantini, E.; Longinotti, A. L.; Matt, G.; Mouchet, M.; Petrucci, P. O. |
11-2011 |
2011, A&A, 535, 113 |
2011A&A...535A.113C |
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365 |
X-ray time lags in AGN: inverse-Compton scattering and spherical corona model |
Chainakun, P.; Watcharangkool, A.; Young, A. J.; Hancock, S. |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 487, 667 |
2019MNRAS.487..667C |
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0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0554710801, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0206400101, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301, 0110890101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401 |
366 |
Ionized X-ray reverberation mapping: testing a light-bending model for 1H0707-495 |
Chainakun, P.; Young, A. J Ionized |
02-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 420, 1145 |
2012MNRAS.420.1145C |
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367 |
Investigating the X-ray time lags in PG 1244+026 using an extended corona model |
Chainakun, P.; Young, A. J. |
03-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 465, 3965 |
2017MNRAS.465.3965C |
4 |
0675320101 |
368 |
Simultaneous spectral and reverberation modelling of relativistic reflection in Mrk 335 |
Chainakun, P.; Young, A. J. |
09-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 452, 333 |
2015MNRAS.452..333C |
4 |
0306870101 |
369 |
Relativistic X-ray reverberation modelling of the combined time-averaged and lag-energy spectra in AGN |
Chainakun, P.; Young, A. J.; Kara, E. |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 3076 |
2016MNRAS.460.3076C |
4 |
0306870101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801 |
370 |
Predicting the black hole mass and correlations in X-ray reverberating AGNs using neural networks |
Chainakun, P.;Fongkaew, I.;Hancock, S.;Young, A. J. |
06-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 648 |
2022MNRAS.513..648C |
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371 |
Revealing the intrinsic X-ray reverberation lags in IRAS 13224-3809 through the Granger causality test |
Chainakun, P.;Nakhonthong, N.;Luangtip, W.;Young, A. J. |
07-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 523, 111 |
2023MNRAS.523..111C |
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0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780561301, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601 |
372 |
Mapping the X-Ray Corona Evolution of IRAS 13224-3809 with the Power Spectral Density |
Chainakun, Poemwai;Luangtip, Wasuthep;Jiang, Jiachen;Young, Andrew J. |
08-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 934, 166 |
2022ApJ...934..166C |
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0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601 |
373 |
Possible X-Ray Quasi-periodic Eruptions in a Tidal Disruption Event Candidate |
Chakraborty, Joheen;Kara, Erin;Masterson, Megan;Giustini, Margherita;Miniutti, Giovanni;Saxton, Richard |
11-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 921, L40 |
2021ApJ...921L..40C |
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0411980401, 0891800601 |
374 |
Broad-band spectral analysis of Mrk 926 using multi-epoch X-ray observations |
Chalise, S.;Lohfink, A. M.;Chauhan, J.;Russell, T. D.;Buisson, D. J. K.;Mallick, L. |
12-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 517, 4788 |
2022MNRAS.517.4788C |
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0790640101 |
375 |
Broadband X-Ray Observation of Broad-line Radio Galaxy 3C 109 |
Chalise, Sulov;Lohfink, Anne M.;Kara, Erin;Fabian, Andrew C. |
07-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 897, 47 |
2020ApJ...897...47C |
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0200910101, 0795600101 |
376 |
Joint XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of the reflection spectrum of III Zw 2 |
Chamani, Wara;Koljonen, Karri;Savolainen, Tuomas |
03-2020 |
2020, A&A, 635, 172 |
2020A&A...635A.172C |
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0795620101, 0127110201 |
377 |
The 3HSP catalogue of extreme and high-synchrotron peaked blazars |
Chang, Y. -L.;Arsioli, B.;Giommi, P.;Padovani, P.;Brandt, C. H. |
12-2019 |
2019, A&A, 632, 77 |
2019A&A...632A..77C |
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378 |
2WHSP: A multi-frequency selected catalogue of high energy and very high energy gamma-ray blazars and blazar candidates |
Chang, Y.-L.; Arsioli, B.; Giommi, P.; Padovani, P. |
01-2017 |
2017, A&A, 598, 17 |
2017A&A...598A..17C |
4 |
379 |
First science results from XMM and Chandra |
Charles, P. A. |
04-2002 |
2002, Obs, 122, 77 |
2002Obs...122...77C |
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380 |
XMM-Newton Reveals the Quasar Outflow in PG 1115+080 |
Chartas, G.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallagher, S. C. |
09-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 595, 85 |
2003ApJ...595...85C |
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0082340101 |
381 |
XMM-Newton and Chandra Spectroscopy of the Variable High-Energy Absorption of PG 1115+080: Refined Outflow Constraints |
Chartas, G.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallagher, S. C.; Proga, D. |
05-2007 |
2007, AJ, 133, 1849 |
2007AJ....133.1849C |
4 |
0145750101, 0203560201, 0082340101 |
382 |
The Wide-angle Outflow of the Lensed z = 1.51 AGN HS 0810+2554 |
Chartas, G.; Cappi, M.; Hamann, F.; Eracleous, M.; Strickland, S.; Giustini, M.; Misawa, T. |
06-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 824, 53 |
2016ApJ...824...53C |
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0728990101 |
383 |
Discovery of Probable Relativistic Fe Emission and Absorption in the Cloverleaf Quasar H 1413+117 |
Chartas, G.; Eracleous, M.; Dai, X.; Agol, E.; Gallagher, S. |
06-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 661, 678 |
2007ApJ...661..678C |
4 |
0112250301, 0112251301 |
384 |
Discovery of a double peaked Fe emission line in the Cloverleaf quasar H 1413+117 |
Chartas, G.; Eracleous, M.; Dai, X.; Agol, E.; Gallagher, S. C. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1063 |
2006AN....327.1063C |
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0112250301, 0112251301 |
385 |
Confirmation of and Variable Energy Injection by a Near-Relativistic Outflow in APM 08279+5255 |
Chartas, G.; Saez, C.; Brandt, W. N.; Giustini, M.; Garmire, G. P. |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 706, 644 |
2009ApJ...706..644C |
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0092800201, 0502220201, 0502220301 |
386 |
Multiphase Powerful Outflows Detected in High-z Quasars |
Chartas, G.;Cappi, M.;Vignali, C.;Dadina, M.;James, V.;Lanzuisi, G.;Giustini, M.;Gaspari, M.;Strickland, S.;Bertola, E. |
10-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 920, 24 |
2021ApJ...920...24C |
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0092800201, 0502220201, 0502220301, 0781210301, 0822530101, 0762520201, 0082340101, 0203560201, 0203560401, 0762520101, 0822530201, 0728990101, 0822530301, 0822530501 |
387 |
The Variable Relativistic Outflow of IRAS 13224--3809 |
Chartas, George; Canas, Manuel H. |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 867, 103 |
2018ApJ...867..103C |
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0792180601, 0792180501, 0792180401, 0792180301, 0792180201, 0792180101, 0780561701, 0780561601, 0780561501, 0780561401, 0780561301, 0780560101 |
388 |
Connection Between the Accretion Disk and Jet in the Radio Galaxy 3C 111 |
Chatterjee, Ritaban; Marscher, Alan P.; Jorstad, Svetlana G.; Markowitz, Alex; Rivers, Elizabeth; Rothschild, Richard E.; McHardy, Ian M.; Aller, Margo F.; Aller, Hugh D.; Lähteenmäki, Anne; Tornikoski, Merja; Harrison, Brandon; Agudo, Iván; Gómez, José L.; Taylor, Brian W.; Gurwell, Mark |
06-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 734, 43 |
2011ApJ...734...43C |
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389 |
Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 |
Chatterjee, Ritaban; Marscher, Alan P.; Jorstad, Svetlana G.; Olmstead, Alice R.; Mc Hardy, Ian M.; Aller, Margo F.; Aller, Hugh D.; Lähteenmäki, Anne; Tornikoski, Merja; Hovatta, Talvikki; Marshall, Kevin; Miller, H. Richard; Ryle, Wesley T.; Chicka, Benjamin; Benker, A. J.; Bottorff, Mark C.; Brokofsky, David; Campbell, Jeffrey S.; Chonis, Taylor S.; Gaskell, C. Martin; Gaynullina, Evelina R.; Grankin, Konstantin N.; Hedrick, Cecelia H.; Ibrahimov, Mansur A.; Klimek, Elizabeth S.; Kruse, Amanda K.; Masatoshi, Shoji; Miller, Thomas R.; Pan, Hong-Jian; Petersen, Eric A.; Peterson, Bradley W.; Shen, Zhiqiang; Strel'nikov, Dmitriy V.; Tao, Jun; Watkins, Aaron E.; Wheeler, Kathleen |
10-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 704, 1689 |
2009ApJ...704.1689C |
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390 |
Properties of the integrated spectrum of serendipitous 2XMM catalog sources |
Chaudhary, P.; Brusa, M.; Hasinger, G.; Merloni, A.; Comastri, A. |
07-2010 |
2010, A&A, 518, 58 |
2010A&A...518A..58C |
4 |
391 |
Rest-frame stacking of 2XMM catalog sources. Properties of the Fe K¿ line 01-2012 |
Chaudhary, P.; Brusa, M.; Hasinger, G.; Merloni, A.; Comastri, A.; Nandra, K. |
01-2012 |
2012, A&A, 537, 6 |
2012A&A...537A...6C |
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392 |
Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback and Entropy Injection in Galaxy Cluster Cores |
Chaudhuri, Anya; Majumdar, Subhabrata; Nath, Biman B. |
10-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 776, 84 |
2013ApJ...776...84C |
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393 |
Long-term X-ray variability characteristics of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396 |
Chaudhury, K.; Chitnis, V. R.; Rao, A. R.; Singh, K. P.; Bhattacharyya, Sudip; Dewangan, G. C.; Chakraborty, S.; Chandra, S.; Stewart, G. C.; Mukerjee, K.; Dey, R. K. |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 4830 |
2018MNRAS.478.4830C |
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0506440101 |
394 |
The 2QDES Pilot: the luminosity and redshift dependence of quasar clustering |
Chehade, Ben; Shanks, T.; Findlay, J.; Metcalfe, N.; Sawangwit, U.; Irwin, M.; González-Solares, E.; Fine, S.; Drinkwater, M. J.; Croom, S.; Jurek, R. J.; Parkinson, D.; Bielby, R. |
06-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 459, 1179 |
2016MNRAS.459.1179C |
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0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
395 |
The XMM-SERVS survey: new XMM-Newton point-source catalogue for the XMM-LSS field |
Chen, C.-T. J.; Brandt, W. N.; Luo, B.; Ranalli, P.; Yang, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Bauer, F. E.; Kelson, D. D.; Lacy, M.; Nyland, K.; Tozzi, P.; Vito, F.; Cirasuolo, M.; Gilli, R.; Jarvis, M. J.; Lehmer, B. D.; Paolillo, M.; Schneider, D. P.; Shemmer, O.; Smail, I.; Sun, M.; Tanaka, M.; Vaccari, M.; Vignali, C.; Xue, Y. Q.; Banerji, M.; Chow, K. E.; Häußler, B.; Norris, R. P.; Silverman, J. D.; Trump, J. R. |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 2132 |
2018MNRAS.478.2132C |
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396 |
Hard X-Ray-selected AGNs in Low-mass Galaxies from the NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey |
Chen, C.-T. J.; Brandt, W. N.; Reines, A. E.; Lansbury, G.; Stern, D.; Alexander, D. M.; Bauer, F.; Del Moro, A.; Gandhi, P.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Koss, M. J.; Lanz, L.; Luo, B.; Mullaney, J. R.; Ricci, C.; Trump, J. R. |
03-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 837, 48 |
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397 |
Erratum: ``The X-Ray and Mid-infrared Luminosities in Luminous Type 1 Quasars'' (2017, ApJ, 837, 145) |
Chen, Chien-Ting J.; Hickox, Ryan C.; Goulding, Andrew D.; Stern, Daniel; Assef, Roberto; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Brown, Michael J. I.; Harrison, Chris M.; Hainline, Kevin N.; Alberts, Stacey; Alexander, David M.; Brodwin, Mark; Del Moro, Agnese; Forman, William R.; Gorjian, Varoujan; Jones, Christine; Murray, Stephen S.; Pope, Alexandra; Rovilos, Emmanouel |
10-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 847, 145 |
2017ApJ...847..145C |
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398 |
The X-Ray and Mid-infrared Luminosities in Luminous Type 1 Quasars |
Chen, Chien-Ting J.; Hickox, Ryan C.; Goulding, Andrew D.; Stern, Daniel; Assef, Roberto; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Brown, Michael J. I.; Harrison, Chris M.; Hainline, Kevin N.; Alberts, Stacey; Alexander, David M.; Brodwin, Mark; Del Moro, Agnese; Forman, William R.; Gorjian, Varoujan; Jones, Christine; Murray, Stephen S.; Pope, Alexandra; Rovilos, Emmanouel |
03-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 837, 145 |
2017ApJ...837..145C |
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399 |
The Central Engines of Two Unusual Radio-intermediate/Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei: III Zw 2 and PG 1407+265 |
Chen, Liang; Cao, Xinwu; Bai, J. M. |
04-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 748, 119 |
2012ApJ...748..119C |
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400 |
A Large Jet Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy: Observations from Parsec to 100 kpc Scales |
Chen, Sina;Kharb, Preeti;Silpa, Sasikumar;Nandi, Sumana;Berton, Marco;Järvelä, Emilia;Laor, Ari;Behar, Ehud;Foschini, Luigi;Vietri, Amelia;Gu, Minfeng;La Mura, Giovanni;Crepaldi, Luca;Zhou, Minhua |
03-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 963, 32 |
2024ApJ...963...32C |
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401 |
The radio emission in radio-quiet quasars: the VLBA perspective |
Chen, Sina;Laor, Ari;Behar, Ehud;Baldi, Ranieri D.;Gelfand, Joseph D. |
10-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 164 |
2023MNRAS.525..164C |
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402 |
2003-2005 INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations of 3C 273 |
Chernyakova, M.; Neronov, A.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Türler, M.; Soldi, S.; Beckmann, V.; Lubinski, P.; Walter, R.; Page, K. L.; Stuhlinger, M.; Staubert, R.; McHardy, I. M. |
04-2007 |
2007, A&A, 465, 147 |
2007A&A...465..147C |
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0136550801, 0159960101, 0136551001, 0112771101, 0136550501 |
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Variability studies and modelling of the blazar PKS 2155-304 in the light of a decade of multi-wavelength observations |
Chevalier, J.; Sanchez, D. A.; Serpico, P. D.; Lenain, J.-P.; Maurin, G. |
03-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 484, 749 |
2019MNRAS.484..749C |
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404 |
The role of absorption and reflection in the soft X-ray excess of Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Preliminary results |
Chevallier, L.; Collin, S.; Dumont, A.-M.; Czerny, B.; Mouchet, M.; Gonçalves, A. C.; Goosmann, R. |
04-2006 |
2006, A&A, 449, 493 |
2006A&A...449..493C |
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405 |
Response of the warm absorber cloud to a variable nuclear flux in active galactic nuclei |
Chevallier, L.; Czerny, B.; Róanska, A.; Gonçalves, A. C. |
06-2007 |
2007, A&A, 467, 971 |
2007A&A...467..971C |
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0111570101, 0111570201, 0111570401, 0111570501 |
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X-ray lags in PDS 456 revealed by Suzaku observations |
Chiang, Chia-Ying; Cackett, E. M.; Zoghbi, A.; Fabian, A. C.; Kara, E.; Parker, M. L.; Reynolds, C. S.; Walton, D. J. |
12-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 472, 1473 |
2017MNRAS.472.1473C |
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407 |
Modelling the broad-band spectra of MCG-6-30-15 with a relativistic reflection model |
Chiang, Chia-Ying; Fabian, A. C. |
07-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 414, 2345 |
2011MNRAS.414.2345C |
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0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
408 |
Modelling the extreme X-ray spectrum of IRAS 13224-3809 |
Chiang, Chia-Ying; Walton, D. J.; Fabian, A. C.; Wilkins, D. R.; Gallo, L. C. |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 759 |
2015MNRAS.446..759C |
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0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401 |
409 |
The X-ray/UV ratio in active galactic nuclei: dispersion and variability |
Chiaraluce, E.; Vagnetti, F.; Tombesi, F.; Paolillo, M. |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 619, 95 |
2018A&A...619A..95C |
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410 |
A Population of Bona Fide Intermediate-mass Black Holes Identified as Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei |
Chilingarian, Igor V.; Katkov, Ivan Yu.; Zolotukhin, Ivan Yu.; Grishin, Kirill A.; Beletsky, Yuri; Boutsia, Konstantina; Osip, David J. |
08-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 863, 1 |
2018ApJ...863....1C |
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0795711301, 0795711401 |
411 |
Testing the Kerr Metric with X-Ray Reflection Spectroscopy of Mrk 335 Suzaku Data |
Choudhury, Kishalay; Nampalliwar, Sourabh; Abdikamalov, Askar B.; Ayzenberg, Dimitry; Bambi, Cosimo; Dauser, Thomas; García, Javier A. |
07-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 879, 80 |
2019ApJ...879...80C |
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0101040101, 0101040701, 0306870101, 0510010701, 0600540601, 0600540501, 0741280201 |
412 |
The downward X-ray spectrum of PKS 2155-304 in the inner jet description |
Ciprini, Stefano |
10-2003 |
2003, NewAR, 47, 709 |
2003NewAR..47..709C |
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413 |
SUPER. IV. CO(J = 3-2) properties of active galactic nucleus hosts at cosmic noon revealed by ALMA |
Circosta, C.;Mainieri, V.;Lamperti, I.;Padovani, P.;Bischetti, M.;Harrison, C. M.;Kakkad, D.;Zanella, A.;Vietri, G.;Lanzuisi, G.;Salvato, M.;Brusa, M.;Carniani, S.;Cicone, C.;Cresci, G.;Feruglio, C.;Husemann, B.;Mannucci, F.;Marconi, A.;Perna, M.;Piconcelli, E.;Puglisi, A.;Saintonge, A.;Schramm, M.;Vignali, C.;Zappacosta, L. |
02-2021 |
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2021A&A...646A..96C |
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0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
414 |
Secular Evolution and a Non-evolving Black-hole-to-galaxy Mass Ratio in the Last 7 Gyr |
Cisternas, Mauricio; Jahnke, Knud; Bongiorno, Angela; Inskip, Katherine J.; Impey, Chris D.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Merloni, Andrea; Salvato, Mara; Trump, Jonathan R. |
11-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 741, L11 |
2011ApJ...741L..11C |
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415 |
The Bulk of the Black Hole Growth Since z ~ 1 Occurs in a Secular Universe: No Major Merger-AGN Connection |
Cisternas, Mauricio; Jahnke, Knud; Inskip, Katherine J.; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lisker, Thorsten; Robaina, Aday R.; Scodeggio, Marco; Sheth, Kartik; Trump, Jonathan R.; Andrae, René; Miyaji, Takamitsu; Lusso, Elisabeta; Brusa, Marcella; Capak, Peter; Cappelluti, Nico; Civano, Francesca; Ilbert, Olivier; Impey, Chris D.; Leauthaud, Alexie; Lilly, Simon J.; Salvato, Mara; Scoville, Nick Z.; Taniguchi, Yoshi |
01-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 726, 57 |
2011ApJ...726...57C |
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416 |
The Population of High-redshift Active Galactic Nuclei in the Chandra-COSMOS Survey |
Civano, F.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Elvis, M.; Salvato, M.; Zamorani, G.; Capak, P.; Fiore, F.; Gilli, R.; Hao, H.; Ikeda, H.; Kakazu, Y.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Masters, D.; Miyaji, T.; Mignoli, M.; Puccetti, S.; Shankar, F.; Silverman, J.; Vignali, C.; Zezas, A.; Koekemoer, A. M. |
11-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 741, 91 |
2011ApJ...741...91C |
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417 |
A Runaway Black Hole in COSMOS: Gravitational Wave or Slingshot Recoil? |
Civano, F.; Elvis, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Jahnke, K.; Zamorani, G.; Blecha, L.; Bongiorno, A.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Hao, H.; Leauthaud, A.; Loeb, A.; Mainieri, V.; Piconcelli, E.; Salvato, M.; Scoville, N.; Trump, J.; Vignali, C.; Aldcroft, T.; Bolzonella, M.; Bressert, E.; Finoguenov, A.; Fruscione, A.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Cappelluti, N.; Fiore, F.; Giodini, S.; Gilli, R.; Impey, C. D.; Lilly, S. J.; Lusso, E.; Puccetti, S.; Silverman, J. D.; Aussel, H.; Capak, P.; Frayer, D.; Le Floch, E.; McCracken, H. J.; Sanders, D. B.; Schiminovich, D.; Taniguchi, Y. |
07-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 717, 209 |
2010ApJ...717..209C |
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418 |
The HELLAS2XMM survey. XI. Unveiling the nature of X-ray bright optically normal galaxies |
Civano, F.; Mignoli, M.; Comastri, A.; Vignali, C.; Fiore, F.; Pozzetti, L.; Brusa, M.; La Franca, F.; Matt, G.; Puccetti, S.; Cocchia, F. |
12-2007 |
2007, A&A, 476, 1223 |
2007A&A...476.1223C |
4,5 |
0098010101, 0122520201, 0125310101, 0147330201 |
419 |
Long observations of the BALQSO LBQS 2212-1759 with XMM-Newton |
Clavel, J.; Schartel, N.; Tomas, L. |
02-2006 |
2006, A&A, 446, 439 |
2006A&A...446..439C |
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0106660101, 0106660201, 0106660401, 0106660501, 0106660601 |
420 |
NuSTAR Observations of the Unidentified INTEGRAL Sources: Constraints on the Galactic Population of HMXBs |
Clavel, Maïca;Tomsick, John A.;Hare, Jeremy;Krivonos, Roman;Mori, Kaya;Stern, Daniel |
12-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 887, 32 |
2019ApJ...887...32C |
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421 |
Absorption at the dust sublimation radius and the dichotomy between X-ray and optical classification in the Seyfert galaxy H0557-385 |
Coffey, D.; Longinotti, A. L.; Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Guainazzi, M.; Miniutti, G.; Bianchi, S.; de la Calle, I.; Piconcelli, E.; Ballo, L.; Linares, M. |
09-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 443, 1788 |
2014MNRAS.443.1788C |
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0109130501, 0109131001, 0404260101, 0404260301, 0651530201, 0651530301, 0651530401 |
422 |
SDSS-IV/SPIDERS: A catalogue of X-ray selected AGN properties. Spectral properties and black hole mass estimates for SPIDERS SDSS DR14 type 1 AGN |
Coffey, D.; Salvato, M.; Merloni, A.; Boller, Th.; Nandra, K.; Dwelly, T.; Comparat, J.; Schulze, A.; Del Moro, A.; Schneider, D. P. |
05-2019 |
2019, A&A, 625, 123 |
2019A&A...625A.123C |
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423 |
Accretion history of AGN: Estimating the host galaxy properties in X-ray luminous AGN from z = 0-3 |
Coleman, Brandon;Kirkpatrick, Allison;Cooke, Kevin C.;Glikman, Eilat;La Massa, Stephanie;Marchesi, Stefano;Peca, Alessandro;Treister, Ezequiel;Auge, Connor;Urry, C. Megan;Sanders, Dave;Turner, Tracey Jane;Ananna, Tonima Tasnim |
09-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 515, 82 |
2022MNRAS.515...82C |
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424 |
Reaching the peak of the quasar spectral energy distribution - I. Observations and models |
Collinson, James S.; Ward, Martin J.; Done, Chris; Landt, Hermine; Elvis, Martin; McDowell, Jonathan C. |
05-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 449, 2174 |
2015MNRAS.449.2174C |
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425 |
Reaching the peak of the quasar spectral energy distribution - II. Exploring the accretion disc, dusty torus and host galaxy |
Collinson, James S.; Ward, Martin J.; Landt, Hermine; Done, Chris; Elvis, Martin; McDowell, Jonathan C. |
02-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 465, 358 |
2017MNRAS.465..358C |
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426 |
The broad-band SEDs of four `hypervariable' AGN |
Collinson, James S.; Ward, Martin J.; Lawrence, Andy; Bruce, Alastair; MacLeod, Chelsea L.; Elvis, Martin; Gezari, Suvi; Marshall, Philip J.; Done, Chris |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 3565 |
2018MNRAS.474.3565C |
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0724440101, 0724440601, 0724440801, 0724440401, 0724440901, 0724441001 |
427 |
Extragalactic X-ray surveys: AGN physics and evolution |
Comastri, A.; Brusa, M. |
02-2008 |
2008, AN, 329, 122 |
2008AN....329..122C |
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428 |
Mass without radiation: Heavily obscured AGNs, the X-ray background, and the black hole mass density |
Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Marconi, A.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M. |
02-2015 |
2015, A&A, 574, L10 |
2015A&A...574L..10C |
4 |
0106660101, 0109661001, 0111110101, 0111110301, 0111550401, 0112370101, 0112370301, 0123700201 |
429 |
Suzaku Observations of Hard X-ray-selected Seyfert 2 Galaxies |
Comastri, A.; Iwasawa, K.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Ranalli, P.; Matt, G.; Fiore, F. |
07-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 717, 787 |
2010ApJ...717..787C |
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430 |
Discovery of a deep Seyfert-2 galaxy at z = 0.222 behind NGC 300 |
Combi, J. A.; García, F.; Rodríguez, M. J.; Gamen, R.; Cellone, S. A. |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 1640 |
2016MNRAS.460.1640C |
4 |
0112800201, 0112800101, 0305860301, 0656780401 |
431 |
1.75 h â1 kpc Separation Dual Active Galactic Nuclei at z = 0.36 in the Cosmos Field |
Comerford, Julia M.; Griffith, Roger L.; Gerke, Brian F.; Cooper, Michael C.; Newman, Jeffrey A.; Davis, Marc; Stern, Daniel |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 702, L82 |
2009ApJ...702L..82C |
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432 |
The final SDSS-IV/SPIDERS X-ray point source spectroscopic catalogue |
Comparat, J.;Merloni, A.;Dwelly, T.;Salvato, M.;Schwope, A.;Coffey, D.;Wolf, J.;Arcodia, R.;Liu, T.;Buchner, J.;Nandra, K.;Georgakakis, A.;Clerc, N.;Brusa, M.;Brownstein, J. R.;Schneider, D. P.;Pan, K.;Bizyaev, D. |
04-2020 |
2020, A&A, 636, 97 |
2020A&A...636A..97C |
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433 |
Improving statistical sensitivity of X-ray searches for axion-like particles |
Conlon, Joseph P.; Rummel, Markus |
04-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 484, 3573 |
2019MNRAS.484.3573C |
4 |
434 |
X-Ray Evidence Against the Hypothesis that the Hyperluminous z = 6.3 Quasar J0100+2802 is Lensed |
Connor, Thomas;Stern, Daniel;Bañados, Eduardo;Mazzucchelli, Chiara |
12-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 922, L24 |
2021ApJ...922L..24C |
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0790180701 |
435 |
Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems. VII. XMM-Newton Observations of Lensed Quasars |
Connor, Thomas;Stern, Daniel;Krone-Martins, Alberto;Djorgovski, S. G.;Graham, Matthew J.;Walton, Dominic J.;Delchambre, Ludovic;Ducourant, Christine;Teixeira, Ramachrisna;Campion, Jean-François Le;den Brok, Jakob Sebastian;Dobie, Dougal;Galluccio, Laurent;Jalan, Priyanka;Klioner, Sergei A.;Klüter, Jonas;Mahabal, Ashish A.;Negi, Vibhore;Nierenberg, Anna;Petit, Quentin;Scarano, Sergio, Jr.;Slezak, Eric;Sluse, Dominique;SpÃndola-Duarte, Carolina;Surdej, Jean;Wambsganss, Joachim |
03-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 927, 45 |
2022ApJ...927...45C |
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0864620401, 0864620501, 0864620701, 0864621301, 0864622501, 0864621501, 0864621701, 0864621901, 0864622001, 0864620801 |
436 |
Distribution of the heavy elements throughout the extended narrow-line region of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7212 |
Contini, M.; Cracco, V.; Ciroi, S.; La Mura, G. |
09-2012 |
2012, A&A, 545, 72 |
2012A&A...545A..72C |
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437 |
Dying of the Light: An X-Ray Fading Cold Quasar at z â¼ 0.405 |
Cooke, Kevin C.;Kirkpatrick, Allison;Estrada, Michael;Messias, Hugo;Peca, Alessandro;Cappelluti, Nico;Ananna, Tonima Tasnim;Brewster, Jason;Glikman, Eilat;LaMassa, Stephanie;Daisy Leung, T. K.;Trump, Jonathan R.;Jane Turner, Tracey;Urry, C. Megan |
11-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 903, 106 |
2020ApJ...903..106C |
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438 |
Simultaneous X-ray and optical spectroscopy of the Seyfert galaxy Mrk 993 |
Corral, A.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Mateos, S. |
02-2005 |
2005, A&A, 431, 97 |
2005A&A...431...97C |
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0201090401 |
439 |
The X-ray spectral properties of the AGN population in the XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey |
Corral, A.; Della Ceca, R.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Brunner, H.; Carrera, F. J.; Page, M. J.; Schwope, A. D. |
06-2011 |
2011, A&A, 530, 42 |
2011A&A...530A..42C |
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0125310101, 0101040101, 0111000101, 0001930101, 0050140201, 0065770101, 0125920201, 0125320701, 0112650401, 0301890101, 0025540101, 0113040801, 0109860101, 0112600601, 0112630201, 0084230301, 0111430101, 0032140401, 0093641001, 0101640201, 0084140101, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0109520501, 0111110201, 0103861101, 0098810101, 0305370101, 0111200201, 0056020301, 0041170101, 0042340501, 0122520201, 0110970101, 0129320801, 0105660101, 0108060501, 0111320101, 0055140101, 0400620101, 0111970301, 0103861701, 0112880401, 0111160201, 0103860701, 0094400101, 0206390101, 0085640101, 0050150301, 0009220601, 0103860101, 0061540101, 0112980201, 0400070301, 0123100101, 0111100301, 0094530401, 0092800201, 0025540301, 0111400101, 0107860501, 0085030101, 0110660201, 0084230601, 0017540101, 0111290101, 0065790101, 0070940101, 0112850101, 0111290201, 0041170201, 0147760101, 0070340201, 0086750101, 0028740301, 0101040301, 0108670101, 0102040301, 0112810301, 0059800101, 0125300101, 0055990201, 0147511001, 0147511801, 0094800101, 0112630101, 0082140301, 0111290401, 0093641101, 0107860201, 0102040201, 0042341001, 0112210501, 0112551401, 0090020101, 0109141401, 0112610101, 0124110101, 0110990201, 0124900101, 0111550101, 0111550401, 0136950201, 0051760101, 0060370201, 0203270301, 0081340201, 0002940101, 0093640401, 0100240201, 0402080301, 0035940301, 0112250201, 0109910101, 0098010101, 0092850101, 0013140101, 0112250301, 0127921001, 0109960101, 0111850201, 0111530101, 0057560301, 0067750101, 0205340401, 0018741001, 0100240801, 0112190401, 0067340601, 0103460801, 0103461001, 0061940301, 0112230301, 0049540101, 0400920201, 0067340501, 0113070101, 0111060101, 0102040101, 0067340101, 0081341001, 0111180201, 0111510101, 0112600501, 0083210101, 0112190601, 0081340401, 0041150101, 0038540301, 0088020201, 0103060101, 0109463501, 0092850201, 0061940201, 0008830101, 0103060401, 0130920101, 0012440301, 0106660101, 0009650201, 0103861201, 0111790101, 0103860301, 0112240101, 0081340901, 0109130701, 0033541001, 0025541001, 0123900101, 0079940101, 0093640701, 0093550401, 0100241001 |
440 |
Searching for highly obscured AGNs in the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalog |
Corral, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Watson, M. G.; Rosen, S. R.; Koulouridis, E.; Page, K. L.; Ranalli, P.; Lanzuisi, G.; Mountrichas, G.; Akylas, A.; Stewart, G. C.; Pye, J. P. |
09-2014 |
2014, A&A, 569, 71 |
2014A&A...569A..71C |
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441 |
Average Fe Kα emission from distant AGN |
Corral, A.; Page, M. J.; Carrera, F. J.; Barcons, X.; Mateos, S.; Ebrero, J.; Krumpe, M.; Schwope, A.; Tedds, J. A.; Watson, M. G. |
12-2008 |
2008, A&A, 492, 71 |
2008A&A...492...71C |
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442 |
SDSS-IV MaNGA: Identification and multiwavelength properties of Type-1 AGN in the DR15 sample |
Cortes-Suárez, Edgar;Negrete, C. A.;Hernández-Toledo, H. M.;Ibarra-Medel, H.;Lacerna, I. |
08-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 514, 3626 |
2022MNRAS.514.3626C |
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443 |
A longer XMM-Newton look at IZwicky1: physical conditions and variability of the ionized absorbers |
Costantini, E.; Gallo, L. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Boller, Th. |
07-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 378, 873 |
2007MNRAS.378..873C |
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0300470101 |
444 |
XMM-Newton unveils the complex iron Kα region of Mrk 279 |
Costantini, E.; Kaastra, J. S.; Korista, K.; Ebrero, J.; Arav, N.; Kriss, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
03-2010 |
2010, A&A, 512, 25 |
2010A&A...512A..25C |
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0302480401, 0302480601, 0302480501 |
445 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. XV. Global modeling of the broad emission lines in the optical, UV, and X-ray bands |
Costantini, E.; Kriss, G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; De Marco, B.; Ebrero, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Paltani, S.; Ponti, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Arav, N. |
11-2016 |
2016, A&A, 595, 106 |
2016A&A...595A.106C |
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446 |
Short-timescale X-ray spectral variability in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 |
Costanzo, D.;Dadina, M.;Vignali, C.;De Marco, B.;Cappi, M.;Petrucci, P. O.;Bianchi, S.;Kriss, G. A.;Kaastra, J. S.;Mehdipour, M.;Behar, E.;Matzeu, G. A. |
03-2022 |
2022, A&A, 659, 161 |
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0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0780860901, 0780861001 |
447 |
Simultaneous observations of the quasar 3C 273 with INTEGRAL and RXTE |
Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Beckmann, V.; Bourban, G.; Chenevez, J.; Chernyakova, M.; Deluit, S.; Favre, P.; Grindlay, J. E.; Lund, N.; O'Brien, P.; Page, K.; Produit, N.; Türler, M.; Turner, M. J. L.; Staubert, R.; Stuhlinger, M.; Walter, R.; Zdziarski, A. A. |
11-2003 |
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448 |
New Insights into the Spectral Variability and Physical Conditions of the X-Ray Absorbers in NGC 4151 |
Couto, J. D.; Kraemer, S. B.; Turner, T. J.; Crenshaw, D. M. |
12-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 833, 191 |
2016ApJ...833..191C |
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0112830201, 0112830501 |
449 |
ZFOURGE catalogue of AGN candidates: an enhancement of 160-mum-derived star formation rates in active galaxies to z = 3.2 |
Cowley, Michael J.; Spitler, Lee R.; Tran, Kim-Vy H.; Rees, Glen A.; Labbé, Ivo; Allen, Rebecca J.; Brammer, Gabriel B.; Glazebrook, Karl; Hopkins, Andrew M.; Juneau, Stéphanie; Kacprzak, Glenn G.; Mullaney, James R.; Nanayakkara, Themiya; Papovich, Casey; Quadri, Ryan F.; Straatman, Caroline M. S.; Tomczak, Adam R.; van Dokkum, Pieter G. |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 629 |
2016MNRAS.457..629C |
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450 |
A Simple Method for Predicting N <SUB>H</SUB> Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Cox, Isaiah S.;Torres-Albà , Núria;Marchesi, Stefano;Zhao, Xiurui;Ajello, Marco;Pizzetti, Andrealuna;Silver, Ross |
12-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 958, 155 |
2023ApJ...958..155C |
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451 |
Feedback from Mass Outflows in Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Ultraviolet and X-Ray Absorbers |
Crenshaw, D. M.; Kraemer, S. B. |
07-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 753, 75 |
2012ApJ...753...75C |
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452 |
Investigating the Star Formation Rates of Active Galactic Nucleus Hosts Relative to the Star-forming Main Sequence |
Cristello, Nathan;Zou, Fan;Brandt, W. N.;Chen, Chien-Ting J.;Leja, Joel;Ni, Qingling;Yang, Guang |
02-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 962, 156 |
2024ApJ...962..156C |
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453 |
X-ray emission from the nuclei, lobes and hot-gas environments of two FR II radio galaxies |
Croston, J. H.; Birkinshaw, M.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Worrall, D. M. |
09-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 353, 879 |
2004MNRAS.353..879C |
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454 |
Evidence for radio-source heating of groups |
Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Birkinshaw, M. |
02-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 357, 279 |
2005MNRAS.357..279C |
3,4 |
0056340101 |
455 |
XMM-Newton observations of the hot-gas atmospheres of 3C 66B and 3C 449 |
Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Worrall, D. M. |
12-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 346, 1041 |
2003MNRAS.346.1041C |
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0002970101, 0002970201 |
456 |
An XMM-Newton study of the environments, particle content and impact of low-power radio galaxies |
Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Worrall, D. M.; Laing, R. A. |
05-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 386, 1709 |
2008MNRAS.386.1709C |
3,4 |
0305290201, 0305290101, 0002970201, 0201860301, 0201860201, 0056340101, 0201860101, 0056340201, 0002970101 |
457 |
An X-Ray Study of Magnetic Field Strengths and Particle Content in the Lobes of FR II Radio Sources |
Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Harris, D. E.; Belsole, E.; Birkinshaw, M.; Worrall, D. M. |
06-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 626, 733 |
2005ApJ...626..733C |
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458 |
Investigating ionized disc models of the variable narrow-line Seyfert 1 PG 1404+226 |
Crummy, J.; Fabian, A. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Boller, Th. |
08-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 361, 1197 |
2005MNRAS.361.1197C |
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459 |
An explanation for the soft X-ray excess in active galactic nuclei |
Crummy, J.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L.; Ross, R. R. |
02-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 365, 1067 |
2006MNRAS.365.1067C |
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460 |
The nature of the intranight variability of radio-quiet quasars |
Czerny, B.; Siemiginowska, A.; Janiuk, A.; Gupta, A. C. |
05-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 386, 1557 |
2008MNRAS.386.1557C |
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0147190101, 0300890101 |
461 |
The mass of the black hole in RE J1034+396 |
Czerny, B.; You, B.; Kurcz, A.; Sredzinska, J.; Hryniewicz, K.; Nikolajuk, M.; Krupa, M.; Wang, J.-M.; Hu, C.; Zycki, P. T. |
10-2016 |
2016, A&A, 594, 102 |
2016A&A...594A.102C |
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0506440101, 0506440201 |
462 |
XMM-Newton observations of 4 luminous radio-quiet AGN, and the soft X-ray excess problem |
D'Ammando, F.; Bianchi, S.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Matt, G. |
05-2008 |
2008, A&A, 482, 499 |
2008A&A...482..499D |
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0301450101, 0301450201, 0301450301, 0301450401 |
463 |
Multiwavelength observations of the gamma-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 in 2011 |
D'Ammando, F.; Larsson, J.; Orienti, M.; Raiteri, C. M.; Angelakis, E.; Carramiñana, A.; Carrasco, L.; Drake, A. J.; Fuhrmann, L.; Giroletti, M.; Hovatta, T.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Porras, A.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Recillas, E.; Richards, J. L. |
03-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 438, 3521 |
2014MNRAS.438.3521D |
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0673730101 |
464 |
High-energy properties of the high-redshift flat spectrum radio quasar PKS 2149-306 |
D'Ammando, F.; Orienti, M. |
01-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 455, 1881 |
2016MNRAS.455.1881D |
4 |
0103060401 |
465 |
The awakening of the gamma-ray narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 1502+036 |
D'Ammando, F.; Orienti, M.; Finke, J.; Hovatta, T.; Giroletti, M.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Pearson, T. J.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Reeves, R. A.; Richards, J. L. |
12-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 463, 4469 |
2016MNRAS.463.4469D |
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0690090101 |
466 |
The most powerful flaring activity from the NLSy1 PMN J0948+0022 |
D'Ammando, F.; Orienti, M.; Finke, J.; Raiteri, C. M.; Hovatta, T.; Larsson, J.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Perkins, J.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Richards, J. L.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Berger, K.; Bird, R.; Bugaev, V.; Cardenzana, J. V.; Cerruti, M.; Chen, X.; Ciupik, L.; Dickinson, H. J.; Eisch, J. D.; Errando, M.; Falcone, A.; Finley, J. P.; Fleischhack, H.; Fortin, P.; Fortson, L.; Furniss, A.; Gerard, L.; Gillanders, G. H.; Griffiths, S. T.; Grube, J.; Gyuk, G.; Håkansson, N.; Holder, J.; Humensky, T. B.; Kar, P.; Kertzman, M.; Khassen, Y.; Kieda, D.; Krennrich, F.; Kumar, S.; Lang, M. J.; Maier, G.; McCann, A.; Meagher, K.; Moriarty, P.; Mukherjee, R.; Nieto, D.; de Bhróithe, A. O'Faoláin; Ong, R. A.; Otte, A. N.; Pohl, M.; Popkow, A.; Prokoph, H.; Pueschel, E.; Quinn, J.; Ragan, K.; Reynolds, P. T.; Richards, G. T.; Roache, E.; Rousselle, J.; Santander, M.; Sembroski, G. H.; Smith, A. W.; Staszak, D.; Telezhinsky, I.; Tucci, J. V.; Tyler, J.; Varlotta, A.; Vassiliev, V. V.; Wakely, S. P.; Weinstein, A.; Welsing, R.; Williams, D. A.; Zitzer, B. |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 2456 |
2015MNRAS.446.2456D |
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0673730101 |
467 |
The nuclear environment of NGC 2442: a Compton-thick low-luminosity AGN |
da Silva, PatrÃcia;Menezes, R. B.;DÃaz, Y.;López-Navas, Elena;Steiner, J. E. |
07-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 505, 223 |
2021MNRAS.505..223D |
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0794580101 |
468 |
A closer look at NGC 7314 nuclear region: a multiwavelength analysis of the Seyfert nucleus and its surroundings |
da Silva, PatrÃcia;Menezes, R. B.;DÃaz, Y.;RodrÃguez-Ardila, A.;López-Navas, E.;Arévalo, P.;Hernández-GarcÃa, L. |
02-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 519, 1293 |
2023MNRAS.519.1293D |
4 |
0111790101, 0725200101, 0725200301, 0790650101 |
469 |
X-ray absorption lines suggest matter infalling onto the central black-hole of Mrk 509 |
Dadina, M.; Cappi, M.; Malaguti, G.; Ponti, G.; de Rosa, A. |
11-2005 |
2005, A&A, 442, 461 |
2005A&A...442..461D |
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470 |
X-ray imaging of the ionisation cones in NGC 5252 |
Dadina, M.; Guainazzi, M.; Cappi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Vignali, C.; Malaguti, G.; Comastri, A. |
06-2010 |
2010, A&A, 516, 9 |
2010A&A...516A...9D |
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0152940101 |
471 |
Ultraluminous X-ray source XMMUJ132218.3-164247 is in fact a type I Quasar |
Dadina, M.; Masetti, N.; Cappi, M.; Malaguti, G.; Miniutti, G.; Ponti, G.; Gandhi, P.; De Marco, B. |
11-2013 |
2013, A&A, 559, 86 |
2013A&A...559A..86D |
4 |
0506340101 |
472 |
XMM-Newton reveals a Seyfert-like X-ray spectrum in the z = 3.6 QSO B1422+231 |
Dadina, M.; Vignali, C.; Cappi, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Ponti, G.; De Marco, B.; Chartas, G.; Giustini, M. |
08-2016 |
2016, A&A, 592, 104 |
2016A&A...592A.104D |
4 |
0744240101 |
473 |
Yet another UFO in the X-ray spectrum of a high-z lensed QSO |
Dadina, M.; Vignali, C.; Cappi, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Ponti, G.; Torresi, E.; De Marco, B.; Chartas, G.; Giustini, M. |
02-2018 |
2018, A&A, 610, L13 |
2018A&A...610L..13D |
4 |
0781210301 |
474 |
A Study of Quasar Evolution in the X-Ray Band with the Aid of Gravitational Lensing |
Dai, Xinyu; Chartas, George; Eracleous, Michael; Garmire, Gordon P. |
04-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 605, 45 |
2004ApJ...605...45D |
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0092800201, 0082340101, 0083240201 |
475 |
Variable X-Ray Absorption Toward the Gravitationally-Lensed Blazar PKS 1830-211 |
Dai, Xinyu; Mathur, Smita; Chartas, George; Nair, Sunita; Garmire, Gordon P. |
01-2008 |
2008, AJ, 135, 333 |
2008AJ....135..333D |
4 |
0204580201, 0204580401, 0204580301 |
476 |
Is there a relationship between AGN and star formationin IR-bright AGNs? |
Dai, Y. Sophia; Wilkes, Belinda J.; Bergeron, Jacqueline; Kuraszkiewicz, Joanna; Omont, Alain; Atanas, Adam; Teplitz, Harry I. |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 4238 |
2018MNRAS.478.4238D |
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477 |
The Scavenger Hunt for Quasar Samples to Be Used as Cosmological Tools |
Dainotti, Maria Giovanna;Bargiacchi, Giada;Lenart, Aleksander Lukasz;Capozziello, Salvatore |
01-2024 |
2024, Galax, 12, 4 |
2024Galax..12....4D |
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478 |
X-ray Properties of Two Complementary Samples of Intermediate Seyfert Galaxies |
Dalla Barba, Benedetta;Foschini, Luigi;Berton, Marco;Crepaldi, Luca;Vietri, Amelia |
02-2024 |
2024, Univ, 10, 69 |
2024Univ...10...69D |
4 |
0864430101, 0865140901 |
479 |
Probing the physical properties of the intergalactic medium using blazars |
Dalton, Tony;Morris, Simon L.;Fumagalli, Michele;Gatuzz, Efrain |
12-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 508, 1701 |
2021MNRAS.508.1701D |
4 |
0401700201, 0401700401, 0401700501, 0103060401, 0103060101, 0114090101, 0206350101, 0112620101, 0150180101, 0690900101, 0690900201, 0600121401, 0600121501, 0401700601 |
480 |
The Ultra-fast Outflow of the Quasar PG 1211+143 as Viewed by Time-averaged Chandra Grating Spectroscopy |
Danehkar, Ashkbiz; Nowak, Michael A.; Lee, Julia C.; Kriss, Gerard A.; Young, Andrew J.; Hardcastle, Martin J.; Chakravorty, Susmita; Fang, Taotao; Neilsen, Joseph; Rahoui, Farid; Smith, Randall K. |
02-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 853, 165 |
2018ApJ...853..165D |
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481 |
Chandra Observations of Nuclear X-Ray Emission from Low Surface Brightness Galaxies |
Das, M.; Reynolds, C. S.; Vogel, S. N.; McGaugh, S. S.; Kantharia, N. G. |
03-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 693, 1300 |
2009ApJ...693.1300D |
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0066950201 |
482 |
Modelling the time-resolved quasi-periodic oscillations in active galactic nuclei |
Das, Tapas K.; Czerny, B. |
06-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 414, 627 |
2011MNRAS.414..627D |
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483 |
Discovery of Hard X-Ray Delays in the X-Ray Emission of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 110: Possible Evidence of Comptonization |
Dasgupta, Surajit; Rao, A. R. |
11-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 651, L13 |
2006ApJ...651L..13D |
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0201130501 |
484 |
XMM-Newton Observation of the Narrow-Line QSO PHL 1092: Detection of a High and Variable Soft Component |
Dasgupta, Surajit; Rao, A. R.; Dewangan, G. C. |
10-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 614, 626 |
2004ApJ...614..626D |
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0110890901 |
485 |
Detection of Absorption Features in the X-Ray Spectrum of the Narrow-Line Quasar PG 1404+226: Possible Evidence of Accretion Disk Winds |
Dasgupta, Surajit; Rao, A. R.; Dewangan, G. C.; Agrawal, V. K. |
01-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 618, L87 |
2005ApJ...618L..87D |
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0051760201 |
486 |
Irradiation of an accretion disc by a jet: general properties and implications for spin measurements of black holes |
Dauser, T.; Garcia, J.; Wilms, J.; Böck, M.; Brenneman, L. W.; Falanga, M.; Fukumura, K.; Reynolds, C. S. |
04-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 430, 1694 |
2013MNRAS.430.1694D |
4 |
0111570101 |
487 |
Spectral analysis of 1H 0707-495 with XMM-Newton |
Dauser, T.; Svoboda, J.; Schartel, N.; Wilms, J.; DovÄiak, M.; Ehle, M.; Karas, V.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Marshall, H. L. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 1914 |
2012MNRAS.422.1914D |
4,5 |
0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401 |
488 |
Isotropic Active Galactic Nucleus Heating with Small Radio-quiet Bubbles in the NGC 5044 Group |
David, Laurence P.; Jones, Christine; Forman, William; Nulsen, Paul; Vrtilek, Jan; O'Sullivan, Ewan; Giacintucci, Simona; Raychaudhury, Somak |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 705, 624 |
2009ApJ...705..624D |
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489 |
The Extended Fe Distribution in the Intracluster Medium and the Implications Regarding AGN Heating |
David, Laurence P.; Nulsen, Paul E. J. |
12-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 689, 837 |
2008ApJ...689..837D |
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490 |
Quasi-simultaneous XMM-Newton and VLA observation of the non-thermal radio emitter HD 168112 (O5.5III(f+)) |
De Becker, M.; Rauw, G.; Blomme, R.; Waldron, W. L.; Sana, H.; Pittard, J. M.; Eenens, P.; Stevens, I. R.; Runacres, M. C.; Van Loo, S.; Pollock, A. M. T. |
06-2004 |
2004, A&A, 420, 1061 |
2004A&A...420.1061D |
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0008820301, 0008820601 |
491 |
Variability-selected active galactic nuclei in the VST-SUDARE/VOICE survey of the COSMOS field |
De Cicco, D.; Paolillo, M.; Covone, G.; Falocco, S.; Longo, G.; Grado, A.; Limatola, L.; Botticella, M. T.; Pignata, G.; Cappellaro, E.; Vaccari, M.; Trevese, D.; Vagnetti, F.; Salvato, M.; Radovich, M.; Brandt, W. N.; Capaccioli, M.; Napolitano, N. R.; Schipani, P. |
02-2015 |
2015, A&A, 574, 112 |
2015A&A...574A.112D |
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0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
492 |
Optically variable AGN in the three-year VST survey of the COSMOS field |
De Cicco, D.; Paolillo, M.; Falocco, S.; Poulain, M.; Brandt, W. N.; Bauer, F. E.; Vagnetti, F.; Longo, G.; Grado, A.; Ragosta, F.; Botticella, M. T.; Pignata, G.; Vaccari, M.; Radovich, M.; Salvato, M.; Covone, G.; Napolitano, N. R.; Marchetti, L.; Schipani, P. |
07-2019 |
2019, A&A, 627, 33 |
2019A&A...627A..33D |
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493 |
Deep X-ray spectroscopy and imaging of the Seyfert 2 galaxy, ESO 138-G001 |
De Cicco, M.; Marinucci, A.; Bianchi, S.; Piconcelli, E.; Violino, G.; Vignali, C.; Nicastro, F. |
10-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 2155 |
2015MNRAS.453.2155D |
4 |
0690580101 |
494 |
FERO: Finding extreme relativistic objects. I. Statistics of relativistic Fe Kα lines in radio-quiet Type 1 AGN |
de La Calle Pérez, I.; Longinotti, A. L.; Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S.; DovÄiak, M.; Cappi, M.; Matt, G.; Miniutti, G.; Petrucci, P. O.; Piconcelli, E.; Ponti, G.; Porquet, D.; Santos-Lleó, M. |
12-2010 |
2010, A&A, 524, 50 |
2010A&A...524A..50D |
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0012940101, 0059830101, 0109141401, 0112610101, 0148010301, 0201940101, 0205340201, 0300470101, 0301890101, 0302260201, 0305370101, 0400070201 |
495 |
An XMM-Newton catalogue of BL Lacs |
de la Calle Pérez, I.;Ãlvarez Crespo, N.;Racero, E.;Rouco, A. |
11-2021 |
2021, A&A, 655, 48 |
2021A&A...655A..48D |
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0122520201, 0656580301, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0153951201, 0791781401, 0791782001, 0810860201, 0810860701, 0810862501, 0810863001, 0411081601, 0158970101, 0158970201, 0158971201, 0158971301, 0162960101, 0411080301, 0411080701, 0411081301, 0411081901, 0411082701, 0411083201, 0510610101, 0510610201, 0560980101, 0560983301, 0656380101, 0656380801, 0656381301, 0658800101, 0658800801, 0791780101, 0791780601, 0158970701, 0658801301, 0658801801, 0658802301, 0411081501, 0411081401, 0153951301, 0153950601, 0153950701, 0124900101, 0158560301, 0165770101, 0165770201, 0212090201, 0310190101, 0310190201, 0310190501, 0727780101, 0727780201, 0810830101, 0810830201, 0727780301, 0727780401, 0727780501, 0124930501, 0124930601, 0158960101, 0158960901, 0158961001, 0158961101, 0158961301, 0158961401, 0411780101, 0411780201, 0411780301, 0411780401, 0411780501, 0411780601, 0411780701, 0411782101, 0727770901, 0124930101, 0124930201, 0124930301 |
496 |
The 2-8 keV cosmic X-ray background spectrum as observed with XMM-Newton |
De Luca, A.; Molendi, S. |
06-2004 |
2004, A&A, 419, 837 |
2004A&A...419..837D |
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497 |
Variability of the Fe K line relativistic component in a sample of Seyfert 1 galaxies |
De Marco, B.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Palumbo, G. G. C. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1028 |
2006AN....327.1028D |
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498 |
Probing variability patterns of the Fe K line complex in bright nearby AGNs |
de Marco, B.; Iwasawa, K.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Tombesi, F.; Ponti, G.; Celotti, A.; Miniutti, G. |
11-2009 |
2009, A&A, 507, 159 |
2009A&A...507..159D |
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499 |
Observations of X-ray reverberation around black holes |
De Marco, B.; Ponti, G. |
05-2019 |
2019, AN, 340, 290 |
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500 |
Discovery of a relation between black hole mass and soft X-ray time lags in active galactic nuclei |
De Marco, B.; Ponti, G.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Uttley, P.; Cackett, E. M.; Fabian, A. C.; Miniutti, G. |
05-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 431, 2441 |
2013MNRAS.431.2441D |
4 |
0142830101, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101 ,0606320201 ,0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801 ,0606321901, 0606322001 ,0606322101 ,0606322201 ,0606322301 ,0109141301 ,0304030301 ,0304030401 ,0304030501 ,0304030601 ,0304030701 ,0006810101 ,0006810301 ,0206400101 ,0111570101 ,0111570201 ,0029740101 ,0029740701 ,0029740801 ,0511580101 ,0511580201 ,0511580301 ,0511580401 ,0506440101 ,0561580201 ,0655310101 ,0655310201 ,0112170301 ,0112170101 ,0207090201 ,0207090101 ,0306870101 ,0600540501 ,0600540601 ,0112610101 ,0208020101 ,0502050101 ,0502050201 ,0107460601 ,0107460701 ,0401210401 ,0401210501 ,0401210601 ,0401211001 ,0552170301, 0554990101 ,0089960301 ,0070740101 ,0070740301 ,0205340201 ,0205340401, 0202180201, 0110890101 ,0110890301 ,0300470101 ,0083960101 ,0302480401 ,0302480501 ,0302480601 ,0096010101 ,0402080201 ,0402080301 ,0303340101 ,0130720101 ,0130720201 ,0306090201 ,0306090301 ,0306090401 ,0147440101 ,0067190101 ,0305370101 ,0502090201 ,0059830101 ,0201130501 ,0112210101 ,0112210201 ,0112210501 ,0502090501 ,0112830401 ,0302850201 ,0300240101 ,0502091601 ,0041160101 ,0501580101 ,0501580201 |
501 |
PG 1211+143: probing high-frequency lags in a high-mass active galactic nucleus |
de Marco, B.; Ponti, G.; Uttley, P.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Fabian, A. C.; Miniutti, G. |
10-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 417, L98 |
2011MNRAS.417L..98D |
4 |
0112610101, 0502050101, 0502050201, 0208020101 |
502 |
Incoherent fast variability of X-ray obscurers. The case of NGC 3783 |
De Marco, B.;Adhikari, T. P.;Ponti, G.;Bianchi, S.;Kriss, G. A.;Arav, N.;Behar, E.;Branduardi-Raymont, G.;Cappi, M.;Costantini, E.;Costanzo, D.;di Gesu, L.;Ebrero, J.;Kaastra, J. S.;Kaspi, S.;Mao, J.;Markowitz, A.;Matt, G.;Mehdipour, M.;Middei, R.;Paltani, S.;Petrucci, P. O.;Pinto, C.;RóżaÅska, A.;Walton, D. J. |
02-2020 |
2020, A&A, 634, 65 |
2020A&A...634A..65D |
4 |
0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0780860901, 0780861001 |
503 |
Bulk Compton motion in the luminous quasar 4C04.42? |
de Rosa, A.; Bassani, L.; Ubertini, P.; Malizia, A.; Dean, A. J. |
07-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 388, L54 |
2008MNRAS.388L..54D |
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0401790601 |
504 |
An X-ray view of absorbed INTEGRAL AGN |
de Rosa, A.; Bassani, L.; Ubertini, P.; Panessa, F.; Malizia, A.; Dean, A. J.; Walter, R. |
06-2008 |
2008, A&A, 483, 749 |
2008A&A...483..749D |
4 |
0109130601, 0401790901, 0401791201 |
505 |
Multiple AGN in the crowded field of the compact group SDSS J0959+1259 |
De Rosa, A.; Bianchi, S.; Bogdanovic, T.; Decarli, R.; Herrero-Illana, R.; Husemann, B.; Komossa, S.; Kun, E.; Loiseau, N.; Paragi, Z.; Perez-Torres, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Schawinski, K.; Vignali, C. |
10-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 214 |
2015MNRAS.453..214D |
4 |
0504100201 |
506 |
Disclosing the properties of low-redshift dual AGN through XMM-Newton and SDSS spectroscopy |
De Rosa, Alessandra; Vignali, Cristian; Husemann, Bernd; Bianchi, Stefano; Bogdanovic, Tamara; Guainazzi, Matteo; Herrero-Illana, Rubén; Komossa, S.; Kun, Emma; Loiseau, Nora; Paragi, Zsolt; Perez-Torres, Miguel; Piconcelli, Enrico |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 1639 |
2018MNRAS.480.1639D |
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507 |
The X-ray view of optically selected dual AGN |
De Rosa, Alessandra;Vignali, Cristian;Severgnini, Paola;Bianchi, Stefano;BogdanoviÄ, Tamara;Charisi, Maria;Guainazzi, Matteo;Haiman, Zoltan;Komossa, S.;Paragi, Zsolt;Perez-Torres, Miguel;Piconcelli, Enrico;Ducci, Lorenzo;Parvatikar, Manali;Serafinelli, Roberto |
03-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 519, 5149 |
2023MNRAS.519.5149D |
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0761730401, 0741580501, 0740620201, 0743110701, 0503600301, 0146990101, 0692330501, 0555060501, 0601780601, 0111281601, 0783520501, 0721820201, 0147210301, 0783520301, 0784521201, 0673000147, 0783520101, 0783520201 |
508 |
Evidence for a TDE origin of the radio transient Cygnus A-2 |
de Vries, M. N.; Wise, M. W.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Siemiginowska, A.; Rowlinson, A.; Reynolds, C. S. |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 486, 3388 |
2019MNRAS.486.3388D |
4 |
0302800101 |
509 |
NuSTAR Hard X-Ray Monitoring of Gravitationally Lensed Quasar RX J1131-1231 |
DeFrancesco, Cora A.;Dai, Xinyu;Mitchell, Mark;Zoghbi, Abderahmen;Morgan, Christopher W. |
12-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 959, 101 |
2023ApJ...959..101D |
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0820830101 |
510 |
Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. XI. Disk-wind Characteristics and Contributions to the Very Broad Emission Lines of NGC 5548 |
Dehghanian, M.;Ferland, G. J.;Kriss, G. A.;Peterson, B. M.;Korista, K. T.;Goad, M. R.;Chatzikos, M.;Guzmán, F.;De Rosa, G.;Mehdipour, M.;Kaastra, J.;Mathur, S.;Vestergaard, M.;Proga, D.;Waters, T.;Bentz, M. C.;Bisogni, S.;Brandt, W. N.;Dalla Bontà , E.;Fausnaugh, M. M.;Gelbord, J. M.;Horne, Keith;McHardy, I. M.;Pogge, R. W.;Starkey, D. A. |
08-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 898, 141 |
2020ApJ...898..141D |
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511 |
NuSTAR J033202-2746.8: Direct Constraints on the Compton Reflection in a Heavily Obscured Quasar at z ≈ 2 |
Del Moro, A.; Mullaney, J. R.; Alexander, D. M.; Comastri, A.; Bauer, F. E.; Treister, E.; Stern, D.; Civano, F.; Ranalli, P.; Vignali, C.; Aird, J. A.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Gandhi, P.; Gilli, R.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; LaMassa, S. M.; Lansbury, G. B.; Luo, B.; Puccetti, S.; Urry, M.; Zhang, W. W. |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 786, 16 |
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512 |
An extreme EXO: a type 2 QSO at z = 1.87 |
Del Moro, A.; Watson, M. G.; Mateos, S.; Akiyama, M.; Hashimoto, Y.; Tamura, N.; Ohta, K.; Carrera, F. J.; Stewart, G. |
01-2009 |
2009, A&A, 493, 445 |
2009A&A...493..445D |
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0112650301 |
513 |
The Extragalactic Serendipitous Swift Survey (ExSeSS) - I. Survey definition and measurements of the X-ray number counts |
Delaney, Jack N.;Aird, James;Evans, Phil A.;Barlow-Hall, Cassandra;Osborne, Julian P.;Watson, Michael G. |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 1620 |
2023MNRAS.521.1620D |
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514 |
The XMM-Newton View of the Relativistic Spectral Features in AX J0447-0627 |
Della Ceca, R.; Ballo, L.; Braito, V.; Maccacaro, T. |
07-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 627, 706 |
2005ApJ...627..706D |
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515 |
The cosmological properties of AGN in the XMM-Newton Hard Bright Survey |
Della Ceca, R.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Maccacaro, T.; Brunner, H.; Carrera, F. J.; Cocchia, F.; Mateos, S.; Page, M. J.; Tedds, J. A. |
08-2008 |
2008, A&A, 487, 119 |
2008A&A...487..119D |
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516 |
Exploring the active galactic nuclei population with extreme X-ray-to-optical flux ratios (fx/fo > 50) |
Della Ceca, R.; Carrera, F. J.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Ballo, L.; Braito, V.; Corral, A.; Del Moro, A.; Mateos, S.; Ruiz, A.; Watson, M. G. |
03-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 447, 3227 |
2015MNRAS.447.3227D |
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0037981601, 0204791101, 0112830501, 0112830201, 0112190201, 0112650301, 0147540101, 0204400301 |
517 |
The soft and hard X-ray emission of 3C 273 from 1996 to 2004 with BeppoSAX and XMM-Newton |
Deluit, S. J.; Stuhlinger, M.; Staubert, R. |
00-2006 |
2006, AdSpR, 38, 1393 |
2006AdSpR..38.1393D |
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518 |
Detection of type 2 quasars in the radio galaxies B3 0731+438 and 3C 257 |
Derry, P. M.; O'Brien, P. T.; Reeves, J. N.; Ward, M. J.; Imanishi, M.; Ueno, S. |
07-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 342, L53 |
2003MNRAS.342L..53D |
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0083000101, 0083000301 |
519 |
X-Ray Properties of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Active Galaxies. II. X-Ray-Bright Accretion and Possible Evidence for Slim Disks |
Desroches, Louis-Benoit; Greene, Jenny E.; Ho, Luis C. |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 698, 1515 |
2009ApJ...698.1515D |
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520 |
The outflow in Mrk 509. A method to calibrate XMM-Newton EPIC-pn and RGS |
Detmers, R. G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Costantini, E.; Verbunt, F.; Cappi, M.; de Vries, C. |
06-2010 |
2010, A&A, 516, 61 |
2010A&A...516A..61D |
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0306090201, 0306090301, 0306090401 |
521 |
X-ray narrow line region variability as a geometry probe. The case of NGC 5548 |
Detmers, R. G.; Kaastra, J. S.; McHardy, I. M. |
09-2009 |
2009, A&A, 504, 409 |
2009A&A...504..409D |
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0109960101, 0089960301, 0089960401 |
522 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. III. The 600 ks RGS spectrum: unravelling the inner region of an AGN 10-2011 |
Detmers, R. G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Costantini, E.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Mehdipour, M.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M. ; Petrucci, P.; Ponti, G.; Pinto, C.; Ratti, E. M.; Holczer, T. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 38 |
2011A&A...534A..38D |
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523 |
Study of X-Ray Intraday Variability of HBL Blazars Based on Observations Obtained with XMM-Newton |
Devanand, P. U.;Gupta, Alok C.;Jithesh, V.;Wiita, Paul J. |
11-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 939, 80 |
2022ApJ...939...80D |
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0604210201, 0604210301, 0094383101, 0161160101, 0142270101, 0205920501, 0205920601, 0111840101, 0111850201, 0165770101, 0165770201, 0212090201, 0310190101, 0310190201, 0310190501, 0652570101, 0652570201, 0652570301, 0652570401, 0850980101, 0870210101, 0205920401, 0304080301, 0304080401, 0870400101 |
524 |
An Investigation of the Origin of Soft X-Ray Excess Emission from Ark 564 and Mrk 1044 |
Dewangan, G. C.; Griffiths, R. E.; Dasgupta, Surajit; Rao, A. R. |
12-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 671, 1284 |
2007ApJ...671.1284D |
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0206400101, 0112600301 |
525 |
Iron Kalpha Emission from the Low-Luminosity Active Galaxies M81 and NGC 4579 |
Dewangan, G. C.; Griffiths, R. E.; Di Matteo, T.; Schurch, N. J. |
06-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 607, 788 |
2004ApJ...607..788D |
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0112840101, 0111800101 |
526 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Broad Iron Kalpha Emission from Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy MCG -5-23-16 |
Dewangan, G. C.; Griffiths, R. E.; Schurch, N. J. |
07-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 592, 52 |
2003ApJ...592...52D |
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0112830301, 0112830401, 0153950601 |
527 |
X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei with Intermediate-Mass Black Holes |
Dewangan, G. C.; Mathur, S.; Griffiths, R. E.; Rao, A. R. |
12-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 689, 762 |
2008ApJ...689..762D |
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0112522001, 0112521901, 0142830101, 0112522701, 0302420101, 0305920101, 0303550101, 0303550301, 0303550901, 0303551001, 0305920201, 0305920301, 0305920501, 0305920601, 0305920401 |
528 |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Accretion and Broad Emission Line Physics from a Hypervariable Quasar |
Dexter, Jason; Xin, Shuo; Shen, Yue; Grier, C. J.; Liu, Teng; Gezari, Suvi; McGreer, Ian D.; Brandt, W. N.; Hall, P. B.; Horne, Keith; Simm, Torben; Merloni, Andrea; Green, Paul J.; Vivek, M.; Trump, Jonathan R.; Homayouni, Yasaman; Peterson, B. M.; Schneider, Donald P.; Kinemuchi, K.; Pan, Kaike Bizyaev; Dmitry |
11-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 885, 44 |
2019ApJ...885...44D |
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0804271301, 0804271801 |
529 |
Radio-only and Radio-to-far-ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribution Modeling of 14 ULIRGs: Insights into the Global Properties of Infrared Bright Galaxies |
Dey, Subhrata;Goyal, Arti;Malek, Katarzyna;Diaz-Santos, Tanio |
05-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 966, 61 |
2024ApJ...966...61D |
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530 |
Multiband variability of the TeV blazar PG 1553+113 with XMM-Newton |
Dhiman, Vinit;Gupta, Alok C.;Gaur, Haritma;Wiita, Paul J. |
09-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 1198 |
2021MNRAS.506.1198D |
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531 |
The warm absorber in the radio-loud quasar 4C +74.26 |
Di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E. |
10-2016 |
2016, A&A, 594, 88 |
2016A&A...594A..88D |
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0200910201 |
532 |
Simultaneous XMM-Newton and HST-COS observation of 1H0419-577. The absorbing and emitting ionized gas |
Di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E.; Arav, N.; Borguet, B.; Detmers, R. G.; Ebrero, J.; Edmonds, D.; Kaastra, J. S.; Piconcelli, E.; Verbunt, F. |
08-2013 |
2013, A&A, 556, 94 |
2013A&A...556A..94D |
4 |
0604720401, 0604720301 |
533 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. IV. The short-term variability of the outflows |
Di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Ursini, F.; Petrucci, P. O.; Cappi, M.; Kriss, G. A.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; De Marco, B.; De Rosa, A.; Kaspi, S.; Paltani, S.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Whewell, M. |
07-2015 |
2015, A&A, 579, 42 |
2015A&A...579A..42D |
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0720110301, 0720110801, 0720111501, 0720111601, 0720111401, 0720110401, 0720111301, 0720110901, 0720110501, 0720111001, 0720110601, 0720111101, 0720110701, 0720111201 |
534 |
Simultaneous XMM-Newton and HST-COS observation of 1H 0419-577. II. Broadband spectral modeling of a variable Seyfert galaxy |
Di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E.; Piconcelli, E.; Ebrero, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S. |
03-2014 |
2014, A&A, 563, 95 |
2014A&A...563A..95D |
4 |
0112600401, 0148000201, 0148000401, 0148000501, 0148000601, 0604720301, 0604720401 |
535 |
The X-Ray Polarization View of Mrk 421 in an Average Flux State as Observed by the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer |
Di Gesu, Laura;Donnarumma, Immacolata;Tavecchio, Fabrizio;Agudo, Iván;Barnounin, Thibault;Cibrario, Nicolò;Di Lalla, Niccolò;Di Marco, Alessandro;Escudero, Juan;Errando, Manel;Jorstad, Svetlana G.;Kim, Dawoon E.;Kouch, Pouya M.;Liodakis, Ioannis;Lindfors, Elina;Madejski, Grzegorz;Marshall, Herman L.;Marscher, Alan P.;Middei, Riccardo;Muleri, Fabio;Myserlis, Ioannis;Negro, Michela;Omodei, Nicola;Pacciani, Luigi;Paggi, Alessandro;Perri, Matteo;Puccetti, Simonetta;Antonelli, Lucio A.;Bachetti, Matteo;Baldini, Luca;Baumgartner, Wayne H.;Bellazzini, Ronaldo;Bianchi, Stefano;Bongiorno, Stephen D.;Bonino, Raffaella;Brez, Alessandro;Bucciantini, Niccolò;Capitanio, Fiamma;Castellano, Simone;Cavazzuti, Elisabetta;Ciprini, Stefano;Costa, Enrico;De Rosa, Alessandra;Del Monte, Ettore;Doroshenko, Victor;DovÄiak, Michal;Ehlert, Steven R.;Enoto, Teruaki;Evangelista, Yuri;Fabiani, Sergio;Ferrazzoli, Riccardo;Garcia, Javier A.;Gunji, Shuichi;Hayashida, Kiyoshi;Heyl, Jeremy;Iwakiri, Wataru;Karas, Vladimir;Kitaguchi, Takao;Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.;Krawczynski, Henric;La Monaca, Fabio;Latronico, Luca;Maldera, Simone;Manfreda, Alberto;Marin, Frédéric;Marinucci, Andrea;Massaro, Francesco;Matt, Giorgio;Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki;Mizuno, Tsunefumi;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, Stephen L.;Oppedisano, Chiara;Papitto, Alessandro;Pavlov, George G.;Peirson, Abel L.;Pesce-Rollins, Melissa;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Pilia, Maura;Possenti, Andrea;Poutanen, Juri;Ramsey, Brian D.;Rankin, John;Ratheesh, Ajay;Romani, Roger W.;Sgrò, Carmelo;Slane, Patrick;Soffitta, Paolo;Spandre, Gloria;Tamagawa, Toru;Taverna, Roberto;Tawara, Yuzuru;Tennant, Allyn F.;Thomas, Nicolas E.;Tombesi, Francesco;Trois, Alessio;Tsygankov, Sergey;Turolla, Roberto;Vink, Jacco;Weisskopf, Martin C.;Wu, Kinwah;Xie, Fei;Zane, Silvia |
10-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 938, L7 |
2022ApJ...938L...7D |
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0902110401 |
536 |
Isotropic Luminosity Indicators in a Complete AGN Sample |
Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Rieke, George H.; Rigby, Jane R. |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 698, 623 |
2009ApJ...698..623D |
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537 |
Constraining the X-ray reflection in low accretion-rate active galactic nuclei using XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and Swift |
Diaz, Y.;Hernà ndez-GarcÃa, L.;Arévalo, P.;López-Navas, E.;Ricci, C.;Koss, M.;Gonzalez-Martin, O.;BalokoviÄ, M.;Osorio-Clavijo, N.;GarcÃa, J. A.;Malizia, A. |
01-2023 |
2023, A&A, 669, 114 |
2023A&A...669A.114D |
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0790840101, 0795730101, 0400560301, 0762920501, 0790980101, 0301650301, 0405020601, 0145670101, 0674940101, 0840920201, 0840920301, 0852030101, 0140951001, 0741260101, 0401790901, 0406410101, 0200660101, 0871020101 |
538 |
Constraining X-Ray Variability of the Blazar 3C 273 Using XMM-Newton Observations over Two Decades |
Dinesh, Adithiya;Bhatta, Gopal;Adhikari, Tek P.;Mohorian, Maksym;Dhital, Niraj;Chaudhary, Suvas C.;Pánis, Radim;Góra, Dariusz |
10-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 955, 121 |
2023ApJ...955..121D |
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0126700301, 0126700601, 0126700701, 0126700801, 0136550101, 0112770101, 0112770201, 0136550501, 0159960101, 0112770501, 0112771101, 0136550801, 0136551001, 0414190101, 0414190301, 0414190401, 0414190501, 0414190601, 0414190701, 0414190801, 0414191001, 0414191101, 0414191201, 0414191301, 0810820101, 0810821501 |
539 |
Exploring the Origin of Multiwavelength Activities of High-redshift Flat-spectrum Radio Quasar PKS 1502+106 during 2014-2018 |
Ding, N.; Gu, Q. S.; Geng, X. F.; Xiong, Ding-Rong; Xue, R.; Wang, X. Y.; Guo, X. T. |
08-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 881, 125 |
2019ApJ...881..125D |
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0763790501 |
540 |
In-depth investigation of the physical origin of the soft X-ray excess in PG 1448+273 |
Ding, Nan;Gu, Qiusheng;Tang, Yunyong;Ge, Xue;Guo, Xiaotong;Xu, Xinpeng;Chen, Yongyun;Geng, Xiongfei;Liu, JiaLi |
06-2021 |
2021, A&A, 650, 183 |
2021A&A...650A.183D |
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0152660101, 0781430101 |
541 |
Accretion Disk Outflow during the X-Ray Flare of the Super-Eddington Active Nucleus of I Zwicky 1 |
Ding, Yuanze;Li, Ruancun;Ho, Luis C.;Ricci, Claudio |
06-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 931, 77 |
2022ApJ...931...77D |
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0851990101, 0851990201 |
542 |
Accretion-driven Sources in Spatially Resolved Lyα Emitters |
Dittenber, Benjamin;Oey, M. S.;Hodges-Kluck, Edmund;Gallo, Elena;Hayes, Matthew;Ãstlin, Göran;Melinder, Jens |
02-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 890, L12 |
2020ApJ...890L..12D |
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0111400101, 0780790201, 0780790401, 0780790101 |
543 |
Multicomponent power-density spectra of Kepler AGNs, an instrumental artefact or a physical origin? |
Dobrotka, A.; Bezák, P.; Revalski, M.; Strémy, M. |
02-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 483, 38 |
2019MNRAS.483...38D |
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544 |
Obscuration and Origin of Nuclear X-Ray Emission in FR I Radio Galaxies |
Donato, D.; Sambruna, R. M.; Gliozzi, M. |
12-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 617, 915 |
2004ApJ...617..915D |
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545 |
Intrinsic disc emission and the soft X-ray excess in active galactic nuclei |
Done, Chris; Davis, S. W.; Jin, C.; Blaes, O.; Ward, M. |
03-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 420, 1848 |
2012MNRAS.420.1848D |
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546 |
Scaling variability from stellar to supermassive black holes |
Done, Chris; Gierlinski, Marek |
11-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 364, 208 |
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A new way to measure supermassive black hole spin in accretion disc-dominated active galaxies |
Done, Chris; Jin, C.; Middleton, M.; Ward, Martin |
09-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 434, 1955 |
2013MNRAS.434.1955D |
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The mass and spin of the extreme Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0707-495 and its implications for the trigger for relativistic jets |
Done, Chris; Jin, Chichuan |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 1716 |
2016MNRAS.460.1716D |
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0675320101, 0653510401, 0554710801, 0506200301 |
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The iron K feature in narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies: evidence for a P Cygni profile? |
Done, Chris; Sobolewska, Malgorzata A.; Gierlinski, Marek; Schurch, Nicholas J. |
01-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 374, L15 |
2007MNRAS.374L..15D |
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X-Ray Properties of Intermediate-mass Black Holes in Active Galaxies. III. Spectral Energy Distribution and Possible Evidence for Intrinsically X-Ray-weak Active Galactic Nuclei |
Dong, Ruobing; Greene, Jenny E.; Ho, Luis C. |
12-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 761, 73 |
2012ApJ...761...73D |
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Identifying Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei in Deep Surveys: Revised IRAC Selection Criteria |
Donley, J. L.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Brusa, M.; Capak, P.; Cardamone, C. N.; Civano, F.; Ilbert, O.; Impey, C. D.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Miyaji, T.; Salvato, M.; Sanders, D. B.; Trump, J. R.; Zamorani, G. |
04-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 748, 142 |
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552 |
ULISSE: A tool for one-shot sky exploration and its application for detection of active galactic nuclei |
Doorenbos, Lars;Torbaniuk, Olena;Cavuoti, Stefano;Paolillo, Maurizio;Longo, Giuseppe;Brescia, Massimo;Sznitman, Raphael;Marquez-Neila, Pablo |
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X-Ray Spectral and Temporal Analysis of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Was 61 |
Dou, Liming; Wang, Ting-Gui; Ai, Yanli; Yuan, Weimin; Zhou, Hongyan; Dong, Xiao-Bo |
03-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 819, 167 |
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0202180201, 0202180301 |
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X-ray view of a merging supermassive black hole binary candidate SDSS J1430+2303: Results from the first â¼200 days of observations |
Dou, Liming;Jiang, Ning;Wang, Tinggui;Shu, Xinwen;Yang, Huan;Pan, Zhen;Zhu, Jiazheng;An, Tao;Zheng, Zhen-Ya;Ai, Yanli |
09-2022 |
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555 |
Relativistic spectral features from X-ray-illuminated spots and the measure of the black hole mass in active galactic nuclei |
Dovciak, M.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Karas, V.; Matt, G. |
05-2004 |
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An Extended Scheme for Fitting X-Ray Data with Accretion Disk Spectra in the Strong Gravity Regime |
Dovciak, M.; Karas, V.; Yaqoob, T. |
07-2004 |
2004, ApJS, 153, 205 |
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A Tale of Two Populations: The Contribution of Merger and Secular Processes to the Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Draper, A. R.; Ballantyne, D. R. |
05-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 751, 72 |
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The Evolution and Eddington Ratio Distribution of Compton Thick Active Galactic Nuclei |
Draper, A. R.; Ballantyne, D. R. |
06-2010 |
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Balancing the Cosmic Energy Budget: The Cosmic X-ray Background, Blazars, and the Compton Thick Active Galactic Nucleus Fraction |
Draper, A. R.; Ballantyne, D. R. |
12-2009 |
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Are Active Galactic Nuclei the Solution to the Excess Cosmic Radio Background at 1.4 GHz? |
Draper, A. R.; Northcott, S.; Ballantyne, D. R. |
11-2011 |
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The Reliability of Accretion Disk Inclination Derived from X-Ray Spectroscopy of Active Galaxies |
Du, Rong;Ding, Yuanze;Ho, Luis C.;Li, Ruancun |
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Buoyancy-driven inflow to a relic cold core: the gas belt in radio galaxy 3C 386 |
Duffy, R. T.; Worrall, D. M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Kraft, R. P. |
07-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 459, 4508 |
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Photometric redshifts for the next generation of deep radio continuum surveys - I. Template fitting |
Duncan, Kenneth J.; Brown, Michael J. I.; Williams, Wendy L.; Best, Philip N.; Buat, Veronique; Burgarella, Denis; Jarvis, Matt J.; Malek, Katarzyna; Oliver, S. J.; Röttgering, Huub J. A.; Smith, Daniel J. B. |
01-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 473, 2655 |
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Photometric redshifts for the next generation of deep radio continuum surveys - II. Gaussian processes and hybrid estimates |
Duncan, Kenneth J.; Jarvis, Matt J.; Brown, Michael J. I.; Röttgering, Huub J. A. |
07-2018 |
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Physical Conditions in the Ultraviolet Absorbers of IRAS F22456-5125 |
Dunn, Jay P.; Crenshaw, D. Michael; Kraemer, S. B.; Trippe, M. L. |
04-2010 |
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The radio properties of a complete, X-ray selected sample of nearby, massive elliptical galaxies |
Dunn, R. J. H.; Allen, S. W.; Taylor, G. B.; Shurkin, K. F.; Gentile, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Reynolds, C. S. |
05-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 404, 180 |
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Universal bolometric corrections for active galactic nuclei over seven luminosity decades |
Duras, F.;Bongiorno, A.;Ricci, F.;Piconcelli, E.;Shankar, F.;Lusso, E.;Bianchi, S.;Fiore, F.;Maiolino, R.;Marconi, A.;Onori, F.;Sani, E.;Schneider, R.;Vignali, C.;La Franca, F. |
04-2020 |
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Search and Characterization of Remnant Radio Galaxies in the XMM-LSS Deep Field |
Dutta, Sushant;Singh, Veeresh;Chandra, C. H. Ishwara;Wadadekar, Yogesh;Kayal, Abhijit;Heywood, Ian |
02-2023 |
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The distribution of absorption in AGN detected in the XMM-Newton observations of the CDFS |
Dwelly, T.; Page, M. J. |
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Constraints on the distribution of absorption in the X-ray-selected AGN population found in the 13HXMM-Newton/Chandra deep field |
Dwelly, T.; Page, M. J.; Loaring, N. S.; Mason, K. O.; McHardy, I.; Gunn, K.; Sasseen, T. |
07-2005 |
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Probing the unified model in NGC 7314 |
Ebrero, J.; Costantini, E.; Kaastra, J. S.; de Marco, B.; Dadina, M. |
11-2011 |
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RGS observation of the warm absorber in Mrk 279 g |
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09-2010 |
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The X-ray/UV absorber in NGC 4593 |
Ebrero, J.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; de Vries, C. P.; Costantini, E. |
11-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 3028 |
2013MNRAS.435.3028E |
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574 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VI. Long-term variability of the warm absorber |
Ebrero, J.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E.; Mehdipour, M.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Boissay, R.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Ponti, G.; Pozo Núñez, F.; Seta, H.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Whewell, M. |
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Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. V. Chandra-LETGS observation of the ionized absorber |
Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Kaastra, J. S.; Detmers, R. G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Costantini, E.; Arav, N.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Mehdipour, M.; Petrucci, P. O.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G. |
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Discovery of a fast, broad, transient outflow in NGC 985 |
Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Kaastra, J. S.; Ely, J. C. |
02-2016 |
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0150470601, 0690870501, 0743830501, 0743830601 |
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High-precision multi-band measurements of the angular clustering of X-ray sources |
Ebrero, J.; Mateos, S.; Stewart, G. C.; Carrera, F. J.; Watson, M. G. |
06-2009 |
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Multi-epoch properties of the warm absorber in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 985 |
Ebrero, J.;DomÄek, V.;Kriss, G. A.;Kaastra, J. S. |
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A Comparison of X-ray and Mid-Infrared Selection of Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei |
Eckart, Megan E.; McGreer, Ian D.; Stern, Daniel; Harrison, Fiona A.; Helfand, David J. |
01-2010 |
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Galaxy Groups as the Ultimate Probe of AGN Feedback |
Eckert, Dominique;Gastaldello, Fabio;O'Sullivan, Ewan;Finoguenov, Alexis;Brienza, Marisa |
05-2024 |
2024, Galax, 12, 24 |
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581 |
High Temporal Resolution XMM-Newton Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 |
Edelson, Rick; Griffiths, Gareth; Markowitz, Alex; Sembay, Steve; Turner, Martin J. L.; Warwick, Robert |
06-2001 |
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X-Ray Polarization of the BL Lacertae Type Blazar 1ES 0229+200 |
Ehlert, Steven R.;Liodakis, Ioannis;Middei, Riccardo;Marscher, Alan P.;Tavecchio, Fabrizio;Agudo, Iván;Kouch, Pouya M.;Lindfors, Elina;Nilsson, Kari;Myserlis, Ioannis;Gurwell, Mark;Rao, Ramprasad;Aceituno, Francisco José;Bonnoli, Giacomo;Casanova, VÃctor;AgÃs-González, Beatriz;Escudero, Juan;Husillos, César;Otero Santos, Jorge;Sota, Alfredo;Angelakis, Emmanouil;Kraus, Alexander;Keating, Garrett K.;Antonelli, Lucio A.;Bachetti, Matteo;Baldini, Luca;Baumgartner, Wayne H.;Bellazzini, Ronaldo;Bianchi, Stefano;Bongiorno, Stephen D.;Bonino, Raffaella;Brez, Alessandro;Bucciantini, Niccoló;Capitanio, Fiamma;Castellano, Simone;Cavazzuti, Elisabetta;Chen, Chien-Ting;Ciprini, Stefano;Costa, Enrico;De Rosa, Alessandra;Del Monte, Ettore;Di Gesu, Laura;Di Lalla, Niccoló;Di Marco, Alessandro;Donnarumma, Immacolata;Doroshenko, Victor;DovÄiak, Michal;Enoto, Teruaki;Evangelista, Yuri;Fabiani, Sergio;Ferrazzoli, Riccardo;Garcia, Javier A.;Gunji, Shuichi;Hayashida, Kiyoshi;Heyl, Jeremy;Iwakiri, Wataru;Jorstad, Svetlana G.;Kaaret, Philip;Karas, Vladimir;Kislat, Fabian;Kitaguchi, Takao;Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.;Krawczynski, Henric;La Monaca, Fabio;Latronico, Luca;Maldera, Simone;Manfreda, Alberto;Marin, Frédéric;Marinucci, Andrea;Marshall, Herman L.;Massaro, Francesco;Matt, Giorgio;Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki;Mizuno, Tsunefumi;Muleri, Fabio;Negro, Michela;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, Stephen L.;Omodei, Nicola;Oppedisano, Chiara;Papitto, Alessandro;Pavlov, George G.;Peirson, Abel L.;Perri, Matteo;Pesce-Rollins, Melissa;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Pilia, Maura;Possenti, Andrea;Poutanen, Juri;Puccetti, Simonetta;Ramsey, Brian D.;Rankin, John;Ratheesh, Ajay;Roberts, Oliver J.;Romani, Roger W.;Sgró, Carmelo;Slane, Patrick;Soffitta, Paolo;Spandre, Gloria;Swartz, Douglas A.;Tamagawa, Toru;Taverna, Roberto;Tawara, Yuzuru;Tennant, Allyn F.;Thomas, Nicholas E.;Tombesi, Francesco;Trois, Alessio;Tsygankov, Sergey S.;Turolla, Roberto;Vink, Jacco;Weisskopf, Martin C.;Wu, Kinwah;Xie, Fei;Zane, Silvia |
12-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 959, 61 |
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X-Ray Absorption of High-redshift Quasars |
Eitan, Assaf; Behar, Ehud |
09-2013 |
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584 |
WISDOM Project - XVI. The link between circumnuclear molecular gas reservoirs and active galactic nucleus fuelling |
Elford, Jacob S.;Davis, Timothy A.;Ruffa, Ilaria;Bureau, Martin;Cappellari, Michele;Gensior, Jindra;Iguchi, Satoru;Liang, Fu-Heng;Liu, Lijie;Lu, Anan;Williams, Thomas G. |
02-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 319 |
2024MNRAS.528..319E |
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585 |
Possibility of observable signatures of leptonium from astrophysical sources |
Ellis, S. C.; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss |
06-2015 |
2015, PhRvD, 91, 3004 |
2015PhRvD..91l3004E |
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586 |
Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Survey. I. The XMM-COSMOS Sample |
Elvis, M.; Hao, H.; Civano, F.; Brusa, M.; Salvato, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Capak, P.; Zamorani, G.; Comastri, A.; Jahnke, K.; Lusso, E.; Mainieri, V.; Trump, J. R.; Ho, L. C.; Aussel, H.; Cappelluti, N.; Cisternas, M.; Frayer, D.; Gilli, R.; Hasinger, G.; Huchra, J. P.; Impey, C. D.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Le Floc'h, E.; Lilly, S. J.; Liu, Y.; McCarthy, P.; McCracken, H. J.; Merloni, A.; Roeser, H.-J.; Sanders, D. B.; Sargent, M.; Scoville, N.; Schinnerer, E.; Schiminovich, D.; Silverman, J.; Taniguchi, Y.; Vignali, C.; Urry, C. M.; Zamojski, M. A.; Zatloukal, M. |
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587 |
The Chandra COSMOS Survey. I. Overview and Point Source Catalog |
Elvis, Martin; Civano, Francesca; Vignali, Cristian; Puccetti, Simonetta; Fiore, Fabrizio; Cappelluti, Nico; Aldcroft, T. L.; Fruscione, Antonella; Zamorani, G.; Comastri, Andrea; Brusa, Marcella; Gilli, Roberto; Miyaji, Takamitsu; Damiani, Francesco; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Finoguenov, Alexis; Brunner, Hermann; Urry, C. M.; Silverman, John; Mainieri, Vincenzo; Hasinger, Guenther; Griffiths, Richard; Carollo, Marcella; Hao, Heng; Guzzo, Luigi; Blain, Andrew; Calzetti, Daniela; Carilli, C.; Capak, Peter; Ettori, Stefano; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; Impey, Chris; Lilly, Simon; Mobasher, Bahram; Rich, Michael; Salvato, Mara; Sanders, D. B.; Schinnerer, Eva; Scoville, N.; Shopbell, Patrick; Taylor, James E.; Taniguchi, Yoshiaki; Volonteri, Marta |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJS, 184, 158 |
2009ApJS..184..158E |
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588 |
Angular correlation functions of X-ray point-like sources in the full exposure XMM-LSS field |
Elyiv, A.; Clerc, N.; Plionis, M.; Surdej, J.; Pierre, M.; Basilakos, S.; Chiappetti, L.; Gandhi, P.; Gosset, E.; Melnyk, O.; Pacaud, F. |
01-2012 |
2012, A&A, 537, 131 |
2012A&A...537A.131E |
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589 |
Search for gravitational lens candidates in the XMM-LSS/CFHTLS common field |
Elyiv, A.; Melnyk, O.; Finet, F.; Pospieszalska-Surdej, A.; Chiappetti, L.; Pierre, M.; Sadibekova, T.; Surdej, J. |
10-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 434, 3305 |
2013MNRAS.434.3305E |
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0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982301, 0037982201, 0037982401, 0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0037980501, 0037982501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980901, 0037980801, 0037981001, 0037982601, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037982701, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0037981801, 0037981901 |
590 |
Generating artificial light curves: revisited and updated |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; McHardy, I. M.; Papadakis, I. E. |
08-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 433, 907 |
2013MNRAS.433..907E |
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0109141401 |
591 |
Negative X-ray reverberation time delays from MCG-6-30-15 and Mrk 766 |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; McHardy, I. M.; Papadakis, I. E. |
09-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 416, L94 |
2011MNRAS.416L..94E |
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0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401 |
592 |
Extensive X-ray variability studies of NGC 7314 using long XMM-Newton observations |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; McHardy, I. M.; Vaughan, S.; Papadakis, I. E. |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 2413 |
2016MNRAS.460.2413E |
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0725200101, 0725200301, 0111790101, 0311190101 |
593 |
General relativistic modelling of the negative reverberation X-ray time delays in AGN |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Papadakis, I. E.; Dovciak, M.; McHardy, I. M. |
04-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 439, 3931 |
2014MNRAS.439.3931E |
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0142830101, 0109141401 , 0157560101, 0606320101 , 0606320201 , 0606320301 , 0606320401 , 0606321301 , 0606321401 , 0606321501 , 0606321601 , 0606321701 , 0606321801 , 0606321901 , 0606322001 , 0606322101 , 0606322201 , 0606322301 , 0304030101 , 0109141301 , 0304030301 , 0304030401 , 0304030501 , 0304030601 , 0304030701, 0111570101 , 0111570201 , 0029740101 , 0029740701 , 0029740801 , 0006810101 , 0206400101 , 0670130201 , 0670130301 , 0670130401 , 0670130501 , 0670130601 , 0670130701 , 0670130801 , 0670130901 |
594 |
A search for X-ray reprocessing echoes in the power spectral density functions of AGN |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Papadakis, I. E.; Epitropakis, A.; Pechácek, T.; Dovciak, M.; McHardy, I. M. |
09-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 461, 1642 |
2016MNRAS.461.1642E |
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0111790101, 0311190101, 0725200101, 0725200301, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701, 0206400101, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901, 0006810101, 0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0554710801, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0110890101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0655450101, 0693781701, 0693781801, 0693781901, 0101040101, 0306870101, 0510010701, 0600540501, 0600540601, 0107460601, 0107460701, 0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001, 0112610101, 0502050101, 0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701, 0555170201, 0555170301, 0555170401, 0555170501, 0555170601 |
595 |
The 'harder when brighter' X-ray behaviour of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 7213 |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Papadakis, I. E.; McHardy, I. M.; Arévalo, P.; Calvelo, D. E.; Uttley, P. |
08-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 424, 1327 |
2012MNRAS.424.1327E |
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0605800301 |
596 |
An XMM-Newton view of the `bare' nucleus of Fairall 9 |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Papadakis, I. E.; McHardy, I. M.; Nicastro, F.; Bianchi, S.; Arévalo, P. |
08-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 1895 |
2011MNRAS.415.1895E |
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597 |
X-ray spectral analysis of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 7213 using long XMM-Newton observations |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Papadakis, I. E.; Nicastro, F.; McHardy, I. M. |
03-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 429, 3439 |
2013MNRAS.429.3439E |
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The X-ray continuum time-lags and intrinsic coherence in AGN |
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599 |
Theoretical modelling of the AGN iron line vs. continuum time-lags in the lamp-post geometry |
Epitropakis, A.; Papadakis, I. E.; Dovciak, M.; Pechácek, T.; Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Karas, V.; McHardy, I. M. |
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Spectral Energy Distributions of Weak Active Galactic Nuclei Associated with Low-Ionization Nuclear Emission Regions |
Eracleous, Michael; Hwang, Jason A.; Flohic, Hélène M. L. G. |
03-2010 |
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The Compton-thick quasar at the heart of the high-redshift giant radio galaxy 6C 0905+39 |
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02-2008 |
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The luminous X-ray hotspot in 4C74.26: synchrotron or inverse-Compton emission? |
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08-2007 |
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Detection of X-Ray Polarization from the Blazar 1ES 1959+650 with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer |
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Wavelet Analysis of AGN X-Ray Time Series: A QPO in 3C 273? |
Espaillat, C.; Bregman, J.; Hughes, P.; Lloyd-Davies, E. |
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AGN impact on the molecular gas in galactic centres as probed by CO lines |
Esposito, Federico;Vallini, Livia;Pozzi, Francesca;Casasola, Viviana;Mingozzi, Matilde;Vignali, Cristian;Gruppioni, Carlotta;Salvestrini, Francesco |
05-2022 |
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2022MNRAS.512..686E |
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The starburst-active galactic nucleus connection in the merger galaxy Mrk 938: an infrared and X-ray view |
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The XMM-Newton Wide Angle Survey (XWAS) |
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09-2013 |
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Candidate tidal disruption events from the XMM-Newton slew survey |
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Evolution of tidal disruption candidates discovered by XMM-Newton |
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Off-Nuclear Star Formation and Obscured Activity in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 2623 |
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Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of NGC 6251 |
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Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of the Nucleus of Centaurus A |
Evans, D. A.; Kraft, R. P.; Worrall, D. M.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Jones, C.; Forman, W. R.; Murray, S. S. |
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The Hard X-ray View of Reflection, Absorption, and the Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio-loud AGN 3C 33 |
Evans, D. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Kraft, R. P.; Lee, J. C.; Virani, S. N. |
02-2010 |
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Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of a Sample of Low-Redshift FR I and FR II Radio Galaxy Nuclei |
Evans, D. A.; Worrall, D. M.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Kraft, R. P.; Birkinshaw, M. |
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Probing Unification with Chandra HETGS and XMM-Newton EPIC and RGS Spectroscopy of the Narrow Emission Line Galaxy NGC 2110 |
Evans, Daniel A.; Lee, Julia C.; Turner, T. Jane; Weaver, Kimberly A.; Marshall, Herman L. |
12-2007 |
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UV and X-ray variability of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 564 |
Ezhikode, Savithri H.; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Misra, Ranjeev; Tripathi, Shruti; Sajeeth Philip, Ninan; Kembhavi, Ajit K. |
07-2016 |
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0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901 |
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Determining the torus covering factors for a sample of type 1 AGN in the local Universe |
Ezhikode, Savithri H.; Gandhi, Poshak; Done, Chris; Ward, Martin; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Misra, Ranjeev; Philip, Ninan Sajeeth |
12-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 472, 3492 |
2017MNRAS.472.3492E |
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AstroSat view of the NLS1 galaxy Mrk 335 |
Ezhikode, Savithri H.;Dewangan, Gulab C.;Misra, Ranjeev |
10-2021 |
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Soft excess in AGN with relativistic Xâray reflection |
Ezhikode, Savithri H.;Shyam Prakash V., P.;Dewangan, Gulab C.;Mathew, Blesson |
05-2023 |
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XMM-Newton and broad iron lines |
Fabian, A. C. |
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Broad Iron Lines in AGN and X-Ray Binaries |
Fabian, A. C. |
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How the X-ray spectrum of a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy may be reflection-dominated |
Fabian, A. C.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Merloni, A.; Vaughan, S.; Iwasawa, K.; Boller, Th. |
04-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 331, L35 |
2002MNRAS.331L..35F |
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Long XMM observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809: rapid variability, high spin and a soft lag |
Fabian, A. C.; Kara, E.; Walton, D. J.; Wilkins, D. R.; Ross, R. R.; Lozanov, K.; Uttley, P.; Gallo, L. C.; Zoghbi, A.; Miniutti, G.; Boller, T.; Brandt, W. N.; Cackett, E. M.; Chiang, C.-Y.; Dwelly, T.; Malzac, J.; Miller, J. M.; Nardini, E.; Ponti, G.; Reis, R. C.; Reynolds, C. S.; Steiner, J. F.; Tanaka, Y.; Young, A. J. |
03-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 429, 2917 |
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0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401 |
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Properties of AGN coronae in the NuSTAR era |
Fabian, A. C.; Lohfink, A.; Kara, E.; Parker, M. L.; Vasudevan, R.; Reynolds, C. S. |
08-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 451, 4375 |
2015MNRAS.451.4375F |
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625 |
X-ray reflection in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495 |
Fabian, A. C.; Miniutti, G.; Gallo, L.; Boller, Th.; Tanaka, Y.; Vaughan, S.; Ross, R. R. |
10-2004 |
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2004MNRAS.353.1071F |
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X-ray reflection in the Seyfert galaxy 1H 0419-577 revealing strong relativistic effects in the vicinity of a Kerr black hole |
Fabian, A. C.; Miniutti, G.; Iwasawa, K.; Ross, R. R. |
08-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 361, 795 |
2005MNRAS.361..795F |
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The iron line in MCG-6-30-15 from XMM-Newton: evidence for gravitational light bending? |
Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S. |
04-2003 |
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2003MNRAS.340L..28F |
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A long hard look at MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton |
Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S.; Nandra, K.; Iwasawa, K.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Lee, J. C.; De Rosa, A.; Turner, A.; Young, A. J. |
09-2002 |
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Effects of the variability of the nucleus of NGC 1275 on X-ray observations of the surrounding intracluster medium |
Fabian, A. C.; Walker, S. A.; Pinto, C.; Russell, H. R.; Edge, A. C. |
08-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 451, 3061 |
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On the detectability of distant Compton-thick obscured quasars |
Fabian, A. C.; Wilman, R. J.; Crawford, C. S. |
01-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 329, L18 |
2002MNRAS.329L..18F |
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631 |
Broad line emission from iron K- and L-shell transitions in the active galaxy 1H0707-495 |
Fabian, A. C.; Zoghbi, A.; Ross, R. R.; Uttley, P.; Gallo, L. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Blustin, A. J.; Boller, T.; Caballero-Garcia, M. D.; Larsson, J.; Miller, J. M.; Miniutti, G.; Ponti, G.; Reis, R. C.; Reynolds, C. S.; Tanaka, Y.; Young, A. J. |
05-2009 |
2009, Natur, 459, 540 |
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632 |
Blueshifted absorption lines from X-ray reflection in IRAS 13224-3809 |
Fabian, A. C.;Reynolds, C. S.;Jiang, J.;Pinto, C.;Gallo, L. C.;Parker, M. L.;Lasenby, A. N.;Alston, W. N.;Buisson, D. J. K.;Cackett, E. M.;De Marco, B.;Garcia, J.;Kara, E.;Kosec, P.;Middleton, M. J.;Miller, J. M.;Miniutti, G.;Walton, D. J.;Wilkins, D. R.;Young, A. J. |
04-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 493, 2518 |
2020MNRAS.493.2518F |
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633 |
Simulating the effect of active galactic nuclei feedback on the metal enrichment of galaxy clusters |
Fabjan, D.; Borgani, S.; Tornatore, L.; Saro, A.; Murante, G.; Dolag, K. |
01-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 401, 1670 |
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634 |
The AGN contribution to mid-infrared surveys. X-ray counterparts of the mid-IR sources in the Lockman Hole and HDF-N |
Fadda, D.; Flores, H.; Hasinger, G.; Franceschini, A.; Altieri, B.; Cesarsky, C. J.; Elbaz, D.; Ferrando, Ph. |
03-2002 |
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2002A&A...383..838F |
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General Relativistic Flux Modulations from Disk Instabilities in Sagittarius A* |
Falanga, Maurizio; Melia, Fulvio; Tagger, Michel; Goldwurm, Andrea; Bélanger, Guillaume |
06-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 662, L15 |
2007ApJ...662L..15F |
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636 |
Relativistic reflection in the average X-ray spectrum of active galactic nuclei in the Véron-Cetty and Véron catalogue |
Falocco, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Barcons, X.; Miniutti, G.; Corral, A. |
08-2014 |
2014, A&A, 568, 15 |
2014A&A...568A..15F |
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637 |
The XMM Deep survey in the CDF-S. V. Iron K lines from active galactic nuclei in the distant Universe |
Falocco, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Corral, A.; Barcons, X.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Ranalli, P.; Vignali, C.; Iwasawa, K.; Cappelluti, N.; Rovilos, E.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Brusa, M.; Vito, F. |
07-2013 |
2013, A&A, 555, 79 |
2013A&A...555A..79F |
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638 |
Averaging the AGN X-ray spectra from deep Chandra fields |
Falocco, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Corral, A.; Laird, E.; Nandra, K.; Barcons, X.; Page, M. J.; Digby-North, J. |
02-2012 |
2012, A&A, 538, 83 |
2012A&A...538A..83F |
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639 |
The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. X. X-ray variability of bright sources |
Falocco, S.; Paolillo, M.; Comastri, A.; Carrera, F. J.; Ranalli, P.; Iwasawa, K.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Vignali, C.; Gilli, R. |
12-2017 |
2017, A&A, 608, 32 |
2017A&A...608A..32F |
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640 |
Automated algorithms to build active galactic nucleus classifiers |
Falocco, S.;Carrera, F. J.;Larsson, J. |
02-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 510, 161 |
2022MNRAS.510..161F |
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641 |
Accretion and jets in a low-luminosity AGN: the nucleus of NGC 1052 |
Falocco, S.;Larsson, J.;Nandi, S. |
06-2020 |
2020, A&A, 638, 67 |
2020A&A...638A..67F |
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0093630101, 0306230101, 0553300301, 0553300401 |
642 |
The Correlation Between X-ray and UV Properties of BAL QSOs |
Fan, Lu Lu; Wang, Hui Yuan; Wang, Tinggui; Wang, Junxian; Dong, Xiaobo; Zhang, Kai; Cheng, Fuzhen |
01-2009 |
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643 |
Studying the relationship between X-ray emission and accretion in AGN using the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey |
Fanali, R.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R.; Marchese, E.; Carrera, F. J.; Corral, A.; Mateos, S. |
07-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 433, 648 |
2013MNRAS.433..648F |
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644 |
Detection of a Transient X-ray Absorption Line Intrinsic to the BL Lacertae Object H 2356-309 |
Fang, Taotao; Buote, David A.; Humphrey, Philip J.; Canizares, Claude R. |
04-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 731, 46 |
2011ApJ...731...46F |
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645 |
Confirmation of X-ray Absorption by Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in the Sculptor Wall |
Fang, Taotao; Buote, David A.; Humphrey, Philip J.; Canizares, Claude R.; Zappacosta, Luca; Maiolino, Roberto; Tagliaferri, Gianpiero; Gastaldello, Fabio |
05-2010 |
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646 |
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of X-Ray Quasars: Searching for the X-Ray Absorption from the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium |
Fang, Taotao; Canizares, Claude R.; Marshall, Herman L. |
11-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 633, 61 |
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High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Local Hot Gas along the 3C 273 Sightline |
Fang, Taotao; Jiang, Xiaochuan |
04-2014 |
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648 |
Constraints on black hole fuelling modes from the clustering of X-ray AGN |
Fanidakis, N.; Georgakakis, A.; Mountrichas, G.; Krumpe, M.; Baugh, C. M.; Lacey, C. G.; Frenk, C. S.; Miyaji, T.; Benson, A. J. |
10-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 679 |
2013MNRAS.435..679F |
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649 |
The X-Ray Spectrum of the z=6.30 QSO SDSS J1030+0524 |
Farrah, D.; Priddey, R.; Wilman, R.; Haehnelt, M.; McMahon, R. |
08-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 611, L13 |
2004ApJ...611L..13F |
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0148560501 |
650 |
AGN Triggering in the Infall Regions of Distant X-Ray Luminous Galaxy Clusters at 0.9 < z <~ 1.6 |
Fassbender, R.; ¿uhada, R.; Nastasi, A. |
00-2012 |
2012, AdAst, 2012, 32 |
2012AdAst2012E..32F |
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651 |
BeppoSAX observations of the quasar Markarian 205 |
Favre, P.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Beckmann, V.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L. |
07-2004 |
2004, A&A, 421, 91 |
2004A&A...421...91F |
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0124110101 |
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The peculiar megamaser AGN NGC 1194: Comparison with the warped disk candidates NGC 1068 and NGC 4258 |
Fedorova , E.; Vasylenko, A.; Hnatyk, B. I.; Zhdanov, V. I. |
01-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 96 |
2016AN....337...96F |
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0307000701 |
653 |
Q2237+0305 in X-rays: spectra and variability with XMM-Newton |
Fedorova, E. V.; Zhdanov, V. I.; Vignali, C.; Palumbo, G. G. C. |
11-2008 |
2008, A&A, 490, 989 |
2008A&A...490..989F |
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0110960101 |
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3C 120 Disk/Corona vs. Jet Variability in X-rays |
Fedorova, Elena;Del Popolo, Antonio |
04-2023 |
2023, Univ, 9, 212 |
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655 |
Optical and mid-infrared line emission in nearby Seyfert galaxies |
Feltre, A.;Gruppioni, C.;Marchetti, L.;Mahoro, A.;Salvestrini, F.;Mignoli, M.;Bisigello, L.;Calura, F.;Charlot, S.;Chevallard, J.;Romero-Colmenero, E.;Curtis-Lake, E.;Delvecchio, I.;Dors, O. L.;Hirschmann, M.;Jarrett, T.;Marchesi, S.;Moloko, M. E.;Plat, A.;Pozzi, F.;Sefako, R.;Traina, A.;Vaccari, M.;Väisänen, P.;Vallini, L.;Vidal-GarcÃa, A.;Vignali, C. |
07-2023 |
2023, A&A, 675, 74 |
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656 |
The 2017 Release Cloudy |
Ferland, G. J.; Chatzikos, M.; Guzmán, F.; Lykins, M. L.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Williams, R. J. R.; Abel, N. P.; Badnell, N. R.; Keenan, F. P.; Porter, R. L.; Stancil, P. C. |
10-2017 |
2017, RMxAA, 53, 385 |
2017RMxAA..53..385F |
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657 |
XMM-Newton observations of four high-z quasars |
Ferrero, E.; Brinkmann, W. |
05-2003 |
2003, A&A, 402, 465 |
2003A&A...402..465F |
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0103060101, 0103060201, 0103060301, 0103060401, 0103060501 |
658 |
Disentangling the synchrotron and inverse Compton variability in the X-ray emission of the intermediate BL Lacertae object S5 0716+71 |
Ferrero, E.; Wagner, S. J.; Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Ostorero, L. |
10-2006 |
2006, A&A, 457, 133 |
2006A&A...457..133F |
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0150495601, 0012850101, 0012850601, 0012850701 |
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Hadronic Processes at Work in 5BZB J0630-2406 |
Fichet de Clairfontaine, Gaëtan;Buson, Sara;Pfeiffer, Leonard;Marchesi, Stefano;Azzollini, Alessandra;Baghmanyan, Vardan;Tramacere, Andrea;Barbano, Eleonora;Oswald, Lenz |
11-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 958, L2 |
2023ApJ...958L...2F |
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0740820401 |
660 |
Predicted multiply imaged X-ray AGNs in the XXL survey |
Finet, F.; Elyiv, A.; Melnyk, O.; Wertz, O.; Horellou, C.; Surdej, J. |
09-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 452, 1480 |
2015MNRAS.452.1480F |
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661 |
XMM-Newton Study of A3562 and Its Immediate Shapley Environs |
Finoguenov, A.; Henriksen, M. J.; Briel, U. G.; de Plaa, J.; Kaastra, J. S. |
08-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 611, 811 |
2004ApJ...611..811F |
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0105261301, 0105261401, 0105261501, 0105261601, 0105261701, 0105261801 |
662 |
The impact of high pressure cluster environment on the X-ray luminosity of Coma early-type galaxies |
Finoguenov, A.; Miniati, F. |
04-2004 |
2004, A&A, 418, L21 |
2004A&A...418L..21F |
3,4 |
0124710901, 0124710501, 0124711401, 0153750101, 0124712001, 0124710601, 0124711001 |
663 |
XMM-Newton witness of M 86 X-ray metamorphosis |
Finoguenov, A.; Pietsch, W.; Aschenbach, B.; Miniati, F. |
02-2004 |
2004, A&A, 415, 415 |
2004A&A...415..415F |
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0108260201 |
664 |
Chasing Highly Obscured QSOs in the COSMOS Field |
Fiore, F. et al. |
03-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 693, 447 |
2009ApJ...693..447F |
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0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
665 |
The HELLAS2XMM survey. IV. Optical identifications and the evolution of the accretion luminosity in the Universe |
Fiore, F.; Brusa, M.; Cocchia, F.; Baldi, A.; Carangelo, N.; Ciliegi, P.; Comastri, A.; La Franca, F.; Maiolino, R.; Matt, G.; Molendi, S.; Mignoli, M.; Perola, G. C.; Severgnini, P.; Vignali, C. |
10-2003 |
2003, A&A, 409, 79 |
2003A&A...409...79F |
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0114090101, 0122520201, 0125310101, 0125920201, 0130720101 |
666 |
Unveiling Obscured Accretion in the Chandra Deep Field-South |
Fiore, F.; Grazian, A.; Santini, P.; Puccetti, S.; Brusa, M.; Feruglio, C.; Fontana, A.; Giallongo, E.; Comastri, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Pozzi, F.; Zamorani, G.; Vignali, C. |
01-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 672, 94 |
2008ApJ...672...94F |
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667 |
Faint high-redshift AGN in the Chandra deep field south: the evolution of the AGN luminosity function and black hole demography |
Fiore, F.; Puccetti, S.; Grazian, A.; Menci, N.; Shankar, F.; Santini, P.; Piconcelli, E.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Fontana, A.; Boutsia, K.; Castellano, M.; Lamastra, A.; Malacaria, C.; Feruglio, C.; Mathur, S.; Miller, N.; Pannella, M. |
01-2012 |
2012, A&A, 537, 16 |
2012A&A...537A..16F |
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668 |
X-ray view of four high-luminosity Swift/BAT AGN: Unveiling obscuration and reflection with Suzaku |
Fioretti, V.; Angelini, L.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Koss, M.; Malaguti, G. |
07-2013 |
2013, A&A, 555, 44 |
2013A&A...555A..44F |
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669 |
An All-Sky Atlas of Radio/X-ray Associations |
Flesch, E. |
06-2010 |
2010, PASA, 27, 283 |
2010PASA...27..283F |
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670 |
AGN and star formation at cosmic noon: comparison of data to theoretical models |
Florez, Jonathan;Jogee, Shardha;Guo, Yuchen;Cora, SofÃa A.;Weinberger, Rainer;Davé, Romeel;Hernquist, Lars;Vogelsberger, Mark;Ciardullo, Robin;Finkelstein, Steven L.;Gronwall, Caryl;Kawinwanichakij, Lalitwadee;Leung, Gene C. K.;LaMassa, Stephanie;Papovich, Casey;Stevans, Matthew L.;Wold, Isak |
11-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 508, 762 |
2021MNRAS.508..762F |
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671 |
Exploring AGN and star formation activity of massive galaxies at cosmic noon |
Florez, Jonathan;Jogee, Shardha;Sherman, Sydney;Stevans, Matthew L.;Finkelstein, Steven L.;Papovich, Casey;Kawinwanichakij, Lalitwadee;Ciardullo, Robin;Gronwall, Caryl;Urry, C. Megan;Kirkpatrick, Allison;LaMassa, Stephanie M.;Ananna, Tonima Tasnim;Wold, Isak |
07-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 497, 3273 |
2020MNRAS.497.3273F |
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672 |
Investigating the Accretion Nature of Binary Supermassive Black Hole Candidate SDSS J025214.67-002813.7 |
Foord, Adi;Liu, Xin;Gültekin, Kayhan;Whitley, Kevin;Shi, Fangzheng;Chen, Yu-Ching |
03-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 927, 3 |
2022ApJ...927....3F |
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0870810201 |
673 |
Reflections of Active Galactic Nucleus Outbursts in the Gaseous Atmosphere of M87 |
Forman, W.; Nulsen, P.; Heinz, S.; Owen, F.; Eilek, J.; Vikhlinin, A.; Markevitch, M.; Kraft, R.; Churazov, E.; Jones, C. |
12-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 635, 894 |
2005ApJ...635..894F |
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0114120101 |
674 |
Properties of flat-spectrum radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Foschini, L.; Berton, M.; Caccianiga, A.; Ciroi, S.; Cracco, V.; Peterson, B. M.; Angelakis, E.; Braito, V.; Fuhrmann, L.; Gallo, L.; Grupe, D.; Järvelä, E.; Kaufmann, S.; Komossa, S.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Lisakov, M. M.; Lister, M. L.; Mathur, S.; Richards, J. L.; Romano, P.; Sievers, A.; Tagliaferri, G.; Tammi, J.; Tibolla, O.; Tornikoski, M.; Vercellone, S.; La Mura, G.; Maraschi, L.; Rafanelli, P. |
03-2015 |
2015, A&A, 575, 13 |
2015A&A...575A..13F |
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0550350101 |
675 |
The first XMM-Newton study of two Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Foschini, L.; Braito, V.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Ponti, G.; Dadina, M.; Della Ceca, R.; Di Cocco, G.; Grandi, P.; Malaguti, G. |
12-2004 |
2004, A&A, 428, 51 |
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0145480101, 0142610101 |
676 |
XMM-Newton observations of a sample of gamma-ray loud active galactic nuclei |
Foschini, L.; Ghisellini, G.; Raiteri, C. M.; Tavecchio, F.; Villata, M.; Maraschi, L.; Pian, E.; Tagliaferri, G.; di Cocco, G.; Malaguti, G. |
07-2006 |
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677 |
Blazar nuclei in radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1? |
Foschini, L.; Maraschi, L.; Tavecchio, F.; Ghisellini, G.; Gliozzi, M.; Sambruna, R. M. |
03-2009 |
2009, AdSpR, 43, 889 |
2009AdSpR..43..889F |
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678 |
Simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of S5 0716+714 after the outburst of March 2004 |
Foschini, L.; Tagliaferri, G.; Pian, E.; Ghisellini, G.; Treves, A.; Maraschi, L.; Tavecchio, F.; di Cocco, G.; Rosen, S. R. |
09-2006 |
2006, A&A, 455, 871 |
2006A&A...455..871F |
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0150495601 |
679 |
Infrared to X-ray observations of PKS 2155-304 in a low state |
Foschini, L.; Treves, A.; Tavecchio, F.; Impiombato, D.; Ghisellini, G.; Covino, S.; Tosti, G.; Gliozzi, M.; Bianchin, V.; di Cocco, G.; Malaguti, G.; Maraschi, L.; Pian, E.; Raiteri, C. M.; Sambruna, R. M.; Tagliaferri, G.; Villata, M. |
06-2008 |
2008, A&A, 484, L35 |
2008A&A...484L..35F |
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0411780101 |
680 |
The 5-10 keV AGN luminosity function at 0.01 < z < 4.0 |
Fotopoulou, S.; Buchner, J.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Hasinger, G.; Salvato, M.; Georgakakis, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Ranalli, P.; Hsu, L. T.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Miyaji, T.; Nandra, K.; Aird, J.; Paltani, S. |
03-2016 |
2016, A&A, 587, 142 |
2016A&A...587A.142F |
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681 |
Photometry and Photometric Redshift Catalogs for the Lockman Hole Deep Field |
Fotopoulou, S.; Salvato, M.; Hasinger, G.; Rovilos, E.; Brusa, M.; Egami, E.; Lutz, D.; Burwitz, V.; Henry, J. P.; Huang, J. H.; Rigopoulou, D.; Vaccari, M. |
01-2012 |
2012, ApJS, 198, 1 |
2012ApJS..198....1F |
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682 |
Modeling the spectral energy distribution of the radio galaxy IC310 |
Fraija, N.; Marinelli, A.; Galván-Gámez, A.; Aguilar-Ruiz, E. |
03-2017 |
2017, APh, 89, 14 |
2017APh....89...14F |
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683 |
An XMM-Newton hard X-ray survey of ultraluminous infrared galaxies |
Franceschini, A.; Braito, V.; Persic, M.; Della Ceca, R.; Bassani, L.; Cappi, M.; Malaguti, P.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M.; Severgnini, P. |
08-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 343, 1181 |
2003MNRAS.343.1181F |
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0081340201, 0081340301, 0081340401, 0081340501, 0081340601, 0081340801, 0081340901, 0081341001, 0081341101, 0081341401 |
684 |
Infrared Space Observatory Investigates the Nature of Extremely Red Hard X-Ray Sources Responsible for the X-Ray Background |
Franceschini, A.; Fadda, D.; Cesarsky, C. J.; Elbaz, D.; Flores, H.; Granato, G. L. |
04-2002 |
2002, ApJ, 568, 470 |
2002ApJ...568..470F |
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0123700101, 0123700201, 0123700401, 0123700901, 0123701001 |
685 |
Quasi-periodic eruptions from impacts between the secondary and a rigidly precessing accretion disc in an extreme mass-ratio inspiral system |
Franchini, Alessia;Bonetti, Matteo;Lupi, Alessandro;Miniutti, Giovanni;Bortolas, Elisa;Giustini, Margherita;Dotti, Massimo;Sesana, Alberto;Arcodia, Riccardo;Ryu, Taeho |
07-2023 |
2023, A&A, 675, 100 |
2023A&A...675A.100F |
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686 |
A New Class of Changing-look LINERs |
Frederick, Sara; Gezari, Suvi; Graham, Matthew J.; Cenko, S. Bradley; van Velzen, Sjoert; Stern, Daniel; Blagorodnova, Nadejda; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.; Yan, Lin; De, Kishalay; Fremling, U. Christoffer; Hung, Tiara; Kara, Erin; Shupe, David L.; Ward, Charlotte; Bellm, Eric C.; Dekany, Richard; Duev, Dmitry A.; Feindt, Ulrich; Giomi, Matteo; Kupfer, Thomas; Laher, Russ R.; Masci, Frank J.; Miller, Adam A.; Neill, James D.; Ngeow, Chow-Choong; Patterson, Maria T.; Porter, Michael; Rusholme, Ben; Sollerman, Jesper; Walters, Richard |
09-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 883, 31 |
2019ApJ...883...31F |
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0822040701 |
687 |
X-Ray Reverberation Mapping and Dramatic Variability of Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 1934-063 |
Frederick, Sara; Kara, Erin; Reynolds, Christopher; Pinto, Ciro; Fabian, Andrew |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 867, 67 |
2018ApJ...867...67F |
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0761870201 |
688 |
A Family Tree of Optical Transients from Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
Frederick, Sara;Gezari, Suvi;Graham, Matthew J.;Sollerman, Jesper;van Velzen, Sjoert;Perley, Daniel A.;Stern, Daniel;Ward, Charlotte;Hammerstein, Erica;Hung, Tiara;Yan, Lin;Andreoni, Igor;Bellm, Eric C.;Duev, Dmitry A.;Kowalski, Marek;Mahabal, Ashish A.;Masci, Frank J.;Medford, Michael;Rusholme, Ben;Smith, Roger;Walters, Richard |
10-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 920, 56 |
2021ApJ...920...56F |
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689 |
The radio-loud active nucleus in the ``dark lens'' galaxy J1218+2953 |
Frey, S.; Paragi, Z.; Campbell, R. M.; Moór, A. |
04-2010 |
2010, A&A, 513, 18 |
2010A&A...513A..18F |
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690 |
The Cosmic X-Ray Background and the Population of the Most Heavily Obscured AGNs |
Frontera, Filippo; Orlandini, Mauro; Landi, Raffaella; Comastri, Andrea; Fiore, Fabrizio; Setti, Giancarlo; Amati, Lorenzo; Costa, Enrico; Masetti, Nicola; Palazzi, Eliana |
09-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 666, 86 |
2007ApJ...666...86F |
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691 |
X-Ray Luminosity and Absorption Column Fluctuations in the H2O Maser Galaxy NGC 4258 from Weeks to Years |
Fruscione, Antonella; Greenhill, Lincoln J.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Moran, James M.; Herrnstein, James R.; Galle, Elizabeth |
05-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 624, 103 |
2005ApJ...624..103F |
4,5 |
0110920101, 0059140101, 0059140201, 0059140401, 0059140901 |
692 |
Decomposing Star Formation and Active Galactic Nucleus with Spitzer Mid-infrared Spectra: Luminosity Functions and Co-evolution |
Fu, Hai; Yan, Lin; Scoville, N. Z.; Capak, P.; Aussel, H.; Le Floc'h, E.; Ilbert, O.; Salvato, M.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Frayer, D. T.; Sanders, D. B.; Sheth, K.; Taniguchi, Y. |
10-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 722, 653 |
2010ApJ...722..653F |
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693 |
Fe-K Line Time Variability and Ni Abundance of Distant Reflectors in Seyfert Galaxies |
Fukazawa, Yasushi; Furui, Shun'ya; Hayashi, Kazuma; Ohno, Masanori; Hiragi, Kazuyoshi; Noda, Hirofumi |
04-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 821, 15 |
2016ApJ...821...15F |
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0724060601, 0721110201, 0112830301, 0130720101, 0107460601, 0112210101, 0402660101, 0554170201, 0109960101 |
694 |
Soft X-Ray Excess from Shocked Accreting Plasma in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Fukumura, Keigo; Hendry, Douglas; Clark, Peter; Tombesi, Francesco; Takahashi, Masaaki |
08-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 827, 31 |
2016ApJ...827...31F |
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695 |
Variable Nature of Magnetically Driven Ultra-fast Outflows |
Fukumura, Keigo; Kazanas, Demosthenes; Shrader, Chris; Behar, Ehud; Tombesi, Francesco; Contopoulos, Ioannis |
09-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 864, L27 |
2018ApJ...864L..27F |
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696 |
Magnetically Driven Accretion Disk Winds and Ultra-fast Outflows in PG 1211+143 |
Fukumura, Keigo; Tombesi, Francesco; Kazanas, Demosthenes; Shrader, Chris; Behar, Ehud; Contopoulos, Ioannis |
05-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 805, 17 |
2015ApJ...805...17F |
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0112610101 |
697 |
Constraining X-Ray Coronal Size with Transverse Motion of AGN Ultra-fast Outflows |
Fukumura, Keigo;Tombesi, Francesco |
11-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 885, L38 |
2019ApJ...885L..38F |
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698 |
Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxy Morphologies in COSMOS |
Gabor, J. M.; Impey, C. D.; Jahnke, K.; Simmons, B. D.; Trump, J. R.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Brusa, M.; Cappelluti, N.; Schinnerer, E.; SmolÄiÄ, V.; Salvato, M.; Rhodes, J. D.; Mobasher, B.; Capak, P.; Massey, R.; Leauthaud, A.; Scoville, N. |
01-2009 |
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699 |
XMM-Newton spectroscopy of an X-ray selected sample of RL AGNs |
Galbiati, E.; Caccianiga, A.; Maccacaro, T.; Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Severgnini, P.; Brunner, H.; Lehmann, I.; Page, M. J. |
02-2005 |
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2005A&A...430..927G |
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700 |
Variation in the Scattering Shroud Surrounding Markarian 231 |
Gallagher, S. C.; Schmidt, Gary D.; Smith, Paul S.; Brandt, W. N.; Chartas, G.; Hylton, Shavonne; Hines, D. C.; Brotherton, M. S. |
11-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 633, 71 |
2005ApJ...633...71G |
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701 |
X-ray spectral variability of blazars using principal component analysis |
Gallant, D.; Gallo, L. C.; Parker, M. L. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 1999 |
2018MNRAS.480.1999G |
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702 |
Investigating the nature of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies with high-energy spectral complexity |
Gallo, L. C. |
05-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 368, 479 |
2006MNRAS.368..479G |
4 |
0005010301, 0006810101, 0048740101, 0096010101, 0096020101, 0101040101, 0103860501, 0103861201, 0109070201, 0109081001, 0110890101, 0110890201, 0110890301, 0110890401, 0110890901, 0111290301, 0112600301, 0112600501, 0112600601, 0112600801, 0112610101, 0129360201, 0140190101, 0150470701, 0150610301, 0152660101, 0153220601, 0157560101 |
703 |
X-rays from the radio-quiet quasar PG 1407+265: relativistic jet or accretion disc emission? |
Gallo, L. C. |
01-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 365, 960 |
2006MNRAS.365..960G |
4 |
0092850101, 0092850501 |
704 |
Connection between spectral complexity and X-ray weakness: testing the reflection interpretation |
Gallo, L. C. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1076 |
2006AN....327.1076G |
4 |
705 |
XMM-Newton Timing Properties of the NLS1 IRAS 13224--3809 |
Gallo, L. C.; Boller, T. |
01-2004 |
2004, PThPS, 155, 331 |
2004PThPS.155..331G |
4 |
706 |
An intense soft excess and evidence for light bending in the luminous narrow-line quasar PHL 1092 |
Gallo, L. C.; Boller, Th.; Brandt, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Grupe, D. |
06-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 352, 744 |
2004MNRAS.352..744G |
4,5 |
0110890901, 0110890501 |
707 |
I Zw 1 observed with XMM-Newton . Low-energy spectral complexity, iron lines, and hard X-ray flares |
Gallo, L. C.; Boller, Th.; Brandt, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S. |
04-2004 |
2004, A&A, 417, 29 |
2004A&A...417...29G |
4 |
0110890301 |
708 |
The narrow-line quasar NAB 0205+024 observed with XMM-Newton |
Gallo, L. C.; Boller, Th.; Brandt, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S. |
12-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 355, 330 |
2004MNRAS.355..330G |
4 |
0048740101 |
709 |
The X-ray variability of the narrow-line type 1 Seyfert galaxy IRAS 13224-3809 from an XMM-Newton observation |
Gallo, L. C.; Boller, Th.; Tanaka, Y.; Fabian, A. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Welsh, W. F.; Anabuki, N.; Haba, Y. |
01-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 347, 269 |
2004MNRAS.347..269G |
4 |
0110890101 |
710 |
A longer XMM-Newton look at I Zwicky - 1. Distinct modes of X-ray spectral variability |
Gallo, L. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Costantini, E.; Fabian, A. C. |
05-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 377, 1375 |
2007MNRAS.377.1375G |
4 |
0110890301, 0300470101 |
711 |
A longer XMM-Newton look at I Zwicky 1: variability of the X-ray continuum, absorption and iron Kalpha line |
Gallo, L. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Costantini, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Papadakis, I. E. |
05-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 377, 391 |
2007MNRAS.377..391G |
4 |
0110890301, 0300470101 |
712 |
The spectral energy distribution of PKS 2004-447: a compact steep-spectrum source and possible radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy |
Gallo, L. C.; Edwards, P. G.; Ferrero, E.; Kataoka, J.; Lewis, D. R.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Misanovic, Z.; Welsh, W. F.; Whiting, M.; Boller, Th.; Brinkmann, W.; Greenhill, J.; Oshlack, A. |
07-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 370, 245 |
2006MNRAS.370..245G |
4 |
0200360201 |
713 |
The origin of blueshifted absorption features in the X-ray spectrum of PG 1211+143: outflow or disc |
Gallo, L. C.; Fabian, A. C. |
07-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 434, L66 |
2013MNRAS.434L..66G |
4 |
0112610101 |
714 |
A possible line-like emission feature at 8 keV in the Seyfert 1.2 UGC 3973 |
Gallo, L. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Boller, Th.; Pietsch, W. |
10-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 363, 64 |
2005MNRAS.363...64G |
4 |
0103862101, 0103860801 |
715 |
A blurred reflection interpretation for the intermediate flux state in Mrk 335 |
Gallo, L. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Grupe, D.; Bonson, K.; Komossa, S.; Longinotti, A. L.; Miniutti, G.; Walton, D. J.; Zoghbi, A.; Mathur, S. |
01-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 1382 |
2013MNRAS.428.1382K |
4 |
716 |
A blurred reflection interpretation for the intermediate flux state in Mrk 335 |
Gallo, L. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Grupe, D.; Bonson, K.; Komossa, S.; Longinotti, A. L.; Miniutti, G.; Walton, D. J.; Zoghbi, A.; Mathur, S. |
01-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 1191 |
2013MNRAS.428.1191G |
4 |
0101040101, 0600540501, 0600540601, 0510010701, 0306870101 |
717 |
Evidence for an emerging disc wind and collimated outflow during an X-ray flare in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 335 |
Gallo, L. C.; Gonzalez, A. G.; Waddell, S. G. H.; Ehler, H. J. S.; Wilkins, D. R.; Longinotti, A. L.; Grupe, D.; Komossa, S.; Kriss, G. A.; Pinto, C.; Tripathi, S.; Fabian, A. C.; Krongold, Y.; Mathur, S.; Parker, M. L.; Pradhan, A. |
04-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 484, 4287 |
2019MNRAS.484.4287G |
4 |
0741280201 |
718 |
The quasar PG 0844+349 in an X-ray weak state |
Gallo, L. C.; Grupe, D.; Schartel, N.; Komossa, S.; Miniutti, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Santos-Lleo, M. |
03-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 412, 161 |
2011MNRAS.412..161G |
4 |
0103660201, 0107860501, 0554710101 |
719 |
XMM-Newton observations of bright ROSAT selected active galactic nuclei with low intrinsic absorption |
Gallo, L. C.; Lehmann, I.; Pietsch, W.; Boller, Th.; Brinkmann, W.; Friedrich, P.; Grupe, D. |
01-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 365, 688 |
2006MNRAS.365..688G |
4 |
0044350101, 0103860101, 0103860201, 0103860301, 0103860501, 0103860601, 0103860701, 0103860801, 0103860901, 0103861001, 0103861101, 0103861201, 0103861401, 0103861501, 0103861601, 0103861701, 0103861801, 0103862001, 0103862101, 0103863001, 0103863101, 0103863201, 0109130301, 0110930501 |
720 |
1ES 1927+654: a bare Seyfert 2 |
Gallo, L. C.; MacMackin, C.; Vasudevan, R.; Cackett, E. M.; Fabian, A. C.; Panessa, F. |
07-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 433, 421 |
2013MNRAS.433..421G |
4 |
0671860201 |
721 |
Multi-epoch X-ray observations of the Seyfert 1.2 galaxy Mrk 79: bulk motion of the illuminating X-ray source |
Gallo, L. C.; Miniutti, G.; Miller, J. M.; Brenneman, L. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Guainazzi, M.; Reynolds, C. S. |
02-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 411, 607 |
2011MNRAS.411..607G |
4 |
0103860801, 0103862101, 0400070201, 0400070301, 0400070401, 0502091301 |
722 |
Nuclear spallation in active galaxies |
Gallo, L. C.; Randhawa, J. S.; Waddell, S. G. H.; Hani, M. H.; García, J. A.; Reynolds, C. S. |
04-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 484, 3036 |
2019MNRAS.484.3036G |
4 |
723 |
Long-term spectral changes in the partial-covering candidate narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495 |
Gallo, L. C.; Tanaka, Y.; Boller, Th.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S.; Brandt, W. N. |
10-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 353, 1064 |
2004MNRAS.353.1064G |
4 |
724 |
Suzaku observations of Mrk 335: confronting partial covering and relativistic reflection |
Gallo, L. C.; Wilkins, D. R.; Bonson, K.; Chiang, C.-Y.; Grupe, D.; Parker, M. L.; Zoghbi, A.; Fabian, A. C.; Komossa, S.; Longinotti, A. L. |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 633 |
2015MNRAS.446..633G |
4 |
0510010701 |
725 |
Eclipsing the X-Ray Emitting Region in the Active Galaxy NGC 6814 |
Gallo, Luigi C.;Gonzalez, Adam G.;Miller, Jon M. |
02-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 908, L33 |
2021ApJ...908L..33G |
4 |
0764620101 |
726 |
X-Ray and GeV-γ-Ray Emission Property of TeV Compact Symmetric Object PKS 1413+135 and Implication for Episodic Jet Activity |
Gan, Ying-Ying;Zhang, Jin;Yao, Su;Zhang, Hai-Ming;Liang, Yun-Feng;Liang, En-Wei |
11-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 939, 78 |
2022ApJ...939...78G |
4 |
0854590101, 0854590201, 0854590301 |
727 |
4C +39.29 - extended emission around a powerful type 2 quasar |
Gandhi, P.; Fabian, A. C.; Crawford, C. S. |
07-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 369, 1566 |
2006MNRAS.369.1566G |
4 |
0084230701 |
728 |
Resolving the mid-infrared cores of local Seyferts |
Gandhi, P.; Horst, H.; Smette, A.; Hönig, S.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Duschl, W. |
08-2009 |
2009, A&A, 502, 457 |
2009A&A...502..457G |
4 |
729 |
NuSTAR Unveils a Compton-thick Type 2 Quasar in Mrk 34 |
Gandhi, P.; Lansbury, G. B.; Alexander, D. M.; Stern, D.; Arévalo, P.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Del Moro, A.; Elvis, M.; Fabian, A. C.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Koss, M.; LaMassa, S. M.; Luo, B.; Madejski, G. M.; Ptak, A. F.; Puccetti, S.; Teng, S. H.; Urry, C. M.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
09-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 792, 117 |
2014ApJ...792..117G |
4 |
0306050701 |
730 |
Frontiers in accretion physics at high X-ray spectral resolution |
Gandhi, P.;Kawamuro, T.;DÃaz Trigo, M.;Paice, J. A.;Boorman, P. G.;Cappi, M.;Done, C.;Fabian, A. C.;Fukumura, K.;GarcÃa, J. A.;Greenwell, C. L.;Guainazzi, M.;Makishima, K.;Tashiro, M. S.;Tomaru, R.;Tombesi, F.;Ueda, Y. |
12-2022 |
2022, NatAs, 6, 1364 |
2022NatAs...6.1364G |
4 |
731 |
Deciphering the imprint of active galactic nucleus feedback in Seyfert galaxies: Nuclear-scale molecular gas deficits |
GarcÃa-Burillo, S.;Hicks, E. K. S.;Alonso-Herrero, A.;Pereira-Santaella, M.;Usero, A.;Querejeta, M.;González-MartÃn, O.;Delaney, D.;Ramos Almeida, C.;Combes, F.;Anglés-Alcázar, D.;Audibert, A.;Bellocchi, E.;Davies, R. I.;Davis, T. A.;Elford, J. S.;GarcÃa-Bernete, I.;Hönig, S.;Labiano, A.;Leist, M. T.;Levenson, N. A.;López-RodrÃguez, E.;Mercedes-Feliz, J.;Packham, C.;Ricci, C.;Rosario, D. J.;Shimizu, T.;Stalevski, M.;Zhang, L. |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 347 |
2024A&A...689A.347G |
4 |
0795730101, 0106860201, 0200650101, 0790840201 |
732 |
The XMM large scale structure survey: optical vs. X-ray classifications of active galactic nuclei and the unified scheme |
Garcet, O.; Gandhi, P.; Gosset, E.; Sprimont, P. G.; Surdej, J.; Borkowski, V.; Tajer, M.; Pacaud, F.; Pierre, M.; Chiappetti, L.; Maccagni, D.; Page, M. J.; Carrera, F. J.; Tedds, J. A.; Mateos, S.; Krumpe, M.; Contini, T.; Corral, A.; Ebrero, J.; Gavignaud, I.; Schwope, A.; Le F?vre, O.; Polletta, M.; Rosen, S.; Lonsdale, C.; Watson, M.; Borczyk, W.; Vaisanen, P. |
11-2007 |
2007, A&A, 474, 473 |
2007A&A...474..473G |
2,4 |
0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520401, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501 |
733 |
A physical model for the X-ray time lags of narrow-line Seyfert type 1 active galactic nuclei |
Gardner, Emma; Done, Chris |
08-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 442, 2456 |
2014MNRAS.442.2456G |
4 |
0675320101 |
734 |
Investigation of Two Fermi-LAT Gamma-Ray Blazars Coincident with High-energy Neutrinos Detected by IceCube |
Garrappa, S. et al. |
08-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 880, 103 |
2019ApJ...880..103G |
4 |
735 |
AGN feedback in galaxy groups: the delicate touch of self-regulated outflows |
Gaspari, M.; Brighenti, F.; D'Ercole, A.; Melioli, C. |
08-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 1549 |
2011MNRAS.415.1549G |
4 |
736 |
The dance of heating and cooling in galaxy clusters: three-dimensional simulations of self-regulated active galactic nuclei outflows |
Gaspari, M.; Melioli, C.; Brighenti, F.; D'Ercole, A. |
02-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 411, 349 |
2011MNRAS.411..349G |
3,4 |
737 |
Probing the physical properties of the intergalactic medium using SRG/eROSITA spectra from blazars |
Gatuzz, E.;Wilms, J.;Hämmerich, S.;Arcodia, R. |
03-2024 |
2024, A&A, 683, 213 |
2024A&A...683A.213G |
4 |
738 |
The Hard X-Ray Emission of the Blazar PKS 2155-304 |
Gaur, Haritma; Chen, Liang; Misra, R.; Sahayanathan, S.; Gu, M. F.; Kushwaha, P.; Dewangan, G. C. |
12-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 850, 209 |
2017ApJ...850..209G |
4 |
0411780401, 0411780501, 0411780601, 0411780701, 0411782101, 0727770901 |
739 |
Detection of Intra-day Variability Timescales of Four High-energy Peaked Blazars with XMM-Newton |
Gaur, Haritma; Gupta, Alok C.; Lachowicz, Pawel; Wiita, Paul J. |
07-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 718, 279 |
2010ApJ...718..279G |
4 |
0080940101, 0080940301, 0104860501, 0111850201, 0124930101, 0124930201, 0124930301, 0124930501, 0124930601, 0142270101, 0158961001, 0158961301, 0165770101, 0165770201, 0212090201, 0310190101, 0310190201, 0310190501, 0411780101, 0411780201, 0411780301 |
740 |
Signature of inverse Compton emission from blazars |
Gaur, Haritma; Mohan, Prashanth; Wierzcholska, Alicja; Gu, Minfeng |
01-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 473, 3638 |
2018MNRAS.473.3638G |
4 |
0652410201, 0002970201, 0110990101, 0206740101, 0206740501, 0206740701, 0674330201, 0302580901, 0551503101, 0551503201, 0551503301, 0502271401, 0300480201, 0300480301, 0401060201, 0502630201, 0679380701, 0502430201, 0502430701, 0104860501, 0502211301, 0556030101, 0651610101, 0147670201, 0501660201, 0501660301, 0501660401, 0401700201, 0401700401, 0401700501, 0401700601 |
741 |
Breaks in the X-Ray Spectra of High-redshift Blazars and the Intervening Medium |
Gaur, Haritma;Mohan, Prashanth;Pandey, Ashwani |
06-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 914, 46 |
2021ApJ...914...46G |
4 |
0112620201, 0150180101, 0690900101, 0690900201, 0050150101, 0149500601, 0149501201, 0149500701, 0149500801, 0149500901, 0050150301, 0762920501, 0600121601, 0600121701, 0114090101, 0206350101, 0112620101, 0093160701, 0153290101, 0112850201, 0151590101, 0151590201, 0111260101, 0212480701, 0111260201, 0601741401, 0204580301, 0103060101, 0103060401 |
742 |
Reconstructing AGN X-ray spectral parameter distributions with Bayesian methods. I. Spectral analysis |
Ge, Lingsong;Paltani, Stéphane;Eckert, Dominique |
11-2022 |
2022, A&A, 667, 152 |
2022A&A...667A.152G |
4 |
743 |
Reconstructing AGN X-ray spectral parameter distributions with Bayesian methods. II. Population inference |
Ge, Lingsong;Paltani, Stéphane;Eckert, Dominique;Salvato, Mara |
11-2022 |
2022, A&A, 667, 153 |
2022A&A...667A.153G |
4 |
0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501, 0302350101, 0302350201, 0302350301, 0302350401, 0302350501, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302351001, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302351401, 0302351501, 0302351601, 0302351701, 0302351801, 0302351901, 0302352001, 0302352201, 0302352301, 0302352401, 0302352501, 0302353001, 0302353101, 0302353201, 0302353301, 0302353401, 0501170101, 0501170201 |
744 |
Red active galactic nuclei in XMM-Newton/Sloan Digital Sky Survey fields |
Georgakakis, A. E.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Akylas, A. |
02-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 366, 171 |
2006MNRAS.366..171G |
4 |
0036540101, 0041170101, 0042341301, 0056020301, 0060370901, 0071340501, 0084230401, 0084230601, 0085640201, 0090070201, 0092800201, 0093630101, 0094790201, 0107860301, 0108460301, 0110980201, 0111281001, 0111281301, 0111281401, 0111281501, 0111281601, 0111281701, 0111282401, 0111282501, 0111282701, 0112520101, 0124900101, 0136000101 |
745 |
The X-ray luminosity function of active galactic nuclei in the redshift interval z=3-5 |
Georgakakis, A.; Aird, J.; Buchner, J.; Salvato, M.; Menzel, M.-L.; Brandt, W. N.; McGreer, I. D.; Dwelly, T.; Mountrichas, G.; Koki, C.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Hsu, L.-T.; Merloni, A.; Liu, Z.; Nandra, K.; Ross, N. P. |
10-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 1946 |
2015MNRAS.453.1946G |
4 |
746 |
Observational constraints on the specific accretion-rate distribution of X-ray-selected AGNs |
Georgakakis, A.; Aird, J.; Schulze, A.; Dwelly, T.; Salvato, M.; Nandra, K.; Merloni, A.; Schneider, D. P. |
10-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 1976 |
2017MNRAS.471.1976G |
4 |
747 |
Observational constraints on the physics behind the evolution of active galactic nuclei since zË 1 |
Georgakakis, A.; Coil, A. L.; Willmer, C. N. A.; Nandra, K.; Kocevski, D. D.; Cooper, M. C.; Rosario, D. J.; Koo, D. C.; Trump, J. R.; Juneau, S. |
12-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 418, 2590 |
2011MNRAS.418.2590G |
4 |
748 |
Exploring the halo occupation of AGN using dark-matter cosmological simulations |
Georgakakis, A.; Comparat, J.; Merloni, A.; Ciesla, L.; Aird, J.; Finoguenov, A. |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 487, 275 |
2019MNRAS.487..275G |
4 |
749 |
The XMM-Newton/2dF survey - V. The radio properties of the X-ray population |
Georgakakis, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Leonidaki, I.; Akylas, A.; Stewart, G. C.; Goudis, C. |
08-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 352, 1005 |
2004MNRAS.352.1005G |
2,4 |
0111280101, 0111280301, 0111280501, 0111280601, 0111280701, 0111280801, 0111281001, 0111281301, 0111281401, 0111281501, 0111281601, 0111281701, 0111282001, 0111282201, 0111282301, 0111282401, 0111282501, 0111282701 |
750 |
The Phoenix Deep Survey: the radio properties of the hard X-ray-selected sample |
Georgakakis, A.; Hopkins, A. M.; Afonso, J.; Sullivan, M.; Mobasher, B.; Cram, L. E. |
10-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 354, 127 |
2004MNRAS.354..127G |
2,4 |
0067170101 |
751 |
The Phoenix Deep Survey: X-ray properties of faint radio sources |
Georgakakis, A.; Hopkins, A. M.; Sullivan, M.; Afonso, J.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Mobasher, B.; Cram, L. E. |
11-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 345, 939 |
2003MNRAS.345..939G |
2,4 |
0067170101 |
752 |
X-ray constraints on the fraction of obscured active galactic nuclei at high accretion luminosities |
Georgakakis, A.; Salvato, M.; Liu, Z.; Buchner, J.; Brandt, W. N.; Ananna, T. Tasnim; Schulze, A.; Shen, Yue; LaMassa, S.; Nandra, K.; Merloni, A.; McGreer, I. D. |
08-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 469, 3232 |
2017MNRAS.469.3232G |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
753 |
Ensemble X-ray variability of optically selected QSOs: dependence on black hole mass and Eddington ratio |
Georgakakis, A.;Buchner, J.;Ruiz, A.;Boller, T.;Akylas, A.;Paolillo, M.;Salvato, M.;Merloni, A.;Nandra, K.;Dwelly, T. |
07-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 531, 4524 |
2024MNRAS.531.4524G |
4 |
754 |
A serendipitous XMM survey of the SDSS: the evolution of the colour-magnitude diagram of X-ray AGN from z= 0.8 to 0.1 |
Georgakakis, Antonis; Nandra, K. |
06-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 414, 992 |
2011MNRAS.414..992G |
2,4 |
755 |
NuSTAR observations of heavily obscured Swift/BAT AGNs: Constraints on the Compton-thick AGNs fraction |
Georgantopoulos, I.; Akylas, A. |
01-2019 |
2019, A&A, 621, 28 |
2019A&A...621A..28G |
4 |
756 |
The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. IV. Compton-thick AGN candidates |
Georgantopoulos, I.; Comastri, A.; Vignali, C.; Ranalli, P.; Rovilos, E.; Iwasawa, K.; Gilli, R.; Cappelluti, N.; Carrera, F.; Fritz, J.; Brusa, M.; Elbaz, D.; Mullaney, R. J.; Castello-Mor, N.; Barcons, X.; Tozzi, P.; Balestra, I.; Falocco, S. |
07-2013 |
2013, A&A, 555, 43 |
2013A&A...555A..43G |
4 |
757 |
X-ray bright optically inactive galaxies in XMM-Newton/Sloan Digital Sky Survey fields: more diluted than absorbed? |
Georgantopoulos, I.; Georgakakis, A. |
03-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 358, 131 |
2005MNRAS.358..131G |
2,4 |
0006220201, 0067540201, 0109130201, 0110930701, 0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830301, 0112830501, 0144230101, 0145670101, 0150940101, 0152940101, 0202860101, 0302850201, 0550450301, 0550451501, 0554170101, 0554170201 |
758 |
XMM-Newton observations of an absorbed z= 0.67 QSO: no dusty torus? |
Georgantopoulos, I.; Georgakakis, A.; Stewart, G. C.; Akylas, A.; Boyle, B. J.; Shanks, T.; Griffiths, R. E. |
06-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 342, 321 |
2003MNRAS.342..321G |
4 |
0045940301 |
759 |
X-Ray Luminous Galaxies. II. Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of the ``Composite'' Galaxy IRAS 20051-1117 |
Georgantopoulos, I.; Papadakis, I.; Zezas, A.; Ward, M. J. |
10-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 614, 634 |
2004ApJ...614..634G |
2,4 |
0044350201 |
760 |
On the Lx - L6 μm ratio as a diagnostic for Compton-thick AGN |
Georgantopoulos, I.; Rovilos, E.; Akylas, A.; Comastri, A.; Ranalli, P.; Vignali, C.; Balestra, I.; Gilli, R.; Cappelluti, N. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 23 |
2011A&A...534A..23G |
4 |
761 |
iPTF Discovery of the Rapid "Turn-on" of a Luminous Quasar |
Gezari, S.; Hung, T.; Cenko, S. B.; Blagorodnova, N.; Yan, Lin; Kulkarni, S. R.; Mooley, K.; Kong, A. K. H.; Cantwell, T. M.; Yu, P. C.; Cao, Y.; Fremling, C.; Neill, J. D.; Ngeow, C.-C.; Nugent, P. E.; Wozniak, P. |
02-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 835, 144 |
2017ApJ...835..144G |
4 |
762 |
The blazar S5 0014+813: a real or apparent monster? |
Ghisellini, G.; Foschini, L.; Volonteri, M.; Ghirlanda, G.; Haardt, F.; Burlon, D.; Tavecchio, F. |
10-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 399, L24 |
2009MNRAS.399L..24G |
4 |
0112620201 |
763 |
A NuSTAR view of powerful gamma-ray loud blazars |
Ghisellini, G.; Perri, M.; Costamante, L.; Tagliaferri, G.; Sbarrato, T.; Campitiello, S.; Madejski, G.; Tavecchio, F.; Ghirlanda, G. |
07-2019 |
2019, A&A, 627, 72 |
2019A&A...627A..72G |
4 |
764 |
Applying wavelet analysis to the X-ray light curves of active galactic nuclei and quasi-periodic eruptions |
Ghosh, Akshay;Gallo, L. C.;Gonzalez, A. G. |
09-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 524, 1478 |
2023MNRAS.524.1478G |
4 |
0506440101 |
765 |
Accretion disc/corona emission from a radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 0558-504 |
Ghosh, R.; Dewangan, G. C.; Raychaudhuri, B. |
02-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 456, 554 |
2016MNRAS.456..554G |
4 |
766 |
An X-Ray Spectral Study of the Origin of Reflection Features in Bare Seyfert 1 Galaxy ESO 511-G030 |
Ghosh, Ritesh;Laha, Sibasish |
02-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 908, 198 |
2021ApJ...908..198G |
4 |
0502090201 |
767 |
A broad-band X-ray spectral study of the Seyfert 1 galaxy ESO 141-G055 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Ghosh, Ritesh;Laha, Sibasish |
08-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 497, 4213 |
2020MNRAS.497.4213G |
4 |
0101040501, 0503750301, 0503750401, 0503750501, 0503750101 |
768 |
The Origin of the Vanishing Soft X-Ray Excess in the Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus Mrk 590 |
Ghosh, Ritesh;Laha, Sibasish;Deshmukh, Kunal;Bhalerao, Varun;Dewangan, Gulab C.;Chatterjee, Ritaban |
09-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 937, 31 |
2022ApJ...937...31G |
4 |
0109130301, 0201020201 |
769 |
A Reemerging Bright Soft X-Ray State of the Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES 1927+654: A Multiwavelength View |
Ghosh, Ritesh;Laha, Sibasish;Meyer, Eileen;Roychowdhury, Agniva;Yang, Xiaolong;Acosta-Pulido, J. A.;Rakshit, Suvendu;Pandey, Shivangi;González, Josefa Becerra;Behar, Ehud;Gallo, Luigi C.;Panessa, Francesca;Bianchi, Stefano;La Franca, Fabio;Scepi, Nicolas;Begelman, Mitchell C.;Longinotti, Anna Lia;Lusso, Elisabeta;Oates, Samantha;Nicholl, Matt;Cenko, S. Bradley;O'Connor, Brendan;Hammerstein, Erica;Jose, Jincen;Gabányi, Krisztina Ãva;Ricci, Federica;Chattopadhyay, Sabyasachi |
09-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 955, 3 |
2023ApJ...955....3G |
4 |
0671860201 |
770 |
Analysis of X-ray spectral variability and black hole mass determination of the NLS1 galaxy Mrk 766 |
Giacchè, S.; Gilli, R.; Titarchuk, L. |
02-2014 |
2014, A&A, 562, 44 |
2014A&A...562A..44G |
4 |
0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701, 0096020101 |
771 |
An X-ray view of the INTEGRAL/IBIS blazars |
GiannÃ, S.; de Rosa, A.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Dean, T.; Ubertini, P. |
03-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 411, 2137 |
2011MNRAS.411.2137G |
4 |
0094381301, 0204580301, 0112620101, 0206350101, 0103060401 |
772 |
Supermassive Black Hole Winds in X-rays: SUBWAYS. III. A population study on ultra-fast outflows |
Gianolli, V. E.;Bianchi, S.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Brusa, M.;Chartas, G.;Lanzuisi, G.;Matzeu, G. A.;Parra, M.;Ursini, F.;Behar, E.;Bischetti, M.;Comastri, A.;Costantini, E.;Cresci, G.;Dadina, M.;De Marco, B.;De Rosa, A.;Fiore, F.;Gaspari, M.;Gilli, R.;Giustini, M.;Guainazzi, M.;King, A. R.;Kraemer, S.;Kriss, G.;Krongold, Y.;La Franca, F.;Longinotti, A. L.;Luminari, A.;Maiolino, R.;Marconi, A.;Mathur, S.;Matt, G.;Mehdipour, M.;Merloni, A.;Middei, R.;Miniutti, G.;Nardini, E.;Panessa, F.;Perna, M.;Piconcelli, E.;Ponti, G.;Ricci, F.;Serafinelli, R.;Tombesi, F.;Vignali, C.;Zappacosta, L. |
07-2024 |
2024, A&A, 687, 235 |
2024A&A...687A.235G |
4 |
773 |
Uncovering the geometry of the hot X-ray corona in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 with IXPE |
Gianolli, V. E.;Kim, D. E.;Bianchi, S.;AgÃs-González, B.;Madejski, G.;Marin, F.;Marinucci, A.;Matt, G.;Middei, R.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Soffitta, P.;Tagliacozzo, D.;Tombesi, F.;Ursini, F.;Barnouin, T.;De Rosa, A.;Di Gesu, L.;Ingram, A.;Loktev, V.;Panagiotou, C.;Podgorny, J.;Poutanen, J.;Puccetti, S.;Ratheesh, A.;Veledina, A.;Zhang, W.;Agudo, I.;Antonelli, L. A.;Bachetti, M.;Baldini, L.;Baumgartner, W. H.;Bellazzini, R.;Bongiorno, S. D.;Bonino, R.;Brez, A.;Bucciantini, N.;Capitanio, F.;Castellano, S.;Cavazzuti, E.;Chen, C. -T.;Ciprini, S.;Costa, E.;Del Monte, E.;Di Lalla, N.;Di Marco, A.;Donnarumma, I.;Doroshenko, V.;DovÄiak, M.;Ehlert, S. R.;Enoto, T.;Evangelista, Y.;Fabiani, S.;Ferrazzoli, R.;GarcÃa, J. A.;Gunji, S.;Heyl, J.;Iwakiri, W.;Jorstad, S. G.;Kaaret, P.;Karas, V.;Kislat, F.;Kitaguchi, T.;Kolodziejczak, J. J.;Krawczynski, H.;La Monaca, F.;Latronico, L.;Liodakis, I.;Maldera, S.;Manfreda, A.;Marscher, A. P.;Marshall, H. L.;Massaro, F.;Mitsuishi, I.;Mizuno, T.;Muleri, F.;Negro, M.;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, S. L.;Omodei, N.;Oppedisano, C.;Papitto, A.;Pavlov, G. G.;Peirson, A. L.;Perri, M.;Pesce-Rollins, M.;Pilia, M.;Possenti, A.;Ramsey, B. D.;Rankin, J.;Roberts, O. J.;Romani, R. W.;Sgrò, C.;Slane, P.;Spandre, G.;Swartz, D. A.;Tamagawa, T.;Tavecchio, F.;Taverna, R.;Tawara, Y.;Tennant, A. F.;Thomas, N. E.;Trois, A.;Tsygankov, S. S.;Turolla, R.;Vink, J.;Weisskopf, M. C.;Wu, K.;Xie, F.;Zane, S. |
08-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 523, 4468 |
2023MNRAS.523.4468G |
4 |
0921160201 |
774 |
X-ray Insights into the Physics of Mini-BAL Quasar Outflows |
Gibson, Robert R.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallagher, S. C.; Schneider, Donald P. |
05-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 696, 924 |
2009ApJ...696..924G |
4 |
0021740101, 0025540301, 0025740201, 0033540601, 0042341301, 0056020301, 0061940101, 0067340601, 0070340201, 0081340201, 0081340801, 0083000101, 0084190201, 0090020101, 0093640301, 0093641101, 0094310201, 0103863201, 0105070201, 0106061001, 0109080901, 0109130301, 0109461501, 0110930401, 0110930901, 0110990201, 0111180201, 0111200201, 0111281601, 0111290101, 0111290201, 0111970701, 0112230201, 0112250201, 0117890901, 0136541001, 0142610101, 0145450201, 0146990101, 0147580501, 0157360401, 0201120101, 0201470101, 0201902001, 0201902101, 0202730301, 0203050801, 0203160201, 0203280201, 0203362101, 0203362401, 0203690101, 0204040301, 0204400101, 0300870201, 0300910301, 0302350201, 0303110101, 0303110201, 0303110801, 0304070401, 0304071201, 0306230101, 0312190401, 0312191701, 0312192001, 0400570401, 0401270301, 0402250201, 0407030101, 0414190101 |
775 |
Are Optically Selected Quasars Universally X-Ray Luminous? X-Ray-UV Relations in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars |
Gibson, Robert R.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, Donald P. |
10-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 685, 773 |
2008ApJ...685..773G |
4 |
776 |
A Catalog of Broad Absorption Line Quasars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 |
Gibson, Robert R.; Jiang, Linhua; Brandt, W. N.; Hall, Patrick B.; Shen, Yue; Wu, Jianfeng; Anderson, Scott F.; Schneider, Donald P.; Vanden Berk, Daniel; Gallagher, S. C.; Fan, Xiaohui; York, Donald G. |
02-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 692, 758 |
2009ApJ...692..758G |
4 |
0145450601, 0303110801, 0403760301, 0111200201, 0303550901, 0150620101, 0021740101, 0201470101, 0111290101, 0204791101, 0304071201, 0033540601, 0110990201, 0084190201, 0110930401, 0203050801 |
777 |
Is the soft excess in active galactic nuclei real? |
GierliÅski, Marek; Done, Chris |
03-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 349, L7 |
2004MNRAS.349L...7G |
4 |
778 |
A periodicity of 1 hour in X-ray emission from the active galaxy RE J1034+396 |
GierliÅski, Marek; Middleton, Matthew; Ward, Martin; Done, Chris |
09-2008 |
2008, Natur, 455, 369 |
2008Natur.455..369G |
4 |
779 |
Energy-dependent variability and the origin of the soft X-ray excess in active galactic nuclei |
Gierlinski, Marek; Done, Chris |
09-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 371, L16 |
2006MNRAS.371L..16G |
4 |
0109141401, 0029740701, 0148010301 |
780 |
The X-ray to [Ne V]3426 flux ratio: discovering heavily obscured AGN in the distant Universe g |
Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Mignoli, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Comastri, A.; Zamorani, G. |
09-2010 |
2010, A&A, 519, 92 |
2010A&A...519A..92G |
4 |
0307001501, 0112270601, 0405240201, 0305750201 |
781 |
The spatial clustering of X-ray selected AGN in the XMM-COSMOS ï¬eld |
Gilli, R.; Zamorani, G.; Miyaji, T.; Silverman, J.; Brusa, M.; Mainieri, V.; Cappelluti, N.; Daddi, E.; Porciani, C.; Pozzetti, L.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Finoguenov, A.; Fiore, F.; Salvato, M.; Vignali, C.; Hasinger, G.; Lilly, S.; Impey, C.; Trump, J.; Capak, P.; McCracken, H.; Scoville, N.; Taniguchi, Y.; Carollo, C. M.; Contini, T.; Kneib, J.-P.; Le Fevre, O.; Renzini, A.; Scodeggio, M.; Bardelli, S.; Bolzonella, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Caputi, K.; Cimatti, A.; Coppa, G.; Cucciati, O.; de La Torre, S.; de Ravel, L.; Franzetti, P.; Garilli, B.; Iovino, A.; Kampczyk, P.; Knobel, C.; KovaÄ, K.; Lamareille, F.; Le Borgne, J.-F.; Le Brun, V.; Maier, C.; Mignoli, M.; Pellò, R.; Peng, Y.; Perez Montero, E.; Ricciardelli, E.; Tanaka, M.; Tasca, L.; Tresse, L.; Vergani, D.; Zucca, E.; Abbas, U.; Bottini, D.; Cappi, A.; Cassata, P.; Fumana, M.; Guzzo, L.; Leauthaud, A.; Maccagni, D.; Marinoni, C.; Memeo, P.; Meneux, B.; Oesch, P.; Scaramella, R.; Walcher, J. |
01-2009 |
2009, A&A, 494, 33 |
2009A&A...494...33G |
2,4,5 |
0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501, 0302350101, 0302350201, 0302350301, 0302350401, 0302350501, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302351001, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302351401, 0302351501, 0302351601, 0302351701, 0302351801, 0302351901, 0302352001, 0302352201, 0302352301, 0302352401, 0302352501, 0302353001, 0302353101, 0302353201, 0302353301, 0302353401, 0501170101, 0501170201 |
782 |
Environmental dependence of active galactic nuclei activity in the supercluster A901/2 |
Gilmour, R.; Gray, M. E.; Almaini, O.; Best, P.; Wolf, C.; Meisenheimer, K.; Papovich, C.; Bell, E. |
10-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 380, 1467 |
2007MNRAS.380.1467G |
3,4 |
0148170101 |
783 |
RX J1821.6+6827: A cool cluster at z = 0.81 from the ROSAT NEP survey |
Gioia, I. M.; Wolter, A.; Mullis, C. R.; Henry, J. P.; Böhringer, H.; Briel, U. G. |
12-2004 |
2004, A&A, 428, 867 |
2004A&A...428..867G |
2,4 |
0004610301, 0004610201, 0004610401 |
784 |
Open Universe survey of Swift-XRT GRB fields: Flux-limited sample of HBL blazars |
Giommi, P.;Chang, Y. L.;Turriziani, S.;Glauch, T.;Leto, C.;Verrecchia, F.;Padovani, P.;Penacchioni, A. V.;Arneodo, F.;Barres de Almeida, U.;Brandt, C. H.;Capalbi, M.;Civitarese, O.;D'Elia, V.;Di Giovanni, A.;De Angelis, M.;Del Rio Vera, J.;Di Pippo, S.;Middei, R.;Perri, M.;Pollock, A. M. T.;Puccetti, S.;Ricard, N.;Ruffini, R.;Sahakyan, N. |
10-2020 |
2020, A&A, 642, 141 |
2020A&A...642A.141G |
4 |
785 |
Cosmological Effects of Powerful AGN Outbursts in Galaxy Clusters: Insights from an XMM-Newton Observation of MS 0735+7421 |
Gitti, M.; McNamara, B. R.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Wise, M. W. |
05-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 660, 1118 |
2007ApJ...660.1118G |
3,4 |
0303950101 |
786 |
Cavities and Shocks in the Galaxy Group HCG 62 as Revealed by Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Data |
Gitti, Myriam; O'Sullivan, Ewan; Giacintucci, Simona; David, Laurence P.; Vrtilek, Jan; Raychaudhury, Somak; Nulsen, Paul E. J. |
05-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 714, 758 |
2010ApJ...714..758G |
3,4 |
0504780501, 0504780601 |
787 |
Unveiling the X-ray/UV properties of disk winds in active galactic nuclei using broad and mini-broad absorption line quasars |
Giustini, M. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 459 |
2016AN....337..459G |
4 |
0300890101, 0690830201, 0504621001, 0150610101, 0140550601, 0728980201, 0109080801, 0651330101, 0651330201, 0651330301, 0651330401, 0651330501, 0651330601, 0651330701, 0651330801, 0651330901, 0651331001, 0651331101, 0082340101, 0203560201, 0203560401, 0202060201, 0556230701, 0556231201, 0606150101, 0728180201, 0728180301, 0728180401, 0205390301, 0556230101, 0556230201, 0103660101, 0203770201, 0150610301, 0300310301, 0300310401, 0300310501, 0601870101, 0601870201, 0601870301, 0150610201, 0300310201, 0500500601, 0500500701, 0500500801, 0500500901 |
788 |
Variable X-ray absorption in the mini-BAL QSO PG 1126-041 |
Giustini, M.; Cappi, M.; Chartas, G.; Dadina, M.; Eracleous, M.; Ponti, G.; Proga, D.; Tombesi, F.; Vignali, C.; Palumbo, G. G. C. |
12-2011 |
2011, A&A, 536, 49 |
2011A&A...536A..49G |
4 |
0202060201, 0556230701, 0556231201, 0606150101 |
789 |
On the absorption of X-ray bright broad absorption line quasars |
Giustini, M.; Cappi, M.; Vignali, C. |
11-2008 |
2008, A&A, 491, 425 |
2008A&A...491..425G |
4 |
790 |
Direct probe of the inner accretion flow around the supermassive black hole in NGC 2617 |
Giustini, M.; Costantini, E.; De Marco, B.; Svoboda, J.; Motta, S. E.; Proga, D.; Saxton, R.; Ferrigno, C.; Longinotti, A. L.; Miniutti, G.; Grupe, D.; Mathur, S.; Shappee, B. J.; Prieto, J. L.; Stanek, K. |
01-2017 |
2017, A&A, 597, 66 |
2017A&A...597A..66G |
4 |
0701981601, 0701981901 |
791 |
Revealing a hard X-ray spectral component that reverberates within one light hour of the central supermassive black hole in Ark 564 |
Giustini, M.; Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N.; Miller, L.; Legg, E.; Kraemer, S. B.; George, I. M. |
05-2015 |
2015, A&A, 577, 8 |
2015A&A...577A...8G |
4 |
0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901 |
792 |
Coordinated X-ray and UV absorption within the accretion disk wind of the active galactic nucleus PG 1126-041 |
Giustini, M.;RodrÃguez Hidalgo, P.;Reeves, J. N.;Matzeu, G.;Braito, V.;Eracleous, M.;Chartas, G.;Schartel, N.;Vignali, C.;Hall, P. B.;Waters, T.;Ponti, G.;Proga, D.;Dadina, M.;Cappi, M.;Miniutti, G.;de Vries, L. |
11-2023 |
2023, A&A, 679, 73 |
2023A&A...679A..73G |
4 |
0202060201, 0556230701, 0556231201, 0606150101, 0728180201, 0728180301, 0728180401, 0728180501 |
793 |
X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from the galactic nucleus of RX J1301.9+2747 |
Giustini, Margherita;Miniutti, Giovanni;Saxton, Richard D. |
04-2020 |
2020, A&A, 636, L2 |
2020A&A...636L...2G |
4 |
0851180501, 0124710801 |
794 |
Luminous WISE-selected Obscured, Unobscured, and Red Quasars in Stripe 82 |
Glikman, E.; Lacy, M.; LaMassa, S.; Stern, D.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Graham, M. J.; Urrutia, T.; Lovdal, Larson; Crnogorcevic, M.; Daniels-Koch, H.; Hundal, Carol B.; Urry, M.; Gates, E. L.; Murray, S. |
07-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 861, 37 |
2018ApJ...861...37G |
4 |
795 |
Peering Through the Dust. II. XMM-Newton Observations of Two Additional FIRST-2MASS Red Quasars |
Glikman, Eilat; LaMassa, Stephanie; Piconcelli, Enrico; Urry, Meg; Lacy, Mark |
10-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 847, 116 |
2017ApJ...847..116G |
4 |
0761950101, 0761950201 |
796 |
XMM-Newton monitoring of X-ray variability in the quasar PKS 0558-504 |
Gliozzi, M.; Brinkmann, W.; O'Brien, P. T.; Reeves, J. N.; Pounds, K. A.; Trifoglio, M.; Gianotti, F. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L128 |
2001A&A...365L.128G |
4 |
0116700301, 0117500201, 0119100301, 0125110101 |
797 |
Q2122-444: A Naked Active Galactic Nucleus Fully Dressed |
Gliozzi, M.; Panessa, F.; La Franca, F.; Saviane, I.; Monaco, L.; Foschini, L.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Satyapal, S.; Sambruna, R. M. |
12-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 725, 2071 |
2010ApJ...725.2071G |
4 |
0500050101 |
798 |
A Panchromatic View of PKS 0558â504: An Ideal Laboratory to Study the Disk-Jet Link |
Gliozzi, M.; Papadakis, I. E.; Grupe, D.; Brinkmann, W. P.; Raeth, C.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L. |
07-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 717, 1243 |
2010ApJ...717.1243G |
4 |
0555170201, 0555170301, 0555170401, 0555170501, 0555170601 |
799 |
Long-Term X-Ray Monitoring of NGC 6251: Evidence for a Jet-dominated Radio Galaxy |
Gliozzi, M.; Papadakis, I. E.; Sambruna, R. M. |
05-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 678, 78 |
2008ApJ...678...78G |
4 |
0056340201 |
800 |
On the origin of the X-rays and the nature of accretion in NGC 4261 |
Gliozzi, M.; Sambruna, R. M.; Brandt, W. N. |
09-2003 |
2003, A&A, 408, 949 |
2003A&A...408..949G |
4 |
0056340101 |
801 |
The XMM-Newton view of NGC 6251 |
Gliozzi, M.; Sambruna, R. M.; Brandt, W. N.; Mushotzky, R.; Eracleous, M. |
01-2004 |
2004, A&A, 413, 139 |
2004A&A...413..139G |
4 |
0056340201 |
802 |
Testing a Scale-independent Method to Measure the Mass of Black Holes |
Gliozzi, M.; Titarchuk, L.; Satyapal, S.; Price, D.; Jang, I. |
07-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 735, 16 |
2011ApJ...735...16G |
4 |
803 |
Short-Term Variability and Power Spectral Density Analysis of the Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nucleus 3C 390.3 |
Gliozzi, Mario; Papadakis, Iossif E.; Eracleous, Michael; Sambruna, Rita M.; Ballantyne, David R.; Braito, Valentina; Reeves, James N. |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 703, 1021 |
2009ApJ...703.1021G |
4 |
0203720201, 0203720301 |
804 |
A Chandra View of NGC 3621: A Bulgeless Galaxy Hosting an AGN in Its Early Phase? |
Gliozzi, Mario; Satyapal, Shobita; Eracleous, Michael; Titarchuk, Lev; Cheung, Chi C. |
08-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 700, 1759 |
2009ApJ...700.1759G |
4 |
0203720201, 0203720301 |
805 |
The soft X-ray excess: NLS1s versus BLS1s |
Gliozzi, Mario;Williams, James K. |
01-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 491, 532 |
2020MNRAS.491..532G |
4 |
806 |
Estimating black hole masses in obscured AGN using X-rays |
Gliozzi, Mario;Williams, James K.;Michel, Dina A. |
04-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 502, 3329 |
2021MNRAS.502.3329G |
4 |
807 |
H I absorption in nearby compact radio galaxies |
Glowacki, M.; Allison, J. R.; Sadler, E. M.; Moss, V. A.; Curran, S. J.; Musaeva, A.; Deng, C.; Parry, R.; Sligo, M. C. |
05-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 467, 2766 |
2017MNRAS.467.2766G |
4 |
808 |
The Suzaku view of highly ionized outflows in AGN - I. Statistical detection and global absorber properties |
Gofford, Jason; Reeves, James N.; Tombesi, Francesco; Braito, Valentina; Turner, T. Jane; Miller, Lance; Cappi, Massimo |
03-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 430, 60 |
2013MNRAS.430...60G |
4 |
809 |
The first GeV flare of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 2004-447 |
Gokus, A.;Paliya, V. S.;Wagner, S. M.;Buson, S.;D'Ammando, F.;Edwards, P. G.;Kadler, M.;Meyer, M.;Ojha, R.;Stevens, J.;Wilms, J. |
05-2021 |
2021, A&A, 649, 77 |
2021A&A...649A..77G |
4 |
0853980701 |
810 |
Rapid variability of Markarian 421 during extreme flaring as seen through the eyes of XMM-Newton |
Gokus, A.;Wilms, J.;Kadler, M.;Dorner, D.;Nowak, M. A.;Kreikenbohm, A.;Leiter, K.;Bretz, T.;Schleicher, B.;Markowitz, A. G.;Pottschmidt, K.;Mannheim, K.;Kreykenbohm, I.;Langejahn, M.;McBride, F.;Beuchert, T.;Dauser, T.;Kreter, M.;Abhir, J.;Baack, D.;Balbo, M.;Biland, A.;Brand, K.;Buss, J.;Eisenberger, L.;Elsaesser, D.;Günther, P.;Hildebrand, D.;Linhoff, M.;Paravac, A.;Rhode, W.;Sliusar, V.;Hasan, S.;Walter, R. |
04-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 529, 1450 |
2024MNRAS.529.1450G |
4 |
0845000901 |
811 |
A New X-Ray Flare from the Galactic Nucleus Detected with the XMM-Newton Photon Imaging Cameras |
Goldwurm, A.; Brion, E.; Goldoni, P.; Ferrando, P.; Daigne, F.; Decourchelle, A.; Warwick, R. S.; Predehl, P. |
02-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 584, 751 |
2003ApJ...584..751G |
4,11 |
0112972101 |
812 |
A new model for the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783: a single medium in total pressure equilibrium |
Gonçalves, A. C.; Collin, S.; Dumont, A.-M.; Mouchet, M.; Rózanska, A.; Chevallier, L.; Goosmann, R. W. |
06-2006 |
2006, A&A, 451, L23 |
2006A&A...451L..23G |
4 |
813 |
XMM - Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy ESO 141-G55 |
Gondoin, P. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 185 |
2004NuPhS.132..185G |
4 |
814 |
XMM - Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3227 |
Gondoin, P. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 181 |
2004NuPhS.132..181G |
4 |
815 |
Simultaneous XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observation of the Seyfert I galaxy IC 4329A |
Gondoin, P.; Barr, P.; Lumb, D.; Oosterbroek, T.; Orr, A.; Parmar, A. N. |
11-2001 |
2001, A&A, 378, 806 |
2001A&A...378..806G |
4 |
0101040401 |
816 |
XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Fairall 9 |
Gondoin, P.; Lumb, D.; Siddiqui, H.; Guainazzi, M.; Schartel, N. |
07-2001 |
2001, A&A, 373, 805 |
2001A&A...373..805G |
4 |
0101040201 |
817 |
XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy ESO 141-G55 |
Gondoin, P.; Orr, A.; Lumb, D. |
02-2003 |
2003, A&A, 398, 967 |
2003A&A...398..967G |
4 |
0101040501 |
818 |
XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 335 |
Gondoin, P.; Orr, A.; Lumb, D.; Santos-Lleo, M. |
06-2002 |
2002, A&A, 388, 74 |
2002A&A...388...74G |
4 |
0101040101, 0101040701 |
819 |
XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3227 |
Gondoin, P.; Orr, A.; Lumb, D.; Siddiqui, H. |
01-2003 |
2003, A&A, 397, 883 |
2003A&A...397..883G |
4 |
0101040301 |
820 |
Synapses of active galactic nuclei:. Comparing X-ray and optical classifications using artificial neural networks |
González-Martín, O.; Díaz-González, D.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Masegosa, J.; Papadakis, I. E.; Rodríguez-Espinosa, J. M.; Márquez, I.; Hernández-García, L. |
07-2014 |
2014, A&A, 567, 92 |
2014A&A...567A..92G |
4 |
0152260101, 0093640901, 0206890201, 0206890401, 0305290201, 0203610201, 0304160201, 0141980501, 0141980801, 0102640101, 0102642101, 0304160301, 0203610301, 0553300401, 0093630101, 0553300301, 0306230101, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0085110101, 0112290801, 0110930101, 0140951001, 0093190501, 0301650301, 0200250101, 0201440101, 0556280301, 0110930201, 0405020601, 0400270101, 0101040301, 0556280101, 0556280201, 0551450101, 0107460601, 0107460701, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401210401, 0401211001, 0082140301, 0110980101, 0052140201, 0679381101, 0112810101, 0200430501, 0200431301, 0301900601, 0090020101, 0157560101, 0606321601, 0606320201, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321501, 0606321701, 0606322301, 0606322201, 0606321401, 0606322101, 0606321801, 0606320101, 0601780701, 0112551201, 0150010601, 0112310101, 0112830501, 0112830201, 0143500301, 0402660201, 0143500201, 0143500101, 0402660101, 0203170101, 0112550501, 0035940201, 0204650201, 0147610101, 0400560301, 0059140901, 0059140101, 0110920101, 0056340101, 0502120101, 0205010101, 0205360101, 0201690301, 0106860201, 0673310101, 0301650801, 0110930701, 0675140101, 0112522701, 0142830101, 0112521901, 0402830101, 0550540101, 0550540201, 0200130101, 0114120101, 0112280201, 0556300101, 0071340301, 0205010201, 0141570101, 0152170501, 0112550301, 0200650101, 0112840101, 0084030101, 0111190701, 0111190201, 0112551001, 0651360401, 0112550401, 0404980101, 0094360601, 0658400601, 0110930501, 0094360501, 0405080301, 0405080501, 0112840201, 0303420201, 0212480801, 0142770301, 0150650301, 0405690201, 0405690101, 0405690501, 0655380401, 0112551701, 0071340501, 0201670201, 0109960101, 0089960301, 0089960401, 0651890101, 0651890201, 0651890301, 0651890401, 0302460101, 0554680201, 0554680301, 0021540501, 0021540101, 0673770401, 0400920101, 0400920201, 0304160801, 0304160401, 0601830401, 0200670301, 0200670401, 0500730101, 0500730201, 0149240101 |
821 |
X-ray nature of the LINER nuclear sources |
González-Martín, O.; Masegosa, J.; Márquez, I.; Guerrero, M. A.; Dultzin-Hacyan, D. |
12-2006 |
2006, A&A, 460, 45 |
2006A&A...460...45G |
4 |
822 |
Update on the X-Ray Variability Plane for Active Galactic Nuclei: The Role of the Obscuration |
González-Martín, Omaira |
05-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 858, 2 |
2018ApJ...858....2G |
4 |
823 |
Fitting Liner Nuclei within the Active Galactic Nucleus Family: A Matter of Obscuration? |
González-MartÃn, O.; Masegosa, J.; Márquez, I.; Guainazzi, M. |
10-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 704, 1570 |
2009ApJ...704.1570G |
4 |
824 |
An X-ray view of 82 LINERs with Chandra and XMM-Newton data |
González-MartÃn, O.; Masegosa, J.; Márquez, I.; Guainazzi, M.; Jiménez-Bailón, E. |
11-2009 |
2009, A&A, 506, 1107 |
2009A&A...506.1107G |
4 |
825 |
X-ray variability of 104 active galactic nuclei. XMM-Newton power-spectrum density profiles |
González-MartÃn, O.; Vaughan, S. |
08-2012 |
2012, A&A, 544, 80 |
2012A&A...544A..80G |
4 |
826 |
Characterizing continuum variability in the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 17020+4544 |
Gonzalez, A. G.; Gallo, L. C.; Kosec, P.; Fabian, A. C.; Alston, W. N.; Berton, M.; Wilkins, D. R. |
06-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 496, 3708 |
2020MNRAS.496.3708G |
4 |
0206860101, 0206860201, 0721220101, 0721220301 |
827 |
The changing source of X-ray reflection in the radio-intermediate Seyfert 1 galaxy III Zw 2 |
Gonzalez, A. G.; Waddell, S. G. H.; Gallo, L. C. |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 475, 128 |
2018MNRAS.475..128G |
4 |
0127110201 |
828 |
The Soft X-ray and Narrow-line Emission of Mrk 573 on Kiloparsec Scales |
Gonzalez-Martin, O.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Perez Garcia, A. M.; Ramos Almeida, C. |
11-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 723, 1748 |
2010ApJ...723.1748G |
4 |
0200430701 |
829 |
Inverse Compton emission from the lobes of 3C353 |
Goodger, J. L.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H.; Kassim, N. E.; Perley, R. A. |
05-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 386, 337 |
2008MNRAS.386..337G |
3,4 |
0400930201, 0400930101 |
830 |
Modeling time delays in the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15 |
Goosmann, R. W.; Czerny, B.; Karas, V.; Ponti, G. |
05-2007 |
2007, A&A, 466, 865 |
2007A&A...466..865G |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201 |
831 |
The structure and X-ray radiation spectra of illuminated accretion disks in AGN. III. Modeling fractional variability |
Goosmann, R. W.; Czerny, B.; Mouchet, M.; Ponti, G.; Dovciak, M.; Karas, V.; Rózanska, A.; Dumont, A.-M. |
08-2006 |
2006, A&A, 454, 741 |
2006A&A...454..741G |
4 |
832 |
Searching for Compton-thick active galactic nuclei at zË 0.1 |
Goulding, A. D.; Alexander, D. M.; Mullaney, J. R.; Gelbord, J. M.; Hickox, R. C.; Ward, M.; Watson, M. G. |
02-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 411, 1231 |
2011MNRAS.411.1231G |
4 |
833 |
High-redshift Extremely Red Quasars in X-Rays |
Goulding, Andy D.; Zakamska, Nadia L.; Alexandroff, Rachael M.; Assef, Roberto J.; Banerji, Manda; Hamann, Fred; Wylezalek, Dominika; Brandt, William N.; Greene, Jenny E.; Lansbury, George B.; Pâris, Isabelle; Richards, Gordon; Stern, Daniel; Strauss, Michael A. |
03-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 856, 4 |
2018ApJ...856....4G |
4 |
834 |
Inferring the coronal flaring patterns in active galactic nuclei from reverberation maps |
Goyder, R.; Lasenby, A. N. |
09-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 353, 338 |
2004MNRAS.353..338G |
4 |
835 |
The first look at narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies with eROSITA |
Grünwald, G.;Boller, Th.;Rakshit, S.;Buchner, J.;Dauser, Th.;Freyberg, M.;Liu, T.;Salvato, M.;Schichtel, A. |
01-2023 |
2023, A&A, 669, 37 |
2023A&A...669A..37G |
4 |
836 |
Multi-wavelength campaign on NGC 7469. VI. Photoionisation modelling of the emission line regions and the warm absorber |
Grafton-Waters, S.;Branduardi-Raymont, G.;Mehdipour, M.;Page, M. J.;Behar, E.;Kaastra, J.;Arav, N.;Bianchi, S.;Costantini, E.;Ebrero, J.;Di Gesu, L.;Kaspi, S.;Kriss, G. A.;De Marco, B.;Mao, J.;Middei, R.;Peretz, U.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Ponti, G. |
01-2020 |
2020, A&A, 633, 62 |
2020A&A...633A..62G |
4 |
0760350201, 0760350301, 0760350401, 0760350501, 0760350601, 0760350701, 0760350801 |
837 |
Photoionisation modelling of the X-ray emission line regions within the Seyfert 2 AGN NGC 1068 |
Grafton-Waters, S.;Branduardi-Raymont, G.;Mehdipour, M.;Page, M.;Bianchi, S.;Behar, E.;Symeonidis, M. |
05-2021 |
2021, A&A, 649, 162 |
2021A&A...649A.162G |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201, 0740060201, 0740060301, 0740060401, 0740060501 |
838 |
Transient obscuration event captured in NGC 3227. IV. Origin of the obscuring cloud variability |
Grafton-Waters, S.;Mao, J.;Mehdipour, M.;Branduardi-Raymont, G.;Page, M.;Kaastra, J.;Wang, Y.;Pinto, C.;Kriss, G. A.;Walton, D. J.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Ponti, G.;De Marco, B.;Bianchi, S.;Behar, E.;Ebrero, J. |
05-2023 |
2023, A&A, 673, 26 |
2023A&A...673A..26G |
4 |
0844341301, 0844341401 |
839 |
1WGA J2223.7-0206: A Narrow-Line Quasi-Stellar Object in the XMM-Newton field of view of 3C 445 |
Grandi, P.; Foschini, L.; Masetti, N.; Palazzi, E. |
05-2004 |
2004, A&A, 418, 907 |
2004A&A...418..907G |
4 |
0090050601 |
840 |
XMM-Newton unveils the type 2 nature of the BLRG 3C 445 |
Grandi, Paola; Guainazzi, Matteo; Cappi, Massimo; Ponti, Gabriele |
10-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 381, L21 |
2007MNRAS.381L..21G |
4 |
0090050601 |
841 |
Detection of X-Ray Emission from the Eastern Radio Lobe of Pictor A |
Grandi, Paola; Guainazzi, Matteo; Maraschi, Laura; Morganti, Raffaella; Fusco-Femiano, Roberto; Fiocchi, Mariateresa; Ballo, Lucia; Tavecchio, Fabrizio |
03-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 586, 123 |
2003ApJ...586..123G |
4 |
0090050701 |
842 |
BeppoSAX View of Radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei |
Grandi, Paola; Malaguti, Giuseppe; Fiocchi, Mariateresa |
05-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 642, 113 |
2006ApJ...642..113G |
4 |
843 |
A Full Year's Chandra Exposure on Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars from the Chandra Multiwavelength Project |
Green, Paul J.; Aldcroft, T. L.; Richards, G. T.; Barkhouse, W. A.; Constantin, A.; Haggard, D.; Karovska, M.; Kim, D.-W.; Kim, M.; Vikhlinin, A.; Anderson, S. F.; Mossman, A.; Kashyap, V.; Myers, A. C.; Silverman, J. D.; Wilkes, B. J.; Tananbaum, H. |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 690, 644 |
2009ApJ...690..644G |
2,4,5 |
844 |
X-Ray Properties of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Active Galaxies |
Greene, Jenny E.; Ho, Luis C. |
02-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 656, 84 |
2007ApJ...656...84G |
4,11 |
845 |
The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Alternate Routes to a Broad-line Region Rad |
Greene, Jenny E.; Hood, Carol E.; Barth, Aaron J.; Bennert, Vardha N.; Bentz, Misty C.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Gates, Elinor; Malkan, Matthew A.; Treu, Tommaso; Walsh, Jonelle L.; Woo, Jong-Hak |
11-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 723, 409 |
2010ApJ...723..409G |
4 |
846 |
Prevalence of High X-Ray Obscuring Columns among AGNs that Host H2O Masers |
Greenhill, Lincoln J.; Tilak, Avanti; Madejski, Grzegorz |
10-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 686, L13 |
2008ApJ...686L..13G |
4 |
0405240201, 0307000701, 0306050801, 0306050201, 0306050701, 0306050901, 0145540101 |
847 |
XMM and NuSTAR Observations of an Optically Quiescent Quasar |
Greenwell, Claire;Gandhi, Poshak;Lansbury, George;Boorman, Peter;Mainieri, Vincenzo;Stern, Daniel |
08-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 934, L34 |
2022ApJ...934L..34G |
4 |
0884080101 |
848 |
A population of Optically Quiescent Quasars from WISE and SDSS |
Greenwell, Claire;Gandhi, Poshak;Stern, Daniel;Lansbury, George;Mainieri, Vincenzo;Boorman, Peter;Toba, Yoshiki |
02-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 5271206, 5 |
2024MNRAS.52712065G |
4 |
0652400801, 0884080101, 0781410101, 0781410201 |
849 |
Morphologies of Radio-, X-ray-, and Mid-infrared-selected Active Galactic Nuclei |
Griffith, Roger L.; Stern, Daniel |
08-2010 |
2010, AJ, 140, 533 |
2010AJ....140..533G |
4 |
850 |
X-Ray Properties of Radio-selected Dual Active Galactic Nuclei |
Gross, Arran C.; Fu, Hai; Myers, A. D.; Wrobel, J. M.; Djorgovski, S. G. |
09-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 883, 50 |
2019ApJ...883...50G |
4 |
851 |
Powerful AGN jets and unbalanced cooling in the hot atmosphere of IC 4296 |
Grossová, R.; Werner, N.; Rajpurohit, K.; Mernier, F.; Lakhchaura, K.; Gabányi, K.; Canning, R. E. A.; Nulsen, P.; Massaro, F.; Sun, M.; Connor, T.; King, A.; Allen, S. W.; Frisbie, R. L. S.; Donahue, M.; Fabian, A. C. |
09-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 488, 1917 |
2019MNRAS.488.1917G |
4 |
0672870101 |
852 |
Very Large Array Radio Study of a Sample of Nearby X-Ray and Optically Bright Early-type Galaxies |
Grossová, Romana;Werner, Norbert;Massaro, Francesco;Lakhchaura, Kiran;Plšek, Tomáš;Gabányi, Krisztina;Rajpurohit, Kamlesh;Canning, Rebecca E. A.;Nulsen, Paul;O'Sullivan, Ewan;Allen, Steven W.;Fabian, Andrew |
02-2022 |
2022, ApJS, 258, 30 |
2022ApJS..258...30G |
4 |
853 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Two Broad Absorption Line QSOs: Q1246-057 and SBS 1542+541 |
Grupe, D.; Mathur, S.; Elvis, M. |
09-2003 |
2003, AJ, 126, 1159 |
2003AJ....126.1159G |
4 |
0060370201, 0060370101, 0060370901 |
854 |
Markarian 1239: A Highly Polarized Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy with a Steep X-Ray Spectrum and Strong Ne IX Emission |
Grupe, D.; Mathur, S.; Komossa, S. |
06-2004 |
2004, AJ, 127, 3161 |
2004AJ....127.3161G |
4 |
0065790101 |
855 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Two High-Redshift Quasars: RX J1028-0844 and BR 0351-1034 |
Grupe, D.; Mathur, S.; Wilkes, B.; Elvis, M. |
01-2004 |
2004, AJ, 127, 1 |
2004AJ....127....1G |
4 |
0093160101, 0093160701 |
856 |
XMM-Newton Observations of High-Redshift Quasars |
Grupe, D.; Mathur, S.; Wilkes, B.; Osmer, P. |
01-2006 |
2006, AJ, 131, 55 |
2006AJ....131...55G |
4 |
0103060301, 0065140101, 0150870201, 0150870301, 0093160701, 0148560501, 0150870401, 0125300101, 0112270701, 0098010101, 0111260201, 0008830101, 0149410401, 0093160201, 0203460201, 0111260101, 0111260701, 0112310401, 0112310801, 0050150101, 0050150301, 0149500601, 0149500701, 0149500801, 0149500901, 0149501201, 0022740101, 0022740201, 0022740301, 0147510901, 0147511001, 0147511101, 0147511601, 0147511701, 0147511801, 0111550101, 0111550201, 0111550301, 0111550401, 0162160201, 0162160401, 0162160601 |
857 |
A Remarkable Long-term Light Curve and Deep, Low-state Spectroscopy: Swift and XMM-Newton Monitoring of the NLS1 Galaxy Mkn 335 |
Grupe, Dirk; Komossa, S.; Gallo, Luigi C.; Lia Longinotti, Anna; Fabian, Andrew C.; Pradhan, Anil K.; Gruberbauer, Michael; Xu, Dawei |
04-2012 |
2012, ApJS, 199, 28 |
2012ApJS..199...28G |
4 |
0600540601, 0600540501 |
858 |
Swift, NuStar, and XMM-Newton observations of the NLS1 galaxy RX J2317.8-4422 in an extreme X-ray low flux state |
Grupe, Dirk; Komossa, S.; Gallo, Luigi; Schartel, Norbert; Parker, Michael; Santos-Lleo, Maria; Fabian, Andrew C.; Harrison, Fiona; Miniutti, Giovanni |
06-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 486, 227 |
2019MNRAS.486..227G |
4 |
0740040101, 0740040301 |
859 |
IC 3599 Did It Again: A Second Outburst of the X-Ray Transient Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy |
Grupe, Dirk; Komossa, S.; Saxton, Richard |
04-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 803, L28 |
2015ApJ...803L..28G |
4 |
9137800003 |
860 |
Discovery of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 335 in a Historical Low X-Ray Flux State |
Grupe, Dirk; Komossa, Stefanie; Gallo, Luigi C. |
10-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 668, L111 |
2007ApJ...668L.111G |
4 |
0101040101, 0306870101 |
861 |
XMM-Newton Observations of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 335 in a Historical Low X-Ray Flux State |
Grupe, Dirk; Komossa, Stefanie; Gallo, Luigi C.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Larsson, Josefin; Pradhan, Anil K.; Xu, Dawei; Miniutti, Giovanni |
07-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 681, 982 |
2008ApJ...681..982G |
4 |
0510010701, 0101040101, 0306870101 |
862 |
Tracing black hole accretion with SED decomposition and IR lines: from local galaxies to the high-z Universe |
Gruppioni, C.; Berta, S.; Spinoglio, L.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Pozzi, F.; Andreani, P.; Bonato, M.; De Zotti, G.; Malkan, M.; Negrello, M.; Vallini, L.; Vignali, C. |
06-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 4297 |
2016MNRAS.458.4297G |
4 |
863 |
Detection of an unidentified soft X-ray emission feature in NGC 5548 |
Gu, Liyi;Mao, Junjie;Kaastra, Jelle S.;Mehdipour, Missagh;Pinto, Ciro;Grafton-Waters, Sam;Bianchi, Stefano;Landt, Hermine;Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella;Costantini, Elisa;Ebrero, Jacobo;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Behar, Ehud;di Gesu, Laura;De Marco, Barbara;Matt, Giorgio;Mitchell, Jake A. J.;Peretz, Uria;Ursini, Francesco;Ward, Martin |
09-2022 |
2022, A&A, 665, 93 |
2022A&A...665A..93G |
4 |
0089960301, 0089960401, 0720110301, 0720110401, 0720110501, 0720110601, 0720110701, 0720110801, 0720110901, 0720111001, 0720111101, 0720111201, 0720111301, 0720111401, 0720111501, 0720111601, 0771000101, 0771000201, 0861360101 |
864 |
The anticorrelation between the hard X-ray photon index and the Eddington ratio in low-luminosity active galactic nuclei |
Gu, Minfeng; Cao, Xinwu |
10-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 399, 349 |
2009MNRAS.399..349G |
4 |
865 |
The history of the iron Kalpha line profile in the Piccinotti AGN ESO 198-G24 |
Guainazzi, M. |
04-2003 |
2003, A&A, 401, 903 |
2003A&A...401..903G |
4 |
0112910101 |
866 |
On the driver of relativistic effect strength in Seyfert galaxies |
Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S.; de La Calle Pérez, I.; DovÄiak, M.; Longinotti, A. L. |
07-2011 |
2011, A&A, 531, 131 |
2011A&A...531A.131G |
4 |
0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0150940101, 0109130201, 0554170101, 0554170201, 0112830301, 0302850201 |
867 |
Statistics of relativistically broadened Fe Kalpha lines in AGN |
Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Dovciak, M. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1032 |
2006AN....327.1032G |
4 |
868 |
Final verdict from XMM-Newton: the X-ray obscured Seyfert galaxy NGC 5506 has a broad Fe Kα line |
Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Dadina, M.; Kaastra, J.; Malzac, J.; Risaliti, G. |
08-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 406, 2013 |
2010MNRAS.406.2013G |
4 |
0013140101, 0013140201, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0554170101, 0554170201, 0410780601, 0412580401 |
869 |
On the transmission-dominated to reprocessing-dominated spectral state transitions in Seyfert 2 galaxies |
Guainazzi, M.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Matt, G.; Fiore, F. |
01-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 356, 295 |
2005MNRAS.356..295G |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201, 0111240101, 0140950101, 0140950201, 0140950601, 0140951001, 0110930501, 0032141201, 0112310301 |
870 |
The X-ray variability history of Markarian 3 |
Guainazzi, M.; La Parola, V.; Miniutti, G.; Segreto, A.; Longinotti, A. L. |
11-2012 |
2012, A&A, 547, 31 |
2012A&A...547A..31G |
4 |
0111220201, 0009220601, 0009220701, 0009220901, 0009221601, 0009220401, 0009220501, 0656580301 |
871 |
Timescales Trips to PG Quasars: The Mkn 478 Case |
Guainazzi, M.; Loiseau, N.; Matt, G.; Orr, A. |
01-2004 |
2004, PThPS, 155, 243 |
2004PThPS.155..243G |
4 |
872 |
The Phoenix galaxy: UGC 4203 re-birth from its ashes? |
Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Fiore, F.; Perola, G. C. |
06-2002 |
2002, A&A, 388, 787 |
2002A&A...388..787G |
4 |
0002940701 |
873 |
X-ray obscuration and obscured AGN in the local universe |
Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Perola, G. C. |
12-2005 |
2005, A&A, 444, 119 |
2005A&A...444..119G |
4 |
0002940101, 0002942401, 0138951401, 0138951501, 0150480501, 0200430101, 0200430201, 0200430301, 0200430401, 0200430601, 0200430701, 0200430901, 0200431001, 0200431101, 0200431301, 0200660201, 0201090401, 0201770201 |
874 |
The early stage of a cosmic collision? XMM-Newton unveils two obscured AGN in the galaxy pair ESO509-IG066 |
Guainazzi, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Matt, G. |
01-2005 |
2005, A&A, 429, L9 |
2005A&A...429L...9G |
4 |
0200430801 |
875 |
The nature of the torus in the heavily obscured AGN Markarian 3: an X-ray study |
Guainazzi, M.; Risaliti, G.; Awaki, H.; Arevalo, P.; Bauer, F. E.; Bianchi, S.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Forster, K.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F.; Koss, M.; Longinotti, A.; Markwardt, C.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Reynolds, C. S.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Svoboda, J.; Walton, D.; Zhang, W. |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 1954 |
2016MNRAS.460.1954G |
4 |
0741050101, 0741050501, 0741050201 |
876 |
AGN/starburst connection in action: the half million second RGS spectrum of NGC 1365 |
Guainazzi, M.; Risaliti, G.; Nucita, A.; Wang, J.; Bianchi, S.; Soria, R.; Zezas, A. |
10-2009 |
2009, A&A, 505, 589 |
2009A&A...505..589G |
4 |
0205590301, 0205590401, 0505140201, 0505140401, 0505140501 |
877 |
Unveiling the nature of the highly obscured active galactic nucleus in NGC 5643 with XMM-Newton |
Guainazzi, M.; Rodriguez-Pascual, P.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Matt, G. |
11-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 355, 297 |
2004MNRAS.355..297G |
4,13 |
0106260201, 0141750501, 0141750101, 0141751001, 0141751101, 0141751201, 0140950101 |
878 |
XMM-Newton discovery of a Compton-thick AGN in the GPS galaxy Mkn 668 |
Guainazzi, M.; Siemiginowska, A.; Rodriguez-Pascual, P.; Stanghellini, C. |
07-2004 |
2004, A&A, 421, 461 |
2004A&A...421..461G |
4 |
0140960101 |
879 |
On the origin of soft X-rays in obscured AGN: answers from high-resolution spectroscopy with XMM-Newton |
Guainazzi, Matteo; Bianchi, Stefano |
02-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 374, 1290 |
2007MNRAS.374.1290G |
4 |
0111240101, 0200430801, 0094740101, 0094740201, 0203890101, 0150480401, 0200430601, 0203390201, 0200431101, 0200630101, 0147671001, 0201040101, 0206580101, 0138951501, 0112830301, 0112830401, 0147920101, 0009220301, 0009220401, 0009220501, 0009220601, 0009220701, 0009220801, 0009220901, 0009221401, 0009221601, 0111220101, 0111220201, 0203390801, 0067540201, 0061540101, 0144230101, 0200430401, 0204650301, 0201090401, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0205590301, 0205590401, 0140950201, 0200430101, 0150480201, 0145670101, 0140951001, 0025540301, 0147920301, 0150480501, 0204650101, 0204651201, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0112551201, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0112550501, 0002942301, 0059140101, 0059140201, 0059140401, 0059140901, 0110920101, 0205360101, 0142830101, 0112550601, 0112552101, 0200430301, 0006220201, 0112550301, 0112551001, 0112550401, 0112310301, 0204870101, 0200660201, 0094360501, 0112551301, 0152940101, 0150940101, 0112551701, 0013140101, 0013140201, 0140950101, 0200431001, 0112310801, 0147920601, 0202860101, 0200430201, 0111790101, 0025541001, 0112310201, 0200660101, 0200430701, 0201770201, 0002942401, 0002940701, 0200430501, 0200431301, 0204651101, 0200430901 |
880 |
An XMM-Newton study of active-inactive galaxy pairs |
Guainazzi, Matteo;De Rosa, Alessandra;Bianchi, Stefano;Husemann, Bernd;Bogdanovic, Tamara;Komossa, Stefanie;Loiseau, Nora;Paragi, Zsolt;Pérez-Torres, Miguel;Piconcelli, Enrico;Vignali, Cristian |
06-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 504, 393 |
2021MNRAS.504..393G |
4 |
881 |
Multiwavelength study of radio galaxy Pictor A: detection of western hotspot in far-UV and possible origin of high energy emissions |
Gulati, Sanna;Bhattacharya, Debbijoy;Ramadevi, M. C.;Stalin, C. S.;Sreekumar, P. |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 2704 |
2023MNRAS.521.2704G |
4 |
882 |
Radio observations of the XMM-Newton/Chandra 13hr deep survey field |
Gunn, K. F.; McHardy, I. M.; Seymour, N.; Newsam, A. M.; Page, M. J.; Mason, K. O.; Loaring, N.; Jones, L. R.; Muxlow, T.; Takata, T.; Sekiguchi, K.; Sasseen, T. |
00-2003 |
2003, AN, 324, 105 |
2003AN....324..105G |
2,4 |
883 |
Could AGN outbursts transform cool core clusters? |
Guo, Fulai; Oh, S. Peng |
12-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 400, 1992 |
2009MNRAS.400.1992G |
3,4 |
884 |
Dark Energy Survey identification of a low-mass active galactic nucleus at redshift 0.823 from optical variability |
Guo, Hengxiao et al. |
06-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 496, 3636 |
2020MNRAS.496.3636G |
4 |
885 |
The Optical Variability of SDSS Quasars from Multi-epoch Spectroscopy. III. A Sudden UV Cutoff in Quasar SDSS J2317+0005 |
Guo, Hengxiao; Malkan, Matthew A.; Gu, Minfeng; Li, Linlin; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Ma, Jingzhe; You, Bei; Zafar, Tayyaba; Liao, Mai |
08-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 826, 186 |
2016ApJ...826..186G |
4 |
0066950301, 0066950401 |
886 |
Multiwavelength Analysis of a Nearby Heavily Obscured AGN in NGC 449 |
Guo, Xiaotong;Gu, Qiusheng;Xu, Jun;Fang, Guanwen;Ge, Xue;Chen, Yongyun;Yu, Xiaoling;Ding, Nan |
01-2023 |
2023, PASP, 135, 4102 |
2023PASP..135a4102G |
4 |
887 |
X-ray Flux and Spectral Variability of the TeV Blazars Mrk 421 and PKS 2155-304 |
Gupta, Alok C. |
09-2020 |
2020, Galax, 8, 64 |
2020Galax...8...64G |
4 |
888 |
Peak of spectral energy distribution plays an important role in intra-day variability of blazars? |
Gupta, Alok C.; Kalita, Nibedita; Gaur, Haritma; Duorah, Kalpana |
10-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 462, 1508 |
2016MNRAS.462.1508G |
4 |
0652410201, 0110990101, 0206740101, 0206740501, 0206740701, 0674330201, 0600121601, 0114090101, 0206350101, 0502271401, 0112620101, 0300480201, 0300480301, 0401060201, 0502630201, 0679380701, 0556030101, 0651610101, 0501660201, 0501660301, 0501660401, 0401700201, 0401700401, 0401700501, 0401700601 |
889 |
Possible 1 hour quasi-periodic oscillation in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-06-30-15 |
Gupta, Alok C.; Tripathi, Ashutosh; Wiita, Paul J.; Gu, Minfeng; Bambi, Cosimo; Ho, Luis C. |
08-2018 |
2018, A&A, 616, L6 |
2018A&A...616L...6G |
4 |
0111570201 |
890 |
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey XXVII: scattered X-Ray radiation in obscured active galactic nuclei |
Gupta, K. K.;Ricci, C.;Tortosa, A.;Ueda, Y.;Kawamuro, T.;Koss, M.;Trakhtenbrot, B.;Oh, K.;Bauer, F. E.;Ricci, F.;Privon, G. C.;Zappacosta, L.;Stern, D.;Kakkad, D.;Piconcelli, E.;Veilleux, S.;Mushotzky, R.;Caglar, T.;Ichikawa, K.;Elagali, A.;Powell, M. C.;Urry, C. M.;Harrison, F. |
06-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 504, 428 |
2021MNRAS.504..428G |
4 |
891 |
Constraining radio mode feedback in galaxy clusters with the cluster radio AGNs properties to z â¼ 1 |
Gupta, N.;Pannella, M.;Mohr, J. J.;Klein, M.;Rykoff, E. S.;Annis, J.;Avila, S.;Bianchini, F.;Brooks, D.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Bulbul, E.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carretero, J.;Chiu, I.;Costanzi, M.;da Costa, L. N.;De Vicente, J.;Desai, S.;Dietrich, J. P.;Doel, P.;Everett, S.;Evrard, A. E.;GarcÃa-Bellido, J.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gruen, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Jeltema, T.;Kuehn, K.;Lidman, C.;Lima, M.;Maia, M. A. G.;Marshall, J. L.;McDonald, M.;Menanteau, F.;Miquel, R.;Ogando, R. L. C.;Palmese, A.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Plazas, A. A.;Reichardt, C. L.;Sanchez, E.;Santiago, B.;Saro, A.;Scarpine, V.;Schindler, R.;Schubnell, M.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Shao, X.;Smith, M.;Stott, J. P.;Strazzullo, V.;Suchyta, E.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Vikram, V.;Zenteno, A. |
04-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 494, 1705 |
2020MNRAS.494.1705G |
4 |
892 |
Modelling X-ray RMS spectra II: the ultrafast outflow of PDS 456 |
Härer, L.;Parker, M. L.;Joyce, A.;Igo, Z.;Alston, W. N.;Fürst, F.;Lobban, A. P.;Matzeu, G. A.;Reeves, J. N. |
01-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 500, 4506 |
2021MNRAS.500.4506H |
4 |
0830390101, 0830390201, 0830390401 |
893 |
What obscures low-X-ray-scattering active galactic nuclei |
Hönig, S. F.; Gandhi, P.; Asmus, D.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Antonucci, R.; Ueda, Y.; Ichikawa, K. |
02-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 438, 647 |
2014MNRAS.438..647H |
4 |
894 |
Probing large-scale structure with large samples of X-ray selected AGN. I. Baryonic acoustic oscillations |
Hütsi, Gert; Gilfanov, Marat; Kolodzig, Alexander; Sunyaev, Rashid |
12-2014 |
2014, A&A, 572, 28 |
2014A&A...572A..28H |
4 |
895 |
Radiative Transfer in a Clumpy Universe. IV. New Synthesis Models of the Cosmic UV/X-Ray Background |
Haardt, Francesco; Madau, Piero |
02-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 746, 125 |
2012ApJ...746..125H |
4 |
896 |
X-ray study of accretion flow in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Haba, Y.; Terashima, Y.; Kunieda, H.; Ohsuga, K. |
00-2008 |
2008, AdSpR, 41, 174 |
2008AdSpR..41..174H |
4 |
897 |
XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 4051: Temporal Flux and Spectral Variability during Transition to the Faintest Phase in NGC 4051 |
Haba, Yoshito; Liebmann, Andrew C.; Fukumura, Keigo; Kunieda, Hideyo; Tsuruta, Sachiko |
12-2008 |
2008, PASJ, 60, 1257 |
2008PASJ...60.1257H |
4 |
0109141401, 0157560101 |
898 |
AGN in the XMM-Newton first-light image as probes for the interstellar medium in the LMC |
Haberl, F.; Dennerl, K.; Filipovic, M. D.; Aschenbach, B.; Pietsch, W.; Trümper, J. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L208 |
2001A&A...365L.208H |
4,5,7 |
0115740201, 0115690201 |
899 |
Estimating black hole spin from AGN SED fitting: the impact of general-relativistic ray tracing |
Hagen, Scott;Done, Chris |
11-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 3455 |
2023MNRAS.525.3455H |
4 |
900 |
Modelling continuum reverberation in active galactic nuclei: a spectral-timing analysis of the ultraviolet variability through X-ray reverberation in Fairall 9 |
Hagen, Scott;Done, Chris |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 251 |
2023MNRAS.521..251H |
4 |
901 |
Revisiting the extremely fast disc wind in a gravitationally lensed quasar APM 08279+5255 |
Hagino, Kouichi; Done, Chris; Odaka, Hirokazu; Watanabe, Shin; Takahashi, Tadayuki |
06-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 468, 1442 |
2017MNRAS.468.1442H |
4 |
0092800101, 0092800201, 0502220201, 0502220301 |
902 |
A disc wind interpretation of the strong Fe Kalpha features in 1H 0707-495 |
Hagino, Kouichi; Odaka, Hirokazu; Done, Chris; Tomaru, Ryota; Watanabe, Shin; Takahashi, Tadayuki |
10-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 461, 3954 |
2016MNRAS.461.3954H |
4 |
0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200301, 0506200201, 0506200501, 0506200401, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0554710801 |
903 |
LoCuSS: luminous infrared galaxies in the merging cluster Abell1758 at z = 0.28 |
Haines, C. P.; Smith, G. P.; Egami, E.; Okabe, N.; Takada, M.; Ellis, R. S.; Moran, S. M.; Umetsu, K. |
07-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 396, 1297 |
2009MNRAS.396.1297H |
3,4 |
904 |
A Tale of Two Narrow-line Regions: Ionization, Kinematics, and Spectral Energy Distributions for a Local Pair of Merging Obscured Active Galaxies |
Hainline, Kevin N.; Hickox, Ryan C.; Chen, Chien-Ting; Carroll, Christopher M.; Jones, Mackenzie L.; Zervos, Alexandros S.; Goulding, Andrew D. |
05-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 823, 42 |
2016ApJ...823...42H |
4 |
0672660401 |
905 |
HSC-XD 52: An X-Ray Detected AGN in a Low-mass Galaxy at z Ì 0.56 |
Halevi, Goni;Goulding, Andy;Greene, Jenny;Coupon, Jean;Golob, Anneya;Gwyn, Stephen;Johnson, Sean D.;Moutard, Thibaud;Sawicki, Marcin;Suh, Hyewon;Toba, Yoshiki |
11-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 885, L3 |
2019ApJ...885L...3H |
4 |
906 |
Extended corona models of X-ray reverberation in the AGN 1H 0707-495 and IRAS 13224-3809 |
Hancock, S.;Young, A. J.;Chainakun, P. |
03-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 520, 180 |
2023MNRAS.520..180H |
4 |
0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0554710801, 0110890101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601 |
907 |
X-ray timing and spectral analysis of reverberating active galactic nuclei |
Hancock, S.;Young, A. J.;Chainakun, P. |
08-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 514, 5403 |
2022MNRAS.514.5403H |
4 |
0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0554710801, 0006810101, 0206400101, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901, 0110890101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401, 0306870101, 0600540501, 0600540601, 0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701, 0070740101, 0070740301, 0205340201, 0205340401, 0151370101, 0151370201, 0151370701, 0205590301, 0205590401, 0505140201, 0505140401, 0505140501, 0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501, 0107460601, 0107460701, 0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301, 0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0402660101, 0402660201, 0142830101, 0744010101, 0744010201, 0089960301, 0720110801, 0720110901, 0720111001, 0720111101, 0720111201, 0720111301, 0720111401, 0720111501, 0720111601, 0552170301, 0111790101, 0311190101, 0725200101, 0725200301, 0112170101, 0112170301, 0207090101, 0207090201, 0112610101, 0208020101, 0502050101, 0502050201, 0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701, 0675320101, 0744440101, 0744440201, 0744440301, 0744440401, 0744440501, 0143150201, 0506440101, 0561580201, 0655310101, 0655310201 |
908 |
A quasar-galaxy mixing diagram: quasar spectral energy distribution shapes in the optical to near-infrared |
Hao, Heng; Elvis, Martin; Bongiorno, Angela; Zamorani, Gianni; Merloni, Andrea; Kelly, Brandon C.; Civano, Francesca; Celotti, Annalisa; Ho, Luis C.; Jahnke, Knud; Comastri, Andrea; Trump, Jonathan R.; Mainieri, Vincenzo; Salvato, Mara; Brusa, Marcella; Impey, Chris D.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Vignali, Cristian; Silverman, John D.; Urry, C. Megan; Schawinski, Kevin |
10-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 434, 3104 |
2013MNRAS.434.3104H |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501 |
909 |
Hot-dust-poor Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Survey |
Hao, Heng; Elvis, Martin; Civano, Francesca; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Brusa, Marcella; Lusso, Elisabeta; Zamorani, Gianni; Comastri, Andrea; Bongiorno, Angela; Impey, Chris D.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Le Floc'h, Emeric; Salvato, Mara; Sanders, David; Trump, Jonathan R.; Vignali, Cristian |
11-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 724, L59 |
2010ApJ...724L..59H |
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910 |
Hot-dust-poor Quasars in Mid-infrared and Optically Selected Samples |
Hao, Heng; Elvis, Martin; Civano, Francesca; Lawrence, Andy |
06-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 733, 108 |
2011ApJ...733..108H |
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911 |
Spectral energy distributions of type 1 AGN in XMM-COSMOS - II. Shape evolution |
Hao, Heng; Elvis, Martin; Civano, Francesca; Zamorani, Gianni; Ho, Luis C.; Comastri, Andrea; Brusa, Marcella; Bongiorno, Angela; Merloni, Andrea; Trump, Jonathan R.; Salvato, Mara; Impey, Chris D.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Celotti, Annalisa; Jahnke, Knud; Vignali, Cristian; Silverman, John D.; Urry, C. Megan; Schawinski, Kevin; Capak, Peter |
02-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 438, 1288 |
2014MNRAS.438.1288H |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501 |
912 |
Searching for the inverse-Compton emission from bright cluster-centre radio galaxies |
Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H. |
06-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 404, 2018 |
2010MNRAS.404.2018H |
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The Chandra view of extended X-ray emission from Pictor A |
Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H. |
10-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 363, 649 |
2005MNRAS.363..649H |
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914 |
The X-ray nuclei of intermediate-redshift radio sources |
Hardcastle, M. J.; Evans, D. A.; Croston, J. H. |
08-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 370, 1893 |
2006MNRAS.370.1893H |
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0201230201, 0203280201, 0021740101, 0153210101, 0021740201, 0201230101 |
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The active nuclei of z < 1.0 3CRR radio sources |
Hardcastle, M. J.; Evans, D. A.; Croston, J. H. |
07-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 396, 1929 |
2009MNRAS.396.1929H |
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0551760101, 0551760201, 0551760501, 0500910101, 0201860201, 0501620101, 0405340101, 0501621501, 0551760601, 0082990101, 0500910601, 0500910901, 0501620301, 0502500101, 0500911001 |
916 |
A Chandra and XMM-Newton study of the wide-angle tail radio galaxy 3C465 |
Hardcastle, M. J.; Sakelliou, I.; Worrall, D. M. |
05-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 359, 1007 |
2005MNRAS.359.1007H |
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0002960101 |
917 |
The KMOS AGN Survey at High redshift (KASHz): the prevalence and drivers of ionized outflows in the host galaxies of X-ray AGN |
Harrison, C. M.; Alexander, D. M.; Mullaney, J. R.; Stott, J. P.; Swinbank, A. M.; Arumugam, V.; Bauer, F. E.; Bower, R. G.; Bunker, A. J.; Sharples, R. M. |
02-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 456, 1195 |
2016MNRAS.456.1195H |
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918 |
The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: The Number Counts of Active Galactic Nuclei and the Resolved Fraction of the Cosmic X-Ray Background |
Harrison, F. A.; Aird, J.; Civano, F.; Lansbury, G.; Mullaney, J. R.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Alexander, D. M.; Stern, D.; Ajello, M.; Barret, D.; Bauer, F. E.; Balokovic, M.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Del Moro, A.; Forster, K.; Gandhi, P.; Giommi, P.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Hickox, R. C.; Hornstrup, A.; Kitaguchi, T.; Koglin, J.; Luo, B.; Madsen, K. K.; Mao, P. H.; Miyasaka, H.; Mori, K.; Perri, M.; Pivovaroff, M.; Puccetti, S.; Rana, V.; Treister, E.; Walton, D.; Westergaard, N. J.; Wik, D.; Zappacosta, L.; Zhang, W. W.; Zoglauer, A. |
11-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 831, 185 |
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919 |
The X-ray background and AGNs |
Hasinger, G. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 86 |
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Absorption properties and evolution of active galactic nuclei |
Hasinger, G. |
11-2008 |
2008, A&A, 490, 905 |
2008A&A...490..905H |
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921 |
XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. I. The X-ray data |
Hasinger, G.; Altieri, B.; Arnaud, M.; Barcons, X.; Bergeron, J.; Brunner, H.; Dadina, M.; Dennerl, K.; Ferrando, P.; Finoguenov, A.; Griffiths, R. E.; Hashimoto, Y.; Jansen, F. A.; Lumb, D. H.; Mason, K. O.; Mateos, S.; McMahon, R. G.; Miyaji, T.; Paerels, F.; Page, M. J.; Ptak, A. F.; Sasseen, T. P.; Schartel, N.; Szokoly, G. P.; Trümper, J.; Turner, M.; Warwick, R. S.; Watson, M. G. |
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922 |
Luminosity-dependent evolution of soft X-ray selected AGN. New Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys |
Hasinger, G.; Miyaji, T.; Schmidt, M. |
10-2005 |
2005, A&A, 441, 417 |
2005A&A...441..417H |
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923 |
Discovery of an Ionized Fe K Edge in the z=3.91 Broad Absorption Line Quasar APM 08279+5255 with XMM-Newton |
Hasinger, G.; Schartel, N.; Komossa, S. |
07-2002 |
2002, ApJ, 573, L77 |
2002ApJ...573L..77H |
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0092800101, 0092800201 |
924 |
X-Ray Spectral Study of AGN Sources Content in Some Deep Extragalactic XMM-Newton Fields |
Hassan, M. A.; Korany, B. A.; Misra, R.; Issa, I. A. M.; Ahmed, M. K.; Abdel-Salam, F. A. |
06-2012 |
2012, Ap&SS, 339, 355 |
2012Ap&SS.339..355H |
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0092800201, 0203362101, 0203560201, 0302420101, 0300310201, 0106660601 |
925 |
The Structure and Emission Model of the Relativistic Jet in the Quasar 3C 279 Inferred from Radio to High-energy γ-Ray Observations in 2008-2010 |
Hayashida, M. et al. |
08-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 754, 114 |
2012ApJ...754..114H |
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0556030101 |
926 |
The Relationship of Hard X-Ray and Optical Line Emission in Low-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei |
Heckman, T. M.; Ptak, A.; Hornschemeier, A.; Kauffmann, G. |
11-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 634, 161 |
2005ApJ...634..161H |
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0002942301, 0006220201, 0109130201, 0110930301, 0110930701, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0111220201, 0112310201, 0140950201, 0147920301, 0150940101, 0200430201, 0200430301, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501 |
927 |
Determining the fraction of reddened quasars in COSMOS with multiple selection techniques from X-ray to radio wavelengths |
Heintz, K. E.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Møller, P.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Zabl, J.; Maddox, N.; Krogager, J.-K.; Geier, S.; Vestergaard, M.; Noterdaeme, P.; Ledoux, C. |
10-2016 |
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928 |
X-ray spectral variability of seven LINER nuclei with XMM-Newton and Chandra data |
Hernández-García, L.; González-Martín, O.; Márquez, I.; Masegosa, J. |
08-2013 |
2013, A&A, 556, 47 |
2013A&A...556A..47H |
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0093630101, 0306230101, 0553300301, 0553300501, 0553300401, 0101040301, 0400270101, 0093641101, 0056340101, 0502120101, 0205010101, 0141570101, 0021540101, 0021540501 |
929 |
X-ray spectral variability of LINERs selected from the Palomar sample |
Hernández-García, L.; González-Martín, O.; Masegosa, J.; Márquez, I. |
09-2014 |
2014, A&A, 569, 26 |
2014A&A...569A..26H |
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0305290201, 0093630101, 0306230101, 0553300301, 0553300401, 0673170101, 0673170301, 0200250101, 0201440101, 0101040301, 0400270101, 0099030101, 0693300101, 0200430501, 0200431301, 0056340101, 0502120101, 0205010101, 0673310101, 0071340301, 0111190201, 0111190701, 0094360601, 0094360701, 0404980101, 0112840201, 0212480801, 0303420101, 0303420201, 0677980701, 0302460101, 0554680201, 0554680301, 0673770401, 0693300301 |
930 |
X-ray spectral variability of Seyfert 2 galaxies |
Hernández-García, L.; Masegosa, J.; González-Martín, O.; Márquez, I. |
07-2015 |
2015, A&A, 579, 90 |
2015A&A...579A..90H |
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0067540201, 0701180101, 0550950101, 0200430701, 0601740201, 0602560201, 0602560301, 0201770201, 0064600101, 0064600301, 0111220201, 0009220601, 0009220701, 0009220901, 0009220401, 0009220501, 0009221601, 0110930201, 0203890101, 0140950601, 0006220201, 0653870201, 0653870301, 0653870401, 0653870501, 0653870601, 0112551101, 0651360401, 0112840201, 0212480801, 0303420101, 0303420201, 0677980701, 0677980801, 0554500701, 0554501101, 0101640401, 0651360301, 0111240101, 0656580601, 0140950101, 0601420101, 0651100301, 0651100401, 0401790901, 0406410101, 0405380201, 0690580101, 0059770101, 0147920601, 0202860101, 0414580101, 0200430201, 0021140201 |
931 |
Restarting activity in the nucleus of PBC J2333.9-2343. An extreme case of jet realignment |
Hernández-García, L.; Panessa, F.; Giroletti, M.; Ghisellini, G.; Bassani, L.; Masetti, N.; Povic, M.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P.; Malizia, A.; Chavushyan, V. |
07-2017 |
2017, A&A, 603, 131 |
2017A&A...603A.131H |
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0760990101, 0760990201 |
932 |
Variable broad lines and outflow in the weak blazar PBC J2333.9-2343 |
Hernández-García, L.; Vietri, G.; Panessa, F.; Piconcelli, E.; Chavushyan, V.; Jiménez-Andrade, E. F.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Cazzoli, S.; Malizia, A.; Masetti, N.; Monaco, L.; Povic, M.; Saviane, I.; Ubertini, P. |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 4634 |
2018MNRAS.478.4634H |
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0760990101, 0760990201 |
933 |
A young and obscured AGN embedded in the giant radio galaxy Mrk 1498 |
Hernández-GarcÃa, L.;Panessa, F.;Bassani, L.;Bruni, G.;Ursini, F.;Chavushyan, V.;González-MartÃn, O.;Cazzoli, S.;Jiménez-Andrade, E. F.;Arévalo, P.;DÃaz, Y.;Bazzano, A.;Ubertini, P. |
11-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 489, 4049 |
2019MNRAS.489.4049H |
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0500850501 |
934 |
The Geometry of and Mass Accretion Rate through the Maser Accretion Disk in NGC 4258 |
Herrnstein, J. R.; Moran, J. M.; Greenhill, L. J.; Trotter, Adam S. |
08-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 629, 719 |
2005ApJ...629..719H |
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935 |
Multi-wavelength observations of H 2356-309 |
HESS Collaboration |
06-2010 |
2010, A&A, 516, 56 |
2010A&A...516A..56H |
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0304080601, 0304080501 |
936 |
PKS 2005-489 at VHE: four years of monitoring with HESS and simultaneous multi-wavelength observations |
Hess Collaboration et al. |
02-2010 |
2010, A&A, 511, 52 |
2010A&A...511A..52H |
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0205920401, 0304080301, 0304080401 |
937 |
The XMM Cluster Survey: Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies in XMMXCS J2215.9â1738 at z = 1.46 |
Hilton, Matt; Lloyd-Davies, Ed; Stanford, S. Adam; Stott, John P.; Collins, Chris A.; Romer, A. Kathy; Hosmer, Mark; Hoyle, Ben; Kay, Scott T.; Liddle, Andrew R.; Mehrtens, Nicola; Miller, Christopher J.; Sahlén, Martin; Viana, Pedro T. P. |
07-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 718, 133 |
2010ApJ...718..133H |
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938 |
Fundamental X-ray corona parameters of Swift/BAT AGN |
Hinkle, Jason T.;Mushotzky, Richard |
10-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 4960 |
2021MNRAS.506.4960H |
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0795620101, 0801890301, 0741330101, 0830551001, 0760530201, 0790980101, 0740060401, 0795600101, 0693781601, 0721600401, 0790810101, 0741050101, 0830490101, 0782520201, 0790840101, 0679780301, 0763790401, 0414191101, 0790840201, 0740920201, 0743010101, 0722610201, 0763790501, 0795670101, 0790600101, 0693781801, 0795620201, 0790650101, 0744490401, 0763920601, 0760350801, 0790640101, 0782720301 |
939 |
Comoving Space Density and Obscured Fraction of High-redshift Active Galactic Nuclei in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey |
Hiroi, Kazuo; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Akiyama, Masayuki; Watson, Mike G. |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 758, 49 |
2012ApJ...758...49H |
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0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801 |
940 |
Probing the Extreme Realm of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback in the Massive Galaxy Cluster, RX J1532.9+3021 |
Hlavacek-Larrondo, J.; Allen, S. W.; Taylor, G. B.; Fabian, A. C.; Canning, R. E. A.; Werner, N.; Sanders, J. S.; Grimes, C. K.; Ehlert, S.; von der Linden, A. |
11-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 777, 163 |
2013ApJ...777..163H |
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0039340101, 0651240101 |
941 |
The Swift BAT Survey Detects Two Optical Broad Line, X-Ray Heavily Obscured Active Galaxies: NVSS 193013+341047 and IRAS 05218â1212 |
Hogg, J. Drew; Winter, Lisa M.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Trippe, Margaret |
06-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 752, 153 |
2012ApJ...752..153H |
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0602840101, 0551950401 |
942 |
X-Ray Absorption Analysis of NGC 3516: Appearance of Fast Components with Increased Source Flux |
Holczer, Tomer; Behar, Ehud |
03-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 747, 71 |
2012ApJ...747...71H |
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943 |
Is the Fe M-Shell Absorber Part of the Outflow in Active Galactic Nuclei? |
Holczer, Tomer; Behar, Ehud; Kaspi, Shai |
10-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 632, 788 |
2005ApJ...632..788H |
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944 |
Discovery and Early Evolution of ASASSN-19bt, the First TDE Detected by TESS |
Holoien, Thomas W. -S.;Vallely, Patrick J.;Auchettl, Katie;Stanek, K. Z.;Kochanek, Christopher S.;French, K. Decker;Prieto, Jose L.;Shappee, Benjamin J.;Brown, Jonathan S.;Fausnaugh, Michael M.;Dong, Subo;Thompson, Todd A.;Bose, Subhash;Neustadt, Jack M. M.;Cacella, P.;Brimacombe, J.;Kendurkar, Malhar R.;Beaton, Rachael L.;Boutsia, Konstantina;Chomiuk, Laura;Connor, Thomas;Morrell, Nidia;Newman, Andrew B.;Rudie, Gwen C.;Shishkovksy, Laura;Strader, Jay |
10-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 883, 111 |
2019ApJ...883..111H |
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0831791001, 0831791101 |
945 |
Discovery of the luminous X-ray ignition eRASSt J234402.9â352640. I. Tidal disruption event or a rapid increase in accretion in an active galactic nucleus? |
Homan, D.;Krumpe, M.;Markowitz, A.;Saha, T.;Gokus, A.;Partington, E.;Lamer, G.;Malyali, A.;Liu, Z.;Rau, A.;Grotova, I.;Cackett, E. M.;Buckley, D. A. H.;Ciroi, S.;Di Mille, F.;Gendreau, K.;Gromadzki, M.;Krishnan, S.;Schramm, M.;Steiner, J. F. |
04-2023 |
2023, A&A, 672, 167 |
2023A&A...672A.167H |
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0862770101 |
946 |
The XXL Survey: XXXIV. Double irony in XXL-North. A tale of two radio galaxies in a supercluster at z = 0.14 |
Horellou, C.; Intema, H. T.; Smolcic, V.; Nilsson, A.; Karlsson, F.; Krook, C.; Tolliner, L.; Adami, C.; Benoist, C.; Birkinshaw, M.; Caretta, C.; Chiappetti, L.; Delhaize, J.; Ferrari, C.; Fotopoulou, S.; Guglielmo, V.; Kolokythas, K.; Pacaud, F.; Pierre, M.; Poggianti, B. M.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Raychaudhury, S.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Vignali, C. |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 620, 19 |
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The mid IR - hard X-ray correlation in AGN and its implications for dusty torus models |
Horst, H.; Gandhi, P.; Smette, A.; Duschl, W. J. |
02-2008 |
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CANDELS/GOODS-S, CDFS, and ECDFS: Photometric Redshifts for Normal and X-Ray-Detected Galaxies |
Hsu, Li-Ting; Salvato, Mara; Nandra, Kirpal; Brusa, Marcella; Bender, Ralf; Buchner, Johannes; Donley, Jennifer L.; Kocevski, Dale D.; Guo, Yicheng; Hathi, Nimish P.; Rangel, Cyprian; Willner, S. P.; Brightman, Murray; Georgakakis, Antonis; Budavári, Tamás; Szalay, Alexander S.; Ashby, Matthew L. N.; Barro, Guillermo; Dahlen, Tomas; Faber, Sandra M.; Ferguson, Henry C.; Galametz, Audrey; Grazian, Andrea; Grogin, Norman A.; Huang, Kuang-Han; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lucas, Ray A.; McGrath, Elizabeth; Mobasher, Bahram; Peth, Michael; Rosario, David J.; Trump, Jonathan R. |
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Tracking the Evolution of Quasi-periodic Oscillation in RE J1034+396 Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform |
Hu, Chin-Ping; Chou, Yi; Yang, Ting-Chang; Su, Yi-Hao |
06-2014 |
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Relativistic Fe Kalpha line in the composite X-ray spectra of radio-loud active galactic nuclei |
Hu, Jingwei; Liu, Zhu; Jin, Chichuan; Yuan, Weimin |
09-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 488, 4378 |
2019MNRAS.488.4378H |
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A Systematic Study of the Short-term X-Ray Variability of Seyfert Galaxies. I. Diversity of the X-Ray rms Spectra |
Hu, Jingwei;Jin, Chichuan;Cheng, Huaqing;Yuan, Weimin |
09-2022 |
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Integrated Study of X-Ray Spectrum and Time Lags for HBL Mrk 421 within the Framework of the Multiple-zone Leptonic Model |
Hu, Wen;Kang, Jia-Lai;Cai, Zhen-Yi;Wang, Jun-Xian;Su, Zhen-Bo;Xiao, Guang-Cheng |
09-2024 |
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Strong and Rapid X-Ray Variability of the Super-Eddington Accreting Quasar SDSS J081456.10+532533.5 |
Huang, Jian;Luo, Bin;Brandt, W. N.;Du, Pu;Garmire, Gordon P.;Hu, Chen;Liu, Hezhen;Ni, Qingling;Wang, Jian-Min |
06-2023 |
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On the Relation between the Hard X-Ray Photon Index and Accretion Rate for Super-Eddington Accreting Quasars |
Huang, Jian;Luo, Bin;Du, Pu;Hu, Chen;Wang, Jian-Min;Li, Yi-Jia |
06-2020 |
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A cosmological distance measure using radio-loud quasars |
Huang, L.;Chang, Z. X. |
09-2022 |
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Cosmological constraints from type-I radio-loud quasars |
Huang, L.;Tu, Z. Y.;Chang, N.;Song, F. F.;He, F.;Fu, X. Y. |
02-2024 |
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A Unique X-Ray Unabsorbed Seyfert 2 Galaxy: IRAS F01475-0740 |
Huang, Xing-Xing; Wang, Jun-Xian; Tan, Ying; Yang, Huan; Huang, Ya-Fang |
06-2011 |
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A Detailed Analysis of the High Resolution X-Ray Spectra of NGC 3516: Variability of the Ionized Absorbers |
Huerta, E. M.; Krongold, Y.; Nicastro, F.; Mathur, S.; Longinotti, A. L.; Jimenez-Bailon, E. |
09-2014 |
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The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A massive multi-phase outflow impacting the edge-on galaxy HE 1353-1917 |
Husemann, B.; Scharwächter, J.; Davis, T. A.; Pérez-Torres, M.; Smirnova-Pinchukova, I.; Tremblay, G. R.; Krumpe, M.; Combes, F.; Baum, S. A.; Busch, G.; Connor, T.; Croom, S. M.; Gaspari, M.; Kraft, R. P.; O'Dea, C. P.; Powell, M.; Singha, M.; Urrutia, T. |
07-2019 |
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Exploring the infrared/radio correlation at high redshift |
Ibar, Edo; Cirasuolo, Michele; Ivison, Rob; Best, Philip; Smail, Ian; Biggs, Andy; Simpson, Chris; Dunlop, Jim; Almaini, Omar; McLure, Ross; Foucaud, Sebastien; Rawlings, Steve |
05-2008 |
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Pre-nova X-ray observations of V2491 Cygni (Nova Cyg 2008b) |
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04-2009 |
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Mid- and Far-infrared Properties of a Complete Sample of Local Active Galactic Nuclei |
Ichikawa, Kohei; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Terashima, Yuichi; Oyabu, Shinki; Gandhi, Poshak; Matsuta, Keiko; Nakagawa, Takao |
07-2012 |
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X-ray properties of z > 4 blazars |
Ighina, L.;Caccianiga, A.;Moretti, A.;Belladitta, S.;Della Ceca, R.;Ballo, L.;Dallacasa, D. |
10-2019 |
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Searching for ultra-fast outflows in AGN using variability spectra |
Igo, Z.;Parker, M. L.;Matzeu, G. A.;Alston, W.;Alvarez Crespo, N.;Fürst, F.;Buisson, D. J. K.;Lobban, A.;Joyce, A. M.;Mallick, L.;Schartel, N.;Santos-Lleó, M. |
03-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 493, 1088 |
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X-ray-Underluminous Active Galactic Nuclei Relative to Broad Emission Lines in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies |
Imanishi, Masatoshi; Terashima, Yuichi |
02-2004 |
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Broadband X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the Dual AGN System Mrk 739 |
Inaba, Koki;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Yamada, Satoshi;Ogawa, Shoji;Uematsu, Ryosuke;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Ricci, Claudio |
11-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 939, 88 |
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0601780401 |
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The link between accretion mode and environment in radio-loud active galaxies |
Ineson, J.; Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Kraft, R. P.; Evans, D. A.; Jarvis, M. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 2682 |
2015MNRAS.453.2682I |
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0551720101, 0002970201 |
968 |
Radio-loud Active Galactic Nucleus: Is There a Link between Luminosity and Cluster Environment? |
Ineson, J.; Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Kraft, R. P.; Evans, D. A.; Jarvis, M. |
06-2013 |
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A representative survey of the dynamics and energetics of FR II radio galaxies |
Ineson, J.; Croston, J. H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Mingo, B. |
05-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 467, 1586 |
2017MNRAS.467.1586I |
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The X-ray polarization of the Seyfert 1 galaxy IC 4329A |
Ingram, A.;Ewing, M.;Marinucci, A.;Tagliacozzo, D.;Rosario, D. J.;Veledina, A.;Kim, D. E.;Marin, F.;Bianchi, S.;Poutanen, J.;Matt, G.;Marshall, H. L.;Ursini, F.;De Rosa, A.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Madejski, G.;Barnouin, T.;Gesu, L. Di;DovÄiak, M.;Gianolli, V. E.;Krawczynski, H.;Loktev, V.;Middei, R.;Podgorny, J.;Puccetti, S.;Ratheesh, A.;Soffitta, P.;Tombesi, F.;Ehlert, S. R.;Massaro, F.;Agudo, I.;Antonelli, L. A.;Bachetti, M.;Baldini, L.;Baumgartner, W. H.;Bellazzini, R.;Bongiorno, S. D.;Bonino, R.;Brez, A.;Bucciantini, N.;Capitanio, F.;Castellano, S.;Cavazzuti, E.;Chen, C. -T.;Ciprini, S.;Costa, E.;Del Monte, E.;Lalla, N. Di;Marco, A. Di;Donnarumma, I.;Doroshenko, V.;Enoto, T.;Evangelista, Y.;Fabiani, S.;Ferrazzoli, R.;GarcÃa, J. A.;Gunji, S.;Heyl, J.;Iwakiri, W.;Jorstad, S. G.;Kaaret, P.;Karas, V.;Kislat, F.;Kitaguchi, T.;Kolodziejczak, J. J.;Monaca, F. La;Latronico, L.;Liodakis, I.;Maldera, S.;Manfreda, A.;Marscher, A. P.;Mitsuishi, I.;Mizuno, T.;Muleri, F.;Negro, M.;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, S. L.;Omodei, N.;Oppedisano, C.;Papitto, A.;Pavlov, G. G.;Peirson, A. L.;Perri, M.;Pesce-Rollins, M.;Pilia, M.;Possenti, A.;Ramsey, B. D.;Rankin, J.;Roberts, O. J.;Romani, R. W.;Sgrò, C.;Slane, P.;Spandre, G.;Swartz, D. A.;Tamagawa, T.;Tavecchio, F.;Taverna, R.;Tawara, Y.;Tennant, A. F.;Thomas, N. E.;Trois, A.;Tsygankov, S. S.;Turolla, R.;Vink, J.;Weisskopf, M. C.;Wu, K.;Xie, F.;Zane, S. |
11-2023 |
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0890670201 |
971 |
A public relativistic transfer function model for X-ray reverberation mapping of accreting black holes |
Ingram, Adam; Mastroserio, Guglielmo; Dauser, Thomas; Hovenkamp, Pieter; van der Klis, Michiel; García, Javier A. |
09-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 488, 324 |
2019MNRAS.488..324I |
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0306870101 |
972 |
On measuring the Hubble constant with X-ray reverberation mapping of active galactic nuclei |
Ingram, Adam;Mastroserio, Guglielmo;van der Klis, Michiel;Nathan, Edward;Connors, Riley;Dauser, Thomas;GarcÃa, Javier A.;Kara, Erin;König, Ole;Lucchini, Matteo;Wang, Jingyi |
01-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 509, 619 |
2022MNRAS.509..619I |
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973 |
A self-lensing binary massive black hole interpretation of quasi-periodic eruptions |
Ingram, Adam;Motta, Sara E.;Aigrain, Suzanne;Karastergiou, Aris |
05-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 503, 1703 |
2021MNRAS.503.1703I |
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Fe K Line Profile in Low-Redshift Quasars: Average Shape and Eddington Ratio Dependence |
Inoue, Hirohiko; Terashima, Yuichi; Ho, Luis C. |
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975 |
CHANG-ES - XI. Circular polarization in the cores of nearby galaxies |
Irwin, Judith A.; Henriksen, Richard N.; WeZgowiec, Marek; Damas-Segovia, Ancor; Wang, Q. Daniel; Krause, Marita; Heald, George; Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen; Li, Jiang-Tao; Wiegert, Theresa; Stein, Yelena; Braun, Timothy T.; Im, Jisung; Schmidt, Philip; Macdonald, Scott; Miskolczi, Arpad; Merritt, Alison; Mora-Partiarroyo, S. C.; Saikia, D. J.; Sotomayor, Carlos; Yang, Yang |
06-2018 |
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X-ray analysis of SDSS J165202.60+172852.4, an obscured quasar with outflows at peak galaxy formation epoch |
Ishikawa, Yuzo;Goulding, Andy D.;Zakamska, Nadia L.;Hamann, Fred;Vayner, Andrey;Veilleux, Sylvain;Wylezalek, Dominika |
04-2021 |
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0830520101 |
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The XMM-Newton Detection of Diffuse Inverse Compton X-Rays from Lobes of the FR II Radio Galaxy 3C 98 |
Isobe, N.; Makishima, K.; Tashiro, M.; Hong, S. |
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The XMM-Newton Examination of Energetics in the East Lobe of the Nearby Radio Galaxy Fornax A (NGC 1316) |
Isobe, N.; Makishima, K.; Tashiro, M.; Itoh, K.; Iyomoto, N.; Takahashi, I.; Kaneda, H. |
07-2006 |
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979 |
Suzaku Wide-Band X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Seyfert2 AGN in NGC 4945 |
Itoh, T.; Done, C.; Makishima, K.; Madejski, G.; Awaki, H.; Ghi, P.; Isobe, N.; Dewangan, G. C.; Griffthis, R. E.; Anabuki, N.; Okajima, T.; Reeves, J. N.; Takahashi, T.; Ueda, Y.; Eguchi, S.; Yaqoob, T. |
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Deep radio imaging of the SCUBA 8-mJy survey fields: submillimetre source identifications and redshift distribution |
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X-rays from the Type II quasar in the hyperluminous infrared galaxy IRAS F15307+3252* |
Iwasawa, K.; Crawford, C. S.; Fabian, A. C.; Wilman, R. J. |
09-2005 |
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Highly ionized disc and transient outflows in the Seyfert galaxy IRAS 18325-5926 |
Iwasawa, K.; Fabian, A. C.; Kara, E.; Reynolds, C. S.; Miniutti, G.; Tombesi, F. |
08-2016 |
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The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. II. A 9-20 keV selection of heavily obscured active galaxies at z > 1.7 |
Iwasawa, K.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Comastri, A.; Brandt, W. N.; Ranalli, P.; Vito, F.; Cappelluti, N.; Carrera, F. J.; Falocco, S.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Mainieri, V.; Paolillo, M. |
10-2012 |
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The hard X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy IRAS 18325-5926: reflection from an ionized disc and variable iron K emission |
Iwasawa, K.; Lee, J. C.; Young, A. J.; Reynolds, C. S.; Fabian, A. C. |
01-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 347, 411 |
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Fe K emission from active galaxies in the COSMOS field |
Iwasawa, K.; Mainieri, V.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Hasinger, G.; Sanders, D. B.; Cappelluti, N.; Impey, C. D.; Koekemoer, A.; Lanzuisi, G.; Lusso, E.; Merloni, A.; Salvato, M.; Taniguchi, Y.; Trump, J. R. |
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Flux and energy modulation of redshifted iron emission in NGC 3516: implications for the black hole mass |
Iwasawa, K.; Miniutti, G.; Fabian, A. C. |
12-2004 |
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High-Ionization Fe K Emission From Luminous Infrared Galaxies |
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04-2009 |
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Fe K emission in the ultraluminous infrared galaxy Arp 220 |
Iwasawa, K.; Sanders, D. B.; Evans, A. S.; Trentham, N.; Miniutti, G.; Spoon, H. W. W. |
02-2005 |
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C-GOALS: Chandra observations of a complete sample of luminous infrared galaxies from the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Survey |
Iwasawa, K.; Sanders, D. B.; Teng, S. H.; U, Vivian; Armus, L.; Evans, A. S.; Howell, J. H.; Komossa, S.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Petric, A. O.; Surace, J. A.; Vavilkin, T.; Veilleux, S.; Trentham, N. |
05-2011 |
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The active nucleus of the ULIRG IRAS F00183-7111 viewed by NuSTAR |
Iwasawa, K.; Spoon, H. W. W.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Lanzuisi, G.; Piconcelli, E.; Vignali, C.; Brusa, M.; Puccetti, S. |
10-2017 |
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The Suzaku broadband X-ray spectrum of the dwarf Seyfert galaxy NGC 4395 |
Iwasawa, K.; Tanaka, Y.; Gallo, L. C. |
05-2010 |
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992 |
Testing a double AGN hypothesis for Mrk 273 |
Iwasawa, K.; U, V.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Medling, A. M.; Sanders, D. B.; Evans, A. S. |
04-2018 |
2018, A&A, 611, 71 |
2018A&A...611A..71I |
4 |
0101640401, 0722610201 |
993 |
The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. VIII. X-ray properties of the two brightest sources |
Iwasawa, K.; Vignali, C.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Vito, F.; Brandt, W. N.; Carrera, F. J.; Lanzuisi, G.; Falocco, S.; Vagnetti, F. |
02-2015 |
2015, A&A, 574, 144 |
2015A&A...574A.144I |
4 |
0108060401, 0108060501, 0108060601, 0108060701, 0108061801, 0108061901, 0108062101, 0108062301, 0555780101, 0555780201, 0555780301, 0555780401, 0555780501, 0555780601, 0555780701, 0555780801, 0555780901, 0555781001, 0555782301, 0604960101, 0604960201, 0604960301, 0604960401, 0604960501, 0604960601, 0604960701, 0604960801, 0604960901, 0604961001, 0604961101, 0604961201, 0604961301, 0604961801 |
994 |
The gravitationally lensed, luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F10214+4724 observed with XMM-Newton |
Iwasawa, K.; Vignali, C.; Evans, A. S.; Sanders, D. B.; Trentham, N. |
01-2010 |
2010, NewA, 15, 58 |
2010NewA...15...58I |
4 |
0201040101 |
995 |
A Compton-thick nucleus in the dual active galactic nuclei of Mrk 266 |
Iwasawa, K.;Ricci, C.;Privon, G. C.;Torres-Albà , N.;Inami, H.;Charmandaris, V.;Evans, A. S.;Mazzarella, J. M.;DÃaz-Santos, T. |
08-2020 |
2020, A&A, 640, 95 |
2020A&A...640A..95I |
4 |
0055990501 |
996 |
On the nature of high X-ray luminosities in Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies |
Jackson, F. E.; Roberts, T. P.; Alexander, D. M.; Gelbord, J. M.; Goulding, A. D.; Ward, M. J.; Wardlow, J. L.; Watson, M. G. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 2 |
2012MNRAS.422....2J |
4 |
0108860501, 0505930301, 0200430901, 0505930101, 0505930401, 0112840101 |
997 |
Establishing the spectral turnover of blazar PKS 2155-304 as an outcome of radiative losses |
Jagan, Sitha K.; Sahayanathan, S.; Misra, R.; Ravikumar, C. D.; Jeena, K. |
07-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, L105 |
2018MNRAS.478L.105J |
4 |
0124930501, 0124930601, 0158960101, 0158960901, 0158961001, 0158961301, 0411780301, 0411780401, 0411780501, 0411780601, 0411780701 |
998 |
Convex X-ray spectra of PKS 2155-304 and constraints on the minimum electron energy |
Jagan, Sitha K.;Sahayanathan, S.;Rieger, Frank M.;Ravikumar, C. D. |
09-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 3996 |
2021MNRAS.506.3996J |
4 |
0158961401, 0411780101, 0411780201, 0411780701 |
999 |
Coronal properties of low-accreting AGNs using Swift, XMM-Newton, and NuSTAR observations |
Jana, Arghajit;Chatterjee, Arka;Chang, Hsiang-Kuang;Nandi, Prantik;Rubinur, K.;Kumari, Neeraj;Naik, Sachindra;Safi-Harb, Samar;Ricci, Claudio |
09-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 524, 4670 |
2023MNRAS.524.4670J |
4 |
0790980101, 0145670101, 0405020601, 0795730101, 0790840101, 0790840201, 0871020101, 0200660101, 0722610201, 0762920501, 0312191801, 0741260101 |
1000 |
Broad-band X-ray observations of the 2018 outburst of the changing-look active galactic nucleus NGC 1566 |
Jana, Arghajit;Kumari, Neeraj;Nandi, Prantik;Naik, Sachindra;Chatterjee, Arka;Jaisawal, Gaurava K.;Hayasaki, Kimitake;Ricci, Claudio |
10-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 507, 687 |
2021MNRAS.507..687J |
4 |
0763500201, 0800840201, 0820530401, 0840800401, 0851980101 |
1001 |
Constraining black hole masses in low-accreting active galactic nuclei using X-ray spectra |
Jang, I.; Gliozzi, M.; Hughes, C.; Titarchuk, L. |
09-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 443, 72 |
2014MNRAS.443...72J |
4 |
0135980201, 0672870101, 0400620101, 0200250101, 0657801801, 0400270101, 0099030101, 0090020101, 0143500301, 0400560301, 0056340101, 0205010101, 0205360101, 0673310101, 0142830101, 0550540101, 0084030101, 0502160101, 0204870101, 0152940101, 0502480701, 0021540501, 0056340201, 0204610101 |
1002 |
The nature of the ghost cavity in the NGC 741 group |
Jetha, Nazirah N.; Hardcastle, Martin J.; Babul, Arif; O'Sullivan, Ewan; Ponman, Trevor J.; Raychaudhury, Somak; Vrtilek, Jan |
03-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 384, 1344 |
2008MNRAS.384.1344J |
3,4 |
0153030701 |
1003 |
Evidence for Black Hole Growth in Local Analogs to Lyman Break Galaxies |
Jia, Jianjun; Ptak, Andrew; Heckman, Timothy M.; Overzier, Roderik A.; Hornschemeier, Ann; LaMassa, Stephanie M. |
04-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 731, 55 |
2011ApJ...731...55J |
4 |
0553790101, 0553790201, 0553790301, 0553790401, 0553790501, 0553790701 |
1004 |
An Archival Chandra and XMM-Newton Survey of Type 2 Quasars |
Jia, Jianjun; Ptak, Andrew; Heckman, Timothy; Zakamska, Nadia L. |
11-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 777, 27 |
2013ApJ...777...27J |
4 |
0403760301, 0403160101, 0303110401, 0303110101, 0204340201, 0203160201, 0406740101, 0305990101, 0143653901, 0502060201, 0502060201, 0305480301, 0402250701, 0147671001, 0551201001, 0553440601, 0021740101, 0201290301, 0110930201, 0306050701, 0506440101, 0405240901, 0502780201, 0102040201, 0551022701, 0203270201, 0110990201, 0210270101, 0504100601, 0021740201, 0200660301, 0041180801, 0502060101, 0502060301, 0305750801, 0304070701, 0204340101, 0305750401, 0303110301, 0303110801 |
1005 |
The 1.5 Ms observing campaign on IRAS 13224-3809 - I. X-ray spectral analysis |
Jiang, J.; Parker, M. L.; Fabian, A. C.; Alston, W. N.; Buisson, D. J. K.; Cackett, E. M.; Chiang, C.-Y.; Dauser, T.; Gallo, L. C.; García, J. A.; Harrison, F. A.; Lohfink, A. M.; De Marco, B.; Kara, E.; Miller, J. M.; Miniutti, G.; Pinto, C.; Walton, D. J.; Wilkins, D. R. |
07-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 477, 3711 |
2018MNRAS.477.3711J |
4 |
0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601 |
1006 |
A relativistic disc reflection model for 1H0419-577: Multi-epoch spectral analysis with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Jiang, Jiachen; Walton, Dominic J.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Parker, Michael L. |
03-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 483, 2958 |
2019MNRAS.483.2958J |
4 |
0604720301, 0604720401, 0148000201, 0148000301, 0148000401, 0148000501, 0148000601, 0604720301, 0604720401 |
1007 |
Black hole spin measurements based on a thin disc model with finite thickness - I. An example study of MCG-06-30-15 |
Jiang, Jiachen;Abdikamalov, Askar B.;Bambi, Cosimo;Reynolds, Christopher S. |
08-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 514, 3246 |
2022MNRAS.514.3246J |
4 |
0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
1008 |
The origin of the X-ray emission from the non-starburst gas-rich luminous infrared galaxies Arp 302 |
Jiang, Jiachen;Baker, William;Young, Andrew;Gallo, Luigi |
02-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 1223 |
2024MNRAS.528.1223J |
4 |
0670300101 |
1009 |
The awakening beast in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy KUG 1141+371 - I |
Jiang, Jiachen;Cheng, Huaqing;Gallo, Luigi C.;Ho, Luis C.;Buisson, Douglas J. K.;Fabian, Andrew C.;Harrison, Fiona A.;Parker, Michael L.;Reynolds, Christopher S.;Steiner, James F.;Tomsick, John A.;Walton, Dominic J.;Yuan, Weimin |
02-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 501, 916 |
2021MNRAS.501..916J |
4 |
0601780501 |
1010 |
XMM-Newton observations of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809: X-ray spectral analysis II |
Jiang, Jiachen;Dauser, Thomas;Fabian, Andrew C.;Alston, William N.;Gallo, Luigi C.;Parker, Michael L.;Reynolds, Christopher S. |
07-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 514, 1107 |
2022MNRAS.514.1107J |
4 |
0110890101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601 |
1011 |
High Density Reflection Spectroscopy - II. The density of the inner black hole accretion disc in AGN |
Jiang, Jiachen;Fabian, Andrew C.;Dauser, Thomas;Gallo, Luigi;GarcÃa, Javier A.;Kara, Erin;Parker, Michael L.;Tomsick, John A.;Walton, Dominic J.;Reynolds, Christopher S. |
11-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 489, 3436 |
2019MNRAS.489.3436J |
4 |
1012 |
A disc reflection model for ultra-soft narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Jiang, Jiachen;Gallo, Luigi C.;Fabian, Andrew C.;Parker, Michael L.;Reynolds, Christopher S. |
08-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, 3888 |
2020MNRAS.498.3888J |
4 |
1013 |
Comparing reflection and absorption models for the soft X-ray variability in the NLS1 AGN UGC 11763 |
Jiang, Jiachen;Gallo, Luigi C.;Grupe, Dirk;Parker, Michael L. |
11-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 516, 4256 |
2022MNRAS.516.4256J |
4 |
0150470701, 0744370201 |
1014 |
UM 625 Revisited: Multiwavelength Study of a Seyfert 1 Galaxy with a Low-mass Black Hole |
Jiang, Ning; Ho, Luis C.; Dong, Xiao-Bo; Yang, Huan; Wang, Junxian |
06-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 770, 3 |
2013ApJ...770....3J |
4 |
0200430901, 0505930101, 0505930401 |
1015 |
On the X-Ray Baldwin Effect for Narrow Fe Kalpha Emission Lines |
Jiang, P.; Wang, J. X.; Wang, T. G. |
06-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 644, 725 |
2006ApJ...644..725J |
4 |
1016 |
On the Nature of Hard X-Ray Extragalactic Sources Observed with XMM-Newton |
Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Chavushyan, V.; Schartel, N.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Huerta, E. M.; Krongold, Y. |
03-2012 |
2012, AJ, 143, 64 |
2012AJ....143...64J |
4 |
0554932801, 0554934701, 0554933401, 0554931501, 0554934101,9055200002, 9082800004, 9124900004 |
1017 |
X-ray properties of a sample of polar-scattered Seyfert galaxies |
Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Krongold, Y.; Piconcelli, E.; Santos Lleó, M.; Schartel, N. |
04-2008 |
2008, RMxAC, 32, 131 |
2008RMxAC..32..131J |
4 |
0300240401, 0300240901, 0300240101, 0300240501, 0300240201, 0109141401 |
1018 |
Detection of blueshifted emission and absorption and a relativistic iron line in the X-ray spectrum of ESO323-G077 |
Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Krongold, Y.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Schartel, N. |
12-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 391, 1359 |
2008MNRAS.391.1359J |
4 |
0300240501 |
1019 |
The XMM-Newton view of PG quasars. II. Properties of the Fe Kalpha line |
Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Piconcelli, E.; Guainazzi, M.; Schartel, N.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Santos-Lleó, M. |
05-2005 |
2005, A&A, 435, 449 |
2005A&A...435..449J |
4 |
1020 |
Relativistic Fe Kalpha features in the XMM-Newton spectrum of the intermediate Seyfert galaxy 4U 1344-60 |
Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Piconcelli, E.; Sánchez-Portal, M.; Guainazzi, M.; Martocchia, A.; Motch, M.; Schroder, A.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1059 |
2006AN....327.1059J |
4 |
0092140101 |
1021 |
X-ray emission from NGC 1808: more than a complex starburst |
Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Dahlem, M.; Ehle, M.; Mas-Hesse, J. M.; Guainazzi, M.; Heckman, T. M.; Weaver, K. A. |
11-2005 |
2005, A&A, 442, 861 |
2005A&A...442..861J |
4,5 |
0110980801 |
1022 |
XMM-Newton view of the double-peaked Fe Kalpha complex in E1821+643 |
Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Matt, G.; Guainazzi, M.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. |
01-2007 |
2007, A&A, 461, 917 |
2007A&A...461..917J |
4 |
0110950501 |
1023 |
A long XMM-Newton observation of an extreme narrow-line Seyfert 1: PG 1244+026 |
Jin, Chichuan; Done, Chris; Middleton, Matthew; Ward, Martin |
12-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 436, 3173 |
2013MNRAS.436.3173J |
4 |
0675320101 |
1024 |
Super-Eddington QSO RX J0439.6-5311 - I. Origin of the soft X-ray excess and structure of the inner accretion flow |
Jin, Chichuan; Done, Chris; Ward, Martin |
07-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 468, 3663 |
2017MNRAS.468.3663J |
4 |
0764530101 |
1025 |
Strong constraints on a super-Eddington accretion flow: XMM-Newton observations of an intermediate-mass black hole |
Jin, Chichuan; Done, Chris; Ward, Martin |
01-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 455, 691 |
2016MNRAS.455..691J |
4 |
0305920201, 0724840101, 0724840301 |
1026 |
Super-Eddington QSO RX J0439.6-5311 - II. Multiwavelength constraints on the global structure of the accretion flow |
Jin, Chichuan; Done, Chris; Ward, Martin; Gardner, Emma |
10-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 706 |
2017MNRAS.471..706J |
4 |
0764530101 |
1027 |
The Seyfert AGN RX J0136.9-3510 and the spectral state of super Eddington accretion flows |
Jin, Chichuan; Done, Chris; Ward, Martin; GierliÅski, Marek; Mullaney, James |
09-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 398, L16 |
2009MNRAS.398L..16J |
4 |
0302850201, 0303340101, 0157560101, 0109141401 |
1028 |
A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - II. Relation between X-ray emission and optical spectra |
Jin, Chichuan; Ward, Martin; Done, Chris |
06-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 3268 |
2012MNRAS.422.3268J |
4 |
1029 |
A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - III. Broad-band SED properties |
Jin, Chichuan; Ward, Martin; Done, Chris |
09-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 425, 907 |
2012MNRAS.425..907J |
4 |
1030 |
A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - I. Optical spectra and spectral energy distribution modelling |
Jin, Chichuan; Ward, Martin; Done, Chris; Gelbord, Jonathan |
03-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 420, 1825 |
2012MNRAS.420.1825J |
4 |
1031 |
Re-observing the NLS1 galaxy RE J1034+396 - II. New insights on the soft X-ray excess, QPO, and the analogy with GRS 1915+105 |
Jin, Chichuan;Done, Chris;Ward, Martin |
01-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 500, 2475 |
2021MNRAS.500.2475J |
4 |
0109070101, 0506440101, 0561580201, 0655310101, 0655310201, 0675440301, 0675440101, 0675440201, 0824030101 |
1032 |
Reobserving the NLS1 galaxy RE J1034+396 - I. The long-term, recurrent X-ray QPO with a high significance |
Jin, Chichuan;Done, Chris;Ward, Martin |
06-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 495, 3538 |
2020MNRAS.495.3538J |
4 |
0109070101, 0506440101, 0561580201, 0655310101, 0655310201, 0675440301, 0675440101, 0675440201, 0824030101 |
1033 |
The extreme super-eddington NLS1 RX J0134.2-4258 - II. A weak-line Seyfert linking to the weak-line quasar |
Jin, Chichuan;Done, Chris;Ward, Martin;Panessa, Francesca;Liu, Bo;Liu, He-Yang |
02-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 518, 6065 |
2023MNRAS.518.6065J |
4 |
0841800201, 0550350101 |
1034 |
Multiwavelength campaign on the Super-Eddington NLS1 RX J0134.2-4258 - I. Peculiar X-ray spectra and variability |
Jin, Chichuan;Done, Chris;Ward, Martin;Panessa, Francesca;Liu, Bo;Liu, Heyang |
06-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 512, 5642 |
2022MNRAS.512.5642J |
4 |
0550350101, 0841800201 |
1035 |
Wavelength dependences of the optical/UV and X-ray luminosity correlations of quasars |
Jin, Chichuan;Lusso, Elisabeta;Ward, Martin;Done, Chris;Middei, Riccardo |
01-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 527, 356 |
2024MNRAS.527..356J |
4 |
1036 |
Probing the Disk-Corona Systems and Broad-line Regions of Changing-look Quasars with X-Ray and Optical Observations |
Jin, Xiangyu;Ruan, John J.;Haggard, Daryl;Gingras, Marie-Joëlle;Hountalas, Joseph;MacLeod, Chelsea L.;Anderson, Scott F.;Doan, Anh;Eracleous, Michael;Green, Paul J.;Runnoe, Jessie C. |
05-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 912, 20 |
2021ApJ...912...20J |
4 |
1037 |
Identifying the 3FHL Catalog. VI. Swift Observations of 3FHL Unassociated Objects with Source Classification via Machine Learning |
Joffre, S.;Silver, R.;Rajagopal, M.;Ajello, M.;Torres-Albà , N.;Pizzetti, A.;Marchesi, S.;Kaur, A. |
12-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 940, 139 |
2022ApJ...940..139J |
4 |
1038 |
0.5 Mpc-scale extended X-ray emission in the z = 2.48 radio galaxy 4C 23.56 |
Johnson, O.; Almaini, O.; Best, P. N.; Dunlop, J. |
03-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 376, 151 |
2007MNRAS.376..151J |
4,5 |
0204400201 |
1039 |
Overdensities of SMGs around WISE-selected, ultraluminous, high-redshift AGNs |
Jones, Suzy F.; Blain, Andrew W.; Assef, Roberto J.; Eisenhardt, Peter; Lonsdale, Carol; Condon, James; Farrah, Duncan; Tsai, Chao-Wei; Bridge, Carrie; Wu, Jingwen; Wright, Edward L.; Jarrett, Tom |
08-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 469, 4565 |
2017MNRAS.469.4565J |
4 |
1040 |
Cooling in the X-ray halo of the rotating, massive early-type galaxy NGC 7049 |
Juránová, A.; Werner, N.; Gaspari, M.; Lakhchaura, K.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Sun, M.; Canning, R. E. A.; Allen, S. W.; Simionescu, A.; Oonk, J. B. R.; Connor, T.; Donahue, M. |
04-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 484, 2886 |
2019MNRAS.484.2886J |
4 |
0743930101 |
1041 |
Study of the optical to X-ray broad emission lines of Mrk 110 |
JuráÅová, A.;Costantini, E.;Di Gesu, L.;Ebrero, J.;Kaastra, J.;Korista, K.;Kriss, G. A.;Mehdipour, M.;Piconcelli, E.;Rogantini, D. |
01-2024 |
2024, A&A, 681, 101 |
2024A&A...681A.101J |
4 |
0840220701, 0840220801, 0840220901 |
1042 |
The outflowing ionised gas of I Zw 1 observed by HST COS |
JuráÅová, A.;Costantini, E.;Kriss, G. A.;Mehdipour, M.;Brandt, W. N.;Di Gesu, L.;Fabian, A. C.;Gallo, L.;Giustini, M.;Rogantini, D.;Wilkins, D. R. |
06-2024 |
2024, A&A, 686, 99 |
2024A&A...686A..99J |
4 |
0743050301, 0743050801 |
1043 |
Spectral-timing of AGN ionized outflows with Athena |
JuráÅová, A.;Costantini, E.;Uttley, P. |
03-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 510, 4225 |
2022MNRAS.510.4225J |
4 |
0780561701 |
1044 |
Hot gaseous atmospheres of rotating galaxies observed with XMM-Newton |
JuráÅová, A.;Werner, N.;Nulsen, P. E. J.;Gaspari, M.;Lakhchaura, K.;Canning, R. E. A.;Donahue, M.;Hroch, F.;Voit, G. M. |
10-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 499, 5163 |
2020MNRAS.499.5163J |
4 |
0673170101, 0673170301, 0723180101, 0723180201, 0723180301, 0723180401, 0723180601, 0723180701, 0723180801, 0723180901, 0099030101, 0693300101, 0052140201, 0201670101, 0651910401, 0651910501, 0651910601, 0651910701, 0550540101, 0550540201, 0205010201, 0041180401 |
1045 |
The X-Ray Properties of the Most Luminous Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Just, D. W.; Brandt, W. N.; Shemmer, O.; Steffen, A. T.; Schneider, D. P.; Chartas, G.; Garmire, G. P. |
08-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 665, 1004 |
2007ApJ...665.1004J |
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1046 |
X-ray Monitoring of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources |
Kaaret, Philip; Feng, Hua |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 702, 1679 |
2009ApJ...702.1679K |
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1047 |
Spectroscopic studies of AGN |
Kaastra, J. S. |
00-2003 |
2003, AdSpR, 32, 2031 |
2003AdSpR..32.2031K |
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1048 |
High spectral resolution X-ray observations of AGN |
Kaastra, J. S. |
02-2008 |
2008, AN, 329, 162 |
2008AN....329..162K |
4 |
1049 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. II. Analysis of high-quality Reflection Grating Spectrometer spectra |
Kaastra, J. S.; de Vries, C. P.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Detmers, R. G.; Ebrero, J.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Costantini, E.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Paltani, S.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 37 |
2011A&A...534A..37K |
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0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101 |
1050 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. VIII. Location of the X-ray absorber |
Kaastra, J. S.; Detmers, R. G.; Mehdipour, M.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Paltani, S.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; de Vries, C. P. |
03-2012 |
2012, A&A, 539, 117 |
2012A&A...539A.117K |
4 |
1051 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. XIV. Chandra HETGS spectra |
Kaastra, J. S.; Ebrero, J.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Kriss, G. A.; De Marco, B.; Mehdipour, M.; Paltani, S.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; de Vries, C. P. |
10-2014 |
2014, A&A, 570, 73 |
2014A&A...570A..73K |
4 |
1052 |
A fast and long-lived outflow from the supermassive black hole in NGC 5548 |
Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Cappi, M.; Mehdipour, M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Boissay, R.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Chamberlain, C.; Costantini, E.; Ely, J. C.; Ebrero, J.; Di Gesu, L.; Harrison, F. A.; Kaspi, S.; Malzac, J.; De Marco, B.; Matt, G.; Nandra, K.; Paltani, S.; Person, R.; Peterson, B. M.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G.; Nuñez, F. Pozo; De Rosa, A.; Seta, H.; Ursini, F.; de Vries, C. P.; Walton, D. J.; Whewell, M. |
07-2014 |
2014, Sci, 345, 64 |
2014Sci...345...64K |
4 |
0720111201, 0720110701, 0720111101, 0720110601, 0720111001, 0720110501, 0720110901, 0720111301, 0720110401, 0720111401, 0720110801, 0720110301 |
1053 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. I. Variability and spectral energy distribution |
Kaastra, J. S.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Cappi, M.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Bloom, J.; Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; Dadina, M.; Detmers, R. G.; Ebrero, J.; Jonker, P. G.; Klein, C.; Kriss, G. A.; LubiÅski, P.; Malzac, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Paltani, S.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G.; Ratti, E. M.; Smith, R. A. N.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; de Vries, C. P. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 36 |
2011A&A...534A..36K |
4 |
0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101 |
1054 |
The O VII X-Ray Forest toward Markarian 421: Consistency between XMM-Newton and Chandra |
Kaastra, J. S.; Werner, N.; Herder, J. W. A. den; Paerels, F. B. S.; de Plaa, J.; Rasmussen, A. P.; de Vries, C. P. |
11-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 652, 189 |
2006ApJ...652..189K |
2,4 |
1055 |
Multiband variability in the blazar 3C 273 with XMM-Newton |
Kalita, Nibedita; Gupta, Alok C.; Wiita, Paul J.; Bhagwan, Jai; Duorah, Kalpana |
08-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 451, 1356 |
2015MNRAS.451.1356K |
4 |
0126700101, 0126700201, 0126700301, 0126700401, 0126700501, 0126700601, 0126700701, 0126700801, 0136550101, 0112770101, 0112770201, 0137551001, 0112770601, 0112770801, 0112770701, 0136550501, 0112771001, 0159960101, 0112770501, 0112771101, 0136550801, 0136551001, 0414190101, 0414190301, 0414190401, 0414190501, 0414190601, 0414190701, 0414190801, 0414191001 |
1056 |
Origin of X-rays in the low state of the FSRQ 3C 273: evidence of inverse Compton emission |
Kalita, Nibedita; Gupta, Alok C.; Wiita, Paul J.; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Duorah, Kalpana |
08-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 469, 3824 |
2017MNRAS.469.3824K |
4 |
0126700301, 0126700601, 0126700701, 0126700801, 0136550101, 0136550501, 0159960101, 0112770501, 0112771101, 0136550801, 0136551001, 0414190101, 0414190301, 0414190401, 0414190501, 0414190601, 0414190701, 0414190801, 0414191001, 0414191101 |
1057 |
Signature of Stochastic Acceleration and Cooling Processes in an Outburst Phase of the TeV Blazar ON 231 |
Kalita, Nibedita; Sawangwit, Utane; Gupta, Alok C.; Wiita, Paul J. |
07-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 880, 19 |
2019ApJ...880...19K |
4 |
0502211301, 0502211401, 0502211201 |
1058 |
Investigating Model Dependencies for Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei: A Case Study of NGC 3982 |
Kallová, KristÃna;Boorman, Peter G.;Ricci, Claudio |
05-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 966, 116 |
2024ApJ...966..116K |
4 |
0204651201 |
1059 |
A New Sample of Candidate Intermediate-mass Black Holes Selected by X-Ray Variability |
Kamizasa, Naoya; Terashima, Yuichi; Awaki, Hisamitsu |
05-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 751, 39 |
2012ApJ...751...39K |
4 |
0203460101, 0147920101, 0154350101, 0109540101, 0200730401, 0405240201, 0085220101, 0306630101, 0203170301, 0017940101, 0025740201, 0144570101, 0200360201, 0200780301, 0305570101, 0206060101 |
1060 |
Bulk Comptonization: new hints from the luminous blazar 4C+25.05 |
Kammoun, E. S.; Nardini, E.; Risaliti, G.; Ghisellini, G.; Behar, E.; Celotti, A. |
01-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 473, L89 |
2018MNRAS.473L..89K |
4 |
0790820101 |
1061 |
The nature of X-ray spectral variability in MCG-6-30-15 |
Kammoun, E. S.; Papadakis, I. E. |
12-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 472, 3131 |
2017MNRAS.472.3131K |
4 |
0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
1062 |
The nature of X-ray spectral variability in SWIFT J2127.4+5654 |
Kammoun, E. S.; Papadakis, I. E. |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 3412 |
2018MNRAS.480.3412K |
4 |
0693781701, 0693781801, 0693781901 |
1063 |
Variability of the soft X-ray excess in IRAS 13224-3809 |
Kammoun, E. S.; Papadakis, I. E.; Sabra, B. M. |
10-2015 |
2015, A&A, 582, 40 |
2015A&A...582A..40K |
4 |
0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0110890101 |
1064 |
Coronal properties of the luminous radio-quiet quasar QSO B2202-209 |
Kammoun, E. S.; Risaliti, G.; Stern, D.; Jun, H. D.; Graham, M.; Celotti, A.; Behar, E.; Elvis, M.; Harrison, F. A.; Matt, G.; Walton, D. J. |
02-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 465, 1665 |
2017MNRAS.465.1665K |
4 |
0764370201 |
1065 |
The first X-ray look at SMSS J114447.77-430859.3: the most luminous quasar in the last 9 Gyr |
Kammoun, E. S.;Igo, Z.;Miller, J. M.;Fabian, A. C.;Reynolds, M. T.;Merloni, A.;Barret, D.;Nardini, E.;Petrucci, P. O.;Piconcelli, E.;Barnier, S.;Buchner, J.;Dwelly, T.;Grotova, I.;Krumpe, M.;Liu, T.;Nandra, K.;Rau, A.;Salvato, M.;Urrutia, T.;Wolf, J. |
07-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 5217 |
2023MNRAS.522.5217K |
4 |
0911791701 |
1066 |
A Hard Look at Local, Optically Selected, Obscured Seyfert Galaxies |
Kammoun, E. S.;Miller, J. M.;Koss, M.;Oh, K.;Zoghbi, A.;Mushotzky, R. F.;Barret, D.;Behar, E.;Brandt, W. N.;Brenneman, L. W.;Kaastra, J. S.;Lohfink, A. M.;Proga, D.;Stern, D. |
10-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 901, 161 |
2020ApJ...901..161K |
4 |
1067 |
The Nature of the Broadband X-Ray Variability in the Dwarf Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4395 |
Kammoun, E. S.;Nardini, E.;Zoghbi, A.;Miller, J. M.;Cackett, E. M.;Gallo, E.;Reynolds, M. T.;Risaliti, G.;Barret, D.;Brandt, W. N.;Brenneman, L. W.;Kaastra, J. S.;Koss, M.;Lohfink, A. M.;Mushotzky, R. F.;Raymond, J.;Stern, D. |
12-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 886, 145 |
2019ApJ...886..145K |
4 |
0142830101, 0744010101, 0744010201 |
1068 |
The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): probing the physics of the X-ray corona in active galactic nuclei |
Kammoun, Elias;Lohfink, Anne M.;Masterson, Megan;Wilkins, Dan R.;Zhao, Xiurui;Balokovic, Mislav;Boorman, Peter G.;Connors, Riley;Coppi, Paolo;Fabian, Andrew;GarcÃa, Javier A.;Madsen, Kristin K.;Rodriguez Cavero, Nicole;Sridhar, Navin;Stern, Daniel;Tomsick, John;Wevers, Thomas;Walton, Dominic J.;Bianchi, Stefano;Buchner, Johannes;Civano, Francesca M.;Lanzuisi, Giorgio;Mallick, Labani;Matt, Giorgio;Merloni, Andrea;Nardini, Emanuele;Piotrowska, Joanna M.;Ricci, Claudio;Wong, Ka-Wah;Zoghbi, Abderahmen |
01-2024 |
2024, FrASS, 100805, 6 |
2024FrASS..1008056K |
4 |
1069 |
The Broadband X-Ray Spectrum of the X-Ray-obscured Type 1 AGN 2MASX J193013.80+341049.5 |
Kamraj, Nikita;BalokoviÄ, Mislav;Brightman, Murray;Stern, Daniel;Harrison, Fiona A.;Assef, Roberto J.;Koss, Michael J.;Oh, Kyuseok;Walton, Dominic J. |
12-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 887, 255 |
2019ApJ...887..255K |
4 |
0602840101 |
1070 |
X-Ray Coronal Properties of Swift/BAT-selected Seyfert 1 Active Galactic Nuclei |
Kamraj, Nikita;Brightman, Murray;Harrison, Fiona A.;Stern, Daniel;GarcÃa, Javier A.;BalokoviÄ, Mislav;Ricci, Claudio;Koss, Michael J.;MejÃa-Restrepo, Julian E.;Oh, Kyuseok;Powell, Meredith C.;Urry, C. Megan |
03-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 927, 42 |
2022ApJ...927...42K |
4 |
1071 |
What can be learnt from a highly informative X-ray occultation event in NGC 6814? A marvellous absorber |
Kang, Jia-Lai;Wang, Jun-Xian;Fu, Shu-Qi |
10-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 1941 |
2023MNRAS.525.1941K |
4 |
0550451801, 0764620101, 0885090101 |
1072 |
An Intrinsic Link between Long-term UV/Optical Variations and X-Ray Loudness in Quasars |
Kang, Wen-yong; Wang, Jun-Xian; Cai, Zhen-Yi; Guo, Heng-Xiao; Zhu, Fei-Fan; Cao, Xin-Wu; Gu, Wei-Min; Yuan, Feng |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 868, 58 |
2018ApJ...868...58K |
4 |
1073 |
A Surprising Excess of Radio Emission in Extremely Stable Quasars: A Unique Clue to Jet Launching? |
Kang, Wen-Yong;Wang, Jun-Xian;Cai, Zhen-Yi;Wang, Hao-Chen;Ren, Wen-Ke;Liao, Mai;Yuan, Feng;Zdziarski, Andrzej;Cao, Xinwu |
08-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 971, 60 |
2024ApJ...971...60K |
4 |
1074 |
X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects: catalogue and statistical properties |
Kapanadze, B. Z. |
03-2012 |
2012, AASP, 2, 45 |
2012AASP....2...45K |
4 |
1075 |
The X-ray behaviour of the high-energy peaked BL Lacertae source PKS 2155-304 in the 0.3-10 keV band |
Kapanadze, B.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S. |
10-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 444, 1077 |
2014MNRAS.444.1077K |
4 |
1076 |
The long-term Swift observations of the high-energy peaked BL Lacertae source 1ES 1959+650 |
Kapanadze, B.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S.; Mdzinarishvili, T.; Kharshiladze, G. |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 704 |
2016MNRAS.457..704K |
4 |
1077 |
Strong X-ray flaring activity of the BL Lacertae source OJ 287 in 2016 October-2017 April |
Kapanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Hughes, P.; Aller, M.; Aller, H.; Kapanadze, S.; Tabagari, L. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 407 |
2018MNRAS.480..407K |
4 |
1078 |
Catalog and Statistical Study of X-Ray Selected BL Lacertae Objects |
Kapanadze, Bidzina Z. |
02-2013 |
2013, AJ, 145, 31 |
2013AJ....145...31K |
2,4 |
1079 |
A global look at X-ray time lags in Seyfert galaxies |
Kara, E.; Alston, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Cackett, E. M.; Uttley, P.; Reynolds, C. S.; Zoghbi, A. |
10-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 462, 511 |
2016MNRAS.462..511K |
4 |
1080 |
The curious time lags of PG 1244+026: discovery of the iron K reverberation lag |
Kara, E.; Cackett, E. M.; Fabian, A. C.; Reynolds, C.; Uttley, P. |
03-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 439, L26 |
2014MNRAS.439L..26K |
4 |
0675320101 |
1081 |
Ultrafast outflow in tidal disruption event ASASSN-14li |
Kara, E.; Dai, L.; Reynolds, C. S.; Kallman, T. |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 3593 |
2018MNRAS.474.3593K |
4 |
0694651201, 0722480201, 0694651401, 0694651501, 0770980101, 0770980501 |
1082 |
Revealing the X-ray source in IRAS 13224-3809 through flux-dependent reverberation lags |
Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Cackett, E. M.; Miniutti, G.; Uttley, P. |
04-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 430, 1408 |
2013MNRAS.430.1408K |
4 |
0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401 |
1083 |
The closest look at 1H0707-495: X-ray reverberation lags with 1.3 Ms of data |
Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Cackett, E. M.; Steiner, J. F.; Uttley, P.; Wilkins, D. R.; Zoghbi, A. |
02-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 2795 |
2013MNRAS.428.2795K |
4 |
0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200301, 0506200201, 0506200501, 0506200401, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601 |
1084 |
Discovery of high-frequency iron K lags in Ark 564 and Mrk 335 |
Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Cackett, E. M.; Uttley, P.; Wilkins, D. R.; Zoghbi, A. |
09-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 434, 1129 |
2013MNRAS.434.1129K |
4 |
0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901, 0206400101, 0306870101, 0600540501, 0600540601 |
1085 |
The Compton hump and variable blue wing in the extreme low-flux NuSTAR observations of 1H0707-495 |
Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Lohfink, A. M.; Parker, M. L.; Walton, D. J.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Matt, G.; Reynolds, C. S.; Stern, D.; Zhang, W. W. |
05-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 449, 234 |
2015MNRAS.449..234K |
4 |
0554710801, 0511580201 |
1086 |
The changing X-ray time lag in MCG-6-30-15 |
Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Parker, M. L.; Alston, W.; Brenneman, L. W.; Cackett, E. M.; Miniutti, G. |
11-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 445, 56 |
2014MNRAS.445...56K |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
1087 |
Iron K and Compton hump reverberation in SWIFT J2127.4+5654 and NGC 1365 revealed by NuSTAR and XMM-Newton |
Kara, E.; Zoghbi, A.; Marinucci, A.; Walton, D. J.; Fabian, A. C.; Risaliti, G.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Fuerst, F.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Matt, G.; Parker, M. L.; Reynolds, C. S.; Stern, D.; Zhang, W. W. |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 737 |
2015MNRAS.446..737K |
4 |
0693781701, 0693781801, 0693781901, 0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501 |
1088 |
UV-Optical Disk Reverberation Lags despite a Faint X-Ray Corona in the Active Galactic Nucleus Mrk 335 |
Kara, Erin;Barth, Aaron J.;Cackett, Edward M.;Gelbord, Jonathan;Montano, John;Li, Yan-Rong;Santana, Lisabeth;Horne, Keith;Alston, William N.;Buisson, Douglas;Chelouche, Doron;Du, Pu;Fabian, Andrew C.;Fian, Carina;Gallo, Luigi;Goad, Michael R.;Grupe, Dirk;González Buitrago, Diego H.;Hernández Santisteban, Juan V.;Kaspi, Shai;Hu, Chen;Komossa, S.;Kriss, Gerard A.;Lewin, Collin;Lewis, Tiffany;Loewenstein, Michael;Lohfink, Anne;Masterson, Megan;McHardy, Ian M.;Mehdipour, Missagh;Miller, Jake;Panagiotou, Christos;Parker, Michael L.;Pinto, Ciro;Remillard, Ron;Reynolds, Christopher;Rogantini, Daniele;Wang, Jian-Min;Wang, Jingyi;Wilkins, Dan |
04-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 947, 62 |
2023ApJ...947...62K |
4 |
1089 |
AGN STORM 2. I. First results: A Change in the Weather of Mrk 817 |
Kara, Erin;Mehdipour, Missagh;Kriss, Gerard A.;Cackett, Edward M.;Arav, Nahum;Barth, Aaron J.;Byun, Doyee;Brotherton, Michael S.;De Rosa, Gisella;Gelbord, Jonathan;Hernández Santisteban, Juan V.;Hu, Chen;Kaastra, Jelle;Landt, Hermine;Li, Yan-Rong;Miller, Jake A.;Montano, John;Partington, Ethan;Aceituno, Jesús;Bai, Jin-Ming;Bao, Dongwei;Bentz, Misty C.;Brink, Thomas G.;Chelouche, Doron;Chen, Yong-Jie;Colmenero, Encarni Romero;Dalla Bontà , Elena;Dehghanian, Maryam;Du, Pu;Edelson, Rick;Ferland, Gary J.;Ferrarese, Laura;Fian, Carina;Filippenko, Alexei V.;Fischer, Travis;Goad, Michael R.;González Buitrago, Diego H.;Gorjian, Varoujan;Grier, Catherine J.;Guo, Wei-Jian;Hall, Patrick B.;Ho, Luis C.;Homayouni, Y.;Horne, Keith;IliÄ, Dragana;Jiang, Bo-Wei;Joner, Michael D.;Kaspi, Shai;Kochanek, Christopher S.;Korista, Kirk T.;Kynoch, Daniel;Li, Sha-Sha;Liu, Jun-Rong;McHardy, Ian M.;McLane, Jacob N.;Mitchell, Jake A. J.;Netzer, Hagai;Olson, Kianna A.;Pogge, Richard W.;PopoviÄ, Luka Ä.;Proga, Daniel;Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa;Strasburger, Erika;Treu, Tommaso;Vestergaard, Marianne;Wang, Jian-Min;Ward, Martin J.;Waters, Tim;Williams, Peter R.;Yang, Sen;Yao, Zhu-Heng;Zastrocky, Theodora E.;Zhai, Shuo;Zu, Ying |
12-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 922, 151 |
2021ApJ...922..151K |
4 |
0872390901 |
1090 |
Accurate localization and identification of six hard X-ray sources from Chandra and XMM-Newton data |
Karasev, D. I.; Lutovinov, A. A.; Revnivtsev, M. G.; Krivonos, R. A. |
10-2012 |
2012, AstL, 38, 629 |
2012AstL...38..629K |
4,12,13 |
1091 |
On the reality of broad iron L lines from the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies 1H0707-495 and IRAS 13224-3809 |
Karbhari Pawar, Pramod; Dewangan, Gulab Chand; Khushalrao Patil, Madhav; Misra, Ranjeev; Keshav Jogadand, Sharada |
11-2016 |
2016, RAA, 16, 169 |
2016RAA....16..169K |
4 |
0511580101, 0673580201 |
1092 |
The spectra of IceCube Neutrino (SIN) candidate sources - IV. Spectral energy distributions and multiwavelength variability |
Karl, Martina;Padovani, Paolo;Giommi, Paolo |
11-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 526, 661 |
2023MNRAS.526..661K |
4 |
1093 |
Mergers as triggers for nuclear activity: a near-IR study of the close environment of AGN in the VISTA-VIDEO survey |
Karouzos, M.; Jarvis, M. J.; Bonfield, D. |
03-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 439, 861 |
2014MNRAS.439..861K |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0109520101, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520501, 0109520601, 0111110101, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0111110701, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0112680401, 0112680501, 0112680801, 0112681001, 0112681301, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401 |
1094 |
A Multiwavelength Study of a Sample of 70 μm Selected Galaxies in the COSMOS Field. I. Spectral Energy Distributions and Luminosities |
Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.; Sanders, D. B.; Le Floc'h, E.; Frayer, D. T.; Aussel, H.; Arnouts, S.; Ilbert, O.; Salvato, M.; Scoville, N. Z.; Surace, J.; Yan, L.; Brusa, M.; Capak, P.; Caputi, K.; Carollo, C. M.; Civano, F.; Elvis, M.; Faure, C.; Hasinger, G.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Lee, N.; Lilly, S.; Liu, C. T.; McCracken, H. J.; Schinnerer, E.; SmolÄiÄ, V.; Taniguchi, Y.; Thompson, D. J.; Trump, J. |
02-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 709, 572 |
2010ApJ...709..572K |
2,4 |
1095 |
The High-Velocity Outflow of PG 1211+143 May Not Be That Fast |
Kaspi, Shai; Behar, Ehud |
01-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 636, 674 |
2006ApJ...636..674K |
4 |
0112610101 |
1096 |
The Properties and Evolution of the Highly Ionized Gas in MR 2251-178 |
Kaspi, Shai; Netzer, Hagai; Chelouche, Doron; George, Ian M.; Nandra, Kirpal; Turner, T. J. |
08-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 611, 68 |
2004ApJ...611...68K |
4,7 |
0012940101, 0112910301 |
1097 |
Broad-line Radio Galaxies Observed with Fermi-LAT: The Origin of the GeV γ-Ray Emission |
Kataoka, J.; Stawarz, Å.; Takahashi, Y.; Cheung, C. C.; Hayashida, M.; Grandi, P.; Burnett, T. H.; Celotti, A.; Fegan, S. J.; Fortin, P.; Maeda, K.; Nakamori, T.; Taylor, G. B.; Tosti, G.; Digel, S. W.; McConville, W.; Finke, J.; D'Ammando, F. |
10-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 740, 29 |
2011ApJ...740...29K |
4 |
1098 |
Two Distinct-absorption X-Ray Components from Type IIn Supernovae: Evidence for Asphericity in the Circumstellar Medium |
Katsuda, Satoru; Maeda, Keiichi; Bamba, Aya; Terada, Yukikatsu; Fukazawa, Yasushi; Kawabata, Koji; Ohno, Masanori; Sugawara, Yasuharu; Tsuboi, Yohko; Immler, Stefan |
12-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 832, 194 |
2016ApJ...832..194K |
4 |
0721600201, 0721600301, 0721600401, 0721600501, 0147190101, 0693781501 |
1099 |
1ES 0229+200: an extreme blazar with a very high minimum Lorentz factor |
Kaufmann, S.; Wagner, S. J.; Tibolla, O.; Hauser, M. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 130 |
2011A&A...534A.130K |
4 |
0604210301, 0604210201 |
1100 |
A NuSTAR and XMM-Newton Study of the Two Most Actively Star-forming Green Pea Galaxies (SDSS J0749+3337 and SDSS J0822+2241) |
Kawamuro, Taiki; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Ichikawa, Kohei; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Izumi, Takuma; Tanimoto, Atsushi; Matsuoka, Kenta |
08-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 881, 48 |
2019ApJ...881...48K |
4 |
0690470101, 0690470201 |
1101 |
Suzaku Observations of Moderately Obscured (Compton-thin) Active Galactic Nuclei Selected by Swift/BAT Hard X-ray Survey |
Kawamuro, Taiki; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Tazaki, Fumie; Ricci, Claudio; Terashima, Yuichi |
07-2016 |
2016, ApJS, 225, 14 |
2016ApJS..225...14K |
4 |
1102 |
Study of Swift/Bat Selected Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Observed with Suzaku |
Kawamuro, Taiki; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Tazaki, Fumie; Terashima, Yuichi; Mushotzky, Richard |
11-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 831, 37 |
2016ApJ...831...37K |
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0601420101 |
1103 |
Iron Fluorescent Line Emission from Black Hole Accretion Disks with Magnetic Reconnection-heated Corona |
Kawanaka, N.; Mineshige, S.; Iwasawa, K. |
12-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 635, 167 |
2005ApJ...635..167K |
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0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
1104 |
X-ray spectral properties of dust-obscured galaxies in the XMM-SERVS coverage of the XMM-LSS field |
Kayal, Abhijit;Singh, Veeresh |
06-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 531, 830 |
2024MNRAS.531..830K |
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0553911601, 0112370101, 0112370601, 0404966501, 0404967901, 0112372001, 0112371701, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0742430301, 0112371001, 0404967001, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0112371501, 0404966901, 0785100101, 0553911501, 0785100301, 0793580101, 0112370401, 0793580301, 0780452301, 0112370301, 0404966601, 0037982001, 0785100501, 0785101201, 0793580801, 0780452401, 0147111301, 0785100801, 0785101101, 0037982501, 0037982401, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0785101501, 0793581001, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0785101001, 0785101601, 0793580701, 0793581101, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0785101701, 0785101801, 0780450201, 0793581201, 0109520601, 0112680501, 0780450301, 0780450601, 0780452201, 0109520101, 0210490101, 0780451101, 0112680301, 0112681001, 0780450701, 0780451001, 0780451301, 0780452601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0780451501, 0780451601, 0780451701, 0109520301, 0780451401, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0785102401, 0785102501, 0793581601, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0780451801, 0109520201, 0780451901, 0780452101 |
1105 |
Detection of radio-AGN in dust-obscured galaxies using deep uGMRT radio continuum observations |
Kayal, Abhijit;Singh, Veeresh;Chandra, C. H. Ishwara;Wadadekar, Yogesh;Dutta, Sushant |
12-2022 |
2022, JApA, 43, 84 |
2022JApA...43...84K |
4 |
1106 |
Multi-epoch hard X-ray view of Compton-thick AGN Circinus Galaxy |
Kayal, Abhijit;Singh, Veeresh;Ricci, Claudio;Mithun, N. P. S.;Vadawale, Santosh;Dewangan, Gulab;Gandhi, Poshak |
07-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 4098 |
2023MNRAS.522.4098K |
4 |
0824450301, 0792382701, 0701981001, 0111240101 |
1107 |
Relationship between gamma-ray loudness and X-ray spectra of radio galaxies |
Kayanoki, Taishu;Fukazawa, Yasushi |
08-2022 |
2022, PASJ, 74, 791 |
2022PASJ...74..791K |
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0651281901, 0677180601, 0146340601, 0651280101, 0671871001, 0651281001, 0651281201, 0651280901, 0551720101, 0651281401, 0651280801, 0201860101, 0671871201, 0823050101, 0852980601, 0784610201, 0206390101, 0502070201, 0152670101, 0065760201, 0092140101, 0502120101, 0602390101, 0650591401, 0302440601, 0405860101, 0602390101, 0550270101, 0305290201, 0103860601, 0804520301, 0018741001, 0202190301, 0151560101, 0760990101, 0306680301 |
1108 |
Ionized X-ray winds in the radio galaxy Mrk 6 |
Kayanoki, Taishu;Mao, Junjie;Fukazawa, Yasushi |
03-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 4504 |
2024MNRAS.528.4504K |
4 |
0061540101, 0144230101, 0305600501 |
1109 |
Revealing the accretion disc corona in Mrk 335 with multi-epoch X-ray spectroscopy |
Keek, L.; Ballantyne, D. R. |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 456, 2722 |
2016MNRAS.456.2722K |
4 |
0101040101, 0306870101, 0510010701, 0600540601, 0600540501 |
1110 |
A Stochastic Model for the Luminosity Fluctuations of Accreting Black Holes |
Kelly, Brandon C.; Sobolewska, MaÅgorzata; Siemiginowska, Aneta |
03-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 730, 52 |
2011ApJ...730...52K |
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1111 |
Active Galactic Nucleus Black Hole Mass Estimates in the Era of Time Domain Astronomy |
Kelly, Brandon C.; Treu, Tommaso; Malkan, Matthew; Pancoast, Anna; Woo, Jong-Hak |
12-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 779, 187 |
2013ApJ...779..187K |
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1112 |
Stellar tidal disruption candidates found by cross-correlating the ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue and XMM-Newton observations |
Khabibullin, I.; Sazonov, S. |
10-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 444, 1041 |
2014MNRAS.444.1041K |
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0201900301, 0012440101, 0402190501, 0505211001, 0600920301, 0145750101, 0604020101, 0151790701, 0103060401, 0108460301 |
1113 |
Do quasar X-ray and UV flux measurements provide a useful test of cosmological models? |
Khadka, Narayan;Ratra, Bharat |
02-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 510, 2753 |
2022MNRAS.510.2753K |
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1114 |
Quasar UV/X-ray relation luminosity distances are shorter than reverberation-measured radius-luminosity relation luminosity distances |
Khadka, Narayan;ZajaÄek, Michal;Prince, Raj;Panda, Swayamtrupta;Czerny, Bożena;MartÃnez-Aldama, Mary Loli;Jaiswal, Vikram Kumar;Ratra, Bharat |
06-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 1247 |
2023MNRAS.522.1247K |
4 |
1115 |
Submm-bright X-ray-absorbed QSOs at z Ë 2: insights into the coevolution of AGN and star formation |
Khan-Ali, A.; Carrera, F. J.; Page, M. J.; Stevens, J. A.; Mateos, S.; Symeonidis, M.; Orjales, J. M. Cao |
03-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 448, 75 |
2015MNRAS.448...75K |
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0302310301, 0203270101, 0203270201, 0060370201, 0203270301, 0302310101, 0302310501 |
1116 |
Probing the photoionised outflow in the NLS1 Arakelian 564: An XMM-Newton view |
Khanna, Shourya; Kaastra, Jelle. S.; Mehdipour, Missagh |
02-2016 |
2016, A&A, 586, 2 |
2016A&A...586A...2K |
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0006810101, 0006810201, 0006810301, 0006810401, 0206400101, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901 |
1117 |
Catalog of candidates for quasars at 3 < z < 5.5 selected among X-Ray sources from the 3XMM-DR4 survey of the XMM-Newton observatory |
Khorunzhev, G. A.; Burenin, R. A.; Meshcheryakov, A. V.; Sazonov, S. Yu. |
05-2016 |
2016, AstL, 42, 277 |
2016AstL...42..277K |
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1118 |
Optical spectroscopy of candidates for quasars at 3 < z < 5.5 from the XMM-newton X-ray survey. A distant X-ray quasar at z = 5.08 |
Khorunzhev, G. A.; Burenin, R. A.; Sazonov, S. Yu.; Amvrosov, A. L.; Eselevich, M. V. |
03-2017 |
2017, AstL, 43, 135 |
2017AstL...43..135K |
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1119 |
Spectral energy distribution variations of nearby Seyfert galaxies during AGN watch monitoring programs |
Kilerci Eser, Ece; Vestergaard, M. |
02-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 1590 |
2018MNRAS.474.1590K |
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1120 |
Infrared colours and spectral energy distributions of hard X-ray selected obscured and Compton-thick active galactic nuclei |
Kilerci Eser, Ece;Goto, T.;Güver, T.;Tuncer, A.;AtaÈ, O. H. |
05-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 494, 5793 |
2020MNRAS.494.5793K |
4 |
1121 |
Quasi-stellar Object Selection Algorithm Using Time Variability and Machine Learning: Selection of 1620 Quasi-stellar Object Candidates from MACHO Large Magellanic Cloud Database |
Kim, Dae-Won; Protopapas, Pavlos; Byun, Yong-Ik; Alcock, Charles; Khardon, Roni; Trichas, Markos |
07-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 735, 68 |
2011ApJ...735...68K |
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1122 |
A Refined QSO Selection Method Using Diagnostics Tests: 663 QSO Candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
Kim, Dae-Won; Protopapas, Pavlos; Trichas, Markos; Rowan-Robinson, Michael; Khardon, Roni; Alcock, Charles; Byun, Yong-Ik |
03-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 747, 107 |
2012ApJ...747..107K |
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1123 |
Magnetic field properties inside the jet of Mrk 421. Multiwavelength polarimetry, including the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer |
Kim, Dawoon E.;Di Gesu, Laura;Liodakis, Ioannis;Marscher, Alan P.;Jorstad, Svetlana G.;Middei, Riccardo;Marshall, Herman L.;Pacciani, Luigi;Agudo, Iván;Tavecchio, Fabrizio;Cibrario, Nicoló;Tugliani, Stefano;Bonino, Raffaella;Negro, Michela;Puccetti, Simonetta;Tombesi, Francesco;Costa, Enrico;Donnarumma, Immacolata;Soffitta, Paolo;Mizuno, Tsunefumi;Fukazawa, Yasushi;Kawabata, Koji S.;Nakaoka, Tatsuya;Uemura, Makoto;Imazawa, Ryo;Sasada, Mahito;Akitaya, Hiroshi;Josè Aceituno, Francisco;Bonnoli, Giacomo;Casanova, Vìctor;Myserlis, Ioannis;Sievers, Albrecht;Angelakis, Emmanouil;Kraus, Alexander;Yeon Cheong, Whee;Jeong, Hyeon-Woo;Kang, Sincheol;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Sung;Agìs-Gonzà lez, Beatriz;Sota, Alfredo;Escudero, Juan;Gurwell, Mark;Keating, Garrett K.;Rao, Ramprasad;Kouch, Pouya M.;Lindfors, Elina;Bourbah, Ioakeim G.;Kiehlmann, Sebastian;Kontopodis, Evangelos;Mandarakas, Nikos;Romanopoulos, Stylianos;Skalidis, Raphael;Vervelaki, Anna;Savchenko, Sergey S.;Antonelli, Lucio A.;Bachetti, Matteo;Baldini, Luca;Baumgartner, Wayne H.;Bellazzini, Ronaldo;Bianchi, Stefano;Bongiorno, Stephen D.;Brez, Alessandro;Bucciantini, Niccoló;Capitanio, Fiamma;Castellano, Simone;Cavazzuti, Elisabetta;Chen, Chien-Ting;Ciprini, Stefano;De Rosa, Alessandra;Del Monte, Ettore;Di Lalla, Niccoló;Di Marco, Alessandro;Doroshenko, Victor;DovÄiak, Michal;Ehlert, Steven R.;Enoto, Teruaki;Evangelista, Yuri;Fabiani, Sergio;Ferrazzoli, Riccardo;Garcia, Javier A.;Gunji, Shuichi;Hayashida, Kiyoshi;Heyl, Jeremy;Iwakiri, Wataru;Kaaret, Philip;Karas, Vladimir;Kislat, Fabian;Kitaguchi, Takao;Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.;Krawczynski, Henric;La Monaca, Fabio;Latronico, Luca;Maldera, Simone;Manfreda, Alberto;Marin, Frédéric;Marinucci, Andrea;Massaro, Francesco;Matt, Giorgio;Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki;Muleri, Fabio;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, Stephen L.;Omodei, Nicola;Oppedisano, Chiara;Papitto, Alessandro;Pavlov, George G.;Peirson, Abel L.;Perri, Matteo;Pesce-Rollins, Melissa;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Pilia, Maura;Possenti, Andrea;Poutanen, Juri;Ramsey, Brian D.;Rankin, John;Ratheesh, Ajay;Roberts, Oliver;Romani, Roger W.;Sgró, Carmelo;Slane, Patrick;Spandre, Gloria;Swartz, Doug;Tamagawa, Toru;Taverna, Roberto;Tawara, Yuzuru;Tennant, Allyn F.;Thomas, Nicholas E.;Trois, Alessio;Tsygankov, Sergey S.;Turolla, Roberto;Vink, Jacco;Weisskopf, Martin C.;Wu, Kinwah;Xie, Fei;Zane, Silvia |
01-2024 |
2024, A&A, 681, 12 |
2024A&A...681A..12K |
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1124 |
Investigating the Properties of the Relativistic Jet and Hot Corona in AGN with X-ray Polarimetry |
Kim, Dawoon E.;Di Gesu, Laura;Marin, Frédéric;Marscher, Alan P.;Matt, Giorgio;Soffitta, Paolo;Tombesi, Francesco;Costa, Enrico;Donnarumma, Immacolata |
04-2024 |
2024, Galax, 12, 20 |
2024Galax..12...20K |
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1125 |
AGN Coronae through a Jet Perspective |
King, Ashley L.; Lohfink, Anne; Kara, Erin |
02-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 835, 226 |
2017ApJ...835..226K |
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1126 |
XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer Observations of Discrete Soft X-Ray Emission Features from NGC 1068 |
Kinkhabwala, Ali; Sako, Masao; Behar, Ehud; Kahn, Steven M.; Paerels, Frits; Brinkman, Albert C.; Kaastra, Jelle S.; Gu, Ming Feng; Liedahl, Duane A. |
08-2002 |
2002, ApJ, 575, 732 |
2002ApJ...575..732K |
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0111200101, 0111200201 |
1127 |
The Accretion History of AGN: A Newly Defined Population of Cold Quasars |
Kirkpatrick, Allison;Urry, C. Megan;Brewster, Jason;Cooke, Kevin C.;Estrada, Michael;Glikman, Eilat;Hamblin, Kurt;Ananna, Tonima Tasnim;Carlile, Casey;Coleman, Brandon;Johnson, Jordan;Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.;LaMassa, Stephanie M.;Marchesi, Stefano;Powell, Meredith;Sanders, Dave;Treister, Ezequiel;Jan Turner, Traceye |
09-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 900, 5 |
2020ApJ...900....5K |
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1128 |
On the use of photometric redshifts for X-ray selected AGNs |
Kitsionas, S.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Georgakakis, A.; Georgantopoulos, I. |
05-2005 |
2005, A&A, 434, 475 |
2005A&A...434..475K |
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0111280101, 0111280201, 0111280301, 0111280401, 0111280501, 0111280601, 0111280701, 0111280801, 0111280901, 0111281001, 0111281301, 0111281401, 0111281501, 0111281601, 0111281701, 0111281801, 0111282001, 0111282101, 0111282201, 0111282301, 0111282401, 0111282501, 0111282601, 0111282701 |
1129 |
Chandra Observations of the cl1604 Supercluster at z = 0.9: Evidence for an Overdensity of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Kocevski, Dale D.; Lubin, Lori M.; Gal, Roy; Lemaux, Brian C.; Fassnacht, Christopher D.; Squires, Gordon K. |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 690, 295 |
2009ApJ...690..295K |
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1130 |
Down-sizing in galaxy formation at z~ 1 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) |
Kodama, Tadayuki; Yamada, Toru; Akiyama, Masayuki; Aoki, Kentaro; Doi, Mamoru; Furusawa, Hisanori; Fuse, Tetsuharu; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Ishida, Cathy; Iye, Masanori; Kajisawa, Masaru; Karoji, Hiroshi; Kobayashi, Naoto; Komiyama, Yutaka; Kosugi, George; Maeda, Yoshitomo; Miyazaki, Satoshi; Mizumoto, Yoshihiko; Morokuma, Tomoki; Nakata, Fumiaki; Noumaru, Junichi; Ogasawara, Ryusuke; Ouchi, Masami; Sasaki, Toshiyuki; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro; Simpson, Chris; Takata, Tadafumi; Tanaka, Ichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Yasuda, Naoki; Yoshida, Michitoshi |
05-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 350, 1005 |
2004MNRAS.350.1005K |
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1131 |
The extreme coronal line emitter AT 2022fpx: varying optical polarization properties and late-time X-ray flare |
Koljonen, Karri I. I.;Liodakis, Ioannis;Lindfors, Elina;Nilsson, Kari;Reynolds, Thomas M.;Charalampopoulos, Panos;Kouroumpatzakis, Konstantinos;McCall, Callum;Jermak, Helen E.;Steele, Iain A.;Carbajo-Hijarrubia, Juan |
07-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 532, 112 |
2024MNRAS.532..112K |
4 |
0894200501, 0894200401 |
1132 |
Proving strong magnetic fields near to the central black hole in the quasar PG0043+039 via cyclotron lines |
Kollatschny, W.; Schartel, N.; Zetzl, M.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Ballo, L. |
05-2015 |
2015, A&A, 577, L1 |
2015A&A...577L...1K |
4 |
0690830201 |
1133 |
The peculiar optical-UV X-ray spectra of the X-ray weak quasar PG 0043+039 |
Kollatschny, W.; Schartel, N.; Zetzl, M.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Ballo, L.; Talavera, A. |
01-2016 |
2016, A&A, 585, 18 |
2016A&A...585A..18K |
4 |
0300890101, 0690830201 |
1134 |
Optical and X-ray discovery of the changing-look AGN IRAS 23226-3843 showing extremely broad and double-peaked Balmer profiles |
Kollatschny, W.;Grupe, D.;Parker, M. L.;Ochmann, M. W.;Schartel, N.;Herwig, E.;Komossa, S.;Romero-Colmenero, E.;Santos-Lleo, M. |
06-2020 |
2020, A&A, 638, 91 |
2020A&A...638A..91K |
4 |
0760020101, 0760020401, 0760020501 |
1135 |
The outburst of the changing-look AGN IRAS 23226-3843 in 2019 |
Kollatschny, W.;Grupe, D.;Parker, M. L.;Ochmann, M. W.;Schartel, N.;Romero-Colmenero, E.;Winkler, H.;Komossa, S.;Famula, P.;Probst, M. A.;Santos-Lleo, M. |
02-2023 |
2023, A&A, 670, 103 |
2023A&A...670A.103K |
4 |
0840800501 |
1136 |
New insights into the evolution of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 270 (NGC 4261) from VLA and GMRT radio observations |
Kolokythas, Konstantinos; O'Sullivan, Ewan; Giacintucci, Simona; Raychaudhury, Somak; Ishwara-Chandra, C. H.; Worrall, Diana M.; Birkinshaw, Mark |
06-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 450, 1732 |
2015MNRAS.450.1732K |
4 |
0502120101 |
1137 |
The Complete Local-volume Groups Sample - II. A study of the central radio galaxies in the high-richness sub-sample |
Kolokythas, Konstantinos; O'Sullivan, Ewan; Raychaudhury, Somak; Giacintucci, Simona; Gitti, Myriam; Babul, Arif |
12-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 481, 1550 |
2018MNRAS.481.1550K |
4 |
1138 |
Tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes: Status of observations |
Komossa, S. |
09-2015 |
2015, JHEAp, 7, 148 |
2015JHEAp...7..148K |
4 |
1139 |
MOMO. IV. The Complete Swift X-Ray and UV/Optical Light Curve and Characteristic Variability of the Blazar OJ 287 during the Last Two Decades |
Komossa, S.;Grupe, D.;Gallo, L. C.;Gonzalez, A.;Yao, S.;Hollett, A. R.;Parker, M. L.;Ciprini, S. |
12-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 923, 51 |
2021ApJ...923...51K |
4 |
0761500201, 0401060201 |
1140 |
Project MOMO: Multiwavelength Observations and Modeling of OJ 287 |
Komossa, S.;Grupe, D.;Kraus, A.;Gallo, L. C.;Gonzalez, A. G.;Parker, M. L.;Valtonen, M. J.;Hollett, A. R.;Bach, U.;Gómez, J. L.;Myserlis, I.;Ciprini, S. |
07-2021 |
2021, Univ, 7, 261 |
2021Univ....7..261K |
4 |
1141 |
X-ray spectral components of the blazar and binary black hole candidate OJ 287 (2005-2020) |
Komossa, S.;Grupe, D.;Parker, M. L.;Gómez, J. L.;Valtonen, M. J.;Nowak, M. A.;Jorstad, S. G.;Haggard, D.;Chandra, S.;Ciprini, S.;Dey, L.;Gopakumar, A.;Hada, K.;Markoff, S.;Neilsen, J. |
07-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 504, 5575 |
2021MNRAS.504.5575K |
4 |
0300480201, 0300480301, 0401060201, 0502630201, 0679380701, 0761500201, 0830190501, 0854591201 |
1142 |
The 2020 April-June super-outburst of OJ 287 and its long-term multiwavelength light curve with Swift: binary supermassive black hole and jet activity |
Komossa, S.;Grupe, D.;Parker, M. L.;Valtonen, M. J.;Gómez, J. L.;Gopakumar, A.;Dey, L. |
07-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, L35 |
2020MNRAS.498L..35K |
4 |
0854591201 |
1143 |
On the Nature of the Radio Calibrator and Gamma-Ray Emitting NLS1 Galaxy 3C 286 and Its Multiwavelength Variability |
Komossa, S.;Yao, S.;Grupe, D.;Kraus, A. |
07-2024 |
2024, Univ, 10, 289 |
2024Univ...10..289K |
4 |
1144 |
A Huge Drop in the X-Ray Luminosity of the Nonactive Galaxy RX J1242.6-1119A, and the First Postflare Spectrum: Testing the Tidal Disruption Scenario |
Komossa, Stefanie; Halpern, Jules; Schartel, Norbert; Hasinger, Günther; Santos-Lleo, Maria; Predehl, Peter |
03-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 603, L17 |
2004ApJ...603L..17K |
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1145 |
Mode of accretion in episodic radio galaxies and the dynamics of their outer relic lobes |
Konar, C.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H.; Jamrozy, M.; Hota, Ananda; Das, Tapas K. |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 486, 3975 |
2019MNRAS.486.3975K |
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1146 |
The dynamics of the giant radio galaxy 3C457 |
Konar, C.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H.; Saikia, D. J. |
11-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 400, 480 |
2009MNRAS.400..480K |
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0502500101 |
1147 |
Discovery of Water Maser Emission in Five AGNs and a Possible Correlation Between Water Maser and Nuclear 2-10 keV Luminosities |
Kondratko, Paul T.; Greenhill, Lincoln J.; Moran, James M. |
11-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 652, 136 |
2006ApJ...652..136K |
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1148 |
Investigating the Evolution of the Dual AGN System ESO 509-IG066 |
Kosec, P.; Brightman, M.; Stern, D.; Müller-Sánchez, F.; Koss, M.; Oh, K.; Assef, R. J.; Gandhi, P.; Harrison, F. A.; Jun, H.; Masini, A.; Ricci, C.; Walton, D. J.; Treister, E.; Comerford, J.; Privon, G. |
12-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 850, 168 |
2017ApJ...850..168K |
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0200430801 |
1149 |
A stratified ultrafast outflow in 1H0707-495? |
Kosec, P.; Buisson, D. J. K.; Parker, M. L.; Pinto, C.; Fabian, A. C.; Walton, D. J. |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 481, 947 |
2018MNRAS.481..947K |
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1150 |
Detection of a variable ultrafast outflow in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PG 1448+273 |
Kosec, P.;Zoghbi, A.;Walton, D. J.;Pinto, C.;Fabian, A. C.;Parker, M. L.;Reynolds, C. S. |
05-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 495, 4769 |
2020MNRAS.495.4769K |
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0152660101, 0781430101 |
1151 |
A New Population of Compton-thick AGNs Identified Using the Spectral Curvature above 10 keV |
Koss, Michael J.; Assef, R.; Balokovic, M.; Stern, D.; Gandhi, P.; Lamperti, I.; Alexander, D. M.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Bauer, F. E.; Berney, S.; Brandt, W. N.; Comastri, A.; Gehrels, N.; Harrison, F. A.; Lansbury, G.; Markwardt, C.; Ricci, C.; Rivers, E.; Schawinski, K.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Treister, E.; Urry, C. Megan |
07-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 825, 85 |
2016ApJ...825...85K |
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0110930201, 0200430201 |
1152 |
NuSTAR Resolves the First Dual AGN above 10 keV in SWIFT J2028.5+2543 |
Koss, Michael J.; Glidden, Ana; Balokovic, Mislav; Stern, Daniel; Lamperti, Isabella; Assef, Roberto; Bauer, Franz; Ballantyne, David; Boggs, Steven E.; Craig, William W.; Farrah, Duncan; Fürst, Felix; Gandhi, Poshak; Gehrels, Neil; Hailey, Charles J.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Markwardt, Craig; Masini, Alberto; Ricci, Claudio; Treister, Ezequiel; Walton, Dominic J.; Zhang, William W. |
06-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 824, L4 |
2016ApJ...824L...4K |
4 |
0312192301 |
1153 |
Studying Faint Ultra-hard X-Ray Emission from AGN in GOALS LIRGs with Swift/BAT |
Koss, Michael; Mushotzky, Richard; Baumgartner, Wayne; Veilleux, Sylvain; Tueller, Jack; Markwardt, Craig; Casey, Caitlin M. |
03-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 765, L26 |
2013ApJ...765L..26K |
4 |
1154 |
Chandra Discovery of a Binary Active Galactic Nucleus in Mrk 739 |
Koss, Michael; Mushotzky, Richard; Treister, Ezequiel; Veilleux, Sylvain; Vasudevan, Ranjan; Miller, Neal; Sanders, D. B.; Schawinski, Kevin; Trippe, Margaret |
07-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 735, L42 |
2011ApJ...735L..42K |
4 |
OM |
0601780401 |
1155 |
Understanding Dual Active Galactic Nucleus Activation in the nearby Universe |
Koss, Michael; Mushotzky, Richard; Treister, Ezequiel; Veilleux, Sylvain; Vasudevan, Ranjan; Trippe, Margaret |
02-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 746, L22 |
2012ApJ...746L..22K |
4 |
1156 |
IXPE observation of PKS 2155â304 reveals the most highly polarized blazar |
Kouch, Pouya M.;Liodakis, Ioannis;Middei, Riccardo;Kim, Dawoon E.;Tavecchio, Fabrizio;Marscher, Alan P.;Marshall, Herman L.;Ehlert, Steven R.;Di Gesu, Laura;Jorstad, Svetlana G.;Agudo, Iván;Madejski, Grzegorz M.;Romani, Roger W.;Errando, Manel;Lindfors, Elina;Nilsson, Kari;Toppari, Ella;Potter, Stephen B.;Imazawa, Ryo;Sasada, Mahito;Fukazawa, Yasushi;Kawabata, Koji S.;Uemura, Makoto;Mizuno, Tsunefumi;Nakaoka, Tatsuya;Akitaya, Hiroshi;McCall, Callum;Jermak, Helen E.;Steele, Iain A.;Myserlis, Ioannis;Gurwell, Mark;Keating, Garrett K.;Rao, Ramprasad;Kang, Sincheol;Lee, Sang-Sung;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Cheong, Whee Yeon;Jeong, Hyeon-Woo;Angelakis, Emmanouil;Kraus, Alexander;Aceituno, Francisco José;Bonnoli, Giacomo;Casanova, VÃctor;Escudero, Juan;AgÃs-González, Beatriz;Husillos, César;Morcuende, Daniel;Otero-Santos, Jorge;Sota, Alfredo;Bachev, Rumen;Antonelli, Lucio Angelo;Bachetti, Matteo;Baldini, Luca;Baumgartner, Wayne H.;Bellazzini, Ronaldo;Bianchi, Stefano;Bongiorno, Stephen D.;Bonino, Raffaella;Brez, Alessandro;Bucciantini, Niccolò;Capitanio, Fiamma;Castellano, Simone;Cavazzuti, Elisabetta;Chen, Chien-Ting;Ciprini, Stefano;Costa, Enrico;De Rosa, Alessandra;Del Monte, Ettore;Di Lalla, Niccolò;Di Marco, Alessandro;Donnarumma, Immacolata;Doroshenko, Victor;DovÄiak, Michal;Enoto, Teruaki;Evangelista, Yuri;Fabiani, Sergio;Ferrazzoli, Riccardo;Garcia, Javier A.;Gunji, Shuichi;Hayashida, Kiyoshi;Heyl, Jeremy;Iwakiri, Wataru;Kaaret, Philip;Karas, Vladimir;Kislat, Fabian;Kitaguchi, Takao;Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.;Krawczynski, Henric;La Monaca, Fabio;Latronico, Luca;Maldera, Simone;Manfreda, Alberto;Marin, Frédéric;Marinucci, Andrea;Massaro, Francesco;Matt, Giorgio;Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki;Muleri, Fabio;Negro, Michela;Ng, Chi-Yung;O'Dell, Stephen L.;Omodei, Nicola;Oppedisano, Chiara;Papitto, Alessandro;Pavlov, George G.;Peirson, Abel Lawrence;Perri, Matteo;Pesce-Rollins, Melissa;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Pilia, Maura;Possenti, Andrea;Poutanen, Juri;Puccetti, Simonetta;Ramsey, Brian D.;Rankin, John;Ratheesh, Ajay;Roberts, Oliver J.;Sgrò, Carmelo;Slane, Patrick;Soffitta, Paolo;Spandre, Gloria;Swartz, Douglas A.;Tamagawa, Toru;Taverna, Roberto;Tawara, Yuzuru;Tennant, Allyn F.;Thomas, Nicholas E.;Tombesi, Francesco;Trois, Alessio;Tsygankov, Sergey S.;Turolla, Roberto;Vink, Jacco;Weisskopf, Martin C.;Wu, Kinwah;Xie, Fei;Zane, Silvia |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 119 |
2024A&A...689A.119K |
4 |
0902110901 |
1157 |
The XXL Survey. XIX. A realistic population of simulated X-ray AGN: Comparison of models with observations |
Koulouridis, E.; Faccioli, L.; Le Brun, A. M. C.; Plionis, M.; McCarthy, I. G.; Pierre, M.; Akylas, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Paltani, S.; Lidman, C.; Fotopoulou, S.; Vignali, C.; Pacaud, F.; Ranalli, P. |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 620, 4 |
2018A&A...620A...4K |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1158 |
Luminous X-ray Active Galactic Nuclei in Clusters of Galaxies |
Koulouridis, E.; Plionis, M. |
05-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 714, L181 |
2010ApJ...714L.181K |
3,4 |
1159 |
Activity of the Seyfert galaxy neighbours |
Koulouridis, E.; Plionis, M.; Chavushyan, V.; Dultzin, D.; Krongold, Y.; Georgantopoulos, I.; León-Tavares, J. |
04-2013 |
2013, A&A, 552, 135 |
2013A&A...552A.135K |
4 |
0307000701, 0150940101, 0103860301, 0405240201, 0200430401, 0301650201, 0301150501, 0301651001, 0204650301 |
1160 |
X-ray AGN in the XMM-LSS galaxy clusters: no evidence of AGN suppression |
Koulouridis, E.; Plionis, M.; Melnyk, O.; Elyiv, A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Clerc, N.; Surdej, J.; Chiappetti, L.; Pierre, M. |
07-2014 |
2014, A&A, 567, 83 |
2014A&A...567A..83K |
3,4 |
1161 |
The XXL Survey. XXXV. The role of cluster mass in AGN activity |
Koulouridis, E.; Ricci, M.; Giles, P.; Adami, C.; Ramos-Ceja, M.; Pierre, M.; Plionis, M.; Lidman, C.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Chiappetti, L.; Elyiv, A.; Ettori, S.; Faccioli, L.; Fotopoulou, S.; Gastaldello, F.; Pacaud, F.; Paltani, S.; Vignali, C. |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 620, 20 |
2018A&A...620A..20K |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1162 |
Multi-wavelength Probes of Obscuration Toward the Narrow-line Region in Seyfert Galaxies |
Kraemer, S. B.; Schmitt, H. R.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Meléndez, M.; Turner, T. J.; Guainazzi, M.; Mushotzky, R. F. |
02-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 727, 130 |
2011ApJ...727..130K |
4 |
1163 |
Physical Conditions in the X-Ray Emission-line Gas in NGC 1068 |
Kraemer, S. B.; Sharma, N.; Turner, T. J.; George, Ian M.; Crenshaw, D. Michael |
01-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 798, 53 |
2015ApJ...798...53K |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201 |
1164 |
Physical Conditions in Ultra-fast Outflows in AGN |
Kraemer, S. B.; Tombesi, F.; Bottorff, M. C. |
01-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 852, 35 |
2018ApJ...852...35K |
4 |
1165 |
Mass outflow of the X-ray emission line gas in NGC 4151 |
Kraemer, S. B.;Turner, T. J.;Couto, J. D.;Crenshaw, D. M.;Schmitt, H. R.;Revalski, M.;Fischer, T. C. |
04-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 493, 3893 |
2020MNRAS.493.3893K |
4 |
1166 |
A Radio through X-Ray Study of the Hot Spots, Active Nucleus, and Environment of the Nearby FR II Radio Galaxy 3C 33 |
Kraft, R. P.; Birkinshaw, M.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Evans, D. A.; Croston, J. H.; Worrall, D. M.; Murray, S. S. |
04-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 659, 1008 |
2007ApJ...659.1008K |
4 |
0203280101, 0203280301 |
1167 |
X-Ray Emission from the Hot Interstellar Medium and Southwest Radio Lobe of the Nearby Radio Galaxy Centaurus A |
Kraft, R. P.; Vázquez, S. E.; Forman, W. R.; Jones, C.; Murray, S. S.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Worrall, D. M.; Churazov, E. |
07-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 592, 129 |
2003ApJ...592..129K |
4,7 |
0093650201 |
1168 |
TANAMI blazars in the IceCube>; PeV-neutrino fields |
Krauß, F.; Kadler, M.; Mannheim, K.; Schulz, R.; Trüstedt, J.; Wilms, J.; Ojha, R.; Ros, E.; Anton, G.; Baumgartner, W.; Beuchert, T.; Blanchard, J.; Bürkel, C.; Carpenter, B.; Eberl, T.; Edwards, P. G.; Eisenacher, D.; Elsässer, D.; Fehn, K.; Fritsch, U.; Gehrels, N.; Gräfe, C.; Großberger, C.; Hase, H.; Horiuchi, S.; James, C.; Kappes, A.; Katz, U.; Kreikenbohm, A.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Langejahn, M.; Leiter, K.; Litzinger, E.; Lovell, J. E. J.; Müller, C.; Phillips, C.; Plötz, C.; Quick, J.; Steinbring, T.; Stevens, J.; Thompson, D. J.; Tzioumis, A. K. |
06-2014 |
2014, A&A, 566, L7 |
2014A&A...566L...7K |
4 |
1169 |
Investigating source confusion in PMN J1603-4904 |
Krauß, F.; Kreter, M.; Müller, C.; Markowitz, A.; Böck, M.; Burnett, T.; Dauser, T.; Kadler, M.; Kreikenbohm, A.; Ojha, R.; Wilms, J. |
02-2018 |
2018, A&A, 610, L8 |
2018A&A...610L...8K |
4 |
0724700101 |
1170 |
The TANAMI Multiwavelength Program: Dynamic spectral energy distributions of southern blazars |
Krauß, F.; Wilms, J.; Kadler, M.; Ojha, R.; Schulz, R.; Trüstedt, J.; Edwards, P. G.; Stevens, J.; Ros, E.; Baumgartner, W.; Beuchert, T.; Blanchard, J.; Buson, S.; Carpenter, B.; Dauser, T.; Falkner, S.; Gehrels, N.; Gräfe, C.; Gulyaev, S.; Hase, H.; Horiuchi, S.; Kreikenbohm, A.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Langejahn, M.; Leiter, K.; Lovell, J. E. J.; Müller, C.; Natusch, T.; Nesci, R.; Pursimo, T.; Phillips, C.; Plötz, C.; Quick, J.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Weston, S. |
06-2016 |
2016, A&A, 591, 130 |
2016A&A...591A.130K |
4 |
1171 |
The gamma-ray emitting radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 2004-447. I. The X-ray View |
Kreikenbohm, A.; Schulz, R.; Kadler, M.; Wilms, J.; Markowitz, A.; Chang, C. S.; Carpenter, B.; Elsässer, D.; Gehrels, N.; Mannheim, K.; Müller, C.; Ojha, R.; Ros, E.; Trüstedt, J. |
01-2016 |
2016, A&A, 585, 91 |
2016A&A...585A..91K |
4 |
0694530101, 0694530201 |
1172 |
Radio-loud Quasars above Redshift 4: Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Imaging of an Extended Sample |
Krezinger, Máté;Perger, Krisztina;Gabányi, Krisztina Éva;Frey, Sándor;Gurvits, Leonid I.;Paragi, Zsolt;An, Tao;Zhang, Yingkang;Cao, Hongmin;Sbarrato, Tullia |
06-2022 |
2022, ApJS, 260, 49 |
2022ApJS..260...49K |
4 |
1173 |
Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VIII. Time Variability of Emission and Absorption in NGC 5548 Based on Modeling the Ultraviolet Spectrum |
Kriss, G. A.; De Rosa, G.; Ely, J.; Peterson, B. M.; Kaastra, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Ferland, G. J.; Dehghanian, M.; Mathur, S.; Edelson, R.; Korista, K. T.; Arav, N.; Barth, A. J.; Bentz, M. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Dalla Bontà, E.; Denney, K. D.; Done, C.; Eracleous, M.; Fausnaugh, M. M.; Gardner, E.; Goad, M. R.; Grier, C. J.; Horne, Keith; Kochanek, C. S.; McHardy, I. M.; Netzer, H.; Pancoast, A.; Pei, L.; Pogge, R. W.; Proga, D.; Silva, C.; Tejos, N.; Vestergaard, M.; Adams, S. M.; Anderson, M. D.; Arévalo, P.; Beatty, T. G.; Behar, E.; Bennert, V. N.; Bianchi, S.; Bigley, A.; Bisogni, S.; Boissay-Malaquin, R.; Borman, G. A.; Bottorff, M. C.; Breeveld, A. A.; Brotherton, M.; Brown, J. E.; Brown, J. S.; Cackett, E. M.; Canalizo, G.; Cappi, M.; Carini, M. T.; Clubb, K. I.; Comerford, J. M.; Coker, C. T.; Corsini, E. M.; Costantini, E.; Croft, S.; Croxall, K. V.; Deason, A. J.; De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A.; De Marco, B.; Dietrich, M.; Di Gesu, L.; Ebrero, J.; Evans, P. A.; Filippenko, A. V.; Flatland, K.; Gates, E. L.; Gehrels, N.; Geier, S.; Gelbord, J. M.; Gonzalez, L.; Gorjian, V.; Grupe, D.; Gupta, A.; Hall, P. B.; Henderson, C. B.; Hicks, S.; Holmbeck, E.; Holoien, T. W.-S.; Hutchison, T. A.; Im, M.; Jensen, J. J.; Johnson, C. A.; Joner, M. D.; Kaspi, S.; Kelly, B. C.; Kelly, P. L.; Kennea, J. A.; Kim, M.; Kim, S. C.; Kim, S. Y.; King, A.; Klimanov, S. A.; Krongold, Y.; Lau, M. W.; Lee, J. C.; Leonard, D. C.; Li, Miao; Lira, P.; Lochhaas, C.; Ma, Zhiyuan; MacInnis, F.; Malkan, M. A.; Manne-Nicholas, E. R.; Matt, G.; Mauerhan, J. C.; McGurk, R.; Montuori, C.; Morelli, L.; Mosquera, A.; Mudd, D.; Müller-Sánchez, F.; Nazarov, S. V.; Norris, R. P.; Nousek, J. A.; Nguyen, M. L.; Ochner, P.; Okhmat, D. N.; Paltani, S.; Parks, J. R.; Pinto, C.; Pizzella, A.; Poleski, R.; Ponti, G.; Pott, J.-U.; Rafter, S. E.; Rix, H.-W.; Runnoe, J.; Saylor, D. A.; Schimoia, J. S.; Schnülle, K.; Scott, B.; Sergeev, S. G.; Shappee, B. J.; Shivvers, I.; Siegel, M.; Simonian, G. V.; Siviero, A.; Skielboe, A.; Somers, G.; Spencer, M.; Starkey, D.; Stevens, D. J.; Sung, H.-I.; Tayar, J.; Teems, K. G.; Treu, T.; Turner, C. S.; Uttley, P.; . Van Saders, J.; Vican, L.; Villforth, C.; Villanueva, S., Jr.; Walton, D. J.; Waters, T.; Weiss, Y.; Woo, J.-H.; Yan, H.; Yuk, H.; Zheng, W.; Zhu, W.; Zu, Y. |
08-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 881, 153 |
2019ApJ...881..153K |
4 |
0720111201, 0720110701, 0720111101, 0720110601, 0720111001, 0720110501, 0720110901, 0720111301, 0720110401, 0720111401, 0720110801, 0720110301 |
1174 |
HST/COS observations of the newly discovered obscuring outflow in NGC 3783 |
Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Rau, A.; Bodensteiner, J.; Plesha, R.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; De Marco, B.; Di Gesu, L.; Ebrero, J.; Kaspi, S.; Mao, J.; Middei, R.; Miller, T.; Paltani, S.; Peretz, U.; Peterson, B. M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Ponti, G.; Ursini, F.; Walton, D. J.; Xu, X. |
01-2019 |
2019, A&A, 621, 12 |
2019A&A...621A..12K |
4 |
0780860901, 0780861001 |
1175 |
A Search for H I Lyalpha Counterparts to Ultrafast X-Ray Outflows |
Kriss, Gerard A.; Lee, Julia C.; Danehkar, Ashkbiz |
06-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 859, 94 |
2018ApJ...859...94K |
4 |
1176 |
Can Ionized Outflows in AGN Produce Important Feedback Effects? The Case of NGC 4051 |
Krongold, Y.; Nicastro, F.; Elvis, M.; Brickhouse, N.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Binette, L.; Mathur, S. |
04-2008 |
2008, RMxAC, 32, 123 |
2008RMxAC..32..123K |
4 |
0109141401 |
1177 |
Detection of a Multiphase Ultrafast Wind in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 1044 |
Krongold, Y.;Longinotti, A. L.;Santos-Lleó, M.;Mathur, S.;Peterson, B. M.;Nicastro, F.;Gupta, A.;RodrÃguez-Pascual, P.;ElÃas-Chávez, M. |
08-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 917, 39 |
2021ApJ...917...39K |
4 |
0695290101 |
1178 |
A Full Year's Chandra Exposure on Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars from the Chandra Multiwavelength Project |
Krongold, Yair; Jiménez-Bailón, Elena; Santos-Lleo, Maria; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Elvis, Martin; Brickhouse, Nancy; Andrade-Velazquez, Mercedes; Binette, Luc; Mathur, Smita |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 690, 773 |
2009ApJ...690..773K |
4,5 |
0150470601 |
1179 |
The Compact, Conical, Accretion-Disk Warm Absorber of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4051 and Its Implications for IGM-Galaxy Feedback Processes |
Krongold, Yair; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Elvis, Martin; Brickhouse, Nancy; Binette, Luc; Mathur, Smita; Jiménez-Bailón, Elena |
04-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 659, 1022 |
2007ApJ...659.1022K |
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0109141401 |
1180 |
C IV Emission and the Ultraviolet through X-Ray Spectral Energy Distribution of Radio-quiet Quasars |
Kruczek, Nicholas E.; Richards, Gordon T.; Gallagher, S. C.; Deo, Rajesh P.; Hall, Patrick B.; Hewett, Paul C.; Leighly, Karen M.; Krawczyk, Coleman M.; Proga, Daniel |
10-2011 |
2011, AJ, 142, 130 |
2011AJ....142..130K |
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1181 |
X-ray absorption in distant type II QSOs |
Krumpe, M.; Lamer, G.; Corral, A.; Schwope, A. D.; Carrera, F. J.; Barcons, X.; Page, M.; Mateos, S.; Tedds, J. A.; Watson, M. G. |
05-2008 |
2008, A&A, 483, 415 |
2008A&A...483..415K |
2,4 |
1182 |
The XMM-Newton X-ray Spectra of the Most X-ray Luminous Radio-quiet ROSAT Bright Survey-QSOs: A Reference Sample for the Interpretation of High-redshift QSO Spectra |
Krumpe, M.; Lamer, G.; Markowitz, A.; Corral, A. |
12-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 725, 2444 |
2010ApJ...725.2444K |
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0555020201, 0200480101, 0555020101, 0153220101 |
1183 |
RBS1423 - a new QSO with relativistic reflection from an ionised disk |
Krumpe, M.; Lamer, G.; Schwope, A. D.; Husemann, B. |
08-2007 |
2007, A&A, 470, 497 |
2007A&A...470..497K |
4 |
0207130401 |
1184 |
The Spatial Clustering of ROSAT All-Sky Survey Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. More Massive Black Holes Reside in More Massive Dark Matter Halos |
Krumpe, Mirko; Miyaji, Takamitsu; Husemann, Bernd; Fanidakis, Nikos; Coil, Alison L.; Aceves, Hector |
12-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 815, 21 |
2015ApJ...815...21K |
4 |
0555020201, 0200480101, 0555020101, 0153220101 |
1185 |
Giant Radio Quasars: Sample and Basic Properties |
Kuźmicz, Agnieszka;Jamrozy, Marek |
03-2021 |
2021, ApJS, 253, 25 |
2021ApJS..253...25K |
4 |
1186 |
A physical model of the broad-band continuum of AGN and its implications for the UV/X relation and optical variability |
Kubota, Aya; Done, Chris |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 1247 |
2018MNRAS.480.1247K |
4 |
1187 |
Modelling the spectral energy distribution of super-Eddington quasars |
Kubota, Aya;Done, Chris |
10-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 489, 524 |
2019MNRAS.489..524K |
4 |
1188 |
Contrasting X-ray/UV time-lags in Seyfert 1 galaxies NGC 4593 and NGC 7469 using AstroSat observations |
Kumari, Kavita;Dewangan, G. C.;Papadakis, I. E.;Beard, Max W. J.;McHardy, I. M.;Singh, K. P.;Bhattacharya, D.;Bhattacharyya, S.;Chandra, S. |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 4109 |
2023MNRAS.521.4109K |
4 |
1189 |
Investigation of a small X-ray flaring event in NLS1 galaxy NGC 4051 |
Kumari, Neeraj;Jana, Arghajit;Naik, Sachindra;Nandi, Prantik |
06-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 5440 |
2023MNRAS.521.5440K |
4 |
0830430201, 0830430801 |
1190 |
J0011+3217: A peculiar radio galaxy with a one-sided secondary lobe and misaligned giant primary lobes |
Kumari, Shobha;Pal, Sabyasachi;Hardcastle, Martin J.;Horton, Maya A. |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 301 |
2024A&A...689A.301K |
4 |
0827021201 |
1191 |
Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS). IV. The Birth of Radio-loud Quasar 013815+00 |
Kunert-Bajraszewska, Magdalena;WoÅowska, Aleksandra;Mooley, Kunal;Kharb, Preeti;Hallinan, Gregg |
07-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 897, 128 |
2020ApJ...897..128K |
4 |
1192 |
A More Efficient Search for H<SUB>2</SUB>O Megamaser Galaxies: The Power of X-Ray and Mid-infrared Photometry |
Kuo, C. Y.;Hsiang, J. Y.;Chung, H. H.;Constantin, A.;Chang, Y. -Y.;Cunha, E. da;Pesce, D.;Chien, W. T.;Chen, B. Y.;Braatz, J. A.;Zaw, Ingyin;Matsushita, S.;Lin, J. C. |
03-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 892, 18 |
2020ApJ...892...18K |
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1193 |
The Spectral Energy Distributions of Red Two Micron All Sky Survey Active Galactic Nuclei |
Kuraszkiewicz, Joanna; Wilkes, Belinda J.; Schmidt, Gary; Ghosh, Himel; Smith, Paul S.; Cutri, Roc; Hines, Dean; Huff, Eric M.; McDowell, Jonathan C.; Nelson, Brant |
02-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 692, 1143 |
2009ApJ...692.1143K |
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0112610101, 0112610201, 0208020101 |
1194 |
Beyond Simple AGN Unification with Chandra-observed 3CRR Sources at 0.5 < z < 1 |
Kuraszkiewicz, Joanna;Wilkes, Belinda J.;Atanas, Adam;Buchner, Johannes;McDowell, Jonathan C.;Willner, S. P.;Ashby, Matthew L. N.;Azadi, Mojegan;Barthel, Peter;Haas, Martin;Worrall, Diana M.;Birkinshaw, Mark;Antonucci, Robert;Chini, Rolf;Fazio, Giovanni G.;Lawrence, Charles;Ogle, Patrick |
06-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 913, 134 |
2021ApJ...913..134K |
4 |
1195 |
Short-Term X-ray Variability during Different Activity Phases of Blazars S5 0716+714 and PKS 2155-304 |
Kushwaha, Pankaj;Pal, Main |
09-2020 |
2020, Galax, 8, 66 |
2020Galax...8...66K |
4 |
0502271401, 0124930301, 0411780401, 0411780501, 0124930601, 0411780701, 0411782101, 0727770901, 0411780101 |
1196 |
The relativistic jet of the gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS J1222+0413 |
Kynoch, Daniel; Landt, Hermine; Ward, Martin J.; Done, Chris; Boisson, Catherine; Balokovic;, Mislav; Angelakis, Emmanouil; Myserlis, Ioannis |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 487, 181 |
2019MNRAS.487..181K |
4 |
0401790601 |
1197 |
The relativistic jet of the gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342 |
Kynoch, Daniel; Landt, Hermine; Ward, Martin J.; Done, Chris; Gardner, Emma; Boisson, Catherine; Arrieta-Lobo, Maialen; Zech, Andreas; Steenbrugge, Katrien; Pereira Santaella, Miguel |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 475, 404 |
2018MNRAS.475..404K |
4 |
0764670101 |
1198 |
The `Big Dipper': the nature of the extreme variability of the AGN SDSS J2232-0806 |
Kynoch, Daniel; Ward, Martin J.; Lawrence, Andy; Bruce, Alastair G.; Landt, Hermine; MacLeod, Chelsea L. |
05-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 485, 2573 |
2019MNRAS.485.2573K |
4 |
0724441001 |
1199 |
The SOUX AGN sample: SDSS-XMM-Newton optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray selected active galactic nuclei spanning a wide range of parameter space - sample definition |
Kynoch, Daniel;Mitchell, Jake A. J.;Ward, Martin J.;Done, Chris;Lusso, Elisabeta;Landt, Hermine |
04-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 520, 2781 |
2023MNRAS.520.2781K |
4 |
1200 |
The miniJPAS survey: AGN and host galaxy coevolution of X-ray-selected sources |
López, I. E.;Brusa, M.;Bonoli, S.;Shankar, F.;Acharya, N.;Laloux, B.;Dolag, K.;Georgakakis, A.;Lapi, A.;Ramos Almeida, C.;Salvato, M.;Chaves-Montero, J.;Coelho, P.;DÃaz-GarcÃa, L. A.;Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A.;Hernán-Caballero, A.;González Delgado, R. M.;Marquez, I.;PoviÄ, M.;Soria, R.;Queiroz, C.;Rahna, P. T.;Abramo, R.;Alcaniz, J.;Benitez, N.;Carneiro, S.;Cenarro, J.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;Dupke, R.;Ederoclite, A.;López-Sanjuan, C.;MarÃn-Franch, A.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L., Jr.;Taylor, K.;Varela, J.;Ramió, H. V. |
04-2023 |
2023, A&A, 672, 137 |
2023A&A...672A.137L |
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1201 |
Improving the selection of changing-look AGNs through multiwavelength photometric variability |
López-Navas, E.;Sánchez-Sáez, P.;Arévalo, P.;Bernal, S.;Graham, M. J.;Hernández-GarcÃa, L.;Homan, D.;Krumpe, M.;Lamer, G.;Lira, P.;MartÃnez-Aldama, M. L.;Merloni, A.;RÃos, S.;Salvato, M.;Stern, D.;TubÃn-Arenas, D. |
09-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 524, 188 |
2023MNRAS.524..188L |
4 |
1202 |
Broad-band X-ray analysis of local mid-infrared-selected Compton-thick AGN candidates |
La Caria, M.-M.; Vignali, C.; Lanzuisi, G.; Gruppioni, C.; Pozzi, F. |
08-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 487, 1662 |
2019MNRAS.487.1662L |
4 |
1203 |
The HELLAS2XMM Survey. VII. The Hard X-Ray Luminosity Function of AGNs up to z = 4: More Absorbed AGNs at Low Luminosities and High Redshifts |
La Franca, F.; Fiore, F.; Comastri, A.; Perola, G. C.; Sacchi, N.; Brusa, M.; Cocchia, F.; Feruglio, C.; Matt, G.; Vignali, C.; Carangelo, N.; Ciliegi, P.; Lamastra, A.; Maiolino, R.; Mignoli, M.; Molendi, S.; Puccetti, S. |
12-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 635, 864 |
2005ApJ...635..864L |
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1204 |
Tools for Computing the AGN Feedback: Radio-loudness Distribution and the Kinetic Luminosity Function |
La Franca, F.; Melini, G.; Fiore, F. |
07-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 718, 368 |
2010ApJ...718..368L |
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1205 |
AGN counts at 15mum. XMM observations of the ELAIS-S1-5 sample |
La Franca, F.; Puccetti, S.; Sacchi, N.; Feruglio, C.; Fiore, F.; Gruppioni, C.; Lamastra, A.; Matute, I.; Melini, G.; Pozzi, F. |
09-2007 |
2007, A&A, 472, 797 |
2007A&A...472..797L |
2,4 |
0148960101, 0148960801, 0148960901, 0148961001, 0148961601, 0148961201, 0148961301, 0148961401, 0148962101, 0148960401 |
1206 |
XMM-Newton Observations of a Complete Sample of Optically Selected Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies |
La Massa, Stephanie M.; Heckman, Timothy M.; Ptak, Andrew; Hornschemeier, Ann; Martins, Lucimara; Sonnentrucker, Paule; Tremonti, Christy |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 705, 568 |
2009ApJ...705..568L |
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0504100301, 0103861001, 0504101201, 0504102101, 0504102001, 0504101701, 0504101801, 0504101301, 0504101001, 0504101401, 0504100901, 0203270201, 0504100601, 0504101601, 0504101501, 0504100401, 0504100201 |
1207 |
The optical emission lines of type 1 X-ray bright Active Galactic Nuclei |
La Mura, G.; Berton, M.; Ciroi, S.; Cracco, V.; Di Mille, F.; Rafanelli, P. |
10-2014 |
2014, AdSpR, 54, 1382 |
2014AdSpR..54.1382L |
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1208 |
Optical Emission Lines and the X-ray Properties of Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies |
La Mura, G.; Ciroi, S.; Cracco, V.; IliÄ, D.; PopoviÄ, L. Ä.; Rafanelli, P. |
01-2011 |
2011, BaltA, 20, 442 |
2011BaltA..20..442L |
4 |
1209 |
Models of Emission-Line Profiles and Spectral Energy Distributions to Characterize the Multi-Frequency Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei |
La Mura, Giovanni; Berton, Marco; Chen, Sina; Chougule, Abhishek; Ciroi, Stefano; Congiu, Enrico; Cracco, Valentina; Frezzato, Michele; Mordini, Sabrina; Rafanelli, Piero |
11-2017 |
2017, Atoms, 5, 43 |
2017Atoms...5...43L |
4 |
1210 |
A ~4.6 h quasi-periodic oscillation in the BL Lacertae PKS 2155-304? |
Lachowicz, P.; Gupta, A. C.; Gaur, H.; Wiita, P. J. |
11-2009 |
2009, A&A, 506, L17 |
2009A&A...506L..17L |
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0158961401 |
1211 |
Late-Stage Galaxy Mergers in Cosmos to z ~ 1 |
Lackner, C. N.; Silverman, J. D.; Salvato, M.; Kampczyk, P.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Sanders, D.; Capak, P.; Civano, F.; Halliday, C.; Ilbert, O.; Jahnke, K.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Lee, N.; Le Fèvre, O.; Liu, C. T.; Scoville, N.; Sheth, K.; Toft, S. |
12-2014 |
2014, AJ, 148, 137 |
2014AJ....148..137L |
4 |
1212 |
Optical Spectroscopy and X-Ray Detections of a Sample of Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei Selected in the Mid-Infrared from Two Spitzer Space Telescope Wide-Area Surveys |
Lacy, M.; Petric, A. O.; Sajina, A.; Canalizo, G.; Storrie-Lombardi, L. J.; Armus, L.; Fadda, D.; Marleau, F. R. |
01-2007 |
2007, AJ, 133, 186 |
2007AJ....133..186L |
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0037981201, 0037981301, 0037981601, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0111110501, 0112370101, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0112680201, 0112680501, 0112681001 |
1213 |
The Spitzer Mid-infrared Active Galactic Nucleus Survey. I. Optical and Near-infrared Spectroscopy of Obscured Candidates and Normal Active Galactic Nuclei Selected in the Mid-infrared |
Lacy, M.; Ridgway, S. E.; Gates, E. L.; Nielsen, D. M.; Petric, A. O.; Sajina, A.; Urrutia, T.; Cox Drews, S.; Harrison, C.; Seymour, N.; Storrie-Lombardi, L. J. |
10-2013 |
2013, ApJS, 208, 24 |
2013ApJS..208...24L |
4 |
1214 |
The Effect of UV/Soft X-Ray Excess Emission on the Warm Absorber Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei---A Case Study of IRAS 13349+2438 |
Laha, Sibasish; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Chakravorty, Susmita; Kembhavi, Ajit K. |
11-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 777, 2 |
2013ApJ...777....2L |
4 |
0096010101 |
1215 |
X-Ray Warm Absorption and Emission in the Polar-scattered Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 704 |
Laha, Sibasish; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Kembhavi, Ajit K. |
06-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 734, 75 |
2011ApJ...734...75L |
4 |
0502091601 |
1216 |
On the origin of the featureless soft X-ray excess emission from the Seyfert 1 galaxy ESO 198-G24 |
Laha, Sibasish; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Kembhavi, Ajit K. |
01-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 2664 |
2014MNRAS.437.2664L |
4 |
0112910101, 0067190101, 0305370101 |
1217 |
An X-ray view of central engines of low-luminosity quasars (LLQSO) in the local Universe |
Laha, Sibasish; Ghosh, Ritesh; Guainazzi, Matteo; Markowitz, Alex G. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 1522 |
2018MNRAS.480.1522L |
4 |
0301890101, 0103861601, 0201090201, 0554920301, 0201020201, 0109130301, 0695290101, 0695290201, 0112600301, 0743830501, 0743830601, 0150470601, 0690870501, 0690870101, 0301450301, 0201130101, 0307001301, 0065790101, 0202060101, 0606150101, 0202060201, 0556230701, 0556231201, 0728180301, 0728180401, 0728180501, 0741260101, 0201130201, 0109970101, 0740920501, 0740920201, 0740920601, 0740920401, 0740920301, 0201130301, 0109130701, 0109130901 |
1218 |
Investigating the origin of the Fe emission lines of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 205 |
Laha, Sibasish; Ghosh, Ritesh; Tripathi, Shruti; Guainazzi, Matteo |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 486, 3124 |
2019MNRAS.486.3124L |
4 |
0124110101, 0401240201, 0401240301, 0401240501 |
1219 |
Warm absorbers in X-rays (WAX), a comprehensive high-resolution grating spectral study of a sample of Seyfert galaxies - I. A global view and frequency of occurrence of warm absorbers. |
Laha, Sibasish; Guainazzi, Matteo; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Chakravorty, Susmita; Kembhavi, Ajit K. |
07-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 441, 2613 |
2014MNRAS.441.2613L |
4 |
0109970101, 0502091601, 0605800301, 0206400101, 0502090201, 0305370101, 0605800401, 0502091001, 0109141401, 0109130701, 0112170101, 0109141301, 0201020201, 0502090501, 0400270101, 0012940101, 0302480401, 0147190101, 0201930201, 0029740701, 0306090201, 0107460701, 0089960301, 0112210501, 0147440101 |
1220 |
A Study of X-Ray Emission of Galaxies Hosting Molecular Outflows (MOX Sample) |
Laha, Sibasish; Guainazzi, Matteo; Piconcelli, Enrico; Gandhi, Poshak; Ricci, Claudio; Ghosh, Ritesh; Markowitz, Alex G.; Bagchi, Joydeep |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 868, 10 |
2018ApJ...868...10L |
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0200630101, 0150320201, 0722610201, 0102040601, 0743050301, 0770580501, 0693520101, 0206080101, 0147420201, 0300430101, 0110980101, 0152020101, 0740060201, 0110930101, 0081340601, 0094400101, 0693520201, 0101640201, 0405950401, 0722610101, 0094400301, 0670300401, 0085640201, 0081340801, 0081341401, 0651100301, 0205510201, 0081340401, 0553870101, 0554170101, 0301651201, 0414580101 |
1221 |
A Weakening Compton Hump and Soft X-Ray Excess Detected in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy MCG -02-58-22 |
Laha, Sibasish;Ghosh, Ritesh |
07-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 915, 93 |
2021ApJ...915...93L |
4 |
0790640101 |
1222 |
The Variable and Non-variable X-Ray Absorbers in Compton-thin Type II Active Galactic Nuclei |
Laha, Sibasish;Markowitz, Alex G.;Krumpe, Mirko;Nikutta, Robert;Rothschild, Richard;Saha, Tathagata |
07-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 897, 66 |
2020ApJ...897...66L |
4 |
0093650201, 0093650301, 0724060501, 0724060601, 0724060701, 0724060801, 0302800101, 0022940101, 0724820101, 0724820201, 0301150101, 0301151601, 0085640101, 0722610101, 0112830401, 0302850201, 0727960101, 0727960201, 0067540201, 0701180101, 0109130201, 0150940101, 0721730301, 0721730401, 0093630101, 0306230101, 0553300301, 0553300401, 0145670101, 0147920301, 0654910301, 0654910401, 0654910501, 0654910601, 0654910701, 0654910801, 0654910901, 0654911001, 0701780101, 0110920101, 0059140101, 0059140201, 0059140401, 0059140901, 0203270201, 0400560301, 0006220201, 0653870201, 0653870301, 0653870401, 0653870501, 0653870601, 0152940101, 0013140101, 0013140201, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0554170201, 0554170101, 0761220101, 0056340201, 0059770101, 0147920601, 0202860101, 0414580101, 0111790101, 0311190101, 0725200101, 0725200301, 0790650101, 0112310201, 0204610101, 0405380701, 0782720301 |
1223 |
A Radio, Optical, UV, and X-Ray View of the Enigmatic Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES 1927+654 from Its Pre- to Postflare States |
Laha, Sibasish;Meyer, Eileen;Roychowdhury, Agniva;Becerra Gonzalez, Josefa;Acosta-Pulido, J. A.;Thapa, Aditya;Ghosh, Ritesh;Behar, Ehud;Gallo, Luigi C.;Kriss, Gerard A.;Panessa, Francesca;Bianchi, Stefano;La Franca, Fabio;Scepi, Nicolas;Begelman, Mitchell C.;Longinotti, Anna Lia;Lusso, Elisabeta;Oates, Samantha;Nicholl, Matt;Cenko, S. Bradley |
05-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 931, 5 |
2022ApJ...931....5L |
4 |
0671860201 |
1224 |
Ionized outflows from active galactic nuclei as the essential elements of feedback |
Laha, Sibasish;Reynolds, Christopher S.;Reeves, James;Kriss, Gerard;Guainazzi, Matteo;Smith, Randall;Veilleux, Sylvain;Proga, Daniel |
01-2021 |
2021, NatAs, 5, 13 |
2021NatAs...5...13L |
4 |
1225 |
Radio Continuum Jet in NGC 7479 |
Laine, Seppo; Beck, Rainer |
01-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 673, 128 |
2008ApJ...673..128L |
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1226 |
Narrow vs. broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies: X-ray, optical, and mid-infrared AGN characteristics |
Lakicevic, Masa; Popovic, Luka C.; Kovacevic-Dojcinovic, Jelena |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 4068 |
2018MNRAS.478.4068L |
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1227 |
The Discovery of the First ``Changing Look'' Quasar: New Insights Into the Physics and Phenomenology of Active Galactic Nucleus |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Cales, Sabrina; Moran, Edward C.; Myers, Adam D.; Richards, Gordon T.; Eracleous, Michael; Heckman, Timothy M.; Gallo, Luigi; Urry, C. Megan |
02-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 800, 144 |
2015ApJ...800..144L |
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0101640201 |
1228 |
SDSS-IV eBOSS Spectroscopy of X-Ray and WISE AGNs in Stripe 82X: Overview of the Demographics of X-Ray- and Mid-infrared-selected Active Galactic Nuclei |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Georgakakis, Antonis; Vivek, M.; Salvato, Mara; Ananna, Tonima Tasnim; Urry, C. Meg; MacLeod, Chelsea; Ross, Nicholas |
05-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 876, 50 |
2019ApJ...876...50L |
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1229 |
The Hunt for Red Quasars: Luminous Obscured Black Hole Growth Unveiled in the Stripe 82 X-Ray Survey |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Glikman, Eilat; Brusa, Marcella; Rigby, Jane R.; Tasnim Ananna, Tonima; Stern, Daniel; Lira, Paulina; Urry, C. Megan; Salvato, Mara; Alexandroff, Rachael; Allevato, Viola; Cardamone, Carolin; Civano, Francesca; Coppi, Paolo; Farrah, Duncan; Komossa, S.; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Marchesi, Stefano; Richards, Gordon; Trakhtenbrot, Benny; Treister, Ezequiel |
10-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 847, 100 |
2017ApJ...847..100L |
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1230 |
Disentangling AGN and Star Formation in Soft X-Rays |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Heckman, T. M.; Ptak, A. |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 758, 82 |
2012ApJ...758...82L |
4 |
0002942301, 0312190401, 0405240201, 0140950201, 0200660401, 0085640101, 0204651201, 0110930701, 0110930301, 0112550801, 0002940101, 0200660201, 0206580101, 0112840201, 0094401201, 0013140101, 0013140201, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0554170201, 0554170101, 0101640801, 0101640901, 0205510201, 0301151001, 0147920601, 0202860101, 0414580101, 0112310201, 0204610101, 0200660101 |
1231 |
Uncovering Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei in Homogeneously Selected Samples of Seyfert 2 Galaxies |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Heckman, T. M.; Ptak, A.; Martins, L.; Wild, V.; Sonnentrucker, P.; Hornschemeier, A. |
03-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 729, 52 |
2011ApJ...729...52L |
4 |
0002942301, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0312190401, 0405240201, 0140950201, 0200660401, 0085640101, 0204651201, 0110930701, 0110930301, 0112550801, 0002940101, 0200660201, 0206580101, 0094401201, 0013140101, 0013140201, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0554170201, 0554170101, 0101640801, 0101640901, 0205510201, 0205510401, 0301151001, 0147920601, 0202860101, 0414580101, 0112310201, 0204610101, 0405380701, 0200660101 |
1232 |
Peering Through the Dust: NuSTAR Observations of Two FIRST-2MASS Red Quasars |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Ricarte, Angelo; Glikman, Eilat; Urry, C. Megan; Stern, Daniel; Yaqoob, Tahir; Lansbury, George B.; Civano, Francesca; Boggs, Steve E.; Brandt, W. N.; Chen, Chien-Ting J.; Christensen, Finn E.; Craig, William W.; Hailey, Chuck J.; Harrison, Fiona; Hickox, Ryan C.; Koss, Michael; Ricci, Claudio; Treister, Ezequiel; Zhang, Will |
03-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 820, 70 |
2016ApJ...820...70L |
4 |
0554540201 |
1233 |
Finding rare AGN: XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of SDSS Stripe 82 |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Urry, C. Megan; Cappelluti, Nico; Civano, Francesca; Ranalli, Piero; Glikman, Eilat; Treister, Ezequiel; Richards, Gordon; Ballantyne, David; Stern, Daniel; Comastri, Andrea; Cardamone, Carie; Schawinski, Kevin; Böhringer, Hans; Chon, Gayoung; Murray, Stephen S.; Green, Paul; Nandra, Kirpal |
12-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 436, 3581 |
2013MNRAS.436.3581L |
4 |
0673000101, 0673002301, 0036540101, 0041170101, 0042341301, 0056020301, 0066950301, 0084230401, 0090070201, 0093030201, 0101640201, 0111180201, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0116710901, 0134920901, 0142610101, 0147580401, 0200430101, 0200480401, 0203160201, 0203690101, 0211280101, 0303110401, 0303110801, 0303562201, 0304801201, 0305751001, 0307000701, 0312190401, 0400570301, 0401180101, 0402320201, 0403760301, 0407030101 |
1234 |
Erratum: Finding rare AGN: XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of SDSS Stripe 82 |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Urry, C. Megan; Cappelluti, Nico; Civano, Francesca; Ranalli, Piero; Glikman, Eilat; Treister, Ezequiel; Richards, Gordon; Ballantyne, David; Stern, Daniel; Comastri, Andrea; Cardamone, Carie; Schawinski, Kevin; Böhringer, Hans; Chon, Gayoung; Murray, Stephen S.; Green, Paul; Nandra, Kirpal |
06-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 3820 |
2016MNRAS.458.3820L |
4 |
1235 |
Finding rare AGN: X-ray number counts of Chandra sources in Stripe 82 |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Urry, C. Megan; Glikman, Eilat; Cappelluti, Nico; Civano, Francesca; Comastri, Andrea; Treister, Ezequiel; Böhringer, Hans; Cardamone, Carie; Chon, Gayoung; Kephart, Miranda; Murray, Stephen S.; Richards, Gordon; Ross, Nicholas P.; Rozner, Joshua S.; Schawinski, Kevin |
06-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 432, 1351 |
2013MNRAS.432.1351L |
2,4 |
1236 |
Delving Into X-ray Obscuration of Type 2 AGN, Near and Far |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Yaqoob, Tahir; Ptak, Andrew F.; Jia, Jianjun; Heckman, Timothy M.; Gandhi, Poshak; Meg Urry, C. |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 787, 61 |
2014ApJ...787...61L |
4 |
0402110201, 0504101201, 0504102001, 0504100201, 0504101001, 0504101401, 0504100901, 0504100601, 0504101601, 0502060201, 0021740101, 0306050701, 0506440101, 0110990201, 0204340101 |
1237 |
The Complex X-Ray Obscuration Environment in the Radio-loud Type 2 Quasar 3C 223 |
LaMassa, Stephanie M.;Yaqoob, Tahir;Tzanavaris, Panayiotis;Gandhi, Poshak;Heckman, Timothy;Lansbury, George;Siemiginowska, Aneta |
02-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 944, 152 |
2023ApJ...944..152L |
4 |
0021740101, 0852580101 |
1238 |
The bolometric luminosity of type 2 AGN from extinction-corrected [OIII]. No evidence of Eddington-limited sources |
Lamastra, A.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Perola, G. C.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J. |
09-2009 |
2009, A&A, 504, 73 |
2009A&A...504...73L |
4 |
1239 |
Probing AGN triggering mechanisms through the starburstiness of the host galaxies |
Lamastra, A.; Menci, N.; Fiore, F.; Santini, P.; Bongiorno, A.; Piconcelli, E. |
11-2013 |
2013, A&A, 559, 56 |
2013A&A...559A..56L |
4 |
0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
1240 |
An absorption event in the X-ray light curve of NGC 3227 |
Lamer, G.; Uttley, P.; McHardy, I. M. |
07-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 342, L41 |
2003MNRAS.342L..41L |
2,4 |
0101040301 |
1241 |
Optical identifications in the Marano field XMM-Newton survey |
Lamer, G.; Wagner, S.; Zamorani, G.; Mignoli, M.; Hasinger, G.; Giedke, K.; Staubert, R. |
00-2003 |
2003, AN, 324, 16 |
2003AN....324...16L |
2,4 |
1242 |
SUPER. V. ALMA continuum observations of z â¼ 2 AGN and the elusive evidence of outflows influencing star formation |
Lamperti, I.;Harrison, C. M.;Mainieri, V.;Kakkad, D.;Perna, M.;Circosta, C.;Scholtz, J.;Carniani, S.;Cicone, C.;Alexander, D. M.;Bischetti, M.;Calistro Rivera, G.;Chen, C. -C.;Cresci, G.;Feruglio, C.;Fiore, F.;Mannucci, F.;Marconi, A.;MartÃnez-RamÃrez, L. N.;Netzer, H.;Piconcelli, E.;Puglisi, A.;Rosario, D. J.;Schramm, M.;Vietri, G.;Vignali, C.;Zappacosta, L. |
10-2021 |
2021, A&A, 654, 90 |
2021A&A...654A..90L |
4 |
1243 |
Swift/XRT counterparts to unassociated Fermi high-energy LAT sources |
Landi, R.; Bassani, L.; Stephen, J. B.; Masetti, N.; Malizia, A.; Ubertini, P. |
09-2015 |
2015, A&A, 581, 57 |
2015A&A...581A..57L |
4 |
1244 |
A Search for Synchrotron X-Ray Emission in Radio Quasars |
Landt, Hermine; Padovani, Paolo; Giommi, Paolo; Perri, Matteo; Cheung, Chi C. |
03-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 676, 87 |
2008ApJ...676...87L |
4 |
0203160401, 0203160201, 0203160101, 0203160601 |
1245 |
Variability of the coronal line region in NGC 4151 |
Landt, Hermine; Ward, Martin J.; Steenbrugge, Katrien C.; Ferland, Gary J. |
06-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 449, 3795 |
2015MNRAS.449.3795L |
4 |
0112310101, 0112310501, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0112830601, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0402660101, 0402660201, 0657840101, 0657840201 |
1246 |
The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: Hunting for the Most Extreme Obscured AGN at >10 keV |
Lansbury, G. B.; Alexander, D. M.; Aird, J.; Gandhi, P.; Stern, D.; Koss, M.; Lamperti, I.; Ajello, M.; Annuar, A.; Assef, R. J.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Chen, C.-T. J.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Del Moro, A.; Fuentes, C.; Harrison, F. A.; Marchesi, S.; Masini, A.; Mullaney, J. R.; Ricci, C.; Saez, C.; Tomsick, J. A.; Treister, E.; Walton, D. J.; Zappacosta, L. |
09-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 846, 20 |
2017ApJ...846...20L |
4 |
0605090101, 0501210501, 0652570101, 0652570201 |
1247 |
NuSTAR Observations of Heavily Obscured Quasars at z ~ 0.5 |
Lansbury, G. B.; Alexander, D. M.; Del Moro, A.; Gandhi, P.; Assef, R. J.; Stern, D.; Aird, J.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Elvis, M.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Koss, M.; LaMassa, S. M.; Luo, B.; Mullaney, J. R.; Teng, S. H.; Urry, C. M.; Zhang, W. W. |
04-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 785, 17 |
2014ApJ...785...17L |
4 |
0403760301 |
1248 |
NuSTAR Reveals Extreme Absorption in z < 0.5 Type 2 Quasars |
Lansbury, G. B.; Gandhi, P.; Alexander, D. M.; Assef, R. J.; Aird, J.; Annuar, A.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Del Moro, A.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Koss, M.; LaMassa, S. M.; Luo, B.; Puccetti, S.; Stern, D.; Treister, E.; Vignali, C.; Zappacosta, L.; Zhang, W. W. |
08-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 809, 115 |
2015ApJ...809..115L |
4 |
0203270201, 0400560301 |
1249 |
X-ray observations of luminous dusty quasars at z > 2 |
Lansbury, G. B.;Banerji, M.;Fabian, A. C.;Temple, M. J. |
05-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 495, 2652 |
2020MNRAS.495.2652L |
4 |
0747440131, 0824090201, 0305800701, 0722960101, 0745010101, 0824090801, 0824090301, 0824090401, 0824090501, 0745320101 |
1250 |
Storm in a Teacup: X-Ray View of an Obscured Quasar and Superbubble |
Lansbury, George B.; Jarvis, Miranda E.; Harrison, Chris M.; Alexander, David M.; Del Moro, Agnese; Edge, Alastair C.; Mullaney, James R.; Thomson, Alasdair P. |
03-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 856, L1 |
2018ApJ...856L...1L |
4 |
0762630101 |
1251 |
Constraining the Outburst Properties of the SMBH in Fornax A Through X-ray, Infrared, and Radio Observations |
Lanz, Lauranne; Jones, Christine; Forman, William R.; Ashby, Matthew L. N.; Kraft, Ralph; Hickox, Ryan C. |
10-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 721, 1702 |
2010ApJ...721.1702L |
4 |
0302780101 |
1252 |
The Chandra-COSMOS survey - IV. X-ray spectra of the bright sample |
Lanzuisi, G.; Civano, F.; Elvis, M.; Salvato, M.; Hasinger, G.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Aldcroft, T.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Fiore, F.; Fruscione, A.; Gilli, R.; Ho, L. C.; Mainieri, V.; Merloni, A.; Siemiginowska, A. |
05-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 431, 978 |
2013MNRAS.431..978L |
2,4 |
1253 |
The Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey: Compton thick AGN at high redshift |
Lanzuisi, G.; Civano, F.; Marchesi, S.; Comastri, A.; Brusa, M.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Brightman, M.; Griffiths, R. E.; Koekemoer, A. M. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 2578 |
2018MNRAS.480.2578L |
4 |
1254 |
The XMM-Newton Spectrum of a Candidate Recoiling Supermassive Black Hole: An Elusive Inverted P-Cygni Profile |
Lanzuisi, G.; Civano, F.; Marchesi, S.; Comastri, A.; Costantini, E.; Elvis, M.; Mainieri, V.; Hickox, R.; Jahnke, K.; Komossa, S.; Piconcelli, E.; Vignali, C.; Brusa, M.; Cappelluti, N.; Fruscione, A. |
11-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 778, 62 |
2013ApJ...778...62L |
4 |
0672780101 |
1255 |
Active galactic nuclei vs. host galaxy properties in the COSMOS field |
Lanzuisi, G.; Delvecchio, I.; Berta, S.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Gruppioni, C.; Marchesi, S.; Perna, M.; Pozzi, F.; Salvato, M.; Symeonidis, M.; Vignali, C.; Vito, F.; Volonteri, M.; Zamorani, G. |
06-2017 |
2017, A&A, 602, 123 |
2017A&A...602A.123L |
4 |
1256 |
HS 1700+6416: the first high-redshift unlensed narrow absorption line-QSO showing variable high-velocity outflows |
Lanzuisi, G.; Giustini, M.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Malaguti, G.; Vignali, C.; Chartas, G. |
08-2012 |
2012, A&A, 544, 2 |
2012A&A...544A...2L |
4 |
0107860301 |
1257 |
NuSTAR reveals the extreme properties of the super-Eddington accreting supermassive black hole in PG 1247+267 |
Lanzuisi, G.; Perna, M.; Comastri, A.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Marinucci, A.; Masini, A.; Matt, G.; Vagnetti, F.; Vignali, C.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brusa, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Farrah, D.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Luo, B.; Piconcelli, E.; Puccetti, S.; Ricci, C.; Saez, C.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
05-2016 |
2016, A&A, 590, 77 |
2016A&A...590A..77L |
4 |
0143150201 |
1258 |
The most obscured AGN in the COSMOS field |
Lanzuisi, G.; Perna, M.; Delvecchio, I.; Berta, S.; Brusa, M.; Cappelluti, N.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Gruppioni, C.; Mignoli, M.; Pozzi, F.; Vietri, G.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G. |
06-2015 |
2015, A&A, 578, 120 |
2015A&A...578A.120L |
4 |
1259 |
Revealing X-ray obscured quasars in SWIRE sources with extreme mid-IR/optical flux ratios |
Lanzuisi, G.; Piconcelli, E.; Fiore, F.; Feruglio, C.; Vignali, C.; Salvato, M.; Gruppioni, C. |
04-2009 |
2009, A&A, 498, 67 |
2009A&A...498...67L |
2,4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0109520101, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520501, 0109520601, 0111110101, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0111110701, 0112370101, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0112371001, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0112680401, 0112680501, 0112680801, 0112681001, 0112681301, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0204400201 |
1260 |
Active Galactic Nucleus X-Ray Variability in the XMM-COSMOS Survey |
Lanzuisi, G.; Ponti, G.; Salvato, M.; Hasinger, G.; Cappelluti, N.; Bongiorno, A.; Brusa, M.; Lusso, E.; Nandra, P. K.; Merloni, A.; Silverman, J.; Trump, J.; Vignali, C.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Schramm, M.; Steinhardt, C.; Sanders, D.; Kartaltepe, J.; Rosario, D.; Trakhtenbrot, B. |
02-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 781, 105 |
2014ApJ...781..105L |
4 |
1261 |
Compton thick AGN in the XMM-COSMOS survey |
Lanzuisi, G.; Ranalli, P.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Georgakakis, A.; Delvecchio, I.; Akylas, T.; Berta, S.; Bongiorno, A.; Brusa, M.; Cappelluti, N.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Gruppioni, C.; Hasinger, G.; Iwasawa, K.; Koekemoer, A.; Lusso, E.; Marchesi, S.; Mainieri, V.; Merloni, A.; Mignoli, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Pozzi, F.; Rosario, D. J.; Salvato, M.; Silverman, J.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G. |
01-2015 |
2015, A&A, 573, 137 |
2015A&A...573A.137L |
4 |
0203360101, 0302350101, 0203360201, 0302350201, 0203360301, 0302350301, 0302353101, 0203360401, 0302350401, 0203360501, 0302350501, 0203360601, 0302350601, 0203360701, 0302350701, 0203360801, 0302350801, 0203360901, 0302350901, 0302353001, 0203361001, 0302351001, 0203361101, 0302351101, 0203361201, 0302351201, 0203361301, 0302351301, 0203361401, 0302351401, 0203361501, 0302351501, 0203361601, 0302351601, 0203361701, 0302351701, 0203361801, 0302351801, 0203361901, 0302351901, 0203362001, 0302352001, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0302352201, 0203362301, 0302352301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0302352401, 0302353201, 0203362501, 0302352501, 0302353301 |
1262 |
The XMM-Newton and NuSTAR view of IRASF11119+3257: I. Detection of multiple ultra fast outflow components and a very cold corona |
Lanzuisi, G.;Matzeu, G.;Baldini, P.;Bertola, E.;Comastri, A.;Tombesi, F.;Luminari, A.;Braito, V.;Reeves, J.;Chartas, G.;Bianchi, S.;Brusa, M.;Cresci, G.;Nardini, E.;Piconcelli, E.;Zappacosta, L.;Serafinelli, R.;Gaspari, M.;Gilli, R.;Cappi, M.;Dadina, M.;Perna, M.;Vignali, C.;Veilleux, S. |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 247 |
2024A&A...689A.247L |
4 |
0881350101 |
1263 |
FBQS J1644+2619: multiwavelength properties and its place in the class of gamma-ray emitting Narrow Line Seyfert 1s |
Larsson, J.; D'Ammando, F.; Falocco, S.; Giroletti, M.; Orienti, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Righini, S. |
05-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 476, 43 |
2018MNRAS.476...43L |
4 |
0783230101 |
1264 |
Exploring the disc/jet interaction in the radio-loud quasar 4C+74.26 with Suzaku |
Larsson, J.; Fabian, A. C.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Miniutti, G. |
08-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 388, 1037 |
2008MNRAS.388.1037L |
4 |
0200910201 |
1265 |
Exploring the X-ray spectral variability of MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton |
Larsson, J.; Fabian, A. C.; Miniutti, G.; Ross, R. R. |
03-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 376, 348 |
2007MNRAS.376..348L |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0111570101, 0111570201 |
1266 |
Suzaku observations of Markarian 335: evidence for a distributed reflector |
Larsson, J.; Miniutti, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Miller, J. M.; Reynolds, C. S.; Ponti, G. |
03-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 384, 1316 |
2008MNRAS.384.1316L |
4 |
0306870101 |
1267 |
Effects of Downscattering on the Continuum and Line Spectra in a Powerful Wind Environment: Monte Carlo Simulations, Analytical Results, and Data Analysis |
Laurent, Philippe; Titarchuk, Lev |
02-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 656, 1056 |
2007ApJ...656.1056L |
4,11 |
1268 |
Location and energetics of the ultra-fast outflow in PG 1448+273 |
Laurenti, M.;Luminari, A.;Tombesi, F.;Vagnetti, F.;Middei, R.;Piconcelli, E. |
01-2021 |
2021, A&A, 645, 118 |
2021A&A...645A.118L |
4 |
0781430101 |
1269 |
X-ray spectroscopic survey of highly accreting AGN |
Laurenti, M.;Piconcelli, E.;Zappacosta, L.;Tombesi, F.;Vignali, C.;Bianchi, S.;Marziani, P.;Vagnetti, F.;Bongiorno, A.;Bischetti, M.;del Olmo, A.;Lanzuisi, G.;Luminari, A.;Middei, R.;Perri, M.;Ricci, C.;Vietri, G. |
01-2022 |
2022, A&A, 657, 57 |
2022A&A...657A..57L |
4 |
0802220401, 0843830101, 0843830201, 0843830301, 0843830401, 0843830501, 0843830601, 0843830701, 0843830801, 0843830901, 0843831001, 0843831101, 0304570101, 0843831201 |
1270 |
XâHESS: A large sample of highly accreting serendipitous AGN under the XMMâNewton microscope |
Laurenti, M.;Tombesi, F.;Vagnetti, F.;Piconcelli, E.;Guainazzi, M.;Middei, R. |
05-2023 |
2023, AN, 3443005, 3 |
2023AN....34430053L |
4 |
1271 |
Investigating the nuclear properties of highly accreting active galactic nuclei with XMM-Newton |
Laurenti, M.;Tombesi, F.;Vagnetti, F.;Piconcelli, E.;Guainazzi, M.;Vignali, C.;Paolillo, M.;Middei, R.;Bongiorno, A.;Zappacosta, L. |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 337 |
2024A&A...689A.337L |
4 |
1272 |
Individual optical variability of active galactic nuclei from the MEXSAS2 sample |
Laurenti, M.;Vagnetti, F.;Middei, R.;Paolillo, M. |
11-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 499, 6053 |
2020MNRAS.499.6053L |
4 |
1273 |
Surrogate-assisted network analysis of nonlinear time series |
Laut, Ingo; Räth, Christoph |
10-2016 |
2016, Chaos, 26, 3108 |
2016Chaos..26j3108L |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740901, 0029741001, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0206400101 |
1274 |
Long-term X-ray temporal and spectral study of a Seyfert galaxy Mrk 6 |
Layek, Narendranath;Nandi, Prantik;Naik, Sachindra;Kumari, Neeraj;Jana, Arghajit;Chhotaray, Birendra |
03-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 5269 |
2024MNRAS.528.5269L |
4 |
0061540101, 0305600501 |
1275 |
The dark matter haloes of moderate luminosity X-ray AGN as determined from weak gravitational lensing and host stellar masses |
Leauthaud, Alexie; J. Benson, Andrew; Civano, Francesca; L. Coil, Alison; Bundy, Kevin; Massey, Richard; Schramm, Malte; Schulze, Andreas; Capak, Peter; Elvis, Martin; Kulier, Andrea; Rhodes, Jason |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 1874 |
2015MNRAS.446.1874L |
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Black Hole Systems Seen at High Spectral Resolution: Inflow and Outflow |
Lee, Julia C. |
11-2005 |
2005, Ap&SS, 300, 67 |
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1277 |
A hard look at the X-ray spectral variability of NGC 7582 |
Lefkir, Mehdy;Kammoun, Elias;Barret, Didier;Boorman, Peter;Matzeu, Gabriele;Miller, Jon M.;Nardini, Emanuele;Zoghbi, Abderahmen |
06-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 1169 |
2023MNRAS.522.1169L |
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0112310201, 0204610101, 0405380701, 0782720301 |
1278 |
Direct Measurement of the X-Ray Time-delay Transfer Function in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Legg, E.; Miller, L.; Turner, T. J.; Giustini, M.; Reeves, J. N.; Kraemer, S. B. |
11-2012 |
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1279 |
The Intrinsically X-Ray Weak Quasar PHL 1811. I. X-Ray Observations and Spectral Energy Distribution |
Leighly, Karen M.; Halpern, Jules P.; Jenkins, Edward B.; Grupe, Dirk; Choi, Jiehae; Prescott, Kimberly B. |
07-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 663, 103 |
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1280 |
Emergence of a Broad Absorption Line Outflow in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy WPVS 007 |
Leighly, Karen M.; Hamann, Fred; Casebeer, Darrin A.; Grupe, Dirk |
08-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 701, 176 |
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0306870101, 0101040101, 0112600801, 0125110101 |
1281 |
Hidden starbursts and active galactic nuclei at 0 < z < 4 from the Herschel-VVDS-CFHTLS-D1 field: Inferences on coevolution and feedback |
Lemaux, B. C.; Le Floc'h, E.; Le Fèvre, O.; Ilbert, O.; Tresse, L.; Lubin, L. M.; Zamorani, G.; Gal, R. R.; Ciliegi, P.; Cassata, P.; Kocevski, D. D.; McGrath, E. J.; Bardelli, S.; Zucca, E.; Squires, G. K. |
12-2014 |
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1282 |
Gravitationally lensed quasars in Gaia - IV. 150 new lenses, quasar pairs, and projected quasars |
Lemon, C.;Anguita, T.;Auger-Williams, M. W.;Courbin, F.;Galan, A.;McMahon, R.;Neira, F.;Oguri, M.;Schechter, P.;Shajib, A.;Treu, T.;Agnello, A.;Spiniello, C. |
04-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 520, 3305 |
2023MNRAS.520.3305L |
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1283 |
Characterization of a candidate dual AGN |
Lena, D.; Panizo-Espinar, G.; Jonker, P. G.; Torres, M. A. P.; Heida, M. |
07-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 1326 |
2018MNRAS.478.1326L |
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1284 |
A synchrotron self-Compton scenario for the very high energy γ-ray emission of the radiogalaxy M 87. Unifying the TeV emission of blazars and other AGNs? |
Lenain, J.-P.; Boisson, C.; Sol, H.; KatarzyÅski, K. |
01-2008 |
2008, A&A, 478, 111 |
2008A&A...478..111L |
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1285 |
Fractal dimension and thermodynamic fluctuation properties of IDV light curves |
Leung, Chun-Sing; Wei, Jian-Yan; Kovács, Zoltan; Harko, Tiberiu |
09-2011 |
2011, RAA, 11, 1031 |
2011RAA....11.1031L |
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1286 |
Isotropic Mid-Infrared Emission from the Central 100 pc of Active Galaxies |
Levenson, N. A.; Radomski, J. T.; Packham, C.; Mason, R. E.; Schaefer, J. J.; Telesco, C. M. |
09-2009 |
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1287 |
X-Ray Reverberation Mapping of Ark 564 Using Gaussian Process Regression |
Lewin, Collin;Kara, Erin;Wilkins, Dan;Mastroserio, Guglielmo;GarcÃa, Javier A.;Zhang, Rachel C.;Alston, William N.;Connors, Riley;Dauser, Thomas;Fabian, Andrew;Ingram, Adam;Jiang, Jiachen;Lohfink, Anne;Lucchini, Matteo;Reynolds, Christopher S.;Tombesi, Francesco;Klis, Michiel van der;Wang, Jingyi |
11-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 939, 109 |
2022ApJ...939..109L |
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0830540201, 0830540101 |
1288 |
A Simultaneous RXTE and XMM-Newton Observation of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 111 |
Lewis, Karen T.; Eracleous, Michael; Gliozzi, Mario; Sambruna, Rita M.; Mushotzky, Richard F. |
04-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 622, 816 |
2005ApJ...622..816L |
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0065940101 |
1289 |
Multi-wavelength Observations of a Sample of Intermediate-luminosity Radio-loud Active Galaxies |
Lewis, Karen T.; Sambruna, Rita M.; Angelakis, Emmanouil; Eracleous, Michael; Cheung, Chi C.; Kadler, Matthias |
07-2011 |
2011, AJ, 142, 9 |
2011AJ....142....9L |
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0402780701, 0402780801, 0402781401, 0402780201, 0402781001, 0402780501 |
1290 |
Multiwavelength Study of an X-Ray Tidal Disruption Event Candidate in NGC 5092 |
Li, Dongyue;Saxton, R. D.;Yuan, Weimin;Sun, Luming;Liu, He-Yang;Jiang, Ning;Cheng, Huaqing;Zhou, Hongyan;Komossa, S.;Jin, Chichuan |
03-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 891, 121 |
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1291 |
A Chandra survey of z ⥠4.5 quasars |
Li, Jiang-Tao;Wang, Feige;Yang, Jinyi;Bregman, Joel N.;Fan, Xiaohui;Zhang, Yuchen |
06-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 504, 2767 |
2021MNRAS.504.2767L |
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1292 |
Three cases of optical periodic modulation in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Li, Jie;Wang, Zhongxiang;Zheng, Dong |
06-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 2928 |
2023MNRAS.522.2928L |
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0140550601, 0728980201 |
1293 |
The Host Galaxy and Rapidly Evolving Broad-line Region in the Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES 1927+654 |
Li, Ruancun;Ho, Luis C.;Ricci, Claudio;Trakhtenbrot, Benny;Arcavi, Iair;Kara, Erin;Hiramatsu, Daichi |
07-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 933, 70 |
2022ApJ...933...70L |
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1294 |
The origin of X-ray emission in 3CRR sources: Hints from mid-infrared Spitzer observations |
Li, Shuang-Liang;Gu, Minfeng |
10-2021 |
2021, A&A, 654, 141 |
2021A&A...654A.141L |
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1295 |
Constraining X-ray emission of a magnetically arrested disk by radio-loud AGNs with an extreme-ultraviolet deficit |
Li, Shuang-Liang;Zhou, Minhua;Gu, Minfeng |
07-2022 |
2022, A&A, 663, L4 |
2022A&A...663L...4L |
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1296 |
A Multiwavelength Study of Active Galactic Nuclei in Post-merger Remnants |
Li, Wenhao;Nair, Preethi;Irwin, Jimmy;Ellison, Sara;Satyapal, Shobita;Drory, Niv;Jones, Amy;Keel, William;Masters, Karen;Stark, David;Ryan, Russell;Mukundan, Kavya |
02-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 944, 168 |
2023ApJ...944..168L |
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1297 |
Stellar Populations of AGN-host Dwarf Galaxies Selected with Different Methods |
Li, Xiejin;Zhao, Yinghe;Bai, Jinming |
06-2024 |
2024, RAA, 24, 5006 |
2024RAA....24f5006L |
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1298 |
X-ray cavities in the hot corona of the lenticular galaxy NGC 4477 |
Li, Yijia; Su, Yuanyuan; Jones, Christine |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 4279 |
2018MNRAS.480.4279L |
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1299 |
Response of the Fe Kα line emission to the X-ray continuum variability in the changing-look active galactic nucleus NGC 1566 |
Liang, W. C.;Shu, X. W.;Wang, J. X.;Tan, Y.;Zhang, W. J.;Sun, L. M.;Jiang, N.;Dou, L. M. |
03-2022 |
2022, JHEAp, 33, 20 |
2022JHEAp..33...20L |
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0763500201, 0800840201, 0820530401, 0840800401 |
1300 |
Exploring the connection between ultraviolet/optical variations and radio emission in radio-quiet quasars: clues about the origin of radio emission |
Liao, Mai;Wang, Junxian;Kang, Wenyong;Zhou, Minhua |
05-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 512, 296 |
2022MNRAS.512..296L |
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1301 |
Dynamical Behavior of X-Ray Spectra from Markarian 766 |
Liebmann, A. C.; Haba, Y.; Kunieda, H.; Tsuruta, S.; Takahashi, M.; Takahashi, R. |
01-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 780, 35 |
2014ApJ...780...35L |
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0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701 |
1302 |
X-Ray Spectral Properties of Seyfert I Galaxy LEDA 168563 |
Liebmann, Andrew C.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Tsuruta, Sachiko; Haba, Yoshito; Kunieda, Hideyo |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 868, 11 |
2018ApJ...868...11L |
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0401790201 |
1303 |
Discovery of the Candidate Off-nuclear Ultrasoft Hyper-luminous X-Ray Source 3XMM J141711.1+522541 |
Lin, Dacheng; Carrasco, Eleazar R.; Webb, Natalie A.; Irwin, Jimmy A.; Dupke, Renato; Romanowsky, Aaron J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico; Strader, Jay; Homan, Jeroen; Barret, Didier; Godet, Olivier |
04-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 821, 25 |
2016ApJ...821...25L |
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0127921001, 0127921201, 0723860101 |
1304 |
A ~ 3.8 hr Periodicity from an Ultrasoft Active Galactic Nucleus Candidate |
Lin, Dacheng; Irwin, Jimmy A.; Godet, Olivier; Webb, Natalie A.; Barret, Didier |
10-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 776, L10 |
2013ApJ...776L..10L |
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0145800101, 0306630101, 0306630201 |
1305 |
An Ultrasoft X-Ray Flare from 3XMM J152130.7+074916: A Tidal Disruption Event Candidate |
Lin, Dacheng; Maksym, Peter W.; Irwin, Jimmy A.; Komossa, S.; Webb, Natalie A.; Godet, Olivier; Barret, Didier; Grupe, Dirk; Gwyn, Stephen D. J. |
09-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 811, 43 |
2015ApJ...811...43L |
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0109930101, 0723801501 |
1306 |
Multiwavelength follow-up observations of the tidal disruption event candidate 2XMMi J184725.1-631724 |
Lin, Dacheng; Strader, Jay; Carrasco, Eleazar R.; Godet, Olivier; Grupe, Dirk; Webb, Natalie A.; Barret, Didier; Irwin, Jimmy A. |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 3000 |
2018MNRAS.474.3000L |
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0405550401, 0405380501, 0694610101 |
1307 |
Role of active galactic nuclei in the luminous infrared galaxy phase at z <= 3 |
Lin, Ming-Yi; Hashimoto, Yasuhiro; Foucaud, Sébastien |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 456, 2735 |
2016MNRAS.456.2735L |
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1308 |
Long-term monitoring of the archetype Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15: X-ray, optical and near-IR variability of the corona, disc and torus |
Lira, P.; Arévalo, P.; Uttley, P.; McHardy, I. M. M.; Videla, L. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 454, 368 |
2015MNRAS.454..368L |
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1309 |
Iron K and K lines in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Evidence of the existence of the Cerenkov line-like radiation |
Liu, D. B.; Chen, L.; Chen, W. P.; You, J. H. |
01-2006 |
2006, AcASn, 47, 31 |
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1310 |
A Milliparsec Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidate in the Galaxy SDSS J120136.02+300305.5 |
Liu, F. K.; Li, Shuo; Komossa, S. |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 786, 103 |
2014ApJ...786..103L |
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0555060401, 0555060501 |
1311 |
A systematic study of photoionized emission and warm absorption signatures of the NLS1 Mrk 335 |
Liu, H.;Parker, M. L.;Jiang, J.;Kara, E.;Bambi, Cosimo;Grupe, D.;Komossa, S. |
10-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 5190 |
2021MNRAS.506.5190L |
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0101040101, 0101040701, 0306870101, 0510010701, 0600540601, 0600540501, 0741280201, 0780500301, 0831790601, 0854590401 |
1312 |
X-ray spectral evolution in an X-ray changing-look AGN NGC 1365 with variable column density |
Liu, Hao;Wu, Qing-Wen;Xue, Yong-Quan;Wang, Ting-Gui;Yang, Jun;Guo, Heng-Xiao;He, Zhi-Cheng |
10-2021 |
2021, RAA, 21, 199 |
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0151370101, 0151370701, 0205590301, 0205590401, 0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501 |
1313 |
Coevolution of Broad Emission Lines and X-Ray Spectrum in Changing-look AGNs |
Liu, Hao;Wu, Qingwen;Lyu, Bing |
05-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 930, 46 |
2022ApJ...930...46L |
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0201090201, 0554920301, 0821240201, 0821240301, 0107460601, 0107460701, 0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001, 0854591101, 0109130301, 0201020201, 0147920301, 0654910301, 0654910401, 0654910501, 0654910601, 0654910701, 0654910801, 0654910901, 0654911001, 0701780101, 0840920201, 0840920301, 0763500201, 0800840201, 0820530401, 0840800401, 0851980101 |
1314 |
SDSS J075101.42+291419.1: A Super-Eddington Accreting Quasar with Extreme X-Ray Variability |
Liu, Hezhen; Luo, B.; Brandt, W. N.; Brotherton, Michael S.; Du, Pu; Gallagher, S. C.; Hu, Chen; Shemmer, Ohad; Wang, Jian-Min |
06-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 878, 79 |
2019ApJ...878...79L |
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0761510101 |
1315 |
On the Observational Difference between the Accretion Disk-Corona Connections among Super- and Sub-Eddington Accreting Active Galactic Nuclei |
Liu, Hezhen;Luo, B.;Brandt, W. N.;Brotherton, Michael S.;Gallagher, S. C.;Ni, Q.;Shemmer, Ohad;Timlin, J. D., III |
04-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 910, 103 |
2021ApJ...910..103L |
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1316 |
On the diffuse soft X-ray emission from the nuclear region of M51 |
Liu, Ji-Ren; Mao, Shu-De |
12-2015 |
2015, RAA, 15, 2164 |
2015RAA....15.2164L |
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0212480801, 0303420101, 0303420201, 0677980701 |
1317 |
Ten Years of Monitoring 3C 273 with XMM-Newton |
Liu, Liu; Zhang, Youhong |
06-2011 |
2011, JApA, 32, 173 |
2011JApA...32..173L |
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1318 |
Probing AGN inner structure with X-ray obscured type 1 AGN |
Liu, Teng; Merloni, Andrea; Wang, Jun-Xian; Tozzi, Paolo; Shen, Yue; Brusa, Marcella; Salvato, Mara; Nandra, Kirpal; Comparat, Johan; Liu, Zhu; Ponti, Gabriele; Coffey, Damien |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 479, 5022 |
2018MNRAS.479.5022L |
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0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1319 |
The Difference in Narrow Fe Kα Line Emission Between Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 Galaxies |
Liu, Teng; Wang, Jun-Xian |
12-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 725, 2381 |
2010ApJ...725.2381L |
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0200340101, 0112550601, 0200130101, 0112552101, 0106060601, 0112550801, 0006220201, 0112550301, 0112840101, 0109970101, 0084030101, 0112551001, 0112551101, 0032141201, 0112310301, 0204870101, 0200660201, 0002940101, 0110930501, 0094360501, 0093650201, 0093650301, 0112840201, 0055990501, 0112551701, 0013140101, 0013140201, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0109960101, 0089960301, 0089960401, 0140950101, 0101640101, 0101640601, 0147420201, 0147420401, 0147420501, 0147420601, 0147920601, 0202860101, 0111810101, 0111790101, 0112170101, 0112170301, 0025541001, 0112310201, 0204610101, 0066950301, 0066950401, 0200660101, 0103860301 |
1320 |
Are X-Ray Emitting Coronae around Supermassive Black Holes Outflowing? |
Liu, Teng; Wang, Jun-Xian; Yang, Huan; Zhu, Fei-Fan; Zhou, You-Yuan |
03-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 783, 106 |
2014ApJ...783..106L |
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1321 |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: the XMM-Newton X-Ray Source Catalog and Multiband Counterparts |
Liu, Teng;Merloni, Andrea;Simm, Torben;Green, Paul J.;Brandt, William N.;Schneider, Donald P.;Dwelly, Tom;Salvato, Mara;Buchner, Johannes;Shen, Yue;Nandra, Kirpal;Georgakakis, Antonis;Ho, Luis C. |
10-2020 |
2020, ApJS, 250, 32 |
2020ApJS..250...32L |
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0127921001, 0127921201, 0127921101, 0503960101, 0723860101, 0765070301, 0762500301, 0762500201, 0762500901, 0762500501, 0765080101, 0765080801, 0765090801, 0765081001, 0765080601, 0765080901, 0762500401, 0762500101, 0804270101, 0804270201, 0804270601, 0804270401, 0804270501, 0804270301, 0804270701, 0804270901, 0804270801, 0804271301, 0804271401, 0804271501, 0804271001, 0804271201, 0804271101, 0804271601, 0804271901, 0804271701, 0804272101, 0804272301, 0804272501, 0804272801, 0804271801, 0804272201, 0804272001, 0804272401, 0804272601, 0804272701 |
1322 |
Local Active Galactic Nuclei with Large Broad-Halpha Variability Reside in Red Galaxies |
Liu, Wen-Juan;Lira, Paulina;Yao, Su;Xu, Dawei;Wang, Jing;Dong, Xiao-Bo;Martínez-Palomera, Jorge |
07-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 915, 63 |
2021ApJ...915...63L |
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1323 |
A Candidate Tidal Disruption Event in a Quasar at z = 2.359 from Abundance Ratio Variability |
Liu, Xin; Dittmann, Alexander; Shen, Yue; Jiang, Linhua |
05-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 859, 8 |
2018ApJ...859....8L |
4 |
1324 |
Model-independent Constraints on Cosmic Curvature: Implication from Updated Hubble Diagram of High-redshift Standard Candles |
Liu, Yuting;Cao, Shuo;Liu, Tonghua;Li, Xiaolei;Geng, Shuaibo;Lian, Yujie;Guo, Wuzheng |
10-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 901, 129 |
2020ApJ...901..129L |
4 |
1325 |
A Tidal Disruption Event Candidate Discovered in the Active Galactic Nucleus SDSS J022700.77-042020.6 |
Liu, Zhu; Li, Dongyue; Liu, He-Yang; Lu, Youjun; Yuan, Weimin; Dou, Liming; Shen, Rong-Feng |
05-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 894, 93 |
2020ApJ...894...93L |
4 |
0112680101, 0112681301, 0780451501, 0780451601, 0780451701, 0780451801 |
1326 |
X-ray spectral properties of the AGN sample in the northern XMM-XXL field |
Liu, Zhu; Merloni, Andrea; Georgakakis, Antonis; Menzel, Marie-Luise; Buchner, Johannes; Nandra, Kirpal; Salvato, Mara; Shen, Yue; Brusa, Marcella; Streblyanska, Alina |
06-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 459, 1602 |
2016MNRAS.459.1602L |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1327 |
Dependence of the broad Fe Kalpha line on the physical parameters of AGN |
Liu, Zhu; Yuan, Weimin; Lu, Youjun; Carrera, Francisco J.; Falocco, Serena; Dong, Xiao-Bo |
11-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 463, 684 |
2016MNRAS.463..684L |
4 |
1328 |
Relativistic Fe Kalpha line revealed in the composite X-ray spectrum of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies - do their black holes have averagely low or intermediate spins? |
Liu, Zhu; Yuan, Weimin; Lu, Youjun; Zhou, Xinlin |
02-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 447, 517 |
2015MNRAS.447..517L |
4 |
0101040101, 0510010701, 0110890301, 0305920101, 0112600601, 0303340101, 0110890901, 0142610101, 0140190101, 0204090101, 0116700301, 0117500201, 0137550201, 0137550601, 0153100601, 0152530101, 0403760201, 0303550901, 0300910301, 0201130501, 0306050201, 0201470101, 0065790101, 0108670101, 0109070101, 0506440101, 0200480201, 0083000301, 0305920201, 0112610101, 0208020101, 0502050101, 0502050201, 0056340101, 0502120101, 0306630101, 0306630201, 0504100601, 0202180201, 0202180301, 0111190701, 0051760101, 0202460101, 0111281501, 0110890101, 0112240301, 0402080201, 0402080301, 0402080801, 0097820101, 0109070201, 0305920301, 0305920601, 0145480101, 0305920401, 0107660201, 0152660101, 0300240201, 0153220401, 0505050201, 0505050701, 0112600801, 0300910701, 0200360201, 0112600501, 0081340401, 0103861201, 0153220601 |
1329 |
The large amplitude X-ray variability in NGC 7589: possible evidence for accretion mode transition |
Liu, Zhu;Liu, He-Yang;Cheng, Huaqing;Qiao, Erlin;Yuan, Weimin |
02-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 492, 2335 |
2020MNRAS.492.2335L |
4 |
0066950301, 0066950401, 0305600601 |
1330 |
The obscured QSO 1SAX J1218.9+2958 |
Loaring, N. S.; Page, M. J.; Ramsay, G. |
11-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 345, 865 |
2003MNRAS.345..865L |
4 |
0096020101, 0109141301 |
1331 |
X-ray time delays from the Seyfert 2 galaxy IRAS 18325-5926 |
Lobban, A. P.; Alston, W. N.; Vaughan, S. |
12-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 445, 3229 |
2014MNRAS.445.3229L |
4 |
0724820101, 0724820201 |
1332 |
A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark 120. III. X-ray timing analysis and multiwavelength variability |
Lobban, A. P.; Porquet, D.; Reeves, J. N.; Markowitz, A.; Nardini, E.; Grosso, N. |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 3237 |
2018MNRAS.474.3237L |
4 |
0147190101, 0693781501, 0721600501, 0721600401, 0721600301, 0721600201 |
1333 |
Testing Relativistic Reflection and Resolving Outflows in PG 1211+143 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Lobban, A. P.; Pounds, K.; Vaughan, S.; Reeves, J. N. |
11-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 831, 201 |
2016ApJ...831..201L |
4 |
0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
1334 |
Evidence for a truncated accretion disc in the low-luminosity Seyfert galaxy, NGC 7213? |
Lobban, A. P.; Reeves, J. N.; Porquet, D.; Braito, V.; Markowitz, A.; Miller, L.; Turner, T. J. |
10-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 408, 551 |
2010MNRAS.408..551L |
4 |
0111810101 |
1335 |
X-ray time lags in PG 1211+143 |
Lobban, A. P.; Vaughan, S.; Pounds, K.; Reeves, J. N. |
05-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 476, 225 |
2018MNRAS.476..225L |
4 |
0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
1336 |
X-ray timing analysis of the quasar PG 1211+143 |
Lobban, A. P.; Vaughan, S.; Pounds, K.; Reeves, J. N. |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 38 |
2016MNRAS.457...38L |
4 |
0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
1337 |
X-ray variability analysis of a large series of XMM-Newton +NuSTAR observations of NGC 3227 |
Lobban, A. P.;Turner, T. J.;Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Miller, L. |
04-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 494, 5056 |
2020MNRAS.494.5056L |
4 |
1338 |
The Rhythm of Fairall 9. I. Observing the Spectral Variability with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Lohfink, A. M.; Reynolds, C. S.; Pinto, C.; Alston, W.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Kara, E.; Matt, G.; Parker, M. L.; Stern, D.; Walton, D.; Zhang, W. W. |
04-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 821, 11 |
2016ApJ...821...11L |
4 |
0101040201, 0605800401, 0721110101, 0721110201, 0741330101 |
1339 |
The X-Ray Reflection Spectrum of the Radio-loud Quasar 4C 74.26 |
Lohfink, Anne M.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Ballantyne, David R.; Boggs, S. E.; Boorman, Peter; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Farrah, Duncan; García, Javier; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Ricci, Claudio; Stern, Daniel; Zhang, W. W. |
06-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 841, 80 |
2017ApJ...841...80L |
4 |
1340 |
The Black Hole Spin and Soft X-Ray Excess of the Luminous Seyfert Galaxy Fairall 9 |
Lohfink, Anne M.; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Miller, Jon M.; Brenneman, Laura W.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Nowak, Michael A.; Fabian, Andrew C. |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 758, 67 |
2012ApJ...758...67L |
4 |
0605800401, 0101040201 |
1341 |
The Fast UV Variability of the Active Galactic Nucleus in Fairall 9 |
Lohfink, Anne M.; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Vasudevan, Ranjan; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Miller, Neal A. |
06-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 788, 10 |
2014ApJ...788...10L |
4 |
0605800401 |
1342 |
Obscuring clouds playing hide-and-seek in the active nucleus H0557-385 |
Longinotti, A. L.; Bianchi, S.; Ballo, L.; de La Calle, I.; Guainazzi, M. |
03-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 394, L1 |
2009MNRAS.394L...1L |
4 |
0109130501, 0109131001, 0404260101, 0404260301 |
1343 |
Search for narrow energy-shifted lines in AGN spectra in the XMM-Newton archive |
Longinotti, A. L.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Roa, J.; Santos-Lleo, M. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1020 |
2006AN....327.1020L |
4 |
0022940101, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0051760101, 0059830101, 0067190101, 0070740101, 0070740301, 0089960301, 0089960401, 0090070201, 0101040101, 0101040201, 0101040301, 0101040401, 0103660301, 0107460601, 0107460701, 0109080501, 0109141401, 0109960101, 0109970101, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0111810101, 0112170101, 0112170301, 0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0112910101, 0112910201, 0124110101, 0147190101, 0147440101, 0147920701, 0150470601, 0150470701, 0150610301, 0157560101, 0201020201, 0201130201, 0201130501, 0201930201, 0204650201, 0207090101, 0207090201, 0005010101, 0005010201, 0005010301, 0006810101, 0012440301, 0012940101, 0048740101, 0082340101, 0090070101, 0096010101, 0096020101, 0101640201, 0102040401, 0102040501, 0102040601, 0102040701, 0102041301, 0103060201, 0103660201, 0104860501, 0104861001, 0107660201, 0109070101, 0109070401, 0109070501, 0109070601, 0109080101, 0109080301, 0109080401, 0109080601, 0109080701, 0109080801, 0109080901, 0109081001, 0109081101, 0109141301, 0110890101, 0110890301, 0110890401, 0110890701, 0110950101, 0110950201, 0110950401, 0110950501, 0111290101, 0111290201, 0111290301, 0111290401, 0111291101, 0112600301, 0112600501, 0112600801, 0112610101, 0112630201, 0112910301, 0130720101, 0130720201, 0140190101, 0143150101, 0143150201, 0143150301, 0143150601, 0148000201, 0148000301, 0148000501, 0148000601, 0148000701, 0148742601, 0152660101, 0200480101, 0200480201, 0203560201, 0203560401, 0205390301, 0208020101 |
1344 |
An X-ray look at the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 590: XMM-Newton and Chandra reveal complexity in circumnuclear gas |
Longinotti, A. L.; Bianchi, S.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P.; Guainazzi, M.; Cardaci, M.; Pollock, A. M. T. |
07-2007 |
2007, A&A, 470, 73 |
2007A&A...470...73L |
4 |
0201020201 |
1345 |
The complex FeK line of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13349+2438 |
Longinotti, A. L.; Cappi, M.; Nandra, K.; Dadina, M.; Pellegrini, S. |
11-2003 |
2003, A&A, 410, 471 |
2003A&A...410..471L |
4 |
0096010101 |
1346 |
High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1 Mrk 841: insights into the warm absorber and warm emitter |
Longinotti, A. L.; Costantini, E.; Petrucci, P. O.; Boisson, C.; Mouchet, M.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Matt, G.; Ponti, G.; Gonçalves, A. C. |
02-2010 |
2010, A&A, 510, 92 |
2010A&A...510A..92L |
4 |
0112910201, 0070740101, 0070740301, 0205340201, 0205340401 |
1347 |
FERO (Finding Extreme Relativistic Objects): statistics of relativistic broad Fe Kalpha lines in AGN |
Longinotti, A. L.; de La Calle, I.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Dovciak, M. |
04-2008 |
2008, RMxAC, 32, 62 |
2008RMxAC..32...62L |
4 |
1348 |
X-Ray High-resolution Spectroscopy Reveals Feedback in a Seyfert Galaxy from an Ultra-fast Wind with Complex Ionization and Velocity Structure |
Longinotti, A. L.; Krongold, Y.; Guainazzi, M.; Giroletti, M.; Panessa, F.; Costantini, E.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Rodriguez-Pascual, P. |
11-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 813, L39 |
2015ApJ...813L..39L |
4 |
0721220101, 0721220301, 0206860101, 0206860201 |
1349 |
The Rise of an Ionized Wind in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 335 Observed by XMM-Newton and HST |
Longinotti, A. L.; Krongold, Y.; Kriss, G. A.; Ely, J.; Gallo, L.; Grupe, D.; Komossa, S.; Mathur, S.; Pradhan, A. |
04-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 766, 104 |
2013ApJ...766..104L |
4 |
0101040101, 0306870101, 0510010701, 0600540601, 0600540501 |
1350 |
On the variability of the iron Kalpha line in Mrk 841 |
Longinotti, A. L.; Nandra, K.; Petrucci, P. O.; O'Neill, P. M. |
12-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 355, 929 |
2004MNRAS.355..929L |
4 |
0112910201, 0070740101, 0070740301 |
1351 |
Longinotti, A. L.; Nucita, A.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Guainazzi, M. |
Longinotti, A. L.; Nucita, A.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Guainazzi, M. |
06-2008 |
2008, A&A, 484, 311 |
2008A&A...484..311L |
4 |
0510010701, 0306870101 |
1352 |
Evidence for relativistic features in the X-ray spectrum of Mrk 335 |
Longinotti, A. L.; Sim, S. A.; Nandra, K.; Cappi, M. |
01-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 374, 237 |
2007MNRAS.374..237L |
4 |
0101040101 |
1353 |
The XMM-Newton/HST View of the Obscuring Outflow in the Seyfert Galaxy Mrk 335 Observed at Extremely Low X-Ray Flux |
Longinotti, Anna Lia; Kriss, Gerard; Krongold, Yair; Arellano-Cordova, Karla Z.; Komossa, S.; Gallo, Luigi; Grupe, Dirk; Mathur, Smita; Parker, Michael L.; Pradhan, Anil; Wilkins, Dan |
04-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 875, 150 |
2019ApJ...875..150L |
4 |
0741280201 |
1354 |
NOEMA spatially resolved view of the multiphase outflow in IRAS17020+4544: a shocked wind in action? |
Longinotti, Anna Lia;Salomé, Q.;Feruglio, C.;Krongold, Y.;GarcÃa-Burillo, S.;Giroletti, M.;Panessa, F.;Stanghellini, C.;Vega, O.;Patiño-Ãlvarez, V. M.;Chavushyan, V.;ElÃas-Chavez, M.;Robleto-Orús, A. |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 2134 |
2023MNRAS.521.2134L |
4 |
1355 |
Radiative interaction between the relativistic jet and optically thick envelope in tidal disruption events |
Lu, Wenbin; Krolik, Julian; Crumley, Patrick; Kumar, Pawan |
10-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 1141 |
2017MNRAS.471.1141L |
4 |
1356 |
Modelling the variable emission states of gamma-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Luashvili, Anna;Boisson, Catherine;Zech, Andreas;Arrieta-Lobo, Maialen;Kynoch, Daniel |
07-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 523, 404 |
2023MNRAS.523..404L |
4 |
0764670101 |
1357 |
Extreme flux states of NGC 4151 observed with INTEGRAL |
LubiÅski, P.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Walter, R.; Paltani, S.; Beckmann, V.; Soldi, S.; Ferrigno, C.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L. |
11-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 408, 1851 |
2010MNRAS.408.1851L |
4 |
0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0402660101, 0402660201 |
1358 |
A comprehensive analysis of the hard X-ray spectra of bright Seyfert galaxies |
Lubinski, P.; Beckmann, V.; Gibaud, L.; Paltani, S.; Papadakis, I. E.; Ricci, C.; Soldi, S.; Türler, M.; Walter, R.; Zdziarski, A. A. |
05-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 2454 |
2016MNRAS.458.2454L |
4 |
0101040401, 0147440101, 0306320101, 0306320201, 0550451501, 0109970101, 0059830101, 0502090501, 0147190101, 0503750301, 0503750401, 0503750501, 0503750101, 0065940101, 0552180101, 0112310501, 0112310101, 0112830501, 0112830201, 0112830601, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0402660101, 0402660201, 0657840101, 0657840201, 0657840301, 0657840401, 0679780101, 0679780201, 0201930201, 0306090201, 0306090301, 0306090401, 0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101, 0092140101, 0109131101, 0152840101, 0550451801, 0203720201, 0203720301, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0110930701, 0675140101, 0145670101, 0006220201, 0653870201, 0653870301, 0653870401, 0653870501, 0112830401, 0302850201, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0554170201, 0554170101, 0302800101, 0302800201, 0152940101, 0109130601, 0601740201, 0059770101, 0312190401, 0670390301 |
1359 |
X-ray spectral and variability properties of low-mass active galactic nuclei |
Ludlam, R. M.; Cackett, E. M.; Gültekin, K.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L.; Miniutti, G. |
03-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 447, 2112 |
2015MNRAS.447.2112L |
4 |
0674810101, 0504102001, 0303550901, 0306050201, 0201470101, 0201470301, 0108670101, 0605540201, 0605540301, 0400570401, 0674810701, 0674810401, 0503600401, 0674810801, 0674811201, 0505010101, 0674810301, 0674810901, 0674811101, 0305920401, 0674810501, 0505010501, 0505011201, 0674810201, 0674811001, 0674810601 |
1360 |
NuSTAR Observations of the Accreting Atolls GX 3+1, 4U 1702-429, 4U 0614+091, and 4U 1746-371 |
Ludlam, R. M.; Miller, J. M.; Barret, D.; Cackett, E. M.; Coughenour, B. M.; Dauser, T.; Degenaar, N.; García, J. A.; Harrison, F. A.; Paerels, F. |
03-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 873, 99 |
2019ApJ...873...99L |
4 |
1361 |
The XMM-NEWTON Omega project. I. The X-ray luminosity-temperature relation at z>0.4 |
Lumb, D. H.; Bartlett, J. G.; Romer, A. K.; Blanchard, A.; Burke, D. J.; Collins, C. A.; Nichol, R. C.; Giard, M.; Marty, P. B.; Nevalainen, J.; Sadat, R.; Vauclair, S. C. |
06-2004 |
2004, A&A, 420, 853 |
2004A&A...420..853L |
2,4 |
0107860401, 0111160201, 0107860501, 0107860201, 0110890101, 0111160101, 0112250101, 0107860301 |
1362 |
An XMM-Newton view of the serendipitous sources in the PKS0312-770 field |
Lumb, D. H.; Guainazzi, M.; Gondoin, P. |
09-2001 |
2001, A&A, 376, 387 |
2001A&A...376..387L |
4 |
0122520201 |
1363 |
Constraining the geometry of the nuclear wind in PDS 456 using a novel emission model |
Luminari, A.; Piconcelli, E.; Tombesi, F.; Zappacosta, L.; Fiore, F.; Piro, L.; Vagnetti, F. |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 619, 149 |
2018A&A...619A.149L |
4 |
0721010401, 0721010501 |
1364 |
The Lively Accretion Disk in NGC 2992. III. Tentative Evidence of Rapid Ultrafast Outflow Variability |
Luminari, Alfredo;Marinucci, Andrea;Bianchi, Stefano;de Marco, Barbara;Feruglio, Chiara;Matt, Giorgio;Middei, Riccardo;Nardini, Emanuele;Piconcelli, Enrico;Puccetti, Simonetta;Tombesi, Francesco |
06-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 950, 160 |
2023ApJ...950..160L |
4 |
0840920201, 0840920301 |
1365 |
Weak Hard X-Ray Emission from Two Broad Absorption Line Quasars Observed with NuSTAR: Compton-thick Absorption or Intrinsic X-Ray Weakness? |
Luo, B.; Brandt, W. N.; Alexander, D. M.; Harrison, F. A.; Stern, D.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Farrah, D.; Fiore, F.; Fuerst, F.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Hickox, R.; Madsen, K. K.; Matt, G.; Ogle, P.; Risaliti, G.; Saez, C.; Teng, S. H.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
08-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 772, 153 |
2013ApJ...772..153L |
4 |
1366 |
Weak Hard X-Ray Emission from Broad Absorption Line Quasars: Evidence for Intrinsic X-Ray Weakness |
Luo, B.; Brandt, W. N.; Alexander, D. M.; Stern, D.; Teng, S. H.; Arévalo, P.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Farrah, D.; Gandhi, P.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Koss, M.; Ogle, P.; Puccetti, S.; Saez, C.; Scott, A. E.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
10-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 794, 70 |
2014ApJ...794...70L |
4 |
0094400301, 0150610101, 0305360401 |
1367 |
X-ray and multiwavelength insights into the inner structure of high-luminosity disc-like emitters |
Luo, B.; Brandt, W. N.; Eracleous, M.; Wu, Jian; Hall, P. B.; Rafiee, A.; Schneider, D. P.; Wu, Jianfeng |
02-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 429, 1479 |
2013MNRAS.429.1479L |
4 |
0505410101 |
1368 |
Re-energization of AGN head-tail radio galaxies in the galaxy cluster ZwCl 0634.1+47474 |
Lusetti, G.;de Gasperin, F.;Cuciti, V.;Brüggen, M.;Spinelli, C.;Edler, H.;Brunetti, G.;van Weeren, R. J.;Botteon, A.;Di Gennaro, G.;Cassano, R.;Tasse, C.;Shimwell, T. W. |
02-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 141 |
2024MNRAS.528..141L |
4 |
0692932601 |
1369 |
The nonlinear X-ray/ultraviolet relation in active galactic nuclei: Contribution of instrumental effects on the X-ray variability |
Lusso, E. |
05-2019 |
2019, AN, 340, 267 |
2019AN....340..267L |
4 |
1370 |
Bolometric luminosities and Eddington ratios of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei in the XMM-COSMOS survey |
Lusso, E.; Comastri, A.; Simmons, B. D.; Mignoli, M.; Zamorani, G.; Vignali, C.; Brusa, M.; Shankar, F.; Lutz, D.; Trump, J. R.; Maiolino, R.; Gilli, R.; Bolzonella, M.; Puccetti, S.; Salvato, M.; Impey, C. D.; Civano, F.; Elvis, M.; Mainieri, V.; Silverman, J. D.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Bongiorno, A.; Merloni, A.; Berta, S.; Le Floc'h, E.; Magnelli, B.; Pozzi, F.; Riguccini, L. |
09-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 425, 623 |
2012MNRAS.425..623L |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501 |
1371 |
The X-ray to optical-UV luminosity ratio of X-ray selected type 1 AGN in XMM-COSMOS |
Lusso, E.; Comastri, A.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Brusa, M.; Gilli, R.; Iwasawa, K.; Salvato, M.; Civano, F.; Elvis, M.; Merloni, A.; Bongiorno, A.; Trump, J. R.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Schinnerer, E.; Le Floc'h, E.; Cappelluti, N.; Jahnke, K.; Sargent, M.; Silverman, J.; Mainieri, V.; Fiore, F.; Bolzonella, M.; Le Fèvre, O.; Garilli, B.; Iovino, A.; Kneib, J. P.; Lamareille, F.; Lilly, S.; Mignoli, M.; Scodeggio, M.; Vergani, D. |
03-2010 |
2010, A&A, 512, 34 |
2010A&A...512A..34L |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501, 0302350101, 0302350201, 0302350301, 0302350401, 0302350501, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302351001, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302351401, 0302351501, 0302351601, 0302351701, 0302351801, 0302351901, 0302352001, 0302352201, 0302352301, 0302352401, 0302352501, 0302353001, 0302353101, 0302353201, 0302353301, 0302353401, 0501170101, 0501170201 |
1372 |
The bolometric output and host-galaxy properties of obscured AGN in the XMM-COSMOS survey |
Lusso, E.; Comastri, A.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Treister, E.; Sanders, D.; Bolzonella, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Brusa, M.; Civano, F.; Gilli, R.; Mainieri, V.; Nair, P.; Aller, M. C.; Carollo, M.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Merloni, A.; Trump, J. R. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 110 |
2011A&A...534A.110L |
4 |
1373 |
The Obscured Fraction of Active Galactic Nuclei in the XMM-COSMOS Survey: A Spectral Energy Distribution Perspective |
Lusso, E.; Hennawi, J. F.; Comastri, A.; Zamorani, G.; Richards, G. T.; Vignali, C.; Treister, E.; Schawinski, K.; Salvato, M.; Gilli, R. |
11-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 777, 86 |
2013ApJ...777...86L |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501 |
1374 |
The Tight Relation between X-Ray and Ultraviolet Luminosity of Quasars |
Lusso, E.; Risaliti, G. |
03-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 819, 154 |
2016ApJ...819..154L |
4 |
1375 |
The first ultraviolet quasar-stacked spectrum at z ~= 2.4 from WFC3 |
Lusso, E.; Worseck, G.; Hennawi, J. F.; Prochaska, J. X.; Vignali, C.; Stern, J.; O'Meara, J. M. |
06-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 449, 4204 |
2015MNRAS.449.4204L |
4 |
1376 |
The most luminous blue quasars at 3.0 < z < 3.3. II. C IV/X-ray emission and accretion disc physics |
Lusso, E.;Nardini, E.;Bisogni, S.;Risaliti, G.;Gilli, R.;Richards, G. T.;Salvestrini, F.;Vignali, C.;Bargiacchi, G.;Civano, F.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G.;Marconi, A.;Sacchi, A.;Signorini, M. |
09-2021 |
2021, A&A, 653, 158 |
2021A&A...653A.158L |
4 |
1377 |
Quasars as standard candles. III. Validation of a new sample for cosmological studies |
Lusso, E.;Risaliti, G.;Nardini, E.;Bargiacchi, G.;Benetti, M.;Bisogni, S.;Capozziello, S.;Civano, F.;Eggleston, L.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G.;Gilli, R.;Marconi, A.;Paolillo, M.;Piedipalumbo, E.;Salvestrini, F.;Signorini, M.;Vignali, C. |
10-2020 |
2020, A&A, 642, 150 |
2020A&A...642A.150L |
4 |
1378 |
The MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF). IV. A pair of X-ray weak quasars at the heart of two extended Lyα nebulae |
Lusso, Elisabeta;Nardini, Emanuele;Fumagalli, Michele;Fossati, Matteo;Arrigoni Battaia, Fabrizio;Revalski, Mitchell;Rafelski, Marc;D'Odorico, Valentina;Peroux, Celine;Cristiani, Stefano;Dayal, Pratika;Haardt, Francesco;Lofthouse, Emma K. |
11-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 4388 |
2023MNRAS.525.4388L |
4 |
1379 |
Long-term and multiwavelength evolution of a changing-look AGN Mrk 1018 |
Lyu, Bing;Yan, Zhen;Yu, Wenfei;Wu, Qingwen |
09-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 4188 |
2021MNRAS.506.4188L |
4 |
0201090201, 0554920301 |
1380 |
Investigation into the origin of the soft excess in Ark 564 using principal component analysis |
Lyu, M.;Fei, Z. Y.;Zhang, G. B.;Yang, X. J. |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 116 |
2024A&A...689A.116L |
4 |
0006810101, 0006810301, 0206400101, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901, 0830540101, 0830540201 |
1381 |
Redshifted Fe Kalpha line from the unusual gamma-ray source PMN J1603-4904 |
Müller, C.; Krauß, F.; Dauser, T.; Kreikenbohm, A.; Beuchert, T.; Kadler, M.; Ojha, R.; Wilms, J.; Böck, M.; Carpenter, B.; Dutka, M.; Markowitz, A.; McConville, W.; Pottschmidt, K.; Stawarz, L.; Taylor, G. B. |
02-2015 |
2015, A&A, 574, 117 |
2015A&A...574A.117M |
4 |
0724700101 |
1382 |
X-Ray Line-emitting Objects in XMM-Newton Observations: The Tip of the Iceberg |
Maccacaro, T.; Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Severgnini, P.; Caccianiga, A. |
12-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 617, L33 |
2004ApJ...617L..33M |
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0012440301, 0100240801, 0100440101, 0100240701 |
1383 |
Radio morphology-accretion mode link in Fanaroff-Riley type II low-excitation radio galaxies |
Macconi, D.;Torresi, E.;Grandi, P.;Boccardi, B.;Vignali, C. |
04-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 493, 4355 |
2020MNRAS.493.4355M |
4 |
0501620301, 0501621601, 0400930101, 0400930201, 0675400101 |
1384 |
A systematic search for changing-look quasars in SDSS |
MacLeod, Chelsea L.; Ross, Nicholas P.; Lawrence, Andy; Goad, Mike; Horne, Keith; Burgett, William; Chambers, Ken C.; Flewelling, Heather; Hodapp, Klaus; Kaiser, Nick; Magnier, Eugene; Wainscoat, Richard; Waters, Christopher |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 389 |
2016MNRAS.457..389M |
4 |
1385 |
First NuSTAR Observations of the BL Lac-type Blazar PKS 2155-304: Constraints on the Jet Content and Distribution of Radiating Particles |
Madejski, G. M.; Nalewajko, K.; Madsen, K. K.; Chiang, J.; Balokovic, M.; Paneque, D.; Furniss, A. K.; Hayashida, M.; Urry, C. M.; Sikora, M.; Ajello, M.; Blandford, R. D.; Harrison, F. A.; Sanchez, D.; Giebels, B.; Stern, D.; Alexander, D. M.; Barret, D.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Forster, K.; Giommi, P.; Grefenstette, B.; Hailey, C.; Hornstrup, A.; Kitaguchi, T.; Koglin, J. E.; Mao, P. H.; Miyasaka, H.; Mori, K.; Perri, M.; Pivovaroff, M. J.; Puccetti, S.; Rana, V.; Westergaard, N. J.; Zhang, W. W.; Zoglauer, A. |
11-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 831, 142 |
2016ApJ...831..142M |
4 |
1386 |
3C 273 with NuSTAR: Unveiling the Active Galactic Nucleus |
Madsen, Kristin K.; Fürst, Felix; Walton, Dominic J.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Nalewajko, Krzysztof; Ballantyne, David R.; Boggs, Steve E.; Brenneman, Laura W.; Christensen, Finn E.; Craig, William W.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Forster, Karl; Grefenstette, Brian W.; Guainazzi, Matteo; Hailey, Charles J.; Madejski, Greg M.; Matt, Giorgio; Stern, Daniel; Walter, Roland; Zhang, William W. |
10-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 812, 14 |
2015ApJ...812...14M |
4 |
0414191001 |
1387 |
Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514 |
MAGIC Collaboration;Abe, H.;Abe, S.;Acciari, V. A.;Agudo, I.;Aniello, T.;Ansoldi, S.;Antonelli, L. A.;Arbet Engels, A.;Arcaro, C.;Artero, M.;Asano, K.;Baack, D.;BabiÄ, A.;Baquero, A.;Barres de Almeida, U.;BatkoviÄ, I.;Baxter, J.;Becerra González, J.;Bernardini, E.;Bernete, J.;Berti, A.;Besenrieder, J.;Bigongiari, C.;Biland, A.;Blanch, O.;Bonnoli, G.;BoÅ¡njak, Ž.;Burelli, I.;Busetto, G.;Campoy-Ordaz, A.;Carosi, A.;Carosi, R.;Carretero-Castrillo, M.;Castro-Tirado, A. J.;Chai, Y.;Cifuentes, A.;Cikota, S.;Colombo, E.;Contreras, J. L.;Cortina, J.;Covino, S.;D'Amico, G.;D'Ammando, F.;D'Elia, V.;Da Vela, P.;Dazzi, F.;De Angelis, A.;De Lotto, B.;Del Popolo, A.;Delfino, M.;Delgado, J.;Delgado Mendez, C.;Depaoli, D.;Di Pierro, F.;Di Venere, L.;Dominis Prester, D.;Dorner, D.;Doro, M.;Elsaesser, D.;Emery, G.;Escudero, J.;Fariña, L.;Fattorini, A.;Foffano, L.;Font, L.;Fukami, S.;Fukazawa, Y.;GarcÃa López, R. J.;Gasparyan, S.;Gaug, M.;Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G.;Giglietto, N.;Giordano, F.;Gliwny, P.;Grau, R.;Green, J. G.;Hadasch, D.;Hahn, A.;Heckmann, L.;Herrera, J.;Hrupec, D.;Hütten, M.;Imazawa, R.;Inada, T.;Iotov, R.;Ishio, K.;Jiménez MartÃnez, I.;Jormanainen, J.;Kerszberg, D.;Kluge, G. W.;Kobayashi, Y.;Kouch, P. M.;Kubo, H.;Kushida, J.;Láinez Lezáun, M.;Lamastra, A.;Leone, F.;Lindfors, E.;Linhoff, L.;Lombardi, S.;Longo, F.;López-Moya, M.;López-Oramas, A.;Loporchio, S.;Lorini, A.;Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.;Majumdar, P.;Makariev, M.;Maneva, G.;Mang, N.;Manganaro, M.;Mariotti, M.;MartÃnez, M.;MartÃnez-Chicharro, M.;Mas-Aguilar, A.;Mazin, D.;Menchiari, S.;Mender, S.;Miceli, D.;Miener, T.;Miranda, J. M.;Mirzoyan, R.;Molero González, M.;Molina, E.;Mondal, H. A.;Moralejo, A.;Morcuende, D.;Nakamori, T.;Nanci, C.;Neustroev, V.;Nigro, C.;NikoliÄ, L.;Nishijima, K.;Njoh Ekoume, T.;Noda, K.;Nozaki, S.;Ohtani, Y.;Okumura, A.;Otero-Santos, J.;Paiano, S.;Palatiello, M.;Paneque, D.;Paoletti, R.;Paredes, J. M.;PavloviÄ, D.;Persic, M.;Pihet, M.;Pirola, G.;Podobnik, F.;Prada Moroni, P. G.;Prandini, E.;Principe, G.;Priyadarshi, C.;Rhode, W.;Ribó, M.;Rico, J.;Righi, C.;Sahakyan, N.;Saito, T.;Satalecka, K.;Saturni, F. G.;Schleicher, B.;Schmidt, K.;Schmuckermaier, F.;Schubert, J. L.;Schweizer, T.;Sciaccaluga, A.;Sitarek, J.;Spolon, A.;Stamerra, A.;StriÅ¡koviÄ, J.;Strom, D.;Suda, Y.;Tajima, H.;Takeishi, R.;Tavecchio, F.;Temnikov, P.;Terauchi, K.;TerziÄ, T.;Teshima, M.;Tosti, L.;Truzzi, S.;Tutone, A.;Ubach, S.;van Scherpenberg, J.;Ventura, S.;Verguilov, V.;Viale, I.;Vigorito, C. F.;Vitale, V.;Walter, R.;Wunderlich, C.;Yamamoto, T.;Multi-wavelength Collaborators;Perri, M.;Verrecchia, F.;Leto, C.;Das, S.;Chatterjee, R.;Raiteri, C. M.;Villata, M.;Semkov, E.;Ibryamov, S.;Bachev, R.;Strigachev, A.;Damljanovic, G.;Vince, O.;Jovanovic, M. D.;Stojanovic, M.;Larionov, V. M.;Grishina, T. S.;Kopatskaya, E. N.;Larionova, E. G.;Morozova, D. A.;Savchenko, S. S.;Troitskiy, I. S.;Troitskaya, Y. V.;Vasilyev, A. A.;Chen, W. P.;Hou, W. J.;Lin, C. S.;Tsai, A.;Jorstad, S. G.;Weaver, Z. R.;Acosta-Pulido, J. A.;Carnerero, M. I.;Carosati, D.;Kurtanidze, S. O.;Kurtanidze, O. M.;Jordan, B.;Ivanidze, R. Z.;Gazeas, K.;Vrontaki, K.;Hovatta, T.;Liodakis, I.;Readhead, A. C. S.;Kiehlmann, S.;Zheng, W.;Filippenko, A. V.;Fallah Ramazani, V. |
02-2024 |
2024, A&A, 682, 114 |
2024A&A...682A.114M |
4 |
0870400101, 0890650101 |
1388 |
VHE gamma-ray detection of FSRQ QSO B1420+326 and modeling of its enhanced broadband state in 2020 |
MAGIC Collaboration;Acciari, V. A.;Ansoldi, S.;Antonelli, L. A.;Arbet Engels, A.;Artero, M.;Asano, K.;Baack, D.;BabiÄ, A.;Baquero, A.;Barres de Almeida, U.;Barrio, J. A.;Becerra González, J.;Bednarek, W.;Bellizzi, L.;Bernardini, E.;Bernardos, M.;Berti, A.;Besenrieder, J.;Bhattacharyya, W.;Bigongiari, C.;Biland, A.;Blanch, O.;Bonnoli, G.;BoÅ¡njak, Ž.;Busetto, G.;Carosi, R.;Ceribella, G.;Cerruti, M.;Chai, Y.;Chilingarian, A.;Cikota, S.;Colak, S. M.;Colombo, E.;Contreras, J. L.;Cortina, J.;Covino, S.;D'Amico, G.;D'Elia, V.;da Vela, P.;Dazzi, F.;de Angelis, A.;de Lotto, B.;Delfino, M.;Delgado, J.;Delgado Mendez, C.;Depaoli, D.;di Pierro, F.;di Venere, L.;Do Souto Espiñeira, E.;Dominis Prester, D.;Donini, A.;Dorner, D.;Doro, M.;Elsaesser, D.;Fallah Ramazani, V.;Fattorini, A.;Ferrara, G.;Foffano, L.;Fonseca, M. V.;Font, L.;Fruck, C.;Fukami, S.;GarcÃa López, R. J.;Garczarczyk, M.;Gasparyan, S.;Gaug, M.;Giglietto, N.;Giordano, F.;Gliwny, P.;GodinoviÄ, N.;Green, J. G.;Green, D.;Hadasch, D.;Hahn, A.;Heckmann, L.;Herrera, J.;Hoang, J.;Hrupec, D.;Hütten, M.;Inada, T.;Inoue, S.;Ishio, K.;Iwamura, Y.;Jormanainen, J.;Jouvin, L.;Kajiwara, Y.;Karjalainen, M.;Kerszberg, D.;Kobayashi, Y.;Kubo, H.;Kushida, J.;Lamastra, A.;Lelas, D.;Leone, F.;Lindfors, E.;Lombardi, S.;Longo, F.;López-Coto, R.;López-Moya, M.;López-Oramas, A.;Loporchio, S.;Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.;Maggio, C.;Majumdar, P.;Makariev, M.;Mallamaci, M.;Maneva, G.;Manganaro, M.;Mannheim, K.;Maraschi, L.;Mariotti, M.;MartÃnez, M.;Mazin, D.;Mender, S.;MiÄanoviÄ, S.;Miceli, D.;Miener, T.;Minev, M.;Miranda, J. M.;Mirzoyan, R.;Molina, E.;Moralejo, A.;Morcuende, D.;Moreno, V.;Moretti, E.;Neustroev, V.;Nigro, C.;Nilsson, K.;Ninci, D.;Nishijima, K.;Noda, K.;Nozaki, S.;Ohtani, Y.;Oka, T.;Otero-Santos, J.;Paiano, S.;Palatiello, M.;Paneque, D.;Paoletti, R.;Paredes, J. M.;PavletiÄ, L.;Peñil, P.;Perennes, C.;Persic, M.;Prada Moroni, P. G.;Prandini, E.;Priyadarshi, C.;Puljak, I.;Rhode, W.;Ribó, M.;Rico, J.;Righi, C.;Rugliancich, A.;Saha, L.;Sahakyan, N.;Saito, T.;Sakurai, S.;Satalecka, K.;Saturni, F. G.;Schleicher, B.;Schmidt, K.;Schweizer, T.;Sitarek, J.;Å nidariÄ, I.;Sobczynska, D.;Spolon, A.;Stamerra, A.;Strom, D.;Strzys, M.;Suda, Y.;SuriÄ, T.;Takahashi, M.;Tavecchio, F.;Temnikov, P.;TerziÄ, T.;Teshima, M.;Torres-Albà , N.;Tosti, L.;Truzzi, S.;Tutone, A.;van Scherpenberg, J.;Vanzo, G.;Vazquez Acosta, M.;Ventura, S.;Verguilov, V.;Vigorito, C. F.;Vitale, V.;Vovk, I.;Will, M.;ZariÄ, D.;Angioni, R.;D'Ammando, F.;Ciprini, S.;Cheung, C. C.;Orienti, M.;Pacciani, L.;Prajapati, P.;Kumar, P.;Ganesh, S.;Minev, M.;Kurtenkov, A.;Marchini, A.;Carrasco, L.;Escobedo, G.;Porras, A.;Recillas, E.;Lähteenmäki, A.;Tornikoski, M.;Berton, M.;Tammi, J.;Vera, R. J. C.;Jorstad, S. G.;Marscher, A. P.;Weaver, Z. R.;Hart, M.;Hallum, M. K.;Larionov, V. M.;Borman, G. A.;Grishina, T. S.;Kopatskaya, E. N.;Larionova, E. G.;Nikiforova, A. A.;Morozova, D. A.;Savchenko, S. S.;Troitskaya, Yu. V.;Troitsky, I. S.;Vasilyev, A. A.;Hodges, M.;Hovatta, T.;Kiehlmann, S.;Max-Moerbeck, W.;Readhead, A. C. S.;Reeves, R.;Pearson, T. J. |
03-2021 |
2021, A&A, 647, 163 |
2021A&A...647A.163M |
4 |
0850180201 |
1389 |
Investigating the spectral age problem with powerful radio galaxies |
Mahatma, Vijay H.;Hardcastle, Martin J.;Croston, Judith H.;Harwood, Jeremy;Ineson, Judith;Moldon, Javier |
02-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 491, 5015 |
2020MNRAS.491.5015M |
4 |
0691840101 |
1390 |
Origins of the UV/X-ray relation in Arakelian 120 |
Mahmoud, R. D.;Done, C.;Porquet, D.;Lobban, A. |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 3585 |
2023MNRAS.521.3585M |
4 |
1391 |
Star formation of far-IR AGN and non-AGN galaxies in the green valley: possible implication of AGN positive feedback |
Mahoro, Antoine; Povic, Mirjana; Nkundabakura, Pheneas |
11-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 3226 |
2017MNRAS.471.3226M |
4 |
1392 |
XMMSL1J063045.9-603110: a tidal disruption event fallen into the back burner |
Mainetti, Deborah; Campana, Sergio; Colpi, Monica |
07-2016 |
2016, A&A, 592, 41 |
2016A&A...592A..41M |
4 |
0679381201 |
1393 |
Black hole accretion and host galaxies of obscured quasars in XMM-COSMOS |
Mainieri, V. et al. |
11-2011 |
2011, A&A, 535, 80 |
2011A&A...535A..80M |
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1394 |
XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. Spectral analysis |
Mainieri, V.; Bergeron, J.; Hasinger, G.; Lehmann, I.; Rosati, P.; Schmidt, M.; Szokoly, G.; Della Ceca, R. |
10-2002 |
2002, A&A, 393, 425 |
2002A&A...393..425M |
2,4 |
0123700101, 0123700201, 0123700401, 0123700901, 0123701001 |
1395 |
The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. IV. X-Ray Spectral Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Mainieri, V.; Hasinger, G.; Cappelluti, N.; Brusa, M.; Brunner, H.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Elvis, M.; Finoguenov, A.; Fiore, F.; Gilli, R.; Lehmann, I.; Silverman, J.; Tasca, L.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Schinnerer, E.; Impey, C.; Trump, J.; Lilly, S.; Maier, C.; Griffiths, R. E.; Miyaji, T.; Capak, P.; Koekemoer, A.; Scoville, N.; Shopbell, P.; Taniguchi, Y. |
09-2007 |
2007, ApJS, 172, 368 |
2007ApJS..172..368M |
2,4 |
0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0302350101, 0302350301, 0302350401, 0302350501, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302351001, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302351601, 0302353001 |
1396 |
Discovery of strong CIV absorption in the highest redshift quasar |
Maiolino, R.; Mannucci, F.; Baffa, C.; Gennari, S.; Oliva, E. |
06-2001 |
2001, A&A, 372, L5 |
2001A&A...372L...5M |
4 |
1397 |
The HELLAS2XMM survey. IX. Spectroscopic identification of super-EROs hosting AGNs |
Maiolino, R.; Mignoli, M.; Pozzetti, L.; Severgnini, P.; Brusa, M.; Vignali, C.; Puccetti, S.; Ciliegi, P.; Cocchia, F.; Comastri, A.; Fiore, F.; La Franca, F.; Matt, G.; Molendi, S.; Perola, G. C. |
01-2006 |
2006, A&A, 445, 457 |
2006A&A...445..457M |
4 |
0096010101, 0098010101, 0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0099280501, 0099280601, 0114090101, 0122520201, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0123700101, 0123700201, 0123700401, 0123700701, 0123700901, 0123701001, 0123920101, 0124110101, 0124300101, 0124900101, 0125110101, 0125130101, 0125140101, 0125150101, 0125310101, 0125320301, 0125910101, 0125920201, 0129360201, 0130720101 |
1398 |
``Comets'' orbiting a black hole |
Maiolino, R.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M.; Pietrini, P.; Torricelli-Ciamponi, G.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Braito, V.; Reeves, J. |
07-2010 |
2010, A&A, 517, 47 |
2010A&A...517A..47M |
4 |
1399 |
X-ray properties of reverberation-mapped AGNs with super-Eddington accreting massive black holes |
Maithil, Jaya;Brotherton, Michael S.;Shemmer, Ohad;Luo, Bin;Du, Pu;Wang, Jian-Min;Hu, Chen;Gallagher, Sarah C.;Li, Yan-Rong;Nemmen, Rodrigo S. |
02-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 1542 |
2024MNRAS.528.1542M |
4 |
1400 |
Probing the nature of AX J0043-737: Not an 87 ms pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud |
Maitra, C.; Ballet, J.; Esposito, P.; Haberl, F.; Tiengo, A.; Filipovic, M. D.; Acero, F. |
05-2018 |
2018, A&A, 612, 87 |
2018A&A...612A..87M |
4 |
0764780201, 0301170301 |
1401 |
XMMU J050722.1-684758: discovery of a new Be X-ray binary pulsar likely associated with the supernova remnant MCSNR J0507-6847 |
Maitra, C.;Haberl, F.;Maggi, P.;Kavanagh, P. J.;Vasilopoulos, G.;Sasaki, M.;FilipoviÄ, M. D.;Udalski, A. |
06-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 504, 326 |
2021MNRAS.504..326M |
4 |
0404410201, 0142610101, 0201120101, 0206340101, 0725300159, 0306050201, 0504101701, 0556211401, 0111290301, 0047540601, 0744040301, 0601780601, 0601780901, 0722670201, 0202180301, 0691610301, 0055990501, 0671150501, 0164560701, 0091140201, 0721820201, 0150680101, 0147210301, 0305750301, 0744410801, 0673000147 |
1402 |
Identification of AGN in the XMM-Newton X-ray survey of the SMC |
Maitra, Chandreyee; Haberl, Frank; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.; van Loon, Jacco Th. |
02-2019 |
2019, A&A, 622, 29 |
2019A&A...622A..29M |
4 |
0412981301, 0677980301, 0412981401, 0679180301, 0412981501, 0412981601, 0700381801, 0693050501, 0412981701, 0721960101, 0724650301, 0700580101, 0412982101, 0700580401, 0700580601, 0674730201, 0412982301, 0412982201, 0741450101, 0770580701, 0770580801, 0764780201, 0770580901, 0764050101, 0412982501, 0412982401, 0763590401, 0764050201, 0791580701, 0791580801, 0791580901, 0791581001, 0791581101, 0791581201, 0784690601, 0784690701, 0784690401, 0412983201, 0784690801, 0784690201, 0412983301, 0784690101, 0784690301, 0803210201 |
1403 |
Evidence of a Warm Absorber That Varies with Quasi-periodic Oscillation Phase in the Active Galactic Nucleus RE J1034+396 |
Maitra, Dipankar; Miller, Jon M. |
07-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 718, 551 |
2010ApJ...718..551M |
4 |
0506440101 |
1404 |
A tidal flare candidate in Abell 1795 |
Maksym, W. P.; Ulmer, M. P.; Eracleous, M. C.; Guennou, L.; Ho, L. C. |
11-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 1904 |
2013MNRAS.435.1904M |
3,4 |
0097820101 |
1405 |
A Tidal Disruption Flare in A1689 from an Archival X-ray Survey of Galaxy Clusters |
Maksym, W. Peter; Ulmer, M. P.; Eracleous, Michael |
10-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 722, 1035 |
2010ApJ...722.1035M |
4 |
0093030101 |
1406 |
The INTEGRAL/IBIS AGN catalogue - I. X-ray absorption properties versus optical classification |
Malizia, A.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Masetti, N.; Panessa, F.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
11-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 426, 1750 |
2012MNRAS.426.1750M |
4 |
1407 |
IGR J16351-5806: another close by Compton-thick AGN |
Malizia, A.; Bassani, L.; Panessa, F.; de Rosa, A.; Bird, A. J. |
03-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 394, L121 |
2009MNRAS.394L.121M |
4 |
0307001901 |
1408 |
The INTEGRAL High-energy Cut-off Distribution of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei |
Malizia, A.; Molina, M.; Bassani, L.; Stephen, J. B.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P.; Bird, A. J. |
02-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 782, L25 |
2014ApJ...782L..25M |
4 |
1409 |
The fraction of Compton-thick sources in an INTEGRAL complete AGN sample |
Malizia, A.; Stephen, J. B.; Bassani, L.; Bird, A. J.; Panessa, F.; Ubertini, P. |
10-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 399, 944 |
2009MNRAS.399..944M |
4 |
1410 |
Update of the INTEGRAL/IBIS active galactic nuclei catalogue: Deeper on the Galactic plane and wider beyond |
Malizia, A.;Bassani, L.;Landi, R.;Molina, M.;Masetti, N.;Palazzi, E.;Bruni, G.;Bazzano, A.;Ubertini, P.;Bird, A. J. |
03-2023 |
2023, A&A, 671, 152 |
2023A&A...671A.152M |
4 |
1411 |
A high-density relativistic reflection origin for the soft and hard X-ray excess emission from Mrk 1044 |
Mallick, L.; Alston, W. N.; Parker, M. L.; Fabian, A. C.; Pinto, C.; Dewangan, G. C.; Markowitz, A.; Gandhi, P.; Kembhavi, A. K.; Misra, R. |
09-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 479, 615 |
2018MNRAS.479..615M |
4 |
0695290101 |
1412 |
Large-amplitude Rapid X-Ray Variability in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy PG 1404+226 |
Mallick, L.; Dewangan, G. C. |
08-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 863, 178 |
2018ApJ...863..178M |
4 |
0763480101 |
1413 |
High-density disc reflection spectroscopy of low-mass active galactic nuclei |
Mallick, L.;Fabian, A. C.;GarcÃa, J. A.;Tomsick, J. A.;Parker, M. L.;Dauser, T.;Wilkins, D. R.;De Marco, B.;Steiner, J. F.;Connors, R. M. T.;Mastroserio, G.;Markowitz, A. G.;Pinto, C.;Alston, W. N.;Lohfink, A. M.;Gandhi, P. |
07-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 4361 |
2022MNRAS.513.4361M |
4 |
0305920101, 0674810101, 0306050201, 0108670101, 0605540201, 0605540301, 0305920201, 0724840101, 0724840301, 0744220701, 0305920601, 0305920401, 0674810501, 0744220401, 0744290101, 0744290201, 0674811001, 0674810601, 0302420101 |
1414 |
Discovery of soft and hard X-ray time lags in low-mass AGNs |
Mallick, L.;Wilkins, D. R.;Alston, W. N.;Markowitz, A.;De Marco, B.;Parker, M. L.;Lohfink, A. M.;Stalin, C. S. |
05-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 503, 3775 |
2021MNRAS.503.3775M |
4 |
1415 |
Accretion disc-corona and jet emission from the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RX J1633.3+4719 |
Mallick, Labani; Dewangan, G. C.; Gandhi, P.; Misra, R.; Kembhavi, A. K. |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 1705 |
2016MNRAS.460.1705M |
4 |
0673270101, 0673270201, 0673270301, 0673270401 |
1416 |
Energy-dependent variability of the bare Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 120 |
Mallick, Labani; Dewangan, Gulab C.; McHardy, I. M.; Pahari, Mayukh |
11-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 472, 174 |
2017MNRAS.472..174M |
4 |
1417 |
Coronal height constraint in IRAS 13224-3809 and 1H 0707-495 by the random forest regressor |
Mankatwit, N.;Chainakun, P.;Luangtip, W.;Young, A. J. |
08-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 523, 4080 |
2023MNRAS.523.4080M |
4 |
0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601, 0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200301, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0554710801 |
1418 |
Galaxy gas ejection in radio galaxies: the case of 3C 35 |
Mannering, E.; Worrall, D. M.; Birkinshaw, M. |
05-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 431, 858 |
2013MNRAS.431..858M |
4 |
0655610101 |
1419 |
Relativistic Fe Kalpha line study in Seyfert 1 galaxies observed with Suzaku |
Mantovani, G.; Nandra, K.; Ponti, G. |
06-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 4198 |
2016MNRAS.458.4198M |
4 |
1420 |
Transient obscuration event captured in NGC 3227. III. Photoionization modeling of the X-ray obscuration event in 2019 |
Mao, J.;Kaastra, J. S.;Mehdipour, M.;Kriss, G. A.;Wang, Y.;Grafton-Waters, S.;Branduardi-Raymont, G.;Pinto, C.;Landt, H.;Walton, D. J.;Costantini, E.;Di Gesu, L.;Bianchi, S.;Petrucci, P. -O.;De Marco, B.;Ponti, G.;Fukazawa, Y.;Ebrero, J.;Behar, E. |
09-2022 |
2022, A&A, 665, 72 |
2022A&A...665A..72M |
4 |
0844341401, 0844341301 |
1421 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. IX. Photoionized emission features in the soft X-ray spectra |
Mao, Junjie; Kaastra, J. S.; Mehdipour, M.; Gu, Liyi; Costantini, E.; Kriss, G. A.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Di Gesu, L.; Ponti, G.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Ebrero, J. |
04-2018 |
2018, A&A, 612, 18 |
2018A&A...612A..18M |
4 |
0771000101, 0771000201 |
1422 |
Photoionized emission and absorption features in the high-resolution X-ray spectra of NGC 3783 |
Mao, Junjie; Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Costantini, E.; Pinto, C.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Peretz, U.; Bianchi, S.; Kriss, G. A.; Ponti, G.; De Marco, B.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Di Gesu, L.; Middei, R.; Ebrero, J.; Arav, N. |
01-2019 |
2019, A&A, 621, 99 |
2019A&A...621A..99M |
4 |
0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210401, 0112210501, 0112210601, 0780860901, 0780861001 |
1423 |
Multiwavelength Observations of the Obscuring Wind in the Radio-quiet Quasar MR 2251-178 |
Mao, Junjie;Kriss, G. A.;Landt, H.;Mehdipour, M.;Kaastra, J. S.;Miller, J. M.;Stern, D.;Gallo, L. C.;Gonzalez, A. G.;Simon, J. J.;Djorgovski, S. G.;Anand, S.;Kasliwal, Mansi M.;Karambelkar, V. |
11-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 940, 41 |
2022ApJ...940...41M |
4 |
0012940101 |
1424 |
Fe K¿ line profile in AGNs: average shape and redshift dependence |
Mao, Wei-Ming; Hu, Chen; Wang, Jian-Min; Zhao, Gang; Zhang, Shu |
09-2010 |
2010, RAA, 10, 905 |
2010RAA....10..905M |
4 |
1425 |
Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei: are they UV faint and radio loud? |
Maoz, Dan |
06-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 377, 1696 |
2007MNRAS.377.1696M |
4 |
1426 |
NGC 454: unveiling a new 'changing look' active galactic nucleus |
Marchese, E.; Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P. |
04-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 421, 1803 |
2012MNRAS.421.1803M |
4 |
0605090301 |
1427 |
The variable ionized absorber in the Seyfert 2 Mrk 348 |
Marchese, E.; Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Ceca, R. Della; Caccianiga, A.; Markowitz, A.; Risaliti, G.; Severgnini, P.; Turner, T. J. |
01-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 2806 |
2014MNRAS.437.2806M |
4 |
0067540201 |
1428 |
The optical-UV spectral energy distribution of the unabsorbed AGN population in the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey |
Marchese, E.; Della Ceca, R.; Caccianiga, A.; Severgnini, P.; Corral, A.; Fanali, R. |
03-2012 |
2012, A&A, 539, 48 |
2012A&A...539A..48M |
4 |
1429 |
Compton-thick AGNs in the NuSTAR Era |
Marchesi, S.; Ajello, M.; Marcotulli, L.; Comastri, A.; Lanzuisi, G.; Vignali, C. |
02-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 854, 49 |
2018ApJ...854...49M |
4 |
0550950101, 0740060401, 0307000701, 0501210401, 0307000401, 0110930201, 0140950601, 0693430401, 0601780701, 0204870101, 0601420101, 0651100301, 0101640101, 0200430201 |
1430 |
Compton-thick AGNs in the NuSTAR Era. V. Joint NuSTAR and XMM-Newton Spectral Analysis of Three ``Soft-gamma'' Candidate CT-AGNs in the Swift/BAT 100-month Catalog |
Marchesi, S.; Ajello, M.; Zhao, X.; Comastri, A.; La Parola, V.; Segreto, A. |
09-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 882, 162 |
2019ApJ...882..162M |
4 |
0830500101, 0830500201, 0830500301 |
1431 |
Compton-thick AGNs in the NuSTAR Era. III. A Systematic Study of the Torus Covering Factor |
Marchesi, S.; Ajello, M.; Zhao, X.; Marcotulli, L.; Balokovic, M.; Brightman, M.; Comastri, A.; Cusumano, G.; Lanzuisi, G.; La Parola, V.; Segreto, A.; Vignali, C. |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 872, 8 |
2019ApJ...872....8M |
4 |
0795680201, 0795680101, 0741050501, 0025541001 |
1432 |
The Chandra COSMOS-Legacy Survey: Source X-Ray Spectral Properties |
Marchesi, S.; Lanzuisi, G.; Civano, F.; Iwasawa, K.; Suh, H.; Comastri, A.; Zamorani, G.; Allevato, V.; Griffiths, R.; Miyaji, T.; Ranalli, P.; Salvato, M.; Schawinski, K.; Silverman, J.; Treister, E.; Urry, C. M.; Vignali, C. |
10-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 830, 100 |
2016ApJ...830..100M |
4 |
0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0302350101, 0302350301, 0302350401, 0302350501, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302351001, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302351601, 0302353001 |
1433 |
Compton-thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era. VIII. A joint NuSTAR-XMM-Newton Monitoring of the Changing-look Compton-thick AGN NGC 1358 |
Marchesi, S.;Zhao, X.;Torres-Albà , N.;Ajello, M.;Gaspari, M.;Pizzetti, A.;Buchner, J.;Bertola, E.;Comastri, A.;Feltre, A.;Gilli, R.;Lanzuisi, G.;Matzeu, G.;Pozzi, F.;Salvestrini, F.;Sengupta, D.;Silver, R.;Tombesi, F.;Traina, A.;Vignali, C.;Zappacosta, L. |
08-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 935, 114 |
2022ApJ...935..114M |
4 |
0795680101, 0862980101, 0890700101, 0890700201, 0890700301 |
1434 |
NuSTAR Perspective on High-redshift MeV Blazars |
Marcotulli, L.;Paliya, V.;Ajello, M.;Kaur, A.;Marchesi, S.;Rajagopal, M.;Hartmann, D.;Gasparrini, D.;Ojha, R.;Madejski, G. |
02-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 889, 164 |
2020ApJ...889..164M |
4 |
0111260501, 0111260201, 0103060101 |
1435 |
Are there reliable methods to estimate the nuclear orientation of Seyfert galaxies? |
Marin, F. |
08-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 460, 3679 |
2016MNRAS.460.3679M |
4 |
1436 |
Tracking the iron K alpha line and the ultra fast outflow in NGC 2992 at different accretion states |
Marinucci, A.; Bianchi, S.; Braito, V.; Matt, G.; Nardini, E.; Reeves, J. |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 5638 |
2018MNRAS.478.5638M |
4 |
0654910301, 0654910401, 0654910501, 0654910601, 0654910701, 0654910801, 0654910901, 0654911001, 0701780101 |
1437 |
NuSTAR catches the unveiling nucleus of NGC 1068 |
Marinucci, A.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Gandhi, P.; Guainazzi, M.; Harrison, F. A.; Iwasawa, K.; Koss, M.; Madsen, K. K.; Nicastro, F.; Puccetti, S.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J. |
02-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 456, L94 |
2016MNRAS.456L..94M |
4 |
0740060201, 0740060301, 0740060401, 0740060501 |
1438 |
The X-ray spectral signatures from the complex circumnuclear regions in the Compton thick AGN NGC 424 |
Marinucci, A.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Miniutti, G.; Piconcelli, E. |
02-2011 |
2011, A&A, 526, 36 |
2011A&A...526A..36M |
4 |
0550950101, 0412990601, 0510780201 |
1439 |
The Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 2110: hard X-ray emission observed by NuSTAR and variability of the iron Kalpha line |
Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Lu, T. N.; Arevalo, P.; Balokovic, M.; Ballantyne, D.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Gandhi, P.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F.; Puccetti, S.; Rivers, E.; Walton, D. J.; Stern, D.; Zhang, W. |
02-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 447, 160 |
2015MNRAS.447..160M |
4 |
0145670101 |
1440 |
Simultaneous NuSTAR and XMM-Newton 0.5-80 keV spectroscopy of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy SWIFT J2127.4+5654 |
Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Kara, E.; Miniutti, G.; Elvis, M.; Arevalo, P.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F.; Brenneman, L.; Boggs, S. E.; Cappi, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Fuerst, F.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Risaliti, G.; Reynolds, C. S.; Stern, D. K.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. |
05-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 440, 2347 |
2014MNRAS.440.2347M |
4 |
0693781701, 0693781801, 0693781901 |
1441 |
The Broadband Spectral Variability of MCG-6-30-15 Observed by NuSTAR and XMM-Newton |
Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Miniutti, G.; Guainazzi, M.; Parker, M. L.; Brenneman, L.; Fabian, A. C.; Kara, E.; Arevalo, P.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Boggs, S. E.; Cappi, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Elvis, M.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Reynolds, C. S.; Risaliti, G.; Stern, D. K.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 787, 83 |
2014ApJ...787...83M |
4 |
0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
1442 |
A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark 120. VI. Geometry of the hot corona from spectroscopic and polarization signatures |
Marinucci, A.; Porquet, D.; Tamborra, F.; Bianchi, S.; Braito, V.; Lobban, A.; Marin, F.; Matt, G.; Middei, R.; Nardini, E.; Reeves, J.; Tortosa, A. |
03-2019 |
2019, A&A, 623, 12 |
2019A&A...623A..12M |
4 |
0721600201, 0721600201, 0721600301, 0721600401, 0721600501, 0693781501 |
1443 |
The X-ray reflector in NGC 4945: a time- and space-resolved portrait |
Marinucci, A.; Risaliti, G.; Wang, Junfeng; Nardini, E.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G. |
06-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 423, L6 |
2012MNRAS.423L...6M |
4 |
0204870101, 0112310301 |
1444 |
The coronal parameters of local Seyfert galaxies |
Marinucci, A.; Tortosa, A.; NuSTAR AGN Physics Working Group |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 490 |
2016AN....337..490M |
4 |
0693781701, 0693781801, 0693781901 |
1445 |
Polarization constraints on the X-ray corona in Seyfert Galaxies: MCG-05-23-16 |
Marinucci, A.;Muleri, F.;Dovciak, M.;Bianchi, S.;Marin, F.;Matt, G.;Ursini, F.;Middei, R.;Marshall, H. L.;Baldini, L.;Barnouin, T.;Rodriguez, N. Cavero;De Rosa, A.;Di Gesu, L.;Harper, D.;Ingram, A.;Karas, V.;Krawczynski, H.;Madejski, G.;Panagiotou, C.;Petrucci, P. O.;Podgorny, J.;Puccetti, S.;Tombesi, F.;Veledina, A.;Zhang, W.;Agudo, I.;Antonelli, L. A.;Bachetti, M.;Baumgartner, W. H.;Bellazzini, R.;Bongiorno, S. D.;Bonino, R.;Brez, A.;Bucciantini, N.;Capitanio, F.;Castellano, S.;Cavazzuti, E.;Ciprini, S.;Costa, E.;Del Monte, E.;Di Lalla, N.;Di Marco, A.;Donnarumma, I.;Doroshenko, V.;Ehlert, S. R.;Enoto, T.;Evangelista, Y.;Fabiani, S.;Ferrazzoli, R.;Garcia, J. A.;Gunji, S.;Hayashida, K.;Heyl, J.;Iwakiri, W.;Jorstad, S. G.;Kitaguchi, T.;Kolodziejczak, J. J.;La Monaca, F.;Latronico, L.;Liodakis, I.;Maldera, S.;Manfreda, A.;Marscher, A. P.;Mitsuishi, I.;Mizuno, T.;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, S. L.;Omodei, N.;Oppedisano, C.;Papitto, A.;Pavlov, G. G.;Peirson, A. L.;Perri, M.;Pesce-Rollins, M.;Pilia, M.;Possenti, A.;Poutanen, J.;Ramsey, B. D.;Rankin, J.;Ratheesh, A.;Romani, R. W.;Sgrš, C.;Slane, P.;Soffitta, P.;Spandre, G.;Tamagawa, T.;Tavecchio, F.;Taverna, R.;Tawara, Y.;Tennant, A. F.;Thomas, N. E.;Trois, A.;Tsygankov, S. S.;Turolla, R.;Vink, J.;Weisskopf, M. C.;Wu, K.;Xie, F.;Zane, S. |
11-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 516, 5907 |
2022MNRAS.516.5907M |
4 |
0890670101 |
1446 |
Breaking the rules at z â 0.45: The rebel case of RBS 1055 |
Marinucci, A.;Vietri, G.;Piconcelli, E.;Bianchi, S.;Guainazzi, M.;Lanzuisi, G.;Stern, D.;Vignali, C. |
10-2022 |
2022, A&A, 666, 169 |
2022A&A...666A.169M |
4 |
OM |
0744450101, 0744450401 |
1447 |
The Link between the Hidden Broad Line Region and the Accretion Rate in Seyfert 2 Galaxies |
Marinucci, Andrea; Bianchi, Stefano; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Matt, Giorgio; Goulding, Andy D. |
04-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 748, 130 |
2012ApJ...748..130M |
4 |
0111240101, 0200431101, 0301150201, 0067540201, 0002940701, 0301150401, 0200431001, 0111200201, 0152940101, 0554170101, 0200430201, 0200660101, 0301150501, 0303420101, 0201770201, 0405240201, 0301650201, 0204651201, 0112310201, 0202860101, 0301151101 |
1448 |
X-ray absorption variability in NGC 4507 |
Marinucci, Andrea; Risaliti, Guido; Wang, Junfeng; Bianchi, Stefano; Elvis, Martin; Matt, Giorgio; Nardini, Emanuele; Braito, Valentina |
03-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 429, 2581 |
2013MNRAS.429.2581M |
4 |
0653870201, 0653870301, 0653870401, 0653870501, 0653870601 |
1449 |
X-Ray Variability Characteristics of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3783 |
Markowitz, A. |
12-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 635, 180 |
2005ApJ...635..180M |
4 |
0112210201, 0112210501 |
1450 |
The X-Ray Power Spectral Density Function and Black Hole Mass Estimate for the Seyfert Active Galactic Nucleus IC 4329a |
Markowitz, A. |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 698, 1740 |
2009ApJ...698.1740M |
4 |
0147440101 |
1451 |
The X-ray Power Spectral Density Function of the Seyfert Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 7469 |
Markowitz, A. |
11-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 724, 26 |
2010ApJ...724...26M |
4 |
0207090201, 0207090101 |
1452 |
First X-ray-based statistical tests for clumpy-torus models: eclipse events from 230 years of monitoring of Seyfert AGN |
Markowitz, A. G.; Krumpe, M.; Nikutta, R. |
04-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 439, 1403 |
2014MNRAS.439.1403M |
4 |
1453 |
A Suzaku Observation of NGC 4593: Illuminating the Truncated Disk |
Markowitz, A. G.; Reeves, J. N. |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 705, 496 |
2009ApJ...705..496M |
4 |
0059830101 |
1454 |
The Energy-dependent X-Ray Timing Characteristics of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Mrk 766 |
Markowitz, A.; Papadakis, I.; Arévalo, P.; Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Reeves, J. N. |
02-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 656, 116 |
2007ApJ...656..116M |
4 |
0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701 |
1455 |
Fe K Emission and Absorption in the XMM-EPIC Spectrum of the Seyfert Galaxy IC 4329a |
Markowitz, A.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V. |
08-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 646, 783 |
2006ApJ...646..783M |
4 |
0147440101 |
1456 |
A Comprehensive X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the Seyfert 1.5 NGC 3227 |
Markowitz, A.; Reeves, J. N.; George, I. M.; Braito, V.; Smith, R.; Vaughan, S.; Arévalo, P.; Tombesi, F. |
02-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 691, 922 |
2009ApJ...691..922M |
4 |
0400270101 |
1457 |
eROSITA detection of a cloud obscuration event in the Seyfert AGN EC 04570-5206 |
Markowitz, Alex;Krumpe, Mirko;Homan, David;Gromadzki, Mariusz;Schramm, Malte;Boller, Thomas;Krishnan, Saikruba;Saha, Tathagata;Wilms, Joern;Gokus, Andrea;Haemmerich, Steven;Winkler, Hartmut;Buchner, Johannes;Buckley, David A. H.;Brogan, Roisin;Reichart, Daniel E. |
04-2024 |
2024, A&A, 684, 101 |
2024A&A...684A.101M |
4 |
0862770601, 0872391601, 0891801601, 0862771101 |
1458 |
Steep Hard-X-Ray Spectra Indicate Extremely High Accretion Rates in Weak Emission-line Quasars |
Marlar, Andrea; Shemmer, Ohad; Anderson, S. F.; Brandt, W. N.; Diamond-Stanic, A. M.; Fan, X.; Luo, B.; Plotkin, R. M.; Richards, Gordon T.; Schneider, D. P.; Wu, Jianfeng |
10-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 865, 92 |
2018ApJ...865...92M |
4 |
0760740101, 0692510201, 0651420201, 0551750301, 0692510101, 0760740201, 0782360101, 0760740401, 0782360201, 0743350501, 0760740301 |
1459 |
A fresh look at AGN spectral energy distribution fitting with the XMM-SERVS AGN sample |
Marshall, Adam;Auger-Williams, Matthew W.;Banerji, Manda;Maiolino, Roberto;Bowler, Rebecca |
10-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 515, 5617 |
2022MNRAS.515.5617M |
4 |
1460 |
Modeling the Power Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei with Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
Marshall, Kevin |
09-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 810, 52 |
2015ApJ...810...52M |
4 |
0502091001, 0059830101 |
1461 |
A blazar as the likely counterpart to 4FGL J0647.7-4418 instead of a gamma-ray binary |
MartÃ, Josep;Sánchez-Ayaso, Estrella;Luque-Escamilla, Pedro L.;Paredes, Josep M.;Bosch-Ramon, ValentÃ;Corbet, Robin H. D. |
03-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 492, 4291 |
2020MNRAS.492.4291M |
4 |
1462 |
AGNFITTER-RX: Modeling the radio-to-X-ray spectral energy distributions of AGNs |
MartÃnez-RamÃrez, L. N.;Calistro Rivera, G.;Lusso, E.;Bauer, F. E.;Nardini, E.;Buchner, J.;Brown, M. J. I.;Pineda, J. C. B.;Temple, M. J.;Banerji, M.;Stalevski, M.;Hennawi, J. F. |
08-2024 |
2024, A&A, 688, 46 |
2024A&A...688A..46M |
4 |
1463 |
Evidence for a large fraction of Compton-thick quasars at high redshift |
Martínez-Sansigre, Alejo; Rawlings, Steve; Bonfield, David G.; Mateos, Silvia; Simpson, Chris; Watson, Mike; Almaini, Omar; Foucaud, Sébastien; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Ueda, Yoshihiro |
07-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 379, L6 |
2007MNRAS.379L...6M |
2,4 |
0112370101, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0112371001, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001 |
1464 |
On the origin of the broad, relativistic iron line of MCG-6-30-15 observed by XMM-Newton |
Martocchia, A.; Matt, G.; Karas, V. |
03-2002 |
2002, A&A, 383, L23 |
2002A&A...383L..23M |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201, 0111570401, 0111570501 |
1465 |
The WISSH quasars project. III. X-ray properties of hyper-luminous quasars |
Martocchia, S.; Piconcelli, E.; Zappacosta, L.; Duras, F.; Vietri, G.; Vignali, C.; Bianchi, S.; Bischetti, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Brusa, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Marconi, A.; Mathur, S.; Miniutti, G.; Nicastro, F.; Bruni, G.; Fiore, F. |
12-2017 |
2017, A&A, 608, 51 |
2017A&A...608A..51M |
4 |
0745010301, 0104861001, 0143150201, 0405690501, 0402070101, 0763160201, 0745010401 |
1466 |
The nature of nuclear Hα emission in LINERs |
Masegosa, J.; Márquez, I.; Ramirez, A.; González-MartÃn, O. |
03-2011 |
2011, A&A, 527, 23 |
2011A&A...527A..23M |
4 |
1467 |
The populations of hard X-ray and γ-ray sources: a correlation study and new possible identifications |
Maselli, A.; Cusumano, G.; Massaro, E.; Segreto, A.; La Parola, V.; Tramacere, A.; Donnarumma, I. |
07-2011 |
2011, A&A, 531, 153 |
2011A&A...531A.153M |
4 |
0103262501 |
1468 |
The 26 year-long X-ray light curve and the X-ray spectrum of the BL Lacertae object 1E 1207.9+3945 in its brightest state |
Maselli, A.; Giommi, P.; Perri, M.; Nesci, R.; Tramacere, A.; Massaro, F.; Capalbi, M. |
02-2008 |
2008, A&A, 479, 35 |
2008A&A...479...35M |
4,5 |
0112830201, 0112830501 |
1469 |
New blazars from the cross-match of recent multi-frequency catalogs |
Maselli, A.; Massaro, F.; D'Abrusco, R.; Cusumano, G.; La Parola, V.; Segreto, A.; Tosti, G. |
06-2015 |
2015, Ap&SS, 357, 141 |
2015Ap&SS.357..141M |
4 |
1470 |
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. VI. A multi-observatory identification campaign |
Masetti, N.; Mason, E.; Morelli, L.; Cellone, S. A.; McBride, V. A.; Palazzi, E.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Charles, P. A.; Dean, A. J.; Galaz, G.; Gehrels, N.; Landi, R.; Malizia, A.; Minniti, D.; Panessa, F.; Romero, G. E.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P.; Walter, R. |
04-2008 |
2008, A&A, 482, 113 |
2008A&A...482..113M |
2,4,11,12 |
1471 |
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. IX. Twenty two more identifications, and a glance into the far hard X-ray Universe |
Masetti, N.; Parisi, P.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Palazzi, E.; Chavushyan, V.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Dean, A. J.; Galaz, G.; Landi, R.; Malizia, A.; Minniti, D.; Morelli, L.; Schiavone, F.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
02-2012 |
2012, A&A, 538, 123 |
2012A&A...538A.123M |
4 |
1472 |
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. VIII. Identification of 44 newly detected hard X-ray sources g |
Masetti, N.; Parisi, P.; Palazzi, E.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Chavushyan, V.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Dean, A. J.; Charles, P. A.; Galaz, G.; Landi, R.; Malizia, A.; Mason, E.; McBride, V. A.; Minniti, D.; Morelli, L.; Schiavone, F.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
09-2010 |
2010, A&A, 519, 96 |
2010A&A...519A..96M |
4,11,12 |
1473 |
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. X. A new multi-year, multi-observatory campaign |
Masetti, N.; Parisi, P.; Palazzi, E.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Chavushyan, V.; McBride, V.; Rojas, A. F.; Steward, L.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Charles, P. A.; Galaz, G.; Landi, R.; Malizia, A.; Mason, E.; Minniti, D.; Morelli, L.; Schiavone, F.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
08-2013 |
2013, A&A, 556, 120 |
2013A&A...556A.120M |
4,11 |
1474 |
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. VII. Identification of 20 Galactic and extragalactic hard X-ray sources |
Masetti, N.; Parisi, P.; Palazzi, E.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Morelli, L.; Chavushyan, V.; Mason, E.; McBride, V. A.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Dean, A. J.; Galaz, G.; Gehrels, N.; Landi, R.; Malizia, A.; Minniti, D.; Schiavone, F.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
02-2009 |
2009, A&A, 495, 121 |
2009A&A...495..121M |
4,11,12 |
1475 |
The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: Source Catalog and the Compton-thick Fraction in the UDS Field |
Masini, A.; Civano, F.; Comastri, A.; Fornasini, F.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Lansbury, G. B.; Treister, E.; Alexander, D. M.; Boorman, P. G.; Brandt, W. N.; Farrah, D.; Gandhi, P.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Kocevski, D. D.; Lanz, L.; Marchesi, S.; Puccetti, S.; Ricci, C.; Saez, C.; Stern, D.; Zappacosta, L. |
03-2018 |
2018, ApJS, 235, 17 |
2018ApJS..235...17M |
4 |
1476 |
The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: Unveiling Rare, Buried AGNs and Detecting the Contributors to the Peak of the Cosmic X-Ray Background |
Masini, A.; Comastri, A.; Civano, F.; Hickox, R. C.; Carroll, C. M.; Suh, H.; Brandt, W. N.; DiPompeo, M. A.; Harrison, F. A.; Stern, D. |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 867, 162 |
2018ApJ...867..162M |
4 |
1477 |
The Phoenix galaxy as seen by NuSTAR |
Masini, A.; Comastri, A.; Puccetti, S.; Balokovic, M.; Gandhi, P.; Guainazzi, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Boorman, P. G.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Farrah, D.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Koss, M. J.; LaMassa, S. M.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
01-2017 |
2017, A&A, 597, 100 |
2017A&A...597A.100M |
4 |
0002940701 |
1478 |
Comprehensive X-ray view of the active nucleus in NGC 4258 |
Masini, A.;Wijesekera, J. V.;Celotti, A.;Boorman, P. G. |
07-2022 |
2022, A&A, 663, 87 |
2022A&A...663A..87M |
4 |
0110920101, 0059140101, 0059140201, 0059140401, 0059140901, 0400560301 |
1479 |
Toward measuring the spin of obscured supermassive black holes. A critical assessment with disk megamasers |
Masini, Alberto;Celotti, Annalisa;Campitiello, Samuele |
02-2022 |
2022, A&A, 658, 68 |
2022A&A...658A..68M |
4 |
0306050201, 0654800201, 0824970301, 0654800101 |
1480 |
The X-Ray Spectrum of the Seyfert I Galaxy Markarian 766: Dusty Warm Absorber or Relativistic Emission Lines? |
Mason, K. O.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Ogle, P. M.; Page, M. J.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Behar, E.; Córdova, F. A.; Davis, S.; Maraschi, L.; McHardy, I. M.; O'Brien, P. T.; Priedhorsky, W. C.; Sasseen, T. P. |
01-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 582, 95 |
2003ApJ...582...95M |
4 |
0109141301 |
1481 |
X-ray broad line emission in Seyfert galaxies: Mrk 766 and NGC 4051 |
Mason, K. O.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Ogle, P. M.; Page, M. J.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Salvi, N. J. |
01-2004 |
2004, AdSpR, 34, 2610 |
2004AdSpR..34.2610M |
4 |
1482 |
XMM-Newton Observations of a Possible Light Echo in the Seyfert 1 Nucleus of NGC 4051 |
Mason, K. O.; McHardy, I. M.; Page, M. J.; Uttley, P.; Córdova, F. A.; Maraschi, L.; Priedhorsky, W. C.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Sasseen, T. |
12-2002 |
2002, ApJ, 580, L117 |
2002ApJ...580L.117M |
4 |
0109141401 |
1483 |
Disentangling the AGN and star formation connection using XMM-Newton |
Masoura, V. A.; Mountrichas, G.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Ruiz, A.; Magdis, G.; Plionis, M. |
10-2018 |
2018, A&A, 618, 31 |
2018A&A...618A..31M |
4 |
1484 |
Relation between AGN type and host galaxy properties |
Masoura, V. A.;Mountrichas, G.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Plionis, M. |
02-2021 |
2021, A&A, 646, 167 |
2021A&A...646A.167M |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1485 |
The properties of the circumnuclear regions in the Circinus galaxy |
Massaro, F.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; D'Onofrio, E.; Nicastro, F. |
08-2006 |
2006, A&A, 455, 153 |
2006A&A...455..153M |
4 |
0111240101 |
1486 |
Deciphering the Large-scale Environment of Radio Galaxies in the Local Universe. II. A Statistical Analysis of Environmental Properties |
Massaro, F.; Capetti, A.; Paggi, A.; Baldi, R. D.; Tramacere, A.; Pillitteri, I.; Campana, R.; Jimenez-Gallardo, A.; Missaglia, V. |
04-2020 |
2020, ApJS, 247, 71 |
2020ApJS..247...71M |
4 |
1487 |
Unveiling the Nature of Unidentified Gamma-Ray Sources. II. Radio, Infrared, and Optical Counterparts of the Gamma-Ray Blazar Candidates |
Massaro, F.; D'Abrusco, R.; Paggi, A.; Masetti, N.; Giroletti, M.; Tosti, G.; Smith, Howard A.; Funk, S. |
06-2013 |
2013, ApJS, 206, 13 |
2013ApJS..206...13M |
4 |
1488 |
Swift observations of IBL and LBL objects |
Massaro, F.; Giommi, P.; Tosti, G.; Cassetti, A.; Nesci, R.; Perri, M.; Burrows, D.; Gerehls, N. |
10-2008 |
2008, A&A, 489, 1047 |
2008A&A...489.1047M |
4 |
1489 |
Chandra Observations of 3C Radio Sources with z < 0.3: Nuclei, Diffuse Emission, Jets, and Hotspots |
Massaro, F.; Harris, D. E.; Tremblay, G. R.; Axon, D.; Baum, S. A.; Capetti, A.; Chiaberge, M.; Gilli, R.; Giovannini, G.; Grandi, P.; Macchetto, F. D.; O'Dea, C. P.; Risaliti, G.; Sparks, W. |
05-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 714, 589 |
2010ApJ...714..589M |
4 |
1490 |
X-Ray Spectral Curvature of High-frequency-peaked BL Lac Objects: A Predictor for the TeV Flux |
Massaro, F.; Paggi, A.; Elvis, M.; Cavaliere, A. |
10-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 739, 73 |
2011ApJ...739...73M |
4 |
1491 |
X-ray spectral evolution of TeV BL Lacertae objects: eleven years of observations with BeppoSAX, XMM-Newton and Swift satellites |
Massaro, F.; Tramacere, A.; Cavaliere, A.; Perri, M.; Giommi, P. |
02-2008 |
2008, A&A, 478, 395 |
2008A&A...478..395M |
4,5 |
0094381101, 0111830201, 0205920501, 0094380601, 0205920601, 0094170101, 0111840101, 0111850201, 0165770101, 0165770201, 0212090201, 0310190101, 0310190201, 0310190501, 0094380801, 0113060201, 0113060401, 0094380201, 0094383301, 0094383501, 0205920401, 0304080301, 0304080401, 0124930101, 0124930201, 0080940101, 0080940301, 0124930301, 0124930501, 0124930601, 0158960101, 0158960901, 0158961001, 0158961101, 0158961301, 0158961401, 0304080601 |
1492 |
X-ray spectral evolution of TeV BL Lacertae objects: eleven years of observations with BeppoSAX, XMM-Newton and Swift satellites |
Massaro, F.; Tramacere, A.; Cavaliere, A.; Perri, M.; Giommi, P. |
04-2011 |
2011, A&A, 528, 1 |
2011A&A...528C...1M |
4 |
1493 |
Evolution of the Quasar Luminosity Function over 3 < z < 5 in the COSMOS Survey Field |
Masters, D.; Capak, P.; Salvato, M.; Civano, F.; Mobasher, B.; Siana, B.; Hasinger, G.; Impey, C. D.; Nagao, T.; Trump, J. R.; Ikeda, H.; Elvis, M.; Scoville, N. |
08-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 755, 169 |
2012ApJ...755..169M |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501 |
1494 |
Unusual Hard X-Ray Flares Caught in NICER Monitoring of the Binary Supermassive Black Hole Candidate AT2019cuk/Tick Tock/SDSS J1430+2303 |
Masterson, Megan;Kara, Erin;Pasham, Dheeraj R.;D'Orazio, Daniel J.;Walton, Dominic J.;Fabian, Andrew C.;Lucchini, Matteo;Remillard, Ronald A.;Arzoumanian, Zaven;Burkhonov, Otabek;Choi, Hyeonho;Ehgamberdiev, Shuhrat A.;Ferrara, Elizabeth C.;Guolo, Muryel;Im, Myungshin;Kim, Yonggi;Mirzaqulov, Davron O.;Paek, Gregory S. H.;Sung, Hyun-Il;Yoon, Joh-Na |
03-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 945, L34 |
2023ApJ...945L..34M |
4 |
0893810201, 0893810401 |
1495 |
Evolution of a Relativistic Outflow and X-Ray Corona in the Extreme Changing-look AGN 1ES 1927+654 |
Masterson, Megan;Kara, Erin;Ricci, Claudio;GarcÃa, Javier A.;Fabian, Andrew C.;Pinto, Ciro;Kosec, Peter;Remillard, Ronald A.;Loewenstein, Michael;Trakhtenbrot, Benny;Arcavi, Iair |
07-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 934, 35 |
2022ApJ...934...35M |
4 |
0830191101, 0831790301, 0843270101, 0843270201, 0863230101, 0863230201, 0863230301 |
1496 |
Multi-timescale reverberation mapping of Mrk 335 |
Mastroserio, Guglielmo;Ingram, Adam;van der Klis, Michiel |
09-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, 4971 |
2020MNRAS.498.4971M |
4 |
0306870101 |
1497 |
Uncovering obscured luminous AGN with WISE |
Mateos, S.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Carrera, F. J.; Blain, A.; Severgnini, P.; Caccianiga, A.; Ruiz, A. |
09-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 434, 941 |
2013MNRAS.434..941M |
4 |
1498 |
Using the Bright Ultrahard XMM-Newton survey to define an IR selection of luminous AGN based on WISE colours |
Mateos, S.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Carrera, F. J.; Blain, A.; Watson, M. G.; Barcons, X.; Braito, V.; Severgnini, P.; Donley, J. L.; Stern, D. |
11-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 426, 3271 |
2012MNRAS.426.3271M |
4 |
1499 |
X-ray spectra of XMM-Newton serendipitous medium flux sources |
Mateos, S.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Caccianiga, A.; Lamer, G.; Maccacaro, T.; Page, M. J.; Schwope, A.; Watson, M. G. |
04-2005 |
2005, A&A, 433, 855 |
2005A&A...433..855M |
2,4 |
0125310101, 0111000101, 0111000201, 0112650501, 0112650401, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112370301, 0111220201, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0106460101, 0112620101, 0102040301, 0102040201, 0124110101, 0124900101, 0100240101, 0100240201, 0100240801, 0103060101, 0092850201, 0008830101, 0012440301, 0106660401, 0106660501, 0106660601, 0100440101, 0081340901, 0112880301 |
1500 |
XMM-Newton observations of the Lockman Hole IV: spectra of the brightest AGN |
Mateos, S.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Hasinger, G.; Lehmann, I.; Fabian, A. C.; Streblyanska, A. |
12-2005 |
2005, A&A, 444, 79 |
2005A&A...444...79M |
2,4 |
1501 |
X-ray spectra of XMM-Newton AXIS serendipitous sources |
Mateos, S.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; The XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre |
00-2003 |
2003, AN, 324, 48 |
2003AN....324...48M |
2,4 |
1502 |
XMM-Newton observations of the Lockman Hole. V. Time variability of the brightest AGN |
Mateos, S.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Page, M. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Hasinger, G.; Fabian, A. C. |
10-2007 |
2007, A&A, 473, 105 |
2007A&A...473..105M |
4 |
0123700101, 0123700401, 0123700901, 0123701001, 0022740201, 0022740301, 0147510101, 0147510801, 0147510901, 0147511001, 0147511101, 0147511201, 0147511301, 0147511601, 0147511701, 0147511801 |
1503 |
X-Ray Absorption, Nuclear Infrared Emission, and Dust Covering Factors of AGNs: Testing Unification Schemes |
Mateos, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Hernán-Caballero, A.; Barcons, X.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Watson, M. G.; Blain, A.; Caccianiga, A.; Ballo, L.; Braito, V.; Ramos Almeida, C. |
03-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 819, 166 |
2016ApJ...819..166M |
4 |
1504 |
Revisiting the relationship between 6 mum and 2-10 keV continuum luminosities of AGN |
Mateos, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Rovilos, E.; Hernán-Caballero, A.; Barcons, X.; Blain, A.; Caccianiga, A.; Della Ceca, R.; Severgnini, P. |
05-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 449, 1422 |
2015MNRAS.449.1422M |
4 |
1505 |
The XMM-Newton Wide Angle Survey (XWAS): the X-ray spectrum of type-1 AGN |
Mateos, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Page, M. J.; Watson, M. G.; Corral, A.; Tedds, J. A.; Ebrero, J.; Krumpe, M.; Schwope, A.; Ceballos, M. T. |
02-2010 |
2010, A&A, 510, 35 |
2010A&A...510A..35M |
2,4 |
1506 |
High precision X-ray log N - log S distributions: implications for the obscured AGN population |
Mateos, S.; Warwick, R. S.; Carrera, F. J.; Stewart, G. C.; Ebrero, J.; Della Ceca, R.; Caccianiga, A.; Gilli, R.; Page, M. J.; Treister, E.; Tedds, J. A.; Watson, M. G.; Lamer, G.; Saxton, R. D.; Brunner, H.; Page, C. G. |
12-2008 |
2008, A&A, 492, 51 |
2008A&A...492...51M |
4 |
1507 |
XMM-Newton Observations of SDSS J143030.22 â 001115.1: An Unusually Flat-Spectrum Active Galactic Nucleus |
Mathur, S.; Golowacz, E. C.; Williams, R.; Pogge, R.; Fields, D.; Grupe, D. |
12-2009 |
2009, AJ, 138, 1655 |
2009AJ....138.1655M |
4 |
0501540201 |
1508 |
The O VI Mystery: Mismatch between X-Ray and UV Column Densities |
Mathur, S.; Nicastro, F.; Gupta, A.; Krongold, Y.; McLaughlin, B. M.; Brickhouse, N.; Pradhan, A. |
12-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 851, L7 |
2017ApJ...851L...7M |
4 |
1509 |
The z=5.8 Quasar SDSSp J1044-0125: A Peek at Quasar Evolution? |
Mathur, Smita |
10-2001 |
2001, AJ, 122, 1688 |
2001AJ....122.1688M |
4 |
0125300101 |
1510 |
XMM-Newton Observations of the Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasar FBQS J131213.5+231958 |
Mathur, Smita; Dai, Xinyu |
12-2010 |
2010, AJ, 140, 1960 |
2010AJ....140.1960M |
4 |
0403040101, 0403040201, 0403040501 |
1511 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Luminous Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
Matsumoto, C.; Leighly, K. M.; Kawaguchi, T. |
01-2004 |
2004, PThPS, 155, 377 |
2004PThPS.155..377M |
4 |
1512 |
An XMM-Newton Observation of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 6300. I. The Nucleus |
Matsumoto, Chiho; Nava, Aida; Maddox, Larry A.; Leighly, Karen M.; Grupe, Dirk; Awaki, Hisamitsu; Ueno, Shiro |
12-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 617, 930 |
2004ApJ...617..930M |
4 |
0059770101, 0059770201 |
1513 |
The Nature of Hard X-Ray (3-24 keV) Detected Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the COSMOS Field |
Matsuoka, Kenta; Ueda, Yoshihiro |
04-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 838, 128 |
2017ApJ...838..128M |
4 |
1514 |
Active galaxies |
Matt, G. |
02-2008 |
2008, AN, 329, 151 |
2008AN....329..151M |
4 |
1515 |
Suzaku observation of the Phoenix galaxy |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Awaki, H.; Comastri, A.; Guainazzi, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Jimenez-Bailon, E.; Nicastro, F. |
03-2009 |
2009, A&A, 496, 653 |
2009A&A...496..653M |
4 |
0002940701 |
1516 |
The complex X-ray spectrum of NGC 4507 |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; D'Ammando, F.; Martocchia, A. |
07-2004 |
2004, A&A, 421, 473 |
2004A&A...421..473M |
4 |
1517 |
XMM-Newton observation of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy, MCG+8-11-11 |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; de Rosa, A.; Grandi, P.; Perola, G. C. |
01-2006 |
2006, A&A, 445, 451 |
2006A&A...445..451M |
4 |
0201930201 |
1518 |
The Suzaku X-ray spectrum of NGC 3147. Further insights on the best "true" Seyfert 2 galaxy candidate |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Barcons, X.; Panessa, F. |
04-2012 |
2012, A&A, 540, 111 |
2012A&A...540A.111M |
4 |
0405020601 |
1519 |
Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of Tololo 0109-383 |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Brandt, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Perola, G. C. |
02-2003 |
2003, A&A, 399, 519 |
2003A&A...399..519M |
4 |
0002942301 |
1520 |
Extreme warm absorber variability in the Seyfert galaxy Mrk 704 |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Longinotti, A. L.; Dadina, M.; Karas, V.; Malaguti, G.; Miniutti, G.; Petrucci, P. O.; Piconcelli, E.; Ponti, G. |
09-2011 |
2011, A&A, 533, 1 |
2011A&A...533A...1M |
4 |
0502091601, 0300240101 |
1521 |
The high energy emission line spectrum of NGC 1068 |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Molendi, S. |
01-2004 |
2004, A&A, 414, 155 |
2004A&A...414..155M |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201 |
1522 |
X-ray observations of the Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 5643 |
Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Marinucci, A.; Guainazzi, M.; Iwawasa, K.; Jimenez Bailon, E. |
08-2013 |
2013, A&A, 556, 91 |
2013A&A...556A..91M |
4 |
0140950101, 0601420101 |
1523 |
The complex iron line of NGC 5506 |
Matt, G.; Guainazzi, M.; Perola, G. C.; Fiore, F.; Nicastro, F.; Cappi, M.; Piro, L. |
10-2001 |
2001, A&A, 377, L31 |
2001A&A...377L..31M |
4 |
0013140101 |
1524 |
The soft-X-ray emission of Ark 120. XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and the importance of taking the broad view |
Matt, G.; Marinucci, A.; Guainazzi, M.; Brenneman, L. W.; Elvis, M.; Lohfink, A.; Arèvalo, P.; Boggs, S. E.; Cappi, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Fuerst, F.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Parker, M.; Reynolds, C. S.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
04-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 439, 3016 |
2014MNRAS.439.3016M |
4 |
0693781501 |
1525 |
A changing inner radius in the accretion disc of Q0056-363? |
Matt, G.; Porquet, D.; Bianchi, S.; Falocco, S.; Maiolino, R.; Reeves, J. N.; Zappacosta, L. |
06-2005 |
2005, A&A, 435, 857 |
2005A&A...435..857M |
4 |
0102040701, 0205680101 |
1526 |
Broad band spectral properties of AGNs and quasars, observations and theory |
Matt, Giorgio |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 97 |
2004NuPhS.132...97M |
4 |
1527 |
The properties of the absorbing and line-emitting material in IGR J16318 - 4848 |
Matt, Giorgio; Guainazzi, Matteo |
05-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 341, L13 |
2003MNRAS.341L..13M |
4 |
0154750401 |
1528 |
Active galactic nuclei in the mid-IR. Evolution and contribution to the cosmic infrared background |
Matute, I.; La Franca, F.; Pozzi, F.; Gruppioni, C.; Lari, C.; Zamorani, G. |
05-2006 |
2006, A&A, 451, 443 |
2006A&A...451..443M |
4 |
1529 |
Quasi-stellar objects in the ALHAMBRA survey. I. Photometric redshift accuracy based on 23 optical-NIR filter photometry |
Matute, I.; Márquez, I.; Masegosa, J.; Husillos, C.; del Olmo, A.; Perea, J.; Alfaro, E. J.; Fernández-Soto, A.; Moles, M.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Aparicio-Villegas, T.; BenÃtez, N.; Broadhurst, T.; Cabrera-Cano, J.; Castander, F. J.; Cepa, J.; Cerviño, M.; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.; Infante, L.; González Delgado, R. M.; MartÃnez, V. J.; Molino, A.; Prada, F.; Quintana, J. M. |
06-2012 |
2012, A&A, 542, 20 |
2012A&A...542A..20M |
4 |
1530 |
Evidence for a clumpy disc-wind in the star-forming Seyfert 2 galaxy MCG-03-58-007 |
Matzeu, G. A.; Braito, V.; Reeves, J. N.; Severgnini, P.; Ballo, L.; Caccianiga, A.; Campana, S.; Cicone, C.; Della Ceca, R.; Parker, M. L.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Schartel, N. |
02-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 483, 2836 |
2019MNRAS.483.2836M |
4 |
0764010101 |
1531 |
Evidence for a radiatively driven disc-wind in PDS 456? |
Matzeu, G. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Nardini, E.; McLaughlin, D. E.; Lobban, A. P.; Tombesi, F.; Costa, M. T. |
11-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 472, L15 |
2017MNRAS.472L..15M |
4 |
0041160101, 0501580101, 0721010201, 0721010301, 0721010401, 0721010501, 0721010601 |
1532 |
Short-term X-ray spectral variability of the quasar PDS 456 observed in a low-flux state |
Matzeu, G. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Nardini, E.; Braito, V.; Costa, M. T.; Tombesi, F.; Gofford, J. |
05-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 1311 |
2016MNRAS.458.1311M |
4 |
0721010201, 0721010601 |
1533 |
X-ray flaring in PDS 456 observed in a high-flux state |
Matzeu, G. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Nardini, E.; Braito, V.; Turner, T. J.; Costa, M. T. |
03-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 465, 2804 |
2017MNRAS.465.2804M |
4 |
0721010301 |
1534 |
Supermassive Black Hole Winds in X-rays: SUBWAYS. I. Ultra-fast outflows in quasars beyond the local Universe |
Matzeu, G. A.;Brusa, M.;Lanzuisi, G.;Dadina, M.;Bianchi, S.;Kriss, G.;Mehdipour, M.;Nardini, E.;Chartas, G.;Middei, R.;Piconcelli, E.;Gianolli, V.;Comastri, A.;Longinotti, A. L.;Krongold, Y.;Ricci, F.;Petrucci, P. O.;Tombesi, F.;Luminari, A.;Zappacosta, L.;Miniutti, G.;Gaspari, M.;Behar, E.;Bischetti, M.;Mathur, S.;Perna, M.;Giustini, M.;Grandi, P.;Torresi, E.;Vignali, C.;Bruni, G.;Cappi, M.;Costantini, E.;Cresci, G.;De Marco, B.;De Rosa, A.;Gilli, R.;Guainazzi, M.;Kaastra, J.;Kraemer, S.;La Franca, F.;Marconi, A.;Panessa, F.;Ponti, G.;Proga, D.;Ursini, F.;Baldini, P.;Fiore, F.;King, A. R.;Maiolino, R.;Matt, G.;Merloni, A. |
02-2023 |
2023, A&A, 670, 182 |
2023A&A...670A.182M |
4 |
0841480101, 0841480201, 0841480401, 0841480501, 0841480601, 0841480701, 0841480801, 0841480901, 0841481001, 0841482301, 0841481101, 0841481301, 0841481401, 0841481501, 0841481601, 0841481701, 0841481901, 0841482101, 0102040401, 0605110101, 0605110201, 0203770201, 0400200101, 0830470101, 0204040101, 0204040201, 0204040301, 0304320201, 0304320301, 0304320801, 0109080801, 0651330101, 0651330301, 0651330401, 0651330501, 0651330601, 0651330701, 0651330801, 0651330901, 0651331001, 0651331101 |
1535 |
A new emulated Monte Carlo radiative transfer disc-wind model: X-Ray Accretion Disc-wind Emulator - XRADE |
Matzeu, G. A.;Lieu, M.;Costa, M. T.;Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Dadina, M.;Nardini, E.;Boorman, P. G.;Parker, M. L.;Sim, S. A.;Barret, D.;Kammoun, E.;Middei, R.;Giustini, M.;Brusa, M.;Cabrera, J. Pérez;Marchesi, S. |
10-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 515, 6172 |
2022MNRAS.515.6172M |
4 |
1536 |
The first broad-band X-ray view of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Ton S180 |
Matzeu, G. A.;Nardini, E.;Parker, M. L.;Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Porquet, D.;Middei, R.;Kammoun, E.;Lusso, E.;Alston, W. N.;Giustini, M.;Lobban, A. P.;Joyce, A. M.;Igo, Z.;Ebrero, J.;Ballo, L.;Santos-Lleó, M.;Schartel, N. |
07-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 497, 2352 |
2020MNRAS.497.2352M |
4 |
0790990101, 0110890401, 0110890701, 0764170101 |
1537 |
Investigation of Dual Active Nuclei, Outflows, Shock-heated Gas, and Young Star Clusters in Markarian 266 |
Mazzarella, J. M.; Iwasawa, K.; Vavilkin, T.; Armus, L.; Kim, D.-C.; Bothun, G.; Evans, A. S.; Spoon, H. W. W.; Haan, S.; Howell, J. H.; Lord, S.; Marshall, J. A.; Ishida, C. M.; Xu, C. K.; Petric, A.; Sanders, D. B.; Surace, J. A.; Appleton, P.; Chan, B. H. P.; Frayer, D. T.; Inami, H.; Khachikian, E. Ye.; Madore, B. F.; Privon, G. C.; Sturm, E.; U, Vivian; Veilleux, S. |
11-2012 |
2012, AJ, 144, 125 |
2012AJ....144..125M |
4 |
0055990501 |
1538 |
Heavily obscured AGN detection: A radio versus X-ray challenge |
Mazzolari, G.;Gilli, R.;Brusa, M.;Mignoli, M.;Vito, F.;Prandoni, I.;Marchesi, S.;Chiaberge, M.;Lanzuisi, G.;D'Amato, Q.;Comastri, A.;Vignali, C.;Iwasawa, K.;Norman, C. |
07-2024 |
2024, A&A, 687, 120 |
2024A&A...687A.120M |
4 |
1539 |
The evolution of radio sources in the UKIDSS-DXS-XMM-LSS field |
McAlpine, Kim; Jarvis, Matt J. |
05-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, 1054 |
2011MNRAS.413.1054M |
4 |
1540 |
Black Holes in Bulgeless Galaxies: An XMM-Newton Investigation of NGC 3367 and NGC 4536 |
McAlpine, W.; Satyapal, S.; Gliozzi, M.; Cheung, C. C.; Sambruna, R. M.; Eracleous, Michael |
02-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 728, 25 |
2011ApJ...728...25M |
4 |
0551450101, 0551450301 |
1541 |
Star Formation Efficiency in the Cool Cores of Galaxy Clusters |
McDonald, Michael; Veilleux, Sylvain; Rupke, David S. N.; Mushotzky, Richard; Reynolds, Christopher Star |
06-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 734, 95 |
2011ApJ...734...95M |
3,4,5,7 |
OM |
1542 |
The Unusual Weak-line Quasar PG1407+265 and Its Foreground z 0.7 X-Ray Cluster |
McDowell, Jonathan C.;Siemiginowska, Aneta;Ashby, Matthew;Blundell, Katherine;Gallo, Luigi C. |
09-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 919, 22 |
2021ApJ...919...22M |
4 |
0092850101, 0092850501 |
1543 |
Discovery of multiple Lorentzian components in the X-ray timing properties of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Ark 564 |
McHardy, I. M.; Ar?valo, P.; Uttley, P.; Papadakis, I. E.; Summons, D. P.; Brinkmann, W.; Page, M. J. |
12-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 382, 985 |
2007MNRAS.382..985M |
4 |
0206400101 |
1544 |
The origin of UV-optical variability in AGN and test of disc models: XMM-Newton and ground-based observations of NGC 4395 |
McHardy, I. M.; Connolly, S. D.; Peterson, B. M.; Bieryla, A.; Chand, H.; Elvis, M. S.; Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Falco, E.; Gandhi, P.; Kaspi, S.; Latham, D.; Lira, P.; McCully, C.; Netzer, H.; Uemura, M. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 500 |
2016AN....337..500M |
4 |
0744010101, 0744010201 |
1545 |
MCG-6-30-15: long time-scale X-ray variability, black hole mass and active galactic nuclei high states |
McHardy, I. M.; Gunn, K. F.; Uttley, P.; Goad, M. R. |
06-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 359, 1469 |
2005MNRAS.359.1469M |
4 |
0029740801, 0029740701, 0029740101 |
1546 |
Combined long and short time-scale X-ray variability of NGC 4051 with RXTE and XMM-Newton |
McHardy, I. M.; Papadakis, I. E.; Uttley, P.; Page, M. J.; Mason, K. O. |
03-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 348, 783 |
2004MNRAS.348..783M |
4 |
0109141401 |
1547 |
First detection of the outer edge of an AGN accretion disc: very fast multiband optical variability of NGC 4395 with GTC/HiPERCAM and LT/IO:O |
McHardy, I. M.;Beard, M.;Breedt, E.;Knapen, J. H.;Vincentelli, F. M.;Veresvarska, M.;Dhillon, V. S.;Marsh, T. R.;Littlefair, S. P.;Horne, K.;Glew, R.;Goad, M. R.;Kammoun, E.;Emmanoulopoulos, D. |
03-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 519, 3366 |
2023MNRAS.519.3366M |
4 |
1548 |
Ripple effects and oscillations in the broad Fe Kalpha line as a probe of massive black hole mergers |
McKernan, B.; Ford, K. E. S.; Kocsis, B.; Haiman, Z. |
06-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 432, 1468 |
2013MNRAS.432.1468M |
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1549 |
A soft X-ray study of type I active galactic nuclei observed with Chandra high-energy transmission grating spectrometer |
McKernan, B.; Yaqoob, T.; Reynolds, C. S. |
08-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 379, 1359 |
2007MNRAS.379.1359M |
4 |
1550 |
An Energetic AGN Outburst Powered by a Rapidly Spinning Supermassive Black Hole or an Accreting Ultramassive Black Hole |
McNamara, B. R.; Kazemzadeh, F.; Rafferty, D. A.; Bîrzan, L.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Kirkpatrick, C. C.; Wise, M. W. |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 698, 594 |
2009ApJ...698..594M |
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1551 |
Heating Hot Atmospheres with Active Galactic Nuclei |
McNamara, B. R.; Nulsen, P. E. J. |
09-2007 |
2007, ARA&A, 45, 117 |
2007ARA&A..45..117M |
4 |
1552 |
The Starburst in the Abell 1835 Cluster Central Galaxy: A Case Study of Galaxy Formation Regulated by an Outburst from a Supermassive Black Hole |
McNamara, B. R.; Rafferty, D. A.; Bîrzan, L.; Steiner, J.; Wise, M. W.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Carilli, C. L.; Ryan, R.; Sharma, M. |
09-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 648, 164 |
2006ApJ...648..164M |
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1553 |
Machine learning applications in studies of the physical properties of active galactic nuclei based on photometric observations |
Mechbal, Sarah;Ackermann, Markus;Kowalski, Marek |
05-2024 |
2024, A&A, 685, 107 |
2024A&A...685A.107M |
4 |
1554 |
XMM-Newton observations of the extremely X-ray luminous quasar CFHQS J142952+544717=SRGE J142952.1 + 544716 at redshift z = 6.18 |
Medvedev, P.;Gilfanov, M.;Sazonov, S.;Schartel, N.;Sunyaev, R. |
06-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 504, 576 |
2021MNRAS.504..576M |
4 |
0871191201 |
1555 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. IV. Optical-UV-X-ray variability and the nature of the soft X-ray excess |
Mehdipour, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Petrucci, P. O.; Kriss, G. A.; Ponti, G.; Blustin, A. J.; Paltani, S.; Cappi, M.; Detmers, R. G.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 39 |
2011A&A...534A..39M |
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0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101 |
1556 |
The X-ray warm absorber and nuclear obscuration in the Seyfert 1.8 galaxy ESO 113-G010 |
Mehdipour, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Page, M. J. |
06-2012 |
2012, A&A, 542, 30 |
2012A&A...542A..30M |
4 |
0301890101 |
1557 |
The warm absorber and X-ray variability of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516 as seen by the XMM-Newton RGS |
Mehdipour, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Page, M. J. |
05-2010 |
2010, A&A, 514, 100 |
2010A&A...514A.100M |
4 |
0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001 |
1558 |
Chasing obscuration in type-I AGN: discovery of an eclipsing clumpy wind at the outer broad-line region of NGC 3783 |
Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Di Gesu, L.; Kaspi, S.; Mao, J.; De Marco, B.; Matt, G.; Paltani, S.; Peretz, U.; Peterson, B. M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G.; Ursini, F.; de Vries, C. P.; Walton, D. J. |
10-2017 |
2017, A&A, 607, 28 |
2017A&A...607A..28M |
4 |
0780860901, 0780861001 |
1559 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VII. Swift study of obscuration and broadband continuum variability |
Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Cappi, M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; De Marco, B.; Ponti, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Di Gesu, L.; Matt, G.; Paltani, S.; Peterson, B. M.; Ursini, F.; Whewell, M. |
04-2016 |
2016, A&A, 588, 139 |
2016A&A...588A.139M |
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0720110301, 0720110401, 0720110501, 0720110601, 0720110701, 0720110801, 0720110901, 0720111001, 0720111101, 0720111201, 0720111301, 0720111401, 0720111501, 0720111601 |
1560 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. I. A global model for the broadband spectral energy distribution<xref ref-type= |
Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Cappi, M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Boissay, R.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Di Gesu, L.; Harrison, F. A.; Kaspi, S.; De Marco, B.; Matt, G.; Paltani, S.; Peterson, B. M.; Ponti, G.; Pozo Nuñez, F.; De Rosa, A.; Ursini, F.; de Vries, C. P.; Walton, D. J.; Whewell, M. |
03-2015 |
2015, A&A, 575, 22 |
2015A&A...575A..22M |
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0720110301, 0720110401, 0720110501, 0720110601, 0720110701, 0720110801, 0720110901, 0720111001, 0720111101, 0720111201, 0720111301, 0720111401, 0720111501, 0720111601 |
1561 |
Supermassive Black Hole Winds in X-rays: SUBWAYS. II. HST UV spectroscopy of winds at intermediate redshifts |
Mehdipour, M.;Kriss, G. A.;Brusa, M.;Matzeu, G. A.;Gaspari, M.;Kraemer, S. B.;Mathur, S.;Behar, E.;Bianchi, S.;Cappi, M.;Chartas, G.;Costantini, E.;Cresci, G.;Dadina, M.;De Marco, B.;De Rosa, A.;Dunn, J. P.;Gianolli, V. E.;Giustini, M.;Kaastra, J. S.;King, A. R.;Krongold, Y.;La Franca, F.;Lanzuisi, G.;Longinotti, A. L.;Luminari, A.;Middei, R.;Miniutti, G.;Nardini, E.;Perna, M.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Piconcelli, E.;Ponti, G.;Ricci, F.;Tombesi, F.;Ursini, F.;Vignali, C.;Zappacosta, L. |
02-2023 |
2023, A&A, 670, 183 |
2023A&A...670A.183M |
4 |
1562 |
Transient obscuration event captured in NGC 3227. I. Continuum model for the broadband spectral energy distribution |
Mehdipour, M.;Kriss, G. A.;Kaastra, J. S.;Wang, Y.;Mao, J.;Costantini, E.;Arav, N.;Behar, E.;Bianchi, S.;Branduardi-Raymont, G.;Brotherton, M.;Cappi, M.;De Marco, B.;Di Gesu, L.;Ebrero, J.;Grafton-Waters, S.;Kaspi, S.;Matt, G.;Paltani, S.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Pinto, C.;Ponti, G.;Ursini, F.;Walton, D. J. |
08-2021 |
2021, A&A, 652, 150 |
2021A&A...652A.150M |
4 |
0782520601, 0844341401 |
1563 |
Relation between winds and jets in radio-loud AGN |
Mehdipour, Missagh; Costantini, Elisa |
05-2019 |
2019, A&A, 625, 25 |
2019A&A...625A..25M |
4 |
1564 |
Changing-look Event in NGC 3516: Continuum or Obscuration Variability? |
Mehdipour, Missagh;Kriss, Gerard A.;Brenneman, Laura W.;Costantini, Elisa;Kaastra, Jelle S.;Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella;Di Gesu, Laura;Ebrero, Jacobo;Mao, Junjie |
01-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 925, 84 |
2022ApJ...925...84M |
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0401210501 |
1565 |
Dimming of Continuum Captured in Mrk 841: New Clues on the Nature of the Soft X-Ray Excess |
Mehdipour, Missagh;Kriss, Gerard A.;Kaastra, Jelle S.;Costantini, Elisa;Mao, Junjie |
07-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 952, L5 |
2023ApJ...952L...5M |
4 |
1566 |
XMM-Newton spectrum of the radio-loud quasar 3C 215: Slim accretion disk or SMBH binary |
Mei, A.;Tombesi, F. |
09-2021 |
2021, A&A, 653, 100 |
2021A&A...653A.100M |
4 |
0670880501 |
1567 |
New Indicators for AGN Power: The Correlation between [O IV] 25.89 μm and Hard X-Ray Luminosity for Nearby Seyfert Galaxies |
Meléndez, M.; Kraemer, S. B.; Armentrout, B. K.; Deo, R. P.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Schmitt, H. R.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Tueller, J.; Markwardt, C. B.; Winter, L. |
07-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 682, 94 |
2008ApJ...682...94M |
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1568 |
Cosmological test using the Hubble diagram of high-z quasars |
Melia, Fulvio |
10-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 489, 517 |
2019MNRAS.489..517M |
4 |
1569 |
The XXL Survey. XXI. The environment and clustering of X-ray AGN in the XXL-South field |
Melnyk, O.; Elyiv, A.; Smolcic, V.; Plionis, M.; Koulouridis, E.; Fotopoulou, S.; Chiappetti, L.; Adami, C.; Baran, N.; Butler, A.; Delhaize, J.; Delvecchio, I.; Finet, F.; Huynh, M.; Lidman, C.; Pierre, M.; Pompei, E.; Vignali, C.; Surdej, J. |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 620, 6 |
2018A&A...620A...6M |
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0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1570 |
Classification and environmental properties of X-ray selected point-like sources in the XMM-LSS field |
Melnyk, O.; Plionis, M.; Elyiv, A.; Salvato, M.; Chiappetti, L.; Clerc, N.; Gandhi, P.; Pierre, M.; Sadibekova, T.; Pospieszalska-Surdej, A.; Surdej, J. |
09-2013 |
2013, A&A, 557, 81 |
2013A&A...557A..81M |
4 |
1571 |
Searching for absorbed AGN in the 2XMM-Newton pre-release EPIC Serendipitous Source Catalogue |
Memola, E.; Caccianiga, A.; Cocchia, F.; Della Ceca, R.; Maccacaro, T.; Severgnini, P.; Fyfe, D. J.; Mateos, S.; Watson, M. G.; Lamer, G. |
04-2007 |
2007, A&A, 465, 759 |
2007A&A...465..759M |
4 |
0027340101, 0145020101, 0109920101 |
1572 |
Dark matter halos around isolated ellipticals |
Memola, E.; Salucci, P.; BabiÄ, A. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 50 |
2011A&A...534A..50M |
4 |
0206060101 |
1573 |
The Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Warm Dark Matter Cosmology |
Menci, N.; Fiore, F.; Lamastra, A. |
04-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 766, 110 |
2013ApJ...766..110M |
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1574 |
PRIMUS: Infrared and X-Ray AGN Selection Techniques at 0.2 < z < 1.2 |
Mendez, Alexander J.; Coil, Alison L.; Aird, James; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Moustakas, John; Blanton, Michael R.; Cool, Richard J.; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Wong, Kenneth C.; Zhu, Guangtun |
06-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 770, 40 |
2013ApJ...770...40M |
4 |
1575 |
PRIMUS + DEEP2: Clustering of X-Ray, Radio, and IR-AGNs at z~0.7 |
Mendez, Alexander J.; Coil, Alison L.; Aird, James; Skibba, Ramin A.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Moustakas, John; Blanton, Michael R.; Cool, Richard J.; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Wong, Kenneth C.; Zhu, Guangtun |
04-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 821, 55 |
2016ApJ...821...55M |
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0203360101, 0302350101, 0203360201, 0302350201, 0203360301, 0302350301, 0302353101, 0203360401, 0302350401, 0203360501, 0302350501, 0203360601, 0302350601, 0203360701, 0302350701, 0203360801, 0302350801, 0203360901, 0302350901, 0302353001, 0203361001, 0302351001, 0203361101, 0302351101, 0203361201, 0302351201, 0203361301, 0302351301, 0203361401, 0302351401, 0203361501, 0302351501, 0203361601, 0302351601, 0203361701, 0302351701, 0203361801, 0302351801, 0203361901, 0302351901, 0203362001, 0302352001, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0302352201, 0203362301, 0302352301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0302352401, 0302353201, 0203362501, 0302352501, 0302353301, 0112370101, 0037982001, 0404966301, 0112370301, 0037982101, 0404966501, 0112370401, 0037982601, 0404966601, 0112371701, 0037982701, 0404966801, 0111110301, 0037981701, 0404966901, 0111110401, 0037981801, 0404967001, 0109520501, 0037981901, 0404967101, 0111110501, 0112680301, 0404967301, 0111110101, 0037982501, 0404967401, 0111110201, 0037982401, 0404967501, 0111110701, 0037982301, 0404967601, 0037980101, 0037982201, 0404967701, 0037980601, 0147110101, 0404967801, 0037980201, 0147110201, 0404967901, 0037980701, 0147111301, 0404968001, 0037980301, 0147111401, 0404968101, 0037980501, 0147111501, 0404968201, 0037980401, 0404965601, 0404968301, 0037980901, 0404967201, 0404968401, 0112680101, 0404965801, 0404968601, 0109520101, 0404966701, 0404968501, 0109520201, 0404966201, 0553911401, 0112681001, 0404960101, 0553911601, 0109520601, 0404960201, 0553911901, 0112680801, 0404960301, 0553910901, 0109520401, 0404960401, 0553911001, 0109520301, 0404960501, 0553911101, 0112680401, 0404960601, 0553910101, 0037980801, 0404964701, 0553910201, 0112680201, 0404964801, 0553910301, 0037981001, 0404964901, 0553910401, 0037981101, 0404965001, 0553911201, 0037981201, 0404965101, 0553910501, 0037981301, 0404965201, 0553911301, 0037981401, 0404965301, 0553910701, 0112680501, 0404965401, 0553910801, 0037981501, 0404965501, 0553910601, 0037981601, 0404965701, 0553911501, 0112681301, 0404965901, 0553911701, 0112370701, 0404966001, 0553911801, 0112370801, 0404966101, 0112370601, 0404966401 |
1576 |
A spectroscopic survey of X-ray-selected AGNs in the northern XMM-XXL field |
Menzel, M.-L.; Merloni, A.; Georgakakis, A.; Salvato, M.; Aubourg, E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brusa, M.; Buchner, J.; Dwelly, T.; Nandra, K.; Pâris, I.; Petitjean, P.; Schwope, A. |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 110 |
2016MNRAS.457..110M |
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1577 |
4MOST Consortium Survey 6: Active Galactic Nuclei |
Merloni, A.; Alexander, D. A.; Banerji, M.; Boller, T.; Comparat, J.; Dwelly, T.; Fotopoulou, S.; McMahon, R.; Nandra, K.; Salvato, M.; Croom, S.; Finoguenov, A.; Krumpe, M.; Lamer, G.; Rosario, D.; Schwope, A.; Shanks, T.; Steinmetz, M.; Wisotzki, L.; Worseck, G. |
03-2019 |
2019, Msngr, 175, 42 |
2019Msngr.175...42M |
4 |
1578 |
The incidence of obscuration in active galactic nuclei |
Merloni, A.; Bongiorno, A.; Brusa, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Mainieri, V.; Magnelli, B.; Salvato, M.; Berta, S.; Cappelluti, N.; Comastri, A.; Fiore, F.; Gilli, R.; Koekemoer, A.; Le Floc'h, E.; Lusso, E.; Lutz, D.; Miyaji, T.; Pozzi, F.; Riguccini, L.; Rosario, D. J.; Silverman, J.; Symeonidis, M.; Treister, E.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G. |
02-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 3550 |
2014MNRAS.437.3550M |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501 |
1579 |
A New Infrared Color Criterion for the Selection of 0 < z < 7 AGNs: Application to Deep Fields and Implications for JWST Surveys |
Messias, H.; Afonso, J.; Salvato, M.; Mobasher, B.; Hopkins, A. M. |
08-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 754, 120 |
2012ApJ...754..120M |
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0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501 |
1580 |
Broad iron emission lines in Seyfert galaxies - re-condensation of gas onto an inner disk below the ADAF? |
Meyer-Hofmeister, E.; Meyer, F. |
03-2011 |
2011, A&A, 527, 127 |
2011A&A...527A.127M |
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1581 |
MaNGA AGN dwarf galaxies (MAD) - I. A new sample of AGNs in dwarf galaxies with spatially-resolved spectroscopy |
Mezcua, M.;Domínguez Sánchez, H. |
03-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 5252 |
2024MNRAS.528.5252M |
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1582 |
Overmassive Black Holes at Cosmic Noon: Linking the Local and the High-redshift Universe |
Mezcua, Mar;Pacucci, Fabio;Suh, Hyewon;Siudek, Malgorzata;Natarajan, Priyamvada |
05-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 966, L30 |
2024ApJ...966L..30M |
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1583 |
Multi-wavelength campaign on NCG 7469. IV. The broad-band X-ray spectrum |
Middei, R.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Ursini, F.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Costantini, E.; De Marco, B.; Di Gesu, L.; Ebrero, J.; Kaastra, J.; Kaspi, S.; Kriss, G. A.; Mao, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Paltani, S.; Peretz, U.; Ponti, G. |
08-2018 |
2018, A&A, 615, 163 |
2018A&A...615A.163M |
4 |
0760350201, 0760350301, 0760350401, 0760350501, 0760350601, 0760350701, 0760350801 |
1584 |
High-energy monitoring of NGC 4593 II. Broad-band spectral analysis: testing the two-corona model |
Middei, R.; Bianchi, S.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Ursini, F.; Cappi, M.; De Marco, B.; De Rosa, A.; Malzac, J.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Ponti, G.; Tortosa, A. |
03-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 483, 4695 |
2019MNRAS.483.4695M |
4 |
0740920201, 0740920301, 0740920401, 0740920501, 0740920601 |
1585 |
A new approach to the variability characterization of active galactic nuclei |
Middei, R.; Vagnetti, F.; Antonucci, M.; Serafinelli, R. |
02-2016 |
2016, JPhCS, 689, 2006 |
2016JPhCS.689a2006M |
4 |
1586 |
A long-term study of AGN X-ray variability . Structure function analysis on a ROSAT-XMM quasar sample |
Middei, R.; Vagnetti, F.; Bianchi, S.; La Franca, F.; Paolillo, M.; Ursini, F. |
03-2017 |
2017, A&A, 599, 82 |
2017A&A...599A..82M |
4 |
1587 |
The lively accretion disc in NGC 2992 - II. The 2019/2021 X-ray monitoring campaigns |
Middei, R.;Marinucci, A.;Braito, V.;Bianchi, S.;De Marco, B.;Luminari, A.;Matt, G.;Nardini, E.;Perri, M.;Reeves, J. N.;Vagnetti, F. |
08-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 514, 2974 |
2022MNRAS.514.2974M |
4 |
0840920201, 0840920301 |
1588 |
X-ray emission of Seyfert 2 galaxy MCG-01-24-12 |
Middei, R.;Matzeu, G. A.;Bianchi, S.;Braito, V.;Reeves, J.;De Rosa, A.;Dadina, M.;Marinucci, A.;Perri, M.;Zaino, A. |
03-2021 |
2021, A&A, 647, 102 |
2021A&A...647A.102M |
4 |
0307000501 |
1589 |
Disc wind or disc line? The extraordinary Fe-K feature of Mrk 1513 |
Middei, R.;Nardini, E.;Matzeu, G. A.;Bianchi, S.;Braito, V.;Perri, M.;Puccetti, S. |
12-2023 |
2023, A&A, 680, 50 |
2023A&A...680A..50M |
4 |
0150470701 |
1590 |
The soft excess of the NLS1 galaxy Mrk 359 studied with an XMM-Newton-NuSTAR monitoring campaign |
Middei, R.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Bianchi, S.;Ursini, F.;Cappi, M.;Clavel, M.;De Rosa, A.;Marinucci, A. ;Matt, G.;Tortosa, A. |
08-2020 |
2020, A&A, 640, 99 |
2020A&A...640A..99M |
4 |
0830550801, 0830550901, 0830551001, 0830551101, 0830551201 |
1591 |
Tracking the spectral properties of ESO 511-G030 across different epochs |
Middei, R.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Bianchi, S.;Ursini, F.;Matzeu, G. A.;Vagnetti, F.;Tortosa, A.;Marinucci, A.;Matt, G.;Piconcelli, E.;De Rosa, A.;De Marco, B.;Reeves, J.;Perri, M.;Guainazzi, M.;Cappi, M.;Done, C. |
04-2023 |
2023, A&A, 672, 101 |
2023A&A...672A.101M |
4 |
0502090201, 0852010101, 0852010201, 0852010301, 0852010401, 0852010501 |
1592 |
A broadband X-ray view of the NLSy1 1E 0754.6+3928 |
Middei, R.;Tombesi, F.;Vagnetti, F.;Serafinelli, R.;Bianchi, S.;Miniutti, G.;Marinucci, A.;Matzeu, G. A.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Ursini, F.;Zaino, A. |
03-2020 |
2020, A&A, 635, 18 |
2020A&A...635A..18M |
4 |
0305990101, 0406740101 |
1593 |
X-Ray Polarization Observations of BL Lacertae |
Middei, Riccardo;Liodakis, Ioannis;Perri, Matteo;Puccetti, Simonetta;Cavazzuti, Elisabetta;Di Gesu, Laura;Ehlert, Steven R.;Madejski, Grzegorz;Marscher, Alan P.;Marshall, Herman L.;Muleri, Fabio;Negro, Michela;Jorstad, Svetlana G.;AgÃs-González, Beatriz;Agudo, Iván;Bonnoli, Giacomo;Bernardos, Maria I.;Casanova, VÃctor;GarcÃa-Comas, Maya;Husillos, César;Marchini, Alessandro;Sota, Alfredo;Kouch, Pouya M.;Lindfors, Elina;Borman, George A.;Kopatskaya, Evgenia N.;Larionova, Elena G.;Morozova, Daria A.;Savchenko, Sergey S.;Vasilyev, Andrey A.;Zhovtan, Alexey V.;Casadio, Carolina;Escudero, Juan;Myserlis, Ioannis;Hales, Antonio;Kameno, Seiji;Kneissl, Ruediger;Messias, Hugo;Nagai, Hiroshi;Blinov, Dmitry;Bourbah, Ioakeim G.;Kiehlmann, Sebastian;Kontopodis, Evangelos;Mandarakas, Nikos;Romanopoulos, Stylianos;Skalidis, Raphael;Vervelaki, Anna;Masiero, Joseph R.;Mawet, Dimitri;Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.;Panopoulou, Georgia V.;Tinyanont, Samaporn;Berdyugin, Andrei V.;Kagitani, Masato;Kravtsov, Vadim;Sakanoi, Takeshi;Imazawa, Ryo;Sasada, Mahito;Fukazawa, Yasushi;Kawabata, Koji S.;Uemura, Makoto;Mizuno, Tsunefumi;Nakaoka, Tatsuya;Akitaya, Hiroshi;Gurwell, Mark;Rao, Ramprasad;Di Lalla, Niccoló;Cibrario, Nicoló;Donnarumma, Immacolata;Kim, Dawoon E.;Omodei, Nicola;Pacciani, Luigi;Poutanen, Juri;Tavecchio, Fabrizio;Antonelli, Lucio A.;Bachetti, Matteo;Baldini, Luca;Baumgartner, Wayne H.;Bellazzini, Ronaldo;Bianchi, Stefano;Bongiorno, Stephen D.;Bonino, Raffaella;Brez, Alessandro;Bucciantini, Niccoló;Capitanio, Fiamma;Castellano, Simone;Ciprini, Stefano;Costa, Enrico;De Rosa, Alessandra;Del Monte, Ettore;Di Marco, Alessandro;Doroshenko, Victor;DovÄiak, Michal;Enoto, Teruaki;Evangelista, Yuri;Fabiani, Sergio;Ferrazzoli, Riccardo;Garcia, Javier A.;Gunji, Shuichi;Hayashida, Kiyoshi;Heyl, Jeremy;Iwakiri, Wataru;Karas, Vladimir;Kitaguchi, Takao;Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.;Krawczynski, Henric;La Monaca, Fabio;Latronico, Luca;Maldera, Simone;Manfreda, Alberto;Marin, Frédéric;Marinucci, Andrea;Massaro, Francesco;Matt, Giorgio;Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, Stephen L.;Oppedisano, Chiara;Papitto, Alessandro;Pavlov, George G.;Peirson, Abel L.;Pesce-Rollins, Melissa;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Pilia, Maura;Possenti, Andrea;Ramsey, Brian D.;Rankin, John;Ratheesh, Ajay;Romani, Roger W.;Sgró, Carmelo;Slane, Patrick;Soffitta, Paolo;Spandre, Gloria;Tamagawa, Toru;Taverna, Roberto;Tawara, Yuzuru;Tennant, Allyn F.;Thomas, Nicholas E.;Tombesi, Francesco;Trois, Alessio;Tsygankov, Sergey;Turolla, Roberto;Vink, Jacco;Weisskopf, Martin C.;Wu, Kinwah;Xie, Fei;Zane, Silvia |
01-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 942, L10 |
2023ApJ...942L..10M |
4 |
0902111001, 0902111301 |
1594 |
IXPE and Multiwavelength Observations of Blazar PG 1553+113 Reveal an Orphan Optical Polarization Swing |
Middei, Riccardo;Perri, Matteo;Puccetti, Simonetta;Liodakis, Ioannis;Di Gesu, Laura;Marscher, Alan P.;Rodriguez Cavero, Nicole;Tavecchio, Fabrizio;Donnarumma, Immacolata;Laurenti, Marco;Jorstad, Svetlana G.;Agudo, Iván;Marshall, Herman L.;Pacciani, Luigi;Kim, Dawoon E.;Aceituno, Francisco José;Bonnoli, Giacomo;Casanova, VÃctor;AgÃs-González, Beatriz;Sota, Alfredo;Casadio, Carolina;Escudero, Juan;Myserlis, Ioannis;Sievers, Albrecht;Kouch, Pouya M.;Lindfors, Elina;Gurwell, Mark;Keating, Garrett K.;Rao, Ramprasad;Kang, Sincheol;Lee, Sang-Sung;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Cheong, Whee Yeon;Jeong, Hyeon-Woo;Angelakis, Emmanouil;Kraus, Alexander;Antonelli, Lucio A.;Bachetti, Matteo;Baldini, Luca;Baumgartner, Wayne H.;Bellazzini, Ronaldo;Bianchi, Stefano;Bongiorno, Stephen D.;Bonino, Raffaella;Brez, Alessandro;Bucciantini, Niccolò;Capitanio, Fiamma;Castellano, Simone;Cavazzuti, Elisabetta;Chen, Chien-Ting;Ciprini, Stefano;Costa, Enrico;De Rosa, Alessandra;Del Monte, Ettore;Di Lalla, Niccolò;Di Marco, Alessandro;Doroshenko, Victor;DovÄiak, Michal;Ehlert, Steven R.;Enoto, Teruaki;Evangelista, Yuri;Fabiani, Sergio;Ferrazzoli, Riccardo;GarcÃa, Javier A.;Gunji, Shuichi;Hayashida, Kiyoshi;Heyl, Jeremy;Iwakiri, Wataru;Kaaret, Philip;Karas, Vladimir;Kislat, Fabian;Kitaguchi, Takao;Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.;Krawczynski, Henric;La Monaca, Fabio;Latronico, Luca;Maldera, Simone;Manfreda, Alberto;Marin, Frédéric;Marinucci, Andrea;Massaro, Francesco;Matt, Giorgio;Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki;Mizuno, Tsunefumi;Muleri, Fabio;Negro, Michela;Ng, Chi-Yung;O'Dell, Stephen L.;Omodei, Nicola;Oppedisano, Chiara;Papitto, Alessandro;Pavlov, George G.;Peirson, Abel L.;Pesce-Rollins, Melissa;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Pilia, Maura;Possenti, Andrea;Poutanen, Juri;Ramsey, Brian D.;Rankin, John;Ratheesh, Ajay;Roberts, Oliver J.;Romani, Roger W.;Sgrò, Carmelo;Slane, Patrick;Soffitta, Paolo;Spandre, Gloria;Swartz, Douglas A.;Tamagawa, Toru;Taverna, Roberto;Tawara, Yuzuru;Tennant, Allyn F.;Thomas, Nicholas E.;Tombesi, Francesco;Trois, Alessio;Tsygankov, Sergey S.;Turolla, Roberto;Vink, Jacco;Weisskopf, Martin C.;Wu, Kinwah;Xie, Fei;Zane, Silvia |
08-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 953, L28 |
2023ApJ...953L..28M |
4 |
0902112101 |
1595 |
Mosaiced wide-field VLBI observations of the Lockman Hole/XMM |
Middelberg, E.; Deller, A. T.; Norris, R. P.; Fotopoulou, S.; Salvato, M.; Morgan, J. S.; Brisken, W.; Lutz, D.; Rovilos, E. |
03-2013 |
2013, A&A, 551, 97 |
2013A&A...551A..97M |
4 |
0112370101, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0112370901, 0112371001, 0112371201, 0112371301, 0112371401, 0112371501, 0112371601, 0112371701, 0112371901, 0112372001 |
1596 |
Doppler disc tomography applied to low-mass AGN spin |
Middleton, Matthew J.; Ingram, Adam R. |
01-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 446, 1312 |
2015MNRAS.446.1312M |
4 |
0124710801 |
1597 |
The X-ray binary analogy to the first AGN quasi-periodic oscillation |
Middleton, Matthew; Done, Chris |
03-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 403, 9 |
2010MNRAS.403....9M |
4,11 |
0506440101 |
1598 |
An absorption origin for the soft excess in Seyfert 1 active galactic nuclei |
Middleton, Matthew; Done, Chris; Gierlinski, Marek |
11-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 381, 1426 |
2007MNRAS.381.1426M |
4,11 |
0101040101, 0110890301, 0101640201, 0103660201, 0111290101, 0111290201, 0109080701, 0111290301, 0111290401, 0109080101, 0112610101, 0051760101, 0110950401, 0109080201, 0109080301, 0109080401, 0109081001, 0051760201, 0109080901, 0107660201, 0109080601, 0070740301, 0109141401, 0096010101, 0006810101, 0112600301, 0109070201, 0112600601, 0110890901, 0109070101, 0125110101, 0096020101, 0048740101, 0110890401 |
1599 |
RE J1034+396: the origin of the soft X-ray excess and quasi-periodic oscillation |
Middleton, Matthew; Done, Chris; Ward, Martin; GierliÅski, Marek; Schurch, Nick |
03-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 394, 250 |
2009MNRAS.394..250M |
4 |
0506440101 |
1600 |
Searching for the trigger of the active galactic nucleus quasi-periodic oscillation: 8 years of RE J1034+396 |
Middleton, Matthew; Uttley, Phil; Done, Chris |
10-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 417, 250 |
2011MNRAS.417..250M |
4 |
0109070101, 0506440101, 0561580201, 0655310101, 0655310201 |
1601 |
Simple interpretation of the seemingly complicated X-ray spectral variation of NGC 5548 |
Midooka, Takuya;Ebisawa, Ken;Mizumoto, Misaki;Sugawara, Yasuharu |
07-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 5020 |
2022MNRAS.513.5020M |
4 |
0109960101, 0089960301, 0089960401, 0720110301, 0720110401, 0720110501, 0720110601, 0720110801, 0720110901, 0720111001, 0720110701, 0720111101, 0720111201, 0720111301, 0720111401, 0720111501, 0720111601, 0771000101, 0771000201 |
1602 |
A novel |
Midooka, Takuya;Mizumoto, Misaki;Ebisawa, Ken |
05-2023 |
2023, AN, 3443003, 9 |
2023AN....34430039M |
4 |
0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601 |
1603 |
Radiatively Driven Clumpy X-Ray Absorbers in the NLS1 Galaxy IRAS 13224-3809 |
Midooka, Takuya;Mizumoto, Misaki;Ebisawa, Ken |
09-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 954, 47 |
2023ApJ...954...47M |
4 |
1604 |
The extremely X-ray luminous radio-loud quasar CFHQS J142952 + 544717 at z = 6.18 under Chandra high-angular resolution lens |
Migliori, G.;Siemiginowska, A.;Sobolewska, M.;Cheung, C. C.;Stawarz, Å.;Schwartz, D.;Snios, B.;Saxena, A.;Kashyap, V. |
09-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 524, 1087 |
2023MNRAS.524.1087M |
4 |
1605 |
Obscured AGN at 1.5 < z < 3.0 from the zCOSMOS-deep Survey . I. Properties of the emitting gas in the narrow-line region |
Mignoli, M.; Feltre, A.; Bongiorno, A.; Calura, F.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Lilly, S. J.; Le Fèvre, O.; Bardelli, S.; Bolzonella, M.; Bordoloi, R.; Le Brun, V.; Caputi, K. I.; Cimatti, A.; Diener, C.; Garilli, B.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Maier, C.; Mainieri, V.; Peng, Y.; Pérez Montero, E.; Silverman, J. D.; Zucca, E. |
06-2019 |
2019, A&A, 626, 9 |
2019A&A...626A...9M |
4 |
1606 |
The HELLAS2XMM survey. V. Near-Infrared observations of X-ray sources with extreme X/O ratios |
Mignoli, M.; Pozzetti, L.; Comastri, A.; Brusa, M.; Ciliegi, P.; Cocchia, F.; Fiore, F.; La Franca, F.; Maiolino, R.; Matt, G.; Molendi, S.; Perola, G. C.; Puccetti, S.; Severgnini, P.; Vignali, C. |
05-2004 |
2004, A&A, 418, 827 |
2004A&A...418..827M |
2,4 |
0096010101, 0098010101, 0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0114090101, 0122520201, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0123700101, 0123700201, 0123700401, 0123700901, 0123701001, 0123920101, 0124110101, 0124900101, 0125110101, 0125310101, 0125320301, 0125910101, 0125920201, 0129360201, 0130720101, 0133120301, 0133120401 |
1607 |
X-Ray Absorption and an X-Ray Jet in the Radio-loud Broad Absorption-line Quasar PG 1004+130 |
Miller, B. P.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallagher, S. C.; Laor, A.; Wills, B. J.; Garmire, G. P.; Schneider, D. P. |
11-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 652, 163 |
2006ApJ...652..163M |
4 |
0140550601 |
1608 |
X-ray Emission from Optically Selected Radio-intermediate and Radio-loud Quasars |
Miller, B. P.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P.; Gibson, R. R.; Steffen, A. T.; Wu, Jianfeng |
01-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 726, 20 |
2011ApJ...726...20M |
4 |
1609 |
Relativistic X-Ray Lines from the Inner Accretion Disks Around Black Holes |
Miller, J. M. |
09-2007 |
2007, ARA&A, 45, 441 |
2007ARA&A..45..441M |
4,11 |
1610 |
An absorption origin for the X-ray spectral variability of MCG-6-30-15 |
Miller, L.; Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N. |
05-2008 |
2008, A&A, 483, 437 |
2008A&A...483..437M |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
1611 |
X-ray reverberation in 1H0707-495 revisited |
Miller, L.; Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V. |
11-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 408, 1928 |
2010MNRAS.408.1928M |
4 |
0148010301, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401 |
1612 |
The variable X-ray spectrum of Markarian 766. I. Principal components analysis |
Miller, L.; Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N.; George, I. M.; Kraemer, S. B.; Wingert, B. |
02-2007 |
2007, A&A, 463, 131 |
2007A&A...463..131M |
4 |
0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701 |
1613 |
Variable iron-line emission near the black hole of Markarian 766 |
Miller, L.; Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N.; George, I. M.; Porquet, D.; Nandra, K.; Dovciak, M. |
07-2006 |
2006, A&A, 453, L13 |
2006A&A...453L..13M |
4 |
0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701 |
1614 |
Which physical parameters can be inferred from the emission variability of relativistic jets? |
Mimica, P.; Aloy, M. A.; Müller, E.; Brinkmann, W. |
10-2005 |
2005, A&A, 441, 103 |
2005A&A...441..103M |
4 |
1615 |
An X-ray survey of the 2 Jy sample - I. Is there an accretion mode dichotomy in radio-loud AGN? |
Mingo, B.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H.; Dicken, D.; Evans, D. A.; Morganti, R.; Tadhunter, C. |
05-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 440, 269 |
2014MNRAS.440..269M |
4 |
0671870601, 0651280901, 0651281001, 0651281701, 0651281601, 0651280801, 0651281901, 0651282201, 0671870201 , 0671871201 , 0671870501 , 0651281401, 0651281201, 0651280201, 0651281101, 0651281801, 0651280501, 0651280101 |
1616 |
Markarian 6: Shocking the Environment of an Intermediate Seyfert |
Mingo, B.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H.; Evans, D. A.; Hota, A.; Kharb, P.; Kraft, R. P. |
04-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 731, 21 |
2011ApJ...731...21M |
4 |
0061540101, 0144230101, 0305600501 |
1617 |
The MIXR sample: AGN activity versus star formation across the cross-correlation of WISE, 3XMM, and FIRST/NVSS |
Mingo, B.; Watson, M. G.; Rosen, S. R.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Ruiz, A.; Blain, A.; Carrera, F. J.; Mateos, S.; Pineau, F.-X.; Stewart, G. C. |
11-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 462, 2631 |
2016MNRAS.462.2631M |
4 |
1618 |
CO excitation in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 34: stars, shock or AGN driven? |
Mingozzi, M.; Vallini, L.; Pozzi, F.; Vignali, C.; Mignano, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Talia, M.; Cimatti, A.; Cresci, G.; Massardi, M. |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 3640 |
2018MNRAS.474.3640M |
4 |
0150480501 |
1619 |
Light bending models in AGNs |
Miniutti, G. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 969 |
2006AN....327..969M |
4 |
1620 |
Fe emission and ionized excess absorption in the luminous quasar 3C 109 with XMM-Newton |
Miniutti, G.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Allen, S. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Ross, R. R. |
09-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 371, 283 |
2006MNRAS.371..283M |
4 |
0200910101 |
1621 |
Insights on the X-ray weak quasar phenomenon from XMM-Newton monitoring of PHL 1092 |
Miniutti, G.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L. C.; Boller, Th. |
09-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 425, 1718 |
2012MNRAS.425.1718M |
4 |
0505400101, 0110890501, 0110890901 |
1622 |
Discovery of a relativistic Fe line in PG 1425+267 with XMM-Newton and study of its short time-scale variability |
Miniutti, G.; Fabian, A. C. |
02-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 366, 115 |
2006MNRAS.366..115M |
4 |
0111290601, 0109080801 |
1623 |
PHL 1092 as a transient extreme X-ray weak quasar |
Miniutti, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallo, L. C.; Boller, Th. |
06-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 396, L85 |
2009MNRAS.396L..85M |
4 |
0505400101, 0110890901, 0110890501 |
1624 |
Does the X-ray emission of the luminous quasar RBS 1124 originate in a mildly relativistic outflowing corona? |
Miniutti, G.; Piconcelli, E.; Bianchi, S.; Vignali, C.; Bozzo, E. |
01-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 401, 1315 |
2010MNRAS.401.1315M |
4 |
9127500002 |
1625 |
IRAS 13197-1627 has them all: Compton-thin absorption, photoionized gas, thermal plasmas and a broad Fe line |
Miniutti, G.; Ponti, G.; Dadina, M.; Cappi, M.; Malaguti, G. |
02-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 375, 227 |
2007MNRAS.375..227M |
4 |
0206580101 |
1626 |
The XMM -Newton view of AGN with intermediate-mass black holes |
Miniutti, G.; Ponti, G.; Greene, J. E.; Ho, L. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K. |
03-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 394, 443 |
2009MNRAS.394..443M |
4 |
1627 |
The properties of the clumpy torus and BLR in the polar-scattered Seyfert 1 galaxy ESO 323-G77 through X-ray absorption variability |
Miniutti, G.; Sanfrutos, M.; Beuchert, T.; Agís-González, B.; Longinotti, A. L.; Piconcelli, E.; Krongold, Y.; Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Jiménez-Bailón, E. |
01-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 1776 |
2014MNRAS.437.1776M |
4 |
0300240501, 0694170101 |
1628 |
Nine-hour X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from a low-mass black hole galactic nucleus |
Miniutti, G.; Saxton, R. D.; Giustini, M.; Alexander, K. D.; Fender, R. P.; Heywood, I.; Monageng, I.; Coriat, M.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Read, A. M.; Knigge, C.; Gandhi, P.; Pretorius, M. L.; Agís-González, B. |
09-2019 |
2019, Natur, 573, 381 |
2019Natur.573..381M |
4 |
0657820101, 0740960101, 0823680101, 0831790701 |
1629 |
Alive and kicking: A new QPE phase in GSN 069 revealing a quiescent luminosity threshold for QPEs |
Miniutti, G.;Giustini, M.;Arcodia, R.;Saxton, R. D.;Chakraborty, J.;Read, A. M.;Kara, E. |
06-2023 |
2023, A&A, 674, L1 |
2023A&A...674L...1M |
4 |
0657820101, 0740960101, 0823680101, 0831790701, 0851180401, 0864330101, 0864330201, 0864330301, 0864330401, 0884970101, 0884970201, 0913990201 |
1630 |
Suzaku Observations of the Hard X-Ray Variability of MCG -6-30-15: the Effects of Strong Gravity around a Kerr Black Hole |
Miniutti, Giovanni; Fabian, Andrew C.; Anabuki, Naohisa; Crummy, Jamie; Fukazawa, Yasushi; Gallo, Luigi; Haba, Yoshito; Hayashida, Kiyoshi; Holt, Steve; Kunieda, Hideyo; Larsson, Josefin; Markowitz, Alex; Matsumoto, Chiho; Ohno, Masanori; Reeves, James N.; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Tanaka, Yasuo; Terashima, Yuichi; Torii, Ken'ichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Ushio, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Shin; Yamauchi, Makoto; Yaqoob, Tahir |
01-2007 |
2007, PASJ, 59, 315 |
2007PASJ...59S.315M |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
1631 |
Cold quasar investigation: comparing star formation rates to black hole growth |
Mintz, Sasha;Coleman, Brandon;Kirkpatrick, Allison |
03-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 7376 |
2024MNRAS.528.7376M |
4 |
1632 |
Exploratory Study of the X-Ray Properties of Quasars with Intrinsic Narrow Absorption Lines |
Misawa, Toru; Eracleous, Michael; Chartas, George; Charlton, Jane C. |
04-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 677, 863 |
2008ApJ...677..863M |
4 |
0112620201, 0112630201, 0104861001, 0143652301, 0103060201, 0107860301, 0059750401 |
1633 |
Estimation of error on the cross-correlation, phase and time lag between evenly sampled light curves |
Misra, R.; Bora, A.; Dewangan, G. |
04-2018 |
2018, A&C, 23, 83 |
2018A&C....23...83M |
4 |
1634 |
The SOUX AGN sample: optical/UV/X-ray SEDs and the nature of the disc |
Mitchell, Jake A. J.;Done, Chris;Ward, Martin J.;Kynoch, Daniel;Hagen, Scott;Lusso, Elisabeta;Landt, Hermine |
09-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 524, 1796 |
2023MNRAS.524.1796M |
4 |
1635 |
Detailed Shape and Evolutionary Behavior of the X-Ray Luminosity Function of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Miyaji, T.; Hasinger, G.; Salvato, M.; Brusa, M.; Cappelluti, N.; Civano, F.; Puccetti, S.; Elvis, M.; Brunner, H.; Fotopoulou, S.; Ueda, Y.; Griffiths, R. E.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Akiyama, M.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Lanzuisi, G.; Merloni, A.; Vignali, C. |
05-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 804, 104 |
2015ApJ...804..104M |
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0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
1636 |
Multiwavelength Properties of the X-Ray Sources in the Groth-Westphal Strip Field |
Miyaji, Takamitsu; Sarajedini, Vicki; Griffiths, Richard E.; Yamada, Toru; Schurch, Matthew; Cristóbal-Hornillos, David; Motohara, Kentaro |
06-2004 |
2004, AJ, 127, 3180 |
2004AJ....127.3180M |
2,4 |
0127921001, 0127921101 |
1637 |
Variability of the X-ray broad iron spectral features in active galactic nuclei and black-hole binaries |
Mizumoto, M.; Ebisawa, K.; Tsujimoto, M.; Inoue, H. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 507 |
2016AN....337..507M |
4 |
0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601 |
1638 |
Nature of the warm absorber outflow in NGC 4051 |
Mizumoto, Misaki; Ebisawa, Ken |
04-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 466, 3259 |
2017MNRAS.466.3259M |
4 |
0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301 |
1639 |
X-ray reverberation lags of the Fe-K line due to AGN disc winds |
Mizumoto, Misaki; Ebisawa, Ken; Tsujimoto, Masahiro; Done, Chris; Hagino, Kouichi; Odaka, Hirokazu |
02-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 482, 5316 |
2019MNRAS.482.5316M |
4 |
0206400101, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901, 0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0554710801, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601 |
1640 |
Kinetic Energy Transfer from X-Ray Ultrafast Outflows to Millimeter/Submillimeter Cold Molecular Outflows in Seyfert Galaxies |
Mizumoto, Misaki; Izumi, Takuma; Kohno, Kotaro |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 871, 156 |
2019ApJ...871..156M |
4 |
0200630101, 0150320201, 0110890301, 0300470101, 0743050301, 0743050801, 0081340201, 0770580401, 0770580501, 0101640401, 0651360301, 0651360501, 0651360601, 0651360701, 0722610201, 0102040601, 0102041301, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0740060201, 0740060301, 0740060401, 0740060501, 0693520101, 0101640101, 0101640501, 0101640601, 0147420201, 0147420401, 0147420501, 0147420601 |
1641 |
UV line-driven disc wind as the origin of UltraFast Outflows in AGN |
Mizumoto, Misaki;Nomura, Mariko;Done, Chris;Ohsuga, Ken;Odaka, Hirokazu |
05-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 503, 1442 |
2021MNRAS.503.1442M |
4 |
0112610101 |
1642 |
Properties of a fading AGN from SDSS-IV MaNGA |
Mo, Hao;Chen, Yan-Mei;Zhang, Zhi-Yun;Moiseev, Alexei;Bizyaev, Dmitry;Shi, Yong;Gu, Qiu-Sheng;Bao, Min;Cao, Xiao;Li, Song-Lin |
04-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 529, 4500 |
2024MNRAS.529.4500M |
4 |
1643 |
Origin of the complex iron line structure and spectral variation in Mrk 766 |
Mochizuki, Yuto;Mizumoto, Misaki;Ebisawa, Ken |
10-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 922 |
2023MNRAS.525..922M |
4 |
0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701, 0763790401 |
1644 |
A Detection of an X-ray Wind and an Ionized Disk in the Chandra HETGS Observation of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy IRAS 18325-5926 |
Mocz, Philip; Lee, Julia C.; Iwasawa, Kazushi; Canizares, Claude R. |
03-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 729, 30 |
2011ApJ...729...30M |
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1645 |
NGC 4117: A New Compton-thick AGN Revealed by Broadband X-Ray Spectral Analysis |
Mohanadas, Pavithra;Annuar, Adlyka |
05-2023 |
2023, RAA, 23, 5002 |
2023RAA....23e5002M |
4 |
0655800101, 0655800501 |
1646 |
X-ray timing and spectral variability properties of blazars S5 0716 + 714, OJ 287, Mrk 501, and RBS 2070 |
Mohorian, Maksym;Bhatta, Gopal;Adhikari, Tek P.;Dhital, Niraj;Pánis, Radim;Dinesh, Adithiya;Chaudhary, Suvas C.;Bachchan, Rajesh K.;StuchlÃk, ZdenÄk |
03-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 510, 5280 |
2022MNRAS.510.5280M |
4 |
0304080501, 0304080601, 0504370701, 0693500101, 0722860101, 0722860701, 0722860201, 0722860301, 0722860401, 0300480201, 0300480301, 0401060201, 0502630201, 0679380701, 0761500201, 0830190501, 0854591201, 0113060201, 0113060401, 0652570101, 0652570201, 0652570301, 0652570401, 0150495601, 0502271401 |
1647 |
IGR J17488-2338: a newly discovered giant radio galaxy |
Molina, M.; Bassani, L.; Malizia, A.; Bird, A. J.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P.; Venturi, T. |
05-2014 |
2014, A&A, 565, 2 |
2014A&A...565A...2M |
4 |
0720280201 |
1648 |
A broad-band spectral analysis of eight radio-loud type 1 active galactic nuclei selected in the hard X-ray band |
Molina, M.; Bassani, L.; Malizia, A.; Bird, A. J.; Dean, A. J.; Fiocchi, M.; Panessa, F.; de Rosa, A.; Landi, R. |
11-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 390, 1217 |
2008MNRAS.390.1217M |
4 |
0306680301, 0065940101, 0203720201, 0200910201, 0306320201 |
1649 |
Hard-X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei in the INTEGRAL complete sample |
Molina, M.; Bassani, L.; Malizia, A.; Stephen, J. B.; Bird, A. J.; Bazzano, A.; Ubertini, P. |
08-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 433, 1687 |
2013MNRAS.433.1687M |
4 |
1650 |
Broad-band X-ray spectrum of the newly discovered broad-line radio galaxy IGR J21247+5058 |
Molina, M.; Giroletti, M.; Malizia, A.; Landi, R.; Bassani, L.; Bird, A. J.; Dean, A. J.; de Rosa, A.; Fiocchi, M.; Panessa, F. |
12-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 382, 937 |
2007MNRAS.382..937M |
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0306320201 |
1651 |
IGR J14488-4008: an X-ray peculiar giant radio galaxy discovered by INTEGRAL |
Molina, M.; Venturi, T.; Malizia, A.; Bassani, L.; Dallacasa, D.; Lal, D. Vir; Bird, A. J.; Ubertini, P. |
08-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 451, 2370 |
2015MNRAS.451.2370M |
4 |
0720280101 |
1652 |
Dealing with broad-band X-ray spectra of faint AGN: a case study |
Molina, M.;Malizia, A.;Bassani, L. |
01-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 527, 2549 |
2024MNRAS.527.2549M |
4 |
0312191801 |
1653 |
Variable mass accretion and failed wind explain changing-look phenomena in NGC 1365 |
Mondal, S.;Adhikari, T. P.;Hryniewicz, K.;Stalin, C. S.;Pandey, A. |
06-2022 |
2022, A&A, 662, 77 |
2022A&A...662A..77M |
4 |
0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501 |
1654 |
Exploring the Emission Mechanisms of Mrk 180 with Long-term X-Ray and γ-Ray Data |
Mondal, Sandeep Kumar;Das, Saikat;Gupta, Nayantara |
05-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 948, 75 |
2023ApJ...948...75M |
4 |
0094170101, 0094170301 |
1655 |
Comparison of Millimeter-wave and X-Ray Emission in Seyfert Galaxies |
Monje, R. R.; Blain, A. W.; Phillips, T. G. |
08-2011 |
2011, ApJS, 195, 23 |
2011ApJS..195...23M |
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1656 |
Do radio active galactic nuclei reflect X-ray binary spectral states? |
Moravec, Emily;Svoboda, JiÅÃ;Borkar, Abhijeet;Boorman, Peter;Kynoch, Daniel;Panessa, Francesca;Mingo, Beatriz;Guainazzi, Matteo |
06-2022 |
2022, A&A, 662, 28 |
2022A&A...662A..28M |
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1657 |
X-ray observation of ULAS J1120+0641, the most distant quasar at z = 7.08 |
Moretti, A.; Ballo, L.; Braito, V.; Caccianiga, A.; Della Ceca, R.; Gilli, R.; Salvaterra, R.; Severgnini, P.; Vignali, C. |
03-2014 |
2014, A&A, 563, 46 |
2014A&A...563A..46M |
4 |
0693990101, 0693990201, 0693990301 |
1658 |
The Resolved Fraction of the Cosmic X-Ray Background |
Moretti, A.; Campana, S.; Lazzati, D.; Tagliaferri, G. |
05-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 588, 696 |
2003ApJ...588..696M |
2,4 |
0096010101, 0098010101, 0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0114090101, 0122520201, 0123100101, 0123700101, 0123700201, 0123700401, 0123700901, 0123701001, 0123920101, 0124110101, 0124900101, 0125110101, 0125310101, 0125320301, 0125910101, 0125920201, 0129360201, 0130720101, 0133120301, 0133120401 |
1659 |
A Seyfert-2-like Spectrum in the High-mass X-Ray Binary Microquasar V4641 Sgr |
Morningstar, Warren R.; Miller, Jon M.; Reynolds, M. T.; Maitra, Dipankar |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 786, L20 |
2014ApJ...786L..20M |
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0405380701 |
1660 |
The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). VI. Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei Selected by Optical Variability |
Morokuma, Tomoki; Doi, Mamoru; Yasuda, Naoki; Akiyama, Masayuki; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Furusawa, Hisanori; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Totani, Tomonori; Oda, Takeshi; Nagao, Tohru; Kashikawa, Nobunari; Murayama, Takashi; Ouchi, Masami; Watson, Mike G. |
03-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 676, 121 |
2008ApJ...676..121M |
4 |
0112370901, 0112370101, 0112371001 |
1661 |
The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). V. Optically Faint Variable Object Survey |
Morokuma, Tomoki; Doi, Mamoru; Yasuda, Naoki; Akiyama, Masayuki; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Furusawa, Hisanori; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Totani, Tomonori; Oda, Takeshi; Nagao, Tohru; Kashikawa, Nobunari; Murayama, Takashi; Ouchi, Masami; Watson, Mike G.; Richmond, Michael W.; Lidman, Christopher; Perlmutter, Saul; Spadafora, Anthony L.; Aldering, Greg; Wang, Lifan; Hook, Isobel M.; Knop, Rob A. |
03-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 676, 163 |
2008ApJ...676..163M |
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0112370901, 0112370101, 0112371001 |
1662 |
Primordial environment of super massive black holes: large-scale galaxy overdensities around z ~ 6 quasars with LBT |
Morselli, L.; Mignoli, M.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Comastri, A.; Sani, E.; Cappelluti, N.; Zamorani, G.; Brusa, M.; Gallozzi, S.; Vanzella, E. |
08-2014 |
2014, A&A, 568, 1 |
2014A&A...568A...1M |
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1663 |
Connecting X-ray absorption and 21 cm neutral hydrogen absorption in obscured radio AGN |
Moss, V. A.; Allison, J. R.; Sadler, E. M.; Urquhart, R.; Soria, R.; Callingham, J. R.; Curran, S. J.; Musaeva, A.; Mahony, E. K.; Glowacki, M.; Farrell, S. A.; Bannister, K. W.; Chippendale, A. P.; Edwards, P. G.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Heywood, I.; Hotan, A. W.; Indermuehle, B. T.; Lenc, E.; Marvil, J.; McConnell, D.; Reynolds, J. E.; Voronkov, M. A.; Wark, R. M.; Whiting, M. T. |
11-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 2952 |
2017MNRAS.471.2952M |
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1664 |
Selection of Compton-thick AGN from a hard photometric sample using XMM-Newton observations |
Mostafa, Reham;Guainazzi, Matteo;Ibrahim, Alaa |
11-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 5080 |
2023MNRAS.525.5080M |
4 |
1665 |
Years-delayed X-Ray Afterglows of TDEs Originated from Wind-Torus Interactions |
Mou, Guobin;Dou, Liming;Jiang, Ning;Wang, Tinggui;Guo, Fulai;Wang, Wei;Wang, Hu;Shu, Xinwen;He, Zhicheng;Zhang, Ruiyu;Sun, Luming |
02-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 908, 197 |
2021ApJ...908..197M |
4 |
0841710101 |
1666 |
Estimating photometric redshifts for X-ray sources in the X-ATLAS field using machine-learning techniques |
Mountrichas, G.; Corral, A.; Masoura, V. A.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Ruiz, A.; Georgakakis, A.; Carrera, F. J.; Fotopoulou, S. |
12-2017 |
2017, A&A, 608, 39 |
2017A&A...608A..39M |
4 |
0725290101, 0725300101, 0725310101 |
1667 |
The clustering of X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei at z= 0.1 |
Mountrichas, G.; Georgakakis, A. |
02-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 420, 514 |
2012MNRAS.420..514M |
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1668 |
The dependence of the X-ray AGN clustering on the properties of the host galaxy |
Mountrichas, G.; Georgakakis, A.; Georgantopoulos, I. |
02-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 483, 1374 |
2019MNRAS.483.1374M |
4 |
1669 |
The clustering amplitude of X-ray-selected AGN at z Ë 0.8: evidence for a negative dependence on accretion luminosity |
Mountrichas, G.; Georgakakis, A.; Menzel, M.-L.; Fanidakis, N.; Merloni, A.; Liu, Z.; Salvato, M.; Nandra, K. |
04-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 4195 |
2016MNRAS.457.4195M |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1670 |
Searching for luminous absorbed sources in the WISE AGN catalogue |
Mountrichas, G.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Secrest, N. J.; Ordovás-Pascual, I.; Corral, A.; Akylas, A.; Mateos, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Batziou, E. |
07-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 468, 3042 |
2017MNRAS.468.3042M |
4 |
1671 |
Galaxy properties of type 1 and 2 X-ray selected AGN and a comparison among different classification criteria |
Mountrichas, G.;Buat, V.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Yang, G.;Masoura, V. A.;Boquien, M.;Burgarella, D. |
09-2021 |
2021, A&A, 653, 70 |
2021A&A...653A..70M |
4 |
1672 |
X-ray flux in SED modelling: An application of X-CIGALE in the XMM-XXL field |
Mountrichas, G.;Buat, V.;Yang, G.;Boquien, M.;Burgarella, D.;Ciesla, L. |
02-2021 |
2021, A&A, 646, 29 |
2021A&A...646A..29M |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1673 |
Obscuration properties of mid-IR-selected AGN |
Mountrichas, G.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Ruiz, A.;Kampylis, G. |
01-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 491, 1727 |
2020MNRAS.491.1727M |
4 |
1674 |
Comparative analysis of the SFR of AGN and non-AGN galaxies, as a function of stellar mass, AGN power, cosmic time, and obscuration |
Mountrichas, G.;Masoura, V. A.;Corral, A.;Carrera, F. J. |
03-2024 |
2024, A&A, 683, 143 |
2024A&A...683A.143M |
4 |
1675 |
AGN populations in the local Universe: Their alignment with the main sequence, stellar population characteristics, accretion efficiency, and the impact of AGN feedback |
Mountrichas, G.;Ruiz, A.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Pouliasis, E.;Akylas, A.;Drigga, E. |
08-2024 |
2024, A&A, 688, 79 |
2024A&A...688A..79M |
4 |
1676 |
Probing star formation rates and histories in AGN and non-AGN galaxies across diverse cosmic environments and X-ray luminosity ranges |
Mountrichas, G.;Siudek, M.;Cucciati, O. |
06-2024 |
2024, A&A, 686, 229 |
2024A&A...686A.229M |
4 |
1677 |
The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure, and the host galaxy |
Mountrichas, G.;Viitanen, A.;Carrera, F. J.;Stiele, H.;Ruiz, A.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Mateos, S.;Corral, A. |
03-2024 |
2024, A&A, 683, 172 |
2024A&A...683A.172M |
4 |
1678 |
The co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies in luminous AGN over a wide range of redshift |
Mountrichas, George |
04-2023 |
2023, A&A, 672, 98 |
2023A&A...672A..98M |
4 |
1679 |
Link between star formation and the properties of supermassive black holes |
Mountrichas, George;Buat, Véronique |
11-2023 |
2023, A&A, 679, 151 |
2023A&A...679A.151M |
4 |
1680 |
Testing the evolutionary pathways of galaxies and their supermassive black holes and the impact of feedback from active galactic nuclei via large multiwavelength data sets |
Mountrichas, George;Shankar, Francesco |
01-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 518, 2088 |
2023MNRAS.518.2088M |
4 |
1681 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Three Interacting Luminous Infrared Galaxies |
Mudd, Dale; Mathur, Smita; Guainazzi, Matteo; Piconcelli, Enrico; Bianchi, Stefano; Komossa, S.; Vignali, Cristian; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Fiore, Fabrizio; Maiolino, Roberto |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 787, 40 |
2014ApJ...787...40M |
4 |
0670140301, 0670140301, 0670140501, 0670140101 |
1682 |
The origin of X-ray emission in the gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 1H 0323+342 |
Mundo, Sergio A.;Kara, Erin;Cackett, Edward M.;Fabian, A. C.;Jiang, J.;Mushotzky, R. F.;Parker, M. L.;Pinto, C.;Reynolds, C. S.;Zoghbi, A. |
06-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 496, 2922 |
2020MNRAS.496.2922M |
4 |
0764670101, 0823780201, 0823780301, 0823780401, 0823780501, 0823780601, 0823780701 |
1683 |
Automated spectral and timing analysis of AGNs |
Munz, F.; Karas, V.; Guainazzi, M. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1094 |
2006AN....327.1094M |
4 |
1684 |
X-Ray Spectra of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxiesin Comparison with Galactic Black Holes |
Murashima, M. M.; Kubota, A.; Makishima, K. |
01-2004 |
2004, PThPS, 155, 389 |
2004PThPS.155..389M |
4 |
1685 |
X-Ray Spectra of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Ton S180 in Comparison with Galactic Black Holes |
Murashima, Mio; Kubota, Aya; Makishima, Kazuo; Kokubun, Motohide; Hong, Soojing; Negoro, Hitoshi |
04-2005 |
2005, PASJ, 57, 279 |
2005PASJ...57..279M |
4 |
0110890401, 0110890701 |
1686 |
An X-ray bright nucleus in the low-surface-brightness galaxy UGC 6614 |
Naik, Sachindra; Das, M.; Jain, C.; Paul, B. |
06-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 404, 2056 |
2010MNRAS.404.2056N |
4 |
0066950201 |
1687 |
Tracing the evolving X-ray reverberation lags within an individual AGN light curve |
Nakhonthong, N.;Chainakun, P.;Luangtip, W.;Young, A. J. |
05-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 530, 1894 |
2024MNRAS.530.1894N |
4 |
0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780561301, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601, 0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0554710801, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401, 0110890301, 0300470101, 0743050301, 0743050801, 0851990101, 0851990201, 0300240101, 0502091601, 0554990101, 0760530201, 0760530301 |
1688 |
A multi-wavelength survey of AGN in the XMM-LSS ï¬eld I. Quasar selection via the KX technique |
Nakos, Th.; Willis, J. P.; Andreon, S.; Surdej, J.; Riaud, P.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Garcet, O.; Alloin, D.; Baes, M.; Galaz, G.; Pierre, M.; Quintana, H.; Page, M. J.; Tedds, J. A.; Ceballos, M. T.; Corral, A.; Ebrero, J.; Krumpe, M.; Mateos, S. |
02-2009 |
2009, A&A, 494, 579 |
2009A&A...494..579N |
4,5 |
0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982301, 0037982201, 0037982401, 0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0037980501, 0037982501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980901, 0037980801, 0037981001, 0037982601, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037982701, 0037982901, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037983001 |
1689 |
Long-term X-ray observations of seyfert 1 galaxy ark 120: on the origin of soft-excess |
Nandi, Prantik;Chatterjee, Arka;Chakrabarti, Sandip K.;Dutta, Broja G. |
09-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 3111 |
2021MNRAS.506.3111N |
4 |
0147190101, 0693781501, 0721600201, 0721600301, 0721600401, 0721600501 |
1690 |
Survey of Bare Active Galactic Nuclei in the Local Universe (z < 0.2). I. On the Origin of Soft Excess |
Nandi, Prantik;Chatterjee, Arka;Jana, Arghajit;Chakrabarti, Sandip K.;Naik, Sachindra;Safi-Harb, Samar;Chang, Hsiang-Kuang;Heyl, Jeremy |
11-2023 |
2023, ApJS, 269, 15 |
2023ApJS..269...15N |
4 |
0764670101, 0823780201, 0823780301, 0823780401, 0823780501, 0823780601, 0823780701, 0148000201, 0148000301, 0148000401, 0148000501, 0148000601, 0148000701, 0604720401, 0604720301, 0820360101, 0820360201 |
1691 |
Accretion properties of a low-mass active galactic nucleus: UGC 6728 |
Nandi, Prantik;Naik, Sachindra;Chatterjee, Arka;Chakrabarti, Sandip K.;Safi-Harb, Samar;Kumari, Neeraj;Layek, Narendranath |
07-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 532, 1185 |
2024MNRAS.532.1185N |
4 |
0312191601 |
1692 |
A Compton-thick active galactic nucleus powering the hyperluminous infrared galaxy IRAS 00182-7112 |
Nandra, K.; Iwasawa, K. |
11-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 382, L1 |
2007MNRAS.382L...1N |
4 |
0147570101 |
1693 |
An XMM-Newton survey of broad iron lines in Seyfert galaxies |
Nandra, K.; O'Neill, P. M.; George, I. M.; Reeves, J. N. |
11-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 382, 194 |
2007MNRAS.382..194N |
4 |
0150940101, 0201020201, 0147190101, 0145670101, 0201930201, 0144230101, 0201130501, 0147920301, 0112830301, 0112830401, 0107460601, 0107460701, 0112210101, 0112210201, 0201130201, 0109141401, 0112310101, 0112830501, 0143500101, 0096020101, 0109141301, 0142830101, 0059830101, 0111570101, 0029740101, 0101040401, 0147440101, 0013140101, 0013140201, 0109960101, 0089960301, 0130720101, 0111810101, 0111790101, 0206400101, 0112170101, 0207090101 |
1694 |
An XMM-Newton survey of broad iron lines in AGN |
Nandra, K.; O'Neill, P. M.; George, I. M.; Reeves, J. N.; Turner, T. J. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1039 |
2006AN....327.1039N |
4 |
1695 |
The 500 ks Chandra observation of the z = 6.31 QSO SDSS J1030 + 0524 |
Nanni, R.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Mignoli, M.; Comastri, A.; Vanzella, E.; Zamorani, G.; Calura, F.; Lanzuisi, G.; Brusa, M.; Tozzi, P.; Iwasawa, K.; Cappi, M.; Vito, F.; Balmaverde, B.; Costa, T.; Risaliti, G.; Paolillo, M.; Prandoni, I.; Liuzzo, E.; Rosati, P.; Chiaberge, M.; Caminha, G. B.; Sani, E.; Cappelluti, N.; Norman, C. |
07-2018 |
2018, A&A, 614, 121 |
2018A&A...614A.121N |
4 |
0148560501 |
1696 |
The X-ray properties of z 6 luminous quasars |
Nanni, R.; Vignali, C.; Gilli, R.; Moretti, A.; Brandt, W. N. |
07-2017 |
2017, A&A, 603, 128 |
2017A&A...603A.128N |
4 |
1697 |
A reflection origin for the soft and hard X-ray excess of Ark 120 |
Nardini, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Reis, R. C.; Walton, D. J. |
01-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 410, 1251 |
2011MNRAS.410.1251N |
4 |
0147190101 |
1698 |
Investigating the reflection contribution to the X-ray emission of Ton S180 |
Nardini, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Walton, D. J. |
07-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 423, 3299 |
2012MNRAS.423.3299N |
4 |
0110890701, 0110890401 |
1699 |
The Chandra/HETG view of NGC 1365 in a Compton-thick state |
Nardini, E.; Gofford, J.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Risaliti, G.; Costa, M. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 2558 |
2015MNRAS.453.2558N |
4 |
0692840401, 0505140201, 0505140401, 0505140501 |
1700 |
Towards an informed quest for accretion disc winds in quasars: the intriguing case of Ton 28 |
Nardini, E.; Lusso, E.; Bisogni, S. |
01-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 482, L134 |
2019MNRAS.482L.134N |
4 |
0804560101, 0804560201 |
1701 |
Black hole feedback in the luminous quasar PDS 456 |
Nardini, E.; Reeves, J. N.; Gofford, J.; Harrison, F. A.; Risaliti, G.; Braito, V.; Costa, M. T.; Matzeu, G. A.; Walton, D. J.; Behar, E.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Matt, G.; Miller, J. M.; O'Brien, P. T.; Stern, D.; Turner, T. J.; Ward, M. J. |
02-2015 |
2015, Sci, 347, 860 |
2015Sci...347..860N |
4 |
0721010201, 0721010301, 0721010401, 0721010501, 0721010601 |
1702 |
The puzzling X-ray continuum of the quasar MR 2251-178 |
Nardini, E.; Reeves, J. N.; Porquet, D.; Braito, V.; Grosso, N.; Gofford, J. |
05-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 440, 1200 |
2014MNRAS.440.1200N |
4 |
0670120201, 0670120301, 0670120401 |
1703 |
The effects of X-ray absorption variability in NGC 4395 |
Nardini, E.; Risaliti, G. |
11-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 417, 2571 |
2011MNRAS.417.2571N |
4 |
0142830101 |
1704 |
Compton-thick active galactic nuclei inside local ultraluminous infrared galaxies |
Nardini, E.; Risaliti, G. |
07-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 619 |
2011MNRAS.415..619N |
4 |
0147570101, 0605880101 |
1705 |
The most luminous blue quasars at 3.0 < z < 3.3. I. A tale of two X-ray populations |
Nardini, E.;Lusso, E.;Risaliti, G.;Bisogni, S.;Civano, F.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G.;Gilli, R.;Marconi, A.;Salvestrini, F.;Vignali, C. |
12-2019 |
2019, A&A, 632, 109 |
2019A&A...632A.109N |
4 |
1706 |
Nuclear absorption and emission in the AGN merger NGC 6240 : the hard X-ray view |
Nardini, Emanuele |
11-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 3483 |
2017MNRAS.471.3483N |
4 |
1707 |
The Complex North Transition Region of Centaurus A: Radio Structure |
Neff, Susan G.; Eilek, Jean A.; Owen, Frazer N. |
04-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 802, 87 |
2015ApJ...802...87N |
4 |
0093650201, 0093650301, 0302070101 |
1708 |
The Complex North Transition Region of Centaurus A: A Galactic Wind |
Neff, Susan G.; Eilek, Jean A.; Owen, Frazer N. |
04-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 802, 88 |
2015ApJ...802...88N |
4 |
0093650201, 0093650301, 0302070101 |
1709 |
XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Starburst-Dominated Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 6240 |
Netzer, Hagai; Lemze, Doron; Kaspi, Shai; George, I. M.; Turner, T. J.; Lutz, D.; Boller, T.; Chelouche, Doron |
08-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 629, 739 |
2005ApJ...629..739N |
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1710 |
Multiple flares in the changing-look AGN NGC 5273 |
Neustadt, J. M. M.;Hinkle, J. T.;Kochanek, C. S.;Reynolds, M. T.;Mathur, S.;Tucker, M. A.;Pogge, R.;Stanek, K. Z.;Payne, A. V.;Shappee, B. J.;Holoien, T. W. -S.;Auchettl, K.;Ashall, C.;de Jaeger, T.;Desai, D.;Do, A.;Hoogendam, W. B.;Huber, M. E. |
05-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 521, 3810 |
2023MNRAS.521.3810N |
4 |
0112551701, 0805080401, 0805080501 |
1711 |
To be or not to be: the case of the hot WHIM absorption in the blazar PKS 2155-304 sight line |
Nevalainen, J.; Tempel, E.; Ahoranta, J.; Liivamägi, L. J.; Bonamente, M.; Tilton, E.; Kaastra, J.; Fang, T.; Heinämäki, P.; Saar, E.; Finoguenov, A. |
01-2019 |
2019, A&A, 621, 88 |
2019A&A...621A..88N |
4 |
0080940101, 0080940301, 0124930301, 0124930501, 0124930601, 0158960101, 0158960901, 0158961001, 0158961101, 0158961301, 0158961401, 0411780101, 0411780201, 0411780301, 0411780401, 0411780501, 0411780601, 0411780701, 0411782101, 0727770101, 0727770501, 0727770901, 0727771001, 0727771101, 0727771301 |
1712 |
Combined Analysis of X-Ray Spectra of NGC 3227 |
Newman, J.;Tsuruta, S.;Liebmann, A. C.;Kunieda, H.;Haba, Y. |
01-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 907, 45 |
2021ApJ...907...45N |
4 |
0101040301, 0400270101 |
1713 |
Broad-Band X-Ray Analysis of NGC 3227 |
Newman, Jared;Tsuruta, Sachiko;Liebmann, Andrew C.;Kunieda, Hideyo;Haba, Yoshito |
09-2024 |
2024, PTEP, 2024, 3 |
2024PTEP.2024i3E01N |
4 |
0782520201, 0782520301, 0782520401, 0782520501, 0782520601, 0782520701 |
1714 |
Improved Dynamical Constraints on the Masses of the Central Black Holes in Nearby Low-mass Early-type Galactic Nuclei and the First Black Hole Determination for NGC 205 |
Nguyen, Dieu D.; Seth, Anil C.; Neumayer, Nadine; Iguchi, Satoru; Cappellari, Michelle; Strader, Jay; Chomiuk, Laura; Tremou, Evangelia; Pacucci, Fabio; Nakanishi, Kouichiro; Bahramian, Arash; Nguyen, Phuong M.; den Brok, Mark; Ahn, Christopher C.; Voggel, Karina T.; Kacharov, Nikolay; Tsukui, Takafumi; Ly, Cuc K.; Dumont, Antoine; Pechetti, Renuka |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 872, 104 |
2019ApJ...872..104N |
4 |
0204790401 |
1715 |
Connecting the X-ray properties of weak-line and typical quasars: testing for a geometrically thick accretion disk |
Ni, Q.; Brandt, W. N.; Luo, B.; Hall, P. B.; Shen, Yue; Anderson, S. F.; Plotkin, R. M.; Richards, Gordon T.; Schneider, D. P.; Shemmer, O.; Wu, Jianfeng |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 5184 |
2018MNRAS.480.5184N |
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1716 |
The incidence of AGN in galaxies with different stellar population ages |
Ni, Q.;Aird, J.;Merloni, A.;Birchall, K. L.;Buchner, J.;Salvato, M.;Yang, G. |
09-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 524, 4778 |
2023MNRAS.524.4778N |
4 |
1717 |
Sensitive Chandra coverage of a representative sample of weak-line quasars: revealing the full range of X-ray properties |
Ni, Q.;Brandt, W. N.;Luo, B.;Garmire, G. P.;Hall, P. B.;Plotkin, R. M.;Shemmer, O.;Timlin, J. D.;Vito, F.;Wu, J.;Yi, W. |
04-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 511, 5251 |
2022MNRAS.511.5251N |
4 |
0840440101, 0840440201 |
1718 |
XMM-Newton and FUSE Tentative Evidence for a WHIM Filament Along the Line of Sight to PKS 0558-504 |
Nicastro, F.; Krongold, Y.; Fields, D.; Conciatore, M. L.; Zappacosta, L.; Elvis, M.; Mathur, S.; Papadakis, I. |
06-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 715, 854 |
2010ApJ...715..854N |
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0116700301, 0117500201, 0117710701, 0117710601, 0117710501, 0120300501, 0120300601, 0120300801, 0125110101, 0129360201, 0137550201, 0137550601, 0555170201, 0555170301, 0555170401, 0555170501, 0555170601 |
1719 |
General relativistic models of the X-ray spectral variability of MCG-6-30-15 |
Niedźwiecki, A.; Miyakawa, T. |
01-2010 |
2010, A&A, 509, 22 |
2010A&A...509A..22N |
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1720 |
On the variability and spectral distortion of fluorescent iron lines from black hole accretion discs |
Niedzwiecki, Andrzej; Zycki, Piotr T. |
05-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 386, 759 |
2008MNRAS.386..759N |
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1721 |
Tidal disruption of a super-Jupiter by a massive black hole |
Nikolajuk, M.; Walter, R. |
04-2013 |
2013, A&A, 552, 75 |
2013A&A...552A..75N |
4 |
0658400601 |
1722 |
The mass fraction of AGN and the Fundamental Plane of black hole activity from a large X-ray-selected sample of LINERs |
Nisbet, D. M.; Best, P. N. |
01-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 455, 2551 |
2016MNRAS.455.2551N |
4 |
1723 |
The X-ray variation of M81* resolved by Chandra and NuSTAR |
Niu, Shu;Xie, Fu-Guo;Wang, Q. Daniel;Ji, Li;Yuan, Feng;Long, Min |
06-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 2644 |
2023MNRAS.522.2644N |
4 |
1724 |
Unveiling the nature of two unidentified EGRET blazar candidates through spectroscopic observations |
Nkundabakura, P.; Meintjes, P. J. |
11-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 427, 859 |
2012MNRAS.427..859N |
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1725 |
Black Hole Mass and Eddington Ratio Distribution Functions of X-Ray-selected Broad-line AGNs at z ~ 1.4 in the Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Field |
Nobuta, K.; Akiyama, M.; Ueda, Y.; Watson, M. G.; Silverman, J.; Hiroi, K.; Ohta, K.; Iwamuro, F.; Yabe, K.; Tamura, N.; Moritani, Y.; Sumiyoshi, M.; Takato, N.; Kimura, M.; Maihara, T.; Dalton, G.; Lewis, I.; Bonfield, D.; Lee, H.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Macaulay, E.; Clarke, F.; Sekiguchi, K.; Simpson, C.; Croom, S.; Ouchi, M.; Hanami, H.; Yamada, T. |
12-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 761, 143 |
2012ApJ...761..143N |
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0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801 |
1726 |
Explaining changing-look AGN with state transition triggered by rapid mass accretion rate drop |
Noda, Hirofumi; Done, Chris |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 3898 |
2018MNRAS.480.3898N |
4 |
0554920301 |
1727 |
X-Ray Intraday Variability of the TeV Blazar Markarian 421 with XMM-Newton |
Noel, A. Priyana;Gaur, Haritma;Gupta, Alok C.;Wierzcholska, Alicja;Ostrowski, MichaÅ;Dhiman, Vinit;Bhatta, Gopal |
09-2022 |
2022, ApJS, 262, 4 |
2022ApJS..262....4N |
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0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0136540101, 0136541001, 0158970101, 0150498701, 0162960101, 0158971201, 0153951201, 0158971301, 0302180101, 0411080301, 0411080701, 0510610101, 0510610201, 0502030101, 0670920301, 0670920401, 0670920501, 0658801301, 0658801801, 0658802301, 0791780101, 0791780601 |
1728 |
A New Sample of Buried Active Galactic Nuclei Selected from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue |
Noguchi, Kazuhisa; Terashima, Yuichi; Awaki, Hisamitsu |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 705, 454 |
2009ApJ...705..454N |
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0006220201, 0021140201, 0032141201, 0037981501, 0064600101, 0067540201, 0109130601, 0110930701, 0112270601, 0112551201, 0149010201, 0149900201, 0200430601, 0200630101, 0200780301, 0201780101, 0203280301, 0304050101, 0305750501, 0307000901, 0312190401, 0312191801, 0414580101 |
1729 |
Scattered X-rays in Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Implications for Geometrical Structure and Evolution |
Noguchi, Kazuhisa; Terashima, Yuichi; Ishino, Yukiko; Hashimoto, Yasuhiro; Koss, Michael; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Awaki, Hisamitsu |
03-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 711, 144 |
2010ApJ...711..144N |
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1730 |
Association of optical, ultraviolet, and soft X-ray excess emissions in AGNs |
Nour, D.;Sriram, K. |
01-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 518, 5705 |
2023MNRAS.518.5705N |
4 |
1731 |
A characterization of the NGC 4051 soft X-ray spectrum as observed by XMM-Newton |
Nucita, A. A.; Guainazzi, M.; Longinotti, A. L.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Maruccia, Y.; Bianchi, S. |
06-2010 |
2010, A&A, 515, 47 |
2010A&A...515A..47N |
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0109141401, 0157560101 |
1732 |
GAMA/XXL: X-ray point sources in low-luminosity galaxies in the GAMA G02/XXL-N field |
Nwaokoro, E.;Phillipps, S.;Young, A. J.;Baldry, I.;Bongiorno, A.;Bremer, M. N.;Brown, M. J. I.;Chiappetti, L.;De Propris, R.;Driver, S. P.;Elyiv, A.;Fotopoulou, S.;Giles, P. A.;Hopkins, A. M.;Maughan, B.;McGee, S.;Pacaud, F.;Pierre, M.;Plionis, M.;Poggianti, B. M.;Vignali, C. |
04-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 502, 3101 |
2021MNRAS.502.3101N |
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1733 |
Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Dwarf Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4395. II. X-Ray and Ultraviolet Continuum Variability |
O'Neill, Paul M.; Kaspi, Shai; Laor, Ari; Nandra, Kirpal; Moran, Edward C.; Peterson, Bradley M.; Desroches, Louis-Benoit; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Ho, Luis C.; Maoz, Dan |
07-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 645, 160 |
2006ApJ...645..160O |
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0142830101 |
1734 |
On the relativistic iron line and soft excess in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 335 |
O'Neill, Paul M.; Nandra, Kirpal; Cappi, Massimo; Longinotti, Anna Lia; Sim, Stuart A. |
10-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 381, L94 |
2007MNRAS.381L..94O |
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0306870101 |
1735 |
Interaction between the intergalactic medium and central radio source in the NGC 4261 group of galaxies |
O'Sullivan, E.; Worrall, D. M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Trinchieri, G.; Wolter, A.; Zezas, A.; Giacintucci, S. |
10-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 416, 2916 |
2011MNRAS.416.2916O |
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0502120101 |
1736 |
Deep Chandra Observations of HCG 16. I. Active Nuclei, Star Formation, and Galactic Winds |
O'Sullivan, E.; Zezas, A.; Vrtilek, J. M.; Giacintucci, S.; Trevisan, M.; David, L. P.; Ponman, T. J.; Mamon, G. A.; Raychaudhury, S. |
10-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 793, 73 |
2014ApJ...793...73O |
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1737 |
A Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope/Chandra view of IRAS 09104+4109: a type 2 QSO in a cooling flow |
O'Sullivan, Ewan; Giacintucci, Simona; Babul, Arif; Raychaudhury, Somak; Venturi, Tiziana; Bildfell, Chris; Mahdavi, Andisheh; Oonk, J. B. R.; Murray, Norman; Hoekstra, Henk; Donahue, Megan |
08-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 424, 2971 |
2012MNRAS.424.2971O |
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0147671001 |
1738 |
A deep Chandra observation of the poor cluster AWM 4 - II. The role of the radio jets in enriching the intracluster medium |
O'Sullivan, Ewan; Giacintucci, Simona; David, Laurence P.; Vrtilek, Jan M.; Raychaudhury, Somak |
03-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 411, 1833 |
2011MNRAS.411.1833O |
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1739 |
Building a cluster: shocks, cavities, and cooling filaments in the group-group merger NGC 6338 |
O'Sullivan, Ewan; Schellenberger, Gerrit; Burke, D. J.; Sun, Ming; Vrtilek, Jan M.; David, Laurence P.; Sarazin, Craig |
09-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 488, 2925 |
2019MNRAS.488.2925O |
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0741580101, 0792790101 |
1740 |
Shedding Light on the Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus in the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy UGC 5101 with Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy |
Oda, Saeko; Tanimoto, Atsushi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Terashima, Yuichi; Ricci, Claudio |
02-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 835, 179 |
2017ApJ...835..179O |
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0085640201 |
1741 |
Hard X-Ray View of HCG 16 (Arp 318) |
Oda, Saeko; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Tanimoto, Atsushi; Ricci, Claudio |
03-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 855, 79 |
2018ApJ...855...79O |
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0115810301 |
1742 |
Application of Clumpy Torus Model to Broadband X-Ray Spectra of Two Seyfert 1 Galaxies: IC 4329A and NGC 7469 |
Ogawa, Shoji; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Yamada, Satoshi; Tanimoto, Atsushi; Kawaguchi, Toshihiro |
04-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 875, 115 |
2019ApJ...875..115O |
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0760350201 |
1743 |
Systematic Study of AGN Clumpy Tori with Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy: Updated Unified Picture of AGN Structure |
Ogawa, Shoji;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Yamada, Satoshi |
01-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 906, 84 |
2021ApJ...906...84O |
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0840920301, 0780861001, 0830430801, 0693781201, 0790650101, 0760350201 |
1744 |
Warm Absorbers in the Radiation-driven Fountain Model of Low-mass Active Galactic Nuclei |
Ogawa, Shoji;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Wada, Keiichi;Mizumoto, Misaki |
01-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 925, 55 |
2022ApJ...925...55O |
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0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301 |
1745 |
Relativistic O VIII Emission and Ionized Outflow in NGC 4051 Measured with XMM-Newton |
Ogle, P. M.; Mason, K. O.; Page, M. J.; Salvi, N. J.; Cordova, F. A.; McHardy, I. M.; Priedhorsky, W. C. |
05-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 606, 151 |
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0109141401 |
1746 |
Blazar 3C 454.3 in Outburst and Quiescence during 2005-2007: Two Variable Synchrotron Emission Peaks |
Ogle, Patrick M.; Wehrle, Ann E.; Balonek, Thomas; Gurwell, Mark A. |
08-2011 |
2011, ApJS, 195, 19 |
2011ApJS..195...19O |
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0401700501 |
1747 |
A Comparison of X-Ray Photon Indices among the Narrow- and Broad-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
Ojha, Vineet;Chand, Hum;Dewangan, Gulab Chand;Rakshit, Suvendu |
06-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 896, 95 |
2020ApJ...896...95O |
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1748 |
Detection of faint broad emission lines in type 2 AGN - I. Near-infrared observations and spectral fitting |
Onori, F.; La Franca, F.; Ricci, F.; Brusa, M.; Sani, E.; Maiolino, R.; Bianchi, S.; Bongiorno, A.; Fiore, F.; Marconi, A.; Vignali, C. |
01-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 464, 1783 |
2017MNRAS.464.1783O |
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1749 |
AGNs with discordant optical and X-ray classification are not a physical family: diverse origin in two AGNs |
Ordovás-Pascual, I.; Mateos, S.; Carrera, F. J.; Wiersema, K.; Barcons, X.; Braito, V.; Caccianiga, A.; Del Moro, A.; Della Ceca, R.; Severgnini, P. |
07-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 469, 693 |
2017MNRAS.469..693O |
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0305751001, 0151490101 |
1750 |
Investigating powerful jets in radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1s |
Orienti, M.; D'Ammando, F.; Larsson, J.; Finke, J.; Giroletti, M.; Dallacasa, D.; Isacsson, T.; Stoby Hoglund, J. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 4037 |
2015MNRAS.453.4037O |
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0674320301, 0674320401, 0694530101, 0694530201 |
1751 |
X-Ray AGB Stars in the 4XMM-DR9 Catalog: Further Evidence for Companions |
Ortiz, R.;Guerrero, M. A. |
05-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 912, 93 |
2021ApJ...912...93O |
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0050150101, 0050150301, 0149500601, 0149500701, 0149500801, 0149500901, 0149501001, 0303230101, 0720340101, 0679580101, 0742500301, 0720340301, 0742790501, 0650381601, 0742740201, 0119940201, 0119940501, 0064940101, 0400230401, 0400230501, 0804330201, 0148500201, 0742500901, 0802470401, 0783012801, 0693800101, 0112900201, 0692341201, 0692341301, 0692341401, 0760646201, 0760646301, 0760646401, 0760646501, 0760646701, 0742500201, 0720340201, 0763050201, 0763050301, 0763050401 |
1752 |
The inner view of NGC 1052 using multiple X-ray observations |
Osorio-Clavijo, N.;González-MartÃn, O.;Papadakis, I. E.;Masegosa, J.;Hernández-GarcÃa, L. |
01-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 491, 29 |
2020MNRAS.491...29O |
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0093630101, 0306230101, 0553300301, 0553300401, 0790980101 |
1753 |
X-ray-emitting GHz-peaked-spectrum Galaxies: Testing a Dynamical-Radiative Model with Broadband Spectra |
Ostorero, L.; Moderski, R.; Stawarz, Å.; Diaferio, A.; Kowalska, I.; Cheung, C. C.; Kataoka, J.; Begelman, M. C.; Wagner, S. J. |
06-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 715, 1071 |
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1754 |
Optical Identification of Infrared Space Observatory Far-Infrared Sources in the Lockman Hole Using a Deep Very Large Array 1.4 GHz Continuum Survey |
Oyabu, S.; Yun, Min S.; Murayama, T.; Sanders, D. B.; Kawara, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Veilleux, S.; Okuda, H.; Matsuhara, H.; Cowie, L. L.; Sato, Y.; Wakamatsu, K.; Sofue, Y. |
11-2005 |
2005, AJ, 130, 2019 |
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1755 |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Fourteenth data release |
Pâris, Isabelle; Petitjean, Patrick; Aubourg, Éric; Myers, Adam D.; Streblyanska, Alina; Lyke, Brad W.; Anderson, Scott F.; Armengaud, Éric; Bautista, Julian; Blanton, Michael R.; Blomqvist, Michael; Brinkmann, Jonathan; Brownstein, Joel R.; Brandt, William Nielsen; Burtin, Étienne; Dawson, Kyle; de la Torre, Sylvain; Georgakakis, Antonis; Gil-Marín, Héctor; Green, Paul J.; Hall, Patrick B.; Kneib, Jean-Paul; LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Le Goff, Jean-Marc; MacLeod, Chelsea; Mariappan, Vivek; McGreer, Ian D.; Merloni, Andrea; Noterdaeme, Pasquier; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Percival, Will J.; Ross, Ashley J.; Rossi, Graziano; Schneider, Donald P.; Seo, Hee-Jong; Tojeiro, Rita; Weaver, Benjamin A.; Weijmans, Anne-Marie; Yèche, Christophe; Zarrouk, Pauline; Zhao, Gong-Bo |
05-2018 |
2018, A&A, 613, 51 |
2018A&A...613A..51P |
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1756 |
An XMM-Newton observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 896 |
Page, K. L.; O'Brien, P. T.; Reeves, J. N.; Breeveld, A. A. |
04-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 340, 1052 |
2003MNRAS.340.1052P |
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0112600501, 0112600701 |
1757 |
An X-ray Baldwin effect for the narrow Fe Kalpha lines observed in active galactic nuclei |
Page, K. L.; O'Brien, P. T.; Reeves, J. N.; Turner, M. J. L. |
01-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 347, 316 |
2004MNRAS.347..316P |
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0006220201, 0112260101, 0112260201, 0112310101, 0112310301, 0112552001, 0112600401, 0112600501, 0112600601, 0112600801, 0112610101, 0112620101, 0112620201, 0112770101, 0112770201, 0112770501, 0112770601, 0112770701, 0112770801, 0112771001, 0112910101, 0112910201, 0112910301, 0130720101, 0130720201 |
1758 |
The highly variable X-ray spectrum of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577 |
Page, K. L.; Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N.; O'Brien, P. T. |
02-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 330, L1 |
2002MNRAS.330L...1P |
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0112600401 |
1759 |
XMM-Newton spectroscopy of high-redshift quasars |
Page, K. L.; Reeves, J. N.; O'Brien, P. T.; Turner, M. J. L. |
11-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 364, 195 |
2005MNRAS.364..195P |
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0112620201, 0150180101, 0104860101, 0104860201, 0050150301, 0114090101, 0112620101, 0148742501, 0153290101, 0104860501, 0112250201, 0111260201, 0104860601, 0103060101, 0103060401, 0012440101, 0150870301, 0148560501, 0112630101, 0059750401, 0103060201, 0149410401, 0103060301, 0092800101, 0083240201, 0060370201, 0011830201, 0060370901, 0093160701, 0111260701 |
1760 |
XMM-Newton observations of high-luminosity radio-quiet quasi-stellar objects |
Page, K. L.; Reeves, J. N.; O'Brien, P. T.; Turner, M. J. L.; Worrall, D. M. |
09-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 353, 133 |
2004MNRAS.353..133P |
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0090070101, 0090070201, 0143150101, 0143150301, 0143150601, 0143150201 |
1761 |
XMM-Newton observations of seven soft X-ray excess quasi-stellar objects |
Page, K. L.; Schartel, N.; Turner, M. J. L.; O'Brien, P. T. |
08-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 352, 523 |
2004MNRAS.352..523P |
4 |
0102040701, 0102040401, 0102040501, 0102041301, 0102040601, 0102040301, 0102040201, 0102040101, 0102041201 |
1762 |
XMM-Newton observations of 3C 273 |
Page, K. L.; Turner, M. J. L.; Done, C.; O'Brien, P. T.; Reeves, J. N.; Sembay, S.; Stuhlinger, M. |
03-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 349, 57 |
2004MNRAS.349...57P |
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0112770101, 0112770201, 0112770601, 0112770701, 0112770801, 0126700301, 0126700701, 0126700801, 0136550101, 0136550501 |
1763 |
Serendipitous active galactic nuclei in the XMM-Newton fields of Markarian 205 and QSO 0130-403 |
Page, K. L.; Turner, M. J. L.; Reeves, J. N.; O'Brien, P. T.; Sembay, S. |
02-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 338, 1004 |
2003MNRAS.338.1004P |
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0112630201, 0124110101 |
1764 |
AGN in the XMM fields of Mrk 205 and QSO 0130-403 |
Page, K.; Turner, M.; Reeves, J.; O'Brien, P.; Sembay, S. |
00-2003 |
2003, AN, 324, 167 |
2003AN....324..167P |
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1765 |
X-ray emission line gas in the LINER galaxy M 81 |
Page, M. J.; Breeveld, A. A.; Soria, R.; Wu, K.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Mason, K. O.; Starling, R. L. C.; Zane, S. |
03-2003 |
2003, A&A, 400, 145 |
2003A&A...400..145P |
4,5 |
0111800101 |
1766 |
X-ray-selected broad absorption line quasi-stellar objects |
Page, M. J.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M.; Corral, A.; Ebrero, J.; Esquej, P.; Krumpe, M.; Mateos, S.; Rosen, S.; Schwope, A.; Streblyanska, A.; Symeonidis, M.; Tedds, J. A.; Watson, M. G. |
02-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 464, 4586 |
2017MNRAS.464.4586P |
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1767 |
The nature of X-ray-absorbed quasi-stellar objects |
Page, M. J.; Carrera, F. J.; Stevens, J. A.; Ebrero, J.; Blustin, A. J. |
10-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 416, 2792 |
2011MNRAS.416.2792P |
4 |
0302310301, 0203270101, 0203270201, 0060370201, 0203270301, 0302310101, 0302310501 |
1768 |
The variable XMM-Newton spectrum of Markarian 766 |
Page, M. J.; Mason, K. O.; Carrera, F. J.; Clavel, J.; Kaastra, J. S.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Brunner, H.; Ferrigno, C.; George, I. M.; Paerels, F.; Pounds, K. A.; Trudolyubov, S. P. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L152 |
2001A&A...365L.152P |
4 |
0096020101 |
1769 |
X-ray and optical properties of X-ray sources in the 13hr XMM-Newton/Chandra deep survey |
Page, M. J.; McHardy, I. M.; Gunn, K. F.; Loaring, N. S.; Mason, K. O.; Sasseen, T.; Newsam, A.; Ware, A.; Kennea, J.; Sekiguchi, K.; Takata, T. |
00-2003 |
2003, AN, 324, 101 |
2003AN....324..101P |
2,4 |
1770 |
X-rays from the redshift 7.1 quasar ULAS J1120+0641 |
Page, M. J.; Simpson, C.; Mortlock, D. J.; Warren, S. J.; Hewett, P. C.; Venemans, B. P.; McMahon, R. G. |
05-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 440, L91 |
2014MNRAS.440L..91P |
4 |
0693990301, 0693990101, 0693990201 |
1771 |
Highly ionized Fe Kalpha emission lines from the LINER galaxy M 81 |
Page, M. J.; Soria, R.; Zane, S.; Wu, K.; Starling, R. L. C. |
07-2004 |
2004, A&A, 422, 77 |
2004A&A...422...77P |
4 |
0111800101 |
1772 |
A new multiwavelength census of blazars |
Paggi, A.;Bonato, M.;Raiteri, C. M.;Villata, M.;De Zotti, G.;Carnerero, M. I. |
09-2020 |
2020, A&A, 641, 62 |
2020A&A...641A..62P |
4 |
1773 |
X-Ray Emission from the Nuclear Region of Arp 220 |
Paggi, Alessandro; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; Risaliti, Guido; Wang, Junfeng; Karovska, Margarita; Elvis, Martin; Maksym, W. Peter; McDowell, Jonathan; Gallagher, Jay |
05-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 841, 44 |
2017ApJ...841...44P |
4 |
1774 |
Detection of the high-energy cut-off from the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy NGC 5273 |
Pahari, Mayukh; Má¶Hardy, I. M.; Mallick, Labani; Dewangan, G. C.; Misra, R. |
09-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 470, 3239 |
2017MNRAS.470.3239P |
4 |
1775 |
X-ray polarization observations of IC 4329A with IXPE: Constraining the geometry of X-ray corona |
Pal, Indrani;Stalin, C. S.;Chatterjee, Rwitika;Agrawal, Vivek K. |
12-2023 |
2023, JApA, 44, 87 |
2023JApA...44...87P |
4 |
1776 |
X-ray spectral and timing analysis of the Compton Thick Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 |
Pal, Indrani;Stalin, C. S.;Parker, M. L.;Agrawal, Vivek K.;Marchesi, S. |
12-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 517, 3341 |
2022MNRAS.517.3341P |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201, 0740060201, 0740060301, 0740060401, 0740060501 |
1777 |
Variable X-ray reflection from 1H 0419-577 |
Pal, Main; Dewangan, Gulab C. |
10-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 1287 |
2013MNRAS.435.1287P |
4 |
0604720301, 0604720401 |
1778 |
Complex optical/UV and X-ray variability of the Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577 |
Pal, Main; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Kembhavi, Ajit K.; Misra, Ranjeev; Naik, Sachindra |
01-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 473, 3584 |
2018MNRAS.473.3584P |
4 |
0148000201, 0148000301, 0148000401, 0148000501, 0148000601, 0148000701 |
1779 |
X-ray/UV variability and the origin of soft X-ray excess emission from II Zw 177 |
Pal, Main; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Misra, Ranjeev; Pawar, Pramod K. |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 875 |
2016MNRAS.457..875P |
4 |
0103861201, 0694580101 |
1780 |
Strong Soft X-Ray Excess in 2015 XMM-Newton Observations of BL Lac OJ 287 |
Pal, Main;Kushwaha, Pankaj;Dewangan, G. C.;Pawar, P. K. |
02-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 890, 47 |
2020ApJ...890...47P |
4 |
0830190501, 0761500201 |
1781 |
General Physical Properties of CGRaBS Blazars |
Paliya, Vaidehi S.; Marcotulli, L.; Ajello, M.; Joshi, M.; Sahayanathan, S.; Rao, A. R.; Hartmann, D. |
12-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 851, 33 |
2017ApJ...851...33P |
4 |
1782 |
Broadband Observations of High Redshift Blazars |
Paliya, Vaidehi S.; Parker, M. L.; Fabian, A. C.; Stalin, C. S. |
07-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 825, 74 |
2016ApJ...825...74P |
4 |
0112620201, 0150180101, 0690900101, 0690900201, 0111260101, 0111260701, 0212480701, 0601741401 |
1783 |
General Physical Properties of Gamma-Ray-emitting Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
Paliya, Vaidehi S.; Parker, M. L.; Jiang, J.; Fabian, A. C.; Brenneman, L.; Ajello, M.; Hartmann, D. |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 872, 169 |
2019ApJ...872..169P |
4 |
0764670101, 0673730101, 0790860101, 0690090301, 0401790601, 0690090201, 0690090101, 0783230101, 0200360201, 0694530101, 0694530201, 0790630101, 0784090201, 0784090301 |
1784 |
Blazars at the Cosmic Dawn |
Paliya, Vaidehi S.;Ajello, M.;Cao, H. -M.;Giroletti, M.;Kaur, Amanpreet;Madejski, Greg;Lott, Benoit;Hartmann, D. |
07-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 897, 177 |
2020ApJ...897..177P |
4 |
1785 |
Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey: a new optical spectroscopic catalogue |
Paliya, Vaidehi S.;Stalin, C. S.;DomÃnguez, Alberto;Saikia, D. J. |
01-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 527, 7055 |
2024MNRAS.527.7055P |
4 |
1786 |
Multiwavelength Observations of the Gamma-Ray Blazar PKS 0528+134 in Quiescence |
Palma, N. I.; Böttcher, M.; de la Calle, I.; Agudo, I.; Aller, M.; Aller, H.; Bach, U.; BenÃtez, E.; Buemi, C. S.; Escande, L.; Gómez, J. L.; Gurwell, M. A.; Heidt, J.; Hiriart, D.; Jorstad, S. G.; Joshi, M.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Larionov, V. M.; Leto, P.; Li, Y.; López, J. M.; Lott, B.; Madejski, G.; Marscher, A. P.; Morozova, D. A.; Raiteri, C. M.; Roberts, V.; Tornikoski, M.; Trigilio, C.; Umana, G.; Villata, M.; Wylezalek, D. |
07-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 735, 60 |
2011ApJ...735...60P |
4 |
0600121401, 0600121501, 0600121601, 0600121701 |
1787 |
RefleX: X-ray absorption and reflection in active galactic nuclei for arbitrary geometries |
Paltani, S.; Ricci, C. |
11-2017 |
2017, A&A, 607, 31 |
2017A&A...607A..31P |
4 |
1788 |
Independent Estimation of Black Hole Mass for the gamma-ray-detected Archetypal Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0323+342 from X-Ray Variability |
Pan, Hai-Wu; Yuan, Weimin; Yao, Su; Komossa, S.; Jin, Chichuan |
10-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 866, 69 |
2018ApJ...866...69P |
4 |
0764670101 |
1789 |
On the Black Hole Mass---X-Ray Excess Variance Scaling Relation for Active Galactic Nuclei in the Low-mass Regime |
Pan, Hai-Wu; Yuan, Weimin; Zhou, Xin-Lin; Dong, Xiao-Bo; Liu, Bifang |
08-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 808, 163 |
2015ApJ...808..163P |
4 |
0108670101, 0605540201, 0305920201, 0205090101, 0305920401, 0674810501, 0305920101, 0305920301, 0305920601, 0403760201, 0744220701, 0744220801, 0744220301 |
1790 |
A Disk Instability Model for the Quasi-periodic Eruptions of GSN 069 |
Pan, Xin;Li, Shuang-Liang;Cao, Xinwu;Miniutti, Giovanni;Gu, Minfeng |
04-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 928, L18 |
2022ApJ...928L..18P |
4 |
0831790701 |
1791 |
A multi-wavelength study of nuclear activity and environment of low-power radio galaxy CTD 86 |
Pandge, M. B.; Dewangan, G. C.; Singh, K. P.; Patil, M. K. |
11-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 3385 |
2013MNRAS.435.3385P |
4 |
0652720101, 0652720201 |
1792 |
On the X-ray, optical emission line and black hole mass properties of local Seyfert galaxies |
Panessa, F.; Bassani, L.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ho, L. C.; Iwasawa, K. |
08-2006 |
2006, A&A, 455, 173 |
2006A&A...455..173P |
4 |
1793 |
The broad-band XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL spectra of bright type 1 Seyfert galaxies |
Panessa, F.; Bassani, L.; de Rosa, A.; Bird, A. J.; Dean, A. J.; Fiocchi, M.; Malizia, A.; Molina, M.; Ubertini, P.; Walter, R. |
05-2008 |
2008, A&A, 483, 151 |
2008A&A...483..151P |
4 |
0401790201, 0303230101, 0401790301, 0303230301, 0401790401, 0092140101, 0306171201, 0305831001, 0303230501, 0303230601 |
1794 |
Unabsorbed Seyfert 2 galaxies: the case of `naked' AGN |
Panessa, F.; Carrera, F. J.; Bianchi, S.; Corral, A.; Gastaldello, F.; Barcons, X.; Bassani, L.; Matt, G.; Monaco, L. |
10-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 398, 1951 |
2009MNRAS.398.1951P |
4 |
0402460201, 0402460401 |
1795 |
Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies at hard X-rays |
Panessa, F.; de Rosa, A.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A.; Landi, R.; Malizia, A.; Miniutti, G.; Molina, M.; Ubertini, P. |
11-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 417, 2426 |
2011MNRAS.417.2426P |
4 |
0300240201, 0550451201, 0550451301, 0601741301, 0550451701, 0601741901 |
1796 |
XMM-Newton long-look observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 0558-504. II. Timing analysis |
Papadakis, I. E.; Brinkmann, W.; Gliozzi, M.; Raeth, C. |
07-2010 |
2010, A&A, 518, 28 |
2010A&A...518A..28P |
4 |
0555170201, 0555170601, 0555170301, 0555170401, 0555170501 |
1797 |
XMM-Newton long-look observation of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 0558-504. I. Spectral analysis |
Papadakis, I. E.; Brinkmann, W.; Gliozzi, M.; Raeth, C.; Nicastro, F.; Conciatore, M. L. |
02-2010 |
2010, A&A, 510, 65 |
2010A&A...510A..65P |
4 |
0555170201, 0555170601, 0555170301, 0555170401, 0555170501 |
1798 |
XMM-Newton observation of the NLS1 galaxy Ark 564. I. Spectral analysis of the time-average spectrum |
Papadakis, I. E.; Brinkmann, W.; Page, M. J.; Mc Hardy, I.; Uttley, P. |
01-2007 |
2007, A&A, 461, 931 |
2007A&A...461..931P |
4 |
0206400101 |
1799 |
The long-term X-ray variability properties of AGNs in the Lockman Hole region |
Papadakis, I. E.; Chatzopoulos, E.; Athanasiadis, D.; Markowitz, A.; Georgantopoulos, I. |
08-2008 |
2008, A&A, 487, 475 |
2008A&A...487..475P |
4 |
0147510101, 0147510801, 0147510901, 0147511001, 0147511101, 0147511201, 0147511301, 0147511601, 0147511701, 0147511801 |
1800 |
The X-ray variability and the near-IR to X-ray spectral energy distribution of four low luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Papadakis, I. E.; Ioannou, Z.; Brinkmann, W.; Xilouris, E. M. |
11-2008 |
2008, A&A, 490, 995 |
2008A&A...490..995P |
4 |
0204650201, 0112551001, 0094360501, 0112551701 |
1801 |
Fourier-resolved spectroscopy of AGN using XMM-Newton data |
Papadakis, I. E.; Ioannou, Z.; Kazanas, D. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1047 |
2006AN....327.1047P |
4 |
0109141301, 0107460601, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0206400101 |
1802 |
Fourier-Resolved Spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei Using XMM-Newton Data. I. The 3-10 keV Band Results |
Papadakis, I. E.; Ioannou, Z.; Kazanas, D. |
05-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 661, 38 |
2007ApJ...661...38P |
4 |
0109141301, 0107460601, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0206400101 |
1803 |
A correlation between the spectral and timing properties of AGN |
Papadakis, I. E.; Sobolewska, M.; Arevalo, P.; Markowitz, A.; McHardy, I. M.; Miller, L.; Reeves, J. N.; Turner, T. J. |
02-2009 |
2009, A&A, 494, 905 |
2009A&A...494..905P |
4,5 |
0110920101, 0059140101, 0059140201, 0059140401, 0059140901 |
1804 |
Spectral energy distribution of the gamma-ray microquasar LS 5039 |
Paredes, J. M.; Bosch-Ramon, V.; Romero, G. E. |
05-2006 |
2006, A&A, 451, 259 |
2006A&A...451..259P |
4,11 |
1805 |
Source Matching in the SDSS and Rass: which Galaxies are Really X-Ray Sources? |
Parejko, John K.; Constantin, Anca; Vogeley, Michael S.; Hoyle, Fiona |
01-2008 |
2008, AJ, 135, 10 |
2008AJ....135...10P |
4,5 |
1806 |
Accurate classification of 17 AGNs detected with Swift/BAT |
Parisi, P.; Masetti, N.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Chavushyan, V.; Malizia, A.; Landi, R.; Molina, M.; Fiocchi, M.; Palazzi, E.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Dean, A. J.; Galaz, G.; Mason, E.; Minniti, D.; Morelli, L.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
12-2009 |
2009, A&A, 507, 1345 |
2009A&A...507.1345P |
4 |
1807 |
Revealing the ultrafast outflow in IRAS 13224-3809 through spectral variability |
Parker, M. L.; Alston, W. N.; Buisson, D. J. K.; Fabian, A. C.; Jiang, J.; Kara, E.; Lohfink, A.; Pinto, C.; Reynolds, C. S. |
08-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 469, 1553 |
2017MNRAS.469.1553P |
4 |
0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0110890101 |
1808 |
Revealing the X-ray variability of AGN with principal component analysis |
Parker, M. L.; Fabian, A. C.; Matt, G.; Koljonen, K. I. I.; Kara, E.; Alston, W.; Walton, D. J.; Marinucci, A.; Brenneman, L.; Risaliti, G. |
02-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 447, 72 |
2015MNRAS.447...72P |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301 |
1809 |
The detection and X-ray view of the changing look AGN HE 1136-2304 |
Parker, M. L.; Komossa, S.; Kollatschny, W.; Walton, D. J.; Schartel, N.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Harrison, F. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Zetzl, M.; Grupe, D.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Vasudevan, R. V. |
09-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 461, 1927 |
2016MNRAS.461.1927P |
4 |
0741260101 |
1810 |
Principal component analysis of MCG-06-30-15 with XMM-Newton |
Parker, M. L.; Marinucci, A.; Brenneman, L.; Fabian, A. C.; Kara, E.; Matt, G.; Walton, D. J. |
01-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 721 |
2014MNRAS.437..721P |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
1811 |
A high-velocity component to the complex absorption in IRAS 13349+2438 |
Parker, M. L.; Matzeu, G. A.; Guainazzi, M.; Kalfountzou, E.; Miniutti, G.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Schartel, N. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 2365 |
2018MNRAS.480.2365P |
4 |
0096010101, 0402080201, 0402080301, 0402080801 |
1812 |
X-ray reflection from the inner disc of the AGN Ton S180 |
Parker, M. L.; Miller, J. M.; Fabian, A. C. |
02-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 1538 |
2018MNRAS.474.1538P |
4 |
0764170101 |
1813 |
X-ray spectra reveal the reawakening of the repeat changing-look AGN NGC 1566 |
Parker, M. L.; Schartel, N.; Grupe, D.; Komossa, S.; Harrison, F.; Kollatschny, W.; Mikula, R.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Tomás, L. |
02-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 483, L88 |
2019MNRAS.483L..88P |
4 |
0800840201 |
1814 |
A partial eclipse of the heart: the absorbed X-ray low state in Mrk 1048 |
Parker, M. L.; Schartel, N.; Komossa, S.; Grupe, D.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Fabian, A. C.; Mathur, S. |
11-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 445, 1039 |
2014MNRAS.445.1039P |
4 |
0150470601, 0690870101, 0690870501 |
1815 |
PCA of PCA: principal component analysis of partial covering absorption in NGC 1365 |
Parker, M. L.; Walton, D. J.; Fabian, A. C.; Risaliti, G. |
06-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 441, 1817 |
2014MNRAS.441.1817P |
4 |
0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501 |
1816 |
The nature of the extreme X-ray variability in the NLS1 1H 0707-495 |
Parker, M. L.;Alston, W. N.;Härer, L.;Igo, Z.;Joyce, A.;Buisson, D. J. K.;Chainakun, P.;Fabian, A. C.;Jiang, J.;Kosec, P.;Matzeu, G. A.;Pinto, C.;Xu, Y.;Zaidouni, F. |
12-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 508, 1798 |
2021MNRAS.508.1798P |
4 |
0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200301, 0506200201, 0506200501, 0506200401, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0554710801, 0853000101 |
1817 |
Modelling X-ray RMS spectra I: intrinsically variable AGNs |
Parker, M. L.;Alston, W. N.;Igo, Z.;Fabian, A. C. |
02-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 492, 1363 |
2020MNRAS.492.1363P |
4 |
1818 |
The nuclear environment of the NLS1 Mrk 335: Obscuration of the X-ray line emission by a variable outflow |
Parker, M. L.;Longinotti, A. L.;Schartel, N.;Grupe, D.;Komossa, S.;Kriss, G.;Fabian, A. C.;Gallo, L.;Harrison, F. A.;Jiang, J.;Kara, E.;Krongold, Y.;Matzeu, G. A.;Pinto, C.;Santos-Lleó, M. |
11-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 490, 683 |
2019MNRAS.490..683P |
4 |
0780500301, 0831790601 |
1819 |
Detection of a possible multiphase ultra-fast outflow in IRAS 13349+2438 with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton |
Parker, M. L.;Matzeu, G. A.;Alston, W. N.;Fabian, A. C.;Lobban, A.;Miniutti, G.;Pinto, C.;Santos-Lleó, M.;Schartel, N. |
08-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, L140 |
2020MNRAS.498L.140P |
4 |
0852390101 |
1820 |
The X-ray disc/wind degeneracy in AGN |
Parker, M. L.;Matzeu, G. A.;Matthews, J. H.;Middleton, M. J.;Dauser, T.;Jiang, J.;Joyce, A. M. |
06-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 551 |
2022MNRAS.513..551P |
4 |
1821 |
Study of the X-ray properties of radio sources, based on NVSS catalogue |
Paronyan, G. M.;Mickaelian, A. M.;Abrahamyan, H. V.;Mikayelyan, G. A.;Sukiasyan, A. G.;Hambardzumyan, L. A.;Mkrtchyan, V. K. |
07-2023 |
2023, CoBAO, 70, 88 |
2023CoBAO..70...88P |
4 |
1822 |
A Suzaku survey of Fe K lines in Seyfert 1 active galactic nuclei |
Patrick, A. R.; Reeves, J. N.; Porquet, D.; Markowitz, A. G.; Braito, V.; Lobban, A. P |
11-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 426, 2522 |
2012MNRAS.426.2522P |
4 |
1823 |
Iron line profiles in Suzaku spectra of bare Seyfert galaxies |
Patrick, A. R.; Reeves, J. N.; Porquet, D.; Markowitz, A. G.; Lobban, A. P.; Terashima, Y. |
03-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 411, 2353 |
2011MNRAS.411.2353P |
4 |
0147190101, 0101040201, 0550640101, 0306870101, 0207090101, 0207090201 |
1824 |
AX J1910.7+0917 and three newly discovered INTEGRAL sources |
Pavan, L.; Bozzo, E.; Ferrigno, C.; Ricci, C.; Manousakis, A.; Walter, R.; Stella, L. |
02-2011 |
2011, A&A, 526, 122 |
2011A&A...526A.122P |
4 |
0084100401, 0084100501 |
1825 |
X-ray intraday variability and power spectral density profiles of the blazar 3C 273 with XMM-Newton during 2000-2021 |
Pavana Gowtami, G. S.;Gaur, Haritma;Gupta, Alok C.;Wiita, Paul J.;Liao, Mai;Ward, Martin |
04-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 511, 3101 |
2022MNRAS.511.3101P |
4 |
0126700301, 0126700601, 0126700701, 0126700801, 0136550101, 0159960101, 0136550801, 0136551001, 0414190101, 0414190301, 0414190401, 0414190501, 0414190601, 0414190701, 0414190801, 0414191001, 0414191101, 0414191201, 0414191301, 0414191401, 0810820101, 0810821501, 0810821601 |
1826 |
Complex UV/X-ray variability of 1H 0707-495 |
Pawar, P. K.; Dewangan, G. C.; Papadakis, I. E.; Patil, M. K.; Pal, Main; Kembhavi, A. K. |
12-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 472, 2823 |
2017MNRAS.472.2823P |
4 |
1827 |
The Rapid X-Ray and UV Evolution of ASASSN-14ko |
Payne, Anna V.;Shappee, Benjamin J.;Hinkle, Jason T.;Holoien, Thomas W. -S.;Auchettl, Katie;Kochanek, Christopher S.;Stanek, K. Z.;Thompson, Todd A.;Tucker, Michael A.;Armstrong, James D.;Boyd, Patricia T.;Brimacombe, Joseph;Cornect, Robert;Huber, Mark E.;Jha, Saurabh W.;Lin, Chien-Cheng |
02-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 926, 142 |
2022ApJ...926..142P |
4 |
1828 |
ASASSN-14ko is a Periodic Nuclear Transient in ESO 253-G003 |
Payne, Anna V.;Shappee, Benjamin J.;Hinkle, Jason T.;Vallely, Patrick J.;Kochanek, Christopher S.;Holoien, Thomas W. -S.;Auchettl, Katie;Stanek, K. Z.;Thompson, Todd A.;Neustadt, Jack M. M.;Tucker, Michael A.;Armstrong, James D.;Brimacombe, Joseph;Cacella, Paulo;Cornect, Robert;Denneau, Larry;Fausnaugh, Michael M.;Flewelling, Heather;Grupe, Dirk;Heinze, A. N.;Lopez, Laura A.;Monard, Berto;Prieto, Jose L.;Schneider, Adam C.;Sheppard, Scott S.;Tonry, John L.;Weiland, Henry |
04-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 910, 125 |
2021ApJ...910..125P |
4 |
0762920501 |
1829 |
On the Cosmic Evolution of AGN Obscuration and the X-Ray Luminosity Function: XMM-Newton and Chandra Spectral Analysis of the 31.3 deg<SUP>2</SUP> Stripe 82X |
Peca, Alessandro;Cappelluti, Nico;Urry, C. Megan;LaMassa, Stephanie;Marchesi, Stefano;Ananna, Tonima Tasnim;BalokoviÄ, Mislav;Sanders, David;Auge, Connor;Treister, Ezequiel;Powell, Meredith;Turner, Tracey Jane;Kirkpatrick, Allison;Tian, Chuan |
02-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 943, 162 |
2023ApJ...943..162P |
4 |
1830 |
Testing High-energy Emission Models for Blazars with X-Ray Polarimetry |
Peirson, Abel L.;Liodakis, Ioannis;Romani, Roger W. |
05-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 931, 59 |
2022ApJ...931...59P |
4 |
1831 |
X-Ray Polarization of BL Lacertae in Outburst |
Peirson, Abel L.;Negro, Michela;Liodakis, Ioannis;Middei, Riccardo;Kim, Dawoon E.;Marscher, Alan P.;Marshall, Herman L.;Pacciani, Luigi;Romani, Roger W.;Wu, Kinwah;Di Marco, Alessandro;Di Lalla, Niccoló;Omodei, Nicola;Jorstad, Svetlana G.;Agudo, Iván;Kouch, Pouya M.;Lindfors, Elina;Aceituno, Francisco José;Bernardos, Maria I.;Bonnoli, Giacomo;Casanova, VÃctor;GarcÃa-Comas, Maya;AgÃs-González, Beatriz;Husillos, César;Marchini, Alessandro;Sota, Alfredo;Casadio, Carolina;Escudero, Juan;Myserlis, Ioannis;Sievers, Albrecht;Gurwell, Mark;Rao, Ramprasad;Imazawa, Ryo;Sasada, Mahito;Fukazawa, Yasushi;Kawabata, Koji S.;Uemura, Makoto;Mizuno, Tsunefumi;Nakaoka, Tatsuya;Akitaya, Hiroshi;Cheong, Yeon;Jeong, Hyeon-Woo;Kang, Sincheol;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Sung;Angelakis, Emmanouil;Kraus, Alexander;Cibrario, Nicoló;Donnarumma, Immacolata;Poutanen, Juri;Tavecchio, Fabrizio;Antonelli, Lucio A.;Bachetti, Matteo;Baldini, Luca;Baumgartner, Wayne H.;Bellazzini, Ronaldo;Bianchi, Stefano;Bongiorno, Stephen D.;Bonino, Raffaella;Brez, Alessandro;Bucciantini, Niccoló;Capitanio, Fiamma;Castellano, Simone;Cavazzuti, Elisabetta;Chen, Chien-Ting;Ciprini, Stefano;Costa, Enrico;De Rosa, Alessandra;Del Monte, Ettore;Di Gesu, Laura;Doroshenko, Victor;DovÄiak, Michal;Ehlert, Steven R.;Enoto, Teruaki;Evangelista, Yuri;Fabiani, Sergio;Ferrazzoli, Riccardo;Garcia, Javier A.;Gunji, Shuichi;Hayashida, Kiyoshi;Heyl, Jeremy;Iwakiri, Wataru;Kaaret, Philip;Karas, Vladimir;Kitaguchi, Takao;Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J.;Krawczynski, Henric;La Monaca, Fabio;Latronico, Luca;Madejski, Grzegorz;Maldera, Simone;Manfreda, Alberto;Marin, Frédéric;Marinucci, Andrea;Massaro, Francesco;Matt, Giorgio;Mitsuishi, Ikuyuki;Muleri, Fabio;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, Stephen L.;Oppedisano, Chiara;Papitto, Alessandro;Pavlov, George G.;Perri, Matteo;Pesce-Rollins, Melissa;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Pilia, Maura;Possenti, Andrea;Puccetti, Simonetta;Ramsey, Brian D.;Rankin, John;Ratheesh, Ajay;Roberts, Oliver J.;Sgró, Carmelo;Slane, Patrick;Soffitta, Paolo;Spandre, Gloria;Swartz, Douglas A.;Tamagawa, Toru;Taverna, Roberto;Tawara, Yuzuru;Tennant, Allyn F.;Thomas, Nicholas E.;Tombesi, Francesco;Trois, Alessio;Tsygankov, Sergey;Turolla, Roberto;Vink, Jacco;Weisskopf, Martin C.;Xie, Fei;Zane, Silvia |
05-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 948, L25 |
2023ApJ...948L..25P |
4 |
0902111801 |
1832 |
AGN Activity and the Misaligned Hot ISM in the Compact Radio Elliptical NGC 4278 |
Pellegrini, Silvia; Wang, Junfeng; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; Kim, Dong-Woo; Brassington, Nicola J.; Gallagher, John S.; Trinchieri, Ginevra; Zezas, Andreas |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 758, 94 |
2012ApJ...758...94P |
4,7 |
0205010101 |
1833 |
The VMC survey - XLIX. Discovery of a population of quasars dominated by nuclear dust emission behind the Magellanic Clouds |
Pennock, Clara M.;van Loon, Jacco Th;Anih, Joy O.;Maitra, Chandreyee;Haberl, Frank;Sansom, Anne E.;Ivanov, Valentin D.;Cowley, Michael J.;Afonso, José;Antón, Sonia;Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.;Craig, Jessica E. M.;FilipoviÄ, Miroslav D.;Hopkins, Andrew M.;Nanni, Ambra;Prandoni, Isabella;Vardoulaki, Eleni |
10-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 515, 6046 |
2022MNRAS.515.6046P |
4 |
1834 |
The X-ray emission of local luminous infrared galaxies |
Pereira-Santaella, M.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Colina, L.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Longinotti, A. L.; Rieke, G. H.; Ward, M.; Esquej, P. |
11-2011 |
2011, A&A, 535, 93 |
2011A&A...535A..93P |
4 |
0150480201, 0550460101, 0550460201, 0300430101, 0112810101, 0550460301, 0206580101, 0506340101, 0601600101, 0406410101, 0550460601, 0550460701, 0312192301, 0550460801, 0112170301, 0301150501, 0093190301 |
1835 |
Multi-wavelength campaign on NGC 7469. II. Column densities and variability in the X-ray spectrum |
Peretz, U.; Behar, E.; Kriss, G. A.; Kaastra, J.; Arav, N.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; De Marco, B.; Di Gesu, L.; Ebrero, J.; Kaspi, S.; Mehdipour, M.; Middei, R.; Paltani, S.; Petrucci, P. O.; Ponti, G.; Ursini, F. |
01-2018 |
2018, A&A, 609, 35 |
2018A&A...609A..35P |
4 |
0207090101, 0207090201, 0760350201, 0760350301, 0760350401, 0760350501, 0760350601, 0760350701, 0760350801 |
1836 |
Direct Observation of the Broad Line Region in X-Rays during the Low State of NGC 4051 |
Peretz, Uria; Miller, Jon M.; Behar, Ehud |
07-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 879, 102 |
2019ApJ...879..102P |
4 |
0606320401, 0606321901, 0606322101 |
1837 |
Intrinsic Curvature in the X-Ray Spectra of BL Lacertae Objects |
Perlman, Eric S.; Madejski, Greg; Georganopoulos, Markos; Andersson, Karl; Daugherty, Timothy; Krolik, Julian H.; Rector, Travis; Stocke, John T.; Koratkar, Anuradha; Wagner, Stefan; Aller, Margo; Aller, Hugh; Allen, Mark G. |
06-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 625, 727 |
2005ApJ...625..727P |
4 |
0094381301, 0094382101, 0094383401, 0094382501, 0094381101, 0094383101, 0094380901, 0094382901, 0094381801, 0094382701, 0094380601, 0094170101, 0094383001, 0094383201, 0094380801, 0094380201, 0094383301, 0094383501 |
1838 |
Light-curve Evolution of the Nearest Tidal Disruption Event: A Late-time, Radio-only Flare |
Perlman, Eric S.;Meyer, Eileen T.;Wang, Q. Daniel;Yuan, Qiang;Henriksen, Richard;Irwin, Judith;Li, Jiangtao;Wiegert, Theresa;Li, Haochuan;Yang, Yang |
02-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 925, 143 |
2022ApJ...925..143P |
4 |
0658400501, 0658400601 |
1839 |
Galaxy-wide outflows in z ~ 1.5 luminous obscured quasars revealed through near-IR slit-resolved spectroscopy |
Perna, M.; Brusa, M.; Cresci, G.; Comastri, A.; Lanzuisi, G.; Lusso, E.; Marconi, A.; Salvato, M.; Zamorani, G.; Bongiorno, A.; Mainieri, V.; Maiolino, R.; Mignoli, M. |
02-2015 |
2015, A&A, 574, 82 |
2015A&A...574A..82P |
4 |
0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
1840 |
SINFONI spectra of heavily obscured AGNs in COSMOS: Evidence of outflows in a MIR/O target at z ~ 2.5 |
Perna, M.; Brusa, M.; Salvato, M.; Cresci, G.; Lanzuisi, G.; Berta, S.; Delvecchio, I.; Fiore, F.; Lutz, D.; Le Floc'h, E.; Mainieri, V.; Riguccini, L. |
11-2015 |
2015, A&A, 583, 72 |
2015A&A...583A..72P |
4 |
1841 |
An X-ray/SDSS sample. I. Multi-phase outflow incidence and dependence on AGN luminosity |
Perna, M.; Lanzuisi, G.; Brusa, M.; Mignoli, M.; Cresci, G. |
07-2017 |
2017, A&A, 603, 99 |
2017A&A...603A..99P |
4 |
1842 |
The HELLAS2XMM survey. VI. X-ray absorption in the 1df AGN sample through a spectral analysis |
Perola, G. C.; Puccetti, S.; Fiore, F.; Sacchi, N.; Brusa, M.; Cocchia, F.; Baldi, A.; Carangelo, N.; Ciliegi, P.; Comastri, A.; La Franca, F.; Maiolino, R.; Matt, G.; Mignoli, M.; Molendi, S.; Vignali, C. |
07-2004 |
2004, A&A, 421, 491 |
2004A&A...421..491P |
2,4 |
0114090101, 0122520201, 0125310101, 0125920201, 0130720101 |
1843 |
The composite starburst/AGN nature of the superwind galaxy NGC 4666 |
Persic, M.; Cappi, M.; Rephaeli, Y.; Bassani, L.; Della Ceca, R.; Franceschini, A.; Hunt, L.; Malaguti, G.; Palazzi, E. |
11-2004 |
2004, A&A, 427, 35 |
2004A&A...427...35P |
4,5 |
0110980201 |
1844 |
Simultaneous millimetric and X-ray intraday variability in the radio-quiet AGN MCG+08-11-11 |
Petrucci, P. -O.;Piétu, V.;Behar, E.;Clavel, M.;Bianchi, S.;Henri, G.;Barnier, S.;Chen, S.;Ferreira, J.;Malzac, J.;Belmont, R.;Corbel, S.;Coriat, M. |
10-2023 |
2023, A&A, 678, L4 |
2023A&A...678L...4P |
4 |
1845 |
Modeling of the broad band X-ray spectra of the Seyfert Mrk 841 |
Petrucci, P. O.; Boisson, C.; Longinotti, A. L.; Mouchet, M.; Ponti, G.; Matt, G.; Maraschi, L.; Malzac, J.; Nandra, K.; Ferrando, P. |
04-2008 |
2008, RMxAC, 32, 104 |
2008RMxAC..32..104P |
4 |
0070740301, 0070740101, 0112910201, 0205340201, 0205340401 |
1846 |
The XMM/BeppoSAX observation of Mkn 841 |
Petrucci, P. O.; Cabanac, C.; Henri, G.; Maraschi, L.; Ferrando, P.; Matt, G.; Mouchet, M.; Perola, C.; Collin, S.; Dumont, A. M.; Haardt, F.; Koch-Miramond, L. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 213 |
2004NuPhS.132..213P |
4 |
1847 |
A rapidly variable narrow X-ray iron line in Mkn 841 |
Petrucci, P. O.; Henri, G.; Maraschi, L.; Ferrando, P.; Matt, G.; Mouchet, M.; Perola, C.; Collin, S.; Dumont, A. M.; Haardt, F.; Koch-Miramond, L. |
06-2002 |
2002, A&A, 388, L5 |
2002A&A...388L...5P |
4 |
0070740101, 0070740301 |
1848 |
Unveiling the broad band X-ray continuum and iron line complex in <ASTROBJ>Mrk 841</ASTROBJ> |
Petrucci, P. O.; Ponti, G.; Matt, G.; Longinotti, A. L.; Malzac, J.; Mouchet, M.; Boisson, C.; Maraschi, L.; Nandra, K.; Ferrando, P. |
08-2007 |
2007, A&A, 470, 889 |
2007A&A...470..889P |
4 |
0112910201, 0070740101, 0070740301, 0205340201, 0205340401 |
1849 |
The origin of the strong soft excess and puzzling iron line complex in Mkn 841 |
Petrucci, P. O.; Ponti, G.; Matt, G.; Maraschi, L.; Malzac, J.; Mouchet, M.; Boisson, C.; Longinotti, A.; Nandra, K.; Ferrando, P.; Henri, G. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1043 |
2006AN....327.1043P |
4 |
0070740101, 0070740301, 0112910201, 0205340201, 0205340401 |
1850 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. XII. Broad band spectral analysis |
Petrucci, P.-O.; Paltani, S.; Malzac, J.; Kaastra, J. S.; Cappi, M.; Ponti, G.; De Marco, B.; Kriss, G. A.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Mehdipour, M.; Costantini, E.; Dadina, M.; Lubinski, P. |
01-2013 |
2013, A&A, 549, 73 |
2013A&A...549A..73P |
4 |
0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101 |
1851 |
Testing warm Comptonization models for the origin of the soft X-ray excess in AGNs |
Petrucci, P.-O.; Ursini, F.; De Rosa, A.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Matt, G.; Dadina, M.; Malzac, J. |
03-2018 |
2018, A&A, 611, 59 |
2018A&A...611A..59P |
4 |
0148000201, 0148000301, 0148000401, 0148000501, 0148000601, 0604720301, 0604720401, 0112600401, 0305370101, 0112910101, 0067190101, 0202210401, 0202210301, 0203770101, 0110950101, 0202180301, 0202180201, 0306630201, 0306630101, 0302480501, 0302480601, 0302480401, 0600540601, 0600540501, 0510010701, 0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101, 0306090101, 0306090201, 0306090301, 0306090401, 0130720101, 0130720201, 0109130301, 0201020201, 0652550201, 0302260701, 0302261001, 0302260101, 0740920201, 0740920301, 0740920401, 0740920501, 0740920601, 0109970101, 0059830101, 0605110101, 0605110201, 0554710101, 0103660201, 0651330201, 0651330101, 0651330301, 0651330401, 0651330601, 0651330901, 0651330801, 0651331001, 0651330501, 0109080801, 0651330701, 0651331101, 0201940101, 0201940201, 0554380201, 0554380301, 0554380101, 0205390301, 0556230201, 0556230101, 0400200201, 0400200101, 0005010301, 0107660201, 0005010201, 0005010101, 0205680101, 0401930101, 0102040701, 0506440101, 0675440201, 0675440101, 0109070101, 0655310101, 0675440301, 0561580201, 0655310201, 0103862101, 0400070401, 0502091001, 0400070201, 0400070301 |
1852 |
Buried Black Hole Growth in IR-selected Mergers: New Results from Chandra |
Pfeifle, Ryan W.; Satyapal, Shobita; Secrest, Nathan J.; Gliozzi, Mario; Ricci, Claudio; Ellison, Sara L.; Rothberg, Barry; Cann, Jenna; Blecha, Laura; Williams, James K.; Constantin, Anca |
04-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 875, 117 |
2019ApJ...875..117P |
4 |
0782010101, 0782010201 |
1853 |
BASS. XXIII. A New Mid-infrared Diagnostic for Absorption in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Pfeifle, Ryan W.;Ricci, Claudio;Boorman, Peter G.;Stalevski, Marko;Asmus, Daniel;Trakhtenbrot, Benny;Koss, Michael J.;Stern, Daniel;Ricci, Federica;Satyapal, Shobita;Ichikawa, Kohei;Rosario, David J.;Caglar, Turgay;Treister, Ezequiel;Powell, Meredith;Oh, Kyuseok;Urry, C. Megan;Harrison, Fiona |
07-2022 |
2022, ApJS, 261, 3 |
2022ApJS..261....3P |
4 |
1854 |
NuSTAR Observations of Four Mid-IR-Selected Dual AGN Candidates in Galaxy Mergers |
Pfeifle, Ryan W.;Weaver, Kimberly;Satyapal, Shobita;Ricci, Claudio;Secrest, Nathan J.;Gliozzi, Mario;Blecha, Laura;Rothberg, Barry |
09-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 954, 116 |
2023ApJ...954..116P |
4 |
0822470101 |
1855 |
XMM-Newton broad-band observations of NGC 7582: N{H} variations and fading out of the active nucleus |
Piconcelli, E.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Fiore, F.; Chiaberge, M. |
05-2007 |
2007, A&A, 466, 855 |
2007A&A...466..855P |
4 |
0112310201, 0204610101 |
1856 |
Heavy absorption and soft X-ray emission lines in the XMM-Newton spectrum of the type 2 radio-loud quasar 3C 234 |
Piconcelli, E.; Bianchi, S.; Miniutti, G.; Fiore, F.; Guainazzi, M.; Jimenez-Bailon, E.; Matt, G. |
03-2008 |
2008, A&A, 480, 671 |
2008A&A...480..671P |
4,5 |
0405340101 |
1857 |
X-ray spectroscopy of the Compton-thick Seyfert 2 ESO 138 - G1 |
Piconcelli, E.; Bianchi, S.; Vignali, C.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Fiore, F. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 126 |
2011A&A...534A.126P |
4 |
0405380201, 0405380901 |
1858 |
An XMM-Newton study of the hard X-ray sky |
Piconcelli, E.; Cappi, M.; Bassani, L.; Di Cocco, G.; Dadina, M. |
12-2003 |
2003, A&A, 412, 689 |
2003A&A...412..689P |
2,4 |
0122520201, 0124900101, 0096010101, 0125310101, 0123100101, 0124110101, 0098010101, 0100440101, 0125300101, 0123700101, 0125960101, 0106660601 |
1859 |
Exploring the spectral properties of faint hard X-ray sources with XMM-Newton |
Piconcelli, E.; Cappi, M.; Bassani, L.; Fiore, F.; Di Cocco, G.; Stephen, J. B. |
11-2002 |
2002, A&A, 394, 835 |
2002A&A...394..835P |
2,4 |
0096010101, 0098010101, 0122520201, 0123100201, 0124110101, 0124900101, 0125310101 |
1860 |
The XMM-Newton view of IRAS 09104+4109: evidence for a changing-look Type 2 quasar? |
Piconcelli, E.; Fiore, F.; Nicastro, F.; Mathur, S.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Puccetti, S. |
10-2007 |
2007, A&A, 473, 85 |
2007A&A...473...85P |
4 |
0147671001 |
1861 |
XMM-Newton discovery of soft X-ray absorption in the high-z superluminous Blazar RBS 315 |
Piconcelli, E.; Guainazzi, M. |
11-2005 |
2005, A&A, 442, L53 |
2005A&A...442L..53P |
4 |
0150180101 |
1862 |
The XMM-Newton spectrum of the high-z optically-obscured QSO RX J1343.4+0001: a classic radio quiet QSO |
Piconcelli, E.; Guainazzi, M.; Cappi, M.; Jimenez-Bailon, E.; Schartel, N. |
03-2005 |
2005, A&A, 432, 835 |
2005A&A...432..835P |
4 |
0202460101 |
1863 |
Evidence for a multizone warm absorber in the XMM-Newton spectrum of Markarian 304 |
Piconcelli, E.; Jimenez-Bailón, E.; Guainazzi, M.; Schartel, N.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Santos-Lleó, M. |
06-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 351, 161 |
2004MNRAS.351..161P |
4 |
0103660301 |
1864 |
The XMM-Newton view of PG quasars. I. X-ray continuum and absorption |
Piconcelli, E.; Jimenez-Bailón, E.; Guainazzi, M.; Schartel, N.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Santos-Lleó, M. |
03-2005 |
2005, A&A, 432, 15 |
2005A&A...432...15P |
4 |
0127110201, 0110890301, 0101640201, 0102040401, 0103660201, 0111290101, 0111290201, 0150610101, 0109080701, 0153210101, 0109080801, 0082340101, 0111290301, 0111290401, 0109080101, 0033540601, 0112610101, 0111291101, 0126700701, 0051760101, 0110950401, 0109080201, 0109080301, 0109080401, 0109081001, 0051760201, 0092850501, 0103660101, 0109080501, 0109080901, 0107660201, 0109080601, 0070740301, 0111291001, 0102040601, 0109081101, 0033540901, 0143150101, 0103660301, 0033541001 |
1865 |
Suzaku reveals X-ray continuum piercing the nuclear absorber in Markarian 231 |
Piconcelli, E.; Miniutti, G.; Ranalli, P.; Feruglio, C.; Fiore, F.; Maiolino, R. |
01-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 1185 |
2013MNRAS.428.1185P |
4 |
0081340201 |
1866 |
4U 1344-60: a bright intermediate Seyfert galaxy at z = 0.012 with a relativistic Fe Kalpha emission line |
Piconcelli, E.; Sánchez-Portal, M.; Guainazzi, M.; Martocchia, A.; Motch, C.; Schröder, A. C.; Bianchi, S.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Matt, G. |
07-2006 |
2006, A&A, 453, 839 |
2006A&A...453..839P |
4 |
0092140101 |
1867 |
The hidden quasar nucleus of a WISE-selected, hyperluminous, dust-obscured galaxy at z ~ 2.3 |
Piconcelli, E.; Vignali, C.; Bianchi, S.; Zappacosta, L.; Fritz, J.; Lanzuisi, G.; Miniutti, G.; Bongiorno, A.; Feruglio, C.; Fiore, F.; Maiolino, R. |
02-2015 |
2015, A&A, 574, L9 |
2015A&A...574L...9P |
4 |
0720610101 |
1868 |
Witnessing the Key Early Phase of Quasar Evolution: An Obscured Active Galactic Nucleus Pair in the Interacting Galaxy IRAS 20210+1121 |
Piconcelli, Enrico; Vignali, Cristian; Bianchi, Stefano; Mathur, Smita; Fiore, Fabrizio; Guainazzi, Matteo; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Maiolino, Roberto; Nicastro, Fabrizio |
10-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 722, L147 |
2010ApJ...722L.147P |
4 |
0600690101 |
1869 |
Investigating the Complex X-Ray Spectrum of a Broad-Line 2MASS Red Quasar: XMM-Newton Observation of FTM 0830+3759 |
Piconcelli, Enrico; Vignali, Cristian; Bianchi, Stefano; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Miniutti, Giovanni; Fiore, Fabrizio |
02-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 710, 992 |
2010ApJ...710..992P |
4 |
0554540201 |
1870 |
Radio Stacking Reveals Evidence for Star Formation in the Host Galaxies of X-Ray-selected Active Galactic Nuclei at z < 1 |
Pierce, C. M.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Ivison, R. J. |
11-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 742, 45 |
2011ApJ...742...45P |
4 |
1871 |
A possible interpretation of the Seyfert-like component in 3C 273 X-ray spectrum |
Pietrini, P.; Torricelli-Ciamponi, G. |
02-2008 |
2008, A&A, 479, 365 |
2008A&A...479..365P |
4,5 |
1872 |
An X-ray view of the active nucleus in NGC 4258 |
Pietsch, W.; Read, A. M. |
03-2002 |
2002, A&A, 384, 793 |
2002A&A...384..793P |
4 |
0110920101 |
1873 |
Cross-correlation of the 2XMMi catalogue with Data Release 7 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Pineau, F.-X.; Motch, C.; Carrera, F.; Della Ceca, R.; Derrière, S.; Michel, L.; Schwope, A.; Watson, M. G. |
03-2011 |
2011, A&A, 527, 126 |
2011A&A...527A.126P |
2,4,14 |
1874 |
Ultrafast outflows disappear in high-radiation fields |
Pinto, C.; Alston, W.; Parker, M. L.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L. C.; Buisson, D. J. K.; Walton, D. J.; Kara, E.; Jiang, J.; Lohfink, A.; Reynolds, C. S. |
05-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 476, 1021 |
2018MNRAS.476.1021P |
4 |
0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0110890101 |
1875 |
AGN feedback in the Phoenix cluster |
Pinto, C.; Bambic, C. J.; Sanders, J. S.; Fabian, A. C.; McDonald, M.; Russell, H. R.; Liu, H.; Reynolds, C. S. |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 4113 |
2018MNRAS.480.4113P |
4 |
0693661801, 0722700101, 0722700201 |
1876 |
Clearing up the clouds around NGC 4151: evidence of a highly ionized absorber |
Piro, L.; de Rosa, A.; Matt, G.; Perola, G. C. |
10-2005 |
2005, A&A, 441, L13 |
2005A&A...441L..13P |
4 |
0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301 |
1877 |
A Multiepoch X-Ray Study of the Nearby Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 7479: Linking Column Density Variability to the Torus Geometry |
Pizzetti, A.;Torres-Albà , N.;Marchesi, S.;Ajello, M.;Silver, R.;Zhao, X. |
09-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 936, 149 |
2022ApJ...936..149P |
4 |
0025541001, 0301651201, 0824450601 |
1878 |
On the role of AGN feedback on the thermal and chemodynamical properties of the hot intracluster medium |
Planelles, S.; Borgani, S.; Fabjan, D.; Killedar, M.; Murante, G.; Granato, G. L.; Ragone-Figueroa, C.; Dolag, K. |
02-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 438, 195 |
2014MNRAS.438..195P |
3,4 |
1879 |
The XXL Survey. XXXII. Spatial clustering of the XXL-S AGN |
Plionis, M.; Koutoulidis, L.; Koulouridis, E.; Moscardini, L.; Lidman, C.; Pierre, M.; Adami, C.; Chiappetti, L.; Faccioli, L.; Fotopoulou, S.; Pacaud, F.; Paltani, S. |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 620, 17 |
2018A&A...620A..17P |
4 |
0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0404960101, 0553910101, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0404960201, 0553910201, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0404960301, 0553910301, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0404960601, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501, 0404960401, 0404964701, 0404964801, 0404964901, 0404969201, 0553910401, 0404965001, 0553910501, 0404965101, 0553910601, 0404965201, 0404965301, 0404965401, 0404965501, 0553910701, 0404965601, 0553910801, 0404965701, 0404965801, 0553910901, 0404965901, 0553911001, 0404966001, 0553911101, 0404966101, 0553911201, 0404966201, 0404966301, 0404966401, 0553911301, 0404966501, 0404966601, 0404966701, 0404966801, 0404966901, 0553911501, 0404967001, 0404967101, 0404967201, 0553911401, 0404967301, 0404967401, 0404967501, 0553911601, 0404967601, 0404967701, 0404967801, 0404967901, 0404968001, 0404968101, 0553911701, 0404968201, 0553911801, 0404968301, 0404968401, 0553911901, 0404968501, 0404968601, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520701, 0404960501, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0677580101, 0677590101, 0677600101, 0677610101, 0677620101, 0677630101, 0677631201, 0677631501, 0677640101, 0677650101, 0677660201, 0677660101, 0677670101, 0677680101, 0677681201, 0677690101, 0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0148500201, 0210490101, 0411980201, 0604280101, 0600090401, 0601740201, 0651770101, 0651170501, 0673110201, 0505380101, 0554561001, 0505380201, 0554560201, 0505380301, 0677800101, 0505380401, 0554560901, 0505380501, 0505380601, 0677850101, 0505380701, 0505380801, 0505380901, 0505384801, 0505381001, 0505381101, 0505381201, 0505381301, 0505381401, 0505381501, 0505381601, 0505381701, 0505381801, 0505381901, 0505382001, 0505382101, 0677840101, 0505382201, 0505382301, 0677850901, 0505382401, 0505382501, 0505382601, 0505382701, 0505382801, 0505382901, 0505383001, 0505383101, 0505383201, 0677820101, 0505383301, 0505383401, 0505383501, 0554560601, 0505383601, 0505383701, 0505383801, 0505384901, 0505384001, 0505384101, 0505384201, 0677830101, 0677700101, 0677710101, 0677720101, 0677730101, 0677740101, 0677750101, 0677760101, 0677761101, 0677770101, 0604873901, 0604873401, 0677810101, 0604870301, 0604010101, 0083210201 |
1880 |
Luminosity-dependent X-Ray Active Galactic Nucleus Clustering? |
Plionis, M.; Rovilos, M.; Basilakos, S.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Bauer, F. |
02-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 674, L5 |
2008ApJ...674L...5P |
2,4 |
0111280101, 0111280201, 0111280301, 0111280401, 0111280501, 0111280601, 0111280701, 0111280801, 0111280901, 0111281001, 0111281301, 0111281401, 0111281501, 0111281601, 0111281701, 0111281801, 0111282001, 0111282101, 0111282201, 0111282301, 0111282401, 0111282501, 0111282601, 0111282701, 0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001, 0148960101, 0148960801, 0148960901, 0148961001, 0148961601, 0148961201, 0148961301, 0148961401, 0148962101, 0148960401, 0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401 |
1881 |
A strategy to measure the dark energy equation of state using the H II galaxy Hubble function and X-ray active galactic nuclei clustering: preliminary results |
Plionis, M.; Terlevich, R.; Basilakos, S.; Bresolin, F.; Terlevich, E.; Melnick, J.; Chavez, R. |
10-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 416, 2981 |
2011MNRAS.416.2981P |
4 |
1882 |
Multiwavelength Observations of Radio-quiet Quasars with Weak Emission Lines g |
Plotkin, Richard M.; Anderson, Scott F.; Brandt, W. N.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Fan, Xiaohui; MacLeod, Chelsea L.; Schneider, Donald P.; Shemmer, Ohad |
09-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 721, 562 |
2010ApJ...721..562P |
4 |
1883 |
Black hole and galaxy co-evolution in radio-loud active galactic nuclei at z~0.3-4 |
Poitevineau, R.;Castignani, G.;Combes, F. |
04-2023 |
2023, A&A, 672, 164 |
2023A&A...672A.164P |
4 |
1884 |
RESOLVE and ECO: Finding Low-metallicity z ~ 0 Dwarf AGN Candidates Using Optimized Emission-line Diagnostics |
Polimera, Mugdha S.;Kannappan, Sheila J.;Richardson, Chris T.;Bittner, Ashley S.;Ferguson, Carlynn;Moffett, Amanda J.;Eckert, Kathleen D.;Bellovary, Jillian M.;Norris, Mark A. |
05-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 931, 44 |
2022ApJ...931...44P |
4 |
1885 |
Obscured and powerful AGN and starburst activities at z ~ 3.5 |
Polletta, M.; Omont, A.; Berta, S.; Bergeron, J.; Stalin, C. S.; Petitjean, P.; Giorgetti, M.; Trinchieri, G.; Srianand, R.; McCracken, H. J.; Pei, Y.; Dannerbauer, H. |
12-2008 |
2008, A&A, 492, 81 |
2008A&A...492...81P |
4 |
1886 |
Spectral Energy Distributions of Hard X-Ray Selected Active Galactic Nuclei in the XMM-Newton Medium Deep Survey |
Polletta, M.; Tajer, M.; Maraschi, L.; Trinchieri, G.; Lonsdale, C. J.; Chiappetti, L.; Andreon, S.; Pierre, M.; Le Fèvre, O.; Zamorani, G.; Maccagni, D.; Garcet, O.; Surdej, J.; Franceschini, A.; Alloin, D.; Shupe, D. L.; Surace, J. A.; Fang, F.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Smith, H. E.; Tresse, L. |
07-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 663, 81 |
2007ApJ...663...81P |
2,4 |
0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520401, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501 |
1887 |
Narrow-line X-Ray-selected Galaxies in the Chandra-COSMOS Field. II. Optically Elusive X-Ray AGNs |
Pons, E.; Elvis, M.; Civano, F.; Watson, M. G. |
06-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 824, 51 |
2016ApJ...824...51P |
4 |
0203361201, 0203361001, 0501170201, 0203361301, 0203361801, 0203361401, 0672780101, 0203360201, 0302351601, 0203361901, 0203360101 |
1888 |
A new sample of X-ray selected narrow emission-line galaxies. II. Looking for True Seyfert 2 |
Pons, E.; Watson, M. G. |
10-2016 |
2016, A&A, 594, 72 |
2016A&A...594A..72P |
4 |
1889 |
A new sample of X-ray selected narrow emission-line galaxies. I. The nature of optically elusive AGN |
Pons, E.; Watson, M. G. |
08-2014 |
2014, A&A, 568, 108 |
2014A&A...568A.108P |
4 |
0112830201, 0150970301, 0506440101, 0302351601, 0403760701, 0305920601, 0097820101, 0201470101, 0203360101, 0305600601, 0112810101, 0203280201, 0303110101, 0303562201, 0407030101, 0605391101, 0201120101, 0142610101, 0093030201, 0128531601, 0304071201, 0301650401, 0301651801, 0143650901, 0103863201, 0604680201, 0502060201, 0306050201, 0108460101, 0670650401, 0653810601, 0148620101, 0301450201, 0504100601, 0112840101, 0305800701, 0205090101, 0147610101, 0658400601 |
1890 |
X-ray properties of z â³ 6.5 quasars |
Pons, E.;McMahon, R. G.;Banerji, M.;Reed, S. L. |
01-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 491, 3884 |
2020MNRAS.491.3884P |
4 |
0824400101, 0824400201, 0824400301, 0803160301, 0803160201, 0803161101, 0803160401, 0803160501, 0803160701 |
1891 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. XI. Reverberation of the Fe Kalpha line |
Ponti, G.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Bianchi, S.; Kaastra, J. S.; De Marco, B.; Fender, R. P.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Kriss, G. A.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Dadina, M.; Ebrero, J.; Lubinski, P.; Mehdipour, M.; Paltani, S.; Pinto, C.; Tombesi, F. |
01-2013 |
2013, A&A, 549, 72 |
2013A&A...549A..72P |
4 |
0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390401, 0601390501, 0601390601, 0601390701, 0601390801, 0601390901, 0601391001, 0601391101, 0130720101, 0130720201, 0306090101, 0306090301, 0306090401 |
1892 |
Mapping the inner regions of MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton |
Ponti, G.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Malaguti, G. |
04-2004 |
2004, A&A, 417, 451 |
2004A&A...417..451P |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201 |
1893 |
Study of the spectral variability of MCG-6-30-15 during a remarkably strong flare period |
Ponti, G.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Malaguti, G.; Malizia, A.; Di Cocco, G. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 221 |
2004NuPhS.132..221P |
4 |
1894 |
XMM-Newton and Suzaku analysis of the Fe K complex in the type 1 Seyfert galaxy Mrk 509 |
Ponti, G.; Cappi, M.; Vignali, C.; Miniutti, G.; Tombesi, F.; Dadina, M.; Fabian, A. C.; Grandi, P.; Kaastra, J.; Petrucci, P. O.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Maraschi, L.; Malaguti, G. |
04-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 394, 1487 |
2009MNRAS.394.1487P |
4 |
0130720101, 0130720201, 0306090101, 0306090301, 0306090401 |
1895 |
Ubiquitous equatorial accretion disc winds in black hole soft states |
Ponti, G.; Fender, R. P.; Begelman, M. C.; Dunn, R. J. H.; Neilsen, J.; Coriat, M. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, L11 |
2012MNRAS.422L..11P |
4,11 |
1896 |
Relativistic disc reflection in the extreme NLS1 IRAS13224-3809 |
Ponti, G.; Gallo, L. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Miniutti, G.; Zoghbi, A.; Uttley, P.; Ross, R. R.; Vasudevan, R. V.; Tanaka, Y.; Brandt, W. N. |
08-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 406, 2591 |
2010MNRAS.406.2591P |
4 |
0110890101 |
1897 |
XMM-Newton study of the complex and variable spectrum of NGC 4051 |
Ponti, G.; Miniutti, G.; Cappi, M.; Maraschi, L.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K. |
05-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 368, 903 |
2006MNRAS.368..903P |
4 |
0157560101, 0109141401 |
1898 |
An ionized disc reflection component for the X-ray spectrum of NGC 4051 and IRAS13224-3809? |
Ponti, G.; Miniutti, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Cappi, M.; Palumbo, G. G. C. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1055 |
2006AN....327.1055P |
4 |
0109141401, 0110890101, 0157560101 |
1899 |
CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive. III. Excess variance analysis |
Ponti, G.; Papadakis, I.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Uttley, P.; Bonilla, N. F. |
06-2012 |
2012, A&A, 542, 83 |
2012A&A...542A..83P |
4 |
1900 |
A Strong X-Ray Flux Ratio Anomaly in the Quadruply Lensed Quasar PG 1115+080 |
Pooley, David; Blackburne, Jeffrey A.; Rappaport, Saul; Schechter, Paul L.; Fong, Wen-fai |
09-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 648, 67 |
2006ApJ...648...67P |
4 |
0203560401, 0203560201, 0082340101 |
1901 |
A prominent relativistic iron line in the Seyfert 1 MCG-02-14-009 |
Porquet, D. |
01-2006 |
2006, A&A, 445, L5 |
2006A&A...445L...5P |
4 |
0103860701 |
1902 |
A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark 120. V. Spin determination from disc-Comptonisation efficiency method |
Porquet, D.; Done, C.; Reeves, J. N.; Grosso, N.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Lobban, A.; Nardini, E.; Braito, V.; Marin, F.; Kubota, A.; Ricci, C.; Koss, M.; Stern, D.; Ballantyne, D.; Farrah, D. |
03-2019 |
2019, A&A, 623, 11 |
2019A&A...623A..11P |
4 |
0721600401, 0693781501 |
1903 |
XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert 1 ESO 198-G24 |
Porquet, D.; Kaastra, J. S.; Page, K. L.; O'Brien, P. T.; Ward, M. J.; Dubau, J. |
01-2004 |
2004, A&A, 413, 913 |
2004A&A...413..913P |
4 |
0067190101 |
1904 |
XMM-Newton observation of the brightest X-ray flare detected so far from Sgr A* |
Porquet, D.; Predehl, P.; Aschenbach, B.; Grosso, N.; Goldwurm, A.; Goldoni, P.; Warwick, R. S.; Decourchelle, A. |
08-2003 |
2003, A&A, 407, L17 |
2003A&A...407L..17P |
4 |
0111350301 |
1905 |
An intense and broad Fe Kalpha line observed in the X-ray luminous quasar Q 0056-363 with XMM-Newton |
Porquet, D.; Reeves, J. N. |
09-2003 |
2003, A&A, 408, 119 |
2003A&A...408..119P |
4 |
0102040701 |
1906 |
An XMM-Newton view of the X-ray flat radio-quiet quasar PG 1416-129 |
Porquet, D.; Reeves, J. N.; Markowitz, A.; Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Nandra, K. |
04-2007 |
2007, A&A, 466, 23 |
2007A&A...466...23P |
4 |
0203770201 |
1907 |
A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark 120. IV. XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra dominated by two temperature (warm, hot) Comptonization processes |
Porquet, D.; Reeves, J. N.; Matt, G.; Marinucci, A.; Nardini, E.; Braito, V.; Lobban, A.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Dauser, T.; Farrah, D.; Garcia, J.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F.; Stern, D.; Tortosa, A.; Ursini, F.; Zhang, W. W. |
01-2018 |
2018, A&A, 609, 42 |
2018A&A...609A..42P |
4 |
0721600201, 0721600301, 0721600401 |
1908 |
XMM-Newton EPIC observations of 21 low-redshift PG quasars |
Porquet, D.; Reeves, J. N.; O'Brien, P.; Brinkmann, W. |
07-2004 |
2004, A&A, 422, 85 |
2004A&A...422...85P |
4 |
0110890301, 0102040401, 0111290101, 0111290201, 0109080701, 0109080801, 0111290301, 0111290401, 0109080101, 0051760101, 0110950401, 0109080201, 0109080301, 0109080401, 0109081001, 0102040501, 0109080901, 0107660201, 0111291001, 0102041301, 0109081101 |
1909 |
XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert 1.8 ESO 113-G010: Discovery of a highly redshifted iron line at 5.4 keV |
Porquet, D.; Reeves, J. N.; Uttley, P.; Turner, T. J. |
11-2004 |
2004, A&A, 427, 101 |
2004A&A...427..101P |
4 |
0103861601 |
1910 |
A 100 ks XMM-Newton view of the Seyfert 1.8 ESO 113-G010. Discovery of large X-ray variability and study of the Fe Kalpha line complex |
Porquet, D.; Uttley, P.; Reeves, J. N.; Markowitz, A.; Bianchi, S.; Grosso, N.; Miller, L.; Deluit, S.; George, I. M. |
10-2007 |
2007, A&A, 473, 67 |
2007A&A...473...67P |
4 |
0301890101 |
1911 |
Probing the face-on disc-corona system of the bare AGN Mrk 110 from UV to hard X-rays: A moderate changing-state AGN? |
Porquet, D.;Hagen, S.;Grosso, N.;Lobban, A.;Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Done, C. |
01-2024 |
2024, A&A, 681, 40 |
2024A&A...681A..40P |
4 |
0852590101, 0852590201 |
1912 |
The first simultaneous X-ray broadband view of Mrk 110 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Porquet, D.;Reeves, J. N.;Grosso, N.;Braito, V.;Lobban, A. |
10-2021 |
2021, A&A, 654, 89 |
2021A&A...654A..89P |
4 |
0852590101, 0852590201 |
1913 |
Revealing the burning and soft heart of the bright bare active galactic nucleus ESO 141-G55: X-ray broadband and SED analysis |
Porquet, D.;Reeves, J. N.;Hagen, S.;Lobban, A.;Braito, V.;Grosso, N.;Marin, F. |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 336 |
2024A&A...689A.336P |
4 |
0913190101, 0503750101, 0503750501, 0503750401, 0503750301, 0101040501 |
1914 |
A Cloudy/XSPEC Interface |
Porter, R. L.; Ferland, G. J.; Kraemer, S. B.; Armentrout, B. K.; Arnaud, K. A.; Turner, T. J. |
06-2006 |
2006, PASP, 118, 920 |
2006PASP..118..920P |
4 |
0165360101 |
1915 |
A colourful analysis: Probing the eclipse of the black hole and central engine in NGC 6814 using X-ray colour-colour grids |
Pottie, B.;Gallo, L. C.;Gonzalez, A. G.;Miller, J. M. |
11-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 3633 |
2023MNRAS.525.3633P |
4 |
0764620101 |
1916 |
INTEGRAL and RXTE monitoring of GRS 1758-258 in 2003 and 2004. A transition from the dim soft state to the hard state |
Pottschmidt, K.; Chernyakova, M.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Lubinski, P.; Smith, D. M.; Bezayiff, N. |
06-2006 |
2006, A&A, 452, 285 |
2006A&A...452..285P |
4 |
1917 |
XXL-HSC: Link between AGN activity and star formation in the early Universe (z ⩾ 3.5) |
Pouliasis, E.;Mountrichas, G.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Ruiz, A.;Gilli, R.;Koulouridis, E.;Akiyama, M.;Ueda, Y.;Garrel, C.;Nagao, T.;Paltani, S.;Pierre, M.;Toba, Y.;Vignali, C. |
11-2022 |
2022, A&A, 667, 56 |
2022A&A...667A..56P |
4 |
1918 |
An obscured AGN population hidden in the VIPERS galaxies: identification through spectral energy distribution decomposition |
Pouliasis, E.;Mountrichas, G.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Ruiz, A.;Yang, M.;Bonanos, A. Z. |
05-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 495, 1853 |
2020MNRAS.495.1853P |
4 |
1919 |
Active galactic nucleus X-ray luminosity function and absorption function in the Early Universe (3 ⤠z ⤠6) |
Pouliasis, E.;Ruiz, A.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Vito, F.;Gilli, R.;Vignali, C.;Ueda, Y.;Koulouridis, E.;Akiyama, M.;Marchesi, S.;Laloux, B.;Nagao, T.;Paltani, S.;Pierre, M.;Toba, Y.;Habouzit, M.;Vijarnwannaluk, B.;Garrel, C. |
05-2024 |
2024, A&A, 685, 97 |
2024A&A...685A..97P |
4 |
1920 |
The soft X-ray spectrum of the luminous narrow line Seyfert galaxy PG 1211+143 - evidence for a second high-velocity outflow component |
Pounds, K. A. |
02-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 3221 |
2014MNRAS.437.3221P |
4 |
0208020101, 0112610101, 0502050101, 0502050201 |
1921 |
The shocked outflow in NGC 4051 - momentum-driven feedback, ultrafast outflows and warm absorbers |
Pounds, K. A.; King, A. R. |
08-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 433, 1369 |
2013MNRAS.433.1369P |
4 |
0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301 |
1922 |
Evidence of a high-velocity ionized outflow in a second narrow-line quasar PG 0844+349 |
Pounds, K. A.; King, A. R.; Page, K. L.; O'Brien, P. T. |
12-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 346, 1025 |
2003MNRAS.346.1025P |
4 |
0103660201 |
1923 |
A dual velocity in the highly ionized wind of the luminous narrow line Seyfert galaxy PG 1211+143 |
Pounds, K. A.; Lobban, A.; Reeves, J. N.; Vaughan, S. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 518 |
2016AN....337..518P |
4 |
0112610101, 0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
1924 |
Imprints of a high-velocity wind on the soft X-ray spectrum of PG1211+143 |
Pounds, K. A.; Lobban, A.; Reeves, J. N.; Vaughan, S.; Costa, M. |
07-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 459, 4389 |
2016MNRAS.459.4389P |
4 |
0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
1925 |
An ultrafast inflow in the luminous Seyfert PG1211+143 |
Pounds, K. A.; Nixon, C. J.; Lobban, A.; King, A. R. |
12-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 481, 1832 |
2018MNRAS.481.1832P |
4 |
0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
1926 |
Confirming the high velocity outflow in PG1211+143 |
Pounds, K. A.; Page, K. L. |
11-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 372, 1275 |
2006MNRAS.372.1275P |
4 |
0112610101 |
1927 |
An XMM-Newton observation of Mkn 3 - a Seyfert galaxy just over the edge |
Pounds, K. A.; Page, K. L. |
07-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 360, 1123 |
2005MNRAS.360.1123P |
4 |
1928 |
Is the X-ray spectrum of the narrow emission line QSO PG1211+143 defined by its energetic outflow? |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N. |
01-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 374, 823 |
2007MNRAS.374..823P |
4 |
0112610101, 0208020101 |
1929 |
Quantifying the fast outflow in the luminous Seyfert galaxy PG1211+143 |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N. |
07-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 397, 249 |
2009MNRAS.397..249P |
4 |
0502050101, 0502050201 |
1930 |
Exploring the complex X-ray spectrum of NGC 4051 |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N.; King, A. R.; Page, K. L. |
05-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 350, 10 |
2004MNRAS.350...10P |
4 |
1931 |
A high-velocity ionized outflow and XUV photosphere in the narrow emission line quasar PG1211+143 |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N.; King, A. R.; Page, K. L.; O'Brien, P. T.; Turner, M. J. L. |
11-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 345, 705 |
2003MNRAS.345..705P |
4 |
0112610101 |
1932 |
A simultaneous XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observation of the archetypal broad line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Page, K. L.; Edelson, R.; Matt, G.; Perola, G. C. |
05-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 341, 953 |
2003MNRAS.341..953P |
4 |
0089960301, 0089960401 |
1933 |
An XMM-Newton Observation of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0419-577 in an Extreme Low State |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Page, K. L.; O'Brien, P. T. |
04-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 605, 670 |
2004ApJ...605..670P |
4 |
0112600401, 0148000201 |
1934 |
Resolving the Large-Scale Spectral Variability of the Luminous Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0419-577: Evidence for a New Emission Component and Absorption by Cold Dense Matter |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Page, K. L.; O'Brien, P. T. |
12-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 616, 696 |
2004ApJ...616..696P |
4 |
0148000201, 0148000301, 0148000401, 0148000501, 0148000601 |
1935 |
Fe K emission and absorption features in XMM-Newton spectra of Markarian 766: evidence for reprocessing in flare ejecta |
Pounds, K. A.; Reeves, J. N.; Page, K. L.; Wynn, G. A.; O'Brien, P. T. |
07-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 342, 1147 |
2003MNRAS.342.1147P |
4 |
0096020101, 0109141301 |
1936 |
An extended XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051 - I. Evidence for a shocked outflow |
Pounds, K. A.; Vaughan, S. |
05-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, 1251 |
2011MNRAS.413.1251P |
4 |
0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301 |
1937 |
An extended XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051 - III. Fe K emission and absorption |
Pounds, K. A.; Vaughan, S. |
06-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 423, 165 |
2012MNRAS.423..165P |
4 |
0606321301, 0606321601, 0606320201, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321501, 0606321701, 0606322301, 0606322201, 0606321401, 0606322101, 0606321801, 0606320101 |
1938 |
An extended XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051 - II. Soft X-ray emission from a limb-brightened shell of post-shock gas |
Pounds, K. A.; Vaughan, S. |
08-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 2379 |
2011MNRAS.415.2379P |
4 |
0606321301, 0606321601, 0606320201, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321501, 0606321701, 0606322301, 0606322201, 0606321401, 0606322101, 0606321801, 0606320101 |
1939 |
Comparison of high- and low-state X-ray spectra in the type 1.5 quasi-stellar object 2MASS 0918+2117 |
Pounds, K. A.; Wilkes, B. J. |
10-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 380, 1341 |
2007MNRAS.380.1341P |
4 |
0303360101 |
1940 |
X-ray absorption and re-emission from an ionized outflow in the Type 1 quasi-stellar object 2MASS 234449+1221 observed by XMM-Newton |
Pounds, K. A.; Wilkes, B. J.; Page, K. L. |
09-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 362, 784 |
2005MNRAS.362..784P |
4,7 |
1941 |
Detection of a second high-velocity component in the highly ionized wind from PG 1211+143 |
Pounds, Ken; Lobban, Andrew; Reeves, James; Vaughan, Simon |
04-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 2951 |
2016MNRAS.457.2951P |
4 |
0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
1942 |
An XMM-Newton Observation of the Luminous Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 509 |
Pounds, Ken; Reeves, James; O'Brien, Paul; Page, Kim; Turner, Martin; Nayakshin, Sergei |
09-2001 |
2001, ApJ, 559, 181 |
2001ApJ...559..181P |
4 |
0130720101 |
1943 |
X-ray reflection in the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 |
Pounds, Ken; Vaughan, Simon |
05-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 368, 707 |
2006MNRAS.368..707P |
4 |
0111200101, 0111200201 |
1944 |
Low-redshift absorption in the Seyfert galaxy PG1211+143 - a distant inflow maintaining off-plane accretion or the gravitational redshift of matter orbiting the SMBH? |
Pounds, Ken;Page, Kim |
07-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 531, 4852 |
2024MNRAS.531.4852P |
4 |
1945 |
On the Anticorrelation Between Galaxy Light Concentration and X-ray-to-Optical Flux Ratio |
PoviÄ, M.; Sánchez-Portal, M.; Pérez GarcÃa, A. M.; Bongiovanni, A.; Cepa, J.; Fernández Lorenzo, M.; Lara-López, M. A.; González-Serrano, J. I.; Alfaro, E. J. |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 702, L51 |
2009ApJ...702L..51P |
4 |
0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801 |
1946 |
AGN-host galaxy connection: morphology and colours of X-ray selected AGN at z ⤠2 |
PoviÄ, M.; Sánchez-Portal, M.; Pérez GarcÃa, A. M.; Bongiovanni, A.; Cepa, J.; Huertas-Company, M.; Lara-López, M. A.; Fernández Lorenzo, M.; Ederoclite, A.; Alfaro, E.; Castañeda, H.; Gallego, J.; González-Serrano, J. I.; González, J. J. |
05-2012 |
2012, A&A, 541, 118 |
2012A&A...541A.118P |
4,5 |
1947 |
The Swift/BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. IX. The Clustering Environments of an Unbiased Sample of Local AGNs |
Powell, M. C.; Cappelluti, N.; Urry, C. M.; Koss, M.; Finoguenov, A.; Ricci, C.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Allevato, V.; Ajello, M.; Oh, K.; Schawinski, K.; Secrest, N. |
05-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 858, 110 |
2018ApJ...858..110P |
4 |
1948 |
The Clustering of X-Ray Luminous Quasars |
Powell, M. C.;Urry, C. M.;Cappelluti, N.;Johnson, J. T.;LaMassa, S. M.;Ananna, T. T.;Kollmann, K. E. |
03-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 891, 41 |
2020ApJ...891...41P |
4 |
1949 |
The HELLAS2XMM survey. XIII. Multi-component analysis of the spectral energy distribution of obscured AGN |
Pozzi, F.; Vignali, C.; Comastri, A.; Bellocchi, E.; Fritz, J.; Gruppioni, C.; Mignoli, M.; Maiolino, R.; Pozzetti, L.; Brusa, M.; Fiore, F.; Zamorani, G. |
07-2010 |
2010, A&A, 517, 11 |
2010A&A...517A..11P |
4 |
1950 |
The spectral energy distribution of the central parsecs of the nearest AGN |
Prieto, M. A.; Reunanen, J.; Tristram, K. R. W.; Neumayer, N.; Fernandez-Ontiveros, J. A.; Orienti, M.; Meisenheimer, K. |
02-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 402, 724 |
2010MNRAS.402..724P |
4 |
1951 |
Viewing Angle Observations and Effects of Evolution with Redshift, Black Hole Mass, and Eddington Ratio in Quasar-based Cosmology |
Prince, Raj;Hryniewicz, Krzysztof;Panda, Swayamtrupta;Czerny, Bożena;Pollo, Agnieszka |
02-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 925, 215 |
2022ApJ...925..215P |
4 |
1952 |
X-ray variability of SDSS quasars based on the SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey |
Prokhorenko, S. A.;Sazonov, S. Yu;Gilfanov, M. R.;Balashev, S. A.;Bikmaev, I. F.;Ivanchik, A. V.;Medvedev, P. S.;Starobinsky, A. A.;Sunyaev, R. A. |
03-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 528, 5972 |
2024MNRAS.528.5972P |
4 |
1953 |
Testing Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flow Theory: An XMM-Newton Observation of NGC 3998 |
Ptak, A.; Terashima, Y.; Ho, L. C.; Quataert, E. |
05-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 606, 173 |
2004ApJ...606..173P |
4 |
0090020101 |
1954 |
Type II Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IV. Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations Reveal Heavily Absorbed Sources |
Ptak, Andrew; Zakamska, Nadia L.; Strauss, Michael A.; Krolik, Julian H.; Heckman, Timothy M.; Schneider, Donald P.; Brinkmann, Jon |
01-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 637, 147 |
2006ApJ...637..147P |
4 |
0204340201, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0110990201, 0204340101 |
1955 |
The Swift serendipitous survey in deep XRT GRB fields (SwiftFT). I. The X-ray catalog and number counts |
Puccetti, S.; Capalbi, M.; Giommi, P.; Perri, M.; Stratta, G.; Angelini, L.; Burrows, D. N.; Campana, S.; Chincarini, G.; Cusumano, G.; Gehrels, N.; Moretti, A.; Nousek, J.; Osborne, J. P.; Tagliaferri, G. |
04-2011 |
2011, A&A, 528, 122 |
2011A&A...528A.122P |
2,4 |
1956 |
The XMM-Newton survey of the ELAIS-S1 field. I. Number counts, angular correlation function and X-ray spectral properties |
Puccetti, S.; Fiore, F.; D'Elia, V.; Pillitteri, I.; Feruglio, C.; Grazian, A.; Brusa, M.; Ciliegi, P.; Comastri, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Mignoli, M.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; La Franca, F.; Sacchi, N.; Franceschini, A.; Berta, S.; Buttery, H.; Dias, J. E. |
10-2006 |
2006, A&A, 457, 501 |
2006A&A...457..501P |
2,4 |
0148960101, 0148960801, 0148960901, 0148961001, 0148961601, 0148961201, 0148961301, 0148961401, 0148962101, 0148960401 |
1957 |
The 2MIG isolated AGNs - I. General and multiwavelength properties of AGNs and host galaxies in the northern sky |
Pulatova, N. G.; Vavilova, I. B.; Sawangwit, U.; Babyk, Iu.; Klimanov, S. |
03-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 447, 2209 |
2015MNRAS.447.2209P |
4 |
1958 |
What excites the optical emission in X-ray-selected galaxies? |
Pulatova, N. G.;Rix, H. -W.;Tugay, A. V.;Zadorozhna, L. V.;Seeburger, R.;Demianenko, M. |
06-2024 |
2024, A&A, 686, 223 |
2024A&A...686A.223P |
4 |
1959 |
X-Ray Absorption in Type II Quasars: Implications for the Equatorial Paradigm of Broad Absorption Line Quasars |
Punsly, Brian |
08-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 647, 886 |
2006ApJ...647..886P |
4 |
1960 |
The FR II Broad-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy: PKS J1037-2705 |
Punsly, Brian; Clarke, Tracy E.; Tingay, Steven; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Rasmussen, Jesper; Colbert, Ed |
11-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 687, 162 |
2008ApJ...687..162P |
4 |
0203200101 |
1961 |
Low-mass Active Galactic Nuclei on the Fundamental Plane of Black Hole Activity |
Qian, Lei; Dong, Xiao-Bo; Xie, Fu-Guo; Liu, Wenjuan; Li, Di |
06-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 860, 134 |
2018ApJ...860..134Q |
4 |
1962 |
A systematic study of the condensation of the corona and the application for Gamma 2-10 keV-Lbol/LEdd correlation in luminous active galactic nuclei |
Qiao, Erlin; Liu, B. F. |
06-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 477, 210 |
2018MNRAS.477..210Q |
4 |
0152840101, 0203720201, 0147190101, 0101040201, 0147440101, 0201130501, 0302480601, 0302480401, 0302480501, 0510010701, 0101040101, 0306090401, 0201020201, 0103860801, 0400270101, 0101040301, 0107460701, 0112210501, 0112210201, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0109970101, 0109960101, 0112170101, 0301450401, 0103660201, 0111290201, 0208020101, 0112610101, 0414190101, 0301450201, 0110950401, 0103660101, 0102040501, 0102040601, 0150470701 |
1963 |
Tormund's return: Hints of quasi-periodic eruption features from a recent optical tidal disruption event |
Quintin, E.;Webb, N. A.;Guillot, S.;Miniutti, G.;Kammoun, E. S.;Giustini, M.;Arcodia, R.;Soucail, G.;Clerc, N.;Amato, R.;Markwardt, C. B. |
07-2023 |
2023, A&A, 675, 152 |
2023A&A...675A.152Q |
4 |
0871190301 |
1964 |
Modeling the warm absorber in active galactic nuclei |
Rózanska, A.; Goosmann, R.; Dumont, A.-M.; Czerny, B. |
06-2006 |
2006, A&A, 452, 1 |
2006A&A...452....1R |
4 |
1965 |
Are Boltzmann plots of hydrogen Balmer lines a tool for identifying a subclass of S1 AGN? |
Rafanelli, P.; Ciroi, S.; Cracco, V.; Di Mille, F.; Ilic, D.; La Mura, G.; Popovic, L. C. |
10-2014 |
2014, AdSpR, 54, 1362 |
2014AdSpR..54.1362R |
4 |
1966 |
The Feedback-regulated Growth of Black Holes and Bulges through Gas Accretion and Starbursts in Cluster Central Dominant Galaxies |
Rafferty, D. A.; McNamara, B. R.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Wise, M. W. |
11-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 652, 216 |
2006ApJ...652..216R |
4,5 |
1967 |
The long-lasting activity of 3C 454.3. GASP-WEBT and satellite observations in 2008-2010 |
Raiteri, C. M. et al. |
10-2011 |
2011, A&A, 534, 87 |
2011A&A...534A..87R |
4 |
OM |
0401700201, 0401700501 |
1968 |
WEBT multiwavelength monitoring and XMM-Newton observations of BL Lacertae in 2007-2008. Unveiling different emission components |
Raiteri, C. M. et al. |
11-2009 |
2009, A&A, 507, 769 |
2009A&A...507..769R |
4 |
0501660301, 0501660201, 0501660401 |
1969 |
A new activity phase of the blazar 3C 454.3. Multifrequency observations by the WEBT and XMM-Newton in 2007-2008 |
Raiteri, C. M. et al. |
12-2008 |
2008, A&A, 491, 755 |
2008A&A...491..755R |
4 |
0401700201, 0401700601, 0401700501, 0401700401 |
1970 |
Another look at the BL Lacertae flux and spectral variability. Observations by GASP-WEBT, XMM-Newton, and Swift in 2008-2009 |
Raiteri, C. M. et al. |
12-2010 |
2010, A&A, 524, 43 |
2010A&A...524A..43R |
4 |
0504370401 |
1971 |
Testing the blazar sequence with the least luminous BL Lacertae objects |
Raiteri, C. M.; Capetti, A. |
03-2016 |
2016, A&A, 587, 8 |
2016A&A...587A...8R |
4 |
1972 |
Synchrotron emission from the blazar PG 1553+113. An analysis of its flux and polarization variability |
Raiteri, C. M.; Nicastro, F.; Stamerra, A.; Villata, M.; Larionov, V. M.; Blinov, D.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Arévalo, M. J.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bachev, R.; Borman, G. A.; Carnerero, M. I.; Carosati, D.; Cecconi, M.; Chen, W.-P.; Damljanovic, G.; Di Paola, A.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Frasca, A.; Giroletti, M.; González-Morales, P. A.; Griñon-Marín, A. B.; Grishina, T. S.; Huang, P.-C.; Ibryamov, S.; Klimanov, S. A.; Kopatskaya, E. N.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Kurtanidze, S. O.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Larionova, E. G.; Larionova, L. V.; Lázaro, C.; Leto, G.; Liodakis, I.; Martínez-Lombilla, C.; Mihov, B.; Mirzaqulov, D. O.; Mokrushina, A. A.; Moody, J. W.; Morozova, D. A.; Nazarov, S. V.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Ohlert, J. M.; Panopoulou, G. V.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Pinna, F.; Protasio, C.; Rizzi, N.; Sadun, A. C.; Savchenko, S. S.; Semkov, E.; Sigua, L. A.; Slavcheva-Mihova, L.; Strigachev, A.; Tornikoski, M.; Troitskaya, Yu. V.; Troitsky, I. S.; Vasilyev, A. A.; Vera, R. J. C.; Vince, O.; Zanmar Sanchez, R. |
04-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 466, 3762 |
2017MNRAS.466.3762R |
4 |
0761100201, 0761101001, 0761100701, 0761100301, 0761100401, 0761100101 |
1973 |
The WEBT campaign on the BL Lac object PG 1553+113 in 2013. An analysis of the enigmatic synchrotron emission |
Raiteri, C. M.; Stamerra, A.; Villata, M.; Larionov, V. M.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Arévalo, M. J.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bachev, R.; Benítez, E.; Bozhilov, V. V.; Borman, G. A.; Buemi, C. S.; Calcidese, P.; Carnerero, M. I.; Carosati, D.; Chigladze, R. A.; Damljanovic, G.; Di Paola, A.; Doroshenko, V. T.; Efimova, N. V.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Giroletti, M.; González-Morales, P. A.; Grinon-Marin, A. B.; Grishina, T. S.; Hiriart, D.; Ibryamov, S.; Klimanov, S. A.; Kopatskaya, E. N.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Kurtanidze, S. O.; Kurtenkov, A. A.; Larionova, L. V.; Larionova, E. G.; Lázaro, C.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Leto, P.; Markovic, G.; Mirzaqulov, D. O.; Mokrushina, A. A.; Morozova, D. A.; Mújica, R.; Nazarov, S. V.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Ohlert, J. M.; Ovcharov, E. P.; Paiano, S.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Prandini, E.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Sadun, A. C.; Semkov, E.; Sigua, L. A.; Strigachev, A.; Tammi, J.; Tornikoski, M.; Trigilio, C.; Troitskaya, Yu. V.; Troitsky, I. S.; Umana, G.; Velasco, S.; Vince, O. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 454, 353 |
2015MNRAS.454..353R |
4 |
0727780101 |
1974 |
The awakening of BL Lacertae: observations by Fermi, Swift and the GASP-WEBT |
Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; D'Ammando, F.; Larionov, V. M.; Gurwell, M. A.; Mirzaqulov, D. O.; Smith, P. S.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Agudo, I.; Arévalo, M. J.; Bachev, R.; Benítez, E.; Berdyugin, A.; Blinov, D. A.; Borman, G. A.; Böttcher, M.; Bozhilov, V.; Carnerero, M. I.; Carosati, D.; Casadio, C.; Chen, W. P.; Doroshenko, V. T.; Efimov, Yu. S.; Efimova, N. V.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Gómez, J. L.; González-Morales, P. A.; Hiriart, D.; Ibryamov, S.; Jadhav, Y.; Jorstad, S. G.; Joshi, M.; Kadenius, V.; Klimanov, S. A.; Kohli, M.; Konstantinova, T. S.; Kopatskaya, E. N.; Koptelova, E.; Kimeridze, G.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Larionova, E. G.; Larionova, L. V.; Ligustri, R.; Lindfors, E.; Marscher, A. P.; McBreen, B.; McHardy, I. M.; Metodieva, Y.; Molina, S. N.; Morozova, D. A.; Nazarov, S. V.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Nilsson, K.; Okhmat, D. N.; Ovcharov, E.; Panwar, N.; Pasanen, M.; Peneva, S.; Phipps, J.; Pulatova, N. G.; Reinthal, R.; Ros, J. A.; Sadun, A. C.; Schwartz, R. D.; Semkov, E.; Sergeev, S. G.; Sigua, L. A.; Sillanpää, A.; Smith, N.; Stoyanov, K.; Strigachev, A.; Takalo, L. O.; Taylor, B.; Thum, C.; Troitsky, I. S.; Valcheva, A.; Wehrle, A. E.; Wiesemeyer, H. |
12-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 436, 1530 |
2013MNRAS.436.1530R |
4 |
OM |
1975 |
The WEBT campaign to observe AO 0235+16 in the 2003-2004 observing season. Results from radio-to-optical monitoring and XMM-Newton observations |
Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; Larionov, V. M.; Kadler, M.; Aller, H. D.; Aller, M. F.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; Lanteri, L.; Nilsson, K.; Papadakis, I. E.; Pursimo, T.; Romero, G. E.; Teräsranta, H.; Tornikoski, M.; Arkharov, A. A.; Barnaby, D.; Berdyugin, A.; Böttcher, M.; Byckling, K.; Carini, M. T.; Carosati, D.; Cellone, S. A.; Ciprini, S.; Combi, J. A.; Crapanzano, S.; Crowe, R.; di Paola, A.; Dolci, M.; Fuhrmann, L.; Gu, M.; Hagen-Thorn, V. A.; Hakala, P.; Impellizzeri, V.; Jorstad, S.; Kerp, J.; Kimeridze, G. N.; Kovalev, Yu. A.; Kraus, A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Lindfors, E.; Mingaliev, M. G.; Nesci, R.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Ohlert, J.; Orio, M.; Ostorero, L.; Pasanen, M.; Pati, A.; Poteet, C.; Ros, E.; Ros, J. A.; Shastri, P.; Sigua, L. A.; Sillanpää, A.; Smith, N.; Takalo, L. O.; Tosti, G.; Vasileva, A.; Wagner, S. J.; Walters, R.; Webb, J. R.; Wills, W.; Witzel, A.; Xilouris, E. |
07-2005 |
2005, A&A, 438, 39 |
2005A&A...438...39R |
4 |
1976 |
Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis |
Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Kadler, M.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Larionov, V. M.; Tornikoski, M.; Boltwood, P.; Lee, C.-U.; Aller, M. F.; Romero, G. E.; Aller, H. D.; Araudo, A. T.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bach, U.; Barnaby, D.; Berdyugin, A.; Buemi, C. S.; Carini, M. T.; Carosati, D.; Cellone, S. A.; Cool, R.; Dolci, M.; Efimova, N. V.; Fuhrmann, L.; Hagen-Thorn, V. A.; Holcomb, M.; Ilyin, I.; Impellizzeri, V.; Ivanidze, R. Z.; Kapanadze, B. Z.; Kerp, J.; Konstantinova, T. S.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; Kovalev, Yu. A.; Kraus, A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Lanteri, L.; Leto, P.; Lindfors, E.; Mattox, J. R.; Napoleone, N.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Nilsson, K.; Ohlert, J.; Papadakis, I. E.; Pasanen, M.; Poteet, C.; Pursimo, T.; Ros, E.; Sigua, L. A.; Smith, S.; Takalo, L. O.; Trigilio, C.; Tröller, M.; Umana, G.; Ungerechts, H.; Walters, R.; Witzel, A.; Xilouris, E. |
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X-ray emission from the blazar AO 0235+16: the XMM-Newton and Chandra point of view |
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1978 |
Radio-to-UV monitoring of AO 0235+164 by the WEBT and Swift during the 2006-2007 outburst |
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1979 |
WEBT and XMM-Newton observations of <ASTROBJ>3C 454.3</ASTROBJ> during the post-outburst phase. Detection of the little and big blue bumps |
Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Larionov, V. M.; Pursimo, T.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; Nilsson, K.; Aller, M. F.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Foschini, L.; Ohlert, J.; Papadakis, I. E.; Sumitomo, N.; Volvach, A.; Aller, H. D.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bach, U.; Berdyugin, A.; B?ttcher, M.; Buemi, C. S.; Calcidese, P.; Charlot, P.; Delgado S?nchez, A. J.; di Paola, A.; Djupvik, A. A.; Dolci, M.; Efimova, N. V.; Fan, J. H.; Forn?, E.; Gomez, C. A.; Gupta, A. C.; Hagen-Thorn, V. A.; Hooks, L.; Hovatta, T.; Ishii, Y.; Kamada, M.; Konstantinova, T.; Kopatskaya, E.; Kovalev, Yu. A.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; L?hteenm?ki, A.; Lanteri, L.; Le Campion, J.-F.; Lee, C.-U.; Leto, P.; Lin, H.-C.; Lindfors, E.; Mingaliev, M. G.; Mizoguchi, S.; Nicastro, F.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Nishiyama, S.; ?stman, L.; Ovcharov, E.; P??kk?nen, P.; Pasanen, M.; Pian, E.; Rector, T.; Ros, J. A.; Sadakane, K.; Selj, J. H.; Semkov, E.; Sharapov, D.; Somero, A.; Stanev, I.; Strigachev, A.; Takalo, L.; Tanaka, K.; Tavani, M.; Torniainen, I.; Tornikoski, M.; Trigilio, C.; Umana, G.; Vercellone, S.; Valcheva, A.; Volvach, L.; Yamanaka, M. |
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1980 |
NuSTAR Observations and Multiwavelength Modeling of the High-redshift BL Lacertae Object 4FGL J2146.5-1344 |
Rajagopal, M.;Marcotulli, L.;Ajello, M.;Kaur, A.;Paliya, V.;Hartmann, D. |
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1981 |
XMMâNuSTAR Observation and Multiwavelength Spectral Energy Distribution Modeling of Blazar 4FGL J1520.8â0348 |
Rajguru, Garima;Marcotulli, L.;Ajello, M.;Tramacere, A. |
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1982 |
High-redshift Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies: A Candidate Sample |
Rakshit, Suvendu;Stalin, C. S.;Kotilainen, Jari;Shin, Jaejin |
03-2021 |
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1983 |
Physical and kinematical properties of the X-ray absorber in the broad absorption line quasar APM 08279+5255 |
RamÃrez, J. M. |
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1984 |
On the X-ray low- and high-velocity outflows in active galactic nuclei |
RamÃrez, J. M.; Tombesi, F. |
01-2012 |
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1985 |
Chandra LETGS observation of the variable NLS1 galaxy Ark 564 |
Ramírez, J. M. |
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1986 |
The Infrared Nuclear Emission of Seyfert Galaxies on Parsec Scales: Testing the Clumpy Torus Models |
Ramos Almeida, C.; Levenson, N. A.; RodrÃguez Espinosa, J. M.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Radomski, J. T.; Packham, C.; Fisher, R. S.; Telesco, C. M. |
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1987 |
Upholding the unified model for active galactic nuclei: VLT/FORS2 spectropolarimetry of Seyfert 2 galaxies |
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09-2016 |
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1988 |
Characterization of Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Hosts in the Extended Groth Strip: A Multiwavelength Analysis |
Ramos Almeida, C.; RodrÃguez Espinosa, J. M.; Barro, G.; Gallego, J.; Pérez-González, P. G. |
01-2009 |
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1989 |
The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. III. Point source catalogue and number counts in the hard X-rays |
Ranalli, P.; Comastri, A.; Vignali, C.; Carrera, F. J.; Cappelluti, N.; Gilli, R.; Puccetti, S.; Brandt, W. N.; Brunner, H.; Brusa, M.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Iwasawa, K.; Mainieri, V. |
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1990 |
The 2-10 keV unabsorbed luminosity function of AGN from the LSS, CDFS, and COSMOS surveys |
Ranalli, P.; Koulouridis, E.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Fotopoulou, S.; Hsu, L.-T.; Salvato, M.; Comastri, A.; Pierre, M.; Cappelluti, N.; Carrera, F. J.; Chiappetti, L.; Clerc, N.; Gilli, R.; Iwasawa, K.; Pacaud, F.; Paltani, S.; Plionis, E.; Vignali, C. |
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1991 |
Shocks and Cavities from Multiple Outbursts in the Galaxy Group NGC 5813: A Window to Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback |
Randall, S. W.; Forman, W. R.; Giacintucci, S.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Sun, M.; Jones, C.; Churazov, E.; David, L. P.; Kraft, R.; Donahue, M.; Blanton, E. L.; Simionescu, A.; Werner, N. |
01-2011 |
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1992 |
The intrinsic X-ray luminosity distribution of an optically selected SDSS quasar population |
Rankine, Amy L.;Aird, James;Ruiz, Angel;Georgakakis, Antonis |
01-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 527, 9004 |
2024MNRAS.527.9004R |
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1993 |
Abundance Profiles in Cooling-core Clusters: a Fossil Record of Past AGN-driven Convection? |
Rasera, Y.; Lynch, B.; Srivastava, K.; Chandran, B. |
12-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 689, 825 |
2008ApJ...689..825R |
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1994 |
On the Putative Detection of z > 0 X-Ray Absorption Features in the Spectrum of Mrk 421 |
Rasmussen, Andrew P.; Kahn, Steven M.; Paerels, Frits; Herder, Jan Willem den; Kaastra, Jelle; de Vries, Cor |
02-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 656, 129 |
2007ApJ...656..129R |
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1995 |
A Momentum-conserving Accretion Disk Wind in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 I Zwicky 1 |
Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V. |
10-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 884, 80 |
2019ApJ...884...80R |
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0300470101, 0110890301, 0743050301, 0743050801 |
1996 |
Discovery of Broad Soft X-ray Absorption Lines from the Quasar Wind in PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Nardini, E.; Behar, E.; O'Brien, P. T.; Tombesi, F.; Turner, T. J.; Costa, M. T. |
06-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 824, 20 |
2016ApJ...824...20R |
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0721010201, 0721010301, 0721010401, 0721010501, 0721010601, 0041160101, 0501580101, 0501580201 |
1997 |
Resolving the X-Ray Obscuration in a Low-flux Observation of the Quasar PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Nardini, E.; Hamann, F.; Chartas, G.; Lobban, A. P.; O'Brien, P. T.; Turner, T. J. |
11-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 867, 38 |
2018ApJ...867...38R |
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0780690201, 0780690301 |
1998 |
A New Relativistic Component of the Accretion Disk Wind in PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Nardini, E.; Lobban, A. P.; Matzeu, G. A.; Costa, M. T. |
02-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 854, L8 |
2018ApJ...854L...8R |
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0780690201, 0780690301 |
1999 |
Suzaku observations of iron lines and reflection in AGN |
Reeves, J. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Kataoka, J.; Kunieda, H.; Markowitz, A.; Miniutti, G.; Okajima, T.; Serlemitsos, P.; Takahashi, T.; Terashima, Y.; Yaqoob, T. |
01-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 1079 |
2006AN....327.1079R |
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2000 |
Chandra High-resolution Spectroscopy of the Circumnuclear Matter in the Broad-line Radio Galaxy 3C 445 |
Reeves, J. N.; Gofford, J.; Braito, V.; Sambruna, R. |
12-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 725, 803 |
2010ApJ...725..803R |
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2001 |
The Variable Fast Soft X-Ray Wind in PG 1211+143 |
Reeves, J. N.; Lobban, A.; Pounds, K. A. |
02-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 854, 28 |
2018ApJ...854...28R |
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0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
2002 |
The XMM-Newton Iron Line Profile of NGC 3783 |
Reeves, J. N.; Nandra, K.; George, I. M.; Pounds, K. A.; Turner, T. J.; Yaqoob, T. |
02-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 602, 648 |
2004ApJ...602..648R |
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0112210201, 0112210501 |
2003 |
A Compton-thick Wind in the High-luminosity Quasar, PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.; O'Brien, P. T.; Braito, V.; Behar, E.; Miller, L.; Turner, T. J.; Fabian, A. C.; Kaspi, S.; Mushotzky, R.; Ward, M. |
08-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 701, 493 |
2009ApJ...701..493R |
4,5 |
0041160101 |
2004 |
A Massive X-Ray Outflow from the Quasar PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.; O'Brien, P. T.; Ward, M. J. |
08-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 593, L65 |
2003ApJ...593L..65R |
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0041160101 |
2005 |
A High Resolution View of the Warm Absorber in the Quasar MR 2251-178 |
Reeves, J. N.; Porquet, D.; Braito, V.; Gofford, J.; Nardini, E.; Turner, T. J.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Kraemer, S. B. |
10-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 776, 99 |
2013ApJ...776...99R |
4 |
0670120201, 0670120301, 0670120401 |
2006 |
A Deep X-Ray View of the Bare AGN Ark 120. I. Revealing the Soft X-Ray Line Emission |
Reeves, J. N.; Porquet, D.; Braito, V.; Nardini, E.; Lobban, A.; Turner, T. J. |
09-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 828, 98 |
2016ApJ...828...98R |
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0721600201, 0721600301, 0721600401, 0721600501 |
2007 |
An Extreme, Blueshifted Iron-Line Profile in the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 PG 1402+261: An Edge-on Accretion Disk or Highly Ionized Absorption? |
Reeves, J. N.; Porquet, D.; Turner, T. J. |
11-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 615, 150 |
2004ApJ...615..150R |
4 |
0109081001 |
2008 |
Evidence for Gravitational Infall of Matter onto the Supermassive Black Hole in the Quasar PG 1211+143? |
Reeves, J. N.; Pounds, K.; Uttley, P.; Kraemer, S.; Mushotzky, R.; Yaqoob, T.; George, I. M.; Turner, T. J. |
11-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 633, L81 |
2005ApJ...633L..81R |
4 |
0208020101 |
2009 |
The first XMM-Newton spectrum of a high redshift quasar - PKS 0537-286 |
Reeves, J. N.; Turner, M. J. L.; Bennie, P. J.; Pounds, K. A.; Short, A.; O'Brien, P. T.; Boller, Th.; Kuster, M.; Tiengo, A. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L116 |
2001A&A...365L.116R |
4 |
0114090101 |
2010 |
XMM-Newton observation of an unusual iron line in the quasar Markarian 205 |
Reeves, J. N.; Turner, M. J. L.; Pounds, K. A.; O'Brien, P. T.; Boller, Th.; Ferrando, P.; Kendziorra, E.; Vercellone, S. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L134 |
2001A&A...365L.134R |
4 |
0124110101 |
2011 |
Extreme X-ray variability in the luminous quasar PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.; Wynn, G.; O'Brien, P. T.; Pounds, K. A. |
11-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 336, L56 |
2002MNRAS.336L..56R |
4 |
0041160101 |
2012 |
Resolving the Soft X-Ray Ultrafast Outflow in PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Chartas, G.;Hamann, F.;Laha, S.;Nardini, E. |
05-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 895, 37 |
2020ApJ...895...37R |
4 |
0830390101, 0830390201, 0830390401 |
2013 |
Rapid Variability of the Accretion Disk Wind in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1, PG 1448+273 |
Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Porquet, D.;Laurenti, M.;Lobban, A.;Matzeu, G. |
07-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 952, 52 |
2023ApJ...952...52R |
4 |
0890600101, 0781430101 |
2014 |
The flaring X-ray corona in the quasar PDS 456 |
Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Porquet, D.;Lobban, A. P.;Matzeu, G. A.;Nardini, E. |
01-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 500, 1974 |
2021MNRAS.500.1974R |
4 |
0830390101, 0830390201, 0830390401 |
2015 |
Variable oxygen emission from the accretion disk of Mrk 110 |
Reeves, J. N.;Porquet, D.;Braito, V.;Grosso, N.;Lobban, A. |
05-2021 |
2021, A&A, 649, L3 |
2021A&A...649L...3R |
4 |
0201130501, 0840220701, 0840220801, 0840220901, 0852590101, 0852590201 |
2016 |
Revealing the High Energy Emission from the Obscured Seyfert Galaxy MCG-5-23-16 with Suzaku |
Reeves, James N.; Awaki, Hisamitsu; Dewangan, Gulab C.; Fabian, Andy C.; Fukazawa, Yasushi; Gallo, Luigi; Griffiths, Richard; Inoue, Hajime; Kunieda, Hideyo; Markowitz, Alex; Miniutti, Giovanni; Mizuno, Tsunefumi; Mushotzky, Richard; Okajima, Takashi; Ptak, Andy; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Terashima, Yuichi; Ushio, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Shin; Yamasaki, Tomonori; Yamauchi, Makoto; Yaqoob, Tahir |
01-2007 |
2007, PASJ, 59, 301 |
2007PASJ...59S.301R |
4 |
0302850201 |
2017 |
On why the iron K-shell absorption in AGN is not a signature of the local warm/hot intergalactic medium |
Reeves, James; Done, Chris; Pounds, Ken; Terashima, Yuichi; Hayashida, Kiyoshi; Anabuki, Naohisa; Uchino, Masahiro; Turner, Martin |
02-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 385, L108 |
2008MNRAS.385L.108R |
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0112610101, 0208020101 |
2018 |
A Hard X-Ray View of Two Distant VHE Blazars: 1ES 1101-232 and 1ES 1553+113 |
Reimer, A.; Costamante, L.; Madejski, G.; Reimer, O.; Dorner, D. |
08-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 682, 775 |
2008ApJ...682..775R |
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2019 |
Reflection from the strong gravity regime in a lensed quasar at redshift z = 0.658 |
Reis, R. C.; Reynolds, M. T.; Miller, J. M.; Walton, D. J. |
03-2014 |
2014, Natur, 507, 207 |
2014Natur.507..207R |
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0727960301 |
2020 |
On the origin of X-ray oxygen emission lines in obscured AGN |
Reynaldi, V.;Guainazzi, M.;Bianchi, S.;Andruchow, I.;GarcÃa, F.;Salerno, N.;López, I. E. |
10-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 499, 5107 |
2020MNRAS.499.5107R |
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2021 |
Accretion Processes in AGN : The X-Ray View |
Reynolds, C. S. |
03-2007 |
2007, RMxAC, 27, 36 |
2007RMxAC..27...36R |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
2022 |
Constraints on Compton-thick Winds from Black Hole Accretion Disks: Can We See the Inner Disk? |
Reynolds, Christopher S. |
11-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 759, L15 |
2012ApJ...759L..15R |
4 |
2023 |
Black Hole Spin in AGN and GBHCs |
Reynolds, Christopher S.; Brenneman, Laura W.; Garofalo, David |
11-2005 |
2005, Ap&SS, 300, 71 |
2005Ap&SS.300...71R |
4,11 |
2024 |
Iron line spectroscopy of NGC 4593 with XMM-Newton: where is the black hole accretion disc? |
Reynolds, Christopher S.; Brenneman, Laura W.; Wilms, Jörn; Kaiser, Mary Elizabeth |
07-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 352, 205 |
2004MNRAS.352..205R |
4 |
0059830101 |
2025 |
NuSTAR Observations of the Powerful Radio Galaxy Cygnus A |
Reynolds, Christopher S.; Lohfink, Anne M.; Ogle, Patrick M.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Madsen, Kristin K.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Wik, Daniel R.; Madejski, Grzegorz; Ballantyne, David R.; Boggs, Steven E.; Christensen, Finn E.; Craig, William W.; Fuerst, Felix; Hailey, Charles J.; Lanz, Lauranne; Miller, Jon M.; Saez, Cristian; Stern, Daniel; Walton, Dominic J.; Zhang, William |
08-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 808, 154 |
2015ApJ...808..154R |
4 |
0302800101 |
2026 |
Probing the Accretion Disk and Central Engine Structure of NGC 4258 with Suzaku and XMM-Newton Observations |
Reynolds, Christopher S.; Nowak, Michael A.; Markoff, Sera; Tueller, Jack; Wilms, Joern; Young, Andrew J. |
02-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 691, 1159 |
2009ApJ...691.1159R |
4 |
0400560301 |
2027 |
On the deep minimum state in the Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15 |
Reynolds, Christopher S.; Wilms, Jörn; Begelman, Mitchell C.; Staubert, Rüdiger; Kendziorra, Eckhard |
04-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 349, 1153 |
2004MNRAS.349.1153R |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201 |
2028 |
Probing the circumnuclear environment of NGC 1275 with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy |
Reynolds, Christopher S.;Smith, Robyn N.;Fabian, Andrew C.;Fukazawa, Yasushi;Kara, Erin A.;Mushotzky, Richard F.;Noda, Hirofumi;Tombesi, Francesco;Veilleux, Sylvain |
11-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 507, 5613 |
2021MNRAS.507.5613R |
4 |
2029 |
The Relativistic Jet-accretion Flow-Wind Connection in Mrk 231 |
Reynolds, Cormac; Punsly, Brian; Miniutti, Giovanni; O'Dea, Christopher P.; Hurley-Walker, Natasha |
02-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 836, 155 |
2017ApJ...836..155R |
4 |
0770580401, 0770580501 |
2030 |
IC 751: A New Changing Look AGN Discovered by NuSTAR |
Ricci, C.; Bauer, F. E.; Arevalo, P.; Boggs, S.; Brandt, W. N.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Gandhi, P.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Koss, M.; Markwardt, C. B.; Stern, D.; Treister, E.; Zhang, W. W. |
03-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 820, 5 |
2016ApJ...820....5R |
4 |
0744040301, 0744040401 |
2031 |
NUSTAR Unveils a Heavily Obscured Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 6286 |
Ricci, C.; Bauer, F. E.; Treister, E.; Romero-Cañizales, C.; Arevalo, P.; Iwasawa, K.; Privon, G. C.; Sanders, D. B.; Schawinski, K.; Stern, D.; Imanishi, M. |
03-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 819, 4 |
2016ApJ...819....4R |
4 |
0203390701, 0203391201 |
2032 |
Multi-zone warm and cold clumpy absorbers in three Seyfert galaxies |
Ricci, C.; Beckmann, V.; Audard, M.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L. |
07-2010 |
2010, A&A, 518, 47 |
2010A&A...518A..47R |
4 |
0401790101, 0307000901, 0300240401 |
2033 |
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XII. The relation between coronal properties of active galactic nuclei and the Eddington ratio |
Ricci, C.; Ho, L. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Koss, M. J.; Ueda, Y.; Lohfink, A.; Shimizu, T.; Bauer, F. E.; Mushotzky, R.; Schawinski, K.; Paltani, S.; Lamperti, I.; Treister, E.; Oh, K. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 1819 |
2018MNRAS.480.1819R |
4 |
2034 |
Luminosity-dependent unification of active galactic nuclei and the X-ray Baldwin effect |
Ricci, C.; Paltani, S.; Awaki, H.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Ueda, Y.; Brightman, M. |
05-2013 |
2013, A&A, 553, 29 |
2013A&A...553A..29R |
4 |
2035 |
On the role of the Gamma - lambdaEdd relation on the X-ray Baldwin effect in active galactic nuclei |
Ricci, C.; Paltani, S.; Ueda, Y.; Awaki, H. |
11-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 435, 1840 |
2013MNRAS.435.1840R |
4 |
2036 |
Suzaku Observation of IRAS 00521--7054, a Peculiar Type-II AGN with a Very Broad Feature at 6 keV |
Ricci, C.; Tazaki, F.; Ueda, Y.; Paltani, S.; Boissay, R.; Terashima, Y. |
11-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 795, 147 |
2014ApJ...795..147R |
4 |
0301150101, 0301151601 |
2037 |
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. V. X-Ray Properties of the Swift/BAT 70-month AGN Catalog |
Ricci, C.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Koss, M. J.; Ueda, Y.; Del Vecchio, I.; Treister, E.; Schawinski, K.; Paltani, S.; Oh, K.; Lamperti, I.; Berney, S.; Gandhi, P.; Ichikawa, K.; Bauer, F. E.; Ho, L. C.; Asmus, D.; Beckmann, V.; Soldi, S.; Balokovic, M.; Gehrels, N.; Markwardt, C. B. |
12-2017 |
2017, ApJS, 233, 17 |
2017ApJS..233...17R |
4 |
0550450101, 0112620201, 0067540201, 0312190101, 0554500201, 0203280301, 0550950101, 0147920101, 0605090301, 0150940101, 0301150401, 0312190201, 0602560101, 0601740201, 0205390201, 0115810301, 0312190301, 0150180101, 0554990101, 0103861101, 0553300401, 0111200101, 0503690101, 0312190401, 0602560201, 0307000701, 0122520201, 0312190501, 0554500801, 0501210401, 0605090201, 0500850401, 0200910101, 0401790101, 0103863001, 0307000401, 0402000501, 0605090101, 0502090501, 0550640101, 0206390101, 0085640101, 0551950401, 0042340801, 0554500301, 0145670101, 0201930201, 0300630101, 0109131001, 0555170401, 0554500601, 0111220201, 0654800401, 0312190801, 0312190901, 0061540101, 0674940101, 0501210201, 0502091001, 0307001501, 0550452501, 0303230101, 0504101201, 0554500401, 0401790301, 0002940701, 0138951401, 0501210501, 0303230301, 0504120101, 0301650301, 0312191001, 0312191101, 0312191201, 0550452601, 0502091601, 0149010201, 0307000501, 0085640201, 0654910401, 0727960201, 0404050601, 0550450701, 0111800101, 0110930201, 0405340101, 0501210101, 0400270101, 0650591001, 0650591101, 0401791201, 0140950601, 0312191501, 0693430401, 0103861801, 0601780301, 0727960301, 0200430501, 0204650301, 0655380101, 0312191601, 0555020201, 0601740601, 0312191701, 0142830101, 0601780601, 0601780701, 0112551201, 0601780801, 0204710101, 0112830201, 0601780901, 0204650201, 0400560301, 0110930701, 0653870201, 0504100601, 0312191801, 0670390301, 0312191901, 0554500101, 0149170701, 0032141201, 0204870101, 0300240501, 0312192101, 0094360501, 0506340101, 0093650201, 0307000901, 0200430801, 0601781201, 0152940101, 0554500701, 0112551701, 0092140101, 0147440101, 0094401201, 0072340701, 0111240101, 0554170201, 0502090201, 0094740201, 0102040501, 0601420101, 0110930901, 0601781401, 0651100301, 0601740901, 0401790901, 0205340201, 0305750201, 0300240201, 0651850501, 0405390401, 0400360801, 0550970101, 0102040601, 0500850501, 0671900101, 0307001901, 0405380201, 0147420201, 0655571201, 0601741401, 0059770101, 0102041201, 0550451501, 0303230501, 0300910701, 0405390101, 0300571901, 0303230601, 0672660401, 0506210101, 0650591501, 0204580401, 0506120101, 0109130601, 0300240401, 0147920701, 0550451601, 0550451701, 0550451801, 0550451901, 0302800101, 0552170301, 0650591601, 0312192301, 0200910201, 0728360101, 0103060101, 0092850201, 0152670101, 0202860101, 0200430201, 0605800301, 0103660301, 0090050601, 0111790101, 0021140201, 0103860301, 0552580201, 0670880401, 0109130701, 0025541001, 0204610101, 0301150501, 0650591801, 0554500501, 0693661801, 0650591901 |
2038 |
The narrow Fe Kalpha line and the molecular torus in active galactic nuclei: an IR/X-ray view |
Ricci, C.; Ueda, Y.; Ichikawa, K.; Paltani, S.; Boissay, R.; Gandhi, P.; Stalevski, M.; Awaki, H. |
07-2014 |
2014, A&A, 567, 142 |
2014A&A...567A.142R |
4 |
0550871001, 0101040401, 0147440101, 0101040301, 0400270101, 0112830201, 0112310101, 0112830501, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0402660101, 0402660201, 0550451801, 0112170101, 0112170301, 0207090101, 0207090201, 0110890301, 0300470101, 0101640201, 0550870401, 0111290201, 0140550601, 0111290401, 0201940101, 0201940201, 0554380101, 0554380201, 0554380301, 0202060201, 0556230701, 0556231201, 0606150101, 0301450201, 0051760101, 0109080201, 0103660101, 0102040501, 0550870201, 0107660201, 0005010101, 0005010201, 0005010301, 0152660101, 0102040601, 0102041301, 0109081101, 0103660301 |
2039 |
Compton-thick Accretion in the Local Universe |
Ricci, C.; Ueda, Y.; Koss, M. J.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Bauer, F. E.; Gandhi, P. |
12-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 815, L13 |
2015ApJ...815L..13R |
4 |
2040 |
Iron Kalpha emission in type-I and type-II active galactic nuclei |
Ricci, C.; Ueda, Y.; Paltani, S.; Ichikawa, K.; Gandhi, P.; Awaki, H. |
07-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 441, 3622 |
2014MNRAS.441.3622R |
4 |
2041 |
The Destruction and Recreation of the X-Ray Corona in a Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus |
Ricci, C.;Kara, E.;Loewenstein, M.;Trakhtenbrot, B.;Arcavi, I.;Remillard, R.;Fabian, A. C.;Gendreau, K. C.;Arzoumanian, Z.;Li, R.;Ho, L. C.;MacLeod, C. L.;Cackett, E.;Altamirano, D.;Gandhi, P.;Kosec, P.;Pasham, D.;Steiner, J.;Chan, C. -H. |
07-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 898, L1 |
2020ApJ...898L...1R |
4 |
0671860201, 0830191101, 0831790301 |
2042 |
The 450 Day X-Ray Monitoring of the Changing-look AGN 1ES 1927+654 |
Ricci, C.;Loewenstein, M.;Kara, E.;Remillard, R.;Trakhtenbrot, B.;Arcavi, I.;Gendreau, K. C.;Arzoumanian, Z.;Fabian, A. C.;Li, R.;Ho, L. C.;MacLeod, C. L.;Cackett, E.;Altamirano, D.;Gandhi, P.;Kosec, P.;Pasham, D.;Steiner, J.;Chan, C. -H. |
07-2021 |
2021, ApJS, 255, 7 |
2021ApJS..255....7R |
4 |
2043 |
A hard X-ray view of luminous and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies in GOALS - I. AGN obscuration along the merger sequence |
Ricci, C.;Privon, G. C.;Pfeifle, R. W.;Armus, L.;Iwasawa, K.;Torres-Albà , N.;Satyapal, S.;Bauer, F. E.;Treister, E.;Ho, L. C.;Aalto, S.;Arévalo, P.;Barcos-Muñoz, L.;Charmandaris, V.;Diaz-Santos, T.;Evans, A. S.;Gao, T.;Inami, H.;Koss, M. J.;Lansbury, G.;Linden, S. T.;Medling, A.;Sanders, D. B.;Song, Y.;Stern, D.;U, V.;Ueda, Y.;Yamada, S. |
10-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 5935 |
2021MNRAS.506.5935R |
4 |
0830440101, 0025540301, 0830420101, 0150320201, 0081340801, 0081341401, 0081341101, 0081340601, 0670300701, 0670140101, 0081340401, 0081340301 |
2044 |
The close environments of accreting massive black holes are shaped by radiative feedback |
Ricci, Claudio; Trakhtenbrot, Benny; Koss, Michael J.; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Schawinski, Kevin; Oh, Kyuseok; Lamperti, Isabella; Mushotzky, Richard; Treister, Ezequiel; Ho, Luis C.; Weigel, Anna; Bauer, Franz E.; Paltani, Stephane; Fabian, Andrew C.; Xie, Yanxia; Gehrels, Neil |
09-2017 |
2017, Natur, 549, 488 |
2017Natur.549..488R |
4 |
2045 |
Changing-look active galactic nuclei |
Ricci, Claudio;Trakhtenbrot, Benny |
11-2023 |
2023, NatAs, 7, 1282 |
2023NatAs...7.1282R |
4 |
2046 |
A Novel Test of Quasar Orientation |
Richards, Gordon T.;Plotkin, Richard M.;Hewett, Paul C.;Rankine, Amy L.;Rivera, Angelica B.;Shen, Yue;Shemmer, Ohad |
06-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 914, L14 |
2021ApJ...914L..14R |
4 |
2047 |
The Halo Occupation Distribution of X-Ray-bright Active Galactic Nuclei: A Comparison with Luminous Quasars |
Richardson, Jonathan; Chatterjee, Suchetana; Zheng, Zheng; Myers, Adam D.; Hickox, Ryan |
09-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 774, 143 |
2013ApJ...774..143R |
4 |
2048 |
Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback processes in nearby active galaxies - VI. Stellar populations |
Riffel, Rogério;Dahmer-Hahn, Luis G.;Riffel, Rogemar A.;Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa;Dametto, Natacha Z.;Davies, Richard;Burtscher, Leonard;Bianchin, Marina;Ruschel-Dutra, Daniel;Ricci, Claudio;Rosario, David J. |
05-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 512, 3906 |
2022MNRAS.512.3906R |
4 |
2049 |
An X-Ray View of Weak-Line Radio Galaxies/LINERs |
Rinn, Alexander S.; Sambruna, Rita M.; Gliozzi, Mario |
03-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 621, 167 |
2005ApJ...621..167R |
4 |
2050 |
Absorption from a multi-layer circumnuclear medium and reflection from the accretion disc in NGC 1365 |
Risaliti, G. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 529 |
2016AN....337..529R |
4 |
2051 |
X-ray Eclipse of the AGN in NGC 1365: Measuring the Source Size |
Risaliti, G. |
04-2008 |
2008, RMxAC, 32, 112 |
2008RMxAC..32..112R |
4 |
2052 |
Highly Ionized Iron Absorption Lines from Outflowing Gas in the X-Ray Spectrum of NGC 1365 |
Risaliti, G.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Baldi, A.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Zezas, A. |
09-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 630, L129 |
2005ApJ...630L.129R |
4 |
0151370101, 0151370701, 0205590301, 0205590401 |
2053 |
A Strong Excess in the 20-100 keV Emission of NGC 1365 |
Risaliti, G.; Braito, V.; Laparola, V.; Bianchi, S.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Maiolino, R.; Matt, G.; Reeves, J.; Salvati, M.; Wang, J. |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 705, L1 |
2009ApJ...705L...1R |
4 |
OM |
2054 |
Chandra monitoring of UGC 4203: the structure of the X-ray absorber |
Risaliti, G.; Elvis, M.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G. |
07-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 406, L20 |
2010MNRAS.406L..20R |
4 |
0002940701 |
2055 |
Rapid Compton-thick/Compton-thin Transitions in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1365 |
Risaliti, G.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Baldi, A.; Zezas, A. |
04-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 623, L93 |
2005ApJ...623L..93R |
4 |
2056 |
Occultation Measurement of the Size of the X-Ray-emitting Region in the Active Galactic Nucleus of NGC 1365 |
Risaliti, G.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Baldi, A.; Zezas, A.; Salvati, M. |
04-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 659, L111 |
2007ApJ...659L.111R |
4 |
2057 |
A Hubble Diagram for Quasars |
Risaliti, G.; Lusso, E. |
12-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 815, 33 |
2015ApJ...815...33R |
4 |
2058 |
Variable Partial Covering and A Relativistic Iron Line in NGC 1365 |
Risaliti, G.; Miniutti, G.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Salvati, M.; Baldi, A.; Braito, V.; Bianchi, S.; Matt, G.; Reeves, J.; Soria, R.; Zezas, A. |
05-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 696, 160 |
2009ApJ...696..160R |
4 |
0205590301, 0505140701, 0205590401, 0505140201, 0505140401, 0505140501 |
2059 |
Probing general relativistic effects during active galactic nuclei X-ray eclipses |
Risaliti, G.; Nardini, E.; Elvis, M.; Brenneman, L.; Salvati, M. |
10-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 417, 178 |
2011MNRAS.417..178R |
4 |
2060 |
The XMM-Newton long look of NGC 1365: uncovering of the obscured X-ray source |
Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Baldi, A.; Bianchi, S.; Braito, V.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Miniutti, G.; Reeves, J.; Soria, R.; Zezas, A. |
02-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 393, L1 |
2009MNRAS.393L...1R |
4 |
0505140201, 0505140501, 0505140401 |
2061 |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey/XMM-Newton Quasar Survey: Correlation Between X-Ray Spectral Slope and Eddington Ratio |
Risaliti, G.; Young, M.; Elvis, M. |
07-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 700, L6 |
2009ApJ...700L...6R |
2,4 |
0204040101, 0204260101, 0204310101, 0204340101, 0204340201, 0204400101, 0204651101 |
2062 |
The SDSS/XMM-Newton Quasar Sample. I. First Results |
Risaliti, Guido; Elvis, Martin |
08-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 629, L17 |
2005ApJ...629L..17R |
2,4 |
2063 |
Exploring Changes in Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions across C IV Parameter Space |
Rivera, Angelica B.;Richards, Gordon T.;Gallagher, Sarah C.;McCaffrey, Trevor V.;Rankine, Amy L.;Hewett, Paul C.;Shemmer, Ohad |
06-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 931, 154 |
2022ApJ...931..154R |
4 |
2064 |
The NuSTAR View of Reflection and Absorption in NGC 7582 |
Rivers, E.; Balokovic, M.; Arévalo, P.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Gandhi, P.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F.; Koss, M.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Walton, D. J.; Zhang, W. W. |
12-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 815, 55 |
2015ApJ...815...55R |
4 |
0112310201, 0204610101 |
2065 |
The Multi-layer Variable Absorbers in NGC 1365 Revealed by XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Rivers, E.; Risaliti, G.; Walton, D. J.; Harrison, F.; Arévalo, P.; Baur, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Brenneman, L. W.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Fürst, F.; Hailey, C. J.; Hickox, R. C.; Marinucci, A.; Reeves, J.; Stern, D.; Zhang, W. W. |
05-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 804, 107 |
2015ApJ...804..107R |
4 |
0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501 |
2066 |
A Suzaku Observation of Mkn 590 Reveals a Vanishing Soft Excess |
Rivers, Elizabeth; Markowitz, Alex; Duro, Refiz; Rothschild, Richard |
11-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 759, 63 |
2012ApJ...759...63R |
4 |
0201020201 |
2067 |
Spectral Survey of X-ray Bright Active Galactic Nuclei from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer |
Rivers, Elizabeth; Markowitz, Alex; Rothschild, Richard |
03-2011 |
2011, ApJS, 193, 3 |
2011ApJS..193....3R |
4 |
2068 |
A Suzaku Observation of MCG -2-58-22: Constraining the Geometry of the Circumnuclear Material |
Rivers, Elizabeth; Markowitz, Alex; Rothschild, Richard |
05-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 732, 36 |
2011ApJ...732...36R |
4 |
2069 |
Tracking the Complex Absorption in NGC 2110 with Two Suzaku Observations |
Rivers, Elizabeth; Markowitz, Alex; Rothschild, Richard; Bamba, Aya; Fukazawa, Yasushi; Okajima, Takashi; Reeves, James; Terashima, Yuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 786, 126 |
2014ApJ...786..126R |
4 |
2070 |
Searching for correlations in simultaneous X-ray and UV emission in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495 |
Robertson, D. R. S.; Gallo, L. C.; Zoghbi, A.; Fabian, A. C. |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 3455 |
2015MNRAS.453.3455R |
4 |
OM |
0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601 |
2071 |
The multi-epoch X-ray tale of I Zwicky 1 outflows |
Rogantini, D.;Costantini, E.;Gallo, L. C.;Wilkins, D. R.;Brandt, W. N.;Mehdipour, M. |
11-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 516, 5171 |
2022MNRAS.516.5171R |
4 |
0851990201, 0851990101 |
2072 |
TPHO: A Time-dependent Photoionization Model for AGN Outflows |
Rogantini, Daniele;Mehdipour, Missagh;Kaastra, Jelle;Costantini, Elisa;JuráÅová, Anna;Kara, Erin |
12-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 940, 122 |
2022ApJ...940..122R |
4 |
2073 |
The nature of 50 Palermo Swift-BAT hard X-ray objects through optical spectroscopy |
Rojas, A. F.; Masetti, N.; Minniti, D.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Chavushyan, V.; Hau, G.; McBride, V. A.; Bassani, L.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Galaz, G.; Gavignaud, I.; Landi, R.; Malizia, A.; Morelli, L.; Palazzi, E.; Patiño-Álvarez, V.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
06-2017 |
2017, A&A, 602, 124 |
2017A&A...602A.124R |
4 |
2074 |
Unveiling the AGN in IC 883: discovery of a parsec-scale radio jet |
Romero-Cañizales, C.; Alberdi, A.; Ricci, C.; Arévalo, P.; Pérez-Torres, M. Á.; Conway, J. E.; Beswick, R. J.; Bondi, M.; Muxlow, T. W. B.; Argo, M. K.; Bauer, F. E.; Efstathiou, A.; Herrero-Illana, R.; Mattila, S.; Ryder, S. D. |
05-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 467, 2504 |
2017MNRAS.467.2504R |
4 |
0093640401 |
2075 |
X-ray analysis of the accreting supermassive black hole in the radio galaxy PKS 2251+11 |
Ronchini, S.; Tombesi, F.; Vagnetti, F.; Panessa, F.; Bruni, G. |
05-2019 |
2019, A&A, 625, 26 |
2019A&A...625A..26R |
4 |
0670880401 |
2076 |
The mean star formation rate of X-ray selected active galaxies and its evolution from z ~ 2.5: results from PEP-Herschel |
Rosario, D. J.; Santini, P.; Lutz, D.; Shao, L.; Maiolino, R.; Alexander, D. M.; Altieri, B.; Andreani, P.; Aussel, H.; Bauer, F. E.; Berta, S.; Bongiovanni, A.; Brandt, W. N.; Brusa, M.; Cepa, J.; Cimatti, A.; Cox, T. J.; Daddi, E.; Elbaz, D.; Fontana, A.; Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Genzel, R.; Grazian, A.; Le Floch, E.; Magnelli, B.; Mainieri, V.; Netzer, H.; Nordon, R.; Pérez Garcia, I.; Poglitsch, A.; Popesso, P.; Pozzi, F.; Riguccini, L.; Rodighiero, G.; Salvato, M.; Sanchez-Portal, M.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Valtchanov, I.; Wuyts, S. |
09-2012 |
2012, A&A, 545, 45 |
2012A&A...545A..45R |
4 |
2077 |
Clustering of Low-redshift (z <= 2.2) Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Ross, Nicholas P.; Shen, Yue; Strauss, Michael A.; Vanden Berk, Daniel E.; Connolly, Andrew J.; Richards, Gordon T.; Schneider, Donald P.; Weinberg, David H.; Hall, Patrick B.; Bahcall, Neta A.; Brunner, Robert J. |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 697, 1634 |
2009ApJ...697.1634R |
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0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001, 0111280101, 0111280201, 0111280301, 0111280401, 0111280501, 0111280601, 0111280701, 0111280801, 0111280901, 0111281001, 0111281301, 0111281401, 0111281501, 0111281601, 0111281701, 0111281801, 0111282001, 0111282101, 0111282201, 0111282301, 0111282401, 0111282501, 0111282601, 0111282701 |
2078 |
Twelve and a Half Years of Observations of Centaurus a with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer |
Rothschild, R. E.; Markowitz, A.; Rivers, E.; Suchy, S.; Pottschmidt, K.; Kadler, M.; Müller, C.; Wilms, J. |
05-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 733, 23 |
2011ApJ...733...23R |
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0093650201 |
2079 |
INTEGRAL and RXTE Observations of Centaurus A |
Rothschild, Richard E.; Wilms, Jörn; Tomsick, John; Staubert, Rüdiger; Benlloch, Sara; Collmar, Werner; Madejski, Grzegorz; Deluit, Sandrine; Khandrika, Harish |
04-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 641, 801 |
2006ApJ...641..801R |
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2080 |
GOODS-Herschel: ultra-deep XMM-Newton observations reveal AGN/star-formation connection |
Rovilos, E.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Ranalli, P.; Vignali, C.; Lusso, E.; Cappelluti, N.; Zamorani, G.; Elbaz, D.; Dickinson, M.; Hwang, H. S.; Charmandaris, V.; Ivison, R. J.; Merloni, A.; Daddi, E.; Carrera, F. J.; Brandt, W. N.; Mullaney, J. R.; Scott, D.; Alexander, D. M.; Del Moro, A.; Morrison, G.; Murphy, E. J.; Altieri, B.; Aussel, H.; Dannerbauer, H.; Kartaltepe, J.; Leiton, R.; Magdis, G.; Magnelli, B.; Popesso, P.; Valtchanov, I. |
10-2012 |
2012, A&A, 546, 58 |
2012A&A...546A..58R |
4 |
2081 |
Optical and infrared properties of active galactic nuclei in the Lockman Hole |
Rovilos, E.; Fotopoulou, S.; Salvato, M.; Burwitz, V.; Egami, E.; Hasinger, G.; Szokoly, G. |
05-2011 |
2011, A&A, 529, 135 |
2011A&A...529A.135R |
4 |
2082 |
A wide search for obscured active galactic nuclei using XMM-Newton and WISE |
Rovilos, E.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Akylas, A.; Aird, J.; Alexander, D. M.; Comastri, A.; Del Moro, A.; Gandhi, P.; Georgakakis, A.; Harrison, C. M.; Mullaney, J. R. |
02-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 438, 494 |
2014MNRAS.438..494R |
4 |
2083 |
The Analogous Structure of Accretion Flows in Supermassive and Stellar Mass Black Holes: New Insights from Faded Changing-look Quasars |
Ruan, John J.; Anderson, Scott F.; Eracleous, Michael; Green, Paul J.; Haggard, Daryl; MacLeod, Chelsea L.; Runnoe, Jessie C.; Sobolewska, Malgosia A. |
09-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 883, 76 |
2019ApJ...883...76R |
4 |
2084 |
The role of molecular gas in the nuclear regions of IRAS 00183-7111. ALMA and X-ray investigations of an ultraluminous infrared galaxy |
Ruffa, I.; Vignali, C.; Mignano, A.; Paladino, R.; Iwasawa, K. |
09-2018 |
2018, A&A, 616, 127 |
2018A&A...616A.127R |
4 |
0147570101 |
2085 |
XMMPZCAT: A catalogue of photometric redshifts for X-ray sources |
Ruiz, A.; Corral, A.; Mountrichas, G.; Georgantopoulos, I. |
10-2018 |
2018, A&A, 618, 52 |
2018A&A...618A..52R |
4 |
2086 |
Spectral energy distribution of hyperluminous infrared galaxies |
Ruiz, A.; Miniutti, G.; Panessa, F.; Carrera, F. J. |
06-2010 |
2010, A&A, 515, 99 |
2010A&A...515A..99R |
4 |
0001930101, 0001930301, 0033540601, 0039140101, 0110950501, 0143150101, 0143150201, 0147570101, 0147570601, 0147671001, 0305360101, 0305360301, 0305360401, 0305360501, 0305361601 |
2087 |
Consistent Analysis of the AGN LF in X-Ray and MIR in the XMM-LSS Field |
Runburg, Jack;Farrah, Duncan;Sajina, Anna;Lacy, Mark;Lidua, Jenna;Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia;Brandt, W. N.;Chen, Chien-Ting J.;Nyland, Kristina;Shirley, Raphael;Clements, D. L.;Pitchford, Lura K. |
01-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 924, 133 |
2022ApJ...924..133R |
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2088 |
Updating quasar bolometric luminosity corrections |
Runnoe, Jessie C.; Brotherton, Michael S.; Shang, Zhaohui |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 478 |
2012MNRAS.422..478R |
4 |
2089 |
Driving massive molecular gas flows in central cluster galaxies with AGN feedback |
Russell, H. R.;McNamara, B. R.;Fabian, A. C.;Nulsen, P. E. J.;Combes, F.;Edge, A. C.;Madar, M.;Olivares, V.;Salomé, P.;Vantyghem, A. N. |
12-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 490, 3025 |
2019MNRAS.490.3025R |
4 |
2090 |
NuSTAR Observations of Candidate Subparsec Binary Supermassive Black Holes |
Saade, M. Lynne;Brightman, Murray;Stern, Daniel;Connor, Thomas;Djorgovski, S. G.;D'Orazio, Daniel J.;Ford, K. E. S.;Graham, Matthew J.;Haiman, Zoltán;Jun, Hyunsung D.;Kammoun, Elias;Kraft, Ralph P.;McKernan, Barry;Vikhlinin, Alexei;Walton, Dominic J. |
05-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 966, 104 |
2024ApJ...966..104S |
4 |
0870910101, 0870910301 |
2091 |
NuSTAR Observations of AGNs with Low Observed X-Ray to [O III] Luminosity Ratios: Heavily Obscured AGNs or Turned-off AGNs? |
Saade, M. Lynne;Brightman, Murray;Stern, Daniel;Malkan, Matthew A.;GarcÃa, Javier A. |
09-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 936, 162 |
2022ApJ...936..162S |
4 |
0110930501, 0301151001 |
2092 |
Supersoft luminous X-ray sources in galactic nuclei |
Sacchi, A.;Risaliti, G.;Miniutti, G. |
03-2023 |
2023, A&A, 671, 33 |
2023A&A...671A..33S |
4 |
2093 |
Quasars as high-redshift standard candles |
Sacchi, A.;Risaliti, G.;Signorini, M.;Lusso, E.;Nardini, E.;Bargiacchi, G.;Bisogni, S.;Civano, F.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G.;Gilli, R.;Trefoloni, B.;Vignali, C. |
07-2022 |
2022, A&A, 663, L7 |
2022A&A...663L...7S |
4 |
2094 |
Spectroscopic Identifications of Spitzer Sources in the SWIRE/XMM-Newton/ELAIS-S1 Field: A Large Fraction of Active Galactic Nucleus with High F(24 μm)/F(R) Ratio |
Sacchi, N.; La Franca, F.; Feruglio, C.; Fiore, F.; Puccetti, S.; Cocchia, F.; Berta, S.; Brusa, M.; Cimatti, A.; Comastri, A.; Franceschini, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Maiolino, R.; Matute, I.; Polletta, M.; Pozzetti, L.; Pozzi, F.; Vignali, C.; Zamorani, G.; Oliver, S.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Smith, G.; Lonsdale, C. |
10-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 703, 1778 |
2009ApJ...703.1778S |
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0148960101, 0148960801, 0148960901, 0148961001, 0148961601, 0148961201, 0148961301, 0148961401, 0148962101, 0148960401 |
2095 |
Constraining the shielded wind scenario in PG 2112+059 |
Saez, C.; Brandt, W. N.; Bauer, F. E.; Hamann, F.; Chartas, G.; Gallagher, S. C. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 541 |
2016AN....337..541S |
4 |
2096 |
The Long-term X-Ray Variability of Broad Absorption Line Quasars |
Saez, C.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallagher, S. C.; Bauer, F. E.; Garmire, G. P. |
11-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 759, 42 |
2012ApJ...759...42S |
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0094401201, 0085640101, 0094400301, 0140550601, 0060370101, 0060370901, 0302310301, 0203270101, 0203270201, 0060370201, 0203270301, 0302310101, 0302310501, 0081340201, 0001930101, 0001930301, 0033540601, 0039140101, 0110950501, 0143150101, 0143150201, 0147570101, 0147570601, 0147671001, 0305360101, 0305360301, 0305360401, 0305360501, 0305361601, 0011830401, 0011830201, 0601870101, 0601870201, 0601870301, 0150610201, 0300310201, 0500500601, 0500500701, 0500500801, 0500500901 |
2097 |
The X-Ray Properties of Typical High-redshift Radio-loud Quasars |
Saez, C.; Brandt, W. N.; Shemmer, O.; Chomiuk, L.; Lopez, L. A.; Marshall, H. L.; Miller, B. P.; Vignali, C. |
09-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 738, 53 |
2011ApJ...738...53S |
4 |
0600090101, 0600090401, 0301340101, 0301340501 |
2098 |
Suzaku Observations of Near-Relativistic Outflows in the BAL Quasar APM 08279+5255 |
Saez, C.; Chartas, G.; Brandt, W. N. |
05-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 697, 194 |
2009ApJ...697..194S |
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0092800201 |
2099 |
The X-rays wind connection in PG 2112+059 |
Saez, C.;Brandt, W. N.;Bauer, F. E.;Chartas, G.;Misawa, T.;Hamann, F.;Gallagher, S. C. |
09-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 343 |
2021MNRAS.506..343S |
4 |
OM |
2100 |
A Study of the X-rayed Outflow of APM 08279+5255 through Photoionization Codes |
Saez, Cristian; Chartas, George |
08-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 737, 91 |
2011ApJ...737...91S |
4 |
0092800201, 0502220201, 0502220301 |
2101 |
Inferring the morphology of AGN torus using X-ray spectra: a reliability study |
Saha, Tathagata;Markowitz, Alex G.;Buchner, Johannes |
02-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 509, 5485 |
2022MNRAS.509.5485S |
4 |
2102 |
The Fundamental Plane of black hole activity in the optical band |
Saikia, Payaswini; Körding, Elmar; Falcke, Heino |
07-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 450, 2317 |
2015MNRAS.450.2317S |
4,11 |
2103 |
Sgr A East and its surroundings observed in X-rays |
Sakano, M.; Warwick, R. S.; Decourchelle, A. |
01-2004 |
2004, AdSpR, 33, 403 |
2004AdSpR..33..403S |
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2104 |
XMM-Newton observations of Sagittarius A East |
Sakano, M.; Warwick, R. S.; Decourchelle, A.; Predehl, P. |
05-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 350, 129 |
2004MNRAS.350..129S |
4 |
0112972101 |
2105 |
The cool wake around 4C 34.16 as seen by XMM-Newton |
Sakelliou, I.; Acreman, D. M.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Merrifield, M. R.; Ponman, T. J.; Stevens, I. R. |
07-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 360, 1069 |
2005MNRAS.360.1069S |
4 |
2106 |
High resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy of M 87 with the reflection grating spectrometers on XMM-Newton |
Sakelliou, I.; Peterson, J. R.; Tamura, T.; Paerels, F. B. S.; Kaastra, J. S.; Belsole, E.; Böhringer, H.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Ferrigno, C.; den Herder, J. W.; Kennea, J.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Vestrand, W. T.; Worrall, D. M. |
09-2002 |
2002, A&A, 391, 903 |
2002A&A...391..903S |
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0114120101 |
2107 |
XMM-Newton observations of the binary cluster system Abell 399/401 |
Sakelliou, Irini; Ponman, Trevor J. |
07-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 351, 1439 |
2004MNRAS.351.1439S |
4 |
0112260101, 0112260301, 0112260201, 0112260401 |
2108 |
Complex resonance absorption structure in the X-ray spectrum of IRAS 13349+2438 |
Sako, M.; Kahn, S. M.; Behar, E.; Kaastra, J. S.; Brinkman, A. C.; Boller, Th.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Starling, R.; Liedahl, D. A.; Clavel, J.; Santos-Lleo, M. |
01-2001 |
2001, A&A, 365, L168 |
2001A&A...365L.168S |
4 |
0096010101 |
2109 |
Can a Dusty Warm Absorber Model Reproduce the Soft X-Ray Spectra of MCG -6-30-15 and Markarian 766? |
Sako, Masao; Kahn, Steven M.; Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella; Kaastra, Jelle S.; Brinkman, Albert C.; Page, Mathew J.; Behar, Ehud; Paerels, Frits; Kinkhabwala, Ali; Liedahl, Duane A.; den Herder, Jan Willem |
10-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 596, 114 |
2003ApJ...596..114S |
4 |
0096020101, 0111570201, 0111570101 |
2110 |
The X-ray emission of the most luminous 3CR radio sources |
Salvati, M.; Risaliti, G.; Véron, P.; Woltjer, L. |
01-2008 |
2008, A&A, 478, 121 |
2008A&A...478..121S |
4 |
0083000301, 0306370601, 0306370201, 0406540101, 0406541301, 0406540401, 0406540301, 0406540201 |
2111 |
Dissecting Photometric Redshift for Active Galactic Nucleus Using XMM- and Chandra-COSMOS Samples |
Salvato, M. et al. |
12-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 742, 61 |
2011ApJ...742...61S |
4 |
2112 |
Photometric Redshift and Classification for the XMM-COSMOS Sources |
Salvato, M.; Hasinger, G.; Ilbert, O.; Zamorani, G.; Brusa, M.; Scoville, N. Z.; Rau, A.; Capak, P.; Arnouts, S.; Aussel, H.; Bolzonella, M.; Buongiorno, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Caputi, K.; Civano, F.; Cook, R.; Elvis, M.; Gilli, R.; Jahnke, K.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Impey, C. D.; Lamareille, F.; LeFloch, E.; Lilly, S.; Mainieri, V.; McCarthy, P.; McCracken, H.; Mignoli, M.; Mobasher, B.; Murayama, T.; Sasaki, S.; Sanders, D. B.; Schiminovich, D.; Shioya, Y.; Shopbell, P.; Silverman, J.; SmolÄiÄ, V.; Surace, J.; Taniguchi, Y.; Thompson, D.; Trump, J. R.; Urry, M.; Zamojski, M. |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 690, 1250 |
2009ApJ...690.1250S |
2,4 |
0203360101, 0203360201, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501, 0302350101, 0302350201, 0302350301, 0302350401, 0302350501, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302351001, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302351401, 0302351501, 0302351601, 0302351701, 0302351801, 0302351901, 0302352001, 0302352201, 0302352301, 0302352401, 0302352501, 0302353001, 0302353101, 0302353201, 0302353301, 0302353401, 0501170101, 0501170201 |
2113 |
A Deep XMM-Newton Observation of the Quasar 3C 287 |
Salvesen, G.; Miller, J. M.; Cackett, E.; Siemiginowska, A. |
02-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 692, 753 |
2009ApJ...692..753S |
4 |
0401260101 |
2114 |
The molecular gas properties in local Seyfert 2 galaxies |
Salvestrini, F.;Gruppioni, C.;Hatziminaoglou, E.;Pozzi, F.;Vignali, C.;Casasola, V.;Paladino, R.;Aalto, S.;Andreani, P.;Marchesi, S.;Stanke, T. |
07-2022 |
2022, A&A, 663, 28 |
2022A&A...663A..28S |
4 |
2115 |
Molecular gas in the central region of NGC 7213 |
Salvestrini, F.;Gruppioni, C.;Pozzi, F.;Vignali, C.;Giannetti, A.;Paladino, R.;Hatziminaoglou, E. |
09-2020 |
2020, A&A, 641, 151 |
2020A&A...641A.151S |
4 |
0605800301 |
2116 |
Quasars as standard candles II. The non-linear relation between UV and X-ray emission at high redshifts |
Salvestrini, F.;Risaliti, G.;Bisogni, S.;Lusso, E.;Vignali, C. |
11-2019 |
2019, A&A, 631, 120 |
2019A&A...631A.120S |
4 |
2117 |
Correlated multiwavelength emission from the X-ray-bright Seyfert galaxy III Zw 2 |
Salvi, N. J.; Page, M. J.; Stevens, J. A.; Wu, K.; Mason, K. O.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.; Teräsranta, H.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Cordova, F. A.; Priedhorsky, W. C. |
09-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 335, 177 |
2002MNRAS.335..177S |
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0127110201 |
2118 |
Multi-wavelength Behaviour of III Zw2 |
Salvi, Nikita; Page, Mat J.; Stevens, Jason A.; Mason, Keith O.; Wu, Kinwah |
00-2002 |
2002, PASA, 19, 73 |
2002PASA...19...73S |
4 |
0127110201 |
2119 |
The XMM-Newton view of the X-ray halo and jet of NGC 6251 |
Sambruna, R. M.; Gliozzi, M.; Donato, D.; Tavecchio, F.; Cheung, C. C.; Mushotzky, R. F. |
02-2004 |
2004, A&A, 414, 885 |
2004A&A...414..885S |
4,5,7 |
0056340201 |
2120 |
The XMM-Newton View of the Nucleus of NGC 4261 |
Sambruna, R. M.; Gliozzi, M.; Eracleous, M.; Brandt, W. N.; Mushotzky, R. |
03-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 586, L37 |
2003ApJ...586L..37S |
4,5 |
0056340101 |
2121 |
The Remarkable X-Ray Spectrum of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 445 |
Sambruna, R. M.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V. |
08-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 665, 1030 |
2007ApJ...665.1030S |
4 |
0090050601 |
2122 |
Structure of the Accretion Flow in Broad-Line Radio Galaxies: The Case of 3C 390.3 |
Sambruna, R. M.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Lewis, K. T.; Eracleous, M.; Gliozzi, M.; Tavecchio, F.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Ogle, P. M.; Barth, A. J.; Tueller, J. |
08-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 700, 1473 |
2009ApJ...700.1473S |
4 |
0203720201, 0203720301 |
2123 |
The Suzaku view of 3C 382 |
Sambruna, R. M.; Tombesi, F.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Ballo, L.; Gliozzi, M.; Reynolds, C. S. |
06-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 734, 105 |
2011ApJ...734..105S |
4 |
0506120101 |
2124 |
The Jet-Disk Connection in AGNs: Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of Three Powerful Radio-Loud Quasars |
Sambruna, Rita M.; Gliozzi, Mario; Tavecchio, F.; Maraschi, L.; Foschini, Luigi |
11-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 652, 146 |
2006ApJ...652..146S |
4 |
0302400301 |
2125 |
Possible AGN Shock Heating in the Cool-Core Galaxy Cluster Abell 478 |
Sanderson, Alastair J. R.; Finoguenov, Alexis; Mohr, Joseph J. |
09-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 630, 191 |
2005ApJ...630..191S |
3,4 |
0109880101 |
2126 |
The size of the X-ray emitting region in SWIFT J2127.4+5654 via a broad line region cloud X-ray eclipse |
Sanfrutos, M.; Miniutti, G.; Agís-González, B.; Fabian, A. C.; Miller, J. M.; Panessa, F.; Zoghbi, A. |
12-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 436, 1588 |
2013MNRAS.436.1588S |
4 |
0655450101 |
2127 |
Eclipsing the innermost accretion disc regions in AGN |
Sanfrutos, M.; Miniutti, G.; Dovciak, M.; Agís-González, B. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 546 |
2016AN....337..546S |
4 |
2128 |
The ionized X-ray outflowing torus in ESO 323-G77: low-ionization clumps confined by homogeneous warm absorbers |
Sanfrutos, M.; Miniutti, G.; Krongold, Y.; Agís-González, B.; Longinotti, A. L. |
03-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 457, 510 |
2016MNRAS.457..510S |
4 |
0300240501, 0694170101 |
2129 |
The Evolution of the Warm Absorber Reveals a Shocked Outflow in the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy IRAS 17020+4544 |
Sanfrutos, Mario; Longinotti, Anna Lia; Krongold, Yair; Guainazzi, Matteo; Panessa, Francesca |
12-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 868, 111 |
2018ApJ...868..111S |
4 |
0206860201, 0206860101, 0721220101, 0721220301 |
2130 |
Enhanced star formation rates in AGN hosts with respect to inactive galaxies from PEP-Herschel observations |
Santini, P.; Rosario, D. J.; Shao, L.; Lutz, D.; Maiolino, R.; Alexander, D. M.; Altieri, B.; Andreani, P.; Aussel, H.; Bauer, F. E.; Berta, S.; Bongiovanni, A.; Brandt, W. N.; Brusa, M.; Cepa, J.; Cimatti, A.; Daddi, E.; Elbaz, D.; Fontana, A.; Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Genzel, R.; Grazian, A.; Le Floc'h, E.; Magnelli, B.; Mainieri, V.; Nordon, R.; Pérez Garcia, A. M.; Poglitsch, A.; Popesso, P.; Pozzi, F.; Riguccini, L.; Rodighiero, G.; Salvato, M.; Sanchez-Portal, M.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Valtchanov, I.; Wuyts, S. |
04-2012 |
2012, A&A, 540, 109 |
2012A&A...540A.109S |
4 |
2131 |
The first decade of science with Chandra and XMM-Newton |
Santos-Lleo, Maria; Schartel, Norbert; Tananbaum, Harvey; Tucker, Wallace; Weisskopf, Martin C. |
12-2009 |
2009, Natur, 462, 997 |
2009Natur.462..997S |
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2132 |
The DEEP Groth Strip Survey. VI. Spectroscopic, Variability, and X-Ray Detection of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Sarajedini, Vicki L.; Koo, David C.; Phillips, Andrew C.; Kobulnicky, Henry A.; Gebhardt, Karl; Willmer, Christopher N. A.; Vogt, Nicole P.; Laird, Elise; Im, Myungshin; Iverson, Sarah; Mattos, Wanessa |
09-2006 |
2006, ApJS, 166, 69 |
2006ApJS..166...69S |
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2133 |
Relationship between X-ray spectral index and X-ray Eddington ratio for Mrk 335 and Ark 564 |
Sarma, R.; Tripathi, S.; Misra, R.; Dewangan, G.; Pathak, A.; Sarma, J. K. |
04-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 448, 1541 |
2015MNRAS.448.1541S |
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0101040101, 0306870101, 0510010701, 0600540601, 0600540501, 0006810101, 0006810301, 0206400101, 0670130201, 0670130301, 0670130401, 0670130501, 0670130601, 0670130701, 0670130801, 0670130901 |
2134 |
The MBH - Mstar relation of obscured AGNs at high redshift |
Sarria, J. E.; Maiolino, R.; La Franca, F.; Pozzi, F.; Fiore, F.; Marconi, A.; Vignali, C.; Comastri, A. |
11-2010 |
2010, A&A, 522, L3 |
2010A&A...522L...3S |
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2135 |
Capturing dual AGN activity and kiloparsec-scale outflows in IRAS 20210+1121 |
Saturni, F. G.;Vietri, G.;Piconcelli, E.;Vignali, C.;Bischetti, M.;Bongiorno, A.;Cazzoli, S.;Feruglio, C.;Fiore, F.;Husemann, B.;Ramos Almeida, C. |
10-2021 |
2021, A&A, 654, 154 |
2021A&A...654A.154S |
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2136 |
Obscured AGNs in Bulgeless Hosts discovered by WISE: The Case Study of SDSS J1224+5555 |
Satyapal, S.; Secrest, N. J.; Rothberg, B.; O'Connor, J. A.; Ellison, S. L.; Hickox, R. C.; Constantin, A.; Gliozzi, M.; Rosenberg, J. L. |
08-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 827, 58 |
2016ApJ...827...58S |
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0721900601 |
2137 |
Buried AGNs in Advanced Mergers: Mid-infrared Color Selection as a Dual AGN Candidate Finder |
Satyapal, Shobita; Secrest, Nathan J.; Ricci, Claudio; Ellison, Sara L.; Rothberg, Barry; Blecha, Laura; Constantin, Anca; Gliozzi, Mario; McNulty, Paul; Ferguson, Jason |
10-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 848, 126 |
2017ApJ...848..126S |
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0721900501 |
2138 |
The LSST AGN Data Challenge: Selection Methods |
SaviÄ, ÄorÄe V.;Jankov, Isidora;Yu, Weixiang;Petrecca, Vincenzo;Temple, Matthew J.;Ni, Qingling;Shirley, Raphael;KovaÄeviÄ, Andjelka B.;NikoliÄ, Mladen;IliÄ, Dragana;PopoviÄ, Luka Ä.;Paolillo, Maurizio;Panda, Swayamtrupta;ÄiprijanoviÄ, Aleksandra;Richards, Gordon T. |
08-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 953, 138 |
2023ApJ...953..138S |
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2139 |
Long-term X-ray variability of Swift J1644+57 |
Saxton, Curtis J.; Soria, Roberto; Wu, Kinwah; Kuin, N. Paul M. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 1625 |
2012MNRAS.422.1625S |
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2140 |
Was the soft X-ray flare in NGC 3599 due to an AGN disc instability or a delayed tidal disruption event? |
Saxton, R. D.; Motta, S. E.; Komossa, S.; Read, A. M. |
12-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 454, 2798 |
2015MNRAS.454.2798S |
4 |
9045100003, 9081400004 |
2141 |
An X-ray and UV flare from the galaxy XMMSL1 J061927.1-655311 |
Saxton, R. D.; Read, A. M.; Komossa, S.; Rodriguez-Pascual, P.; Miniutti, G.; Dobbie, P.; Esquej, P.; Colless, M.; Bannister, K. W. |
12-2014 |
2014, A&A, 572, 1 |
2014A&A...572A...1S |
4 |
0691100201, 0691100301 |
2142 |
Tidal disruption events: Past, present, and future |
Saxton, R.; Motch, C.; Komossa, S.; Lira, P.; Read, A.; Alexander, K.; Descalzo, M.; Koenig, Ö.; Freyberg, M. |
05-2019 |
2019, AN, 340, 351 |
2019AN....340..351S |
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9318200003 |
2143 |
Contribution of the Accretion Disk, Hot Corona, and Obscuring Torus to the Luminosity of Seyfert Galaxies: INTEGRAL and Spitzer Observations |
Sazonov, S.; Willner, S. P.; Goulding, A. D.; Hickox, R. C.; Gorjian, V.; Werner, M. W.; Churazov, E.; Krivonos, R.; Revnivtsev, M.; Sunyaev, R.; Jones, C.; Murray, S. S.; Vikhlinin, A.; Fabian, A. C.; Forman, W. R. |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 757, 181 |
2012ApJ...757..181S |
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2144 |
Extremes of the jet-accretion power relation of blazars, as explored by NuSTAR |
Sbarrato, T.; Ghisellini, G.; Tagliaferri, G.; Perri, M.; Madejski, G. M.; Stern, D.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Zhang, W. W. |
10-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 462, 1542 |
2016MNRAS.462.1542S |
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2145 |
XMM-Newton Detection of the Rare Fanaroff-Riley Type II Broad Absorption Line Quasar FIRST J101614.3+520916 |
Schaefer, Justin J.; Brotherton, Michael S.; Shang, Zhaohui; Gregg, Michael D.; Becker, Robert H.; Laurent-Muehleisen, Sally A.; Lacy, Mark; White, Richard L. |
10-2006 |
2006, AJ, 132, 1464 |
2006AJ....132.1464S |
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0086750101 |
2146 |
The XMM-Newton view of three X-ray weak quasars: Iron emission and strong ionized absorption |
Schartel, N.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Clavel, J.; Guainazzi, M.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Piconcelli, E. |
04-2005 |
2005, A&A, 433, 455 |
2005A&A...433..455S |
4 |
2147 |
A long hard look at the minimum state of PG 2112+059 with XMM-Newton |
Schartel, N.; Rodríguez-Pascual, P. M.; Santos-Lleó, M.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Ballo, L.; Piconcelli, E. |
03-2010 |
2010, A&A, 512, 75 |
2010A&A...512A..75S |
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0150610201, 0300310201, 0500500601, 0500500701, 0500500801, 0500500901 |
2148 |
XMM-Newton observation of the deep minimum state of PG 2112+059. A spectrum dominated by reflection from the accretion disk? |
Schartel, N.; Rodr?guez-Pascual, P. M.; Santos-Lle?, M.; Ballo, L.; Clavel, J.; Guainazzi, M.; Jim?nez-Bail?n, E.; Piconcelli, E. |
11-2007 |
2007, A&A, 474, 431 |
2007A&A...474..431S |
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0300310201, 0150610201 |
2149 |
The Sudden Death of the Nearest Quasar |
Schawinski, Kevin; Evans, Daniel A.; Virani, Shanil; Urry, C. Megan; Keel, William C.; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Lintott, Chris J.; Manning, Anna; Coppi, Paolo; Kaviraj, Sugata; Bamford, Steven P.; Józsa, Gyula I. G.; Garrett, Michael; van Arkel, Hanny; Gay, Pamela; Fortson, Lucy |
11-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 724, L30 |
2010ApJ...724L..30S |
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0602690101 |
2150 |
The Extremely Luminous Quasar Survey in the Pan-STARRS 1 Footprint (PS-ELQS) |
Schindler, Jan-Torge; Fan, Xiaohui; Huang, Yun-Hsin; Yue, Minghao; Yang, Jinyi; Hall, Patrick B.; Wenzl, Lukas; Hughes, Allison; Litke, Katrina C.; Rees, Jon M. |
07-2019 |
2019, ApJS, 243, 5 |
2019ApJS..243....5S |
4 |
2151 |
The Extremely Luminous Quasar Survey in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Footprint. III. The South Galactic Cap Sample and the Quasar Luminosity Function at Cosmic Noon |
Schindler, Jan-Torge; Fan, Xiaohui; McGreer, Ian D.; Yang, Jinyi; Wang, Feige; Green, Richard; Fynbo, Johan P. U.; Krogager, Jens-Kristian; Green, Elisabeth M.; Huang, Yun-Hsin; Kadowaki, Jennifer; Patej, Anna; Wu, Ya-Lin; Yue, Minghao |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 871, 258 |
2019ApJ...871..258S |
4 |
2152 |
The Extremely Luminous Quasar Survey in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Footprint. II. The North Galactic Cap Sample |
Schindler, Jan-Torge; Fan, Xiaohui; McGreer, Ian D.; Yang, Jinyi; Wang, Feige; Green, Richard; Garavito-Camargo, Nicolas; Huang, Yun-Hsin; ODonnell, Christine; Patej, Anna; Pucha, Ragadeepika; Rees, Jon M.; Spalding, Eckhart |
08-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 863, 144 |
2018ApJ...863..144S |
4 |
2153 |
Steps Toward Unveiling the True Population of Active Galactic Nuclei: Photometric Characterization of Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS |
Schneider, Evan E.; Impey, Christopher D.; Trump, Jonathan R.; Salvato, Mara |
04-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 766, 123 |
2013ApJ...766..123S |
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2154 |
An FMOS Survey of Moderate-luminosity, Broad-line AGNs in COSMOS, SXDS, and E-CDF-S |
Schulze, Andreas; Silverman, John D.; Kashino, Daichi; Akiyama, Masayuki; Schramm, Malte; Sanders, Dave; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan; Daddi, Emanuele; Rodighiero, Giulia; Renzini, Alvio; Arimoto, Nobuo; Nagao, Tohru; Puglisi, Annagrazia; Trakhtenbrot, Benny; Civano, Francesca; Suh, Hyewon |
12-2018 |
2018, ApJS, 239, 22 |
2018ApJS..239...22S |
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2155 |
The impact of accretion disc winds on the X-ray spectrum of AGN - I. XSCORT |
Schurch, N. J.; Done, C. |
11-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 381, 1413 |
2007MNRAS.381.1413S |
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2156 |
Failed disc winds: a physical origin for the soft X-ray excess? |
Schurch, N. J.; Done, C. |
09-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 371, 81 |
2006MNRAS.371...81S |
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0112610101 |
2157 |
The messy environment of Mrk 6 |
Schurch, N. J.; Griffiths, R. E.; Warwick, R. S. |
09-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 371, 211 |
2006MNRAS.371..211S |
4 |
0144230101 |
2158 |
High-resolution X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of the core of NGC 4945 with XMM-Newton and Chandra |
Schurch, N. J.; Roberts, T. P.; Warwick, R. S. |
09-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 335, 241 |
2002MNRAS.335..241S |
4,5 |
0112310301 |
2159 |
The complex soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151 The complex soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151 |
Schurch, N. J.; Warwick, R. S.; Griffiths, R. E.; Kahn, S. M. |
05-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 350, 1 |
2004MNRAS.350....1S |
4 |
0112310101, 0112830501, 0112830201, 0112830601, 0112310501 |
2160 |
Iron K-features in the hard X-ray XMM-Newton spectrum of NGC 4151 |
Schurch, N. J.; Warwick, R. S.; Griffiths, R. E.; Sembay, S. |
10-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 345, 423 |
2003MNRAS.345..423S |
4,5 |
0112310101, 0112830501, 0112830201 |
2161 |
Long-term X-Ray Stability and Ultraviolet Variability of the Ionized Absorption in NGC 3783 |
Scott, A. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Behar, E.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Gabel, J. R.; Gibson, R. R.; Kaspi, S.; Kraemer, S. B.; Turner, T. J. |
12-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 797, 105 |
2014ApJ...797..105S |
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2162 |
Ultraviolet/X-ray Variability and the Extended X-ray Emission of the Radio-loud Broad Absorption Line Quasar PG 1004+130 |
Scott, A. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Miller, B. P.; Luo, B.; Gallagher, S. C. |
06-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 806, 210 |
2015ApJ...806..210S |
4 |
0140550601, 0728980201 |
2163 |
Do the spectral energy distributions of type 1 active galactic nuclei show diversity? |
Scott, A. E.; Stewart, G. C. |
03-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 438, 2253 |
2014MNRAS.438.2253S |
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2164 |
Detectability of low-energy X-ray spectral components in type 1 active galactic nuclei |
Scott, A. E.; Stewart, G. C.; Mateos, S. |
07-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 423, 2633 |
2012MNRAS.423.2633S |
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2165 |
New constraints on the X-ray spectral properties of type 1 active galactic nuclei |
Scott, A. E.; Stewart, G. C.; Mateos, S.; Alexander, D. M.; Hutton, S.; Ward, M. J. |
10-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 417, 992 |
2011MNRAS.417..992S |
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2166 |
Intrinsic Absorption in the Spectrum of NGC 7469: Simultaneous Chandra, FUSE, and STIS Observations |
Scott, Jennifer E.; Kriss, Gerard A.; Lee, Julia C.; Quijano, Jessica Kim; Brotherton, Michael; Canizares, Claude R.; Green, Richard F.; Hutchings, John; Kaiser, Mary Elizabeth; Marshall, Herman; Oegerle, William; Ogle, Patrick; Zheng, Wei |
11-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 634, 193 |
2005ApJ...634..193S |
4,5 |
0112170101, 0112170301 |
2167 |
NGC 4051: Black hole mass and photon index-mass accretion rate correlation |
Seifina, Elena; Chekhtman, Alexandre; Titarchuk, Lev |
05-2018 |
2018, A&A, 613, 48 |
2018A&A...613A..48S |
4 |
0157560101, 0109141401 |
2168 |
Scaling of X-ray spectral properties of a black hole in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC7469 |
Seifina, Elena; Titarchuk, Lev; Ugolkova, Lyubov |
11-2018 |
2018, A&A, 619, 21 |
2018A&A...619A..21S |
4 |
2169 |
Complex X-Ray Spectral Variability in Markarian 421 Observed with XMM-Newton |
Sembay, S.; Edelson, R.; Markowitz, A.; Griffiths, R. G.; Turner, M. J. L. |
08-2002 |
2002, ApJ, 574, 634 |
2002ApJ...574..634S |
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0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0136540101 |
2170 |
Compton-thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era X: Analysing seven local CT-AGN candidates |
Sengupta, D.;Marchesi, S.;Vignali, C.;Torres-Albà , N.;Bertola, E.;Pizzetti, A.;Lanzuisi, G.;Salvestrini, F.;Zhao, X.;Gaspari, M.;Gilli, R.;Comastri, A.;Traina, A.;Tombesi, F.;Silver, R.;Pozzi, F.;Ajello, M. |
08-2023 |
2023, A&A, 676, 103 |
2023A&A...676A.103S |
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0762920601, 0821870301, 0802450501, 0690580101 |
2171 |
Quasar spectral variability from the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue |
Serafinelli, R.; Vagnetti, F.; Middei, R. |
04-2017 |
2017, A&A, 600, 101 |
2017A&A...600A.101S |
4 |
2172 |
Ensemble spectral variability study of Active Galactic Nuclei from the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue |
Serafinelli, R.; Vagnetti, F.; Middei, R. |
02-2016 |
2016, JPhCS, 689, 2007 |
2016JPhCS.689a2007S |
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2173 |
X-ray obscuration from a variable ionized absorber in PG 1114+445 |
Serafinelli, R.;Braito, V.;Severgnini, P.;Tombesi, F.;Giani, G.;Piconcelli, E.;Della Ceca, R.;Vagnetti, F.;Gaspari, M.;Saturni, F. G.;Middei, R.;Tortosa, A. |
10-2021 |
2021, A&A, 654, 32 |
2021A&A...654A..32S |
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0109080801, 0651330101, 0651330201, 0651330301, 0651330401, 0651330501, 0651330601, 0651330701, 0651330801, 0651330901, 0651331001, 0651331101 |
2174 |
Multiphase quasar-driven outflows in PG 1114+445. I. Entrained ultra-fast outflows |
Serafinelli, Roberto; Tombesi, Francesco; Vagnetti, Fausto; Piconcelli, Enrico; Gaspari, Massimo; Saturni, Francesco G. |
07-2019 |
2019, A&A, 627, 121 |
2019A&A...627A.121S |
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0109080801, 0651330101, 0651330201, 0651330301, 0651330401, 0651330501, 0651330601, 0651330701, 0651330801, 0651330901, 0651331001, 0651331101 |
2175 |
A remarkably stable accretion disc in the Seyfert galaxy MCG-5-23-16 |
Serafinelli, Roberto;Marinucci, Andrea;De Rosa, Alessandra;Bianchi, Stefano;Middei, Riccardo;Matt, Giorgio;Reeves, James N.;Braito, Valentina;Tombesi, Francesco;Gianolli, Vittoria E.;Ingram, Adam;Marin, Frédéric;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Tagliacozzo, Daniele;Ursini, Francesco |
12-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 526, 3540 |
2023MNRAS.526.3540S |
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0890670101 |
2176 |
The Coincidence of Nuclear Star Clusters and Active Galactic Nuclei |
Seth, Anil; Agüeros, Marcel; Lee, Duane; Basu-Zych, Antara |
05-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 678, 116 |
2008ApJ...678..116S |
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2177 |
Multiwavelength Spectral Energy Distribution Analysis of X-Ray Selected Active Galactic Nuclei at z = 0.2â0.8 in the Stripe 82 Region |
Setoguchi, Kenta;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Toba, Yoshiki;Li, Junyao;Silverman, John;Uematsu, Ryosuke |
02-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 961, 246 |
2024ApJ...961..246S |
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2178 |
An X-ray bright ERO hosting a type 2 QSO |
Severgnini, P.; Caccianiga, A.; Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Maccacaro, T.; Akiyama, M.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Page, M. J.; Saracco, P.; Watson, M. G. |
06-2006 |
2006, A&A, 451, 859 |
2006A&A...451..859S |
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0112371701, 0112372001 |
2179 |
XMM-Newton observations reveal AGN in apparently normal galaxies |
Severgnini, P.; Caccianiga, A.; Braito, V.; Della Ceca, R.; Maccacaro, T.; Wolter, A.; Sekiguchi, K.; Sasaki, T.; Yoshida, M.; Akiyama, M.; Watson, M. G.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Pietsch, W.; Webb, N. A. |
08-2003 |
2003, A&A, 406, 483 |
2003A&A...406..483S |
4,5 |
0105660101, 0111100301, 0112370101, 0112371001 |
2180 |
A new technique to efficiently select Compton-thick AGN |
Severgnini, P.; Caccianiga, A.; Della Ceca, R. |
06-2012 |
2012, A&A, 542, 46 |
2012A&A...542A..46S |
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2181 |
Suzaku and SWIFT-BAT observations of a newly discovered Compton-thick AGN |
Severgnini, P.; Caccianiga, A.; Della Ceca, R.; Braito, V.; Vignali, C.; La Parola, V.; Moretti, A. |
01-2011 |
2011, A&A, 525, 38 |
2011A&A...525A..38S |
4 |
0307000401 |
2182 |
Looking for obscured QSOs in the X-ray emitting ERO population |
Severgnini, P.; Della Ceca, R.; Braito, V.; Saracco, P.; Longhetti, M.; Bender, R.; Drory, N.; Feulner, G.; Hopp, U.; Mannucci, F.; Maraston, C. |
02-2005 |
2005, A&A, 431, 87 |
2005A&A...431...87S |
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0142610101 |
2183 |
AGN in deep radio/X-ray surveys: Hunting the earliest massive galaxies |
Seymour, N.; Moss, D.; McHardy, I.; Gunn, K.; Page, M.; Mason, K.; Loaring, N.; Dwelly, T. |
03-2006 |
2006, AN, 327, 278 |
2006AN....327..278S |
4,5 |
2184 |
Self-Consistent Models of the AGN and Black Hole Populations: Duty Cycles, Accretion Rates, and the Mean Radiative Efficiency |
Shankar, Francesco; Weinberg, David H.; Miralda-Escudé, Jordi |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 690, 20 |
2009ApJ...690...20S |
4,5 |
2185 |
The Man behind the Curtain: X-Rays Drive the UV through NIR Variability in the 2013 Active Galactic Nucleus Outburst in NGC 2617 |
Shappee, B. J.; Prieto, J. L.; Grupe, D.; Kochanek, C. S.; Stanek, K. Z.; De Rosa, G.; Mathur, S.; Zu, Y.; Peterson, B. M.; Pogge, R. W.; Komossa, S.; Im, M.; Jencson, J.; Holoien, T. W.-S.; Basu, U.; Beacom, J. F.; Szczygiel, D. M.; Brimacombe, J.; Adams, S.; Campillay, A.; Choi, C.; Contreras, C.; Dietrich, M.; Dubberley, M.; Elphick, M.; Foale, S.; Giustini, M.; Gonzalez, C.; Hawkins, E.; Howell, D. A.; Hsiao, E. Y.; Koss, M.; Leighly, K. M.; Morrell, N.; Mudd, D.; Mullins, D.; Nugent, J. M.; Parrent, J.; Phillips, M. M.; Pojmanski, G.; Rosing, W.; Ross, R.; Sand, D.; Terndrup, D. M.; Valenti, S.; Walker, Z.; Yoon, Y. |
06-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 788, 48 |
2014ApJ...788...48S |
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2186 |
Chandra Survey of Nearby Galaxies: Testing the Accretion Model for Low-luminosity AGNs |
She, Rui; Ho, Luis C.; Feng, Hua; Cui, Can |
06-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 859, 152 |
2018ApJ...859..152S |
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2187 |
Redshift evolution of X-ray spectral index of quasars observed by XMM-NEWTON/SDSS |
Shehata, SH. M.;Misra, R.;Osman, A. M. I.;Shalabiea, O. M.;Hayman, Z. M. |
08-2021 |
2021, JHEAp, 31, 37 |
2021JHEAp..31...37S |
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2188 |
XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Highly Polarized and Luminous Broad Absorption Line Quasar CSO 755 |
Shemmer, O.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallagher, S. C.; Vignali, C.; Boller, Th.; Chartas, G.; Comastri, A. |
12-2005 |
2005, AJ, 130, 2522 |
2005AJ....130.2522S |
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0011830401, 0011830201 |
2189 |
The X-Ray Spectral Properties and Variability of Luminous High-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei |
Shemmer, O.; Brandt, W. N.; Vignali, C.; Schneider, D. P.; Fan, X.; Richards, G. T.; Strauss, Michael A. |
09-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 630, 729 |
2005ApJ...630..729S |
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2190 |
X-Ray Insights into the Nature of Weak Emission-Line Quasars at High Redshift |
Shemmer, Ohad; Brandt, W. N.; Anderson, Scott F.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Fan, Xiaohui; Richards, Gordon T.; Schneider, Donald P.; Strauss, Michael A. |
05-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 696, 580 |
2009ApJ...696..580S |
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0111100201, 0402250101 |
2191 |
The Hard X-Ray Spectral Slope as an Accretion Rate Indicator in Radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei |
Shemmer, Ohad; Brandt, W. N.; Netzer, Hagai; Maiolino, Roberto; Kaspi, Shai |
07-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 646, L29 |
2006ApJ...646L..29S |
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0302380201, 0302380401, 0033540901, 0143150101, 0143150201 |
2192 |
The Hard X-Ray Spectrum as a Probe for Black Hole Growth in Radio-Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei |
Shemmer, Ohad; Brandt, W. N.; Netzer, Hagai; Maiolino, Roberto; Kaspi, Shai |
07-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 682, 81 |
2008ApJ...682...81S |
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0402070201, 0402070401, 0402070301, 0402070101 |
2193 |
Exploratory X-Ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-quiet Quasars at High Redshift: No Evidence for Evolution in X-Ray Variability |
Shemmer, Ohad; Brandt, W. N.; Paolillo, Maurizio; Kaspi, Shai; Vignali, Cristian; Lira, Paulina; Schneider, Donald P. |
10-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 848, 46 |
2017ApJ...848...46S |
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2194 |
Exploratory X-Ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-quiet Quasars at High Redshift: Initial Results |
Shemmer, Ohad; Brandt, W. N.; Paolillo, Maurizio; Kaspi, Shai; Vignali, Cristian; Stein, Matthew S.; Lira, Paulina; Schneider, Donald P.; Gibson, Robert R. |
03-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 783, 116 |
2014ApJ...783..116S |
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0143150201, 0143150101, 0107860301 |
2195 |
Chandra Observations of the Highest Redshift Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Shemmer, Ohad; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, Donald P.; Fan, Xiaohui; Strauss, Michael A.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Richards, Gordon T.; Anderson, Scott F.; Gunn, James E.; Brinkmann, Jon |
06-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 644, 86 |
2006ApJ...644...86S |
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2196 |
Weak Line Quasars at High Redshift: Extremely High Accretion Rates or Anemic Broad-line Regions? |
Shemmer, Ohad; Trakhtenbrot, Benny; Anderson, Scott F.; Brandt, W. N.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Fan, Xiaohui; Lira, Paulina; Netzer, Hagai; Plotkin, Richard M.; Richards, Gordon T.; Schneider, Donald P.; Strauss, Michael A. |
10-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 722, L152 |
2010ApJ...722L.152S |
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0551750301 |
2197 |
The bolometric quasar luminosity function at z = 0-7 |
Shen, Xuejian;Hopkins, Philip F.;Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André;Alexander, D. M.;Richards, Gordon T.;Ross, Nicholas P.;Hickox, R. C. |
05-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 495, 3252 |
2020MNRAS.495.3252S |
4 |
2198 |
The diversity of quasars unified by accretion and orientation |
Shen, Yue; Ho, Luis C. |
09-2014 |
2014, Natur, 513, 210 |
2014Natur.513..210S |
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2199 |
Differences in the AGN Populations of Groups and Clusters: Clues to AGN Evolution |
Shen, Yue; Mulchaey, John S.; Raychaudhury, Somak; Rasmussen, Jesper; Ponman, Trevor J. |
01-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 654, L115 |
2007ApJ...654L.115S |
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2200 |
Observational Evidence for Hot Wind Impact on Parsec Scales in Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei |
Shi, Fangzheng;Yuan, Feng;Li, Zhiyuan;Su, Zhao;Ji, Suoqing |
07-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 970, 48 |
2024ApJ...970...48S |
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0111800101, 0111810101, 0605800301 |
2201 |
Unobscured Type 2 Active Galactic Nuclei |
Shi, Yong; Rieke, George H.; Smith, Paul; Rigby, Jane; Hines, Dean; Donley, Jennifer; Schmidt, Gary; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M. |
05-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 714, 115 |
2010ApJ...714..115S |
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2202 |
Black Hole Accretion in Low-Mass Galaxies since z ~ 1 |
Shi, Yong; Rieke, George; Donley, Jennifer; Cooper, Michael; Willmer, Christopher; Kirby, Evan |
12-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 688, 794 |
2008ApJ...688..794S |
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2203 |
The First Hard X-Ray Power Spectral Density Functions of Active Galactic Nucleus |
Shimizu, T. Taro; Mushotzky, Richard F. |
06-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 770, 60 |
2013ApJ...770...60S |
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2204 |
Spectral Statistics and Local Luminosity Function of a Complete Hard X-Ray Sample of the Brightest Active Galactic Nuclei |
Shinozaki, K.; Miyaji, T.; Ishisaki, Y.; Ueda, Y.; Ogasaka, Y. |
06-2006 |
2006, AJ, 131, 2843 |
2006AJ....131.2843S |
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2205 |
XMM-Newton Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 7590: The Nature of X-ray Absorption |
Shu, X. W.; Liu, T.; Wang, J. X. |
10-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 722, 96 |
2010ApJ...722...96S |
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0405380701, 0112310201, 0204610101 |
2206 |
Investigating the Nuclear Obscuration in Two Types of Seyfert 2 Galaxies |
Shu, X. W.; Wang, J. X.; Jiang, P.; Fan, L. L.; Wang, T. G. |
03-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 657, 167 |
2007ApJ...657..167S |
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0150480501, 0204651201, 0112310801, 0147920601, 0200430701, 0200431101 |
2207 |
A Long Decay of X-Ray Flux and Spectral Evolution in the Supersoft Active Galactic Nucleus GSN 069 |
Shu, X. W.; Wang, S. S.; Dou, L. M.; Jiang, N.; Wang, J. X.; Wang, T. G. |
04-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 857, L16 |
2018ApJ...857L..16S |
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0740960101, 0657820101 |
2208 |
Central Engine and Host Galaxy of RXJ 1301.9+2747: A Multiwavelength View of a Low-mass Black Hole Active Galactic Nuclei with Ultra-soft X-Ray Emission |
Shu, X. W.; Wang, T. G.; Jiang, N.; Wang, J. X.; Sun, L. M.; Zhou, H. Y. |
03-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 837, 3 |
2017ApJ...837....3S |
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0124710801 |
2209 |
NGC 2992 in an X-ray High State Observed by XMM-Newton: Response of the Relativistic Fe Kα Line to the Continuum |
Shu, X. W.; Yaqoob, T.; Murphy, K. D.; Braito, V.; Wang, J. X.; Zheng, W. |
04-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 713, 1256 |
2010ApJ...713.1256S |
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0147920301 |
2210 |
Are Seyfert 2 Galaxies without Polarized Broad Emission Lines More Obscured? |
Shu, Xin-Wen; Wang, Jun-Xian; Jiang, Peng |
04-2008 |
2008, ChJAA, 8, 204 |
2008ChJAA...8..204S |
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0301150401, 0312190401, 0301151001, 0301150501, 0301150301, 0301150201, 0301151101 |
2211 |
The X-ray nature of the nucleus in Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7590 |
Shu, Xin-Wen; Wang, Jun-Xian; Liu, Teng; Zheng, Wei |
09-2012 |
2012, RAA, 12, 1247 |
2012RAA....12.1247S |
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2212 |
X-ray emission from GPS and CSS sources |
Siemiginowska, A. |
00-2009 |
2009, AN, 330, 264 |
2009AN....330..264S |
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2213 |
X-Ray Properties of the Youngest Radio Sources and Their Environments |
Siemiginowska, Aneta; Sobolewska, Malgosia; Migliori, Giulia; Guainazzi, Matteo; Hardcastle, Martin; Ostorero, Luisa; Stawarz, Lukasz |
05-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 823, 57 |
2016ApJ...823...57S |
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2214 |
Quasars as standard candles. V. Accounting for the dispersion in the L<SUB>X</SUB>-L<SUB>UV</SUB> relation down to ⤠0.06 dex |
Signorini, Matilde;Risaliti, Guido;Lusso, Elisabeta;Nardini, Emanuele;Bargiacchi, Giada;Sacchi, Andrea;Trefoloni, Bartolomeo |
07-2024 |
2024, A&A, 687, 32 |
2024A&A...687A..32S |
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2215 |
Quasars as standard candles. IV. Analysis of the X-ray and UV indicators of the disc-corona relation |
Signorini, Matilde;Risaliti, Guido;Lusso, Elisabeta;Nardini, Emanuele;Bargiacchi, Giada;Sacchi, Andrea;Trefoloni, Bartolomeo |
08-2023 |
2023, A&A, 676, 143 |
2023A&A...676A.143S |
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2216 |
The variability of the warm absorber in I Zwicky 1 as seen by XMM-Newton |
Silva, C. V.; Costantini, E.; Giustini, M.; Kriss, G. A.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallo, L. C.; Wilkins, D. R. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 2334 |
2018MNRAS.480.2334S |
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0743050301, 0743050801 |
2217 |
Timing the warm absorber in NGC 4051 |
Silva, C. V.; Uttley, P.; Costantini, E. |
12-2016 |
2016, A&A, 596, 79 |
2016A&A...596A..79S |
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0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301, 0606320201, 0606320301 |
2218 |
Identifying the 3FHL Catalog. IV. Swift Observations of Unassociated Fermi-LAT 3FHL Sources |
Silver, R.;Marchesi, S.;Marcotulli, L.;Kaur, A.;Rajagopal, M.;Ajello, M. |
10-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 902, 23 |
2020ApJ...902...23S |
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2219 |
A machine learning algorithm for reliably predicting active galactic nucleus absorbing column densities |
Silver, R.;Torres-Albà, N.;Zhao, X.;Marchesi, S.;Pizzetti, A.;Cox, I.;Ajello, M. |
07-2023 |
2023, A&A, 675, 65 |
2023A&A...675A..65S |
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2220 |
Compton-thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era. IX. A Joint NuSTAR and XMM-Newton Analysis of Four Local AGN |
Silver, R.;Torres-Albà , N.;Zhao, X.;Marchesi, S.;Pizzetti, A.;Cox, I.;Ajello, M.;Cusumano, G.;La Parola, V.;Segreto, A. |
12-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 940, 148 |
2022ApJ...940..148S |
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0870850101, 0870850201, 0890440101, 0890440201 |
2221 |
The Environments of Active Galactic Nuclei within the zCOSMOS Density Field |
Silverman, J. D et al. |
04-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 695, 171 |
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2222 |
Ongoing and Co-Evolving Star Formation in zCOSMOS Galaxies Hosting Active Galactic Nuclei |
Silverman, J. D. et al. |
05-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 696, 396 |
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2223 |
The Luminosity Function of X-Ray-selected Active Galactic Nuclei: Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift |
Silverman, J. D.; Green, P. J.; Barkhouse, W. A.; Kim, D.-W.; Kim, M.; Wilkes, B. J.; Cameron, R. A.; Hasinger, G.; Jannuzi, B. T.; Smith, M. G.; Smith, P. S.; Tananbaum, H. |
05-2008 |
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2224 |
The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Optical Spectroscopy of Faint X-ray Sources with the VLT and Keck |
Silverman, J. D.; Mainieri, V.; Salvato, M.; Hasinger, G.; Bergeron, J.; Capak, P.; Szokoly, G.; Finoguenov, A.; Gilli, R.; Rosati, P.; Tozzi, P.; Vignali, C.; Alexander, D. M.; Brandt, W. N.; Lehmer, B. D.; Luo, B.; Rafferty, D.; Xue, Y. Q.; Balestra, I.; Bauer, F. E.; Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Kartaltepe, J.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Miyaji, T.; Schneider, D. P.; Treister, E.; Wisotski, L.; Schramm, M. |
11-2010 |
2010, ApJS, 191, 124 |
2010ApJS..191..124S |
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2225 |
The X-Ray Zurich Environmental Study (X-ZENS). I. Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxies in nearby Groups |
Silverman, J. D.; Miniati, F.; Finoguenov, A.; Carollo, C. M.; Cibinel, A.; Lilly, S. J.; Schawinski, K. |
01-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 780, 67 |
2014ApJ...780...67S |
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0655300101, 0655300601, 0693741601, 0674480301, 0674480901, 0674480701 |
2226 |
Multidimensional modelling of X-ray spectra for AGN accretion disc outflows |
Sim, S. A.; Long, K. S.; Miller, L.; Turner, T. J. |
08-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 388, 611 |
2008MNRAS.388..611S |
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0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701 |
2227 |
Multidimensional modelling of X-ray spectra for AGN accretion disc outflows - II |
Sim, S. A.; Miller, L.; Long, K. S.; Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N. |
05-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 404, 1369 |
2010MNRAS.404.1369S |
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2228 |
Metal-rich multi-phase gas in M 87. AGN-driven metal transport, magnetic-field supported multi-temperature gas, and constraints on non-thermal emission observed with XMM-Newton |
Simionescu, A.; Werner, N.; Finoguenov, A.; Böhringer, H.; Brüggen, M. |
04-2008 |
2008, A&A, 482, 97 |
2008A&A...482...97S |
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0114120101, 0200920101 |
2229 |
Dramatic X-ray spectral variability of a Compton-thick type-1 QSO at z Ë 1 |
Simm, T.; Buchner, J.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Shen, Y.; Erben, T.; Coil, A. L.; Willmer, C. N. A.; Schneider, D. P. |
11-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 4912 |
2018MNRAS.480.4912S |
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0127920401, 0127921001, 0127921201 |
2230 |
Pan-STARRS1 variability of XMM-COSMOS AGN. I. Impact on photometric redshifts |
Simm, T.; Saglia, R.; Salvato, M.; Bender, R.; Burgett, W. S.; Chambers, K. C.; Draper, P. W.; Flewelling, H.; Kaiser, N.; Kudritzki, R.-P.; Magnier, E. A.; Metcalfe, N.; Tonry, J. L.; Wainscoat, R. J.; Waters, C. |
12-2015 |
2015, A&A, 584, 106 |
2015A&A...584A.106S |
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2231 |
Pan-STARRS1 variability of XMM-COSMOS AGN. II. Physical correlations and power spectrum analysis |
Simm, T.; Salvato, M.; Saglia, R.; Ponti, G.; Lanzuisi, G.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Nandra, K.; Bender, R. |
01-2016 |
2016, A&A, 585, 129 |
2016A&A...585A.129S |
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2232 |
XZ: Deriving redshifts from X-ray spectra of obscured AGN |
Simmonds, C.; Buchner, J.; Salvato, M.; Hsu, L.-T.; Bauer, F. E. |
10-2018 |
2018, A&A, 618, 66 |
2018A&A...618A..66S |
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2233 |
Radio imaging of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field - I. The 100-muJy catalogue, optical identifications, and the nature of the faint radio source population |
Simpson, Chris; Martínez-Sansigre, Alejo; Rawlings, Steve; Ivison, Rob; Akiyama, Masayuki; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Takata, Tadafumi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Watson, Mike |
10-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 372, 741 |
2006MNRAS.372..741S |
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2234 |
The X-Ray Luminosity Function Evolution of Quasars and the Correlation between the X-Ray and Ultraviolet Luminosities |
Singal, J.;Mutchnick, S.;Petrosian, V. |
06-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 932, 111 |
2022ApJ...932..111S |
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2235 |
X-ray spectral properties of Seyfert galaxies and the unification scheme |
Singh, V.; Shastri, P.; Risaliti, G. |
08-2011 |
2011, A&A, 532, 84 |
2011A&A...532A..84S |
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0201930201, 0302260201, 0301651101, 0402660201, 0304030101, 0081340201, 0206400101, 0207090201, 0109130701, 0305600601, 0067540201, 0200430301, 0140951001, 0307001501, 0200430201, 0200660101, 0301150501 |
2236 |
Measuring the level of nuclear activity in Seyfert galaxies and the unification scheme |
Singh, V.; Shastri, P.; Risaliti, G. |
09-2011 |
2011, A&A, 533, 128 |
2011A&A...533A.128S |
4 |
2237 |
On the nature of infrared-faint radio sources in the Subaru X-ray Deep and Very Large Array-VIMOS VLT Deep Survey fields |
Singh, Veeresh; Wadadekar, Yogesh; Ishwara-Chandra, C. H.; Sirothia, Sandeep; Sievers, Jonathan; Beelen, Alexandre; Omont, Alain |
10-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 470, 4956 |
2017MNRAS.470.4956S |
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2238 |
Lyman Continuum Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei at 2.3 â² z â² 3.7 in the UVCANDELS Fields |
Smith, Brent M.;Windhorst, Rogier A.;Teplitz, Harry;Hayes, Matthew;Rafelski, Marc;Dickinson, Mark;Mehta, Vihang;Hathi, Nimish P.;MacKenty, John;Yung, L. Y. Aaron;Koekemoer, Anton M.;Soto, Emmaris;Conselice, Christopher J.;Lucas, Ray A.;Wang, Xin;Kim, Keunho J.;Alavi, Anahita;Grogin, Norman A.;Sunnquist, Ben;Prichard, Laura;Jansen, Rolf A.;Uvcandels Team |
03-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 964, 73 |
2024ApJ...964...73S |
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2239 |
An Infrared and Optical Analysis of a Sample of XBONGs and Optically Elusive AGNs |
Smith, K. L.; Koss, M.; Mushotzky, R. F. |
10-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 794, 112 |
2014ApJ...794..112S |
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2240 |
The Kepler Light Curves of AGN: A Detailed Analysis |
Smith, Krista Lynne; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Boyd, Patricia T.; Malkan, Matt; Howell, Steve B.; Gelino, Dawn M. |
04-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 857, 141 |
2018ApJ...857..141S |
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2241 |
The XMM-Newton RGS spectrum of the high luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 509 |
Smith, R. A. N.; Page, M. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G. |
01-2007 |
2007, A&A, 461, 135 |
2007A&A...461..135S |
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0130720101, 0130720201 |
2242 |
Exploring the nuclear environment of the NLS1 galaxy Arakelian 564 with XMM-Newton RGS |
Smith, R. A. N.; Page, M. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G. |
10-2008 |
2008, A&A, 490, 103 |
2008A&A...490..103S |
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0206400101, 0006810201, 0006810101, 0006810301, 0006810401 |
2243 |
X-ray and optical variability of Seyfert 1 galaxies as observed with XMM-Newton |
Smith, R.; Vaughan, S. |
03-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 375, 1479 |
2007MNRAS.375.1479S |
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0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0109141301, 0109141401, 0110890201, 0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0147190101, 0157560101, 0206400101, 0207090101, 0207090201 |
2244 |
Discovery of an X-Ray Quasar Wind Driving the Cold Gas Outflow in the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy IRAS F05189-2524 |
Smith, Robyn N.;Tombesi, Francesco;Veilleux, Sylvain;Lohfink, Anne M.;Luminari, Alfredo |
12-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 887, 69 |
2019ApJ...887...69S |
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0790580101 |
2245 |
On the occupation of X-ray-selected galaxy groups by radio active galactic nuclei since z = 1.3 |
SmolÄiÄ, V.; Finoguenov, A.; Zamorani, G.; Schinnerer, E.; Tanaka, M.; Giodini, S.; Scoville, N. |
09-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 416, L31 |
2011MNRAS.416L..31S |
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2246 |
Simulated spectral states of active galactic nuclei and observational predictions |
Sobolewska, MaÅgorzata A.; Siemiginowska, Aneta; GierliÅski, Marek |
05-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, 2259 |
2011MNRAS.413.2259S |
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0112921301 |
2247 |
First Hard X-Ray Observation of a Compact Symmetric Object: A Broadband X-Ray Study of a Radio Galaxy OQ+208 with NuSTAR and Chandra |
Sobolewska, MaÅgosia;Siemiginowska, Aneta;Guainazzi, Matteo;Hardcastle, Martin;Migliori, Giulia;Ostorero, Luisa;Stawarz, Åukasz |
10-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 884, 166 |
2019ApJ...884..166S |
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2248 |
Obscuring Environment and X-Ray Variability of Compact Symmetric Objects Unveiled with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Sobolewska, MaÅgosia;Siemiginowska, Aneta;Migliori, Giulia;Ostorero, Luisa;Stawarz, Åukasz;Guainazzi, Matteo |
05-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 948, 81 |
2023ApJ...948...81S |
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0822350101, 0784610301 |
2249 |
What is the origin of the soft excess in active galactic nuclei? |
Sobolewska, Malgorzata A.; Done, Chris |
01-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 374, 150 |
2007MNRAS.374..150S |
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2250 |
The Impact of the Environment on the Early Stages of Radio Source Evolution |
Sobolewska, Malgosia; Siemiginowska, Aneta; Guainazzi, Matteo; Hardcastle, Martin; Migliori, Giulia; Ostorero, Luisa; Stawarz, Lukasz |
01-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 871, 71 |
2019ApJ...871...71S |
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0784610301, 0784610201, 0784610101 |
2251 |
Black hole accretion rings revealed by future X-ray spectroscopy |
Sochora, V.; Karas, V.; Svoboda, J.; DovÄiak, M. |
11-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 418, 276 |
2011MNRAS.418..276S |
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2252 |
Spectroscopic observations of the machine-learning selected anomaly catalogue from the AllWISE Sky Survey |
Solarz, A.; Thomas, R.; Montenegro-Montes, F. M.; Gromadzki, M.; Donoso, E.; Koprowski, M.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Diaz, C. G.; Sani, E.; Bilicki, M. |
10-2020 |
2020, A&A, 642, 103 |
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2253 |
The Nascent Milliquasar VT J154843.06+220812.6: Tidal Disruption Event or Extreme Accretion State Change? |
Somalwar, Jean J.;Ravi, Vikram;Dong, Dillon;Graham, Matthew;Hallinan, Gregg;Law, Casey;Lu, Wenbin;Myers, Steven T. |
04-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 929, 184 |
2022ApJ...929..184S |
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0803241001 |
2254 |
Possible ~0.4 h X-ray quasi-periodicity from an ultrasoft active galactic nucleus |
Song, J. R.; Shu, X. W.; Sun, L. M.; Xue, Y. Q.; Jin, C.; Zhang, W. J.; Jiang, N.; Dou, L. M.; Wang, T. G. |
12-2020 |
2020, A&A, 644, L9 |
2020A&A...644L...9S |
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0124710801, 0851180501 |
2255 |
An ultraluminous X-ray microquasar in NGC5408? |
Soria, R.; Fender, R. P.; Hannikainen, D. C.; Read, A. M.; Stevens, I. R. |
06-2006 |
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2256 |
The XMM-NEWTON Long Look of NGC 1365: Lack of a High/Soft State in its Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources |
Soria, R.; Risaliti, G.; Elvis, M.; Fabbiano, G.; Bianchi, S.; Kuncic, Z. |
04-2009 |
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0505140201, 0505140401, 0505140501 |
2257 |
The relation between X-ray and ultraviolet variability of quasars |
Sou, Hao;Wang, Jun-Xian;Xie, Zhang-Liang;Kang, Wen-Yong;Cai, Zhen-Yi |
06-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 512, 5511 |
2022MNRAS.512.5511S |
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2258 |
A search for the missing baryons with X-ray absorption lines towards the blazar 1ES 1553+113 |
Spence, David;Bonamente, Massimiliano;Nevalainen, Jukka;Tuominen, Toni;Ahoranta, Jussi;de Plaa, Jelle;Liu, Wenhao;Wijers, Nastasha |
08-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 523, 2329 |
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2259 |
Energy-dependent Time Lags in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4593 |
Sriram, K.; Agrawal, V. K.; Rao, A. R. |
08-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 700, 1042 |
2009ApJ...700.1042S |
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0059830101 |
2260 |
Probing the Variation of Reverberation Lags along with X-Ray Flux in the AGN Mrk 704 |
Sriram, K.;Lahiri, Deblina;Agrawal, Vivek K.;Nour, D.;Choi, C. S. |
03-2023 |
2023, RAA, 23, 5008 |
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0300240101, 0502091601 |
2261 |
Optical identification of XMM sources in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey |
Stalin, C. S.; Petitjean, Patrick; Srianand, R.; Fox, A. J.; Coppolani, F.; Schwope, A. |
01-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 401, 294 |
2010MNRAS.401..294S |
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2262 |
X-ray and optical properties of broad absorption line quasars in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey |
Stalin, C. S.; Srianand, R.; Petitjean, P. |
05-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, 1013 |
2011MNRAS.413.1013S |
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0109520501, 0112680201, 0112680101, 0112681301, 0109520601, 0112680801, 0210490101 |
2263 |
The mean star formation rates of unobscured QSOs: searching for evidence of suppressed or enhanced star formation |
Stanley, F.; Alexander, D. M.; Harrison, C. M.; Rosario, D. J.; Wang, L.; Aird, J. A.; Bourne, N.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Knudsen, K. K.; Michalowski, M. J.; Valiante, E.; De Zotti, G.; Furlanetto, C.; Ivison, R.; Maddox, S.; Smith, M. W. L. |
12-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 472, 2221 |
2017MNRAS.472.2221S |
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2264 |
A remarkably flat relationship between the average star formation rate and AGN luminosity for distant X-ray AGN |
Stanley, F.; Harrison, C. M.; Alexander, D. M.; Swinbank, A. M.; Aird, J. A.; Del Moro, A.; Hickox, R. C.; Mullaney, J. R. |
10-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 591 |
2015MNRAS.453..591S |
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2265 |
The story of Seyfert galaxy RE J2248-511: from intriguingly ultrasoft to unremarkably average |
Starling, R. L. C.; Done, C.; Jin, C.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Potter, S. B.; Wiersema, K.; Page, K. L.; Page, M. J.; Breeveld, A. A.; Lobban, A. P. |
02-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 437, 3929 |
2014MNRAS.437.3929S |
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0109070401, 0109070601, 0510380101 |
2266 |
The X-ray spectrum of NGC 7213 and the Seyfert-LINER connection |
Starling, R. L. C.; Page, M. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Breeveld, A. A.; Soria, R.; Wu, K. |
01-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 356, 727 |
2005MNRAS.356..727S |
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2267 |
The Seyfert-Liner Galaxy NGC 7213: An XMM-Newton Observation |
Starling, R. L. C.; Page, M. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Breeveld, A. A.; Soria, R.; Wu, K. |
11-2005 |
2005, Ap&SS, 300, 81 |
2005Ap&SS.300...81S |
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2268 |
The optical to X-ray spectrum of the broad-line ultrasoft AGN RE J2248-511 |
Starling, R. L. C.; Puchnarewicz, E. M.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Mason, K. O. |
01-2004 |
2004, AdSpR, 34, 2588 |
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2269 |
High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the low and high states of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 with Chandra LETGS |
Steenbrugge, K. C.; FenovÄÃk, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Costantini, E.; Verbunt, F. |
03-2009 |
2009, A&A, 496, 107 |
2009A&A...496..107S |
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2270 |
Radio and X-ray emission from disc winds in radio-quiet quasars |
Steenbrugge, K. C.; Jolley, E. J. D.; Kuncic, Z.; Blundell, K. M. |
05-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, 1735 |
2011MNRAS.413.1735S |
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2271 |
Chandra LETGS and XMM-Newton observations of NGC 4593 |
Steenbrugge, K. C.; Kaastra, J. S.; Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Sako, M.; Behar, E.; Kahn, S. M.; Paerels, F. B. S.; Walter, R. |
09-2003 |
2003, A&A, 408, 921 |
2003A&A...408..921S |
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2272 |
XMM-NEWTON High resolution spectroscopy of NGC 5548 |
Steenbrugge, K. C.; Kaastra, J. S.; de Vries, C. P.; Edelson, R. |
05-2003 |
2003, A&A, 402, 477 |
2003A&A...402..477S |
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0089960301, 0089960401 |
2273 |
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509. VII. Relative abundances of the warm absorber |
Steenbrugge, K. C.; Kaastra, J. S.; Detmers, R. G.; Ebrero, J.; Ponti, G.; Costantini, E.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Pinto, C.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Arav, N.; Cappi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Ratti, E. M.; Holczer, T. |
10-2011 |
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0601390701, 0601390201, 0601390301, 0601390901, 0601390401, 0601390801, 0601391001, 0601391101, 0601390601, 0601390501 |
2274 |
XMM-Newton observations of the heavily absorbed Seyfert 1 galaxy IC 4329A |
Steenbrugge, K. C.; Kaastra, J. S.; Sako, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Paerels, F. B. S.; Blustin, A. J.; Kahn, S. M. |
03-2005 |
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0147440101, 0101040401 |
2275 |
NuSTAR and XMM-Newton Observations of Luminous, Heavily Obscured, WISE-selected Quasars at z ~ 2 |
Stern, D.; Lansbury, G. B.; Assef, R. J.; Brandt, W. N.; Alexander, D. M.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Balokovic, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Benford, D.; Blain, A.; Boggs, S. E.; Bridge, C.; Brightman, M.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Del Moro, A.; Eisenhardt, P. R. M.; Gandhi, P.; Griffith, R. L.; Hailey, C. J.; Harrison, F. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Jarrett, T. H.; Koss, M.; Lake, S.; LaMassa, S. M.; Luo, B.; Tsai, C.-W.; Urry, C. M.; Walton, D. J.; Wright, E. L.; Wu, J.; Yan, L.; Zhang, W. W. |
10-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 794, 102 |
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2276 |
The X-Ray to Mid-infrared Relation of AGNs at High Luminosity |
Stern, Daniel |
07-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 807, 129 |
2015ApJ...807..129S |
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2277 |
Mid-infrared Selection of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer. I. Characterizing WISE-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS |
Stern, Daniel; Assef, Roberto J.; Benford, Dominic J.; Blain, Andrew; Cutri, Roc; Dey, Arjun; Eisenhardt, Peter; Griffith, Roger L.; Jarrett, T. H.; Lake, Sean; Masci, Frank; Petty, Sara; Stanford, S. A.; Tsai, Chao-Wei; Wright, E. L.; Yan, Lin; Harrison, Fiona; Madsen, Kristin |
07-2012 |
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2278 |
The nature of X-ray selected extremely red objects |
Stevens, J. A.; Page, M. J.; Ivison, R. J.; Smail, Ian; Lehmann, I.; Hasinger, G.; Szokoly, G. |
06-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 342, 249 |
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2279 |
The XMM Cluster Survey: the interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy and the intracluster medium via AGN feedback |
Stott, John P.; Hickox, Ryan C.; Edge, Alastair C.; Collins, Chris A.; Hilton, Matt; Harrison, Craig D.; Romer, A. Kathy; Rooney, Philip J.; Kay, Scott T.; Miller, Christopher J.; Sahlén, Martin; Lloyd-Davies, Ed J.; Mehrtens, Nicola; Hoyle, Ben; Liddle, Andrew R.; Viana, Pedro T. P.; McCarthy, Ian G.; Schaye, Joop; Booth, C. M. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 2213 |
2012MNRAS.422.2213S |
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2280 |
The X-Ray Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei with Double-peaked Balmer Lines |
Strateva, Iskra V.; Brandt, W. N.; Eracleous, Michael; Schneider, Donald P.; Chartas, George |
11-2006 |
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2281 |
Soft X-Ray and Ultraviolet Emission Relations in Optically Selected AGN Samples |
Strateva, Iskra V.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, Donald P.; Vanden Berk, Daniel G.; Vignali, Cristian |
08-2005 |
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2282 |
A revision of the X-ray absorption nature of BALQSOs |
Streblyanska, A.; Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Gil-Merino, R. |
06-2010 |
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2283 |
XMM-Newton observation of the Chandra Deep Field-South: statistical treatment of faint source spectra |
Streblyanska, A.; Bergeron, J.; Brunner, H.; Finoguenov, A.; Hasinger, G.; Mainieri, V. |
06-2004 |
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2284 |
XMM-Newton observations of the Lockman Hole. III. A relativistic Fe line in the mean X-ray spectra of type-1 and type-2 AGN |
Streblyanska, A.; Hasinger, G.; Finoguenov, A.; Barcons, X.; Mateos, S.; Fabian, A. C. |
03-2005 |
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2285 |
ENISALA. II. Distinct Star Formation and Active Galactic Nucleus Activity in Merging and Relaxed Galaxy Clusters |
Stroe, Andra;Sobral, David |
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2286 |
Highly variable AGN from the XMM-Newton slew survey |
Strotjohann, N. L.; Saxton, R. D.; Starling, R. L. C.; Esquej, P.; Read, A. M.; Evans, P. A.; Miniutti, G. |
07-2016 |
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2287 |
Mid-Infrared Spitzer Spectra of X-Ray-Selected Type 2 QSOs: QSO2s Are Not Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies |
Sturm, E.; Hasinger, G.; Lehmann, I.; Mainieri, V.; Genzel, R.; Lehnert, M. D.; Lutz, D.; Tacconi, L. J. |
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2288 |
Improving Damped Random Walk Parameters for SDSS Stripe 82 Quasars with Pan-STARRS1 |
Suberlak, Krzysztof L.;IveziÄ, Željko;MacLeod, Chelsea |
02-2021 |
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2289 |
Our Search for an H-R Diagram of Quasars |
Sulentic, J. W.; Zamfir, S.; Marziani, P.; Dultzin, D. |
04-2008 |
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2008RMxAC..32...51S |
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2290 |
Timing evidence in determining the accretion state of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3783 |
Summons, D. P.; Arévalo, P.; McHardy, I. M.; Uttley, P.; Bhaskar, A. |
06-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 378, 649 |
2007MNRAS.378..649S |
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2291 |
RX J1301.9+2747: A Highly Variable Seyfert Galaxy with Extremely Soft X-Ray Emission |
Sun, Luming; Shu, Xinwen; Wang, Tinggui |
05-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 768, 167 |
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2292 |
Every BCG with a Strong Radio Agn has an X-Ray Cool Core: Is the Cool Core-Noncool Core Dichotomy Too Simple? |
Sun, M. |
10-2009 |
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2293 |
Evolution in the Black Hole---Galaxy Scaling Relations and the Duty Cycle of Nuclear Activity in Star-forming Galaxies |
Sun, Mouyuan; Trump, Jonathan R.; Brandt, W. N.; Luo, B.; Alexander, David M.; Jahnke, Knud; Rosario, D. J.; Wang, Sharon X.; Xue, Y. Q. |
03-2015 |
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2294 |
Multi-epoch analysis of the X-ray spectrum of the active galactic nucleus in NGC 5506 |
Sun, Shangyu; Guainazzi, Matteo; Ni, Qingling; Wang, Jingchun; Qian, Chenyang; Shi, Fangzheng; Wang, Yu; Bambi, Cosimo |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 1900 |
2018MNRAS.478.1900S |
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2295 |
A bright ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 5907 |
Sutton, Andrew D.; Roberts, Timothy P.; Gladstone, Jeanette C.; Farrell, Sean A.; Reilly, Emma; Goad, Michael R.; Gehrels, Neil |
09-2013 |
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2296 |
Active galaxy 4U 1344-60: did the relativistic line disappear? |
Svoboda, J.; Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Piconcelli, E.; Karas, V.; DovÄiak, M. |
09-2012 |
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2297 |
Warm absorber and truncated accretion disc in IRAS 05078+1626 |
Svoboda, J.; Guainazzi, M.; Karas, V. |
03-2010 |
2010, A&A, 512, 62 |
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2298 |
AGN spectral states from simultaneous UV and X-ray observations by XMM-Newton |
Svoboda, J.; Guainazzi, M.; Merloni, A. |
07-2017 |
2017, A&A, 603, 127 |
2017A&A...603A.127S |
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2299 |
AGN in dusty hosts: implications for galaxy evolution |
Symeonidis, M.; Kartaltepe, J.; Salvato, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Brusa, M.; Page, M. J.; Ilbert, O.; Sanders, D.; Wel, A. van der |
08-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 433, 1015 |
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2300 |
Geometry of the X-ray source 1H 0707-495 |
Szanecki, MichaÅ;Niedźwiecki, Andrzej;Done, Chris;Klepczarek, Åukasz;LubiÅski, Piotr;Mizumoto, Misaki |
09-2020 |
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2301 |
Relativistic Reflection in NGC 4151 |
Szanecki, MichaÅ;Niedźwiecki, Andrzej;Zdziarski, Andrzej A. |
03-2021 |
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A historic jet-emission minimum reveals hidden spectral features in 3C 273 |
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05-2006 |
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2303 |
Flares from stars crossing active galactic nucleus discs on low-inclination orbits |
Tagawa, Hiromichi;Haiman, Zoltán |
11-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 526, 69 |
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2304 |
Observable Signatures of Stellar-mass Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Tagawa, Hiromichi;Kimura, Shigeo S.;Haiman, Zoltán;Perna, Rosalba;Bartos, Imre |
03-2023 |
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2305 |
The geometry of the hot corona in MCG-05-23-16 constrained by X-ray polarimetry |
Tagliacozzo, D.;Marinucci, A.;Ursini, F.;Matt, G.;Bianchi, S.;Baldini, L.;Barnouin, T.;Cavero Rodriguez, N.;De Rosa, A.;Di Gesu, L.;DovÄiak, M.;Harper, D.;Ingram, A.;Karas, V.;Kim, D. E.;Krawczynski, H.;Madejski, G.;Marin, F.;Middei, R.;Marshall, H. L.;Muleri, F.;Panagiotou, C.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Podgorny, J.;Poutanen, J.;Puccetti, S.;Soffitta, P.;Tombesi, F.;Veledina, A.;Zhang, W.;Agudo, I.;Antonelli, L. A.;Bachetti, M.;Baumgartner, W. H.;Bellazzini, R.;Bongiorno, S. D.;Bonino, R.;Brez, A.;Bucciantini, N.;Capitanio, F.;Castellano, S.;Cavazzuti, E.;Chen, C. -T.;Ciprini, S.;Costa, E.;Del Monte, E.;Di Lalla, N.;Di Marco, A.;Donnarumma, I.;Doroshenko, V.;Ehlert, S. R.;Enoto, T.;Evangelista, Y.;Fabiani, S.;Ferrazzoli, R.;Garcia, J. A.;Gunji, S.;Heyl, J.;Iwakiri, W.;Jorstad, S. G.;Kaaret, P.;Kislat, F.;Kitaguchi, T.;Kolodziejczak, J. J.;La Monaca, F.;Latronico, L.;Liodakis, I.;Maldera, S.;Manfreda, A.;Marscher, A. P.;Massaro, F.;Mitsuishi, I.;Mizuno, T.;Negro, M.;Ng, C. -Y.;O'Dell, S. L.;Omodei, N.;Oppedisano, C.;Papitto, A.;Pavlov, G. G.;Peirson, A. L.;Perri, M.;Pesce-Rollins, M.;Pilia, M.;Possenti, A.;Ramsey, B. D.;Rankin, J.;Ratheesh, A.;Roberts, O. J.;Romani, R. W.;Sgrò, C.;Slane, P.;Spandre, G.;Swartz, D. A.;Tamagawa, T.;Tavecchio, F.;Taverna, R.;Tawara, Y.;Tennant, A. F.;Thomas, N. E.;Trois, A.;Tsygankov, S. S.;Turolla, R.;Vink, J.;Weisskopf, M. C.;Wu, K.;Xie, F.;Zane, S. |
11-2023 |
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γ-rays as a diagnostic of the origin of core radiation in low-luminosity active galactic nuclei |
Takami, Hajime |
05-2011 |
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2307 |
Multi-wavelength observations of the BL Lac object Fermi J1544-0649: One year after its awakening |
Tam, P. H. T.;Pal, P. S.;Cui, Y. D.;Jiang, N.;Sotnikova, Y.;Yang, C. W.;Wang, L. Z.;Tang, B. T.;Li, Y. B.;Mao, J.;Kong, A. K. H.;Zhong, Z. H.;Ding, J.;Mufakharov, T.;Fan, J. F.;Dou, L. M.;Shen, R. F.;Ai, Y. L. |
06-2020 |
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2308 |
A Possible Ultra Strong and Broad Fe Kα Emission Line in Seyfert 2 Galaxy IRAS 00521-7054 |
Tan, Y.; Wang, J. X.; Shu, X. W.; Zhou, Youyuan |
03-2012 |
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2309 |
A Method of Identifying AGNs Based on Emission-Line Excess and the Nature of Low-Luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. A New Method |
Tanaka, Masayuki |
04-2012 |
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Some Unique Spectral Properties of NLS1 |
Tanaka, Y. |
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2311 |
Partial Covering Interpretation of the X-Ray Spectrum of the NLS1 1H 0707-495 |
Tanaka, Yasuo; Boller, Thomas; Gallo, Luigi; Keil, Ralph; Ueda, Yoshihiro |
06-2004 |
2004, PASJ, 56, L9 |
2004PASJ...56L...9T |
4 |
0110890201 |
2312 |
XCLUMPY: X-Ray Spectral Model from Clumpy Torus and Its Application to the Circinus Galaxy |
Tanimoto, Atsushi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Odaka, Hirokazu; Kawaguchi, Toshihiro; Fukazawa, Yasushi; Kawamuro, Taiki |
06-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 877, 95 |
2019ApJ...877...95T |
4 |
0701981001 |
2313 |
NuSTAR Observations of 52 Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei Selected by the Swift/Burst Alert Telescope All-sky Hard X-Ray Survey |
Tanimoto, Atsushi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Odaka, Hirokazu;Yamada, Satoshi;Ricci, Claudio |
06-2022 |
2022, ApJS, 260, 30 |
2022ApJS..260...30T |
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0852180101, 0852180201, 0550950101, 0802450101, 0830500101, 0821870301, 0802450201, 0762920601, 0741050401, 0852180401, 0307001501, 0852180501, 0852180601, 0830500201, 0830500301, 0852181201, 0802450401, 0744050101, 0690580101, 0147420201, 0852180901, 0802450501, 0762920401, 0200430201, 0824450601, 0852181001, 0782720301, 0301150501 |
2314 |
PHL 6625: A Minor Merger-associated QSO Behind NGC 247 |
Tao, Lian; Feng, Hua; Shen, Yue; Ho, Luis C.; Ge, Junqiang; Kaaret, Philip; Mao, Shude; Liu, Xin |
06-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 841, 118 |
2017ApJ...841..118T |
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0728190101 |
2315 |
Hard X-Ray Spectrum from West Lobe of Radio Galaxy Fornax A Observed with Suzaku |
Tashiro, M. S.; Isobe, N.; Seta, H.; Matsuta, K.; Yaji, Y. |
01-2009 |
2009, PASJ, 61, 327 |
2009PASJ...61S.327T |
4,5 |
0302780101 |
2316 |
The dependence of X-ray AGN activity on host galaxy properties and environment |
Tasse, C.; Röttgering, H.; Best, P. N. |
01-2011 |
2011, A&A, 525, 127 |
2011A&A...525A.127T |
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2317 |
GMRT observations of the XMM large scale structure survey field |
Tasse, C.; R?ttgering, H. J. A.; Best, P. N.; Cohen, A. S.; Pierre, M.; Wilman, R. |
09-2007 |
2007, A&A, 471, 1105 |
2007A&A...471.1105T |
2,4,5 |
0112680101, 0112680201, 0112680301, 0109520101, 0112680401, 0112681301, 0112681001, 0112680501, 0109520601, 0109520201, 0109520301, 0109520401, 0109520501, 0112680801, 0111110101, 0111110201, 0111110701, 0111110301, 0111110401, 0111110501, 0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0037980501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980801, 0037980901, 0037981001, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982201, 0037982301, 0037982401, 0037982501, 0037982601, 0037982701, 0147110101, 0147110201, 0147111301, 0147111401, 0147111501 |
2318 |
The Global Implications of the Hard X-Ray Excess in Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei |
Tatum, M. M.; Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Reeves, J. N. |
01-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 762, 80 |
2013ApJ...762...80T |
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2319 |
Low-Energy Cutoffs and Hard X-Ray Spectra in High-z Radio-loud Quasars: The Suzaku View of RBS 315 |
Tavecchio, F.; Maraschi, L.; Ghisellini, G.; Kataoka, J.; Foschini, L.; Sambruna, R. M.; Tagliaferri, G. |
08-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 665, 980 |
2007ApJ...665..980T |
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0150180101 |
2320 |
The spectrum of the broad-line region and the high-energy emission of powerful blazars |
Tavecchio, Fabrizio; Ghisellini, Gabriele |
05-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 386, 945 |
2008MNRAS.386..945T |
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2321 |
Exploring the Effects of Disk Thickness on the Black Hole Reflection Spectrum |
Taylor, Corbin; Reynolds, Christopher S. |
03-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 855, 120 |
2018ApJ...855..120T |
4 |
2322 |
NuSTAR Reveals an Intrinsically X-Ray Weak Broad Absorption Line Quasar in the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Markarian 231 |
Teng, Stacy H.; Brandt, W. N.; Harrison, F. A.; Luo, B.; Alexander, D. M.; Bauer, F. E.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Comastri, A.; Craig, W. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Farrah, D.; Fiore, F.; Gandhi, P.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Hickox, R. C.; Madsen, K. K.; Ptak, A. F.; Rigby, J. R.; Risaliti, G.; Saez, C.; Stern, D.; Veilleux, S.; Walton, D. J.; Wik, D. R.; Zhang, W. W. |
04-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 785, 19 |
2014ApJ...785...19T |
4 |
0081340201 |
2323 |
A NuSTAR Survey of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies |
Teng, Stacy H.; Rigby, Jane R.; Stern, Daniel; Ptak, Andrew; Alexander, D. M.; Bauer, Franz E.; Boggs, Stephen E.; Brandt, W. Niel; Christensen, Finn E.; Comastri, Andrea; Craig, William W.; Farrah, Duncan; Gandhi, Poshak; Hailey, Charles J.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Hickox, Ryan C.; Koss, Michael; Luo, Bin; Treister, Ezequiel; Zhang, William W. |
11-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 814, 56 |
2015ApJ...814...56T |
4 |
0722610101, 0722610201, 0722610301, 0722610401 |
2324 |
XMM-Newton Detection of a Compton-thick AGN in the 1 Jy ULIRG/LINER F04103-2838 |
Teng, Stacy H.; Veilleux, S.; Wilson, A. S.; Young, A. J.; Sanders, D. B.; Nagar, N. M. |
02-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 674, 133 |
2008ApJ...674..133T |
4,5 |
0301330401 |
2325 |
X-QUEST: A Comprehensive X-ray Study of Local ULIRGS and QSOs |
Teng, Stacy H.; Veilleux, Sylvain |
12-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 725, 1848 |
2010ApJ...725.1848T |
4 |
0200630201, 0101640201, 0301330401, 0405950401, 0085640101, 0094400301, 0200630101, 0085640201, 0146990101, 0150320201, 0405950101, 0081340801, 0126700301, 0126700801, 0136550101, 0159960101, 0136550801, 0414190101, 0081340201, 0200660301, 0101640401, 0081341401, 0081341101, 0101640801, 0101640901, 0205510201, 0205510401, 0205510501, 0101640101, 0101640601, 0147420201, 0147420301, 0147420401, 0147420501, 0147420601, 0081340601, 0081340901, 0110890301, 0300470101, 0550870401, 0103660201, 0111290201, 0150610101, 0140550601, 0111290401, 0201940101, 0201940201, 0202060201, 0112610101, 0208020101, 0301450201, 0051760101, 0110950401, 0109080201, 0205390301, 0103660101, 0102040501, 0550870201, 0107660201, 0005010101, 0005010201, 0005010301, 0152660101, 0112910201, 0070740101, 0070740301, 0205340201, 0205340401, 0102040601, 0102041301, 0109081101, 0150470701, 0550871001, 0103660301 |
2326 |
Suzaku Observations of Local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies |
Teng, Stacy H.; Veilleux, Sylvain; Anabuki, Naohisa; Dermer, Charles D.; Gallo, Luigi C.; Nakagawa, Takao; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Sanders, D. B.; Terashima, Yuichi; Wilson, Andrew S. |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 691, 261 |
2009ApJ...691..261T |
4,5 |
2327 |
The X-ray view of giga-hertz peaked spectrum radio galaxies |
Tengstrand, O.; Guainazzi, M.; Siemiginowska, A.; Fonseca Bonilla, N.; Labiano, A.; Worrall, D. M.; Grandi, P.; Piconcelli, E. |
07-2009 |
2009, A&A, 501, 89 |
2009A&A...501...89T |
4,5 |
0407030101, 0202520101, 0407030201, 0205180601, 0202520201, 0202520301, 0502510201, 0502510301, 0202520401, 0140960101, 0502510401, 0502510801, 0502510501, 0502510601, 0202520501 |
2328 |
X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051 Observed with Suzaku |
Terashima, Y.; Gallo, L. C.; Inoue, H.; Markowitz, A. G.; Reeves, J. N.; Anabuki, N.; Fabian, A. C.; Griffiths, R. E.; Hayashida, K.; Itoh, T.; Kokubun, N.; Kubota, A.; Miniutti, G.; Takahashi, T.; Yamauchi, M.; Yonetoku, D. |
01-2009 |
2009, PASJ, 61, 299 |
2009PASJ...61S.299T |
4 |
2329 |
A New Sample of Obscured AGNs Selected from the XMM-Newton and AKARI Surveys |
Terashima, Yuichi; Hirata, Yoshitaka; Awaki, Hisamitsu; Oyabu, Shinki; Gandhi, Poshak; Toba, Yoshiki; Matsuhara, Hideo |
11-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 814, 11 |
2015ApJ...814...11T |
4 |
2330 |
A Candidate Active Galactic Nucleus with a Pure Soft Thermal X-Ray Spectrum |
Terashima, Yuichi; Kamizasa, Naoya; Awaki, Hisamitsu; Kubota, Aya; Ueda, Yoshihiro |
06-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 752, 154 |
2012ApJ...752..154T |
4 |
0145800101, 0306630101, 0306630201 |
2331 |
X-ray-bright optically faint active galactic nuclei in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam wide survey |
Terashima, Yuichi; Suganuma, Makoto; Akiyama, Masayuki; Greene, Jenny E.; Kawaguchi, Toshihiro; Iwasawa, Kazushi; Nagao, Tohru; Noda, Hirofumi; Toba, Yoshiki; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Yamashita, Takuji |
01-2018 |
2018, PASJ, 70, 36 |
2018PASJ...70S..36T |
4 |
0673110201, 0112370601, 0553911601, 0112371001, 0112370701, 0112372001, 0404967901, 0112370801, 0112370301, 0037980601, 0604280101, 0109520501, 0109520101, 0553910601, 0111110401, 0210490101, 0111110301, 0112681001, 0112680201, 0109520301 |
2332 |
Chandra Observations and Classification of Active Galactic Nucleus Candidates Correlated with Auger UHECRs |
Terrano, William A.; Zaw, Ingyin; Farrar, Glennys R. |
08-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 754, 142 |
2012ApJ...754..142T |
4 |
0550460801 |
2333 |
Exploratory X-Ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-quiet Quasars at High Redshift: Extended Time-series Analyses and Stacked Imaging Spectroscopy |
Thomas, Marcus O.;Shemmer, Ohad;Brandt, W. N.;Paolillo, Maurizio;Kaspi, Shai;Vignali, Cristian;Lira, Paulina;Schneider, Donald P. |
12-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 923, 111 |
2021ApJ...923..111T |
4 |
2334 |
Investigating scaling relations in X-ray reverberating AGN using symbolic regression |
Thongkonsing, P.;Chainakun, P.;Worrakitpoonpon, T.;Young, A. J. |
01-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 527, 1950 |
2024MNRAS.527.1950T |
4 |
2335 |
Emission and Absorption Properties of Low-Mass Type 2 Active Galaxies with XMM-Newton |
Thornton, Carol E.; Barth, Aaron J.; Ho, Luis C.; Greene, Jenny E. |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 705, 1196 |
2009ApJ...705.1196T |
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0400570101, 0400570201, 0400570301, 0400570401 |
2336 |
The Host Galaxy and Central Engine of the Dwarf Active Galactic Nucleus POX 52 |
Thornton, Carol E.; Barth, Aaron J.; Ho, Luis C.; Rutledge, Robert E.; Greene, Jenny E. |
10-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 686, 892 |
2008ApJ...686..892T |
4 |
0302420101 |
2337 |
A Deep 0.3-10 keV Spectrum of the H<SUB>2</SUB>O Maser Galaxy IC 2560 |
Tilak, Avanti; Greenhill, Lincoln J.; Done, Chris; Madejski, Grzegorz |
05-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 678, 701 |
2008ApJ...678..701T |
4 |
0203890101 |
2338 |
What controls the UV-to-X-ray continuum shape in quasars? |
Timlin, John D., III;Brandt, W. N.;Laor, Ari |
07-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 504, 5556 |
2021MNRAS.504.5556T |
4 |
2339 |
The frequency of extreme X-ray variability for radio-quiet quasars |
Timlin, John D., III;Brandt, W. N.;Zhu, S.;Liu, H.;Luo, B.;Ni, Q. |
09-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, 4033 |
2020MNRAS.498.4033T |
4 |
2340 |
Spectral index-mass accretion rate correlation and evaluation of black hole masses in AGNs 3C 454.3 and M 87 |
Titarchuk, Lev;Seifina, Elena;Chekhtman, Alexandre;Ocampo, Indira |
01-2020 |
2020, A&A, 633, 73 |
2020A&A...633A..73T |
4 |
2341 |
Does the mid-infrared-hard X-ray luminosity relation for active galactic nuclei depend on Eddington ratio? |
Toba, Yoshiki; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Matsuoka, Kenta; Shidatsu, Megumi; Nagao, Tohru; Terashima, Yuichi; Wang, Wei-Hao; Chang, Yu-Yen |
03-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 484, 196 |
2019MNRAS.484..196T |
4 |
2342 |
The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS). An X-ray-bright, extremely luminous infrared galaxy at z = 1.87 |
Toba, Yoshiki;Brusa, Marcella;Liu, Teng;Buchner, Johannes;Terashima, Yuichi;Urrutia, Tanya;Salvato, Mara;Akiyama, Masayuki;Arcodia, Riccardo;Goulding, Andy D.;Higuchi, Yuichi;Inoue, Kaiki T.;Kawaguchi, Toshihiro;Lamer, Georg;Merloni, Andrea;Nagao, Tohru;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Nandra, Kirpal |
05-2021 |
2021, A&A, 649, L11 |
2021A&A...649L..11T |
4 |
0725310143 |
2343 |
NuSTAR Discovery of a Compton-thick, Dust-obscured Galaxy: WISE J0825+3002 |
Toba, Yoshiki;Yamada, Satoshi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Ricci, Claudio;Terashima, Yuichi;Nagao, Tohru;Wang, Wei-Hao;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Kawamuro, Taiki |
01-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 888, 8 |
2020ApJ...888....8T |
4 |
0504102001 |
2344 |
The changing-look AGN NGC 1566 in quiescence with XMM-Newton: a nuclear starburst and an AGN competing in power? |
Tomás, L.;Matzeu, G. A.;Jiménez Bailón, E.;Kalfountzou, E.;Santos-Lleó, M.;Parker, M. L.;Ballo, L.;Loiseau, N.;Ehle, M.;RodrÃguez-Pascual, P.;González-Riestra, R. |
07-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 514, 403 |
2022MNRAS.514..403T |
4 |
0763500201 |
2345 |
Broadband Modeling of Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Detected in Gamma Rays |
Tomar, Gunjan;Gupta, Nayantara;Prince, Raj |
10-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 919, 137 |
2021ApJ...919..137T |
4 |
0821871701, 0803670501 |
2346 |
Accretion disk winds in active galactic nuclei: X-ray observations, models, and feedback |
Tombesi, F. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 410 |
2016AN....337..410T |
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2347 |
On the presence of ultrafast outflows in the WAX sample of Seyfert galaxies |
Tombesi, F.; Cappi, M. |
09-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 443, L104 |
2014MNRAS.443L.104T |
4 |
0306090201, 0147190101, 0502091001, 0157560101, 0109141401, 0109141301, 0304030301, 0304030501, 0147440101 |
2348 |
Evidence for ultrafast outflows in radio-quiet AGNs - III. Location and energetics |
Tombesi, F.; Cappi, M.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, L1 |
2012MNRAS.422L...1T |
4 |
0402660201, 0147440101, 0130720101, 0306090201, 0306090401, 0147190101, 0400070201, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0304030301, 0304030501, 0205340401, 0148000201, 0400360601, 0124110101, 0112610101, 0302850201, 0006220201, 0112310201, 0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001, 0302480501, 0300240501 |
2349 |
Unification of X-ray winds in Seyfert galaxies: from ultra-fast outflows to warm absorbers |
Tombesi, F.; Cappi, M.; Reeves, J. N.; Nemmen, R. S.; Braito, V.; Gaspari, M.; Reynolds, C. S. |
04-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 430, 1102 |
2013MNRAS.430.1102T |
4 |
2350 |
Evidence for Ultra-fast Outflows in Radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Detailed Photoionization Modeling of Fe K-shell Absorption Lines |
Tombesi, F.; Cappi, M.; Reeves, J. N.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Braito, V.; Dadina, M. |
11-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 742, 44 |
2011ApJ...742...44T |
4 |
2351 |
Evidence for ultra-fast outflows in radio-quiet AGNs. I. Detection and statistical incidence of Fe K-shell absorption lines |
Tombesi, F.; Cappi, M.; Reeves, J. N.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Yaqoob, T.; Braito, V.; Dadina, M. |
10-2010 |
2010, A&A, 521, 57 |
2010A&A...521A..57T |
4 |
0112310101, 0112830501, 0112830201, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0402660201, 0147440101, 0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0201930201, 0109960101, 0089960301, 0089960401, 0107460701, 0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001, 0059830101, 0130720101, 0130720201, 0306090201, 0306090301, 0306090401, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0147190101, 0201130501, 0112170101, 0112170301, 0207090101, 0207090201, 0502090501, 0302480401, 0302480501, 0302480601, 0150940101, 0101040301, 0400270101, 0111810101, 0502090201, 0400070201, 0400070301, 0400070401, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701, 0205340201, 0205340401, 0300240101, 0101040201, 0300240501, 0148000201, 0148000401, 0148000601, 0101040101, 0306870101, 0510010701, 0305370101, 0400360201, 0400360301, 0400360601, 0400360801, 0124110101, 0401240201, 0401240501, 0201020201, 0404260101, 0404260301, 0110890401, 0110890701, 0112610101, 0208020101, 0502050101, 0502050201, 0206400101, 0112830401, 0302850201, 0013140101, 0201830201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0147920601, 0414580101, 0111790101, 0145670101, 0006220201, 0112310201, 0204610101 |
2352 |
Correlated modulation between the redshifted Fe Kalpha line and the continuum emission in NGC 3783 |
Tombesi, F.; de Marco, B.; Iwasawa, K.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Ponti, G.; Miniutti, G.; Palumbo, G. G. C. |
06-2007 |
2007, A&A, 467, 1057 |
2007A&A...467.1057T |
4 |
0112210101, 0112210201, 0112210501 |
2353 |
Excess Galactic Molecular Absorption Toward the Radio Galaxy 3C 111 |
Tombesi, F.; Reynolds, C. S.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Behar, E. |
06-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 842, 64 |
2017ApJ...842...64T |
4 |
0065940101, 0552180101 |
2354 |
Comparison of ejection events in the jet and accretion disc outflows in 3C 111 |
Tombesi, F.; Sambruna, R. M.; Marscher, A. P.; Jorstad, S. G.; Reynolds, C. S.; Markowitz, A. |
07-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 424, 754 |
2012MNRAS.424..754T |
4 |
0552180101 |
2355 |
Discovery of Ultra-fast Outflows in a Sample of Broad-line Radio Galaxies Observed with Suzaku |
Tombesi, F.; Sambruna, R. M.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Ballo, L.; Gofford, J.; Cappi, M.; Mushotzky, R. F. |
08-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 719, 700 |
2010ApJ...719..700T |
4 |
2356 |
Ultrafast outflows in radio-loud active galactic nuclei |
Tombesi, F.; Tazaki, F.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Ueda, Y.; Cappi, M.; Gofford, J.; Reeves, J. N.; Guainazzi, M. |
09-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 443, 2154 |
2014MNRAS.443.2154T |
4 |
0200910201, 0129360201, 0137550201, 0137550601, 0555170201, 0555170301, 0555170401, 0506120101, 0205390201, 0203720201, 0203720301, 0552180101, 0152840101, 0306320201, 0206390101, 0550970101, 0405340101, 0090050601, 0552580201, 0203280301, 0312190201, 0504120101, 0093650201, 0093650301 |
2357 |
The connection between star formation and supermassive black hole activity in the local Universe |
Torbaniuk, O.;Paolillo, M.;Carrera, F.;Cavuoti, S.;Vignali, C.;Longo, G.;Aird, J. |
09-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 2619 |
2021MNRAS.506.2619T |
4 |
2358 |
Probing supermassive black hole growth and its dependence on stellar mass and star formation rate in low-redshift galaxies |
Torbaniuk, O.;Paolillo, M.;D'Abrusco, R.;Vignali, C.;Georgakakis, A.;Carrera, F. J.;Civano, F. |
02-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 5271209, 1 |
2024MNRAS.52712091T |
4 |
2359 |
INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations towards the unidentified MeV source GRO J1411-64 |
Torres, D. F.; Zhang, S.; Reimer, O.; Barcons, X.; Corral, A.; Bosch-Ramon, V.; Paredes, J. M.; Romero, G. E.; Qu, J.-L.; Collmar, W.; Schönfelder, V.; Butt, Y. |
10-2006 |
2006, A&A, 457, 257 |
2006A&A...457..257T |
4,11 |
0204010101 |
2360 |
C-GOALS. II. Chandra observations of the lower luminosity sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies in GOALS |
Torres-Albà, N.; Iwasawa, K.; Díaz-Santos, T.; Charmandaris, V.; Ricci, C.; Chu, J. K.; Sanders, D. B.; Armus, L.; Barcos-Muñoz, L.; Evans, A. S.; Howell, J. H.; Inami, H.; Linden, S. T.; Medling, A. M.; Privon, G. C.; U, V.; Yoon, I. |
12-2018 |
2018, A&A, 620, 140 |
2018A&A...620A.140T |
4 |
2361 |
Compton-thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era VI: The Observed Compton-thick Fraction in the Local Universe |
Torres-Albà , N.;Marchesi, S.;Zhao, X.;Ajello, M.;Silver, R.;Ananna, T. T.;BalokoviÄ, M.;Boorman, P. B.;Comastri, A.;Gilli, R.;Lanzuisi, G.;Murphy, K.;Urry, C. M.;Vignali, C. |
12-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 922, 252 |
2021ApJ...922..252T |
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0852180101, 0852180201, 0852180301, 0852180401, 0138951401, 0852180501, 0112310801, 0852180901, 0852181201, 0852181001 |
2362 |
Hydrogen column density variability in a sample of local Compton-thin AGN |
Torres-Albà , N.;Marchesi, S.;Zhao, X.;Cox, I.;Pizzetti, A.;Sengupta, D.;Ajello, M.;Silver, R. |
10-2023 |
2023, A&A, 678, 154 |
2023A&A...678A.154T |
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0312190201, 0601740201, 0115810301, 0500850401, 0504120101, 0650591001, 0110930701, 0675140101, 0852380101, 0401790901, 0406410101, 0090050601, 0021140201, 0552580201 |
2363 |
X-ray study of a sample of FR0 radio galaxies: unveiling the nature of the central engine |
Torresi, E.; Grandi, P.; Capetti, A.; Baldi, R. D.; Giovannini, G. |
06-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 476, 5535 |
2018MNRAS.476.5535T |
4 |
0404410201, 0038540401, 0556560101 |
2364 |
Warm absorber energetics in broad-line radio galaxies |
Torresi, E.; Grandi, P.; Costantini, E.; Palumbo, G. G. C. |
01-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 419, 321 |
2012MNRAS.419..321T |
4 |
0203720201, 0203720301, 0152840101 |
2365 |
3C 33: another case of photoionized soft X-ray emission in radio galaxies |
Torresi, E.; Grandi, P.; Guainazzi, M.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Ponti, G.; Bianchi, S. |
04-2009 |
2009, A&A, 498, 61 |
2009A&A...498...61T |
4 |
0203280301 |
2366 |
First high-resolution detection of a warm absorber in the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382 |
Torresi, E.; Grandi, P.; Longinotti, A. L.; Guainazzi, M.; Palumbo, G. G. C.; Tombesi, F.; Nucita, A. |
01-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 401, L10 |
2010MNRAS.401L..10T |
4,5 |
0506120101 |
2367 |
Search for X-ray occultations in active galactic nuclei |
Torricelli-Ciamponi, G.; Pietrini, P.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M. |
08-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 442, 2116 |
2014MNRAS.442.2116T |
4 |
0147440101, 0554170201, 0112210201, 0112210501, 0400270101, 0107460701, 0552180101, 0306090201, 0152840101, 0207090101, 0207090201, 0204610101, 0605800401, 0505140201, 0505140401, 0502091001, 0503750101, 0089960301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0109141301, 0502090201, 0142830101 |
2368 |
A NuSTAR census of coronal parameters in Seyfert galaxies |
Tortosa, A.; Bianchi, S.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Petrucci, P. O. |
06-2018 |
2018, A&A, 614, 37 |
2018A&A...614A..37T |
4 |
2369 |
Broad-band X-ray spectral analysis of the Seyfert 1 galaxy GRS 1734-292 |
Tortosa, A.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; La Franca, F.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Boorman, P. G.; Fabian, A. C.; Farrah, D.; Fuerst, F.; Gandhi, P.; Harrison, F. A.; Koss, M. J.; Ricci, C.; Stern, D.; Ursini, F.; Walton, D. J. |
04-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 466, 4193 |
2017MNRAS.466.4193T |
4 |
0550451501 |
2370 |
XMM-Newton - NuSTAR monitoring campaign of the Seyfert 1 galaxy IC 4329A |
Tortosa, A.;Ricci, C.;Shablovinskaia, E.;Tombesi, F.;Kawamuro, T.;Kara, E.;Mantovani, G.;Balokovic, M.;Chang, C. -S.;Gendreau, K.;Koss, M. J.;Liu, T.;Loewenstein, M.;Paltani, S.;Privon, G. C.;Trakhtenbrot, B. |
07-2024 |
2024, A&A, 687, 51 |
2024A&A...687A..51T |
4 |
0862090101, 0862090201, 0862090301, 0862090401, 0862090501, 0862090601, 0862090701, 0862090801, 0862090901, 0862091001 |
2371 |
BASS-XL: X-ray variability properties of unobscured active galactic nuclei |
Tortosa, Alessia;Ricci, Claudio;Arévalo, Patricia;Koss, Michael J.;Bauer, Franz E.;Trakhtenbrot, Benny;Mushotzky, Richard;Temple, Matthew J.;Ricci, Federica;Rojas Lilayu, Alejandra;Kawamuro, Taiki;Caglar, Turgay;Liu, Tingting;Harrison, Fiona;Oh, Kyuseok;Powell, Meredith Clark;Stern, Daniel;Urry, Claudia Megan |
12-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 526, 1687 |
2023MNRAS.526.1687T |
4 |
2372 |
The extreme properties of the nearby hyper-Eddington accreting active galactic nucleus in IRAS 04416+1215 |
Tortosa, Alessia;Ricci, Claudio;Tombesi, Francesco;Ho, Luis C.;Du, Pu;Inayoshi, Kohei;Wang, Jian-Min;Shangguan, Jinyi;Li, Ruancun |
01-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 509, 3599 |
2022MNRAS.509.3599T |
4 |
0852060101 |
2373 |
X-ray spectral properties of active galactic nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field South |
Tozzi, P.; Gilli, R.; Mainieri, V.; Norman, C.; Risaliti, G.; Rosati, P.; Bergeron, J.; Borgani, S.; Giacconi, R.; Hasinger, G.; Nonino, M.; Streblyanska, A.; Szokoly, G.; Wang, J. X.; Zheng, W. |
05-2006 |
2006, A&A, 451, 457 |
2006A&A...451..457T |
4 |
2374 |
Compton-Thick AGN in the NuSTAR ERA VII. A joint NuSTAR, Chandra, and XMM-Newton Analysis of Two Nearby, Heavily Obscured Sources |
Traina, A.;Marchesi, S.;Vignali, C.;Torres-Albà , N.;Ajello, M.;Pizzetti, A.;Silver, R.;Zhao, X.;Ananna, T.;BalokoviÄ, M.;Boorman, P.;Gandhi, P.;Gilli, R.;Lanzuisi, G. |
12-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 922, 159 |
2021ApJ...922..159T |
4 |
0852180701, 0852180601 |
2375 |
Faint COSMOS AGNs at zË3.3. I. Black Hole Properties and Constraints on Early Black Hole Growth |
Trakhtenbrot, B.; Civano, F.; Urry, C. Megan; Schawinski, K.; Marchesi, S.; Elvis, M.; Rosario, D. J.; Suh, H.; Mejia-Restrepo, J. E.; Simmons, B. D.; Faisst, A. L.; Onodera, M. |
07-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 825, 4 |
2016ApJ...825....4T |
4 |
0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
2376 |
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS) - VI. The GammaX-L/LEdd relation |
Trakhtenbrot, Benny; Ricci, Claudio; Koss, Michael J.; Schawinski, Kevin; Mushotzky, Richard; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Veilleux, Sylvain; Lamperti, Isabella; Oh, Kyuseok; Treister, Ezequiel; Stern, Daniel; Harrison, Fiona; Balokovic, Mislav; Gehrels, Neil |
09-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 470, 800 |
2017MNRAS.470..800T |
4 |
2377 |
SWIFT observations of TeV BL Lacertae objects |
Tramacere, A.; Giommi, P.; Massaro, E.; Perri, M.; Nesci, R.; Colafrancesco, S.; Tagliaferri, G.; Chincarini, G.; Falcone, A.; Burrows, D. N.; Roming, P.; McMath Chester, M.; Gehrels, N. |
05-2007 |
2007, A&A, 467, 501 |
2007A&A...467..501T |
4 |
2378 |
Swift observations of the very intense flaring activity of Mrk 421 during 2006. I. Phenomenological picture of electron acceleration and predictions for MeV/GeV emission |
Tramacere, A.; Giommi, P.; Perri, M.; Verrecchia, F.; Tosti, G. |
07-2009 |
2009, A&A, 501, 879 |
2009A&A...501..879T |
4 |
0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280501, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0099280601, 0136540201, 0136540101, 0153950601, 0153950701, 0153950801, 0136540301, 0136540401, 0136540501, 0136540601, 0136540701, 0136540801, 0136540901, 0136541001, 0136541101, 0136541201, 0158970101, 0158970201, 0158970701, 0158970801, 0150498701, 0162960101, 0158971201, 0153951301, 0153951201, 0158971301 |
2379 |
Signatures of synchrotron emission and of electron acceleration in the X-ray spectra of Mrk 421 |
Tramacere, A.; Massaro, F.; Cavaliere, A. |
05-2007 |
2007, A&A, 466, 521 |
2007A&A...466..521T |
4 |
0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0136540101, 0136540301, 0136540401, 0136540701, 0136540801, 0136540901, 0136541001, 0136541101, 0136541201, 0150498701, 0153950601, 0153950701, 0153951201, 0153951301, 0158970101, 0158970201, 0158970701, 0158971201, 0158971301, 0162960101 |
2380 |
The most luminous blue quasars at 3.0 < z < 3.3. III. LBT spectra and accretion parameters |
Trefoloni, Bartolomeo;Lusso, Elisabeta;Nardini, Emanuele;Risaliti, Guido;Bargiacchi, Giada;Bisogni, Susanna;Civano, Francesca M.;Elvis, Martin;Fabbiano, Giuseppina;Gilli, Roberto;Marconi, Alessandro;Richards, Gordon T.;Sacchi, Andrea;Salvestrini, Francesco;Signorini, Matilde;Vignali, Cristian |
09-2023 |
2023, A&A, 677, 111 |
2023A&A...677A.111T |
4 |
2381 |
Quasars as standard candles: VI. Spectroscopic validation of the cosmological sample |
Trefoloni, Bartolomeo;Lusso, Elisabeta;Nardini, Emanuele;Risaliti, Guido;Marconi, Alessandro;Bargiacchi, Giada;Sacchi, Andrea;Pietrini, Paola;Signorini, Matilde |
09-2024 |
2024, A&A, 689, 109 |
2024A&A...689A.109T |
4 |
2382 |
Revealing AGNs through TESS variability |
Treiber, Helena P.;Hinkle, Jason T.;Fausnaugh, Michael M.;Shappee, Benjamin J.;Kochanek, Christopher S.;Vallely, Patrick J.;Auchettl, Katie;Holoien, Thomas W. -S.;Payne, Anna V.;Dai, Xinyu |
11-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 525, 5795 |
2023MNRAS.525.5795T |
4 |
2383 |
Major Galaxy Mergers Only Trigger the Most Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei |
Treister, E.; Schawinski, K.; Urry, C. M.; Simmons, B. D. |
10-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 758, L39 |
2012ApJ...758L..39T |
2,4 |
2384 |
The Space Density of Compton-Thick Active Galactic Nucleus and the X-Ray Background |
Treister, E.; Urry, C. Megan; Virani, Shanil |
05-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 696, 110 |
2009ApJ...696..110T |
4 |
0037982001, 0037982101, 0037982301, 0037982201, 0037982401, 0037980101, 0037980201, 0037980301, 0037980401, 0037980501, 0037982501, 0037980601, 0037980701, 0037980901, 0037980801, 0037981001, 0037982601, 0037981101, 0037981201, 0037981301, 0037981401, 0037981501, 0037982701, 0037982901, 0037981601, 0037981701, 0037981801, 0037981901, 0037983001 |
2385 |
The Evolution of Obscuration in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Treister, Ezequiel; Urry, C. Megan |
12-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 652, L79 |
2006ApJ...652L..79T |
4 |
0114090101, 0122520201, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0123700901, 0123700401, 0123700101, 0123701001, 0123700201, 0124300101, 0124110101, 0133120301, 0123920101, 0125320301, 0133120401, 0124900101, 0125110101, 0129360201, 0099280601, 0099280101, 0099280501, 0099280301, 0099280201, 0125310101, 0125920201, 0125910101, 0096010101, 0098010101, 0130720101 |
2386 |
An X-ray survey in SA 57 with XMM-Newton |
Trevese, D.; Vagnetti, F.; Puccetti, S.; Fiore, F.; Tomei, M.; Bershady, M. A. |
07-2007 |
2007, A&A, 469, 1211 |
2007A&A...469.1211T |
2,4 |
0205910101 |
2387 |
Resolving a Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nucleus with â¼100 pc Separation in MCG-03-34-64 |
Trindade Falcão, Anna;Turner, T. J.;Kraemer, S. B.;Reeves, J.;Braito, V.;Schmitt, H. R.;Feuillet, L. |
09-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 972, 185 |
2024ApJ...972..185T |
4 |
0763220201 |
2388 |
Constraining the Johannsen deformation parameter ε3 with black hole x-ray data |
Tripathi, Ashutosh; Abdikamalov, Askar B.; Ayzenberg, Dimitry; Bambi, Cosimo; Nampalliwar, Sourabh |
04-2019 |
2019, PhRvD, 99, 3001 |
2019PhRvD..99h3001T |
4 |
0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
2389 |
Toward Precision Tests of General Relativity with Black Hole X-Ray Reflection Spectroscopy |
Tripathi, Ashutosh; Nampalliwar, Sourabh; Abdikamalov, Askar B.; Ayzenberg, Dimitry; Bambi, Cosimo; Dauser, Thomas; García, Javier A.; Marinucci, Andrea |
04-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 875, 56 |
2019ApJ...875...56T |
4 |
0693781401, 0693781301, 0693781201 |
2390 |
Intra-day variability of three Seyfert galaxies measured with XMM-Newton |
Tripathi, Ashutosh; Wiita, Paul Joseph; Gupta, Alok Chandra; Gu, Min-Feng; Liao, Mai |
08-2019 |
2019, RAA, 19, 109 |
2019RAA....19..109T |
4 |
0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301, 0111570101, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401, 0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0402660101, 0402660201, 0761670101, 0761670201, 0761670301, 0761670401, 0761670501, 0761670601, 0761670701, 0761670801, 0761670901 |
2391 |
Impact of the Disk Thickness on X-Ray Reflection Spectroscopy Measurements |
Tripathi, Ashutosh;Abdikamalov, Askar B.;Ayzenberg, Dimitry;Bambi, Cosimo;Liu, Honghui |
06-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 913, 129 |
2021ApJ...913..129T |
4 |
0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
2392 |
Impact of the reflection model on the estimate of the properties of accreting black holes |
Tripathi, Ashutosh;Liu, Honghui;Bambi, Cosimo |
08-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, 3565 |
2020MNRAS.498.3565T |
4 |
0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401 |
2393 |
AstroSat View of Spectral Transition in the Changing-look Active Galaxy NGC 1566 during the Declining Phase of the 2018 Outburst |
Tripathi, Prakash;Dewangan, Gulab C. |
01-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 925, 101 |
2022ApJ...925..101T |
4 |
0800840201, 0763500201 |
2394 |
Thermal Comptonization in a Changing Corona in the Changing-look Active Galaxy NGC 1566 |
Tripathi, Prakash;Dewangan, Gulab Chand |
05-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 930, 117 |
2022ApJ...930..117T |
4 |
0800840201, 0820530401, 0840800401 |
2395 |
The nature of the soft excess and spectral variability in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Zw 229.015 |
Tripathi, S.;Waddell, S. G. H.;Gallo, L. C.;Welsh, W. F.;Chiang, C. -Y. |
10-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 488, 4831 |
2019MNRAS.488.4831T |
4 |
0672530301 |
2396 |
Spectral Variability of IRAS 18325-5926 and Constraints on the Geometry of the Scattering Medium |
Tripathi, Shruti; Misra, R.; Dewangan, G. C.; Cheeran, J.; Abraham, S.; Philip, N. S. |
08-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 773, 130 |
2013ApJ...773..130T |
4 |
0022940101, 0022940201 |
2397 |
Soft Time Lags in the X-Ray Emission of Mrk 1040 |
Tripathi, Shruti; Misra, Ranjeev; Dewangan, Gulab; Rastogi, Shantanu |
08-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 736, L37 |
2011ApJ...736L..37T |
4 |
0554990101 |
2398 |
A Multi-wavelength Study of the Nature of Type 1.8/1.9 Seyfert Galaxies |
Trippe, M. L.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Deo, R. P.; Dietrich, M.; Kraemer, S. B.; Rafter, S. E.; Turner, T. J. |
12-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 725, 1749 |
2010ApJ...725.1749T |
4 |
0022940101, 0103861001, 0402110201, 0138951401, 0103861801, 0302260101, 0302260701, 0302261001, 0201090401, 0201090201, 0205590301, 0205590401, 0302260201, 0147920301, 0204650301, 0204651201, 0110930701, 0112551001, 0094360501, 0152940101, 0112551701, 0013140201, 0201830501, 0111790101, 0025541001, 0305600601, 0103860301 |
2399 |
XMM Follow-up Observations of Three Swift BAT-selected Active Galactic Nuclei |
Trippe, M. L.; Reynolds, C. S.; Koss, M.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Winter, L. M. |
08-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 736, 81 |
2011ApJ...736...81T |
4 |
0602560201, 0551950401, 0602560101 |
2400 |
The Nature of Optically Dull Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS |
Trump, Jonathan R.; Impey, Chris D.; Taniguchi, Yoshi; Brusa, Marcella; Civano, Francesca; Elvis, Martin; Gabor, Jared M.; Jahnke, Knud; Kelly, Brandon C.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Nagao, Tohru; Salvato, Mara; Shioya, Yasuhiro; Capak, Peter; Huchra, John P.; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Mc Carthy, Patrick J.; Maineri, Vincenzo; Scoville, Nick Z. |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 706, 797 |
2009ApJ...706..797T |
4 |
0203360101, 0302350101, 0203360201, 0302350201, 0203360301, 0302350301, 0302353101, 0203360401, 0302350401, 0203360501, 0302350501, 0203360601, 0302350601, 0203360701, 0302350701, 0203360801, 0302350801, 0203360901, 0302350901, 0302353001, 0203361001, 0302351001, 0203361101, 0302351101, 0203361201, 0302351201, 0203361301, 0302351301, 0203361401, 0302351401, 0203361501, 0302351501, 0203361601, 0302351601, 0203361701, 0302351701, 0203361801, 0302351801, 0203361901, 0302351901, 0203362001, 0302352001, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0302352201, 0203362301, 0302352301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0302352401, 0302353201, 0203362501, 0302352501, 0302353301 |
2401 |
Accretion Rate and the Physical Nature of Unobscured Active Galaxies |
Trump, Jonathan R.; Impey, Christopher D.; Kelly, Brandon C.; Civano, Francesca; Gabor, Jared M.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Merloni, Andrea; Urry, C. Megan; Hao, Heng; Jahnke, Knud; Nagao, Tohru; Taniguchi, Yoshi; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lanzuisi, Giorgio; Liu, Charles; Mainieri, Vincenzo; Salvato, Mara; Scoville, Nick Z. |
05-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 733, 60 |
2011ApJ...733...60T |
4 |
2402 |
The soft X-ray absorption lines of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 |
Turner, A. K.; Fabian, A. C.; Lee, J. C.; Vaughan, S. |
09-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 353, 319 |
2004MNRAS.353..319T |
4 |
0029740801, 0029740701, 0029740101 |
2403 |
A softer look at MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton |
Turner, A. K.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S.; Lee, J. C. |
12-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 346, 833 |
2003MNRAS.346..833T |
4 |
0029740801, 0029740701, 0029740101 |
2404 |
A softer look at MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton |
Turner, A. K.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S.; Lee, J. C. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 135 |
2004NuPhS.132..135T |
4 |
2405 |
XMM-Newton Observation of Fe Kα Emission from a Broad Absorption Line Quasar: Markarian 231 |
Turner, T. J.; Kraemer, S. B. Turner, T. J.; Kraemer, S. B. |
12-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 598, 916 |
2003ApJ...598..916T |
4 |
0081340201 |
2406 |
Complex X-Ray Absorption and the Fe Kalpha Profile in NGC 3516 |
Turner, T. J.; Kraemer, S. B.; George, I. M.; Reeves, J. N.; Bottorff, M. C. |
01-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 618, 155 |
2005ApJ...618..155T |
4 |
0107460701, 0107460601 |
2407 |
Elemental Abundances in NGC 3516 |
Turner, T. J.; Kraemer, S. B.; Mushotzky, R. F.; George, I. M.; Gabel, J. R. |
09-2003 |
2003, ApJ, 594, 128 |
2003ApJ...594..128T |
4 |
0107460701 |
2408 |
Transient Relativistically Shifted Lines as a Probe of Black Hole Systems |
Turner, T. J.; Kraemer, S. B.; Reeves, J. N. |
03-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 603, 62 |
2004ApJ...603...62T |
4 |
0109141301, 0096020101 |
2409 |
Evidence for orbital motion of material close to the central black hole of Mrk 766 |
Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; George, I. M.; Reeves, J. N. |
01-2006 |
2006, A&A, 445, 59 |
2006A&A...445...59T |
4 |
0089960301, 0096020101, 0109141301 |
2410 |
X-Ray Characteristics of NGC 3516: A View through the Complex Absorber |
Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Kraemer, S. B.; Reeves, J. N. |
05-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 733, 48 |
2011ApJ...733...48T |
4 |
2411 |
Suzaku Observation of a Hard Excess in 1H 0419 â 577: Detection of a Compton-Thick Partial-Covering Absorber |
Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Kraemer, S. B.; Reeves, J. N.; Pounds, K. A. |
06-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 698, 99 |
2009ApJ...698...99T |
4 |
0112600401, 0148000201 |
2412 |
The variable X-ray spectrum of Markarian 766. II. Time-resolved spectroscopy |
Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Reeves, J. N.; Kraemer, S. B. |
11-2007 |
2007, A&A, 475, 121 |
2007A&A...475..121T |
4 |
0096020101, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030301, 0304030401, 0304030501, 0304030601, 0304030701 |
2413 |
Significant X-ray Line Emission in the 5-6 keV Band of NGC 4051 |
Turner, T. J.; Miller, L.; Reeves, J. N.; Lobban, A.; Braito, V.; Kraemer, S. B.; Crenshaw, D. M. |
03-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 712, 209 |
2010ApJ...712..209T |
4 |
0109141401, 0157560101 |
2414 |
Narrow Components within the Fe Kalpha Profile of NGC 3516: Evidence of the Importance of General Relativistic Effects? |
Turner, T. J.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Yaqoob, T.; George, I. M.; Snowden, S. L.; Netzer, H.; Kraemer, S. B.; Nandra, K.; Chelouche, D. |
08-2002 |
2002, ApJ, 574, L123 |
2002ApJ...574L.123T |
4 |
0107460701 |
2415 |
On the nature of the high-energy rollover in 1H 0419-577 |
Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Costa, M. |
05-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 476, 1258 |
2018MNRAS.476.1258T |
4 |
0148000201 |
2416 |
A rapid occultation event in NGC 3227 |
Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Lobban, A.; Kraemer, S.; Miller, L. |
12-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 481, 2470 |
2018MNRAS.481.2470T |
4 |
0782520601, 0782520701 |
2417 |
Tracing a disk wind in NGC 3516 |
Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N.; Kraemer, S. B.; Miller, L. |
05-2008 |
2008, A&A, 483, 161 |
2008A&A...483..161T |
4 |
0401210401, 0401210501, 0401210601, 0401211001 |
2418 |
Elucidating the global distribution of reprocessing gas in NGC 1194 |
Turner, T. J.;Reeves, J. N.;Braito, V.;Yaqoob, T.;Kraemer, S. B.;Severgnini, P. |
09-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 498, 1983 |
2020MNRAS.498.1983T |
4 |
0852200101 |
2419 |
Are Compton-thin AGNs Globally Compton Thin? |
Tzanavaris, P.;Yaqoob, T.;LaMassa, S.;Ptak, A.;Yukita, M. |
11-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 922, 85 |
2021ApJ...922...85T |
4 |
2420 |
Toward the Standard Population Synthesis Model of the X-Ray Background: Evolution of X-Ray Luminosity and Absorption Functions of Active Galactic Nuclei Including Compton-thick Populations |
Ueda, Yoshihiro; Akiyama, Masayuki; Hasinger, Günther; Miyaji, Takamitsu; Watson, Michael G. |
05-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 786, 104 |
2014ApJ...786..104U |
4 |
2421 |
X-Ray Constraint on the Location of the AGN Torus in the Circinus Galaxy |
Uematsu, Ryosuke;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Kawamuro, Taiki;Setoguchi, Kenta;Ogawa, Shoji;Yamada, Satoshi;Odaka, Hirokazu |
05-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 913, 17 |
2021ApJ...913...17U |
4 |
0701981001 |
2422 |
The coronal temperature of NGC 4388 and NGC 2110 measured with INTEGRAL |
Ursini, F.; Bassani, L.; Malizia, A.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Stephen, J. B.; Ubertini, P. |
09-2019 |
2019, A&A, 629, 54 |
2019A&A...629A..54U |
4 |
0110930301, 0110930701, 0675140101, 0145670101 |
2423 |
Where are Compton-thick radio galaxies? A hard X-ray view of three candidates |
Ursini, F.; Bassani, L.; Panessa, F.; Bazzano, A.; Bird, A. J.; Malizia, A.; Ubertini, P. |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 5684 |
2018MNRAS.474.5684U |
4 |
2424 |
Hard X-ray-selected giant radio galaxies - I. The X-ray properties and radio connection |
Ursini, F.; Bassani, L.; Panessa, F.; Bird, A. J.; Bruni, G.; Fiocchi, M.; Malizia, A.; Saripalli, L.; Ubertini, P. |
12-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 481, 4250 |
2018MNRAS.481.4250U |
4 |
2425 |
An XMM-Newton look at the strongly variable radio-weak BL Lac Fermi J1544-0639 |
Ursini, F.; Bassani, L.; Panessa, F.; Pian, E.; Bruni, G.; Bazzano, A.; Masetti, N.; Sokolovsky, K.; Ubertini, P. |
02-2019 |
2019, A&A, 622, 116 |
2019A&A...622A.116U |
4 |
0811213301 |
2426 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. III. The high-energy view with NuSTAR and INTEGRAL |
Ursini, F.; Boissay, R.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Matt, G.; Cappi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Kaastra, J.; Harrison, F.; Walton, D. J.; di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E.; De Marco, B.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Paltani, S.; Peterson, B. M.; Ponti, G.; Steenbrugge, K. C. |
05-2015 |
2015, A&A, 577, 38 |
2015A&A...577A..38U |
4 |
0720110401, 0720110601, 0720110701, 0720111101, 0720111501, 0720111601 |
2427 |
Estimating the size of X-ray lamppost coronae in active galactic nuclei |
Ursini, F.; Dovciak, M.; Zhang, W.; Matt, G.; Petrucci, P. -O.; Done, C. |
12-2020 |
2020, A&A, 644, 132 |
2020A&A...644A.132U |
4 |
2428 |
The NuSTAR X-ray spectrum of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus in NGC 7213 |
Ursini, F.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Tortosa, A.; Stern, D.; Arévalo, P.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Bauer, F. E.; Fabian, A. C.; Harrison, F. A.; Lohfink, A. M.; Reynolds, C. S.; Walton, D. J. |
09-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 452, 3266 |
2015MNRAS.452.3266U |
4 |
0605800301, 0111810101 |
2429 |
Radio/X-ray monitoring of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 382. High-energy view with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR |
Ursini, F.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Grandi, P.; Torresi, E.; Ballantyne, D. R.; De Marco, B.; De Rosa, A.; Giroletti, M.; Malzac, J.; Marinucci, A.; Middei, R.; Ponti, G.; Tortosa, A. |
08-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 478, 2663 |
2018MNRAS.478.2663U |
4 |
0790600101, 0790600201, 0790600301, 0790600401, 0790600501 |
2430 |
High-energy monitoring of NGC 4593 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR. X-ray spectral analysis |
Ursini, F.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; De Marco, B.; De Rosa, A.; Malzac, J.; Marinucci, A.; Ponti, G.; Tortosa, A. |
11-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 463, 382 |
2016MNRAS.463..382U |
4 |
0740920201, 0740920301, 0740920401, 0740920501, 0740920601 |
2431 |
High-energy monitoring of Seyfert galaxies: The case of NGC 4593 |
Ursini, F.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Matt, G.; Bianchi, S.; Cappi, M.; De Marco, B.; De Rosa, A.; Malzac, J.; Ponti, G. |
05-2016 |
2016, AN, 337, 552 |
2016AN....337..552U |
4 |
0740920201, 0740920301, 0740920401, 0740920501, 0740920601 |
2432 |
NuSTAR/XMM-Newton monitoring of the Seyfert 1 galaxy HE 1143-1810. Testing the two-corona scenario |
Ursini, F.;Petrucci, P. -O.;Bianchi, S.;Matt, G.;Middei, R.;Marcel, G.;Ferreira, J.;Cappi, M.;De Marco, B.;De Rosa, A.;Malzac, J.;Marinucci, A.;Ponti, G.;Tortosa, A. |
02-2020 |
2020, A&A, 634, 92 |
2020A&A...634A..92U |
4 |
0795580101, 0795580201, 0795580301, 0795580401, 0795580501 |
2433 |
X-ray reverberation around accreting black holes |
Uttley, P.; Cackett, E. M.; Fabian, A. C.; Kara, E.; Wilkins, D. R. |
08-2014 |
2014, A&ARv, 22, 72 |
2014A&ARv..22...72U |
4 |
2434 |
Catching NGC 4051 in the low state with XMM-Newton |
Uttley, P.; Taylor, R. D.; McHardy, I. M.; Page, M. J.; Mason, K. O.; Lamer, G.; Fruscione, A. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 240 |
2004NuPhS.132..240U |
4 |
2435 |
Variability and the X-ray/UV ratio of active galactic nuclei. II. Analysis of a low-redshift Swift sample |
Vagnetti, F.; Antonucci, M.; Trevese, D. |
02-2013 |
2013, A&A, 550, 71 |
2013A&A...550A..71V |
4 |
2436 |
Ensemble X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei. II. Excess variance and updated structure function |
Vagnetti, F.; Middei, R.; Antonucci, M.; Paolillo, M.; Serafinelli, R. |
09-2016 |
2016, A&A, 593, 55 |
2016A&A...593A..55V |
4 |
2437 |
Ensemble X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei from serendipitous source catalogues |
Vagnetti, F.; Turriziani, S.; Trevese, D. |
12-2011 |
2011, A&A, 536, 84 |
2011A&A...536A..84V |
4 |
2438 |
Variability and the X-ray/UV ratio of active galactic nuclei g |
Vagnetti, F.; Turriziani, S.; Trevese, D.; Antonucci, M. |
09-2010 |
2010, A&A, 519, 17 |
2010A&A...519A..17V |
4 |
2439 |
The origin of the soft excess in the luminous quasar HE 1029-1401 |
Vaia, B.;Ursini, F.;Matt, G.;Ballantyne, D. R.;Bianchi, S.;De Rosa, A.;Middei, R.;Petrucci, P. O.;Piconcelli, E.;Tortosa, A. |
08-2024 |
2024, A&A, 688, 189 |
2024A&A...688A.189V |
4 |
0890410101 |
2440 |
A Giant Lyalpha Nebula in the Core of an X-Ray Cluster at Z = 1.99: Implications for Early Energy Injection |
Valentino, Francesco; Daddi, Emanuele; Finoguenov, Alexis; Strazzullo, Veronica; Le Brun, Amandine; Vignali, Cristian; Bournaud, Frédéric; Dickinson, Mark; Renzini, Alvio; Béthermin, Matthieu; Zanella, Anita; Gobat, Raphaël; Cimatti, Andrea; Elbaz, David; Onodera, Masato; Pannella, Maurilio; Sargent, Mark; Arimoto, Nobuo; Carollo, Marcella; Starck, Jean-Luc |
09-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 829, 53 |
2016ApJ...829...53V |
4 |
2441 |
Evidence of a link between the evolution of clusters and their AGN fraction |
van Breukelen, Caroline; Simpson, Chris; Rawlings, Steve; Akiyama, Masayuki; Bonfield, David; Clewley, Lee; Jarvis, Matt J.; Mauch, Tom; Readhead, Tony; Stobbart, Ann-Marie; Swinbank, Mark; Watson, Mike |
05-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 395, 11 |
2009MNRAS.395...11V |
3,4 |
0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801 |
2442 |
The First Tidal Disruption Flare in ZTF: From Photometric Selection to Multi-wavelength Characterization |
van Velzen, Sjoert; Gezari, Suvi; Cenko, S. Bradley; Kara, Erin; Miller-Jones, James C. A.; Hung, Tiara; Bright, Joe; Roth, Nathaniel; Blagorodnova, Nadejda; Huppenkothen, Daniela; Yan, Lin; Ofek, Eran; Sollerman, Jesper; Frederick, Sara; Ward, Charlotte; Graham, Matthew J.; Fender, Rob; Kasliwal, Mansi M.; Canella, Chris; Stein, Robert; Giomi, Matteo; Brinnel, Valery; van Santen, Jakob; Nordin, Jakob; Bellm, Eric C.; Dekany, Richard; Fremling, Christoffer; Golkhou, V. Zach; Kupfer, Thomas; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.; Laher, Russ R.; Mahabal, Ashish; Masci, Frank J.; Miller, Adam A.; Neill, James D.; Riddle, Reed; Rigault, Mickael; Rusholme, Ben; Soumagnac, Maayane T.; Tachibana, Yutaro |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 872, 198 |
2019ApJ...872..198V |
4 |
0822040301, 0822040501 |
2443 |
A closer look at the deep radio sky: Multi-component radio sources at 3 GHz VLA-COSMOS |
Vardoulaki, E.; Jiménez Andrade, E. F.; Karim, A.; Novak, M.; Leslie, S. K.; Tisanic, K.; Smolcic, V.; Schinnerer, E.; Sargent, M. T.; Bondi, M.; Zamorani, G.; Magnelli, B.; Bertoldi, F.; Herrera Ruiz, N.; Mooley, K. P.; Delhaize, J.; Myers, S. T.; Marchesi, S.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Gozaliasl, G.; Finoguenov, A.; Middleberg, E.; Ciliegi, P. |
07-2019 |
2019, A&A, 627, 142 |
2019A&A...627A.142V |
4 |
2444 |
Radio imaging of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field - II. The 37 brightest radio sources |
Vardoulaki, Eleni; Rawlings, Steve; Simpson, Chris; Bonfield, David G.; Ivison, R. J.; Ibar, Eduardo |
06-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 387, 505 |
2008MNRAS.387..505V |
2,4 |
2445 |
Simultaneous X-ray/optical/UV snapshots of active galactic nuclei from XMM-Newton: spectral energy distributions for the reverberation mapped sample |
Vasudevan, R. V.; Fabian, A. C. |
01-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 392, 1124 |
2009MNRAS.392.1124V |
4 |
0152840101, 0203720201, 0147190101, 0101040201, 0147440101, 0201130501, 0302480601, 0302480401, 0302480501, 0510010701, 0101040101, 0306090401, 0201020201, 0103860801, 0400270101, 0101040301, 0107460701, 0112210501, 0112210201, 0109141401, 0157560101, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0109970101, 0109960101, 0112170101, 0301450401, 0103660201, 0111290201, 0208020101, 0112610101, 0414190101, 0301450201, 0110950401, 0103660101, 0102040501, 0102040601, 0150470701 |
2446 |
Piecing together the X-ray background: bolometric corrections for active galactic nuclei |
Vasudevan, R. V.; Fabian, A. C. |
11-2007 |
2007, MNRAS, 381, 1235 |
2007MNRAS.381.1235V |
2,4 |
2447 |
Three active galactic nuclei close to the effective Eddington limit for dusty gas |
Vasudevan, R. V.; Fabian, A. C.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Meléndez, M.; Winter, L. M.; Trippe, M. L. |
06-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 431, 3127 |
2013MNRAS.431.3127V |
4 |
0605090301, 0605090201, 0605090101 |
2448 |
A selection effect boosting the contribution from rapidly spinning black holes to the cosmic X-ray background |
Vasudevan, R. V.; Fabian, A. C.; Reynolds, C. S.; Aird, J.; Dauser, T.; Gallo, L. C. |
05-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 2012 |
2016MNRAS.458.2012V |
4 |
2449 |
Optical-to-X-ray emission in low-absorption AGN: results from the Swift-BAT 9-month catalogue |
Vasudevan, R. V.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Winter, L. M.; Fabian, A. C. Optical-to-X-ray emission in low-absorption AGN: results from the Swift-BAT 9-month catalogue |
11-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 399, 1553 |
2009MNRAS.399.1553V |
4 |
2450 |
X-Ray Properties of the Northern Galactic Cap Sources in the 58 Month Swift/BAT Catalog |
Vasudevan, Ranjan V.; Brandt, William N.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Winter, Lisa M.; Baumgartner, Wayne H.; Shimizu, Thomas T.; Schneider, Donald. P.; Nousek, John |
02-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 763, 111 |
2013ApJ...763..111V |
4 |
0405340101, 0101040301, 0312191501, 0103861801, 0601780201, 0109080801, 0601780301, 0200430501, 0601780401, 0204650301, 0601780501, 0090020101, 0312191701, 0157560101, 0109080101, 0601780601, 0601780701, 0601780801, 0112551201, 0112310101, 0601780901, 0204650201, 0304030101, 0059140101, 0601781001, 0110930301, 0112521901, 0301450201, 0112840101, 0109970101, 0554500101, 0149170701, 0312192001, 0312192101, 0094360501, 0601781201, 0152940101, 0554500701, 0112551701, 0601781301, 0072340701, 0094401201, 0201830201, 0089960301, 0094740201, 0102040501, 0601781401, 0112910201, 0651850501 |
2451 |
The Hard X-Ray Perspective on the Soft X-Ray Excess |
Vasudevan, Ranjan V.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Lohfink, Anne M.; Zoghbi, Abderahmen; Gallo, Luigi C.; Walton, Dominic |
04-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 785, 30 |
2014ApJ...785...30V |
4 |
2452 |
The broad-band spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 NGC 4748: from UV to hard X-ray |
Vasylenko, A. A. |
11-2018 |
2018, Ap&SS, 363, 228 |
2018Ap&SS.363..228V |
4 |
0723100401 |
2453 |
X-ray spectral parameters for a sample of 95 active galactic nuclei |
Vasylenko, A. A.; Zhdanov, V. I.; Fedorova, E. V. |
12-2015 |
2015, Ap&SS, 360, 71 |
2015Ap&SS.360...71V |
4 |
2454 |
A Bayesian test for periodic signals in red noise |
Vaughan, S. |
02-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 402, 307 |
2010MNRAS.402..307V |
4 |
0109141301, 0506440101 |
2455 |
An XMM-Newton observation of Ton S180: constraints on the continuum emission in ultrasoft Seyfert galaxies |
Vaughan, S.; Boller, Th.; Fabian, A. C.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Brandt, W. N.; Trümper, J. |
11-2002 |
2002, MNRAS, 337, 247 |
2002MNRAS.337..247V |
4 |
0110890401 |
2456 |
On characterizing the variability properties of X-ray light curves from active galaxies |
Vaughan, S.; Edelson, R.; Warwick, R. S.; Uttley, P. |
11-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 345, 1271 |
2003MNRAS.345.1271V |
4 |
0109141301 |
2457 |
A long hard look at MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton- II. Detailed EPIC analysis and modelling |
Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A. C. |
03-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 348, 1415 |
2004MNRAS.348.1415V |
4 |
0126700301, 0126700601, 0126700701, 0126700801, 0136550101, 0111570201, 0111570101, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
2458 |
The high frequency power spectrum of Markarian 766 |
Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A. C. |
05-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 341, 496 |
2003MNRAS.341..496V |
4 |
0109141301 |
2459 |
An XMM-Newton observation of Ark 120: the X-ray spectrum of a `bare' Seyfert 1 nucleus |
Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A. C.; Ballantyne, D. R.; De Rosa, A.; Piro, L.; Matt, G. |
06-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 351, 193 |
2004MNRAS.351..193V |
4 |
0147190101 |
2460 |
Rapid X-Ray Variability of Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K. |
11-2005 |
2005, Ap&SS, 300, 119 |
2005Ap&SS.300..119V |
4 |
2461 |
A long, hard look at MCG-6-30-15 with XMM-Newton |
Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Turner, A. K. |
06-2004 |
2004, NuPhS, 132, 244 |
2004NuPhS.132..244V |
4 |
2462 |
X-ray continuum variability of MCG-6-30-15 |
Vaughan, S.; Fabian, A. C.; Nandra, K. |
03-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 339, 1237 |
2003MNRAS.339.1237V |
4 |
0029740101, 0029740901, 0029741001, 0029740701, 0029740801 |
2463 |
The exceptional X-ray variability of the dwarf Seyfert nucleus NGC 4395 |
Vaughan, S.; Iwasawa, K.; Fabian, A. C.; Hayashida, K. |
01-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 356, 524 |
2005MNRAS.356..524V |
4 |
0142830101 |
2464 |
Where are the X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in active galaxies? |
Vaughan, S.; Uttley, P. |
09-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 362, 235 |
2005MNRAS.362..235V |
4 |
2465 |
On the evidence for narrow, relativistically shifted X-ray lines |
Vaughan, S.; Uttley, P. |
10-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 390, 421 |
2008MNRAS.390..421V |
4 |
2466 |
The rapid X-ray variability of NGC 4051 |
Vaughan, S.; Uttley, P.; Pounds, K. A.; Nandra, K.; Strohmayer, T. E. |
06-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, 2489 |
2011MNRAS.413.2489V |
4 |
0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301, 0606320201, 0606320301 |
2467 |
Thermal and non-thermal traces of AGN feedback: results from cosmological AMR simulations |
Vazza, F.; Brüggen, M.; Gheller, C. |
01-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 2366 |
2013MNRAS.428.2366V |
3,4 |
2468 |
AGILE, Fermi, Swift, and GASP/WEBT multi-wavelength observations of the high-redshift blazar 4C +71.07 in outburst |
Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Piano, G.; Vittorini, V.; Donnarumma, I.; Munar-Adrover, P.; Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Verrecchia, F.; Lucarelli, F.; Pittori, C.; Bulgarelli, A.; Fioretti, V.; Tavani, M.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Agudo, I.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bach, U.; Bachev, R.; Borman, G. A.; Butuzova, M. S.; Carnerero, M. I.; Casadio, C.; Damljanovic, G.; D'Ammando, F.; Di Paola, A.; Doroshenko, V. T.; Efimova, N. V.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Giroletti, M.; Gómez, J. L.; Grishina, T. S.; Järvelä, E.; Klimanov, S. A.; Kopatskaya, E. N.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Larionov, V. M.; Larionova, L. V.; Mihov, B.; Mirzaqulov, D. O.; Molina, S. N.; Morozova, D. A.; Nazarov, S. V.; Orienti, M.; Righini, S.; Savchenko, S. S.; Semkov, E.; Slavcheva-Mihova, L.; Strigachev, A.; Tornikoski, M.; Troitskaya, Yu. V.; Vince, O.; Cattaneo, P. W.; Colafrancesco, S.; Longo, F.; Morselli, A.; Paoletti, F.; Parmiggiani, N. |
01-2019 |
2019, A&A, 621, 82 |
2019A&A...621A..82V |
4 |
0112620101 |
2469 |
Energetic Impact of Jet-Inflated Cocoons in Relaxed Galaxy Clusters |
Vernaleo, John C.; Reynolds, Christopher S. |
12-2007 |
2007, ApJ, 671, 171 |
2007ApJ...671..171V |
3,4 |
2470 |
Interpreting the long-term variability of the changing-look AGN Mrk 1018 |
Veronese, S.;Vignali, C.;Severgnini, P.;Matzeu, G. A.;Cignoni, M. |
03-2024 |
2024, A&A, 683, 131 |
2024A&A...683A.131V |
4 |
0201090201, 0554920301, 0821240201, 0821240301 |
2471 |
Testing Physical Scenarios for the Reflection Features of Type-1 AGNs using XMM-Newton and NuSTAR Simultaneous Observations |
Victoria-Ceballos, César Ivan;González-MartÃn, Omaira;Masegosa, Josefa;Longinotti, Anna Lia;Esparza-Arredondo, Donaji;Osorio-Clavijo, Natalia |
09-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 954, 96 |
2023ApJ...954...96V |
4 |
0780500301, 0741330101, 0760530301, 0824080301, 0692840401, 0721600401, 0843020801, 0782520201, 0780860901, 0830430201, 0679780301, 0763790401, 0740920201, 0763220201, 0792180301, 0693781401, 0720111001, 0763790501, 0761870201, 0744490401, 0763920601, 0760350501 |
2472 |
Discovery of Compton-thick quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Vignali, C.; Alexander, D. M.; Gilli, R.; Pozzi, F. |
05-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 404, 48 |
2010MNRAS.404...48V |
4 |
2473 |
X-Ray Emission from Radio-Quiet Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release: The alphaox Dependence upon Ultraviolet Luminosity |
Vignali, C.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P. |
02-2003 |
2003, AJ, 125, 433 |
2003AJ....125..433V |
4 |
2474 |
Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of the First Quasars: X-Rays from the Age of Cosmic Enlightenment |
Vignali, C.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P.; Anderson, S. F.; Fan, X.; Gunn, J. E.; Kaspi, S.; Richards, G. T.; Strauss, Michael A. |
06-2003 |
2003, AJ, 125, 2876 |
2003AJ....125.2876V |
4 |
0036540101 |
2475 |
The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. IX. An X-ray outflow in a luminous obscured quasar at z ≈ 1.6 |
Vignali, C.; Iwasawa, K.; Comastri, A.; Gilli, R.; Lanzuisi, G.; Ranalli, P.; Cappelluti, N.; Mainieri, V.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Carrera, F. J.; Fritz, J.; Brusa, M.; Brandt, W. N.; Bauer, F. E.; Fiore, F.; Tombesi, F. |
11-2015 |
2015, A&A, 583, 141 |
2015A&A...583A.141V |
4 |
0108060401, 0108060501, 0108060601, 0108060701, 0108061801, 0108061901, 0108062101, 0108062301, 0555780101, 0555780201, 0555780301, 0555780401, 0555780501, 0555780601, 0555780701, 0555780801, 0555780901, 0555781001, 0555782301, 0604960101, 0604960201, 0604960301, 0604960401, 0604960501, 0604960601, 0604960701, 0604960801, 0604960901, 0604961001, 0604961101, 0604961201, 0604961301, 0604961801 |
2476 |
The space density of Compton-thick AGN at z ≈ 0.8 in the zCOSMOS-Bright Survey |
Vignali, C.; Mignoli, M.; Gilli, R.; Comastri, A.; Iwasawa, K.; Zamorani, G.; Mainieri, V.; Bongiorno, A. |
11-2014 |
2014, A&A, 571, 34 |
2014A&A...571A..34V |
4 |
0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
2477 |
On the nature of the absorber in IRAS 09104+4109: the X-ray and mid-infrared view |
Vignali, C.; Piconcelli, E.; Lanzuisi, G.; Feltre, A.; Feruglio, C.; Maiolino, R.; Fiore, F.; Fritz, J.; La Parola, V.; Mignoli, M.; Pozzi, F. |
09-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 416, 2068 |
2011MNRAS.416.2068V |
4 |
OM |
2478 |
Probing black hole accretion in quasar pairs at high redshift |
Vignali, C.; Piconcelli, E.; Perna, M.; Hennawi, J.; Gilli, R.; Comastri, A.; Zamorani, G.; Dotti, M.; Mathur, S. |
06-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 477, 780 |
2018MNRAS.477..780V |
4 |
0604280101 |
2479 |
The HELLAS2XMM survey - XII. The infrared/submillimetre view of an X-ray selected type 2 quasar at z ~ 2 |
Vignali, C.; Pozzi, F.; Fritz, J.; Comastri, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Bellocchi, E.; Fiore, F.; Brusa, M.; Maiolino, R.; Mignoli, M.; La Franca, F.; Pozzetti, L.; Zamorani, G.; Merloni, A. |
06-2009 |
2009, MNRAS, 395, 2189 |
2009MNRAS.395.2189V |
2,4 |
0096010101, 0098010101, 0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280401, 0099280501, 0099280601, 0114090101, 0122520201, 0123100101, 0123100201, 0123700101, 0123700201, 0123700401, 0123700701, 0123700901, 0123701001, 0123920101, 0124110101, 0124300101, 0124900101, 0125110101, 0125130101, 0125140101, 0125150101, 0125310101, 0125320301, 0125910101, 0125920201, 0129360201, 0130720101 |
2480 |
Evidence for X-ray obscuration in Type II quasar candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Vignali, Cristian; Alexander, Dave M.; Comastri, Andrea |
11-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 354, 720 |
2004MNRAS.354..720V |
4 |
2481 |
The quest for Type 2 quasars: Chandra observations of luminous obscured quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Vignali, Cristian; Alexander, Dave M.; Comastri, Andrea |
11-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 373, 321 |
2006MNRAS.373..321V |
4 |
0204340201, 0111200101, 0110990201, 0204340101 |
2482 |
Arakelian 564: an XMM-Newton view |
Vignali, Cristian; Brandt, W. N.; Boller, Th.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, Simon |
01-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 347, 854 |
2004MNRAS.347..854V |
4 |
0006810101, 0006810201, 0006810301, 0006810401 |
2483 |
On the X-ray properties of OH megamaser sources: Chandra snapshot observations |
Vignali, Cristian; Brandt, William N.; Comastri, Andrea; Darling, Jeremy |
11-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 364, 99 |
2005MNRAS.364...99V |
2,4 |
0200660301 |
2484 |
On the peculiar properties of the narrow-line quasar PG 1543+489 |
Vignali, Cristian; Piconcelli, Enrico; Bianchi, Stefano; Miniutti, Giovanni |
08-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 388, 761 |
2008MNRAS.388..761V |
4 |
0153220401, 0505050201, 0505050701, 0505050301 |
2485 |
The XMM-Newton wide field survey in the COSMOS field: Clustering dependence of X-ray selected AGN on host galaxy properties |
Viitanen, A.; Allevato, V.; Finoguenov, A.; Bongiorno, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Gilli, R.; Miyaji, T.; Salvato, M. |
09-2019 |
2019, A&A, 629, 14 |
2019A&A...629A..14V |
4 |
0203360101, 0302350101, 0203360201, 0302350201, 0203360301, 0302350301, 0302353101, 0203360401, 0302350401, 0203360501, 0302350501, 0203360601, 0302350601, 0203360701, 0302350701, 0203360801, 0302350801, 0203360901, 0302350901, 0302353001, 0203361001, 0302351001, 0203361101, 0302351101, 0203361201, 0302351201, 0203361301, 0302351301, 0203361401, 0302351401, 0203361501, 0302351501, 0203361601, 0302351601, 0203361701, 0302351701, 0203361801, 0302351801, 0203361901, 0302351901, 0203362001, 0302352001, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0302352201, 0203362301, 0302352301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0302352401, 0302353201, 0203362501, 0302352501, 0302353301 |
2486 |
Large-scale clustering of buried X-ray AGN: Trends in AGN obscuration and redshift evolution |
Viitanen, A.;Allevato, V.;Finoguenov, A.;Shankar, F.;Gilli, R.;Lanzuisi, G.;Vito, F. |
06-2023 |
2023, A&A, 674, 214 |
2023A&A...674A.214V |
4 |
2487 |
The role of scatter and satellites in shaping the large-scale clustering of X-ray AGN as a function of host galaxy stellar mass |
Viitanen, A.;Allevato, V.;Finoguenov, A.;Shankar, F.;Marsden, C. |
11-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 507, 6148 |
2021MNRAS.507.6148V |
4 |
2488 |
Observational properties of active galactic nucleus obscuration during the peak of accretion growth |
Vijarnwannaluk, Bovornpratch;Akiyama, Masayuki;Schramm, Malte;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Matsuoka, Yoshiki;Toba, Yoshiki;Matsumoto, Naoki;Ruiz, Angel;Georgantopoulos, Ioannis;Pouliasis, Ektoras;Koulouridis, Elias;Ichikawa, Kohei;Sawicki, Marcin;Gwyn, Stephen |
04-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 529, 3610 |
2024MNRAS.529.3610V |
4 |
2489 |
The Obscured Fraction of Quasars at Cosmic Noon |
Vijarnwannaluk, Bovornpratch;Akiyama, Masayuki;Schramm, Malte;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Matsuoka, Yoshiki;Toba, Yoshiki;Sawicki, Marcin;Gwyn, Stephen;Pflugradt, Janek |
12-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 941, 97 |
2022ApJ...941...97V |
4 |
2490 |
X-ray reverberation lags from the 1.5 Seyfert galaxy NGC 5273 |
Vincentelli, F. M.;Mastroserio, G.;McHardy, I.;Ingram, A.;Pahari, M. |
02-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 492, 1135 |
2020MNRAS.492.1135V |
4 |
0805080401 |
2491 |
The X-ray properties of young radio-loud AGN |
Vink, Jacco; Snellen, Ignas; Mack, Karl-Heinz; Schilizzi, Richard |
04-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 367, 928 |
2006MNRAS.367..928V |
4 |
0202520101, 0202520201, 0202520301, 0202520401, 0202520501 |
2492 |
No evidence for an Eddington-ratio dependence of X-ray weakness in BALQSOs |
Vito, F.; Brandt, W. N.; Luo, B.; Shemmer, O.; Vignali, C.; Gilli, R. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 479, 5335 |
2018MNRAS.479.5335V |
4 |
0801790401, 0801790101, 0801790601, 0801790301 |
2493 |
Heavy X-ray obscuration in the most luminous galaxies discovered by WISE |
Vito, F.; Brandt, W. N.; Stern, D.; Assef, R. J.; Chen, C.-T. J.; Brightman, M.; Comastri, A.; Eisenhardt, P.; Garmire, G. P.; Hickox, R.; Lansbury, G.; Tsai, C.-W.; Walton, D. J.; Wu, J. W. |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 474, 4528 |
2018MNRAS.474.4528V |
4 |
0764400301, 0783670101 |
2494 |
The hard X-ray luminosity function of high-redshift (3 < z ≲ 5) active galactic nuclei |
Vito, F.; Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Comastri, A.; Brusa, M.; Cappelluti, N.; Iwasawa, K. |
12-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 445, 3557 |
2014MNRAS.445.3557V |
4 |
0112370101, 0112371001, 0112370301, 0112370401, 0112371501, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0112370601, 0112370701, 0112370801, 0203360101, 0203361001, 0203361101, 0203361201, 0203361301, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361601, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203360201, 0203362001, 0203362701, 0501170101, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0501170201, 0203362401, 0203362601, 0203362501, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203360901, 0302350101, 0302351001, 0302352901, 0302351101, 0302351201, 0302351301, 0302353401, 0302351401, 0302350601, 0302350701, 0302350801, 0302350901, 0302352801, 0302353001 |
2495 |
The high-redshift (z > 3) active galactic nucleus population in the 4-Ms Chandra Deep Field-South |
Vito, F.; Vignali, C.; Gilli, R.; Comastri, A.; Iwasawa, K.; Brandt, W. N.; Alexander, D. M.; Brusa, M.; Lehmer, B.; Bauer, F. E.; Schneider, D. P.; Xue, Y. Q.; Luo, B. |
01-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 354 |
2013MNRAS.428..354V |
4 |
2496 |
The X-ray properties of z > 6 quasars: no evident evolution of accretion physics in the first Gyr of the Universe |
Vito, F.;Brandt, W. N.;Bauer, F. E.;Calura, F.;Gilli, R.;Luo, B.;Shemmer, O.;Vignali, C.;Zamorani, G.;Brusa, M.;Civano, F.;Comastri, A.;Nanni, R. |
10-2019 |
2019, A&A, 630, 118 |
2019A&A...630A.118V |
4 |
0790180701, 0677630133, 0112370601, 0693990101, 0693990201, 0693990301, 0673000145 |
2497 |
An X-ray fading, UV brightening QSO at z â 6 |
Vito, F.;Mignoli, M.;Gilli, R.;Brandt, W. N.;Shemmer, O.;Bauer, F. E.;Bisogni, S.;Luo, B.;Marchesi, S.;Nanni, R.;Zamorani, G.;Comastri, A.;Cusano, F.;Gallerani, S.;Vignali, C.;Lanzuisi, G. |
07-2022 |
2022, A&A, 663, 159 |
2022A&A...663A.159V |
4 |
0862560101 |
2498 |
Multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 478 |
Waddell, S. G. H.;Gallo, L. C.;Gonzalez, A. G.;Tripathi, S.;Zoghbi, A. |
11-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 489, 5398 |
2019MNRAS.489.5398W |
4 |
0107660201, 0005010101, 0005010201, 0005010301, 0801510101 |
2499 |
Disentangling the complex broad-band X-ray spectrum of IRAS 13197-1627 with NuSTAR, XMM-Newton and Suzaku |
Walton, D. J.; Brightman, M.; Risaliti, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Fürst, F.; Harrison, F. A.; Lohfink, A.; Matt, G.; Miniutti, G.; Parker, M. L.; Stern, D. |
02-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 473, 4377 |
2018MNRAS.473.4377W |
4 |
0763220201, 0206580101, 0506340101 |
2500 |
Suzaku observations of `bare' active galactic nuclei |
Walton, D. J.; Nardini, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L. C.; Reis, R. C. |
02-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 428, 2901 |
2013MNRAS.428.2901W |
4 |
2501 |
A low-flux state in IRAS 00521-7054 seen with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton: relativistic reflection and an ultrafast outflow |
Walton, D. J.; Nardini, E.; Gallo, L. C.; Reynolds, M. T.; Ricci, C.; Dauser, T.; Fabian, A. C.; García, J. A.; Harrison, F. A.; Risaliti, G.; Stern, D. |
04-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 484, 2544 |
2019MNRAS.484.2544W |
4 |
0790590101, 0795630201 |
2502 |
The similarity of broad iron lines in X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei |
Walton, D. J.; Reis, R. C.; Cackett, E. M.; Fabian, A. C.; Miller, J. M. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 2510 |
2012MNRAS.422.2510W |
4,11 |
0136140301, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0029740101 |
2503 |
Explaining the hard excesses in active galactic nuclei |
Walton, D. J.; Reis, R. C.; Fabian, A. C. |
10-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 408, 601 |
2010MNRAS.408..601W |
4 |
2504 |
NuSTAR and XMM-NEWTON Observations of NGC 1365: Extreme Absorption Variability and a Constant Inner Accretion Disk |
Walton, D. J.; Risaliti, G.; Harrison, F. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Miller, J. M.; Arevalo, P.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Boggs, S. E.; Brenneman, L. W.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Elvis, M.; Fuerst, F.; Gandhi, P.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Kara, E.; Luo, B.; Madsen, K. K.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Parker, M. L.; Reynolds, C. S.; Rivers, E.; Ross, R. R.; Stern, D.; Zhang, W. W. |
06-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 788, 76 |
2014ApJ...788...76W |
4 |
0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501 |
2505 |
A full characterization of the supermassive black hole in IRAS-=09149-6206 |
Walton, D. J.;Alston, W. N.;Kosec, P.;Fabian, A. C.;Gallo, L. C.;Garcia, J. A.;Miller, J. M.;Nardini, E.;Reynolds, M. T.;Ricci, C.;Stern, D.;Dauser, T.;Harrison, F. A.;Reynolds, C. S. |
10-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 499, 1480 |
2020MNRAS.499.1480W |
4 |
0830490101 |
2506 |
Extreme relativistic reflection in the active galaxy ESO 033-G002 |
Walton, D. J.;BalokoviÄ, M.;Fabian, A. C.;Gallo, L. C.;Koss, M.;Nardini, E.;Reynolds, C. S.;Ricci, C.;Stern, D.;Alston, W. N.;Dauser, T.;GarcÃa, J. A.;Kosec, P.;Reynolds, M. T.;Harrison, F. A.;Miller, J. M. |
09-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 506, 1557 |
2021MNRAS.506.1557W |
4 |
0863050201 |
2507 |
X-ray absorption and reprocessing in the z 2.5 lensed quasar 2MASS J1042+1641 |
Walton, D. J.;Reynolds, M. T.;Stern, D.;Brightman, M.;Lemon, C. |
11-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 516, 5997 |
2022MNRAS.516.5997W |
4 |
0852000101 |
2508 |
NuSTAR Observations of Intrinsically X-Ray Weak Quasar Candidates: An Obscuration-only Scenario |
Wang, Chaojun;Luo, B.;Brandt, W. N.;Alexander, D. M.;Bauer, F. E.;Gallagher, S. C.;Huang, Jian;Liu, Hezhen;Stern, D. |
09-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 936, 95 |
2022ApJ...936...95W |
4 |
0150610101, 0204310101, 0761910201 |
2509 |
Relativistic Outflow in CXOCDFS J033260.0-274748 |
Wang, J. X.; Wang, T. G.; Tozzi, P.; Giacconi, R.; Hasinger, G.; Kewley, L.; Mainieri, V.; Nonino, M.; Norman, C.; Streblyanska, A.; Szokoly, G.; Yaqoob, T.; Zirm, A. |
09-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 631, L33 |
2005ApJ...631L..33W |
4 |
2510 |
A Direct Linkage between AGN Outflows in the Narrow-line Regions and the X-Ray Emission from the Accretion Disks |
Wang, J.; Xu, D. W.; Wei, J. Y. |
03-2016 |
2016, AJ, 151, 81 |
2016AJ....151...81W |
4 |
2511 |
Insight into Active Galactic Nucleus and Host Galaxy Co-evolution from Hard X-Ray Emission |
Wang, J.; Zhou, X. L.; Wei, J. Y. |
05-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 768, 176 |
2013ApJ...768..176W |
4 |
2512 |
Are |
Wang, J.;Zheng, W. K.;Brink, T. G.;Xu, D. W.;Filippenko, A. V.;Gao, C.;Xie, C. H.;Wei, J. Y. |
10-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 956, 137 |
2023ApJ...956..137W |
4 |
2513 |
B3 0749+460A: A New Repeat |
Wang, J.;Zheng, W. K.;Xu, D. W.;Brink, T. G.;Filippenko, A. V.;Gao, C.;Sun, S. S.;Wei, J. Y. |
01-2022 |
2022, RAA, 22, 5011 |
2022RAA....22a5011W |
4 |
2514 |
The Additional Line Component within the Iron Kalpha Profile in MCG -6-30-15: Evidence for Blob Ejection? |
Wang, Jian-Min; Qu, Jin-Lu; Xue, Sui-Jian |
07-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 609, 107 |
2004ApJ...609..107W |
4 |
0029740801, 0029740701, 0029740101 |
2515 |
XMM-Newton observations of H2O maser galaxy NGC 7479 |
Wang, Jin; Zhang, Jiang-Shui; Fan, Jun-Hui |
09-2010 |
2010, RAA, 10, 915 |
2010RAA....10..915W |
4 |
2516 |
Imaging the Circumnuclear Region of NGC 1365 with Chandra |
Wang, Junfeng; Fabbiano, G.; Elvis, M.; Risaliti, G.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Howell, J. H.; Lord, S. |
04-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 694, 718 |
2009ApJ...694..718W |
4,7 |
OM |
2517 |
A Deep Chandra ACIS Study of NGC 4151. III. The Line Emission and Spectral Analysis of the Ionization Cone |
Wang, Junfeng; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; Elvis, Martin; Risaliti, Guido; Karovska, Margarita; Zezas, Andreas; Mundell, Carole G.; Dumas, Gaelle; Schinnerer, Eva |
11-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 742, 23 |
2011ApJ...742...23W |
4 |
0112310501, 0112310101, 0112830501, 0112830201, 0112830601 |
2518 |
Revisiting the Short-term X-ray Spectral Variability of NGC 4151 with Chandra |
Wang, Junfeng; Risaliti, G.; Fabbiano, G.; Elvis, M.; Zezas, A.; Karovska, M. |
05-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 714, 1497 |
2010ApJ...714.1497W |
4 |
2519 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Broad Absorption Line Quasars with Polar Outflows |
Wang, Junxian; Jiang, Peng; Zhou, Hongyan; Wang, Tinggui; Dong, Xiaobo; Wang, Huiyuan |
04-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 676, L97 |
2008ApJ...676L..97W |
4 |
0401270201, 0401270401 |
2520 |
X-Ray Absorption and Optical Extinction in the Partially Obscured Seyfert Nucleus in Mrk 1393 |
Wang, T. G.; Zhou, H. Y.; Grupe, D.; Yuan, W.; Dong, X. B.; Lu, H. L. |
04-2009 |
2009, AJ, 137, 4002 |
2009AJ....137.4002W |
4 |
0305750201 |
2521 |
Probing the gaseous halo of galaxies through non-thermal emission from AGN-driven outflows |
Wang, Xiawei; Loeb, Abraham |
10-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 453, 837 |
2015MNRAS.453..837W |
4 |
2522 |
Transient obscuration event captured in NGC 3227. II. Warm absorbers and obscuration events in archival XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations |
Wang, Yijun;Kaastra, Jelle;Mehdipour, Missagh;Mao, Junjie;Costantini, Elisa;Kriss, Gerard A.;Pinto, Ciro;Ponti, Gabriele;Behar, Ehud;Bianchi, Stefano;Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella;De Marco, Barbara;Grafton-Waters, Sam;Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier;Ebrero, Jacobo;Walton, Dominic James;Kaspi, Shai;Xue, Yongquan;Paltani, Stéphane;di Gesu, Laura;He, Zhicheng |
01-2022 |
2022, A&A, 657, 77 |
2022A&A...657A..77W |
4 |
0400270101, 0782520201, 0782520301, 0782520501, 0782520601, 0782520701 |
2523 |
The Evolution of GX 339-4 in the Low-hard State as Seen by NuSTAR and Swift |
Wang-Ji, Jingyi; García, Javier A.; Steiner, James F.; Tomsick, John A.; Harrison, Fiona A.; Bambi, Cosimo; Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier; Ferreira, Jonathan; Chakravorty, Susmita; Clavel, Maïca |
03-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 855, 61 |
2018ApJ...855...61W |
4 |
2524 |
X-ray Flux and Spectral Variability of Blazar H 2356-309 |
Wani, Kiran A.;Gaur, Haritma |
08-2020 |
2020, Galax, 8, 59 |
2020Galax...8...59W |
4 |
0304080501, 0304080601, 0504370701, 0693500101, 0722860101, 0722860701, 0722860201, 0722860301, 0722860401 |
2525 |
Study of Intra-Day Flux Distributions of Blazars Using XMM-Newton Satellite |
Wani, Kiran;Gaur, Haritma |
11-2022 |
2022, Univ, 8, 578 |
2022Univ....8..578W |
4 |
2526 |
X-Ray Studies of Blazar 1ES 1959+650 Using Swift and XMM-Newton Satellite |
Wani, Kiran;Gaur, Haritma;Patil, M. K. |
07-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 951, 94 |
2023ApJ...951...94W |
4 |
0850980101, 0870210101 |
2527 |
The XMM-Newton slew survey in the 2-10 keV band |
Warwick, R. S.; Saxton, R. D.; Read, A. M. |
12-2012 |
2012, A&A, 548, 99 |
2012A&A...548A..99W |
4 |
2528 |
XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - II. The X-ray catalogues, the properties of the host galaxies and the redshift distribution |
Waskett, T. J.; Eales, S. A.; Gear, W. K.; McCracken, H. J.; Brodwin, M.; Nandra, K.; Laird, E. S.; Lilly, S. |
05-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 350, 785 |
2004MNRAS.350..785W |
2,4 |
0041170101, 0041170201, 0127920401 |
2529 |
XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey Fields - III. The environments of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei at 0.4 < z < 0.6 |
Waskett, T. J.; Eales, S. A.; Gear, W. K.; McCracken, H. J.; Lilly, S.; Brodwin, M. |
11-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 363, 801 |
2005MNRAS.363..801W |
4,5 |
0041170101, 0041170201, 0127920401 |
2530 |
XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - I. The submillimetre/X-ray relation |
Waskett, Timothy J.; Eales, Stephen A.; Gear, Walter K.; Puchnarewicz, Elizabeth M.; Lilly, Simon; Flores, Hector; Webb, Tracy; Clements, David; Stevens, Jason A.; Thuan, Trinh X. |
06-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 341, 1217 |
2003MNRAS.341.1217W |
2,4 |
0041170101, 0041170201, 0127920401 |
2531 |
Active Dwarf Galaxy Database. I. Overlap between Active Galactic Nuclei Selected by Different Techniques |
Wasleske, Erik J.;Baldassare, Vivienne F. |
08-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 971, 68 |
2024ApJ...971...68W |
4 |
2532 |
X-Ray Emission of Ultraviolet Variable Active Galactic Nucleus Candidates |
Wasleske, Erik J.;Baldassare, Vivienne F. |
08-2023 |
2023, AJ, 166, 64 |
2023AJ....166...64W |
4 |
2533 |
XMM-Newton observations of the BL Lac MS 0205.7+3509: A dense, low-metallicity absorber |
Watson, D.; McBreen, B.; Hanlon, L.; Reeves, J. N.; Smith, N.; Perlman, E.; Stocke, J.; Rector, T. A. |
05-2004 |
2004, A&A, 418, 459 |
2004A&A...418..459W |
4 |
0084140101, 0084140501 |
2534 |
Variability in a low-mass active galactic nucleus: oscillation or eruption? |
Webbe, Robbie;Young, A. J. |
01-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 518, 3428 |
2023MNRAS.518.3428W |
4 |
0306630101, 0306630201 |
2535 |
Hot Atmospheres, Cold Gas, AGN Feedback and the Evolution of Early Type Galaxies: A Topical Perspective |
Werner, N.; McNamara, B. R.; Churazov, E.; Scannapieco, E. |
01-2019 |
2019, SSRv, 215, 5 |
2019SSRv..215....5W |
4 |
2536 |
Violent interaction between the active galactic nucleus and the hot gas in the core of the galaxy cluster Sérsic 159-03 |
Werner, N.; Sun, M.; Bagchi, J.; Allen, S. W.; Taylor, G. B.; Sirothia, S. K.; Simionescu, A.; Million, E. T.; Jacob, J.; Donahue, M. |
08-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 415, 3369 |
2011MNRAS.415.3369W |
3,4 |
0147800101 |
2537 |
Variable Hard-X-Ray Emission from the Candidate Accreting Black Hole in Dwarf Galaxy Henize 2--10 |
Whalen, Thomas J.; Hickox, Ryan C.; Reines, Amy E.; Greene, Jenny E.; Sivakoff, Gregory R.; Johnson, Kelsey E.; Alexander, David M.; Goulding, Andy D. |
06-2015 |
2015, ApJ, 806, 37 |
2015ApJ...806...37W |
4 |
0202650101, 0672800101 |
2538 |
Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. V. A clear view of the X-ray narrow emission lines |
Whewell, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Mehdipour, M.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Bianchi, S.; Behar, E.; Ebrero, J.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; De Marco, B.; Di Gesu, L.; Kriss, G. A.; Paltani, S.; Peterson, B. M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Pinto, C.; Ponti, G. |
09-2015 |
2015, A&A, 581, 79 |
2015A&A...581A..79W |
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0720111501, 0720111601, 0720110301, 0720110801, 0720111401, 0720110401, 0720111301, 0720110901, 0720110501, 0720111001, 0720110601, 0720111101, 0720110701, 0720111201 |
2539 |
X-ray narrow emission lines from the nuclear region of NGC 1365 |
Whewell, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Page, M. J. |
11-2016 |
2016, A&A, 595, 85 |
2016A&A...595A..85W |
4 |
0205590301, 0205590401, 0505140201, 0505140401, 0505140501, 0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501 |
2540 |
The faint source population at 15.7 GHz - III. A high-frequency study of HERGs and LERGs |
Whittam, I. H.; Riley, J. M.; Green, D. A.; Jarvis, M. J. |
10-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 462, 2122 |
2016MNRAS.462.2122W |
4 |
2541 |
XMM-Newton Observations of the Red Type 1.8 Quasar 2M1049+5837: Reflection from Cold and Warm (Ionized) Matter |
Wilkes, B. J.; Pounds, K. A.; Schmidt, G. D. |
06-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 680, 110 |
2008ApJ...680..110W |
4 |
0303360301 |
2542 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Red AGNs |
Wilkes, B. J.; Pounds, K. A.; Schmidt, G. D.; Smith, P. S.; Cutri, R. M.; Ghosh, H.; Nelson, B.; Hines, D. C. |
11-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 634, 183 |
2005ApJ...634..183W |
4 |
0149170501, 0149170701, 0149170801, 0149170101, 0149170601 |
2543 |
Revealing the Heavily Obscured Active Galactic Nucleus Population of High-redshift 3CRR Sources with Chandra X-Ray Observations |
Wilkes, Belinda J.; Kuraszkiewicz, Joanna; Haas, Martin; Barthel, Peter; Leipski, Christian; Willner, S. P.; Worrall, D. M.; Birkinshaw, Mark; Antonucci, Robert; Ashby, M. L. N.; Chini, Rolf; Fazio, G. G.; Lawrence, Charles; Ogle, Patrick; Schulz, Bernhard |
08-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 773, 15 |
2013ApJ...773...15W |
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2544 |
Low-frequency X-ray timing with Gaussian processes and reverberation in the radio-loud AGN 3C 120 |
Wilkins, D. R. |
10-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 489, 1957 |
2019MNRAS.489.1957W |
4 |
2545 |
Wavelet spectral timing: X-ray reverberation from a dynamic black hole corona hidden beneath ultrafast outflows |
Wilkins, D. R. |
12-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 526, 3441 |
2023MNRAS.526.3441W |
4 |
0110890101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401, 0780560101, 0780561301, 0780561401, 0780561501, 0780561601, 0780561701, 0792180101, 0792180201, 0792180301, 0792180401, 0792180501, 0792180601, 0111570101, 0111570201, 0029740101, 0029740701, 0029740801, 0693781201, 0693781301, 0693781401, 0851990101, 0851990201 |
2546 |
Towards modelling X-ray reverberation in AGN: piecing together the extended corona |
Wilkins, D. R.; Cackett, E. M.; Fabian, A. C.; Reynolds, C. S. |
05-2016 |
2016, MNRAS, 458, 200 |
2016MNRAS.458..200W |
4 |
2547 |
The origin of the lag spectra observed in AGN: Reverberation and the propagation of X-ray source fluctuations |
Wilkins, D. R.; Fabian, A. C. |
03-2013 |
2013, MNRAS, 430, 247 |
2013MNRAS.430..247W |
4 |
2548 |
Determination of the X-ray reflection emissivity profile of 1H 0707-495 |
Wilkins, D. R.; Fabian, A. C. |
06-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 414, 1269 |
2011MNRAS.414.1269W |
4 |
2549 |
Driving extreme variability: the evolving corona and evidence for jet launching in Markarian 335 |
Wilkins, D. R.; Gallo, L. C. |
05-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 449, 129 |
2015MNRAS.449..129W |
4 |
0306870101, 0510010701, 0600540501, 0600540601 |
2550 |
Revealing structure and evolution within the corona of the Seyfert galaxy I Zw 1 |
Wilkins, D. R.; Gallo, L. C.; Silva, C. V.; Costantini, E.; Brandt, W. N.; Kriss, G. A. |
11-2017 |
2017, MNRAS, 471, 4436 |
2017MNRAS.471.4436W |
4 |
2551 |
Caught in the act: measuring the changes in the corona that cause the extreme variability of 1H 0707-495 |
Wilkins, D. R.; Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L. C. |
09-2014 |
2014, MNRAS, 443, 2746 |
2014MNRAS.443.2746W |
4 |
0110890201, 0148010301, 0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601 |
2552 |
Acceleration and cooling of the corona during X-ray flares from the Seyfert galaxy I Zw 1 |
Wilkins, D. R.;Gallo, L. C.;Costantini, E.;Brandt, W. N.;Blandford, R. D. |
05-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 512, 761 |
2022MNRAS.512..761W |
4 |
0851990101, 0851990201 |
2553 |
Unveiling the 100 pc scale nuclear radio structure of NGC 6217 with e-MERLIN and the VLA |
Williams, D. R. A.; McHardy, I. M.; Baldi, R. D.; Beswick, R. J.; Pahari, M.; Argo, M. K.; Beri, A.; Boorman, P.; Brinks, E.; Dullo, B. T.; Fenech, D. M.; Ineson, J.; Kharb, P.; Knapen, J. H.; Muxlow, T. W. B.; Westcott, J. |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 486, 4962 |
2019MNRAS.486.4962W |
4 |
0061940301, 0061940901, 0400920101, 0400920201 |
2554 |
Are narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies highly accreting low-MBH AGNs? |
Williams, James K.; Gliozzi, Mario; Rudzinsky, Ross V. |
10-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 480, 96 |
2018MNRAS.480...96W |
4 |
2555 |
XMM-Newton View of the z > 0 Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium toward Markarian 421 |
Williams, Rik J.; Mathur, Smita; Nicastro, Fabrizio; Elvis, Martin |
05-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 642, L95 |
2006ApJ...642L..95W |
2,4 |
0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0099280501, 0136540101, 0136540301, 0136540401, 0136540701, 0136541001, 0158970201, 0158970701, 0158971201, 0162960101, 0158970101 |
2556 |
Six More Quasars at Redshift 6 Discovered by the Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey |
Willott, Chris J.; Delorme, Philippe; Reylé, Céline; Albert, Loic; Bergeron, Jacqueline; Crampton, David; Delfosse, Xavier; Forveille, Thierry; Hutchings, John B.; McLure, Ross J.; Omont, Alain; Schade, David |
03-2009 |
2009, AJ, 137, 3541 |
2009AJ....137.3541W |
4 |
0112370601, 0112371701, 0112372001, 0404966801 |
2557 |
XMM-Newton observations of two hyperluminous IRAS galaxies: Compton-thick quasars with obscuring starbursts |
Wilman, R. J.; Fabian, A. C.; Crawford, C. S.; Cutri, R. M. |
01-2003 |
2003, MNRAS, 338, L19 |
2003MNRAS.338L..19W |
4 |
0001930101, 0001930301 |
2558 |
XMM-EPIC observation of MCG-6-30-15: direct evidence for the extraction of energy from a spinning black hole? |
Wilms, Jörn; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Begelman, Mitchell C.; Reeves, James; Molendi, Silvano; Staubert, Rüdiger; Kendziorra, Eckhard |
12-2001 |
2001, MNRAS, 328, L27 |
2001MNRAS.328L..27W |
4 |
0111570101, 0111570201 |
2559 |
X-ray Outflows in the Swift Burst Alert Detected Seyfert 1s |
Winter, Lisa M. |
12-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 725, L126 |
2010ApJ...725L.126W |
4 |
2560 |
Ultraviolet and X-ray Variability of the Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy Markarian 817 |
Winter, Lisa M.; Danforth, Charles; Vasudevan, Ranjan; Brandt, W. N.; Scott, Jennifer; Froning, Cynthia; Keeney, Brian; Shull, J. Michael; Penton, Steve; Mushotzky, Richard; Schneider, Donald P.; Arav, Nahum |
02-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 728, 28 |
2011ApJ...728...28W |
4 |
0601781401 |
2561 |
The Complex X-ray Spectrum of the Sefyert 1.5 Source NGC 6860 |
Winter, Lisa M.; Mushotzky, Richard |
08-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 719, 737 |
2010ApJ...719..737W |
4 |
0552170301 |
2562 |
X-Ray Spectral Properties of the BAT AGN Sample |
Winter, Lisa M.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Tueller, Jack |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 690, 1322 |
2009ApJ...690.1322W |
4 |
2563 |
The Suzaku View of the Swift/BAT Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Time Variability and Spectra of Five "Hidden" Active Galactic Nuclei |
Winter, Lisa M.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Terashima, Yuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro |
08-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 701, 1644 |
2009ApJ...701.1644W |
4 |
2564 |
X-Ray Properties of an Unbiased Hard X-Ray-detected Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Winter, Lisa M.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Tueller, Jack; Markwardt, Craig |
02-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 674, 686 |
2008ApJ...674..686W |
2,4,5 |
0312190101, 0312190201, 0312190301, 0312190401, 0312190501, 0312190601, 0312190701, 0312190801, 0312190901, 0312191001, 0312191101, 0312191201, 0312191401, 0312191501, 0312191601, 0312191701, 0312191801, 0312191901, 0312192001, 0312192101, 0312192201, 0312192301 |
2565 |
The Swift Burst Alert Telescope Detected Seyfert 1 Galaxies: X-Ray Broadband Properties and Warm Absorbers |
Winter, Lisa M.; Veilleux, Sylvain; McKernan, Barry; Kallman, T. R. |
02-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 745, 107 |
2012ApJ...745..107W |
4 |
0150940101, 0201020201, 0554990101, 0305370101, 0103861401, 0206390101, 0404260101, 0061540101, 0201130201, 0502090201, 0400360801, 0203720201, 0550451801, 0550452001 |
2566 |
Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS). V. AGNs That Transitioned to Radio-loud State |
WoÅowska, Aleksandra;Kunert-Bajraszewska, Magdalena;Mooley, Kunal P.;Siemiginowska, Aneta;Kharb, Preeti;Ishwara-Chandra, C. H.;Hallinan, Gregg;Gromadzki, Mariusz;KozieÅ-Wierzbowska, Dorota |
06-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 914, 22 |
2021ApJ...914...22W |
4 |
0673002341 |
2567 |
First constraints on the AGN X-ray luminosity function at z 6 from an eROSITA-detected quasar |
Wolf, J.;Nandra, K.;Salvato, M.;Liu, T.;Buchner, J.;Brusa, M.;Hoang, D. N.;Moss, V.;Arcodia, R.;Brüggen, M.;Comparat, J.;de Gasperin, F.;Georgakakis, A.;Hotan, A.;Lamer, G.;Merloni, A.;Rau, A.;Rottgering, H. J. A.;Shimwell, T. W.;Urrutia, T.;Whiting, M.;Williams, W. L. |
03-2021 |
2021, A&A, 647, 5 |
2021A&A...647A...5W |
4 |
2568 |
Exploring the diversity of Type 1 active galactic nuclei identified in SDSS-IV/SPIDERS |
Wolf, Julien;Salvato, Mara;Coffey, Damien;Merloni, Andrea;Buchner, Johannes;Arcodia, Riccardo;Baron, Dalya;Carrera, Francisco J.;Comparat, Johan;Schneider, Donald P.;Nandra, Kirpal |
03-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 492, 3580 |
2020MNRAS.492.3580W |
4 |
2569 |
Unobscured QSO 2: a new class of objects? |
Wolter, A.; Gioia, I. M.; Henry, J. P.; Mullis, C. R. |
12-2005 |
2005, A&A, 444, 165 |
2005A&A...444..165W |
4 |
0202100101, 0202100201, 0202100401, 0202100301 |
2570 |
XMM-Newton and Chandra Observations of Abell 2626: Interacting Radio Jets and Cooling Core with Jet Precession? |
Wong, Ka-Wah; Sarazin, Craig L.; Blanton, Elizabeth L.; Reiprich, Thomas H. |
07-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 682, 155 |
2008ApJ...682..155W |
4 |
0148310101 |
2571 |
The jet and counterjet of 3C270 (NGC4261) viewed in the X-ray with Chandra |
Worrall, D. M.; Birkinshaw, M.; O'Sullivan, E.; Zezas, A.; Wolter, A.; Trinchieri, G.; Fabbiano, G. |
10-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 408, 701 |
2010MNRAS.408..701W |
4 |
2572 |
The (un)resolved X-ray background in the Lockman Hole |
Worsley, M. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Barcons, X.; Mateos, S.; Hasinger, G.; Brunner, H. |
08-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 352, L28 |
2004MNRAS.352L..28W |
2,4 |
0022740201, 0022740301, 0123700101, 0123700201, 0123700401, 0123700901, 0123701001, 0147510101, 0147510801, 0147510901, 0147511001, 0147511101, 0147511201, 0147511301, 0147511601, 0147511701, 0147511801 |
2573 |
The unresolved hard X-ray background: the missing source population implied by the Chandra and XMM-Newton deep fields |
Worsley, M. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Bauer, F. E.; Alexander, D. M.; Hasinger, G.; Mateos, S.; Brunner, H.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P. |
03-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 357, 1281 |
2005MNRAS.357.1281W |
2,4 |
0147511601, 0147511701, 0147510101, 0147510901, 0147511801, 0147511001, 0022740101, 0147510801, 0123700101, 0123700201, 0022740201, 0123701001, 0123700901, 0022740301, 0123700401, 0147511101, 0147511201, 0147511301 |
2574 |
Radio and X-ray observations of an exceptional radio flare in the extreme z = 4.72 blazar GBB1428+4217 |
Worsley, M. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Pooley, G. G.; Chandler, C. J. |
05-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 368, 844 |
2006MNRAS.368..844W |
4 |
0111260101, 0111260701, 0212480701 |
2575 |
XMM-Newton confirmation of a warm absorber in the z= 4.4 blazar PMN J0525-3343 |
Worsley, M. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Turner, A. K.; Celotti, A.; Iwasawa, K. |
05-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 350, 207 |
2004MNRAS.350..207W |
4 |
2576 |
Probing The Origins of the C IV and Fe Kα Baldwin Effects |
Wu, Jian; Vanden Berk, Daniel E.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, Donald P.; Gibson, Robert R.; Wu, Jianfeng |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 702, 767 |
2009ApJ...702..767W |
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2577 |
A Quasar Catalog with Simultaneous UV, Optical, and X-Ray Observations by Swift |
Wu, Jian; Vanden Berk, Daniel; Grupe, Dirk; Koch, Scott; Gelbord, Jonathan; Schneider, Donald P.; Gronwall, Caryl; Wesolowski, Sarah; Porterfield, Blair L. |
08-2012 |
2012, ApJS, 201, 10 |
2012ApJS..201...10W |
4 |
2578 |
X-Ray and Multiwavelength Insights into the Nature of Weak Emission-line Quasars at Low Redshift |
Wu, Jianfeng; Brandt, W. N.; Anderson, Scott F.; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Hall, Patrick B.; Plotkin, Richard M.; Schneider, Donald P.; Shemmer, Ohad |
03-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 747, 10 |
2012ApJ...747...10W |
4 |
2579 |
The X-ray Properties of the Optically Brightest Mini-Bal Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Wu, Jianfeng; Brandt, W. N.; Comins, M. L.; Gibson, Robert R.; Shemmer, Ohad; Garmire, Gordon P.; Schneider, Donald P. |
11-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 724, 762 |
2010ApJ...724..762W |
4 |
0402070101, 0147580201 |
2580 |
A Population of X-Ray Weak Quasars: PHL 1811 Analogs at High Redshift |
Wu, Jianfeng; Brandt, W. N.; Hall, Patrick B.; Gibson, Robert R.; Richards, Gordon T.; Schneider, Donald P.; Shemmer, Ohad; Just, Dennis W.; Schmidt, Sarah J. |
07-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 736, 28 |
2011ApJ...736...28W |
4 |
2581 |
An X-Ray and Multiwavelength Survey of Highly Radio-loud Quasars at z > 4: Jet-linked Emission in the Brightest Radio Beacons of the Early Universe |
Wu, Jianfeng; Brandt, W. N.; Miller, Brendan P.; Garmire, Gordon P.; Schneider, Donald P.; Vignali, Cristian |
02-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 763, 109 |
2013ApJ...763..109W |
4 |
0050150301, 0153290101, 0651740301, 0111260701 |
2582 |
Is quasar variability regulated by the close environment of accretion? |
Wu, Liang;Wang, Jun-Xian;Ren, Wen-Ke;Kang, Wen-Yong |
09-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 533, 908 |
2024MNRAS.533..908W |
4 |
2583 |
A Physical Link between Jet Formation and Hot Plasma in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Wu, Qingwen; Cao, Xinwu; Ho, Luis C.; Wang, Ding-Xiong |
06-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 770, 31 |
2013ApJ...770...31W |
4 |
2584 |
More than softer-when-brighter: The X-ray powerlaw spectral variability in NGC 4051 |
Wu, Yun-Jing; Wang, Jun-Xian; Cai, Zhen-Yi; Kang, Jia-Lai; Liu, Teng; Cai, Zheng |
10-2020 |
2020, SCPMA, 632951, 2 |
2020SCPMA..6329512W |
4 |
0109141401, 0157560101, 0606320101, 0606320201, 0606320301, 0606320401, 0606321301, 0606321401, 0606321501, 0606321601, 0606321701, 0606321801, 0606321901, 0606322001, 0606322101, 0606322201, 0606322301, 0830430201, 0830430801 |
2585 |
First Observational Evidence for an Interconnected Evolution between Time Lag and QPO Frequency among AGNs |
Xia, Ruisong;Liu, Hao;Xue, Yongquan |
02-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 961, L32 |
2024ApJ...961L..32X |
4 |
0865010101, 0865011001, 0865011201, 0865011101, 0865011301, 0865011401, 0865011501, 0865011601, 0865011701, 0865011801 |
2586 |
REXCOR: a model of the X-ray spectrum of active galactic nuclei that combines ionized reflection and a warm corona |
Xiang, X.;Ballantyne, D. R.;Bianchi, S.;De Rosa, A.;Matt, G.;Middei, R.;Petrucci, P. -O.;RóżaÅska, A.;Ursini, F. |
09-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 515, 353 |
2022MNRAS.515..353X |
4 |
2587 |
On the Host Galaxy of GRB 150101B and the Associated Active Galactic Nucleus |
Xie, Chen; Fang, Taotao; Wang, Junfeng; Liu, Tong; Jiang, Xiaochuan |
06-2016 |
2016, ApJ, 824, L17 |
2016ApJ...824L..17X |
4 |
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2588 |
The origin of the soft X-ray excess in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy SBS 1353 + 564 |
Xu, Xinpeng;Ding, Nan;Gu, Qiusheng;Guo, Xiaotong;Contini, E. |
11-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 507, 3572 |
2021MNRAS.507.3572X |
4 |
0741390201, 0741390401 |
2589 |
Ejection-accretion connection in NLS1 AGN 1H 1934-063 |
Xu, Y.;Pinto, C.;Kara, E.;Masterson, M.;GarcÃa, J. A.;Fabian, A. C.;Parker, M. L.;Barret, D.;Alston, W. N.;Cusumano, G. |
06-2022 |
2022, MNRAS, 513, 1910 |
2022MNRAS.513.1910X |
4 |
0761870201 |
2590 |
The Relation of Optical/Ultraviolet and X-Ray Emission in Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei |
Xu, Ya-Di |
10-2011 |
2011, ApJ, 739, 64 |
2011ApJ...739...64X |
4 |
2591 |
Growth of Massive Black Holes at Their Late Stage |
Xu, Ya-Di; Cao, Xinwu |
06-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 716, 1423 |
2010ApJ...716.1423X |
4 |
2592 |
Evidence for Relativistic Disk Reflection in the Seyfert 1h Galaxy/ULIRG IRAS 05189--2524 Observed by NuSTAR and XMM-Newton |
Xu, Yanjun; Balokovic, Mislav; Walton, Dominic J.; Harrison, Fiona A.; García, Javier A.; Koss, Michael J. |
03-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 837, 21 |
2017ApJ...837...21X |
4 |
0722610101 |
2593 |
The Nature of Soft Excess in ESO 362-G18 Revealed by XMM-Newton and NuSTAR Spectroscopy |
Xu, Yerong;GarcÃa, Javier A.;Walton, Dominic J.;Connors, Riley M. T.;Madsen, Kristin;Harrison, Fiona A. |
05-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 913, 13 |
2021ApJ...913...13X |
4 |
0790810101 |
2594 |
Wind-luminosity evolution in NLS1 AGN 1H 0707-495 |
Xu, Yerong;Pinto, Ciro;Bianchi, Stefano;Kosec, Peter;Parker, Michael L.;Walton, Dominic J.;Fabian, Andrew C.;Guainazzi, Matteo;Barret, Didier;Cusumano, Giancarlo |
12-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 508, 6049 |
2021MNRAS.508.6049X |
4 |
2595 |
A systematic study of the ultra-fast outflow responses to luminosity variations in active galactic nuclei |
Xu, Yerong;Pinto, Ciro;Rogantini, Daniele;Barret, Didier;Bianchi, Stefano;Guainazzi, Matteo;Ebrero, Jacobo;Alston, William;Kara, Erin;Cusumano, Giancarlo |
07-2024 |
2024, A&A, 687, 179 |
2024A&A...687A.179X |
4 |
0761870201, 0891010101, 0891010201, 0506440101, 0561580201, 0675440301, 0865010101, 0865011001, 0865011101, 0865011201, 0865011301, 0865011401, 0865011501, 0865011601, 0865011701, 0865011801, 0675320101, 0744440101, 0744440201, 0744440301, 0744440401, 0744440501, 0112610101, 0208020101, 0502050101, 0502050201, 0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701, 0300470101, 0743050301, 0743050801, 0851990101, 0851990201, 0206860101, 0206860201, 0721220101, 0721220301 |
2596 |
Constraints on the ultrafast outflows in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 1044 from high-resolution time- and flux-resolved spectroscopy |
Xu, Yerong;Pinto, Ciro;Rogantini, Daniele;Bianchi, Stefano;Guainazzi, Matteo;Kara, Erin;Jin, Chichuan;Cusumano, Giancarlo |
08-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 523, 2158 |
2023MNRAS.523.2158X |
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0824080301, 0824080401, 0824080501, 0841820201 |
2597 |
The Chandra deep fields: Lifting the veil on distant active galactic nuclei and X-ray emitting galaxies |
Xue, Y. Q. |
11-2017 |
2017, NewAR, 79, 59 |
2017NewAR..79...59X |
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2598 |
Broadband X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the Double-nucleus Luminous Infrared Galaxy Mrk 463 |
Yamada, Satoshi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Oda, Saeko; Tanimoto, Atsushi; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Terashima, Yuichi; Ricci, Claudio |
05-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 858, 106 |
2018ApJ...858..106Y |
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0094401201 |
2599 |
Hard X-Ray to Radio Multiwavelength SED Analysis of Local U/LIRGs in the GOALS Sample with a Self-consistent AGN Model including a Polar-dust Component |
Yamada, Satoshi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Herrera-Endoqui, MartÃn;Toba, Yoshiki;Miyaji, Takamitsu;Ogawa, Shoji;Uematsu, Ryosuke;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Ricci, Claudio |
04-2023 |
2023, ApJS, 265, 37 |
2023ApJS..265...37Y |
4 |
2600 |
Comprehensive Broadband X-Ray and Multiwavelength Study of Active Galactic Nuclei in 57 Local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies Observed with NuSTAR and/or Swift/BAT |
Yamada, Satoshi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Toba, Yoshiki;Ricci, Claudio;Privon, George C. |
12-2021 |
2021, ApJS, 257, 61 |
2021ApJS..257...61Y |
4 |
0150480501, 0025540101, 0830440101, 0115810301, 0111200101, 0111200201, 0002942401, 0002942501, 0085110101, 0305780101, 0692840201, 0692840301, 0692840401, 0692840501, 0085640101, 0722610101, 0790580101, 0025540301, 0200630101, 0830420101, 0830420201, 0085640201, 0550460201, 0550461001, 0112810201, 0300430101, 0150320201, 0112810101, 0679381101, 0081340801, 0081340201, 0770580401, 0770580501, 0693520201, 0206580101, 0506340101, 0763220201, 0722610201, 0101640401, 0651360301, 0651360501, 0651360601, 0651360701, 0081341401, 0401790901, 0406410101, 0081341101, 0101640801, 0101640901, 0722610301, 0205510201, 0205510401, 0205510501, 0203390701, 0203391201, 0670300701, 0312192301, 0670140101, 0081340401, 0112170101, 0112170301, 0760350201, 0081340301, 0109463601, 0079940101, 0200660101, 0301150501 |
2601 |
Nature of Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei in |
Yamada, Satoshi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Oda, Saeko;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Toba, Yoshiki;Ricci, Claudio |
07-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 897, 107 |
2020ApJ...897..107Y |
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0002942401 |
2602 |
Origin of the characteristic X-ray spectral variations of IRAS 13224-3809 |
Yamasaki, Hiroki; Mizumoto, Misaki; Ebisawa, Ken; Sameshima, Hiroaki |
10-2016 |
2016, PASJ, 68, 80 |
2016PASJ...68...80Y |
4 |
0110890101, 0673580101, 0673580201, 0673580301, 0673580401 |
2603 |
Discovery of H2O megamasers in obscured active galactic nuclei |
Yamauchi, Aya; Miyamoto, Yusuke; Nakai, Naomasa; Terashima, Yuichi; Okumura, Taishi; Zhou, Bin; Taniguchi, Kotomi; Kaneko, Hiroyuki; Matsumoto, Naoko; Salak, Dragan; Nishimura, Atsushi; Ueno, Saeko |
08-2017 |
2017, PASJ, 69, L6 |
2017PASJ...69L...6Y |
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2604 |
Statistical Analysis on XMM-Newton X-Ray Flares of Mrk 421: Distributions of Peak Flux and Flaring Time Duration |
Yan, Dahai; Yang, Shenbang; Zhang, Pengfei; Dai, Benzhong; Wang, Jiancheng; Zhang, Li |
09-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 864, 164 |
2018ApJ...864..164Y |
4 |
0099280101, 0099280101, 0099280201, 0099280301, 0136540101, 0136540301, 0136540401, 0136540801, 0136541001, 0136541101, 0136541201, 0150498701, 0153950601, 0153950701, 0153951201, 0153951301, 0158970101, 0158970201, 0158970701, 0158971201, 0158971301, 0162960101, 0302180101, 0411080301, 0411080701, 0411081301, 0411081401, 0411081501, 0411081601, 0411081901, 0411082701, 0411083201, 0502030101, 0510610101, 0510610201, 0560980101, 0560983301, 0656380101, 0656380801, 0656381301, 0658800101, 0658800801, 0658801301, 0658801801, 0658802301, 0670920301, 0670920401, 0670920501, 0791780101, 0791780601 |
2605 |
The Most Obscured AGNs in the XMM-SERVS Fields |
Yan, Wei;Brandt, W. N.;Zou, Fan;Zhu, Shifu;Chen, Chien-Ting J.;Hickox, Ryan C.;Luo, Bin;Ni, Qingling;Alexander, David M.;Bauer, Franz E.;Vignali, Cristian;Vito, Fabio |
07-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 951, 27 |
2023ApJ...951...27Y |
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2606 |
A decades-long fast-rise-exponential-decay flare in low-luminosity AGN NGC 7213 |
Yan, Zhen; Xie, Fu-Guo |
03-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 475, 1190 |
2018MNRAS.475.1190Y |
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2607 |
Disk-Corona Model in Active Galactic Nuclei: an Observational Test |
Yang, Fang; Hu, Chen; Chen, Yan-Mei; Wang, Jian-Min |
06-2007 |
2007, ChJAA, 7, 353 |
2007ChJAA...7..353Y |
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2608 |
Exploring the Link between the X-Ray Power Spectra and Energy Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei |
Yang, Haonan;Jin, Chichuan;Yuan, Weimin |
09-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 936, 36 |
2022ApJ...936...36Y |
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0306870101, 0600540601, 0600540501, 0109141301, 0304030101, 0304030501, 0148010301, 0506200301, 0653510301, 0110890101, 0673580401, 0780561301, 0505140401, 0692840201, 0692840501, 0107460701, 0401210601, 0109141401, 0830430801, 0142830101, 0744010101, 0824610401, 0112610101, 0502050101 |
2609 |
SDSS J211852.96-073227.5: a new gamma-ray flaring narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy |
Yang, Hui; Yuan, Weimin; Yao, Su; Li, Ye; Zhang, Jin; Zhou, Hongyan; Komossa, S.; Liu, He-Yang; Jin, Chichuan |
07-2018 |
2018, MNRAS, 477, 5127 |
2018MNRAS.477.5127Y |
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0784090201, 0784090301 |
2610 |
Deep XMM-Newton Observations of an X-ray Weak Broad Absorption Line Quasar at z = 6.5 |
Yang, Jinyi;Fan, Xiaohui;Wang, Feige;Lanzuisi, Giorgio;Nanni, Riccardo;Cappi, Massimo;Chartas, George;Dadina, Mauro;Decarli, Roberto;Jin, Xiangyu;Keeton, Charles R.;Venemans, Bram P.;Walter, Fabian;Wang, Ran;Wu, Xue-Bing;Yue, Minghao;Zabludoff, Ann |
01-2022 |
2022, ApJ, 924, L25 |
2022ApJ...924L..25Y |
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0863200101 |
2611 |
Correlation between the photon index and X-ray luminosity of black hole X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei: observations and interpretation |
Yang, Qi-Xiang; Xie, Fu-Guo; Yuan, Feng; Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Gierlinski, Marek; Ho, Luis C.; Yu, Zhaolong |
02-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 447, 1692 |
2015MNRAS.447.1692Y |
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2612 |
Probing the Origin of Changing-look Quasar Transitions with Chandra |
Yang, Qian;Green, Paul J.;MacLeod, Chelsea L.;Plotkin, Richard M.;Anderson, Scott F.;Bieryla, Allyson;Civano, Francesca;Eracleous, Michael;Graham, Matthew;Ruan, John J.;Runnoe, Jessie;Zhao, Xiurui |
08-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 953, 61 |
2023ApJ...953...61Y |
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0742430201, 0724791301, 0502060101 |
2613 |
Suzaku Observations of the Circinus Galaxy |
Yang, Y.; Wilson, A. S.; Matt, G.; Terashima, Y.; Greenhill, L. J. |
01-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 691, 131 |
2009ApJ...691..131Y |
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2614 |
The luminous infrared composite Seyfert 2 galaxy <ASTROBJ>NGC 7679</ASTROBJ> through the [O III] lambda 5007 emission line |
Yankulova, I. M.; Golev, V. K.; Jockers, K. |
07-2007 |
2007, A&A, 469, 891 |
2007A&A...469..891Y |
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0301150501 |
2615 |
SDSS J094635.06+101706.1: a redshift one, very radio-loud, gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy |
Yao, Su; Komossa, S.; Liu, Wen-Juan; Yi, Weimin; Yuan, Weimin; Zhou, Hongyan; Wu, Xue-Bing |
07-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 487, L40 |
2019MNRAS.487L..40Y |
4 |
0800040101 |
2616 |
Identification of a new gamma-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, at redshift Ë1 |
Yao, Su; Yuan, Weimin; Zhou, Hongyan; Komossa, S.; Zhang, Jin; Qiao, Erlin; Liu, Bifang |
11-2015 |
2015, MNRAS, 454, L16 |
2015MNRAS.454L..16Y |
4 |
0401790601 |
2617 |
First deep X-ray observations of the Fermi-detected steep-spectrum source and radio-loud NLS1 galaxy 3C 286 |
Yao, Su;Komossa, S.;Kraus, A.;Grupe, D. |
09-2024 |
2024, MNRAS, 533, 1281 |
2024MNRAS.533.1281Y |
4 |
0881760101 |
2618 |
Webster Detecting the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium through X-Ray Absorption Lines |
Yao, Yangsen; Shull, J. Michael; Wang, Q. Daniel; Cash, Webster |
02-2012 |
2012, ApJ, 746, 166 |
2012ApJ...746..166Y |
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2619 |
The Kiloparsec-scale Fe Ka Emission in the Compton-thin Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4388 Resolved by Chandra |
Yi, Huili;Wang, Junfeng;Shu, Xinwen;Fabbiano, Giuseppina;Pappalardo, Cirino;Wang, Chen;Yu, Hanbo |
02-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 908, 156 |
2021ApJ...908..156Y |
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2620 |
Constraints on black hole spins with a general relativistic accretion disk corona model |
You, Bei; Cao, Xin-Wu; Yuan, Ye-Fei |
04-2016 |
2016, RAA, 16, 55 |
2016RAA....16...55Y |
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2621 |
X-ray and multiwavelength view of NGC 4278. A LINER-Seyfert connection? |
Younes, G.; Porquet, D.; Sabra, B.; Grosso, N.; Reeves, J. N.; Allen, M. G. |
07-2010 |
2010, A&A, 517, 33 |
2010A&A...517A..33Y |
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0205010101 |
2622 |
Study of LINER sources with broad H alpha emission. X-ray properties and comparison to luminous AGN and X-ray binaries |
Younes, G.; Porquet, D.; Sabra, B.; Reeves, J. N. |
06-2011 |
2011, A&A, 530, 149 |
2011A&A...530A.149Y |
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2623 |
Study of LINER sources with broad Hα emission. Spectral energy distribution and multiwavelength correlations |
Younes, G.; Porquet, D.; Sabra, B.; Reeves, J. N.; Grosso, N. |
03-2012 |
2012, A&A, 539, 104 |
2012A&A...539A.104Y |
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0101040301, 0090020101, 0150010601, 0200430501, 0200431301, 0205010101, 0305290201 |
2624 |
NuStar Hard X-Ray View of Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei: High-energy Cutoff and Truncated Thin Disk |
Younes, George; Ptak, Andrew; Ho, Luis C.; Xie, Fu-Guo; Terasima, Yuichi; Yuan, Feng; Huppenkothen, Daniela; Yukita, Mihoko |
01-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 870, 73 |
2019ApJ...870...73Y |
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0790840101, 0790840201 |
2625 |
A Chandra HETGS Spectral Study of the Iron K Bandpass in MCG -6-30-15: A Narrow View of the Broad Iron Line |
Young, A. J.; Lee, J. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Reynolds, C. S.; Gibson, R. R.; Canizares, C. R. |
10-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 631, 733 |
2005ApJ...631..733Y |
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2626 |
ERRATUM: "The Fifth Data Release Sloan Digital Sky Survey/XMM-Newton Quasar Survey" (2009, ApJS, 183, 17) |
Young, M.; Elvis, M.; Risaliti, G. |
11-2009 |
2009, ApJS, 185, 250 |
2009ApJS..185..250Y |
2,4 |
0204040101, 0204260101, 0204310101, 0204340101, 0204340201, 0204400101, 0204651101 |
2627 |
The Reddest DR3 SDSS/XMM-Newton Quasars |
Young, M.; Elvis, M.; Risaliti, G. |
11-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 688, 128 |
2008ApJ...688..128Y |
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0201290301, 0200730401, 0113060401, 0113060201, 0145450501, 0203360401, 0203360801, 0039140101, 0110990201, 0110930401, 0110930901, 0009650201, 0143650901, 0149900201, 0081340201, 0203361801, 0147511701, 0147511801, 0143150301, 0143150601 |
2628 |
The X-ray Energy Dependence of the Relation Between Optical and X-ray Emission in Quasars |
Young, M.; Elvis, M.; Risaliti, G. |
01-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 708, 1388 |
2010ApJ...708.1388Y |
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2629 |
The Fifth Data Release Sloan Digital Sky Survey/XMM-Newton Quasar Survey |
Young, M.; Elvis, M.; Risaliti, G. |
07-2009 |
2009, ApJS, 183, 17 |
2009ApJS..183...17Y |
2,4 |
0204040101, 0204260101, 0204310101, 0204340101, 0204340201, 0204400101, 0204651101, 0008030201, 0009650201, 0011830201, 0021540201, 0021740101, 0025540301, 0025740201, 0025740401, 0028540301, 0028740301, 0032140101, 0033540601, 0033540901, 0035940201, 0039140101, 0039340101, 0041180401, 0041180801, 0044740201, 0045340101, 0047540601, 0051760101, 0052140201, 0055990201, 0055990501, 0056021001, 0056340101, 0060370901, 0061940101, 0065140101, 0065140201, 0067340601, 0070340201, 0070340401, 0070340701, 0070940401, 0071340501, 0072340701, 0081340201, 0081340801, 0081341101, 0082140301, 0082990101, 0083000101, 0083000301, 0083240201, 0084190201, 0084230601, 0084230701, 0084230901, 0085150101, 0085150301, 0085170101, 0085280301, 0085640201, 0086750101, 0090020101, 0092800201, 0093030101, 0093060101, 0093060401, 0093200101, 0093640301, 0093641001, 0093641101, 0094383401, 0094530401, 0094740101, 0094740201, 0099280301, 0100650101, 0101640401, 0102040201, 0102040301, 0102040501, 0103260601, 0103260801, 0103660101, 0103861801, 0103862101, 0104861001, 0105070201, 0105860101, 0106060501, 0106060601, 0106060701, 0106060901, 0106061001, 0106061201, 0106460101, 0107860201, 0107860301, 0107860501, 0108260201, 0108860101, 0108860501, 0109070101, 0109070201, 0109080301, 0109080501, 0109080601, 0109080701, 0109080801, 0109080901, 0109461701, 0109461901, 0109510301, 0110070401, 0110660401, 0110920101, 0110930401, 0110930701, 0110940101, 0110980101, 0110990201, 0111190701, 0111260201, 0111290101, 0111290201, 0111290301, 0111291001, 0111480101, 0111530101, 0111550101, 0111550401, 0111970701, 0111971301, 0111971701, 0112190201, 0112190801, 0112230201, 0112231901, 0112240301, 0112250201, 0112260801, 0112520101, 0112521701, 0112521901, 0112550801, 0112551201, 0112551401, 0112810101, 0112810301, 0112830201, 0112840101, 0112850301, 0112860201, 0113040801, 0123710101, 0124711101, 0124900101, 0126700101, 0126700301, 0136541001, 0138951401, 0141150101, 0141570201, 0142770101, 0142860201, 0142970101, 0143150601, 0143650901, 0143651101, 0143651701, 0143653901, 0145190201, 0145430401, 0145450401, 0145450501, 0145450601, 0145750101, 0146500201, 0146990101, 0146990201, 0147330201, 0147390701, 0147510101, 0147511101, 0147511601, 0147570601, 0147610101, 0147630101, 0147671001, 0147760101, 0148620101, 0148740101, 0148742101, 0148742401, 0148742601, 0149010201, 0149170601, 0149880101, 0149900201, 0150010601, 0150350101, 0150470601, 0150470701, 0150600101, 0150610101, 0150610301, 0150620201, 0150620301, 0151230101, 0151240401, 0151390101, 0151490101, 0151790701, 0152530101, 0152940101, 0153220401, 0153220601, 0153950701, 0155960601, 0156360101, 0157360401, 0164560701, 0165770201, 0200430501, 0200430901, 0200431301, 0200480201, 0200480401, 0200630101, 0200660301, 0200730101, 0200730401, 0200960101, 0201040101, 0201130501, 0201290301, 0201470101, 0201470301, 0201670201, 0201750201, 0201751201, 0201830201, 0201902801, 0201951701, 0202520401, 0202730301, 0202870201, 0203050301, 0203050501, 0203050601, 0203050701, 0203050801, 0203270101, 0203270201, 0203280201, 0203360101, 0203360301, 0203360401, 0203360501, 0203360601, 0203360701, 0203360801, 0203361001, 0203361201, 0203361401, 0203361501, 0203361701, 0203361801, 0203361901, 0203362001, 0203362101, 0203362201, 0203362301, 0203362401, 0203362501, 0203390101, 0203390401, 0203390501, 0203390601, 0203710101, 0203840201, 0204650301, 0204651201, 0204791101, 0205180301, 0205370101, 0205370201, 0205390301, 0205980101, 0206180101, 0206180201, 0206340201, 0207060201, 0207130201, 0207130401, 0208020101, 0210270201, 0210280101, 0212480701, 0300140101, 0300210701, 0300310501, 0300350301, 0300870201, 0300910301, 0301040101, 0302260201, 0302350401, 0302351601, 0302460101, 0302581601, 0302581801, 0303260501, 0303560501, 0303670101, 0303720301, 0304070401, 0304070501, 0304070701, 0304071201, 0304071301, 0304071601, 0305360401, 0305750401, 0305920101, 0305920201, 0305920301, 0305920401, 0305980501, 0306050201, 0306050701, 0306051101, 0306060101, 0306060201, 0306230101, 0306370601, 0306630201, 0306680201, 0411980201, 0411980501 |
2630 |
X-Ray Unveiling Events in a z â 1.6 Active Galactic Nucleus in the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South |
Yu, Li-Ming;Luo, Bin;Brandt, W. N.;Bauer, Franz E.;De Cicco, D.;Fabian, A.;Gilli, R.;Koekemoer, A.;Paolillo, M.;Schneider, D. P.;Shemmer, O.;Tozzi, P.;Trump, Jonathan R.;Vignali, C.;Vito, F.;Wang, J. -X.;Xue, Y. Q. |
05-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 949, 6 |
2023ApJ...949....6Y |
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2631 |
An XMM-Newton study of six narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies at z = 0.35-0.92 |
Yu, Zhibo;Jiang, Jiachen;Bambi, Cosimo;Gallo, Luigi C.;Grupe, Dirk;Fabian, Andrew C.;Reynolds, Christopher S.;Brandt, William N. |
07-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 5456 |
2023MNRAS.522.5456Y |
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0109070201, 0153220401, 0505050201, 0505050701, 0763910301, 0402320101, 0402320201, 0090050601 |
2632 |
Revisiting the "Fundamental Plane" of Black Hole Activity at Extremely Low Luminosities |
Yuan, Feng; Yu, Zhaolong; Ho, Luis C. |
09-2009 |
2009, ApJ, 703, 1034 |
2009ApJ...703.1034Y |
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2633 |
XMM observations of the high-redshift quasar RXJ1028.6 - 0844 at z= 4.276: soft X-ray spectral flattening |
Yuan, W.; Fabian, A. C.; Celotti, A.; McMahon, R. G.; Matsuoka, M. |
04-2005 |
2005, MNRAS, 358, 432 |
2005MNRAS.358..432Y |
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0153290101, 0093160701 |
2634 |
X-ray spectral properties of high-redshift radio-loud quasars beyond redshift 4 - first results* |
Yuan, W.; Fabian, A. C.; Worsley, M. A.; McMahon, R. G. |
05-2006 |
2006, MNRAS, 368, 985 |
2006MNRAS.368..985Y |
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0204190101, 0204190401, 0204190201, 0204190301, 0111260201 |
2635 |
Discovery of high-amplitude X-ray variability in the Seyfert-LINER transition galaxy NGC7589 |
Yuan, W.; Komossa, St.; Xu, D.; Osborne, J. P.; Watson, M. G.; McMahon, R. G. |
09-2004 |
2004, MNRAS, 353, L29 |
2004MNRAS.353L..29Y |
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2636 |
Extreme X-Ray Reflection in the Nucleus of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5033 |
Yun, S. B.;Miller, J. M.;Barret, D.;Stern, D.;Brandt, W. N.;Brenneman, L.;Draghis, P.;Fabian, A. C.;Raymond, J.;Zoghbi, A. |
08-2022 |
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0094360501 |
2637 |
A Multiwavelength Study of Sgr A*: The Role of Near-IR Flares in Production of X-Ray, Soft gamma-Ray, and Submillimeter Emission |
Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Bushouse, H.; Dowell, C. D.; Wardle, M.; Roberts, D.; Heinke, C.; Bower, G. C.; Vila-Vilaró, B.; Shapiro, S.; Goldwurm, A.; Bélanger, G. |
06-2006 |
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2638 |
Extragalactic X-ray discrete sources |
Zadorozhna L. V.;Tugay A. V.;Shevchenko S. Yu. |
10-2020 |
2020, AstSR, 16, 1 |
2020AstSR..16....1Z |
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2639 |
Probing the circumnuclear absorbing medium of the buried AGN in NGC 1068 through NuSTAR observations |
Zaino, A.;Bianchi, S.;Marinucci, A.;Matt, G.;Bauer, F. E.;Brandt, W. N.;Gandhi, P.;Guainazzi, M.;Iwasawa, K.;Puccetti, S.;Ricci, C.;Walton, D. J. |
03-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 492, 3872 |
2020MNRAS.492.3872Z |
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2640 |
Effect of Extinction on Quasar Luminosity Distances Determined from UV and X-Ray Flux Measurements |
ZajaÄek, Michal;Czerny, Bożena;Khadka, Narayan;MartÃnez-Aldama, Mary Loli;Prince, Raj;Panda, Swayamtrupta;Ratra, Bharat |
02-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 961, 229 |
2024ApJ...961..229Z |
4 |
2641 |
Fierce Feedback in an Obscured, Sub-Eddington State of the Seyfert 1.2 Markarian 817 |
Zak, Miranda K.;Miller, Jon M.;Behar, Ehud;Brandt, W. N.;Brenneman, Laura;Draghis, Paul A.;Kammoun, Elias;Koss, Michael J.;Reynolds, Mark T.;Zoghbi, Abderahmen |
02-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 962, L1 |
2024ApJ...962L...1Z |
4 |
0911990201 |
2642 |
The iron Kalpha lines as a tool for magnetic field estimations in non-flat accretion flows |
Zakharov, A. F.; Ma, Z.; Bao, Y. |
10-2004 |
2004, NewA, 9, 663 |
2004NewA....9..663Z |
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2643 |
The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: X-Ray Spectroscopic Analysis of the Bright Hard-band Selected Sample |
Zappacosta, L.; Comastri, A.; Civano, F.; Puccetti, S.; Fiore, F.; Aird, J.; Del Moro, A.; Lansbury, G. B.; Lanzuisi, G.; Goulding, A.; Mullaney, J. R.; Stern, D.; Ajello, M.; Alexander, D. M.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Bauer, F. E.; Brandt, W. N.; Chen, C.-T. J.; Farrah, D.; Harrison, F. A.; Gandhi, P.; Lanz, L.; Masini, A.; Marchesi, S.; Ricci, C.; Treister, E. |
02-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 854, 33 |
2018ApJ...854...33Z |
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0604210201, 0604210301, 0064600101, 0064600301, 0111220201, 0406740101, 0724810301, 0657801901, 0657802101, 0203050201, 0744040301, 0744040401, 0722610201, 0111260101, 0111260701, 0212480701, 0651850501, 0724810201, 0724810401, 0764910201, 0693750101, 0111180201, 0657802301 |
2644 |
The hyperluminous Compton-thick z Ë 2 quasar nucleus of the hot DOG W1835+4355 observed by NuSTAR |
Zappacosta, L.; Piconcelli, E.; Duras, F.; Vignali, C.; Valiante, R.; Bianchi, S.; Bongiorno, A.; Fiore, F.; Feruglio, C.; Lanzuisi, G.; Maiolino, R.; Mathur, S.; Miniutti, G.; Ricci, C. |
10-2018 |
2018, A&A, 618, 28 |
2018A&A...618A..28Z |
4 |
0720610101 |
2645 |
HYPerluminous quasars at the Epoch of ReionizatION (HYPERION): A new regime for the X-ray nuclear properties of the first quasars |
Zappacosta, L.;Piconcelli, E.;Fiore, F.;Saccheo, I.;Valiante, R.;Vignali, C.;Vito, F.;Volonteri, M.;Bischetti, M.;Comastri, A.;Done, C.;Elvis, M.;Giallongo, E.;La Franca, F.;Lanzuisi, G.;Laurenti, M.;Miniutti, G.;Bongiorno, A.;Brusa, M.;Civano, F.;Carniani, S.;D'Odorico, V.;Feruglio, C.;Gallerani, S.;Gilli, R.;Grazian, A.;Guainazzi, M.;Marinucci, A.;Menci, N.;Middei, R.;Nicastro, F.;Puccetti, S.;Tombesi, F.;Tortosa, A.;Testa, V.;Vietri, G.;Cristiani, S.;Haardt, F.;Maiolino, R.;Schneider, R.;Tripodi, R.;Vallini, L.;Vanzella, E. |
10-2023 |
2023, A&A, 678, 201 |
2023A&A...678A.201Z |
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0884990101, 0884993801, 0884990401, 0884991101, 0884991501, 0884991701, 0884992001, 0884992101, 0884992401, 0884992601, 0884992901, 0824400301, 0790180701 |
2646 |
The WISSH quasars project. VII. The impact of extreme radiative field in the accretion disc and X-ray corona interplay |
Zappacosta, L.;Piconcelli, E.;Giustini, M.;Vietri, G.;Duras, F.;Miniutti, G.;Bischetti, M.;Bongiorno, A.;Brusa, M.;Chiaberge, M.;Comastri, A.;Feruglio, C.;Luminari, A.;Marconi, A.;Ricci, C.;Vignali, C.;Fiore, F. |
03-2020 |
2020, A&A, 635, L5 |
2020A&A...635L...5Z |
4 |
0803950601, 0553561401, 0803952201, 0804480101, 0763160201, 0745010401, 0803952901, 0803951801, 0803950301 |
2647 |
Discovering the Mass-Scaled Damping Timescale from Microquasars to Blazars |
Zhang, Haoyang;Yang, Shenbang;Dai, Benzhong |
05-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 967, L18 |
2024ApJ...967L..18Z |
4 |
2648 |
On The Nuclear Obscuration of H2O Maser Galaxies |
Zhang, J. S.; Henkel, C.; Guo, Q.; Wang, H. G.; Fan, J. H. |
01-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 708, 1528 |
2010ApJ...708.1528Z |
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2649 |
Extragalactic H_2O masers and X-ray absorbing column densities |
Zhang, J. S.; Henkel, C.; Kadler, M.; Greenhill, L. J.; Nagar, N.; Wilson, A. S.; Braatz, J. A. |
05-2006 |
2006, A&A, 450, 933 |
2006A&A...450..933Z |
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2650 |
On Measuring the Variation of High-energy Cutoff in Active Galactic Nuclei |
Zhang, Ji-Xian; Wang, Jun-Xian; Zhu, Fei-Fan |
08-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 863, 71 |
2018ApJ...863...71Z |
4 |
0740920201, 0740920301, 0740920401, 0740920501, 0740920601, 0720110601 |
2651 |
Two Transient X-Ray Quasi-periodic Oscillations Separated by an Intermediate State in 1H 0707-495 |
Zhang, Peng-fei; Zhang, Peng; Liao, Neng-hui; Yan, Jing-zhi; Fan, Yi-zhong; Liu, Qing-zhong |
02-2018 |
2018, ApJ, 853, 193 |
2018ApJ...853..193Z |
4 |
0506200201, 0506200301, 0506200401, 0506200501, 0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401, 0554710801, 0653510301, 0653510401, 0653510501, 0653510601, 0110890201, 0148010301 |
2652 |
An X-Ray Periodicity of Ë1.8 hr in Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 766 |
Zhang, Peng; Zhang, Peng-fei; Yan, Jing-zhi; Fan, Yi-zhong; Liu, Qing-zhong |
11-2017 |
2017, ApJ, 849, 9 |
2017ApJ...849....9Z |
4 |
2653 |
Chandra and XMM-Newton view of the warm absorbing gas in Mrk 290 |
Zhang, S. N.; Ji, L.; Marshall, H. L.; Longinotti, A. L.; Evans, D.; Gu, Q. S. |
02-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 410, 2274 |
2011MNRAS.410.2274Z |
4 |
0400360201, 0400360301, 0400360601, 0400360801 |
2654 |
High-Energy Properties of PKS 1830-211 |
Zhang, Shu; Chen, Yu-peng; Collmar, Werner; Foschini, Luigi; Li, Ti-Pei; Torres, Diego F.; Wang, Jian-Min |
08-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 683, 400 |
2008ApJ...683..400Z |
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0204580201, 0204580301, 0204580401 |
2655 |
XMM-Newton RGS Spectroscopy of the M31 Bulge. I. Evidence for a Past AGN Half a Million Years Ago |
Zhang, Shuinai;Wang, Q. Daniel;Foster, Adam R.;Sun, Wei;Li, Zhiyuan;Ji, Li |
11-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 885, 157 |
2019ApJ...885..157Z |
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0109270101, 0109270501, 0112570101, 0112570401, 0112570601, 0112570701, 0405320501, 0405320601, 0405320701, 0405320801, 0405320901, 0505720201, 0505720301, 0505720401, 0505720501, 0505720601, 0551690201, 0551690301, 0551690401, 0551690501, 0551690601, 0600660201, 0600660301, 0600660401, 0600660501, 0600660601, 0650560201, 0650560301, 0650560401, 0650560501, 0650560601, 0674210201, 0674210301, 0674210401, 0674210501, 0674210601 |
2656 |
Probing the Bardeen-Petterson Effect in Tidal Disruption Events with Spectral line Reverberation Mapping |
Zhang, Wenda;Yu, Wenfei;Karas, VladimÃr;DovÄiak, Michal |
10-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 884, 72 |
2019ApJ...884...72Z |
4 |
0678380101 |
2657 |
Evolution of the Synchrotron and Inverse Compton Emissions of the Low-energy-peaked BL Lac Object S5 0716+714 |
Zhang, Y. H. |
04-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 713, 180 |
2010ApJ...713..180Z |
4 |
0502271401 |
2658 |
XMM-Newton Observations of the TeV BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304 in 2006: Signature of Inverse Compton X-Ray Emission? |
Zhang, Y. H. |
08-2008 |
2008, ApJ, 682, 789 |
2008ApJ...682..789Z |
4 |
0158961401, 0411780101, 0124930601 |
2659 |
Multiwavelength Observations of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304 with XMM-Newton |
Zhang, Y. H.; Bai, J. M.; Zhang, S. N.; Treves, A.; Maraschi, L.; Celotti, A. |
11-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 651, 782 |
2006ApJ...651..782Z |
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0124930101, 0124930201, 0080940401, 0080940101, 0080940301, 0124930301 |
2660 |
The Effects of Periodically Gapped Time Series on Cross-Correlation Lag Determinations |
Zhang, Y. H.; Cagnoni, I.; Treves, A.; Celotti, A.; Maraschi, L. |
04-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 605, 98 |
2004ApJ...605...98Z |
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2661 |
XMM-Newton View of PKS 2155-304: Characterizing the X-Ray Variability Properties with EPIC pn |
Zhang, Y. H.; Treves, A.; Celotti, A.; Qin, Y. P.; Bai, J. M. |
08-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 629, 686 |
2005ApJ...629..686Z |
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2662 |
XMM-Newton View of PKS 2155-304: Hardness Ratio and Cross-Correlation Analysis of EPIC pn Observations |
Zhang, Y. H.; Treves, A.; Maraschi, L.; Bai, J. M.; Liu, F. K. |
02-2006 |
2006, ApJ, 637, 699 |
2006ApJ...637..699Z |
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0080940101, 0080940301, 0124930301, 0124930501, 0124930601, 0158960101 |
2663 |
Spectral Evolution of Synchrotron and Inverse Compton Emission in BL Lac Objects |
Zhang, You-Hong |
06-2011 |
2011, JApA, 32, 163 |
2011JApA...32..163Z |
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2664 |
Discovery of a high confidence soft lag from an X-ray flare of Markarian 421 |
Zhang, Youhong; Hou, Zhengtian; Shao, Li; Zhang, Peng |
01-2010 |
2010, SCPMA, 53, 224 |
2010SCPMA..53S.224Z |
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2665 |
X-Ray Intraday Variability of the TeV Blazar PKS 2155-304 with Suzaku during 2005-2014 |
Zhang, Zhongli;Gupta, Alok C.;Gaur, Haritma;Wiita, Paul J.;An, Tao;Lu, Yang;Fan, Shida;Xu, Haiguang |
03-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 909, 103 |
2021ApJ...909..103Z |
4 |
2666 |
XMM-Newton Observations of Two Archival X-Ray Weak Type 1 Quasars: Obscuration Induced X-Ray Weakness and Variability |
Zhang, Zijian;Luo, Bin;Brandt, W. N.;Du, Pu;Hu, Chen;Huang, Jian;Pu, Xingting;Wang, Jian-Min;Yi, Weimin |
09-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 954, 159 |
2023ApJ...954..159Z |
4 |
0861260101, 0861260301 |
2667 |
The Low-temperature Corona in ESO 511-G030 Revealed by NuSTAR and XMM-Newton |
Zhang, Zuobin;Jiang, Jiachen;Liu, Honghui;Bambi, Cosimo;Reynolds, Christopher S.;Fabian, Andrew C.;Dauser, Thomas;Madsen, Kristin;Young, Andrew;Gallo, Luigi;Yu, Zhibo;Tomsick, John |
05-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 949, 4 |
2023ApJ...949....4Z |
4 |
0852010101, 0852010201, 0852010301, 0852010401, 0852010501 |
2668 |
A Radio Outburst Nearly Coincident with the Large X-Ray Flare from Sagittarius A* on 2002 October 3 |
Zhao, Jun-Hui; Herrnstein, R. M.; Bower, G. C.; Goss, W. M.; Liu, S. M. |
03-2004 |
2004, ApJ, 603, L85 |
2004ApJ...603L..85Z |
4 |
0111350301 |
2669 |
Compton-thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era. IV. A Deep NuSTAR and XMM-Newton View of the Candidate Compton-thick AGN in ESO 116-G018 |
Zhao, X.; Marchesi, S.; Ajello, M. |
02-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 871, 182 |
2019ApJ...871..182Z |
4 |
0795680201 |
2670 |
Compton-thick AGNs in the NuSTAR Era. II. A Deep NuSTAR and XMM-Newton View of the Candidate Compton-thick AGN in NGC 1358 |
Zhao, X.; Marchesi, S.; Ajello, M.; Marcotulli, L.; Cusumano, G.; La Parola, V.; Vignali, C. |
01-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 870, 60 |
2019ApJ...870...60Z |
4 |
0795680101 |
2671 |
A Broadband X-Ray Study of a Sample of AGNs with [O III] Measured Inclinations |
Zhao, X.;Marchesi, S.;Ajello, M.;BalokoviÄ, M.;Fischer, T. |
05-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 894, 71 |
2020ApJ...894...71Z |
4 |
2672 |
The properties of the AGN torus as revealed from a set of unbiased NuSTAR observations |
Zhao, X.;Marchesi, S.;Ajello, M.;Cole, D.;Hu, Z.;Silver, R.;Torres-Albà , N. |
06-2021 |
2021, A&A, 650, 57 |
2021A&A...650A..57Z |
4 |
2673 |
The Origin of The Soft X-Ray Excess in the Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy ESO 362-G18 |
Zhong, Xiao-Gu;Wang, Jian-Cheng |
03-2022 |
2022, RAA, 22, 5002 |
2022RAA....22c5002Z |
4 |
0790810101 |
2674 |
A Magnetic Reconnection Origin for the Soft X-Ray Excess in an Active Galactic Nucleus |
Zhong, Xiaogu; Wang, Jiancheng |
08-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 773, 23 |
2013ApJ...773...23Z |
4 |
0306870101, 0554710101, 0111290101, 0111290201, 0109080701, 0111290401, 0109080101 ,0112610101 ,0051760101 ,0110950401 ,0109080201 ,0109080301 ,0109080401 ,0109081001 ,0109080901 ,0107660201 ,0109080601 ,0070740301 ,0157560101 ,0112600301 ,0112600601 ,0561580201 ,0125110101 ,0048740101 ,0110890401 |
2675 |
The Thermal Reprocessing of Reflected Radiation in the AGN Accretion Disk |
Zhong, Xiaogu;Wang, Jiancheng |
05-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 912, 113 |
2021ApJ...912..113Z |
4 |
0761670901, 0601391101, 0720111601, 0784740101 |
2676 |
Probing orbits of stellar mass objects deep in galactic nuclei with quasiperiodic eruptions |
Zhou, Cong;Huang, Lei;Guo, Kangrou;Li, Ya-Ping;Pan, Zhen |
05-2024 |
2024, PhRvD, 109, 3031 |
2024PhRvD.109j3031Z |
4 |
2677 |
The composite X-ray spectra of radio-loud and radio-quiet SDSS quasars |
Zhou, Min-Hua;Gu, Min-Feng |
01-2021 |
2021, RAA, 21, 4 |
2021RAA....21....4Z |
4 |
2678 |
The Composite X-Ray Spectrum of 3CRR Quasars |
Zhou, Minhua; Gu, Minfeng |
04-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 893, 39 |
2020ApJ...893...39Z |
4 |
2679 |
X-ray emission of the radio-loud quasar SDSS J121426.52+140258.9: independent variations between optical/UV and X-ray emission |
Zhou, Minhua;Gu, Minfeng;Liao, Mai;Anjum, Muhammad S. |
02-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 519, 909 |
2023MNRAS.519..909Z |
4 |
0112610101, 0208020101, 0502050101, 0502050201, 0745110101, 0745110201, 0745110301, 0745110401, 0745110501, 0745110601, 0745110701 |
2680 |
Ionization structure and Fe Kα energy for irradiated accretion discs |
Zhou, X. L.; Zhao, Y. H.; Soria, R. |
05-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 413, L61 |
2011MNRAS.413L..61Z |
4 |
2681 |
Narrow Iron Kalpha Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei: Evolving Populations? |
Zhou, Xin-Lin; Wang, Jian-Min |
01-2005 |
2005, ApJ, 618, L83 |
2005ApJ...618L..83Z |
4 |
2682 |
X-Ray Properties of the Quasar HE 0450-2958 |
Zhou, Xin-Lin; Yang, Fang; Lü, Xiao-Rong; Wang, Jian-Min |
02-2007 |
2007, AJ, 133, 432 |
2007AJ....133..432Z |
4 |
0153100101 |
2683 |
Hard X-ray Photon Index as an Indicator of Bolometric Correction in Active Galactic Nuclei g |
Zhou, Xin-Lin; Zhao, Yong-Heng |
09-2010 |
2010, ApJ, 720, L206 |
2010ApJ...720L.206Z |
4 |
2684 |
On the Connection between the Repeated X-Ray Quasiperiodic Oscillation and Warm Absorber in the Active Galaxy RE J1034+396 |
Zhou, Zheng;Mao, Junjie;Fang, Taotao;Wang, Yijun;Nicastro, Fabrizio;Chen, Jiayi |
06-2024 |
2024, ApJ, 967, 105 |
2024ApJ...967..105Z |
4 |
0561580201, 0655310101, 0655310201, 0675440101, 0675440201, 0675440301, 0824030101, 0865010101, 0865011001, 0865011201, 0865011101, 0865011301, 0865011401, 0865011501, 0865011601, 0865011701, 0865011801 |
2685 |
Investigating the X-ray enhancements of highly radio-loud quasars at z > 4 |
Zhu, S. F.; Brandt, W. N.; Wu, Jianfeng; Garmire, G. P.; Miller, B. P. |
01-2019 |
2019, MNRAS, 482, 2016 |
2019MNRAS.482.2016Z |
4 |
0406540401, 0655571401 |
2686 |
The L<SUB>x</SUB>-L<SUB>uv</SUB>-L<SUB>radio</SUB> relation and corona-disc-jet connection in optically selected radio-loud quasars |
Zhu, S. F.;Brandt, W. N.;Luo, B.;Wu, Jianfeng;Xue, Y. Q.;Yang, G. |
06-2020 |
2020, MNRAS, 496, 245 |
2020MNRAS.496..245Z |
4 |
2687 |
The X-ray spectral and variability properties of typical radio-loud quasars |
Zhu, S. F.;Timlin, John D.;Brandt, W. N. |
08-2021 |
2021, MNRAS, 505, 1954 |
2021MNRAS.505.1954Z |
4 |
0305751001, 0403760101, 0403760701 |
2688 |
Radio AGN selection and characterization in three Deep-Drilling Fields of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time |
Zhu, Shifu;Brandt, W. N.;Zou, Fan;Luo, Bin;Ni, Qingling;Xue, Yongquan;Yan, Wei |
07-2023 |
2023, MNRAS, 522, 3506 |
2023MNRAS.522.3506Z |
4 |
2689 |
Statistical identification of the XMM-Newton sources using the XID-DB |
Ziaeepour, H.; Rosen, S. |
00-2003 |
2003, AN, 324, 164 |
2003AN....324..164Z |
4 |
2690 |
In the whirlpool's coils: tracing substructure from combined optical/X-ray data in the galaxy cluster A1300 |
Ziparo, F.; Braglia, F. G.; Pierini, D.; Finoguenov, A.; Böhringer, H.; Bongiorno, A. |
03-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 420, 2480 |
2012MNRAS.420.2480Z |
4 |
2691 |
Observations of MCG-5-23-16 with Suzaku, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR: Disk Tomography and Compton Hump Reverberation |
Zoghbi, A.; Cackett, E. M.; Reynolds, C.; Kara, E.; Harrison, F. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Lohfink, A.; Matt, G.; Balokovic, M.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W.; Hailey, C. J.; Stern, D.; Zhang, W. W. |
07-2014 |
2014, ApJ, 789, 56 |
2014ApJ...789...56Z |
4 |
0727960101, 0727960201 |
2692 |
X-ray reverberation close to the black hole in RE J1034+396 |
Zoghbi, A.; Fabian, A. C. |
12-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 418, 2642 |
2011MNRAS.418.2642Z |
4 |
0506440101, 0561580201 |
2693 |
Reflection-dominated X-ray spectra of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies: Mrk 478 and EXO 1346.2+2645 |
Zoghbi, A.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, L. C. |
12-2008 |
2008, MNRAS, 391, 2003 |
2008MNRAS.391.2003Z |
4 |
0107660201, 0005010101, 0005010201, 0005010301, 0097820101, 0109070201 |
2694 |
Relativistic iron K X-ray reverberation in NGC 4151 |
Zoghbi, A.; Fabian, A. C.; Reynolds, C. S.; Cackett, E. M. |
05-2012 |
2012, MNRAS, 422, 129 |
2012MNRAS.422..129Z |
4 |
0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0143500301, 0143500201, 0143500101, 0402660101, 0402660201 |
2695 |
Broad iron L line and X-ray reverberation in 1H0707-495 |
Zoghbi, A.; Fabian, A. C.; Uttley, P.; Miniutti, G.; Gallo, L. C.; Reynolds, C. S.; Miller, J. M.; Ponti, G. |
02-2010 |
2010, MNRAS, 401, 2419 |
2010MNRAS.401.2419Z |
4 |
0511580101, 0511580201, 0511580301, 0511580401 |
2696 |
Calculating Time Lags from Unevenly Sampled Light Curves |
Zoghbi, A.; Reynolds, C.; Cackett, E. M. |
11-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 777, 24 |
2013ApJ...777...24Z |
4 |
2697 |
Discovery of Fe Kalpha X-Ray Reverberation around the Black Holes in MCG-5-23-16 and NGC 7314 |
Zoghbi, A.; Reynolds, C.; Cackett, E. M.; Miniutti, G.; Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C. |
04-2013 |
2013, ApJ, 767, 121 |
2013ApJ...767..121Z |
4 |
0111790101, 0311190101, 0302850201 |
2698 |
Understanding reverberation lags in 1H0707-495 |
Zoghbi, A.; Uttley, P.; Fabian, A. C. |
03-2011 |
2011, MNRAS, 412, 59 |
2011MNRAS.412...59Z |
4 |
2699 |
A Hard Look at Relativistic Reverberation in MCG-5-23-16 and SWIFT J2127.4+5654: Testing the Lamppost Model |
Zoghbi, A.;Miller, J. M.;Cackett, E. |
05-2021 |
2021, ApJ, 912, 42 |
2021ApJ...912...42Z |
4 |
0302850201, 0727960101, 0727960201, 0601741901, 0655450101, 0693781701, 0693781801, 0693781901 |
2700 |
Revisiting the Spectral and Timing Properties of NGC 4151 |
Zoghbi, A.;Miller, J. M.;Cackett, E. |
10-2019 |
2019, ApJ, 884, 26 |
2019ApJ...884...26Z |
4 |
0112310101, 0112830201, 0112830501, 0143500101, 0143500201, 0143500301, 0402660101, 0402660201, 0657840201, 0657840301, 0657840401, 0679780101, 0679780201, 0679780301, 0679780401, 0761670101, 0761670201, 0761670301, 0761670401, 0761670501, 0761670601, 0761670701, 0761670801, 0761670901 |
2701 |
Testing the Lamp-post and Wind Reverberation Models with XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 5506 |
Zoghbi, Abderahmen;Kalli, Sihem;Miller, Jon M.;Mizumoto, Misaki |
04-2020 |
2020, ApJ, 893, 97 |
2020ApJ...893...97Z |
4 |
0013140101, 0013140201, 0201830301, 0201830401, 0201830501, 0554170101, 0554170201, 0761220101 |
2702 |
Identification and Characterization of a Large Sample of Distant Active Dwarf Galaxies in XMM-SERVS |
Zou, Fan;Brandt, W. N.;Ni, Qingling;Zhu, Shifu;Alexander, David M.;Bauer, Franz E.;Chen, Chien-Ting J.;Luo, Bin;Sun, Mouyuan;Vignali, Cristian;Vito, Fabio;Xue, Yongquan;Yan, Wei |
06-2023 |
2023, ApJ, 950, 136 |
2023ApJ...950..136Z |
4 |
2703 |
Mapping the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes as a Function of Galaxy Stellar Mass and Redshift |
Zou, Fan;Yu, Zhibo;Brandt, W. N.;Tak, Hyungsuk;Yang, Guang;Ni, Qingling |
04-2024 |
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The X-ray enhancements of radio-loud quasars at high redshift: new results at z = 4-7 |
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