The file goodfiles_xrism_resolve_240815.tar.gz is the first public release of the XRISM Xtend CalDB, and is part of the general XRISM CalDB 9 release (240815). If you plan to install or update any Hitomi instrument CalDB, you must do the Hitomi installations first before installing any XRISM CalDB files. If you update Hitomi calibration data at any time in the future, you must re-install the CalDB for at least one of the XRISM instruments. This is because both the Hitomi and XRISM CalDB installations over-write files in any pre-existing $CALDB/data/gen/ directory. The Xtend CalDB populates the following directories: data/gen/ data/xrism/gen/ data/xrism/resolve/ The XRISM Xtend CalDB (240815) release is based on ground calibration data. The position of the Xtend optical axis has not yet been determined inflight. Inflight calibration work on several calibration goals is ongoing and some of this activity will result in future updates to Xtend CalDB. The following are updates compared to XRISM CalDB 8 (240315): 1. data/xrism/xtend/bcf/gain/xa_xtd_chtrail_20190101v003.fits Column values in TRAIL_PHCUT were changed by the Xtend instrument team from 0 to 1. 2. data/xrism/xtend/bcf/instmap/xa_xtd_instmap_20190101v004.fits Errors in the optical axis coordinates keywords were corrected. The error only affected the corresponding file in XRISM CalDB 8 (230315). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++