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HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.

XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility

XMM-Newton Users' Group Meeting #7

May 2008 @ GSFC, Greenbelt, MD

01. Welcome - Agenda
02. Introduction and Quick Mission Status
03. The view from NASA HQ+
04. Activities and Status of the GOF
05. Status and Future of SAS
06. Trend Data
07. XMM-Newton Publication Tracking
08. Status of the RGS
09. Object-oriented database
10. Status of the OM
11. SAS in HERA
12. Status of EPIC
13. Background Modeling
14. Satus of User Support and Archive
15 .Budget issues
16. E/PO
17. Budget Review
18. USG Closed Session


XMM-Newton Users' Group Committee:
Richard Griffiths (Chair)
Alex Brown
You-Hua Chu
Megan Donahue
Paul Plucinsky

Alan Smale (NASA/HQ)
Wilt Sanders(NASA/HQ) 
Lynn Cominsky (Sonoma, via telecon)

XMM-Newton Mission Scientists:
Richard Griffiths (chair)
Richard Mushotzky

XMM-Newton GOF:
Steve Snowden
Richard Shafer
Lynne Valencic
Mike Arida
Brendan Perry
Sandy Barnes


NASA/HQ - Update/2008 Senior Review results - Alan Smale

Mission Status - Richard Mushotzky

GOF - Update - Steve Snowden

SAS Update - Trend software  - Brendan Perry

RGS & Publications - Lynne Valencic

Hera - Rick Shafer

OM - Rick Shafer

EPIC - Steve Snowden

U.S. Archive Status - Michael Arida

E&PO - Lynn Cominsky

Meeting Minutes

Summary of US Users Group Meeting for XMM-Newton, held April 30, 2007

In Attendance: Alex Brown, You-Hua Chu, Megan Donahue, Richard Griffiths, Paul Plucinsky

ex-officio: Alan Smale, Wilt Sanders, Richard Mushotzky, Steve Snowden, Rick Shafer,
Lynne Valencic, Mike Arida, Brendan Perry, Lynn Cominsky (part-time, via telecon)

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