The name of the phase start column. Values in the column are assumed to
be in units of fraction of phase (i.e. between 0 and 1).
- (phstop = "STOP") [string]
The name of the phase stop column. Values in the column are assumed to
be in units of fraction of phase (i.e. between 0 and 1).
- (phdate = MJDREF) [string]
The keyword name containing the zero start date of the time related
keywords in the phase file. If
the value of the keyword phdate is not of the form dd/mm/yy or
yyyy-mm-dd, then the value
is assumed to be in terms of Julian days. A blank or '-' will defeat zero
time checking for the phase file only.
- (phtime = " ") [string]
The keyword name containing the zero start time of the time related
keywords in the phase file. If the
value of the phdate keyword in not of the form dd/mm/yy or yyyy-mm-dd,
this parameter is ignored.
- (outcol = " ") [string]
The name(s) of the output columns. If blank or '-', the name of the
requested input column(s) are used.
- (copycol = no) [boolean]
Whether to copy the value of the other columns to the output file. The value
of the other columns is taken to be the value of that column in the same row
as the first good input vector of a sum.
- (copyprime = yes) [boolean]
Whether to copy the primary header and array to the output file.
- (copyall = no) [boolean]
Whether to copy all other extensions from the input file to the output file.
- (history = yes) [boolean]
Whether to output history records to the output file.
- (sensecase = yes) [boolean]
Whether to be case sensitive for the input column names.
1. Sum all the values in the PHAS column in the file input.fits and write
the values to output.fits
ft> binspec input.fits output.fits '-' '-' '-' PHAS
2. As above, but specify good time interval file gti.fits and phase information
file phase.fits, and only bin elements 1-64 and 128-256 of the input vector
ft> binspec input.fits output.fits gti.fits phase.fits TIME PHAS[1-64,128-256]
The zero dates must all be of the same format, either julian days or dd/mm/yy
or yyyy-mm-dd, where the two digit year yy means 19yy.
Jul93 ftools.heasarc