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FWD: HEAD meeting announcement

Forwarded message from AAS-HEAD committee:

-------------------------------CUT HERE--------------------------------

Dear Recipient,

	The following is the second call for abstracts for the 
1996 Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) 
of the AAS.  A separate Registration Announcement, which 
contains all the details of registration and hotel accomodations, 
will ONLY be sent to those that have requested to be on the 
head96 mailing list.  This may be accomplished by sending any
email to the following address:


(this is a private list that will only be used for the HEAD meeting.)

	At the end of this file is a LaTex template for those of 
you who prefer to format their own abstract, otherwise, please 
submit an ASCII text version of your abstract.

				Eureka Scientific
				Host, 1996 HEAD Meeting

   1996 Meeting of the AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division

      *Incorporating XTE, ASCA, CGRO and ROSAT Workshops*  

                       April 30 - May 4, 
              Mission Bay,  San Diego,  California

               ABSTRACTS DUE FRIDAY JAN 26, 1996

The imminent launch of the X-ray Timing Explorer (XTE, December
1995) heralds the first US-led X-ray astronomy mission since
HEAO-2 in 1979.  With its launch, and that of SAX (Jan `96), High
Energy Astrophysics will have five missions (plus 2 EUV missions)
simultaneously active. This unprecedented diversity and quality
of data reinforces the clear need to communicate across missions.  
The AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) is holding a 
second Divisional meeting in Spring 1996 to provide a forum for 
this interchange. The meeting will cover observations and theory 
for all energies above ~100 eV and for all scientific areas of 
high energy astrophysics, with links to the rest of the spectrum. 
The sessions will be science-based, rather than mission-based.  
Oral sessions will include plenary review talks plus contributed 
talks. Poster sessions will be held both in parallel and alone to 
allow ample discussion time.  Evening discussion sessions may be 
organized on topics of current interest.  A booklet of submitted 
abstracts will be distributed at the conference but no referenceable 
publication will result from this meeting.

Since each mission has its idiosyncrasies, the meeting will
incorporate 1/2 day workshops on data analysis for XTE, ASCA,    
CGRO and ROSAT following the model of the 1994 (Napa) HEAD

The following is a preliminary (and partial) list of special 
sessions and workshops:

"Extracting Information from CCD and Higher Resolution X-ray Spectra."
	organizer: Jeremy Drake (jdrake@cfa.harvard.edu)

"30 GeV photons and Beyond"
	organizer: Trevor Weekes (weekes@egret.sao.arizona.edu)

"Future High Energy Astrophysics Missions"
	organizer: Martin Elvis  (elvis@cfa.harvard.edu)

"First XTE Workshop"
	organizer: Jean Swank  (swank@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov)
"ROSAT: Large Projects, Pathfinder for AXAF & Discussion on Future Best 
Use of
	U.S. Time"
	organizer: Rob Petre  (petre@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov)

"ASCA Workshop"
	organizer: Nick White  (white@adhoc.gsfc.nasa.gov)


        For details of Abstract submission, see below.


Scientific Organizing Committee:

(HEAD Executive committee)

	Martin Elvis, Chair		 Neil Gehrels (also CGRO)
	Kevin Hurley			 Rick Rothschild (also LOC)
	Virginia Trimble		 Mel Ulmer
	Diana Worrall			 Chuck Dermer
	Chryssa Kouveliotou		 Lynn Cominsky


	Jean Swank (XTE)		 Rob Petre (ROSAT)
	Nick White (ASCA) 

* Sponsored by: ROSAT, CGRO, ASCA and XTE projects,


                    1996 HEAD Meeting Details

Hosted by Eureka Scientific Inc.

Local Organizing Committee: 

L. Peterson (UCSD, Chair), D. Band (UCSD), R. Lingenfelter (UCSD), 
T. Prince (Caltech), R. Rothschild (UCSD), J. Vallerga (Eureka 
Scientific), A. Young (SDSU)

Conference Location


	The Catamaran Resort Hotel has been chosen as the conference 
for the meeting. The resort is a casually elegant tropical paradise 
on the white sands of Mission Bay and is just one hundred yards from the 
Pacific Ocean.  The hotel is within walking distance of many restaurants 
and shops in the surrounding area of Pacific Beach and Mission Beach.  
Mission Bay, one of largest aquatic parks of its kind, is devoted to 
numerous water sports including windsurfing, kayaking, canoeing, and 
boating, all available for rent from the hotel.  The hotel is also 
with an exercise room which is located near the pool and spa.  

Registration details will soon be sent to all interested parties
on our mailing list.  To get on the mailing list, send any email
to head96@netcom.com.

For further details please contact: 

Eureka Scientific Inc.
2452 Delmer St. Suite 100
Oakland California  94602-3017

Phone (510) 530-1688
Fax   (510) 530-2416
email  eureka@netcom.com

***************** cut here ******************************************

(email to head96@netcom.com)


Author(s) and Affiliation(s):

Subject Area: (choose one - delete the rest.)
Gamma-ray Bursts; Active Galactic Nuclei; Blazars; Clusters of Galaxies;
Deep Surveys; X-ray Binaries; Galactic Black Holes; Cataclysmic 
Stellar Coronae; Supernova Remnants; Isolated Pulsars; Interstellar 
Missions & Instruments; Workshops- CGRO/ ROSAT/ ASCA/ XTE

Abstract (1/2 page max, 80 words/line):

(We will format ASCII submissions in LaTeX for the abstract booklet or
you may submit a LaTeX formatted abstract.  A LaTeX template is given 

Poster or Oral presentation preferred?
Contact person:

Please email (preferred) your abstract to:


You will be emailed a confirmation notice of receipt.
If you must mail or FAX, please use the Eureka Scientific
address given above.

DO NOT send your abstract directly to HEAD or
the Scientific Organizing Committee.

% head96template.tex     22 Oct 95
% Following is a LaTeX 2.09 template to create an abstract file for the
% 1996 HEAD Meeting.  This abstract has been formatted so it will run
% through LaTeX without a special style file.  The final version may be
% formatted differently (different margins, fonts, spacing, etc.).
% Anything following a percent sign (%) is ignored by LaTeX.  The lines
% ending with "% IGNORE" are necessary to run this file through % LaTeX.
% Do not delete them -- just ignore them.
% The abstract title, author name(s) and affiliations(s) are to be typed
% between the curly braces following their commands.  Use upper and lower
% case letters.  If the authors are from more than one affiliation, use
% the "\affil{#}" command.  The "\affil{#}" commands go AFTER the name,
% and BEFORE the affiliation.  In the example below, A. B. Chekov and
% D. E. Finney have the number "1" for their affiliation, which shows 
% are with the University of Betazed.  The affiliation for X. Y. Zaheva 
% Eureka Scientific.  For a single affiliation, the "\affil{#}" command
% is not necessary.
% If you need to use references, put the full reference in the text in
% parentheses.
% The abstract itself is typed between the "\maketitle" and 
% commands.  Use a blank line between paragraphs.
\documentstyle{article}                    % IGNORE

\newcommand{\affiliation}{\date}           % IGNORE
\newcommand{\affil}[1]{{\(^#1\)}}          % IGNORE

\begin{document}                           % IGNORE

\title{This is my title}
\author{Amanda B. Chekov\affil{1},
        Deela E. Finney\affil{1},
        and Xavier Y. Zaheva\affil{2} }
\affiliation{\affil{1}University of Betazed,
        \affil{2}Eureka Scientific}

\maketitle                                 % IGNORE

This is where abstract is typed in.

\end{document}                             % IGNORE
