rmf operator* (const rmf&, const arf&)
rmf operator* (const arf&, const rmf&)
Multiply an rmf by an arf.
rmf operator* (const rmf&, const Real&)
rmf operator* (const Real&, const rmf&)
Multiply an rmf by a factor.
rmf operator+ (const rmf&, const rmf&)
Add two rmfs.
IntegerVector RMFeboundsExtensionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the extension numbers of all
EBOUNDS extensions in the file.
IntegerVector RMFmatrixExtensionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the extension numbers of all
MATRIX extensions in the file.
IntegerVector RMFeboundsVersionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the version numbers of all
EBOUNDS extensions in the file.
IntegerVector RMFmatrixVersionNumbers(const string filename,
const string extname="")
Return a vector containing the version numbers of all
MATRIX extensions in the file.
void calcGaussResp(const Real width, const Real energ,
const Real threshold,
const RealVector& ChannelLowEnergy,
const RealVector& ChannelHighEnergy,
RealVector& ResponseVector)
Calculate the response vector for some energy give a gaussian width.
The gaussian is assumed to be in the units of energy,
ChannelLowEnergy and ChannelHighEnergy. The resulting
response vector can be added into a response using addRow.
size\_t binarySearch(const Real energy, const RealVector& lowEnergy,
const RealVector& highEnergy)
Return the index in the energy array containing the input
energy using binary search.
HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.