make_ascaray_image - run ascaray sequentially for 300 energies
make_ascaray_images is a perl script to run the ftool "ascaray" sequentially for 300 energies from 0.1 keV to 12 keV. The output ray-trace images are used as input of "ascaray" to create ARFs with "raytrace=yes" option. This method of crating ARF will be particularly effective for diffuse sources, though point-source ARFs may be used in the same manner.
Users are prompted for the following inputs; name of the output file list (used for ascaarf input), number of input photons, either the source is extended or point-like, source extension (for extended case) or source position (point-source case), mirror surface gold density, origin of the atomic constants, image size (either GIS or SIS), energy range of the output, and either compress the output file or not.