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The 2nd notice for 22nd Texas Symposium at Stanford

Dear Colleague,

As you probably already know, the 22nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic 
Astrophysics will take place at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, 
on December 13-17, 2004.  It will cover the latest developments in cosmology 
and high energy astrophysics while focusing on the frontiers between these 
and gravitation and particle physics.  The conference Web site: 
has the information about the meeting, including the current version of the program, 
including the preliminary information about the parallel sessions on Wed. afternoon.  

We remind you that the abstract submission deadline is October 15, 2004, 
so if you are planning to present a paper, we urge you to register and submit your 
abstract soon via the Web site;  you should mark whether your presentation generally 
relates more closely to high energy astrophysics, or to cosmology/gravitation.  
If you are not planning to present a paper, the early registration deadline 
has been extended to November 1, 2004, but the hotel booking deadline is still 
November 12, 2004.  Should you have any questions, please write Ms. Maura Chatwell, the 
conference coordinator at SLAC at maura@SLAC.Stanford.EDU

Vahe' Petrosian, for the Local and Scientific Organizing Committees

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