sxsanticolc - Extract Hitomi SXS antico light curve(s), with options to also
extract spectra and apply screening criteria before extraction.
sxsanticolc infile outroot
The sxsanticolc task is a script that generates a light curve from
an SXS anticoincidence detector event file that has had the PI
column calculated by the sxsanticopi task. There are options to also
extract spectra ('extract' parameter set to yes), and to filter the
event file using an expression (specified by the 'expr' parameter)
or GTI file (specified by the 'gtifile' parameter) prior to
extraction. If a GTI file is specified, it will be merged with that
of the input event file before filtering.
The choice of pulse shape processor (PSP) side (A or B) may be
selected using the 'antpsp' parameter; otherwise, events from both
sides are used.
Once the event file has been filtered, the extractor task is run to
create a light curve for each range of PI values specfied by the
'picut' parameter. The light curve is produced only for times in the
interval determined by the two parameters 'lcstart' and 'lcstop'. If
'lcstart' or 'lcstop' are set to their default value of -1, the
interval is set by the event file keyword values TSTART or TSTOP respectively.
The additional light curve control parameters, 'lcthresh', 'lctzero', and
'bintime' are explained below.
The output light curve file contains RATE and ERROR columns for each
range of PI values specfied by 'picut', with column names based on
the 'picut' string inputs. For example, if
'picut=0-12200,0-1200,1201-12200', the RATE column names in the
output file are: RATE0_12200, RATE0_1200, and RATE1201_12200.
If the 'extract' parameter is set to yes, extractor also creates a
spectrum spanning the full PI range for antico events (PI = 0:12200).
- infile = in.evt [filename]
- Input event file.
- outroot = sxsantico [string]
- Root of output file names (".lc" and ".pha" are appended to this
root for light curves and spectra, respectively).
- (extract = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- A spectrum is extracted if set to yes.
- (bintime = 1.0) [double]
- Time bin width [s].
- (antpsp = A) [string A|B|NONE]
- Antico PSP to use in light curve (A = PSP-A, B = PSP-B). If
'antpsp=NONE', the data are not filtered by PSP.
- (expr = FLG_BASELINE==b0&&PI>=0&&PI<=12200&&DURATION>2&&DURATION<19) [string NONE|expression]
- Event column selection expression.
- (gtifile = NONE) [filename NONE|file name]
- Input GTI file.
- (numlc = 1) [integer]
- Number of output light curves to create. Must correspond to the
number of PI ranges specified by 'picut'.
- (picut = 60-12200) [string]
- PI ranges for the created light curve(s) (e.g., 0-200,
- (lcstart = -1) [double]
- Light curve start time expressed as MET (if 'lcstart=-1', use
'infile' TSTART keyword value).
- (lcstop = -1) [double]
- Light curve stop time expressed as MET (if 'lcstop=-1', use
'infile' TSTOP keyword value).
- (lcthresh = 1) [double]
- Light curve exposure threshold (only bins that are exposed for
duration lcthresh*[bin width] are included).
- (lctzero = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Set the TIMEZERO keyword equal to the value of the first light
curve bin if set to yes.
- (cleanup = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Delete temporary files.
- (clobber = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes.
- (chatter = 2) [integer 0|1|2|3]
- Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output, or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.
- (logfile = !DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|NONE|file name]
- Log file name. If set to DEFAULT, uses the name of the task and, if preceded by "!", overwrites the file if it exists. If set to NONE, no log file is created.
- (debug = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Diagnostic output is printed to the screen if set to yes.
- (history = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Records task parameters in HISTORY.
- Extract a 20-second time-bin antico light curve (
in three energy ranges, and a spectrum (sxsanticolc.pha), using the
PSP-A events after filtering by a specified GTI file and extension, and
the default expression.
sxsanticolc infile=ah100050050sxs_a0ac_uf.evt outroot=sxsanticolc bintime=20 antpsp=A \
gtifile="input/ah100050050sxs_el.gti[4]" numlc=3 picut="0-12200,0-1200,1201-12200"
- Extract a single 1-second time-bin antico light curve using PSP-A
events, over the restricted time range specified by 'lcstart' and
'lcstop'. The default (full-band) energy range (PI=60-12200) is used.
sxsanticolc infile="input/ah100050050sxs_a0ac_uf.evt" outroot="output/sxsanticolc" bintime=1 antpsp=A \
lcstart=70203712 lcstop=70205402 expr=NONE
sxsanticopi, extractor
August 2, 2024