tableSpectrum(const RealVector& parVals, const RealVector& flux,
const std::vector<RealVector>& addFlux
= std::vector<RealVector>(),
const RealVector& fluxErr = RealVector(),
const std::vector<RealVector>& addFluxErr
= std::vector<RealVector>())
Constructors. The first is the default constructor and the
second is a constructor version of the load method
described below.
Default destructor.
void load(const RealVector& parVals, const RealVector& flux,
const std::vector<RealVector>& addFlux
= std::vector<RealVector>(),
const RealVector& fluxErr = RealVector(),
const std::vector<RealVector>& addFluxErr
= std::vector<RealVector>())
Method to load required content into object.
void pushaddFlux(RealVector)
Push an additional parameter spectrum.
RealVector getaddFlux(Integer Number)
Get an additional parameter spectrum.
string disp() const
Display information about the table spectrum - return as a string.
void clear()
Clear contents of the table spectrum.
Integer NumberFluxes() const
Integer getNumberFluxes() const
Return the size of the flux array.
Integer NumberFluxErrors() const
Integer getNumberFluxErrors() const
Return the size of the flux error array.
Integer NumberParameterValues() const
Integer getNumberParameterValues() const
Return the size of the array of parameter values.
Integer NumberAdditiveParameters() const
Integer getNumberAdditiveParameters() const
Return the number of additive parameters.
Integer NumberAdditiveFluxes(const Integer iaddParam) const
Integer getNumberAdditiveFluxes(const Integer iaddParam) const
Return the size of the flux array for this additive parameter.
Integer NumberAdditiveFluxErrors(const Integer iaddParam) const
Integer getNumberAdditiveFluxErrors(const Integer iaddParam) const
Return the size of the flux error array for this additive parameter.
HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.