hkscale -- Scales a FITS housekeeping data file into physical values. The file must have already been run through hkexpand.


        hkscale  infile outfile convlist passlist 


This task takes the columns of an hkexpand'ed Housekeeping file, and uses the appropriate conversion formulae to give them their proper physical values. The conversion types supported are linear, power series, text, integer or real look-up tables, and user written conversion functions, which must be included in the source code. The user has the option of converting all, or only some, of the columns, and if only some are converted, the rest can be passed to the output, or not.


infile [filename]
The file name of the input HKEXPAND'ed HK table. It is assumed to be in BINTABLE format.

outfile [filename]
The name of the output, scaled, FITS table.

convlist [string]
The list of columns to be converted, "-" means convert all, "@filename" means the list is stored in the file 'filename', one column name per line.

passlist [string]
The list of columns to be passed unconverted, "-" means pass all the rest, and "@filename" means the list is stored in the file 'filename', one column name per line.

(cpardir) [string]
The path to the conversion parameter files, terminated with a /.

(ghk = "hkconv.fits[1]") [string]
The file name and extension number of the conversion parameter file for the general HK parameters.

(SIS0 = "hkconv.fits[2]") [string]
The file name and extension number of the conversion parameter file for the SIS0 HK parameters.

(SIS1 = "hkconv.fits[3]") [string]
The file name and extension number of the conversion parameter file for the SIS1 HK parameters.

(GIS2 = "hkconv.fits[4]") [string]
The file name and extension number of the conversion parameter file for the GIS2 HK parameters.

(GIS3 = "hkconv.fits[4]") [string]
The file name and extension number of the conversion parameter file for the GIS3 HK parameters.

(name = "PARNAME") [string]
The column name in the conversion parameter file containing the Housekeeping parameter names.

(type = "PARTYPE") [string]
The column name in the conversion parameter file containing the Housekeeping parameter types. At this point only "TEXT", "INT" and "LINEAR" are supported.

(powstem = "POWER") [string]
The stem for the column names for linear and power series conversions.

(valstem = "VAL") [STRING]
The stem for the column names for the look-up tables

(copyall = "yes") [boolean]
If true, all extension are copied from the input file to the output file.


1. Scale the columns HKSTS, RDRST, and pass the columns CCDID and MODE in the HKEXPAND'ed HK file exhk.fits, the new file is schk.fits:

             ft> hkscale exhk.fits schk.fits "HKSTS RDRST" "CCDID MODE"





November92 ftools.heasarc