gqaplot -- GIS quick analysis ftool.


Read a GIS science fits file, and plot GIS image, pha spectrum, light curve, and pha-rise time diagram in a screen.

Also, primary information on the science file is output to a text file (or screen).


gqaplot infile outfile device


infile [string]
ASCA GIS science file name or the file name in which GIS science file names are written each for one line. If the file name starts with '@', e.g. @file_list, the file file_list is opened and GIS science file names are read from this file.

outfile [string]
Output file name (STDOUT for the terminal output).

(xname [RAWX, DETX, X])
Column name for the image X-axis.

(yname [RAWY, DETY, Y])
Column name for the image Y-axis.

(phname [PHA, PI])
Column name for the pulse height spectrum.

(phalog [yes, no])
Draw the pulse height spectrum with log (yes) or linear (no) scale.

(englog [yes, no])
Energy space for the spectrum log (yes) or linear (no) scale. If yes, the unit of the abscissa becomes energy, not channel.

(rtname [RISE_TIME, RTI])
Column name of the Rise Time.

(contour [yes, no])
Draw the contour map of the image (yes) or not (no).

(imagelog [yes, no])
The scale of the contour log (yes) or linear (no).

(gray [yes, no])
Draw the gray map of the image(yes) or not(no).

(dotmap [yes, no])
Draw the dotmap of the image(yes) or not(no).

device [string]
PGPLOT device name (e.g., /xw for xwindow, /ps for post script, ? for inquiry).


Plot GIS image, pha spectrum, light curve, pha-rise time diagram quickly.

Remember, image and pha-rise time diagram are not available in the MPC mode. Important information on the science file is output to the output file.

Contact Ken Ebisawa (NASA/GSFC) for detail.


Get Quick Plot of ft930320_1109_1109G206070M.fits:

     gqaplot ft930329_1109_1109G206070M.fits

Get GIS science file names from file_list:

     gqaplot @file_list



When using dotmap for image with /xw or /ps being the plot device, artificial grid structure may appear. It might be due to a bug in the pgplot.



Aug93 ftools.asca